®lie ifnvhT .Hemocrat. ftO DELLEPONTE, PA. Tho Largont,Choa pout and Brat Paper rUIILISHEI> IS CKNTRB COUNTY. THK CENTRE DEMOCRAT is pub liah*4| •vi*ry ThumUv morning, at HullofotiUt, tVutr® county, IV I'KIIMS—Caab In advance $1 BO If ii>t paid hi Aintcd or desig nated by the County Committee. In case any of the persons so constituting the board shall be absent from tho place of holding the election for a quarter of an hour after the time appointed by Rule Pirst for the opening of the same, hi* or their place or place* shall be filled by an election, to be conducted viva vece, by the Democratic Voter# present at the time. 4. Kvery qualified voter of the district, who at the late general election voted the Democratic ticket, shall lie entitled to a vote at the delegate election ; and any qualified elector of the district who will pledge hi* word of honor to support the Democratic ticket at the next general election shall be permitted to vote at the delegate elections. ft. The voting at all delegate elections shall be by ballot; upon which ballot shall be written or printed the name or name* of the delegate or delegates voted for, together with any instructions which the voter may desire to give the delegate or delegates. Kaoh ballot shall he re ceived from the person voting the same by a member of the election board, and by him deposited in a box or other receptacle provided for that purpose, to which box or other receptikcle no person but members of the board shall have access. ft. So instructions thsll he received or recognized unless the same be voted upon the ballot a* provided in Rule Fourth, nor shall such Instructions if voted upon the ballot, be binding upon the delegates, un less one-half or more of the ballot* shall contain instructions concerning the same office. Whenever half or more of tho bal lot* shall contain instructions concerning any office, the delegates elected at such elections shall be hold to be Instructed to support tbe candidate having tbe highest number of vote# for such office 7. Ksch election hoard shall keep an ac curate list of the name* of all person* vot ing at such elections, when the list of vo ters together with a full and complete re- turn of ouch election, containing an accu rate statement of the person* elected dele gate* and all instruction* voted, shall he certified by said hoard to tho county con vension, upon pr in toil blank* to bo fur nished by tno county convention. H. Whenever from any district qualified Democratic voters, in numbers equal to live time* the delegate* which such district ha* in tho county convention, shall com plain in writing of nn undue election or lalse return of delegates or of instruc tions, in which complaints tho alleged luct* shall be specifically set forth and verified by the aflidavit of one or more persons, such camplainant* shall have the right to contest tho seat of such delegates or tho validity of such instructions. Such complaint shall he heard by a committee of live delegates to he appointed by the president of the convention ; which said committee shall proceed to hear the parties, their proofs and allegations, and as soon as may lie report to tho convention what del egates are entitled to seats therein, and what instructions are binding upon such delegate*. Whereupon tho convention shall proceed immediately upon thu call of tho yea* and nays to adopt or reject tho ro port of tho contesting parties ; in which call of the yeas and nays the names of the delegates whose seats are contested or whose instructions uro disputed shall bo omitted. !•. All delegates must reside in the dis trict they represent. In case of absence or inability to attend, substitutions may be made from citizens of the district. 