Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 21, 1881, Image 8

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    (Ctatrc §eo(*at.
Thursday Morning, July 21, 1881.
contahiliiK lui|*ortniit n*W, *oHr4t
til front any part of th* nullity. No rotutmmlr attoti
tnett.l unlww !y tin* real luune of Hit'
Local Department.
—A summer coat for 26 cents, and straw
hats cheap, at Valentines stores.
—The best men's and boys' clothing in
Hollefonte is sold at the Philadelphia
—When you treat u friend to a cigar
buy one of thoso elegant ones for sale at
Green's drug store.
—A valuable cow belonging to Goo, \V.
Jackson, Esq., was run over and killed by
the local freight on last Friday.
—Whenever you come to town call at
the Philadelphia Branch. They always
have bargains to offer in boys' and men's
—We have been requested to state that
the members of the Presbyterian church,
at Buffalo Hun, and citizens of that neigh
borhood, will hold a festival for the benefit
of the church and Sunday-school funds on
next Saturday, July 23, to which all are
cordially invited.
—C'ruse, tho popular tobacconist, in the
Bush House block, is making HII extensive
change in Ins store, lie does not like to
he bothered with questions as to what he
is doing, hut expects to hnvo the hand
somest cigar and tobacco store in Centre
county when his repairs am completed.
—Chairman Taylor, of Cnionville, has
published a call for a county temperance
convention to nominate candidates for as
sociate judges to be voted for at tho com
ing fall election. The convention will
meet in the court house, at Bellefontc, on
Tuesday, August 4.
—Prof. I). M. Wolf, County Superin
tendent, will hold examinations for teach
ers of Bellefontc borough, Saturday July
:M. All applicants will present themselve*
on tho morning of that day at the public
school building. The public are invited
to attend.
Mr. W. 11. Hacker, of Philadelphia,
was in town last week looking after his
Bishop street property. Mr. Hacker owns
what is known as the Cumming's House
and designs making extensive improve
ments upon it this summer. Mr. H., is an
affable and pleasant gentlemen and we
hope will come to Bellefontc often.
—A furniture store will be opened in
tho new building on Bishop street erected
by the Brown brothers. The lirm will be
A. J. Brown A Co., and wilt begin busi
ness with an extensive stock of new furni
ture about the first of August. The Brown
brothers are active, energetic and obliging
young men and their many friends in
Bollefonto and vicinity will wish them
great success in this new enterprise.
—People may sometimes be inclined to
ask why the grocery store of Sechler A
Co., is so popular. This i" an easy matter
to explain. This enterprising firm sells
nothing but the best goods in their line to
lie found in the markets, and consequently
every customer who comes to the store is
not fully satisfied, but pleased with his or
her purchases. The best in the market,
reasonable prices and fair dealing will
make any firm popular.
—A ragged little urchin called at tho
residence of a popular physician on Alle
gheny street, on last Monday, and rang
the hell, a domestic came to thedoor, when
the boy abruptly said, "Mother wants
some medicine." Tho Dr. was not in and
the boy was asked who hit mother was*
He indignantly replied, "you ought to
know, we deal with you, we got a baby
from your house last week."
—William, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wn>
McKeever, aged 1' months and 22 days,
died suddenly at the Brockerhoff House on
.Saturday the 10th inst. It was a very
sudden death, the little fellow being at
tacked with cholera infantum at aliout 4
o'clock in the morning and dying at .1
o'clock, r. M., of the same day. The fu
neral took place in the cemetery at 4
o'clock on Sunday afternoon, and was at
tended by the immediate friends of the
—The semi-annual inspection of Com
pany B (Beliefonte Fencibles) took place
in the Diamond on last Friday evening, at
7 o'clock. Major Hay re, of Washington,
Pa., a member of General Beaver's staff,
conducted the examination. The efficien
cy shown by the members of the company,
as well as their neat and soldierly appear
ance, elicited warm praise from the in
specting officer. About thirty-five men
were in line, the extreme heat deterring
many from turning out. Captain Mullen
bids fair to make the Fencibles one of the
best companies in the 6th Ke^iment.
—The -7th annual meeting of the State
Teachers' Association of Pennsylvania,
will be held at Washington, Pa., on Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday, the 26th,
27th and 28th days of the present month.
Teachers desiring to attend can procure
orders for tickets at excursion rates over
the Pennsylvania railroad by addressing
(with postage stamp Inclosed,) J. F. Hick
el, ticket Agent, Germaotown, Pa. Ws
have received a programme of the exoer
cine for the meeting and judge from the
number of leading educators of tba State
who will take part, that the sosaions of
each day will be highly entertaining and
profitable to all who feel an intarost In ed
ucational matters.
numhof of tho prominent citizens of Belie
fonte interested in the growth and prosper
ity of the town, met at the law office of
Beaver A Gopbart, on Monday evening,
for tho purpose of considering the pro
priety of organizing a Board of Trade.
The meeting was organized by electing
ex-Gov. A. <i. Curtin, President, and K.
M. Blanchard, Esq., Secretary.
Gen. James A. Beaver was called upon
to stata tho objoct of tho meeting, which
he said was to organize nn Association or
Board of Trade for the purpose of giving
information as to our resources and to pro
mote llio industrial and manufacturing in
terests of Beliefonte and Centre county.
