Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 14, 1881, Image 8

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    ©he Centre democrat.
Thursday Morning, July 14, 1881.
CNriitaltiltiß Important
od from any l*rt of tlio county. No commtinlcfttfc i
liiHP it tnl unlet* accunipatilrtl !•> tlic nul namo of the
Democratic County Committee.
The following persons have been named
as members of tho Democratic County
Committee for 1881.
Brilefont*. W W NDIIOIAM Hrililing.
Beltafuut®, N. M CharlM tV-bradti
B+ltafout*. 9. W Ktlward Brown, Jr.
Mi It* burg O. P. Kr*io*r.
Millbrim I> P Ztrbt.
PniotiTillt A. TOU*R tatlhpn.
Phllip-burg. A. J.Oraham.
Bonner ... tarry Koan.
It* lam** A McClaln.
Hurnaiita .
t'nrtln John MRCI*ki*JR.
COII®K® J***ob Bottorf.
VARKITTON, O'hi I'A ,U • ° RM ' <
i'Mrguiktu, new !! 7 1 JS f r-
Or*gg. south hruinriu**.
Hrgg, norths •**J |r ** ,ur ,
John Ward.
Ndomon Mtllng*r.
IIAT I' ,N A V ,,, l'i
Howard A. I>unkta.
Huaton !: ! , u, r-
Liberty \\ . II tarn m*r.
Marion PrrryCond..
MLLEA - Bauiu'L K R.u-t.
Button H*H*|.
p rD , CUriat Alrumler.
l'ott*r, north - John PLIA iron.
Pottar, south tame* MH'llnlick.
jtuuli - John Bunion.
BnowSho** Ab*l C*in|>b*ll.
SPRING John Noll.
Tavlor William Cfcldtrwoo*!.
I'II ion H. K. Kmarirk.
Walk*r Anibrt***' M Mullen.
Worth- Marahall I**WI".
Ibdlefonte, Pa., Feb. I. Clialnnan.
Local Depart incut.
••If all the utotltwra of all the hinl*
Should bapl- ll to meet - Nit (lay
111 •luida or tth'Ll.
Or when* or when.
N matter —and ONE NIKHIM
• Whirh ar> the brltflitnt and heat "f bird*
What would I- carli proud mother's words—
It. drill or Hkylark. wren or . ROW
•'Mi ue are the swtttasl bird* I kuow "
If all the mother* of all the girl*
And toy* WERE to MEET *OME DAY —
Pram cotintrlc* grand
Or far l.tpland.
No matter—and on* ahould nay
' Winnie are the IVfflmt girl* and T*V,
Spit® of their rogih tri< ka and noU* *"
I kuow a mother would whisper true,
"Mine are the darling*'"—meaning YOU !
—There arc a largo number of summer
visitors scattered throughout town.
—Georgo Tome, of Jersey Shore, is at
present a guest of Col. D. G. Bush.
—Gov. Curtin is having the front jmr
tico of his handsome High street r>>sidenco
—What's the matter with the dog star 1
He must have been on a visit to tho sun
and got his feet warm.
—Miss llertie Alexander is at present
entertaining her friends, Miss Morrow, of
Altoona, and Miss Fisher, of New York.
—J. L. Spangler, Esq., ha* been chosen
a juror in tho United States Court at
Krie. Many are called but few are chosen.
—Clothing is a large item in the expen
ses of all gentlemen, but it can be reduced
to tho minimum by buying at the Phila
delphia Branch.
—Mrs. Kmma MeClellan,of Altoona, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr*. D. M.
Wagner. Sho has her three interesting
littlo children with her.
—Georgo O. Boal, of the Philadelphia j
Custom House, is in town on a visit to his
family. Mr. Boal is a welcome visitor-
He will remain several days.
—Mr. A. S. Grow, of the Lock Haven :
Daily Journal , spent Tuesday evening in
Bellefonte. Mr. Grow has many friend#
among our citizens and always receives a
hearty greeting from thorn.
—Billiards and pool are all the go now,
and the Conrad House billiard parlor is
the placo to find every accommodation in
that line. Hero is also found a tine assort
ment of cigars and tobacco.
—lO2 in the shade, and yet wo are not
happy. Wo hope the people who were
disposed to grumble at tho prospect of
having no summer are satisfied Yerfnor
has evidently gone to Afriqp '
—The statement ofAlie .\forniny Mr\r s
M§odyy thaA'Mr. James Pierrepont,
the present efficient Superintendent of the
Scotia mines has been removed, is not cor
rect. Mr. Pierrepont still deservedly holds
bis old position.
—The small boy's digestive apparatus i*
undoubtedly the nearest approach to per
petual motion that tho world ha* ever
known, but the best digestive apparatus
will wear out. The best remedy for im
paired digestion is Green'* Liver Pill*.
—Mr. McKeever, of the Brockerhoff
House, was badly burned about the face
and head while endeavoring to locate a
leak in the gas pipes. He held a lighted
match too close to tho place where tho gas
was escaping and Tery nearly suffered
serious injury.
—Gov. Curtin was recently interviewed
by a reporter of the New York Tribunr.
