Ohio Democratic Convention. JOHN W. BOOKWALTIR TUB NOMINEE KOR , GOVERNOR. Coi.i Miit s, Ohio, July 13.—The Homo crutic Stto Convention mot nt 11 a- i today at Oonwtook'a Opera House, and was called to order by John 0. Thoinp on, chairman ol the State Central Corn luittee. James Kdwin Spear, ol Cincin nati, was announced as temporary chair man j W. J. Gleaaon, of Cleveland aa temporary gecrelary, and I Dumas Well nU-r, of Lancaster, and George Maul, ol Sattduskv, as assistant secretariea. On taking the chair Mr. Spear made a short speech on tho purposes of the convention, the issues of the campaign and the mission ol the Democaoy. Committees were appointed, and the convention took a recess. Gu reassembling, after permanent or ganization. John W. Hookwulter wan nominated for Governor, on the second ballot, amid great cheering and excite ment. THE RESOLUTIONS. The Committee on Resolutions re ported the lollowing, which were adopt ed : Preamble. Tho Democrats of Ohio, proud of their citizenship in this great State, for the purposo of maintaining the prosperity of the Commonwealth, aud to promote "the welfare and happiness of the whole people, submit tho following decla ration of principles, upon which they ask the suffrages of the people : —Tho equality of all people before the law ; equal taxa tion j unpolitical legislation, and a free and pure ballot as tho corner stone of free institutions; opposition to monopolies and subsidies of all kinds: tho strictest econo my in national, State and local administra tions, that labor may be lightly burdened ; tho maintenance and advancement of the common school system. Resolved, That tho abuses of tho present contract system in our State l'rison, by which the products of criminal labor are brought into competition with tho products of honest labor, to the great injury of the latter, is vicious and unwise and should be corrected. Resolved, That tho course of the last Republican Legislature deserves the con- j demnation of the peoplo for its incomjio- j toncy, hypocrisy, unnessary and heavy in- j crease in tho burdens of taxation and for | its reorganization of the benevolent insti- j tutions of tbe State solely tor the purpose and as a means for the distribution of j spoils. Re sol red, That a- the humanities are I non-partisan, and as the treatment of erim- j inals should be non-political, the manage ment of the charitable and sanitive insti- j tutions of tho State should be free from partisan charge or appointments. Re.tolrrd, That we are in favor of a civil service reform whereby •>dices shall be held to he a public trust to be administered foi tho public good, not spoils to bo enjoyed as the reward of parti-an r.-al or service, j Rrodred, That the Democrats of Ohio . in this year as in all year-, are in favor of ! the largest individual liberty consistent ; with th- public order, and aro opposed to | legislation merely sumptuary. Rrodrtd, That the recent discovery of enormous peculation in high federal places and K-publican attempt to purchase votes bv corruption should convince the country that the Republican organization is not worthy of public confidence. Resolved, That the power delegated to the general government to regulate com- I merce among the States, as well as the power reserved to the States to regulate commerce within th ir own borders, should I both be exercised to prevent unjust die- j crimination and unreasonable charges by our railroads ; a tariff should be for reve nue, levied and adjusted in its details with a view to