1). (1. Bush, Esq., moved that a com
mittee of three persons ho appointed to
dratt a Constitution and By-Laws for tho
organization. Tho motion was adopted
and tho Chair appointed tho following
gentlemen : Gen. James A. Beaver, Hon.
C. T. Alexander and K. C. Humes, Esq.
Mr. Bush then moved that the admission
foo for membership of the Association be
SIO.OO. Mr. A. Loeb moved to amend by
making the admission fee SIO,OO, and tho
annual feo $6.00. On motion, however,
this matter was referred to tho committee.
Mr. Loeb moved that the organization he
called, "Tho Board of Trade of Belie
fonte," which motion was adopted.
After a full interchange of opinion
among thoso present it wn* deemed ad
visable to proceed at once witli the work of
procuring all the information possible re
lating to the resources of the county for
the use of tho organization and the public,
and tho chair appointed the following com
mittees for that purpose:
Committee Iron owl f '""l —Boliert
Valentine, Cons tuns Curtin and Frank
Gtmmillee 101 (Shm* I). G. Bush, Adolph
Loeb and A. (1. Curtin, Jr.
Coimnittrr ../i lAt rohrr —John Ardell, Jr ,
8 A. Br<*w and F. W. Crider.
Cbiiunittee tot Coal Freight* —John Ir
win. Jr., Edmund Blum hard and A. <>
G. Curtin.
The meeting then adjourned to meet on
Friday evening.
A Svi A'' HUNT— Mi-- MARY I>O\V\.
INO BAKI.V BURNKD.—On last Monday as
Miss Mary Downing, daughter of Mr
George Downing, o( Bishop street, was
making preparation lor dinner she met
with a distressing and painful accident.
Thinking the lire was entirely out of the
cooking stove, she, like so many have
done before her, had recourse to the terri
ble oil can. She poured the fluid into the
stove ariJ was immediately a mass of
flames. Her face, being over the ajs-rture
of the stove, received the full forco of the
flames, and her hair was completely burn
ed from her head. With great presence of
mind she seised a towel arid wrapped it
tightly around her head. Prompt meas
ures were taken to subdue the flames from
tho stove ami no serious damage resulted
to the building. Mi-- Diwning is suffer
ing acute agony and has the kind sympa
thy of her large circle of friends.
A lady in Houtzdaie communicates the
following remarkable story to her parents
in this place: A Swede miner of that
plaee, on Sunday last, went out upon the
mountain to gather whortleberries. Nat
returning home in due time search was
made for hirn, when lie was found dead
with innumerable rattlesnakes fastened to
and h-eding upon his body. The search
ing party had much difficulty in dislodg.
ing the snakes so as to recover the body,
and then only succeeded after building a
lire around them and tho free use of fire
arms. Tho man in the search of berries
had evidently invaded one of the haunts
of these dangerous reptiles, who usually
gather in mass in chosen localities, and
fell a victim to their united assaults.
—The DXMOCRAT of a recent issue con
tained the true story of the late trouble in
which Mr. John I'zzle, of f-now Hhoe,
was concerned. Our information came
from thoroughly reliable sources and from
gentlemen in whom we repa.se the utmost
confidence. But it suited certain enemies
of Mr. I'zzle in Snow Shoe and in Belle
fonle, to misrepresent the actual occurren
ces and distort the facts through the col
umns of tho Daily .■. The anitnus of
this most unfair attack upon Mr. t'zzie
was disclosed when Judge (Irvis was
dragged into the discussion and an en
deavor made to discredit his connection
with tho case. It has lately become com
mon for a few attorneys at the Beliefonte
bar, when they havo a desperate case on
hand, to first try it in the newspapers and
they invariably wind up by abusing the
judge. The DRMOCRAT, in order to get at
tho truth of the whole matter, has taken
tho trouble of making diligent and im
partial inquiry at Hnow Shoe, and is
now prepared to vouch for the entire
truth of its first statement. All the prom
inent citizens of Snow Shoe were seen and
there is but ono verdict, that Mr. Uzzle
was compelled to resort to harsh measures
to protect hit property. It was also dis
covered that there is a lawless element
who stood behind the real rioters and urged
them on out of personal hostility to Mr.
—On Friday last, while Geo. Wells, a
young man in the employ of Mr. Kiden,
of Benner township, was on his way to a
blacksmith shop, whither he was taking
the knives of a reaping machine, be was
thrown from a coll which he was rid
ing and severely Injured. He was consid
erably bruised by the fall and also cut with
the kitives he was carrying.
