SHUGKRT A FORSTER, Editors. VOL. 3. She Centre Term* tI.AO per Annum, in Advnnoe. S. T. BHUGERT and R H. FORSTER, Editor*. Thursday Morning, July 21, 1881. Democratic County Committee Meeting. A meeting of the Democratic County Committee will bo held at the Committee Koorns, over the Watchman office, Bello fonte, on Thursday, July 28, 1881, at 2 o'clock i\ M. Every member of tho Committee is requested to be present. P. GRAY MEEK, Chairman. 11. A. MCKKE, Secretary. JUDGE JERE. S. BLACK, is giving Colonel Bob lugereoll a taste of what an enlightened laymau can say iu favor of the Christian religion in opposition to his trashy utterances against it. The discussion is publish ed in the North American Review, and the great jurist maintains the same mastery over the notorious infidel which has so distinguished him in oth er fields if controversy. THE anti-monoply party in New- York is announced to be growing rap idly and is now composed of twenty two branches in the city, and that much quiet energy is infused into its workings. It is also said that its membership is largely made up of the most sterling and influential citizens. This is the very |>arty now needed in New York to take special charge of the new monopoly .Senator. EX-SEN. CONK LINO visited Wash ington the other day and immediately rumors became rife that his visit had special reference to the Star-route thieves and his employment as one of their defenders. The thieves can afford to pay large fees, and as the late Sen ator is not now drawing |>ay to pro tect and defend the Government from marauders, no one ean object if he goes for some of the plunder to lie dis tributed in their defence. THE beginning of the end has come to the dead-lock at Albany. Warner Miller, the wood-pulp monopolist, has been elected the successor of Piatt in the Senate of the United States. The vacancy of Conkling is still open to the highest bidder. Miller at present is a member of Congress and has only been known for his effrontery in making his public position subservient to his personal interest in the wood pulp swindle. He was one of the half breed candidates, and of course will expect to be taken into full commun ion with the Administration at Wash- ington. The exchange of Piatt for Miller does not admit of any inspiring hope that the country or the Adminis tration have gained any thing by the six week's struggle to elect a Henator. THE astute boss of the Republican party of Pennsylvania, our Don, has already commenced tho work of clear ing away the party rubbish which ac cumulated upon his hands during the third-term struggle. Not satisfied with his success in this direction in the fight last winter, he now proposes to relieve one of his most valued lieutenants of a formidable competitor for gubernatorial honor by proposing our friend, General Beaver, for Hergeant-at-Arms of the National House of Representatives. Don is fruitful of expedients and a man with a conscience of his own, would be un desirable and out place in the man agement of his political ranch. He will therefore, not hesitate lo drop Riddleberger if he can thereby pro mote the chances of the accomplished and pliant statesman of Delaware. The election of Gen. Beaver as Her geant-at-Arpis, would certainly cause much rejoicing in Delaware county, in which Henator Cooper would take a very active part. The Senators ► resolution in favor of Itiddleberger won't count now. THE pulp mill is now the progree the New York Re- HHHBB "KUT'AL AND KXACT JUBTICK TO A!.!, MK.V, OR WIIATKVKH STATIC OH I'KKSU ASION, HKLIOIOCS OK POLITICAL. STOIIMH or cyclones in the West have been unusually frequent and din astrious, both to life and property, this summer. One occurred in Min nesota on Friday last, an account of which is given in another column, by which one hundred houses iu the small town of New Ulm were entirely demolished, aud over thirty lives lost. The terrible suffering which these dis astrous western storms entail, we in our pleasant mountain retreats can but faintly realize. Whilo our mountains and hills have their disadvantages and perhaps annoyances, we cannot over estimate, or be too grateful for the pro tection they afford. The exhilarating and healthful atmosphere distilled in their gorges and the barriers they pre sent to the storms aud cyclones of the prairie levels, as well upon land as upon water, may well inspire us with satisfaction in our surroundings. THE Democratic Htate Convention of Ohio, met at Columbus on the 13th instant, and placed in nomination for Governor, John W. Bookwalter; for Lieutenant Governor, Edgar M. John son ; for Supreme Judge, E. F. Bing haru ; for State Treasurer, A. F. Win slow; for Attorney General, Frank ('. Dougherty ; and for Commissioner of Public Works, .John Crowe. These nominations are said to lie highly satisfactory, living taken from the younger and more progressive element of the party. Mr. Book waiter is a successful business man of fine abili ty, popular and possessing the vim to