equity in the public burdens and tho encouragement of productive indus tries without creating monopolies, and we favor the appointment of a commission to suggest a method of revision which shall accomplish this result. The committee also recommend the adoption of tbe following, though not in cluded in this platform : THE ATTACK ON rRERIDKNT OARFIEI.P. Resolved, That wo deeply deplore the recent attempt upon the life of the Presi dent of the United Slates by an assassin, and denounce assassination in this Repub lic as the highest and most revolting of crimes, and we extend to tho President and his family our deepest sympathies snd our earnest hopes that a speedy recovery be vouchsafed to him. yew Advertisement*. i I DITOR S NOTICE. j. V In th. Court nf Com in-m PI .in of C.titf rottn ty, N<| IS*-. January Trni, l*t: In th. malti-r nf th. of J I>. Sling.rt. ■!., aaatgn™ of John Cur tin, V. lu- 'tiarhargwl of hi. Irnat ami lor authority to ri-omray tbr- Iwlaum of lha property lo th. aaaiftu.r. The auditor appointed by the Court to take taatlmotiy ami to n-port upon th facta aet forth In mMI petition, atll atteml In the dnllra of bta ap pointment on TI'ERDA Y. AC GLUT 9. |As|, at II o'clock A M , at hia office In llellefonte. of which all liartii-a In Intareat "111 plena, take notice. i'H-aw JOHN B I.INN. Auditor. COURT PROCLAMATION. WfIKRKAM. Ilia lion I'Wla A Ma#r. d*ntof tk4>Mrlof<'oinmfi Flaaa of tha'JAth tal !>itrtrt. <nlr, anfl to fommoiff on tha Fourth Holiday of AHrfust nxt, l-in* tha 22d day nf Aurmt, 1 Jm|, nd rmttniM l" *ra*k* Motif# I* h*r*ty yir.n to tha CoTonar. Jtntka* ff tha Poaj-a, Alderman att'l Co(i*taid** of aaid founty of ( antra, that tha* \* than and thara In thalr propar par#.n* t at 10 o'clock In tha foranoon of aaid flay, with thalr roflofd*, Inqnl aitiofM. aranilnation*. and th#*ir o*n r*>maaihranr, ts do thoa* thinx* which to thalr oik* |'|*rt*in* t b# l'n*. and thoa* wh ar* Irouikl In rccogntmnra* to pr stvent* *x*int tha |>rlMin*ni that are> f*r hall ha In tha Jail of ( antra County, !th day nf Jnly, In tha >*r of or Lord lISI, and tha on* hondrd *nd fifth yanr of th* Indapandanca of th* t nlt'd Blata*, kiMt JOHN ftPANOfsBR, Bh*rlff. "POR KENT.—Tim .Ifwcph Bchnoll I lloaa. on Btahop r*>#t, lataly orrnpiad by W A. Hwffi*y, I* for rant. Any fnrthar particular* can b* r>HTod hy calling at tha Billiard Room in thaOmrad t6-tf A WEEK, fix n day at h iloti price of tin* WitKLr I'atriot Ima been reduced to SI.OU per copy per milium. To club* of Fim and upward" tlx* Wmn PATRIOT • 111 be furiiUbeil at the extraordinarily do-up rule of 76 cent* per copy per anntiiii. TUB I>AILT PATRIOT will lie Rent to any addrc**, •luring the aeaaloii* of CongroM ami the LegUlatnre at the rate of 60 rent* per month. Under the act of Congre** the publUher prapay* the poatagn mid •ulmcriber* are relieved from that rxpanaa. livery *ub*rriptlm iiiuat be accompanied by th* caah. Now I* the time [to aubacrtbe. The approaching •eaaion* of Congre** ami the legislature will be of more than ordinary interest ami their proceeding* will tie fully reported fur the Dally and a complete •yno|i ef them will la- given In the Weekly Addreaa PATRIOT PUBI.IBIIINU <, 47 II .:• Mark, t flit—t, Manlohuig- THOROUGH EDUCATION —roit— YOUNG LADIES. Hollidaysburg Seminary, lIOLMDAYSBmii, ItLAtR COt'NTY, I'KXN'A. A rery healthful locations twautlfnl aurmiiudlnga Ofl.-ra to young ladiee all the advantage of .