10. Delegates must obey the instructions given them by their respective districts, and, if violated, it shall bo the duty of tho president of the convention to cast the vole of such delegate or delegates in accordance with the instructions, and the delegate or lelegates so offending shall be forthwith impelled from the convention, and shall not be eligible to any office or place of tru-t in the party for a period of two years. 11. In the convention, a majority of all voters shall be necessary to a nomination ; snd no person's name shall lie excluded from the list of candidates until after the third ballot or vote, when the person re ceiving the least number of vote* shall be omitted and struck from tho roll, and so m at each successive vote until a nomina tion bo made. It!. If any person who is a candidate for any nomination before a county con vention shall bo proven to have offered or paid any money, or other valuable thing, or made any promise of a consideration r reward to any delegate fir bis vote, or to any person with a view of inducing or securing the votes of delegates, or if the -tmu shall bo done by any other person with tho knowledge and consent of such candidate, the name of such candidate • hall be immediately stricken from the list of candidate* ; or il such fact be ascer tained after his nomination, shall be struck from the ticket and the vacancy supplied by a new nomination, and, in either ca-e, ucb person shall be ineligible to any nom ination by the convention, or to an elec tion as a delegate thereafter. And in case it shall be alleged after the adjournment of the convention that any candidate put in nomination ha* been guilty of such act* or if any other fraudulent practice* to obtain •uch nomination, the charge* shall be in vestigati-d by the county committee, and such steps taken a* the good of tho party may require. Id. If any delegate shall receive any money or other valuable thing, or accept the promise of any consideration or re ward to he paid, delivered or secured to him or to any person for such candidate-, as an inducement for hi vole, ujion proof of tho fact to tho satisfaction of the con vention, such delegate shall lie forthwith ••spelled, and shall not be rocievrd a' a del egate to any further convention, and shall he ineligible to any party nomination. 14. < •#••# arising under the *th, llilh *nd 13th rule# shall have precedence over ail other business in until d<-. termined. 15. That the term of the chairman of the county committee shall begin on the first day of January of each and every year. Ift. That tho delegate* from tho several boroughs and townships In- authorized, in conjunction with the chairmain of the county committee, to appoint the members of the committee for the various borough* *nd townshijis. The boards to hold the primary elections will be announced hen-alter. - i Tanner Ontdone. Til S: CHICAGO FASTER REGIME TO EAT over MORE. CHICAGO, July 12. —Griscom ended hi* fat of forty five days in this city t noon today. A great crowd assembled in the Olympic thevlre, notwithstand ing the heat, and when tbe faster ap poured he was vociferously cheered. Hi* bill of fare was: Two quart* of milk, one quart of cream, a dish of milk toast, strawberries, huckleberries, a dish of boiled potatoes, crackers, but ler, sugar and coffee. The stage was arranged for the occasion so that all present had a full view of the faster when betook hi* first mouthful. His present quarter* were considered too •mail, and, besides, he says he was wearied of ihe monotony of their sur rounding*. After be feasted on hi* milk, berries, toast and potatoes, he will return to his private rooms, and in dun time have something more sutwtan tial in the shape of roast duck, ham, garnished with celery, etc. He will re main in the city till next Monday, when he will return to hia home in Fayette,Ohio. He intend* to return to Chicago and make preparaliona for a lecture tour of two years, giving an ac count of hi* fast and the discoveries he claims to have made. He lot about forty-nine pound* in all, and was still very strong at the end of hi* fast. This