meet his oponent in uu aggressive con test. The principal features of the platform is to promote the happiness of the whole people; the equality of all before the law; equal taxation ; opposition to jiolitical legislation and favors a free ami pure ballot as the corner-stone of free institutions; op position to monopolies and subsidies of all kinds ; favors the strictest economy in National State and local adminis tration that labor may be lightly bur dened, and the maintenance and ad vancement of the common school sys tem ; favors a judicious tariff system and a commission to arrange its details The Democracy of Ohio start well. The out-come is in November, which we trust and hope may be well also. THE Republicans are predicting for President Garfield after his recovery a "position of remarkable, if not un precedented authority anil influence." That will depend much upon how he exercises that "influence and author ity." If he runs the government in the same corrupt and extravagant channels which distinguished that of his two immediate predecessors, the "influence" at least will be short-lived. If he runs it as they did, as a person al government to sell his "authority" and receive the most it will bring to his private gain, the horror produced by the attack upon his life and the general sympathy following it, will not rescue him from a degree of con tempt which will be "remarkabl? and unprecedented" for its iotenaity. If he shows himself incapable of rising above party rancor in the administra tion of a government intended for the general good of all alike, or if he fails to read the lessons of the past So as to avoid the corruptions, the tyranny, and the selfish greed which rendered his immediate predecessors a reproach, we shall not expect to witness any en during marks of confidence or respect But there is good hope for better things from President Garfield. With much ability and large endowments we may expect him to aspire to great ness as a statesman in the discharge of the duties of his high office, in the spirit and for the purposes provided for by the constitution and laws. His last predecessors had no such incen tive. They were content apparently, to draw pay, receive presents, make appointments, veto or sign bills ac cording to ring or corporate influ ences, and to protect thieves, as the limit of Executive capability. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 21, IHH|. A Ridiculous Result. The friends of the administration, that able Democratic journal, the Laucaster Intelligencer, pertinently re marks, show a commendable disposi tion not to iudulge in super-exultation at the election of Warren Miller and the pros|>ect of choosing Lapharn United States Senators from New York. Never before has that great State hud such a pitifully meagre in tellectual representation in the United States Senate as it now sends in behalf of*Garfield and Blaine's friends. Out of a contest in which bribery and bluckmuil played such a conspicuous part, the scandalous issue of the elec tion of two obscure Congressmen, is not one to be very proud of, even if it were not embittered with the further reflection that their election may rob the Republicans of a majority of the I/jwer House of Congress. Mr. Miller is a very ordinary man. He ha* been in Congress, and the only thing which has distinguished him there is the one thing which marks him a* conspicuously unfit for a popular representative. He and another Congressman have a monopo ly of the patent upon the process of making wood pulp, a lending ingredi ent in paper making, the high price of which keeps up the price of paper. Tlusc two monopolists, it i* alleged, "are able to say how much wood pulp shall be sold for, and thus regulate the price of paper. They have grown wealthy bv forcing tip thi* price and by preventing the importation of wood pulp under heavy duties —thus levy ing a direct tax upon the education and intelligence of the country." The only relief is to reduce the tariff on wood pulp importation. These two Congressmen in their places, by com binations, have protected their mo nopoly and prevented relief for the public. For this the New York Timet placed Miller "in the lowest category of public men" and the Evening I'e pres ent on the occasion. It has l>een six teen years since the war closed and we think that sixteen yesrs of peace and national prosperity has been fully long enough to cure all the heart burns and bitterness engendered by tho unholy and unnatural strife. THE Governor of Texas in respond ing to a communication from Gov. Foster, of Ohio, suggesting co-opera tion in a day of thanksgiving and jubilee, for the recovery of the Presi dent, says : "I do not deem it consist ent with my position as Governor to issue a proclamation directing religi ous services, where church and Htate are and ought to lie kept separate in their fuctions." He adds, however, that the people of Texas will pray as devoutly for the recovery of the Pres ident as any