five o'clock on Tuesday afternoon nn alarm
of lire rang through our town. Persons
rushing through the streets, showing the
anxiety and excitement which the dread
cry of lire always evokes, were for a short
timo puzzled to know from whence tho
alarm came, hut tho continuous ringing of
the lad I at tho cur shops arid a dense cloud
of smoke rising in that direction soon lo
cated the lire. It soon became known that
the works, or some portion of them were
in a blaze and every one rushed to the
scene of danger to render assistance in the
effort tosubduo the devouring Haines. It
was ascertained that the roof of the ma
chine shop, a brick structure about iifty
ilve by seventy feet in size, standing
between tho foundry and the planing
mill, had taken fire from the cupola
of tho foundry. Unfortunately when
tho lire was first discovered, and an at
tempt was made to get a stream of water
upon it from tho force pump of tho works,
it was found that tho pump was not in
working order, and for a timo indeed all
the shops seemed to he in danger of de
destruction. Both tho fire companies of
tho town were, however, promptly on tho
ground and the boys went to work with
a will, bringing into service the suction
fire engine belonging to the Undine com
pany. This machino was stationed be
tween tile burning building and tho plan
ing mill. The suction how was placed in
tlie race beneath, and witli strong arms at
the brakes two streams of water were
playing upon the lire which bv this time !
had made considerable headway. A buck- 1
et brigade WHS also formed and did ex
cellent work. By almost superhuman ef
forts the fire was confines] to the roof and
upper portions of the one building. After
considerable delay the pump of the works
was got into working order. This pump
threw a powerful stream of water which I
finally aided much in completely overcom
ing tho destructive element. Considering
the threatening character of the danger
the loss will be trifiling, and w • under
stand is fully covered bv insurance. The ;
machinery was riot injured, except jierhajis
-lightly by water, and the damag'-d build
ing will be immediately repaired. The
following card of thanks from su|eri!itcn- |
dent Tifiln, for the prompt ami effl< .entas- |
-istame given by the fire companies and j
citizens of Beilefonte, appeared in the
1 Daily ,Y'i r% of yesterday. We gladly
i transfer it to our columns
C'AKII or Til A A K*.
lIELLEroXTK, July 1 1>"1.
.Vir .■—When prorierty like the Belle
, font" far Works is in flames and threaten
ed with entire destruction, the feeling of
relief arid the exi iteinent of the occasion
are too great, when by the extraordinary
effort# of our neigh(>or it is >avcd, to
' thank them then and there f >r their kind,
lisinlerested and almost sujserhumnn e\. j
'•rtions, wherefore I leg to a-k you kindly
to allow me thr sugh vour valuable col- ]
timns to render my f-st and heartiest
\ thanks to all those, and especially the
i member* of the Undine and Ltgan Fire
j <"oni| alio s, who s. willingly, heartily and
nobly assisted to save the I'ar Works from
, total ruin. Yours, respectfullr,
MiLi.sc* 'TIFFIN.
BT sir Ilot'sx.— It has been a common ex
pression on our streets lately "where do j
all the strangers come from." And true
it is that Beilefonte has seldom If ever
had so many summer visitors. A great
many are scattered throughout town as the i
i guests of private families, but the Bush ,
| House perfectly swarms with these "birds
of passage.' The Bush House is well cal
culated for the entertainment and comfort
of people, who drag themselves awav
Irom the heat and dust of the cities in or
der to take a good rest and enjoy home
comforts. Its wide and spacious halls, its
elegantly furnished rooms, its suherb lo
cation and its com|>eicnt management
j make it one of the most desirable sum
' iner hotels in this section of Pennsylvania,
which is noted for its fine hotels. On last
Sunday, to give our readers an idea of
what this immense Caravansary is doing,
seventy three people sat in its large and
completely equipped dining room to par
take of an elegant dinner. The scene was
fascinating and reminded one of the great
hotels at a popular watering place. Mr.
Teller, tho affable proprietor, may well
felicitate himself upon tho reward he is re
reiving in his endeavor to keep a first-class
hotel. The following are the more promi
nent of the recent arrivals at the Bush
House : Daniel Swartz and family, Geo.
11. Cadwell and family, M. K. Randall,
W. Oocfry, K. Briorly of Phila'adelphia.
These gentleman are compiling a history
of Centre county, and are here in connec
tion with this important work. Mrs. M. K.
Dunham, Allegheny; Mrs. Dr. Calvin,
Meadvitle, Pa. : Mrs. J. Houlx, Lewis
town, Pa. ; J. M. Bunnell and wife, liello
fonte , JOS. Thompson and family, C. L.
Anderson and R. A. Maxwell and family,
of Philadelphia ; John McCloskey of
Kane, Pa. J Mrs. F. W. Bedford, Rich
mond, Va.
Remember that the cigars sold at
Green's drug store receive the unqualified
endorsement of all experienced smokers.
F. P. ORRIS—AVer Sir; I have used
your Green's Liver Pills in my family for
several years and consider them the first
I 'ills any family can use. 1 believe they
have saved me hundreds of dollsra In doc
tore' bills. WM. BROWS.
—Ground was broken yesterday for tho
fine improvement that will be made to tiro
northwest corner of High and Spring
street* by the Centre County Banking
Company. Tho building that gives way
to the new hanking house to lei erected on
that corner is one of tho old land marks of
Beilefonte and was for a long time the res
idence of tho la'.e Rev. James Linn, for so
many years the pastor of tho Presbyterian
congregation of our town. Tho new build
ing will be an impo*ing and handsome
three-story brick structure, with a front of
forty-six feet on High street und sixty-one
feet on Spring street. The ground story
will contain elegant and commodious
rooms on the corner for tho bank, and
two large arid finely arranged store
rooms. The upper stories will be divid
ed into convenient rooms, that can bo
used for offices, etc. Jesse .Stewart has the
contract for the foundation masonry and
will commence work immediately. AVe
understand it is the intention of the bank
ing company to have the building erected
as -pcedily as possible. Mr. George Tate
is tho architect, and bis drafts present to
the eye an exceedingly beautiful and well
proportioned structure.