The conversation was upon purely Penn
sylvania affair* and had no relation to pol
itic*. The Governor in hi* usual felicitiou*
manner enlightened the New Yorker on
the internal history of bis nativeßtate and
his hopes for her future.
—We have received a poem from 'Maud'
entitled "I wish I was a bird." Wo thor
oughly enter into the *pirit of this wish.
If wo were a bird and 'Maud' were a bird
we would suggest, in view of the state of
the thermometer, an aerial trip in search
of the "Jeannette " The versee are good
hut we have not the space to publish them.
—Francis Hpeer will open his select
school at Pleasant Gap on the Ist of Au
gust. Francis, who is well known in
Bellefonte, designs hi* school for the chil
dren of farmers, and appropriately calls it
the "Harvest School." After the toll of
garnering the golden grain, nothing could
be better for the hard worked littlo people
than the physical relaxation of the school
—"While H peripatetic Irishman WM
calmly Kitting in front of tho billiard
room ono day last week, a wag put a large
lire cracker under hl chair and the explo
sion diaturbod tho gentleman philosophic
reflection* on Gladstone Land bill. Like
every denizen of tho Kmerald Isle he had
an immediato doiire to get even with tho
party who had wasted tho powder on him.
Accordingly ho went across to Wilson's
fruit storo and asked for something that
would make a great noise. Mr. Wilson
produced a largo tiro cracker, but that
didn't suit him ho wanted something
that would waken the echoes. There was
a pyramid of pop corn halls about tho size
of an ordinary base hall, covered with red
tissue paper, piled up outside and Mr.
Wilson told him they were torpedoes, and
ho immediately purchased one, crossed the
street and threw it into tho crowd who play
ed tho original joke on him. Of course it
did not explode, ami Mr. Daniel Carman,
who was present, quickly picked it up and
throwing it with great violence on tho
ground, exclaimed, "Now it will go oil'."
The character of tho missle now beenmn
apparent and for once an Irishman was
—Vcnnor might have made his hot term
for July come a few days earlier. It be
gan about tho Bth. The prediction was
from tho I'Jlh to the 20lh. For the bal
ance of the month he says "Within a
few days of tho close • f July, likely in
the neighborhood of the 27th ami "Bth
days, a cool to cold wavo may occur, car
rying lro.-ts in Canada arid cool weather
generally with storms of wind, hail and i
rain over the United States. Where
-torms have been severely felt in Western
ami Southern States during June, there
again will the severe storms of July be
felt; notwithstanding, however, these fre.
quent and severe storms during July, fre
quent alternations of fine, hot weather
will probably counteract to a great extent
damage done to grain and other crops in
the West.
Messrs. L. IS Wolf and Geo. W. Mc-
Sherrv, two young theological students,
have been appointed by tho Kev. Dr. Hells,
Secretary of the Pennsylvania Bible So.
ciety, to distribute and sell Bibles and T. --
laments in Centre county. Work ha*
been begun in Bellefonte and the young i
gentlemen will make a thorough ranva-* ,
<>f the county. Their object i to c]l and j
distribute tho Sacred Word. We ask the i
patronage and encouragement of the r 'in- i
munity, to the*e young Evangelists Th- :r
mission should commend them to the kind
ly offices of all our people. The di-semi
nation of the Word of God, in this age
of doubt and disbelief, cannot but be of
great good Any one who may be disj ■
ed to contribute toward this good oauo
can do so and their contribute n will be
gladly received.
—The resilience of Dr. Thomas It.
Hayes, on I.inn street, was visited on
Wednesday night of last week by a party
of burglars who succeeded in getting away i
with considerable plunder. Among the
valuables taken were the Doctor'* gold
watch, twenty dollars in money found in i
his pocket book, and several article* of
jewelry belonging to Mrs. Hayes, Th"
thieves effected an entrance by placing a
ladder against the side of the house
which reached to an open window of the
second story, through which they passed
without arousing the inrnat<- sleeping in
the room in whirh they landed. They
were undoubtedly experts at the business,
for they did their work so quietly that no t
one in the house heard the lightest noise ;
or had tho least id-'**of the presence of
burglars until morning.
Mr. Cyrus Strickland and Win Gal
braith, of Bellefonte, have been awarded
the contract of erecting the I'hilipsburg
Water Works. It will take about thr<-e
months to complete the works, but Messrs.
Strickland and Galbraith are very comjic
tent men in their business, and the people
of I'hilipsburg can r<-t nssurrcd the work
will fie well done. The water has to be !
brought a distance of one-half mile. The
water is taken from a dam that with its
overflow covers almost 300 acres of land.
It will he taken in pipes to the reservoir
lof J. N". t'a-anova, and from thence dis
tributes through the town. This is a great i
improvement for I'hilipsburg.
—A little son of Mr. Wm. McKeever
was so unfortunate ns to break his collar
bone on Monday. He was playing with
some of his littlo friends in the yard of |
Mrs. BrockcrhofTs residence, at the corner
I of Spring and Bishop streets and fell over
i a rope. Although badly hurt he said
nothing about the accident to his parents
until Tuesday morning. The fortitude the
boy showed was certainly remarkable.