morning the attendant physician re corded the faster'* temperature, a* 98 7-10 degrees, hi* pulse as sft and hia respiration a* 14. To show that he ha* still a great deal of muscular strength he made a test with the dynamometer and pushed the indicator around to the highest point. Half a dozen of those present also made a test, but not one could push the indicator more than half way around the dial. He pushed it ail the way with his left hand without apparently exerting himself. During the seven days from July 10 to July Ift inclusive the deaths in Cin cinnati, from aunstroke numbered 254 and from excesaive heat 150, making 414 death# in all. The greatest number on any one day front these causes was on July 14, being Bft. These figure* are offic ial and are carefully made from the recoids of tbe Hoard of Health. Dur ing the same period tba deaths from other cause* were 153. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. from our C*. ♦ A I'nrlons C'yrlon.. trBATH A*n IIESTRI CTIOX IX MIXXK'OTA. St. Pa CI., Julv 17. —The town of New 1' m, on the Minnesota river, about sixty mile* from here, and containing about 9,MX) people, was wrecker! by a cyclone late on Friday afternoon. It seems that two currents of air swept the valley simultaneously, coming from dif ferent directions. The scene was ap palling : stone and brick buildings were raised troni their foundations, and the air was full of debris. The town and its suburbs are now a mass of ruins. The people are organizing for the work that is before them, and will be prepar ed to commence the rebuilding of their city to-morrow. Workmen from Bt. Peter and Mankato are on hand, anil things are Ireginning to assume some system. The Governor's Guards are on duty protecting pro,rerty. Large crowds visited the scene of the disaster, to-day 1 and a special from Itedwood Falls was run. The following is a partial list of the killed and wounded in New I'lm ; Laura Iteitz. Anna Warner, Anna Lejsch Meggari, Wounded:—Mrs. Warner, struck by lightning. She was lying on the floor with a small babe, which was killed. The bolt struck her on the breast and extended to her feet, leaving the body as black as a coal. She can not remember an event in her life an terior to the time she was struck, and will probably die. Mr*. Heita' arm waa broken twice. Ma Is-isch left leg brok en. A Swede boy, name unknown, badly wounded in the neck and head ; Mrs. Leisch, skull fractured and inter nal injuries, probably fatal. Many oth ers were more or leas injured. I .oat, $200,000. Don Carlo*, the Spanish pretender, ha* been ordered to quit France. It is stated that he lias been engaged in cer tain proceedings which are regarded aa a manifestation against the preeent form of government In Franoe. Tho I/ondon Standard, commenting upon Jefferson Davit' book, "The Kite tnd Fall of the Confederate Govern ment." tay a: "We give him recognition of being a straightforward and sincere chronicler of memoir* alike interesting to all English and American oitisent." During DcKprruilor*. A Itoc/c /h/iiiul I'antengtr Train it Takrn I'otrrttum nf try a Itanit of Unhhrrt—'The t'viulnrtor Shot Throw/h the /hart—An ' other Mm Mf-t/i I)ruth htj a Shot in tin Head. 1- Kansas Citv, Mo., July if).— Informa t tion has been received hero by an in t coining Chicago, Itock Island and Pa cific train of a daringly planned and successful train robbery ut Winston, on the Itock Island Koad, a hltort distance cast of Cameron. The robbers were six in number, and were supposed to be under the leadership of Jesse -lamen. The men boarded the train, which leuves this city ut 0 r. v., at Cameron. At Winston, when the train stopped, they stood up in the aisle of a car with drawn revolvers. One of the bandits advanc ed witli a revolver in each hand toward William Westfal), the conductor, and ordered him to hold up his hands. Tho conductor wat. slow in complying with this demand, and was shot