—The organization of a Board of Trado
by the citizens of Beilefonte for the pur
pose of promoting the business growth and
prosperity of our town and county was art
eminently appropriate arid praiseworthy
movement. There are many reasons why
this endeavor to aid in the upbuilding of
our business, industrial and manufacturing
interest* should receive the earnest atten
tion and encouragement of our citizens.
I The natural resources of Centre county
are so varied, so valuable and so extensive
that their proper development is a matter
that mu*t come home to the jter-onal con
cern and probable advantage of every
man within its limits. What will l*n<flt
the community must in a measure benefit
each individual member of the community ;
and it is only by an organization such -
It is profsnsed ibis Board of Trade shall be
• that r> -ult* at all commensurate with the
means that a g 1 Providence has placed
within ■•',ir rcai h can be attained. The
object i- a laudable one and all branches of
tr i" and industry should be represented I
in it- membership and counsels. Proj-erlv
conducted tb<- organization will give con
; c<-rt of u< lion in all judicious eff. rt to add
| to our material prosperity, by giving the
pubiii a knowledge of our hidden wealth
of iron and coal, *f our hill- of lino tone,
of our \a-t for.-Is of timle-r, and <1 our
magnificent stretches of valley land that
xicld such rich rewards to the tiller
of soil. AVe say success to the B .ard of
Trade and the i hj'-cl* which it i designed
' to promote.
Col.. AV. G. MIT< IIKM..—The day lie
f..r" the President was shot, he received
a letter from Gen. Hancock asking as a
' personal favor that his aid, Co) Mitchell
,be appointed to an Assistant Adjutant
Generalship, then vacant. The request
! wa immediately complied with and the
General notified in the following compli
mentary and deserved words to Colonel
Mitchell. "While your staff, Genera',
] lose# an ornament, the Army gains an
j Assistant Adjutant General of whom it
may well he proud." General Mitchell j
is a native of Lewistown, in this State and
a brother of our friend Joseph K Mitchell,
of this county. The brilliant record he
ha* made in the service is one of which
we a* Pennsylvanian* all take a just pride.
j —Mr. and Mrs. I-awronoo Brown have
! sgain been called upon to mourn over the
los* of a cherished child. Their infant
was attacked with cholera infantum on
Tuesday and died yesterday morning
The remains wore conveyed to Hunting
don yesterday afternoon to lie depositor!
by the side of the little one who preceded
IJ. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have the sympa
thy of many friends in their sad bereave
following is tho list of jurors drawn for
August term of court, commencing Mon
day, August Itt, IRRI :
Ds'lti Dltrt< k, Wslksf, I Jan. Howes, it , F-rrn-o*.
II %, M -.rr, 11. esrZ 1..r . J W llmst W.Jf. "atfcm,
Wm Wlk, lUir M—n. i JaroL F Slow. Ilsinss.
MKHS-1 N-IIHSF, IJS-TIJ, t B Wslf.TIS, It to.
sl>.lr k Williams. IISIIiid, J.>ba B Hiln-r. Poltsv,
Ilmj Haaien. H>*cs a . I'sler R.-bb, iXirtln,
j..hn Callahan. Ru-H, F. P VessM Mllllt-lm.
John Bt<Ml. Psllon. Jno Otinsattltt-. Mnoa Shoe
i,-.. W Ssstlr. WlllhslmjTb.anss KramgsH. Mils*,
I, C B'srC k. Spring. {W. RtHlnrailf k. Jr.. Potior,
sA. Marshall, Rsnner, 'J. B. R—kr. Banner.
Wm. Y.mng, Worth. Conrad Sinter. Cnrtln.
John Urs, fecwa. |J*r Cronister. 11*11 Moan,
W. R Camp. Poller, J A OWat, IV>CK*,
<I W Ferguson, Iv.n-tan- Cntiln, lt"tt-
Kmsnu'l Psl-rs.Oollegn, J, H Bosl. Ilsrrit,
I .-.wis SI-to It Ilsinss. Sant'l Mattrrn, Half Moen,
V J MrO<s*fc-r.Cwrlln, 11-ntr Wolf. Miles,
K, R .1 ,n—. Worth, John liingrlrh. Worth,
J R. Ward, Ferguson, William Hllrrr, Potter,
J.thn Wearer, llarrts Jo'tn F Miller. Poller,
P.. II ll.tstertnan. Potter, | K-. P.mrmsn, Anon Shoe,
lien w pick. BoggH. W. A. Kerr. Poller.
Joseph milllstel, potter, lOenrge Ksttflmsn. S|irtng,
llant'l K Miller, Marlon. {Aaron Ulrlrh, I'enn,
W Zimmerman. llnrnMde. tleorge Marts. College.