Dr. Dobbins is attending him and report*
him a* doing well.
—The l/ock Haven Normal School aj
pcar* to be in a flourishing condition.
Forty-two pupils graduated at tho institu
tion last week and it is said that the *chool
has reached a high state of efficiency.
Previous to hi* death, Gov. Bigler was
president of the board of management,
and took great interest in it* succe**. It
has an able ct of officers and directors at
—Col. A. K. McClure and hi* wife, *re
at present at CnMOB Springs, where they
were among the flrt guest* at the n*w
hotel. The able editor of the Tim* is
writing letter* from the spring* to his great
daily on the shooting of President Gar-
IHTKR.—Wo were deeply grioved to hear
of tho sudden death of llenry G. Chronls
tor, Ksq., of lluston township, which oc
curred at his residence on Tuesday night,
July slh. Mr. CbronUter retired to his
bed in the evening in ids usual health and
was found dond the next morning by his
wife. It is supposed Unit heurt disease
was tho cause of his sudden and unexpect
ed end. The deceased wus n prominent
and useful citizen of tho locality in which
lie lived, always taking an active part in
politics and in the local affairs of his town
ship. The last time we saw him in Bella
font* WHS on the day tho school direc
tors convention met in tho Court House to
elect a county superintendent. He wus a
member of the body and greatly Interested
in its work. Ho wus an intelligent man,
always visited the printing offices when
in town, and never left without carrying
away with him a bundle of old exchanges
to road at home. Mr. C'hronlster was
about sixty-four years old, and leaves a
large family to mourn an irreparable loss.
His funeral took place on last Friday and
was largely attended.
PRINTKRM' PII M<". —At a meeting ol
the F.xeeutivo Committee of the Juniata
Valley Printers' Association, held on Fri
day last, il was resolved to bold tho next
annual picnic or excursion at Bedford, on
Friday and Saturday, September 2d and
Jd It was ascertained that accomoda
tions can bo obtained for the members of
the association ami their ladies and fami
lies at rates ranging from $1 <*• to $1.60
per day, with from one-half to two third
rates for tinnll children. This pleasure
excursion of tho craft, like alt that have
preceded it, will doubtless bo an enjoy
able and successful one.
—Tho grounds upon which tho "Wayno
Camp Meeting is io-ld are undergoing ex
tensive repairs preparatory to the annual
meeting to bo bi-ld next month, it com
mences on August f'th, and closes on the
P'th. Bellefonle always sends a large del
egation t > Way tie, and we presume th i -
year will be no exception. The tents and
buildings have been improved arid tho
seating arrangements overhauled. The
management anti- ipatc an unusually large
—This is a busy week for • ur farmers.
All are actively engaged in liu-ir harvest
fields, and the extremely hot weather
makes it anything but pleasant work. In
s une | art of our county th*" wheat cr<>p
i excellent. This, however, i* only in
certain locaiitie- in other parts wo are
inforrin <1 it i- not -o good—ranging frmn
very |>or to middling. Probably taking
the county as a whole we will not have
more than two thirds of an average crop.
—There will be a hop given on nc.t
Friday evening, on the platform at \ alen
tine Grove, lately erected by the Undine
Fire Company There it every assurance
that this atlair will be i ondurted in a noet
orderly manner. This a- urat.ee is inten
ifled by the fact that the Undine's will
see that no disturbances occur on that
evening. While the fire company is not
the sj -nsors of the hop they will sec that
it Is properly conducted.
—The School Board is meeting with
much criticism in reference to their action
on Tuesday evening raising the salary of
two of the teachers. The determination
to continue the colored school as in the
past is also much talked of, and the action
of the board is unquestionably of doubtful
legality considering the recent art of as
Bill Lvon during this hot weather,
spends most of his time in a refrigerator.
When he gets out in the evening he don't
complain of the heat. He simply saya its
hot, and then walks off with his son
and heir and exhausts the bannana market.
What it is to bo aide to make bologna
—One of Durbin Gray's Sunday-school
scholars WAS asked by his careful and con
scientious teacher, what water was used
for. With a knowledge hexorul his years
he accurately replied that il was "a natu
ral element that falls from the heavens,
and was once used as a drink."
! —Maj. McMahon, or Peter as he is
more generally known, is one of the best
shoemakers in town, and imagines that ho
bolongs to the Groenback party. His De
mocracy, however, will sometimes assert
itself and in moments of forgvlfulnms he
allows his old political principles to show
i themselves.
—Always foremost among tho groceries
of this place is that of Bechler A Co. The
stock which they keep on hand is as re
markable for its excellence as its complete,
ness. The proprietor and his assistants
are gentlemanly and obliging. Call and
lie convinced.
—A hush meeting of the Disciples of
Christ will be held at Marsh Creek, on
Saturday and Sunday the 16th and 17th
instant. Preachers present will lie 0. W.
Cooper, S. C. Long, and M. 8. Blair.
—Tho very best goods in the market are
brought to tho Philadelphia Branch cloth
ing store, this place.
—Tho number of men who always buy
their cigars of Harry Green is constantly
—The goods at the Philadelphia Branch
clothing store are cheap in price and rich
in quality.