people in tho United State*. FORMAL notification of fifteen con tests for Congressional scats iu the House of Representatives, are now on file with the clerk. Thirteen of these contented cases are from the South, one from Maine and ono from lowa. THE Democrats of Warren county have instructed their delegates to the Htate Convention to support the Hon. Orange Noble, of Erie, for Htate Treas urer. Tho Conkling CollapHC. Tlio downfall of tho lordly Itoacoc "till cullh fourth ninny newspaper comments, und uniting these wc find the following in tho Altooita Daily Sun. It is a fair picture of the rela tions that now exist between the late loader and the Republican party and press: " Few sympathize with the under dog in the fight, and this is em inently true in the case of Koseoe Conkling in his fight against the ad ministration he was largely instru mental in putting in jkiwct, and in his struggle for re-election to the Senate from which he j>etulantly resigned. 1 He has had his tussel with the ad ministration in Washington and with its adherents at Albany and has been dethroned. His overthrow is the sig nal for rejoicing among those who were wont to uphold his bosship and implicitly submit to his dictation. Hut no sooner does he cease to be a factor in the dispensation of the sj>oil, and consequently without the means to | keep up and run his jiolitieal machine, | than his former friends pounce ujsm i him and begin to tear him in pieces, i There was a time when Koseoe Conk ling could have made himself a name and a fame that no administration or its friends could have destroyed, but he lacked the courage to carry his honest purpose into effect. Therefore, when a righteous retribution overtakes hi* political career, there are few to j sympathize with him in his misfortune while there are many to dispise and reject his leadership, heap all manner of obloquy upon his name, and curse his 'coloma! vanity.' That is about tho way the New \ ork Timts sits down I on the man it has been accustomed to laud as the true exponent of Repub licanism and the machine. It holds ' nlo that "Mr. Conkling and his ad herents have so completely alicnatesl the whoic Ikklv of Republican voters from themselves that they will no longer amount to a faction or have | the jMiwer to do harm even if they re tain the disposition." Another big dog in the Republican manger is Field Marshal Halsted of the Cincinnati (Jommrrrial, ami while j he does not exactly rejoice over the downfall of the New York Senator is j nevertheless gratified at the knowl edge "that with it comes an end of the offensive attempt of Senators to Ixwm National Conventions and administra ■ lions. Defeated by the delegates of the people at Chicago, baffled by the President at Washington, it disap pear!* with a bad smell at Albany." This is refreshing reading this hot j weather, and as the Conkling dog i rushes madly over the political course with the tin kettle of defeat at tached to his tail all the admin istration canines joins in the hue and cry and seek to get a snarl or a snap at the discomfitted animal. It may be that Roscoe Conkling is irretriev ably defeated, but it may also come to pass that his services and brilliant tal ents may yet be needed in the State of New York to save the Republican party from utter destruction. It may be perfectly safe to offer jibes and re proaches to the ex-Senator now ; but there may arise an extremity when that party may call for Itoscoe Conk ling and he will not answer, when it will stretch out its hands and, he will not regard. As the administra tion is gathering up all the good things said while its head hovered between life and death, so ought Mr. Conkling gather together all the bitter things the administration organs are now say ing of him. He may find use for them at no distant day as historical memen toes, and in tbcm chough of material to torment his preachy prosecutors. The whole quarrel of Rc)tublican fac tions is a pretty one as it stands, and evinces the anomalous and unnatural proceedings of 'dog eat dog.'" N It appears that the very best think the New York Republican legislature could do after a six week's contest, was to endorse the wood-pulp monopoly 1 | f A (linnce lr a Free Scholarship | n the State College. Statu COM. 808, CBNTKK CO., Pa., > j July 11, 1881. / I To Hon. Crura T. Ai.kxaxmck, Bellefonte, Pa. l)rnr Sir The Executive Committee of j tho Hoard of Trustee* of tho Pennsylvania j I State College have determined to establish I fitly (fid i free scholarships in the Institu ! lion—one for each senatorial district in the | State. All tuition in the College is al ready free. These scholarships, in addi | lion to the tuition, will entitle the holders j thereof to exemption from the payment of other college charges, for incidentals, room rent, fuel, and use of furniture. Ill* believed that this can be done with | out adding materially to the expenses of tbo Institution, whilst its benefits will be enlarged to the extent of these