Thomas I Angle. Potter. 1 1>. I, Zerhp. Penn,
lisniel ill,—net. lAltertj, jl- rer Shops. IV gtrt
C M Hellers. Patton, , Win (ieren-tlne Walker,
W II Bntlholamew.UreggiWm Brartford. Harris,
H W 11011. Phllipstmrg, IVlssr.l Krnmnne, flregg,
I rish Hlorer, llalttea, lltrsnt Blowers, Tstl.tr,
(J-orge hisrr. Ilalnes, Fergn# IVWtsr. Ilatrts,
Tsrlttr Walker, Bitow Shoe, .I/Jin Confer. Jr Harris,
R f ll'tmart. Pergn-on, ftaolel Roitsh, Miles,
W. R Mstlern. Iltisl.m, W C. Farmer, Potter.
ChrttUan Hole. Benner. Ilsnrj Kmrrlrk.llretg,
John R Balr, Mlllheim, Jaooh It. Wile, Ilalnes.
J 11. 11011. Snow Shoe. Jno It Mllrhell, Fergwnon
Alesander Cbener, Worth.; John Both, Mile*,
I, T. Mnnann. Beilefonte. ' Kits- Zimmerman, Hoggs,
tie., W. Khosds. Benner, her Id hunhls, Br .Walker,
lien. W Wilson, Union, 11. I. Ilarrej. Hogg*,
O. R Rplegslmjrer, llniseaoj ||. Jonea, worth,
Jm R lane. Belief,.Oie. ' Daniel Besses Taylor,
Wm. Bee k with. Worth. It. Z Kline. Belle Mite,
lien M Swarts Beilefonte. Alfred Jonea, Phlllnabarg,
D H, Parker, Phlllpaharg, W. H. Wllklnaon, RetleT*.
(lao. F, Rmerkk, Benner, Chsrtee Hoi I, Snow Shoe,
Frank MrPartane, Harris, Simeon Rathnrat, Itoggs,
UsrM Resits, Potter. Charles Krkeafotb Spring,
Jem-at Dnmldeton. Rank, A, J. Shleerr, Rennet,
(I t>. Johnston. Hossrd, John UtLMIWI,
Jsmaa far In, RsUakiate, Daoi-I A, Urors, Colleya,
1 <f' ' *" ' tf \ I A
For the Ctsrat IHtl<c**T.
Sunday Bchool Excursion to Snow
Tho members of Ht. John'. Episcopal
Sunday school and congregation spent tho
day at Know Bhoe on Thursday last, July
Mth. Tho day was " ,J. y ol uloud | Ml
beauty," "a jmrfoct day." Tho air was
coul, tho sky clear, tho sun bright, and tho
breezes balmy ; and all things conrplrod U,
bring out an unusual amount of s ithetlc
slang, the only kind over used on such ex
cursions, from tho fcrnalo members of the
party. On all sides tho girls wore saying,
"perfectly lovely ! " "sublimely sujierb I"
"Impressively exquisite!" "astonishingly
sweet! Ac., Ac. At half past seven
o'clock the train moved up to the depot
where the superintendent (of the Sunday
school, nut of tho railroad) and librarian
were distributing tickets. Everybody wa*
happy and in a hurry. "Old men and
maidens, young men and children," "high
and low, rich arid poor, one with another,"
right recklessly hustled each other as they
pressed towards tho platform, and pushed
into the cars, and ruahc-d into seats, and
underscored the express ions of satisfaction
written upon their faces hy the emphatic
manner ol their sitting down. At eight
o'clock all were ready, the bell of tha en
gine rang, the brakes were opened and
lour passenger car* of the I'ennsylvania
railroad rolled awav to the mountains fill
ed with a fussy, fidgety, fleshy freight of
men, women and children.
In the way of Sunday school picnics,
this wa* "anew departure ' It tree on
dertaken to In ill,. Faith in the general
manager of the Snow Shoe mines, faith in
the men who managed the train, and faith
in the landlord of the Mountain House. So
life preservers of any *,rt, no baskets, no
buckets, no box--*, no ico crearn freezers
bothered anybody. Low be it spoken, even
prayer I k ami lesson leaves were left at
home. Care and anxiety were conspicu
ously absent. And under these conditions
there was nothing to do but to enjoy the
ride, enjoy the scenery, enjoy ourselves,
and keep the children inside tbe cars, in
doing a.i which we succeeded admirably
well. We steamed along at a rapid rat'*,
t-s'k no notice of Milesburg, in fact, for
got that there is such a plac* On nearing
the foot of the mountain all mouth
"-mod Di c.|rf.n wider and superstitlousl}*
to suck in the exhileraling air, believing
that life and health for another year d--
paodod OR ;t. When ..or er gtoa (LLWBII t-•
struggle up the n..int*iri side, I, H - ~t*srd
and lerasr I over the steep gradl - wilt-bee,
t -ent forth irregular j uffir g sound
which reminded AVarren of the noise from
i the organ le 1. iw* when he [ imp- too hard
In hi- mind In* ts- just then arranging
: a rustic button-hole b -quel, f r . in the tiger
.** arel >Ja -n*- and other small fl '-r*
that bedecked th" hank* of a babbling
l.r.H.k near by. But he quickly dropped
hi-"gingham umhreiler, threw h c igar
.t the wind w. and began t . hum a
hymn. Th- Simmit of the m untain was
see -II reached. 'I he . e|,e f r ,.„, this pint
- indet-1 surpassingly grand. The - it...
f mountain l* i • tnst siren h t**ward- the
uth and tre-t a- f.cr a- the eye can r* a- li
)"<*k- like so (uanv ritighlv giants in
marching order. The deep vaihx- that
. lien up bef-tre th"in, are ,ik<* TC-sm-IS of
• lassie mould which nature ha* provided
■o.stch tbe crystal dew that distils from
their b>ps. The goternment of that re.
gion is a monarchy. Tranquility is the
queen, arel she reigns in ri< h refulgence.