—Smokers all agree that Harry Green's
cigars are the best.
eral order has been issued from the head
quarters of the Department of Pennsylva
nia, Gruud Army of the ilepuhliu, stating
that the department will go into camp
under canvass, upon tho battle-field of
Gettysburg, for one week, from Saturday,
July iiHd, to Saturday, July 80th. As in
previous years, tho camp will be on the
edge of town, opposite the entrance to the
beautiful national cemetery, upon Fast
Cemetery hill, overlooking tho battle-field
and the surrounding country. Tho Wee.
cacoe band, of Philadelphia will he in at
tendanee during the whole week, and Col.
Bneheider, the historian of and tho bivt
authority upon the battle, will daily ex
plain different portions of the field and
tiiu movement of troops during tho en
gagement. Tents will bo provided and in
readiness for comrades upon tlu-ir arrival.
Posts coming in a body should bring their
small Hags or guidons, to mark their loca
tion in camp, and each comrade should
provide himself with blankets, towels, etc.
Subsistence without lodging at private
houses, will be 76 cents per day, and
should be engaged through Comrade N'.G.
Wilson, of Gettysburg. Accommodations
in the town curi also be secured for ladies,
j Tbo following extremely low rates of
| transportation have been secured, but t<>
olitain lliem, orders miet be had from
headquarters not later than July 20th,
and the tickets must be bought in packages
of twenty-five, or more, atone time Or
ders must be had fir all reduced rate-, and
if less than twenty-five are bought at one
time the rate will l-ju-t double that given
! here. When there are less than twenty
five going from any post, they should ar
range with neighboring post* to make up
the number and designate some one to
purchase the tic kets. The rate, to Gettys
j burg and return will be a. follows : From
Tyrone, |t.H; Altoona, $4.16; Hollideyt
burg, $4.80j Bellefonle, $4 i.4 : J- br,--
town, $4 '<2. Comrades are re-;ue.te-l to
arrange so to arrive in Gettysburg in
the afternoon of the 23d, so as to parti- i
pate in tho reception ami parade. Com
rade. intending to attend the em amptnerit
should report a asm as j- - ibi through
, j their commander to headquarters, so thai
provision may lie made fur th-tn in camp.
- Tie- following beautiful letter, ad
i dressed by Bi.h"p Shanahari, of H-irris
bnrg, to the different Catholic churches in
bi* diocese, was read by l'atl - r McArdle
' la-fore hi congregation in the Catholic
' church of Bellefonle, on last Sunday
Certainly no - m- <an believe that lb
large portion of our < ountrymen who be
long to tl.is | artu u'ar divi- ■ n - I the
Chri-tian - hurih, an- r. .1 loyal to - i.r in
i stitulions, and du ply interested in their
|iiiaintainan<e. Tie- els. * --f people who
have been in the habit of denouncing
I lti Catholic church and all it- member*
will have call now t-i pause and inquire,
wbether or not thev have 1 -en dealing in
w hole.ale calumny Because a man hap
; [.ens by ih- ,ce or education to adhere to
any church, d-o-. not naturally disqualify
him for the duties and re. pons i bill lies of
American citizenship. The peeqdc who
devoutly worship at the altar of th<- chim h
of Borne in America, are as much inter
e-lnl in the perpetuation of civil and re
ligious liberty, as the members of any
other church in the land. !<et the clang
' ing of faction, and the intolerance of the
religious bigot lie hushed as a dispassionate
public passes judgment on the sentiments
:of the subjoined letter from one of the
l most illustrious prelate* of the much
i abused Catholic church
HrrrrmH Sir —No word of mine can lie
- needed to intensify the horror that you
! and your peoplo must have felt at the late
murderous attempt on the life of our Chief
Magistrate. In common with right-think
ing persons ail over the world, I know
you have execrated the deed, sympathized
I with the illustrious victim and his stricken
family, and prayed that it might he God's
will to spare htrn to the nation over whose
i destinie- he has hi-en lawfully called to
! preside. So atrocious an outrage against
human life ; foul a blow against the high
est representative of that civil authority
which is of God and which our Church
ever teaches her children to respect, de.
serves and receives our most solemn repro
bation ; and our petitions may well be of
fered to God that in His good providence
| the assassin's bloody design may lie frus
trated, and that our beloved country may
lie spared the sorrow and excitement and
humiliation attendant on the untimely and
tragic rlosing of her ruler's career. Let
our prayers, therefore, with such intention,
go up to Heaven not only in the privacy
of our homes hut also in our public and
solemn services. And that our voices may
be heard in one accord, as is ever most ac
ceptable to God, 1 hereby recommend the
recital of the I.ifany of thr Saini* by the
Bevcrcnd Clergy with their congregationa
next Sunday before or after Mass in all
the churches .if this diocese, in thanksgiv
, ing for the President'* happy eecajie from
instant death and his safe passage thus far
through the grave perils of his condition ;
and alio in earnest Invocation that he may
i be speedily restored to health and vigor,
and that the Almighty may direct him
and give hlnr. good and wise counsellors so
that he may fully and worthily discharge
f the great functions of his office, and that
through his administration the blessings of
' order, honesty, justice, peace and prosjier
i ity inav reign throughout the land.
iJevotedly yours in Christ,
Bishop of Harrisburg.