scholar ships. The conditions are, that tho acholar, after a coriqictitive examination of the etude-* required for admission, receive the ' appointment from the Senator of his dis trict, and that said scholar l>e at least fif teen ( 1.1) years of age, of good character, ; and lully prepared for admission to the T reshnian class. Ihe student so appointed -hall Imj entitled to the benefits of his scholarship for the four years of his college j course, provided that his conduct and class j -landing be satisfactory to the Faculty. So soon as a vacancy occurs, from any i cause, the Senator of the district shall have authority to fill the scholarship by a new appointment, under aimilarconditions. In view of these facts, you will arrange for an examination to be held at some ! suitable in your district, by scum mitlc-e approved by yourself. The subjects for for tbo year 1881-82 are, lor all applicants, the Common Knglish branches, I'hviirai Geography, Higher ; Algebra to ljuadratics , Geometry (4 isook- . and I . S. History. The s|>ecial requirement* of applicants for admission to the Scientific course will be the element* jof Natural Philosophy; the *|>ecial re ; |utr>'iieTit* made of Classical students are i■ t i book- 1, (ii ero's Oration* <3l, and \ve that standard a- to give a reasonable ; ho|c- thai he will make up his deficiencies, may be a ImilU-d < n j.r<.bntion. Should no ■•■ne pres. Nt himself who is entitled to en \> t a- u Freshman, a well qualified appli j cant for k>nkrr i iass standing may be ad : mitled. As soon a. the appointment shall have . Wn nih i- in y.-ur district, you will please notify the roljege authorities of the fact, giving the name and address of the ap pointee. Although our standard of admission to | the college classes will be higher after the coming se-.|. n, and sjw< ial course* in Civil Engineering, Chemistry and Physic, and Natural 8- lence have been added to the I courses recognized in the present catalogue, I I forward a copy of that catalogue as giv- I ing, on pages 18 prel .16, a correct idea of ] the preparation of th>*e who ; would now enter as Freshmen. tVe shall be glad to furnish any further information concerning this or other matters relating i to the College. Ilequ**tin{f your early and hearty co operation in securing, for your "scholar | snip," the best student available, 1 remain, your* respectfully, J AS. A. M< Ku, Arting /Vr t. In compliance with the request contain ed in above letter 1 give notice that I have selected an impartial committee of exam iners, which committee will meet in the Court House at llellefi.nte, on Friday, li'tb of August next, to examine all such *p i plicant* as may appear before them. The 1 person whom the committee recommends ' will receive the appointment. Applicants I will please notify me of their intention to be present before tbe day of examination. Respectfully, C. T. AjtiiKH. A tpiarler of a Million German Emi grants. IiOKDOX, July 18.—Statistic* published ' by the Hamburg |>olice authorities show that tbe numt>er of German emigrant* (Massing through Hamburg alone to 1 America, from January 1, to June 150, I8>1. amount* to 74,633, being twice the j number for the same period in the year following the late war between France ■ and Germany. The figure* for such emigration in the corresponding period , of last year were 32,489, and the total ' foi the year 106,190; so that if the etni , gration proceeds in tho same propor j lion for the second half of 1881 the government will find that, reckoning the fugitives by other channels, it has i lost in 1881 about a quarter of a million of ila most efficient subjects. | Civh. Srhvice Reman.—Postmaster- General James, referring to the reports that member* of the cabinet bad been considering various plans of civil eer vice reform, said that prior to the shooting of the President the matter hail been a good deal considered, and that it had been the ptirpoee of tbe President to present to Congrea* some definite suggestions upon that subject. Meanwhile the different cabinet officers were considering the matter in their own way. He (Mr. James) had thought of two plans. One was to make all ap pointments after a strict com|>etUive examination ; the other waa to adopt the plan of appointment* now in force with respect to tbe Naval Academy and We*t Point—to give the selection of candidate* to Congressmen, and some to the President, but to admit none until after they could pass a suitable examination. , After two year* of labor the fire in tta Stanton shaft, at Wilkeabarre, haa beta subdued. The work of repairing the immense destruction caused by the _ r TKKMN: $1.50 pur Annum, in Advance. vigorously forward. The coal produced in thin mine in the beat in the Wyom ing region, and within the next three month* oxer .Vio people will find em ployment at thin place. Still Favorable. The Wounded President -lowly, hut surely, Iteeoverlng. WASHINGTON, July 19, 3 At 2 r. u. the I'reaident'a pulse wan 90 and temperature an