The planeu beaming on their heavenly
way, give* her the KI S- of J>c*ace s- thev
p.'- her throne, and all the denizen- of tho
universe are knighted dolts who do not
r* nder admiring obclsanco at ber feet.
The different members c.f the partv en.
joyed it each in their own way. The* ar
ti-U caught colors from the ky ( sn d using
their eyes for palettes, and the pca-lry of
! their natur<*s for brushes, they painted
, u|s-n the canxa-- of their memoric* the
; picturesque figure of each distant peak as it
I -t.*id docked in its robes of morning splen
j lor. Thev made easels out of imagination
and rested them upon the rocky beds of
the ravine beneath their feet. The roung
mn and maidens di-|>osed to lie sentimen
tal looked out upon the etherial sweetness
that bfc-ked in golden light, and watchesi
it steal kisses from the grizzly cheeks of
the sturdy mountain giants,'or stoop to
gather fresh fragrance from the woodd
valleys at their feet. The sight brought
relief to their pent up thoughts and feel
ings. They smiled in sincere sympathy
with the scene and with each other. The
more matter of fact in the party took an
entirely different view of the scene. Home
talked of the bear dens, and rattlesnake
dens, deer crossings, trout streams, and
pheasants ground out there. One man
grotesquely wondered how many feet of
timber may yet lie cut out there, and
whether the stone is good for building ptur
rtoses ' II" wa-asked to leaxe the train. At
length wo arrived at Know Khoe. Our
irain stonped in front of tho Mountain
House, Mr. Peter* in holiday attire was
on the porch waiting for us. Arrange,
iiient* had been made with him to provide
dinner for about one hundred and thirty
five. One hundred an*l eighty.six walked
into the house, and Mr Peters was over
whelmed. But he was equal to the occa
sion in every resptexsct. Received us in a
lordly manner and had dinner for all. It
was a yotxf dinner. It consisted of three
kinds of meats, four kinds of vegetables,
abundance of bread and butter of the
best quality, plenty of cake of several
kinds, plenty of ice cream, and tea and
coffee for those who wanted either. Every-
I>ody was not only,well satisfied, hut highly
pleased, and Afr. Peters has the hearty
thanks of our Sunday school and congre
gation for the important part he took in
making our excursion a complete succeas.
After dinner some strolled in the park
near the house where "our member from
Know Khoe" had swings put u p. Soma
played upon the lawn bende the house.
Others dietributed themselves in socishle
groups in the hospitable parlors and on the
spacious porches of the bouse, in conven
ient close.is to the lemonade tub. Noth
ing happened during the whole day to
mar our rtlea-ure, except that on the 'way
home w had a tedious wait of two hours
at Glen Harris. Here our engine ran off
the track while shifting a car load of lum
ber on the siding. But we passed this
lime, some in discussing the events of the
day, some in munching peanut* which
were passed round to all, others in botan
izing, and concluded by passing the fol
lowing resolution:
RrsotrM, That the ride over the railroad
wo* delightful; that Mr. Peter* treated u*
handsomely ; that we all had a good lime ;
and that we would like to rp|**al the eg.
curston another year.
Tne only objection* to the resolution
cam* from those who waited at the depot
in Beilefonte for our trein two hour* with
out knowing where we were or what de
tained us,
alV'Ttu*. .j, iT
An nounccmon tn.
akhoi'iatk jvtmv..
\\ nro fiuthon/,<•/! I/# announce that
J O I.ANIMKIt, •// spring t/;wn#bip, vJII * * <•-
ill'lm*' for A ■•"*-)(* Ju'Jgo, tl 4* UM* of
th It' tihM JMUr.Couuty ou**uUvU.
W a ir author to announce that
DA N IKK Z. KI.INK, >/f ll.. txrrouglj of
• ill * ' uft'li'!*!*' Inr Awrtal" Jtoljc*. iul>)m tto
ttift )t<ilofj of lii# Demo* r*ti/ Oiiifttt Oi&trbUiWt.
W<• hr<- authorized to announce that
JOItS H HOT, nt Wart',!, t'.wi,h!|, will |•*- n 'jifi'li'
data for J|< ial. Ju'lf. .übj~t V, It,' ,1|.|.,„ of tb.
I<tiio> rate County fill,'iittou.