, Harrisburg. July b, INBI.
—The Pennsylvania Kail road is furnish
ing their Snow Shoe office in very fine
r style. Mahogany desks and ail the com
t forts and conveniences of elegantly fur
nished quarter* for their officer* were ship
j ped to Snow Shoe on last Thursday.
i —Among tho young ladie* at pnwent
visiting friend* in Bellefonle are Mta*
I McAllister, of McAllisterville, and Mi**
Thompson, of Thompaontown.
lowing net, introduced into the Legula
tur ly Hon. J. 1,. Drown, of Klk, nod
pri-ecd by both House nnd the Senate, has
been signed by the Governor, mid i* there
fore it Inw of the Commonwealth :
■ • ' ■ '• Bo it enacted |,y t|„, Senate and
of Ke,.r. M ntative. of the ('onitnon
wealth ol Pennsylvania in general a*i-m-
My no t, and I* hereby unacted by author,
ity of the mine, that from and after the
passage of this a. t it .hall be the duty of
the school directors of the several school
districts of this Commonwealth, and they
are hereby required to allow the school
teachers employed in the said school dis
tricts, who are actually engaged at tom b
ing M-hool therein, the time and whilst at
tending and participating in the exen i.es
ol the annual county institutes for the im
proveinent of teachers.
Hk<". 2 That at the close of the annual
sessions of tho said institutes, it shall he
the duty of tliu several city, borough and
county su)a<riiiteiidents, to make a report
to each board of school directors in their
respective jurisdictions, setting forth the
number of days each teacher shall have at
tended and participated iri the exercises of
said annual teachers' institute, which said
report shall be the basis for allowing the
teachers their lime arid wages ; provided,
that the provisions of this act shall not ex
tend to the first school district of Pennsyl
vania, nor to the counties wherein special
laws, regulating or relating to county in
stitutes are in force.
ganization of the National Guard of Penn
sylvania, Gen. James A. lb-aver has been
assigned to the command of the second
brigade as will le- seen by tin- following
order :
General Order, No. 1.
Having i n wigotd by Gwwil Order,
No. 11, Headquarters National Guard of
Pennsylvania, Adjutant General s Office,
Harrisiitirg. Julv N, IKHI, to the command
f the Second Brigade a- therein consti
tuted, I hereby assume the command
thereof, inviting the cordial co-operation
- f officers and men in securing complete
and thorough reorganization a- .ja-edily as
Major I) S. K-ller, of Bellefonle, is
hereby announeed a> Assistant Adjutant
General of the Brigade.
Brigadier General.
The semi-annual in.j-c lion <-f the Fifth
regiment, to which Company B, • f Belle
fonte belong-, began on last M nday, the
inspecting . f!i- <-r Ix-ing Maj. Sayer, of tlie
f-eirth briga ie stalf. Company B, f 'aptain
Amos Mullin, will be inspected to-morrow
-vening, and the mernbet- sl - uld be pro
paful t-i make a creditable display in all
that pertains to the soldier.
A Warms.. —That p. r i inay easily
l-o j .1.. re Jby drinking lemons.io made
in an i< <■ i<w.br lined with lead -r rise has
tc-.-n clearly demonstrated at Ham-burg,
lie- I t ', ..f I' it Ity HV- tiiat on
"Wednesday of last week the einp! ves of
Mr le-rue I.eir.cr . ] '.- graph gallery,
four gentlemen an ! a lady drank lemonade
made in the water cooler of the establish
ment It p;-<-trs that the acid of lemons
UMM| formed a coating of .J ,-Ulatt • f Uod
n the inner ' jrf*. of the cooler after
the beverage bad all Ix-on drawn out
tbr- ugh the sj got. The next day, Thurs
, -lay, another color full of lemonade was
made, anj the employes drank frely of the
beverage which had become thoroughly
impregnated with lead In the afternoon
al! b ama quite il! with a sickening burn
ing sensation in the stomach, followed by
violent retching and vomiting. The cause
was discovered and antidotes of milk, etc.,
were taken and mischief from je-isoning
prevented. But for tho victims having
drank large quantities of the beverage a
verv serious j-oisoning affair might have
occurred. Housekeepers should use no
other vessel, save a w.asden bucket, or
Cbina, glass or earthern ware in which to
make lemonade."
following is the list of jurors drawn for
August term of court, commencing Mon
day, August 22, 1 hh 1
Nt l \ . V ulliwr, JKt Mnipt, Jr., Fftrnafi,
II A M *?, H'#f<l or„ J Rit m#r Raff, Pft.n,
Rm R.k#. lUlf f *!*•*. HftJn**,
Ml'lmb#! Pl't h. r. l> H k-cri.
•*'*.lr'l Williitm, lln*u>t, Jho R Rtto*r. |\ itrr.
Ili-fiif IIMWI*, i'wMln.
J<*hn Ctllhlthii. Ri*t, F 1* MtllhHm.