through tho heart by the desperado. < die of the other men shot through the heart John McCullough, a stonecutter, of Wilton I-function, who turned outward in his seat. The men then went through the train to the ex proas ear and overjrower ed the United States Express messenger, Charles Murray, who was intimidated into opening the sale, Ironi which was taken. The desperadoes then went to the engine and told the engineer to start his train. This he could not do on account of the automatic brake, and lie won at once fired upon by the rob bars. The engineer put out the lights in the cab and crawled along the loot board to the pilot, and after extinguish ing the headlight lay down in the pilot. The robbers made tio search for him, but departed. No attempt was made jto rob the passenger*. The populace ; rose en mains, and urraed men are now I seeking the desperadoes. I ! Uiiii aoo. July 10. —President Kiddle, I of (lie Itock Island Koad, ha received . | a dispatch confirming the report of u j daring train robbery at Winston, Mo. I The superintendent of the rond offers a reward af SMXX) for the app-rehension of the robbers. Tho officers of the j United .States Express Uompsny sny that the amount taken from their sale j cannot exceed f'J'MJ. Kansas Citt, Mo., July 17.— There is I considerable evidence to show that the 1 train robbery on the Hock Island Koad j 1 ast Fritlay evening waa dope by the notorious -fames gang, and it may prove | that one or both if the Jame* boy* were j present with the gang. The robbers j boarded tin* train at Cameron. Two j got on the front end of the baggage | car next to the engine, thrr-e more on the smoking car and two on the plat i form between the baggage car and the j smoker. There were seven men in all. I At Winston they arose with drawn re- I vol vers. Conductor Wetfall and a pa>- ; senger were shot and killed. Then the j robbers went through the safe in the I express car. jumped Irotn the train ami 1 eca|-ective* j from the F-aat. who are aeeretly working 1 to ferret out these things with a view to j protection of the community. | O; insurance, $lO,- MX). The fire was accidental. It is not generally known that there i* a Mormon church in Kcranton. It is not large, but makes up in firm ness what it lacks in magnitude. This church wss planted twenty years ago hy a missionary from Wale*. It ha* a* complete an organization a* the church at Salt Ijke City, Iv-dro* Howell having from the beginning treen it* President. There sre but twelve resident member*, and for fear of awakening op|mition no public meetings are held. The meet ; ings are all private and ate held al the : house# of the member*. The Mormons I of Seranton do not practice polygamy, but send their converts as *(>eedily as possible to Utah. They ue the Seran ton organization a* a *ort of recruiting station. There are branches at Ply mouth Plains and Nanticoke, and sev eral other places in the coal regions. Bradford, Pa., was the scene of a de structive fire on last Friday morning. The fire started at about 2 o'clock in the morning, and gained such headway before the alarm was given that the de struction of a large portion of the busi ness part of the city seemed imminent. The entire fire department, including three steamers and seven hose and truck companies, was quickly on the ground, but for a time its best efforts availed nothing in checking the confla gration. In less than an hour and a half all that part of the city lying be fween Main. Webster and Railroad afreets, and Newell avenue was reduced to ashes. Nineteen buildings were to tally destroyed. The Kiddle House, a large brick hotel, caught fire repeated ly, but was saved, though the front waa considerably damaged. The Are waa got under control with great difficulty on account of the intense bent, a burn ing oil well and tank serving to spread the flames considerably. The Ore is believed to have been the work of an incendiary. The total losa is estimated at SOO,OOO. A Hope of Woman'* Hair. Xr-rii 11.. HI. l/.qla K*put-lifT. 11..