(hrtetlaa hum.', with thorough rourea of Inetrn-lloiia in the higher branches uf education. Ternm, $250.00 por Annum, Including hoard and attendance, uar of library, period trail, and tulth'O In all Kogllak hraochea. Mneic and art extra. ANNUAL TERM, FORTY WEEKS. Fur catalogue, a lib full Information, nMeaa W. P. IIUSSEY, A. M., Principal. rhresa , areek In your awn town T<*rma and f out- AOO nt free. Addrtwa II II A KI.KIT A t<>. I' rt land, Maine. 9-ly Application for Charter. N'OTICK is hereby given, that an application will l-a made under the A< 1 of A.- •emhly nf the Commonwealth of p.nnaylaanla, enti tle.! "An Act to pmrl-la for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporatlone," approved A, ril JU, I*7l. and the Supplement. thereto, h-r the ctiart.-r of an Intended cor|>- .ration to he calle-t "The A now Sh.-e foal and Impioaetuaal Company, the chare. ler and oil)art ol ar.ilch ta to carry on the t.ualneaa of mining, .hipping an l telling of hilumlnoua •*! and other mineral!, the manufacturing and aclling of luru ler, with the right to purrha*., bold and cona.y lint bar and rami lan-ta, and t.. Improve and defch-pe the am., and to manu'a. tore iron and iwiilmcl furna.—•, and to dlapoae of all neeemara property, real and j-r •oil*!. in connection with aahl bualnee*. and lor theae p.irp.-.i-a to hate, |e.ee and enjoy all the righta. benefit., franchlai-a and privilege. ..inferred by aaid Act ..f Aaaetnhly and it. Hui-pletuenfa KUMI NI) BLASCIIARD, Solicit. r Jnnelt. 1*1. z-4w For Sale. VFARM containing Fifty ACTOR, a an-l having thereon ararted % TW' MT>HV FUAMK HI ILDINUand out building*. Titl- t-^-l In.jnlrtof A J A T K ORIENT. .Vtf Union*!!!*. Centra countj. I'a. WANTS VT the Itollefonte Car NVorkd: Four . of five far Builder* and a f-w men who ran • nrfc in the Rrwrting Shop . *** aral |-rwm who < an Paint < ar* A fnud, *omid, powwrfwl, tfart*Ha, will irig-wi rking. qulat b roe. *Umt fourteen hundred p. iil l* weight Apply at th* •Vf lf < WllK- Huockehiioff house, ALLEGHENY-FT . BBLLEFONTB. PA. WILLIAM MfKKEVER, Msnsgor. fr.ee/ Sample R(*im on Fir it Floor. B#-Free Rute to and from all Tralna. Special ratee to wltniaai ■ and Jorora. 14-ly HUSH hi I se, WIAPOWI. PA . Famllle* and in(l gentleman, a* well • the gen eral traveling public ami commercial men are init*d to th i* Ftrwt a Imm Hotel, where they will find h ro* comfort* at reawuaht* r%t Liberal reduction to Jurymen and other# attending Court. W. It TKI.I.KK, Prop r S. f /(. LOEII, General Merchant*, AUrghrug-St,, Hell rfnntc, I'a. MOTHERS, WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR B OTS. OUR SPRING AND SUMMER, SCHOOL, PLAY, -AND DRESS SUITS, ARE NOW ALL IN. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED. EXTRA PATCHES IN EACH SLIT; SILK HANDKERCHIEFS IN EACH COAT. —OF THE CKLKHRATED— STEIN, ABLER A CO.'S MAKE, of Rochester, WHOSE REPUTATION IN THIS LINE STANDS FIRST IN THE UNITED STATES. To be had ONLY at the Popular Establishment —OF— SRr A T ftPR 1 ALLEGHENY STREET, B Q|| 111 LULU, V BELLErONTE. PA.. FINE CLOTHIERS —A HI) — DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. * * $ I #*, f* .r ** * - * Sew A ilvcrtlncm en /. D(rw| With COSTIVENESB, Sick Headache. DVSPEP SIA, Low Spirit*. SLICMLtSS NIGHTS, Lota of Appetite, Pain in the Side, And all the numerous ailment* consentient i|mvi a ills ord r*.| state of the l.l*er, win (i you li* <1 rrrtuln remedy within yottr tench. 'I hat remedy it GREEN'S Liver Pills. These Pills are of TWO man*, and alien tiled in "OUliectloti with li other according to dlrecth'Da, are INVA 111 AHI.Y KrcrfSJtH'l., They are sugar coated, and are HKNT ll\ MAIL .n receipt of price. 