John HiMlr. rtioti Jno Utiriwwulna. , .* h •*
(n>- W Hvurtik Millhrim. Th m* Hni(jigti|. R • )#*,
I. C Run k. Kiirtnu, W MrtV.rmi(k Jr.. r<tK*,
* A Wr*luhll. I II K- - kwi, Rennrr,
Win \ tjiiK, Wiirtk. i V>or] fibft. CnrUn.
John |, vs, Ffgi*ntt, Jnr !>iir.iisr, IU1( M-vm,
W. R Cmji, l'>tr. J A. Crßlsr.
o M shcc v K' rci)-n, i.nvUnft rtrlln.
Kmnnn<l P*l"r*. I *ll#|r#, J * H-ml. lUrrte.
l.w i MrtJ'h. Ifftilt#*. WrtUm Half Mrwn,
V j M-H'-kny. Cnrfln. Hmry tntf, Mii.
V. H Jonwn. Worth. John (tinjrrV h. R orth.
J K. Vl nnl. Ffriinm, W illlnin Wlm, pnltrr,
John Wmw, flnrrtn John F Millar,
RII lliMirrmtn. P*lt#f, M Pwrmn. inn* Mi.,
(ho. V M*k, Biisf*. k% m A Km, Poller.
.! sMsph fvllliUrxl, KanfTmnn. F|4(nf,
IhwiH K Millar. Mnrh>n. *nrvn l lrirh. I^tin.
W Hnrt*il*. 4lorif|t Mrt*. Otllffr,
Th. m l-lnfl*.
Ulohiih, UiH'fiy, Utm Rbnp*. It.^ca
0 M Mtm. Nltna, I Wm. (irtinimxt. Wnlkvr.
W. II H*Mho|*moi.<inu Wm. Hrmdhird. lUrna
I) W 11011, ritilifswl urg. M*nl hrnmrlfio.
1 rtnh Wotrr, llnioo*. Worm, T*%ht,
((wrff hiwrr, lUinw. FfTfnr l*Os.*r, lU-nn,
Tnylof W nlknf, Rnnw Fhon, J.shn Onnfrt, Jr IUrH (
II F. Il- mnn. F*r*nnii, Ihinlnl Bn*h. Mil*-*
W. R Mnthrn. llnMin, W. C. Fnrmnf, ratter.
TR4VKMI 4"RoHn—2?f|> WFKK.
ChnrtUn fknlr. Rnn*r, llnft Gr*a.
John R lUir. Mtllh'im, JNOH II ILTTNM,
J 11. Hall, Fnfl *hon. Jim. Il WiV h+ll. Fernmn
h\e%mn let (lmnrr. Worth. John R' ,h, Milon,
l. T. Munnnn, ll#IMnl, RIIm 7imn Hnnr*.
000. W. Kh'sftdft. tWnnrr, fiid IhtnUo. At . Walk*?,
Clo. W Wllnon. Tnton. 11. I*. Ilnrtri. tVcjr*,
R IUIBH, J O. J. fin*. Worth.
J. R Rrllrftml#, Tkuihl ROMM. Tmlor,
Wm R#*liwllh. Worth. R F. Klin#. Ihlt#*nt.
(100 M.ffwftrtv. R*>lt#fsnt#, Alfred Joihoi. FhHi*Vtirc,
IF II Farlior. I*h(llp*hnrn. W II titklMm. lUllrsfo.
Goo. F. RMOFH-K. Rwinor. ( h*rt* Holt, Know MKW.
Frank HrFlftMli, lUrrl*. Pimorm VWlhorrt. R.>KC.
Harld R#an. fliail#* Krk#nmth. Afolnjt.
Jam#* OmHtlnfi, Rn*h, j A I Fhiowrj. R#nti#r,
(I IV Johnh<n. Howard, {John IcOU.Af>rinf.
Jam#* Irtln, H#ll#hn#. ThnH A. (Vlln^a.
Fred. Smith, on Bishop street, has one
of the finest thermometers' and barome
ters, combined, that we have ever seen,
and it* accuracy has been fully established
during the heated spell through which we
are passing.
—Wo un* Miithori//d t" announce Unit
PAS'ILL Z, KI.INJ. ,f ||,i
H '" 1 • ••' ti'lnf' fit A""-' inf JuJ.'i |i<
tin* !•< Uiofj of If**- f>< nt< rnli' (jouiilf < "fit
W- Mf Hdth'lfizi.l to Hfl fl'tj fjMj thflt
JOHN H HOY, of Htifon vlll l' it' aofli
rtftt* for J*i Jo 1,. .„!,)*, lu, ,j** Mou „ft,.
l>#-u<*rr*U' f>uiiiy <>;i< vnfiof,.
The minus N'ATHAX J. MITCH km.,
~r Hewwt Imat. la praam**# u ■ *aa#l#M* f"r
111.- f Aw-1.1. Jul/., mil,j. | („ ||,, .]ej,p,„
"f !"• l • . •, f i , .