- util;.|aii;p u an ajian'-s In )°Uivs.— Finer la Arm tail -|al-l. Xal<- f I ,Vi l-ar rrla, In. tailing Mli.u~.-U ■ >tr. at p, 7ii„(S ( U. rt.iu.' It-ar. ami at %- v. t.., atraigliti I'-ar, ay I ran la .-ilia lau.iljr ai '.K, ■.-.urn i|o at R-'V.nlTfc: an t |t*nU al H tT.'Ai. Hi* n-ujf mo> *lu* !> at I ■/ .'.yy U mat —Tin n- a a (air ilsmat.-l f-.r 1.--*t al (all ] prim. Tl.sr|.lng tlgut... w. r, }j mji |,„|. (lM,4rl*t. |ii|-.-in.i ... j j ( , !W*t.a Frwelt lti!| r |. f jr.tj?, J )j Oilffc*ti.j~rt.urtNi. \*t _ Oaantri h.u.. i-r p.un! _ I, ; rtirwj , w . ... i i. • r. H ! f* c>- S3 ... M K*k- I-.' i . i . IMalm-ap-r l-aabrl : . Irrt-il b~( ' — ! \OTI( J- i- h rchv given, that the * t I I' I It 1.1% I . r • tl.i ~( if. ; |.*s>.t r.t.l. f II C It- . I. |, M „ | fllnl in UM • Hi .- • ♦ tf. Pi 11, i. 1,,, ..( ~f fi.Tl. I" a' i'. a* .|f 1' ' . Hw, til IfcatariiftM it will b ywnN fa th .\| twrt.i f Mi the la-t accommodations i % ' al I*a,'liakta r .)~ ,f a,,,,,,,,,, ,„ IW . j SUIa Hani .an I- I,a 1 at (r la I • 1., |.ta.|r ! ~H. and lranai.nl at . "Ma and i. • irr.la f.., h j n.aa 1. aa laill.a ma; draie I l iar, and Su|~ : r Tal l, n.m' irird. All an Inrtlrd II t.l | t. t|,- luilnaad In i. I. lu.la f.ral .laaa I.- uu In tl.r pa.. D P rRTKIU. ProprtHur. 4 EDITOR'S NOTICK. a \ ta 11-a ' r|-har.a' t' „|1 . f Owtra .! tl .aula .( SOOTT I I.LI AMS, dr. -aail The underaigned, an auditor appointed lj tba aaid .-unt 1.. 1,-a. and dat.rrr.lm tha ai.rm 11 ua ft lad te tba r. ual ..( M aah W illutna and J W Stuart. ■Meet ra ( laM W MMM dr. |, raauta I tba nr..ant and maka lurnl utf a nf tba t-aiama to and am tig th a lagnll; n.titln] t liar rln mill m ,.. \ tba M.tl~ la lntar.nl al bta ..r la Hrlladunla. -a ! nttbAV. lb. IMb da; .( Jal;,|Sa|.al in ..Viorb. 1 A M o( aal; da;, at arbbb lima and | la.. all |*rli~ I Ir.tarnat—l u.a; all.nd j a 4- II V M KKX. Andibs. AVI', desire to rail the attention of " " I'armar. to ll a (art Ibal aa bar* a fail and rrsnj.lata aar.-rtm.nl of Agricultural Implements or RVRRY nKXßimojr. from mk4r t Hir j.r !<-<•• <4 Hf Iwif.Un.. rill ur#- to **>. f n lh tutkrt I'MHi'ti ftri'l ftoftinnim ill do e|| t r*li i o u# lpf porrborinf libprv. VJ 1 _Jr J Am'.ic otif •tr-k *4 wHI K- IKttM PAX* TON PoRTAVtEK UKUNttS MIL BURN WAOONd, I f j Adriance Reapers & Mowers, (IRAtN TiRtLIA HAT RAKW. (OtlX PLAXTKM BROAII CAST OR kl% IIRIUrft. TIIRKMIIRU Ml CIItXIW, R IARR CIIILLLIr PIOWS, Ar . Ae. Wa alan fit* anrviai allantmr. Ir. RKI'AIHIRO and woalJ ras|rtfll; Mllclt lb* M4rnna** of iw, 4*- rSrtag aa; thing | lira lla* at lra|4*amt aad Ha rbin*!; of *rj detrrißU>m ORDfN A LAN 1)18, '*-tf RKLt.EroSTH, PA. TIIE GREAT BEE HIVE STOE ICS. : Strictly One Price. GRAND CLEARING SALE —OF ALL — SUMMER GOODS FOB THK NEXT to DAIS. We are bound to Hell the above (food* regardless of price, as we must have the room f(/r Fall (roods. I Special Bargains In Dress (roods. Cambric and Lawns. SPECIAL BARGAINS In White Goods, Table Linens, and Napkins. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Hoots and Shoes, Carpets and OH Cloths. i SPECIAL BARGAINS Jn Hosiery, Gloves, and Underwear. SPECIAL BARGAINS I In Corsets, Ribbons, and Ties. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Lares, Lace Tie#, and Fans. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Gents' Shirts, Collars and Ties. SPECIAL BARGAINS I In Gents' llats. Straw Hats at a Great Reduction. Leave your measure for a Summer Suit. We unit make you one to order, good goods and best make, at such a lew price, that it will pay you to get one for next Summer. Wo nianufticturo the Bee Hive Overall, the bent in market. War ranted not to rip. Call early and secure some of the above bargains for the next thirty days. Yours, respectfully, Bauland & Newman, Origin* tor* of the (ha Trioe Sjstoa, BELLEPONTE, PA. ■- 1 \