11l order to prevent' oiinterfeiUnß they ar< put up in H>( ap ImXet, with the signature of 1 p. GItKLN around rf !i lo*. Prh e t N'o l,k£ftrt*.; No.OO ta. Manufactured only by F. POTTS GREEN. RRLLKPONTK, PA. NEW REVISION A WANTED. NEW TESTAMENT. \S tnaclo hy the niout eminent whol r. ..f Pnitlan.l an.l AM ■ tlra. Half Ibr Price ( orrr.pnndlnic KaclNh I dltlon. i,„.„ ' tlHKlmd -i-.Mt Uttu A .-|.armta " l omprrhm-lif HlMor) of Ibr lllblr nr.! 11. 1*11,1,.. in, liklimk ■ (all arcuuni of ibr KriMiin, klt.m u> >ulrrll ■i. la.| . fur ...iiU r,ar , ITifl. Hmm.l .tamp (nr particular, el OBff. Tin: III:V'ill RILL PIKLIMIIM. 10., VurMlrb.lt. Ilu.ii ncHH Car do. n' AUN ESS MANUFACTORY In liarman . New Hlork, BKI.I.EPONTK, PA. 1-ly I IMJLAIH, 1 • JKWKI.KR, wTritM, rmni, Jt.tLMT, if. All w„rk n-nlly rwnla|. tn AII-gliM.j .trw,!. un,lar llrurkrrli.'ll 4-tr DEALERS IN I'UHK DRt'UHuNLY. 2 I ZELLERk SON. a I a 1,1.1 oourrti V, t. Ilr - k, r Row ► aj All th* Standard Pabnt him Pre. a wrtptl.ns and Family a" (irately 1 5? i f ja/ed. Truaae *. frh -aNer Itracea, A . Ar. 3 r- en I I GUIS POLL, I J K\-11|,,\ UII.F. I!"X>T A PIIIIPMAKKR, lira* T llow, itrppt, 1-ly MUfonli*, ft r. m*i*. PtM't. j r iPßtii.t wh'r, CURST NATIONAL RANK OF 1 8.1.1.F.F,'VT1 All.*l„t.r 11, 11-fPa. If /CENTRE COUNTY RANKING i V./ (OWPASY Receive WpujU And Al-"W Inlet"*!. Ih*ottut N >t-; Buy and hall Cjov. Hev-urttiea, Gold and f onpr na, ii*t t Rritti. Pfd luiL J. P flat at*?. Cashier 4-tf UK. HOY. M. P.. # • r*. it, I i,r , H • • >-*/•! rtr rt'• Ua ftEI.I.KWSTK. PA Sfwial attention given t*> Operative purgery and OrnHilf l* ly nil. JAS. 11. POBBIXH, M. D., AHDSI MBO* OAre Allsgtxny PL. over 7Mg\-r • !rtif Ptnt*. A-tf HKLLKPOMTB, PA. nil. J. W. RHONE, Pontint, can fnnd at hie oAr* and rwetdewr# m N rl h •I I" of High itrret three d>on l.*d of Allegheny, Belief, .nt", Pa lA-ly SKCII LEU ,1 <*>., (Jrorirn, lltmh Hon hi Mock, lieltcfontr, t'n. NEW GOODS SUMMER TRADE. We have endeavored to jjet the very bent of every tiling in our Hoe, and now have Home really choice good*. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, PruneOes, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. In'Wo invito tin* people of Centre County to call and innpcct our MICH (iOODS, which cannot fail to plcatte. SECHLEB CO. WIARDS PATENT NEW IRBO SERIES Malleable Iron and Wood Beam Chilled PLOWS af. .fcrcf |n th. I . r. Of lB# r<>*ir!rY f . ||, com • x mi| rllh many ,aiul.o im; "... y.,< nu THE WIARD • the atrw.gnrt and hlr I'low In i;,r market THE WIARD itic- hn.t f* tr*i * n - * ■ ufk. In belli •.! ami MabMr THE WIARD Ba tn< • • ; ""• •djuMurcr.t f..i u-n* „r lf .„, . .„ . afinenf. THE WIARD the i##t I' . . •*/,] * . > ~. flay *m| rcond. THE WIARD "i. U i.: < • . i'„ ai for n.-an t>c in i.."r *n \* f hi Utf UI i>■ alii I. . e ;* %pk nt N iii'.iiu cr '* • r ( -j. , „ lJf.rai ( ntn.,M,f.!V'"ilil.K Mdl : c a t lfUK.nArxl f*Ood. Our Jointer*. WhrcU and Handle* " . UalAlMf. Our Moldboerde nr.. a.: other* f , j, r , , *n.l uniform ty. ur Plowe are warranted n.any wu. " s™'J"* oolnc In tinjr a new |u>w. Be IBrt . ■>! "* H i*ai a trial. n>K FAI.F. BY GORDON A- LAN DIB, F.nyiwrr* and Maehinid*, AM) I>CAI.CB.a IK A 1.1. KIM).