\\ • nro luthorir.wj to announce that
PHILIP W HAH Ml ART of IV,,r r -wHJ L*
; M ' iii li'Ul' for AUt#sJicl tr+ - i t, u,*. n
of l ho Ixonorratf < 'HiUtf
\Vi- nr<- authorized to tiiti'iODM that
•"'IIN KIFHKL, of I'oll'-r lbM)ilp. mil u-„ r-u<Ji
, 'lnU- for A*< ml*- Jwiie*- t fo il*#- ,, r<H ~j jf i# .
b+tii * rats (>/unty Cofi viiflori
\\ '• arc authorized to announce that
| THORAX J 111 NKI.K. i.f H.i.h !>.•>■. f.. .11l l.
' ■i.'li.uu f.,r Mi.n*7, .iji,jf.t to tb* dr üb/n uf iu
f' MWCfIUc OiUUljr Coftt'tiliul).
V\ nr.- authorized to announce tliAt
JOIIS tVJLbKKV ..f <ir*YK tewrnblp, .ill h* ■
•1i.1.1. f,„ Xb-tlfl. l|„. „f ||,. b<-n>>-
i mil' t oiiiity Cofivolition
We nr.- authorized to IIHKWD that
II M XKIbUIII, ~f U/.r>Mp. .ill l *
. .t." i.i. 1., ibsrl# .„i.j,,i i„ Oh „| u,.
V*m.xrnt|. <.ui,tjr Cun<> utloii.
W nr.- authorized t Announce that
"-H-H , mrp* i-..... ~ii ~.
11,.J.|. f.„ hb.llft X.H.J- I 1., ||,. ,|„
1 cmtM LcjUfity <"Xsv*-,tir.
We nr. authorized to Announce that
JOHN g MILK-, - f flu a too toVtrmblt ||| t* a rM .
•il'Jftt* f r Midriff, .olgo. tu, th- <J#*. iC ioo of th*- lh
( mil' < ouotj (xjf, t *rU\U*t.
VV >• nr aulborizi-d Vj hLhounco that
*A*II KL KFA I *7. of M>IHI ||| A
| c*fi'H'Ul I t fhrnfl. t v> th- <W uiut, of thf
i Jjftri'* mfir O/utilx < 'intviiUufi.
Wi- nre authorized to announce that
I. Tvi USUI lallafaala,aftl bi A r.r
M.xriN, ..ii.jwi 1., Ui <b*|.l./n f 11,. le-au.ri.li.
: i uoi,
We an- authorize] t/> armour,>e that
liSNOI. T w IKI. A Nll ,f 11. rr i. I ~||
• ~ h.li ai. r.,f Kill ,|. tul.jw I UJ lb* •;. . 11,.
I>• ii,.. rate CMIIII; Ooureallbi,
\\ •• are authorized to announce that
v B, VUtL at Imlm wffl baa <aa
I-t d..r.n, aul.jei 1.. u„ .| 4 ,, u „f u,. |,,,„ . .
, O/uufy Ori)tutr<Jti.
W f Hr<> h'lth'Tizwj i*, hnnownrf that
J I If AKFKR. of HrJMofjt*. will ( ,4 a < 4ii<!at< fof
ProthoriofAry, u';r tlo <S*r-i&un uf U< Urun*x*\-
. i ourity O'liv* bfioti
\N " ht*' Huthorizwi Vj announce that
JAOifi ft MEVEH, of Ha.ri'-v t/.r,hij.. vU
I r uiity 7roaurt-r, t to th* d't
• •■•fc i t tbv I>ciZK*-rfttie <'"Urity <''hf-iition
We an- authorized to announce that
OBoKriE W M'AV<il.KK...f V i|.r i ~,.t:| . ill-
N i-iti'll Ut for fVtunty TrMMtum,R]|.jtrt t-. tl <J#
I t of Ibr DvtwicrU( < • .oty ( QV^ntiori
We are author]lad t. anioanca that
DA NI El, i KKLI.KK. .. l-.AUr 1. .1..1.1,. will 1. ,
'ti(ll'UO i->r fytirifv to tt,*. n
"f the. lN*a><*r*lh tJoußly toinvbU ii.
W•• hr>' author!/.' <1 Vo announce that
0 MQI anon ot M Ml will In ritrff
<J?. f rOoNT| TIM—I — , to Hi INMM of
tt.' i wuchmK ittjf Ooai
\N • aro Hulhor;/w*i ti announce that
J II MOLT "f F|OW Ml *■ t - O.hlJ , Villi |e a,
luf# f r < hhtj 7raurr t . ti> 4** it- f
■ th* I a,— mi' < (rutit) t - hvr-i.ti u
We are luthoriaad to mmwi that
J.wr.l H OATKK >1 |.,J1,. t..a.b I will I. a
'•h')l(Ut# !"f < J < "iatOtM].<t.>r. t U'
Madolou of Um Dnnmh r• t j i tttj (
We are > J t f,. ;,/.•.] |. n-, i.. ,',re that
II I tit < K iff, , i . ; l a ran 1,.ta1
at em,i, OaauaiaUaaai „,i_„ i i,, n„ di.,ia ~r
tb rt' ititv ( • rv. iitioh
\\ • hr• authorizo'i announce that
JOHN HOCF. f MII* \ v wtti t* <Atii.iuu
f t * 'flinty t . ll* .M n nf
'!• 0- rri'sf-ratt'- f - otrtr <
We are authorized to announce that
J. IIS II,IY Jf ! V.n a I *l.' will I. a'o<tt
late fif t I'Wfil t t 'nrii wi. ii r, Nl<jvt lu tbt daw'tatun
f th (* n*** rat j' CViuntt uitnt. <i.