Th* tin cut of Nathan J. Mitchell,
of Howard lloroucb, )• prasaated u , ,nri-ii'lat" for
It,' "fAt of Aw ll' Jiidf', to u,,. .bvislou
of 1 1, Ih'Ut'y mil' I orinlj I-,i,.i,t|..r, f
Wo uru authorized to unri'Kjficii that
PIIILIP W. HA It Mi ALT. of Hoyr. t/,i,.l ,lp, |;| ba
, "I'll,l*l, f ,r Awtat. Ji. fj-. i„l j— t lo tlio d> wioa
of lb, Im'ii,,,, rii, Oomh Conraetsoa .
We arc authorized lo HMUMI that J
J'llfN KIKIIKL, of Potter t".ti#hlp, will b. a >audt
dat. for Arc* 1.1,. Judy., milijwt to tie- ,1c i.joii of tb
I),Ti,otr*tj, Coaoty Cofircaflon,
ltr '* ■' lt horizd to announce that
TIIOMAH J Dt.'MU.K, of Hurt, f.wn.blp, will t .
rJ!! .. •u' jiol t/J tic- ,)o- inoll of 11,.
Lountji < on,i,tioa.
w announce that
i.i I I L't i •"""•'"P. will •> a '*!>-
.hd.tr. f r Mi.llff, rul.j. I ,f,o
. rata ( ounlj CoOYMii, i,
. m "Htborizod 14> announce that
, MitV i il!' l rcr*oc,u to.ici,!,,, if| b. .
/. l-'-l". ""t-J—t to t),. il.iflloa of tl.a
We arc authorized t/i announce that
JiHitpl! | NPPP.of la W toaa.btt,w|ll to-,,,..
did.t. f", roi.j'. t to it,. 4- 0,00 of lb. Ir.lu''
'Till' (e,jiri,t„,i,
W C an- authorized to announce that
JollS - y. NILKN.of llu.ioi, to*i„bt|,. will b •< ,,.
■lt,l.t. for fb.nff, mbf* tu, tb. d i.tou of tb. Ic-tno
j ' rati i otiniy Cout.atiob
Wc arc authorized to announce that
HAMI-KL K KAIi-T. Of Mil., tovtikbij, v ||| u .
i ..i- IKl.t. for Pto nB, .ul.jwt to lb. lUtinon of tb-
UrßKrrtUt <'juu\y < "btwlimi,
Wc arc authorized to announce that
\. T %!t SWN,fAf itatMrfjf, 1J! f or
u. U>o4mto,uut ti. i>.tt,orr*U<
! "uu\y ia/iit-ntiori.
\N <• nr autborizM nnnaunc** that
DA NIK I, T Wl KJ.A N D f lUrrit ut will !*.
a < Afrll-Ulw f. t Hb*rlt! PWbjMt t-A tlii lai.Aii .f || 4 ..
!>• rii ratk CWyuutj ' utetjUyji
We arc authorized to announce that '
, W .'J *P rl "*' br ri.tiip, >||| t , 'ao4i4to
V't flivrifT tjtfJ*v ( |aj ttt* i*'/j, ,f Ui' ltpfu'xrtUr
, OitiTmUun.
W<- ar<- authcrizrol f. announce that
J C HAMPER of IMM 1,0. am u . .aa1,4.1e for
Protb t. tary.aulj.rl to U„ 4mi.h of lb. lo to.r.t
j i- ufil) C iiirti rti
Wc an authorised to announce that
, .U< 080 MSI I:it, ~f Hataaa t ~„i„,,, ~u
i I f < utit; TruMmrpf, ► .<>#! i, t
, **"• 'J •!*•*
Wc arc authorized to announce that
OKIRfIE W ■*""." -efni i linaahle ,. ha
rDlt'Ut* f r unf> I SUI/JMTt l<r tl.. 4c.
of Ihr !• IMA" t Sf *. iiMf c oier/Vfti
•• arc auif.oriz.-.t t,, announce that
I'AMbLt K I 1.1.1K, of p .tor t . i..t,i| . , ,|| i. ,
, *i, ~<lai' 1-r i. aty 11cur, r , t it , l.<e
■it lb. I>.i„"i.i, loot, f oun-ouoa.
\t • arc authorized t i announce that
I • * SagIIETKW * Titlifiiala. a 111 le .
f : I „.,- i I n,t.j i i„ ib. 4r. a,t„a ~|
I!,, loirc.r.t,, 1 ■ oi.ty i i, t ,
\t arc au11,,,r . lo anr,ounce that
JII lItU.T. !C, pi.,c i .r,.1,i|,. .ji
late I-i . ii Trci.t. r l v , I t lt„ ,|.,„ „f
j lb Iiucrti' ' -ualj l mention
" arc a ,j| rtr. i to announce that
Jtc Ii || i, it | . ,| ~ t .a.b!|. .ill l a
•I. • i " - uaty < It a,act , • it. i|„.
... I.i ~ ..| the lac. .rate i ~„i, ,
\\ e arc authorized to announce that
" 1 11 K tP- at, t. ,,.b.j.. a ill U a i.i, : .)!*
' 1 ' air.tj I n.t, .. r !l,jot t„ 11,. do I. of
; lb. I*.a • rate i an Cobonlrut.