* or Agricultural Implements, M'W UI. ATTKKTIOJI OIYIW TO IIEPAIB i*-if BSLLKFONTX, I-A. I'hiia drlphin tlranrh Clot hint/ lloUHf. ItrlJrfoiitr, I'a. A GREAT VICTORY! THE SUCCESS <>F THE PHILADELPIIIA BRANCII. TIIE PE() PL K TIM I'M PI IA NT! POLITICIANS KNOCK UNDER! THE riIILADEETHIA BRANCH On the Side of the People! Wc have the extreme satisfaction of announcing that the Philadelphia Branch is now ready to do BETTER THAN EVER IN CLOTHING, FOR MEN, BOYS AM) CHILDREN! AND A HE, AS ALWAYS, AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS FOR GENUINE GOODS, Clothing Manufactured by their Own Houso and every Article Marked and Warranted. SAMUEL LEWIN, the Manager, Now Defies the World and the Rest of Mankind, IN IIIS OWN MAKE OF CLOTHING, The PHILADELPHIA BRANCH never wa* heat, never will be beat and never can be beat for the CHEAPEST CLOTHINO offered in or outside of C/entre county. All that is said here ia meant. 00 AND SEE, and earrjr the new* to your neighbor, that MONEY CAN POSITIVELY BE SAVED AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. 1855-1881. Eaugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Years. BUSHELS. NOT ACRES. FA\F M'IJIKY BY IBIX'I BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAP. PHOSPHATE. Price. 525.00 Per Ton of 2000 Pound*. BAUGH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILIZER for POTATOES, < • Main.at 4tot ft ceni. of hql|.ht. of I 1 u>). Price. •50.00 Per Ton of 2000 Pound*. ALL GOODS SOLD ON CUAHANTEED ANALYSIS. Ih i ri/ilii-r ( irriihir* S'-tit I'rtr u/nm fi/tjtliaition. EAUGH & SONS. 20 South Delaware Avenue. Philadelphia. Tor fa!-' by J- H. LONG, Flennnpton, Pa., for Clinton and Centre Connties. \f ILLIIKI.M HOTEL, .'I NILUIKIM CNMUI eomnrr, MOPPA W. 8 MUBBKB, FNffMif. TL* ! *ti f M "I ' in It 1 ■ In P*rjn' V *!]*▼, • .1 t* i< f* rn t .rn PtAtiofi, oft lb* |/eN" l i, eM" sn-l "i ru ® t ink llai 1r < >*4, with ir t -tit. 1 tig* llil ml' II h PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. < '1 fr tif fiehif.tf In the r .Itmliil# thriftily. A tmb r •• I At tl • Millbemi H*1l ' tu rn at mill !♦ f nilT td !f BCFW' JutiH Zl. f iKNTUAL HOTEL, V 1h VtAi)f<*4 £tati n.) Mll,|>||l Rii. F KNTHK COT'XTV. TA. A. A KoIILIiKCKKR, Proprietor. Tliunrfill TK 4 TFI.F.W . ih rait mad aHI fti tl. II trl n i #llr,i t" lnnrh. jfTfrfiir* ft ILL TRAIKM pAb - t . I 1 4T Logan Cement. 'PHK ntail pritv for 1/KIAN CK- I MINT i aed .0" Hi" 4MB 144*. • M)S 1.. 1... >|i.|lar* ft Uml au.l a., (larr* fw lar*or I err. I. (!- ) II K IIUK!* J>ry (ioottM tt tnl fi rtHfrir*. I TAIU'ER BROTHERS, SPRING PTHF.rr, I:KI.LEr"XTR. PA. ilnvo their counter* nd *hhlrr-# filled with NEW GOODS, r BANKRUPT RATES I'urcbitfod ht - BANKRI'PT HATES ( BANKRUPT HATES WHICH THEY OFF EH AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. consisting or Dry Good#, Millinery Good#, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latest ityle* of HATS and CA I*B HATS and CAPS Carpet Bsc#, U nore! la*, Parasols, Ladies' Cloak*, Carpetiag, Groceries, o&.en#ware, Ac. CYirprlalng rrrry thing that can h* Ibnnd la a a rat f lAM Ht<#r+. HARPER BROTHERS, SrßlNti STREET, • . RKLLEPUSTK, PA. COCRTRT PROMTS taken la ..change at U>. Mllwat market price |.|, New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A TEAR. r PHE circulation of this popular A n.t(r it cenetantlt tnrreneing It nunuine all the leading w. of the Pun llnuu, and ta arranged In handy department*, The FOREIGN NEWS embrace* eperlal d.rpetrh.-. from all aunrtere of th* plot*, t il*-r Ui*> h<4 of AMERICAN NEWS are git en the Telegraph!? tNepab l- r4 the week from all pntU <.l the I'mon. Thla teeUur atun- mat". THE WEEKLY HERALD the meet ralaaMe rhrrmlrte la the a,,14. ea It ia the chrapr _ f _ QUI hew roaa - • w*iy *#■, Mi.i.ik HERAI.R f I A YK AH "IW YORK HERALD, M Rrondwnt and Ann Street, Kan Ttrt