W c arc authorized to announce that
Uo||\ UoU ■! Miloe y .a.blp. ,]|U . ~a,l,Ute
I I n.My I tan.,.., , . , I t - to >4
. tic I'. a, irate < ouaty , -0i.,,t,
a',- authorized t, announce that
■"'Hit ItoT. Ji - r Mart t, toatbi;. -i|| te . ctcli
■'.l, tr , .on I 0,, u , , ui . tto Uw ,l~ ..( n
I It,' lane, rate I ~.only I oat. r,t r n
NN c arc authorized to announce that
:pr Honour ~f ~u t ,
lat ' n • unit i ,>ri,ri„a*. icr aul. ■■ t b, lb. de< i. -a
llt I I>.r„ .. i.l .l ,if I 1,,
\\ c arc authorized to announce that
w t M • 11. JiEf KEH ,| \t alk.r 1/,ai u>, mil I. a
, 'an ', l.t. f<r CVmntr <. mnoan ,n.r ant j.-1 t . tl,. d.
| tb. la-tnm rati, t. oi.ti CV-r.a r-r.t. u
We are authorized to announce that
; A J fIRKIPT. of I an. nrill., arlll I, a randidai" Icr
! ' - "'lilt < run,-, i. r an- k> tfc. d,/|.„b i f tic
In-ncrattr County CoveaU,
W c arc authorizrx] to announce that
c AI.EXAVDKK. of p.nn bivr-hit . will I- a cainU
} dal, r.., , . ajnty I rntr,,a.,,.rjf r. .at j.., I !■> tb. deriaom
,< tb. iHNßarrmttc r..nnt CottrcoMtm.
Wc are authorized to announce that
H I \RH I.V. of P tt.-r b abahtp a,II 1— a randi
dat. for l - „int, tVutitnlawncr, mbjert b, tb fecial ,n
; m tb. D.tnontattr Chesty Olattaiba.
We are authorized U> announce that
JACOB IH7SKI.R, ufV alh.r tmraabip. a 1 1.. a ran
dotal. f,n (,-unty (-mi!,ia.,.ni.r nolo,.! b> tb. dcri*
I al„t, cf 11,. I-nu f rati. CVmnty f.,bt .ntb b
Me are authorized to announce that
JAML4 A. McCLaIN, f H c;* t,,ai).bl| , aill tn a
nandldat. fcn R.gi.t.i, .nt o. t U, tb. doi.lot. o| th.
Hnawntlr Cnnnty Convention. 4
We arc authorized to announce that
JOE T PI'KKV, of IWll.fonte, aill In a candidate
|.n R. ri.t.r. ratycrt to tb. dnrudm, of the to m ,. ratic
Onenty Cteiti,.
We are authorized to announce that
IIRRRV It DTK, of f,|,itr, ban.bip, aill In a candi
dal. for R.yiater, "I' l'd to tb. dc i.i .* ,4 th. Inia.-
' rate C<uty Cvnaaatb-ti.
We are authorized to announce that
T B JAMIHIM, o| i.mye lanahtp. aill In a cawl.-
data f-r R.yi.iet. .ut,jt b tb. d<-< i.ion of tb. t>, n,>
' rail. County Cont.niton
Wc are authorized to announce that
TRAVK E HIRI.R. at Aprlnz teanaiilp. a-ill tn a
didat. t't R~,n,l rt, tubjer tb> tb. dc< iidoa ,4 lb. I>.m
ocratir County Oncntion.
We are authorized to announce that
JOHN METER ft, of llarrt. tnan.htp. a-ill In r.ndi
.l.t. for R- order, aabjort to tb. 4. ,4 tb' lem,.
' rat It CV-unty C,.in.nti. n
A FOOL Out r. Mn**.—"|.- or year,
my wife vu confined tober bed with yucb
R complication of ailmenU that no doctor
could tell what wa the matter or cure her,*
and I uwd up a .mall fortune in humbug
ituff. Bi* month, ago 4 raw a United
Mutes flag with Hop Ritterf on 11, and I
thought 1 would be a fool once more. 1
tried it, but my folly proved to be wisdom.
Two bottle* cured ber, ihe U now a* well
and strong as any man's wife, and it cort
me only two dollar*. Such folly pay*.—
11. W., Detroit, Mich.—f'w /Vr.
A Card.
7o tht Drmorrntt of Ornfre fount- '
Finding that injustice i* being done me
by the circulation o( a report to the effect
that I am a candidate (or sheriff in the
interest of ihe present sheriff and hi* dep.
utv, who, in case ( my nomination and
election, are to assist in filling the office
ami profit by my success, I take this op.
portunity of branding such report a* false
in every particular. I have no arrange,
ment or bargain with any one. I have
made no pledge, or given no promise to
any one. I believe I sm qualified and *
competent to fill the office myself, and if
elected intend to do *•.
I. T. M t suojt.
Loo AN Crm ret.—The reuil price for d
Loo AX CRM ext on and after this date
(May 0, IWlb will be two dollar* per *
bat re! and no charge for bag* or barrel*. jL
M. K. llicß*. Mp
—Special inducement* for orders for
('lotMSAtßring the Summer months.
o u Xniit'ct.
4 JLmJU.
- * a