■ ar.- authorized to announce that
I' I |t"TT,KI "1N,,, i . fc.l.ij., a ill baa eaadt*
l.t> I r < uatjr (otumia.. ...I,i iu, 11,. Ue- iwm
of tIM !♦ r. • rat. i t , |
W>. are authorized to announce that
mII n. i-kc kn; .:a i ...tip, .ill i-. a
• l|. I I • i.alj I ll, i ... or, iul,i. Itutlnl,..
• Ml' ti f t,M tto hit> fiit O'Qllty OovNtli >u.
We are authorial to anananto that
A J nf'.Tl.-T -ft:, mill., win I. a r.i t.dai. I r
Oaaat) OaaaaataSoaaf, aIM te tb. t,l u.
, Iw-nt' mti utify < \*u\ i,
W< nr<- to announce that
1 ALK\ANI'LIC. of IV|4 Uvs .ahij * ! I* i rat i
--*' ■ ' ' t t .. • • | at./Ii
j "f th* Ito nxf rati.- CV.tiMy r iiv uti -i.
W'• Hr* ouihtrix4*<i to announce that
If F AKMI .tf t tartv-hi).. VB ill U ■>*, di
lat' f"T -rrtitjft CVmiHtMirnt. Billm"1 Id th- |w llh ti
"f tb* I* n <T*U ( lihty • t/tahtiT,
W■■ are authorize.] l<> announce that
JA' OB !>l NKI.K, < f W IIIIM t >tib.| , trill !* rati*
hlats ft C--nut) C no ti. •!'.nrr t< th# dr-*i>
• to < t tbf Ito-r., - r*lif funty <%titvt)llcto
\N e nre Authonzctl to onnounce lliAt
.tAAfr.O A MrCIAIN, t.f Iw.fp t"ribl|i, to HI l *
tor. ItUU I>' H'-tiat/r, Q| \to lb* d* lalr of tl.#-
Ito-tri .< rUic i*unty ( • .fts-tit(.air.
We ht e outhonzf*<i to announce ihtl
JoF. W HKM , ( f 1U ll-f.•*>!#, toil) la a '-toridtolatv
f .r ll'b'it'r . aitl'i'i t |o the liaritortn of tii* Ito-rtvot ratrc
(Vrt.nly o*fivt)tt(ti
\S e ar>- authorized to announce that
USURY HIT K.'.r r! o(r t'.n.hir <lll tw a eaaJl
dai. r. f H.fc'i.ier. ml ... ia, lb. do lea ot lb. Dt> .
I . rail, i >,ui)i, Ii.lirr,
We are authorized to announce tliat
T B JAVIHiB ol <.™* c t...aablp. will tw a <u*i.
• tat. Im R. gi.Ow, .ul j.yl u, ||,. d,o ,u ..f lb. I). n. .
<rao, Cellist* Cetiv.atier.
We are authorized to announce that
THANK K IITIH.K. of ajwina tr.wn.hip, will I. a nati
! <lidt I,* Ke.rfd.r, ant,)*, i 1,, th. d.- ni'-a l tb. la-m
j .icratir (YnialT Oearantaoa.
We are authorized to announce that
I JOHN MKTKRS, <t Ham. tewn.hip, will 1. a raedi
ilat. fer Re, "Id. I, aul.jer't le th. <le IHOU lb. ten...
j .ralir Onnnty tYwi*.nlien,
A FOOL Osh MORE.—"For ten years
; my wife was confined to her bed with such
a complication of ailment* that no doctor
| could tell what wa the matter or cur# her,
and I used up a small fortune in humbug
; 'tuff. Six months ago I saw a United
State* flag with Hop Bitter* on it, and I
thought 1 would be a fool once more. 1
tried it, but my folly pros-od to be wisdom, j
Two bottle* cured bor, she i* now a* well \
and strong as any man'* wife, and it cost \
me only two dollar*. Such folly pay A \
II- W., I>elroit, Mich. AVer /Vr**.
—From K. A. Saalfleld, M 9 Broadway, \
N. Y., we hare received hi* June music,
consisting of four piece*, all under one
cover, and costing ten cent*. The piece*
in thi* number are "A* I'd Nothing Else
to Do," and "The Deep, Deep Sen," word*
with the note*. The other two are in
strumental entirely, entitled "riecwure*
of Summer,' (WaltE) and "Crimson
Blushes," (Mazurka). Saalfleld issues
IhU music every month at ten cents a
number, or yearly subscription (IS num
ber*) one dollar, •
Mfatr School.—This noted institution
for the study of vocal and instrumental
music will begin a session of si* week*, on
Monday, August 1, 1WI. Address,
MPMCAL COLLROK. Freeburgh, Pa.
11 - —— a .
LOOAK CEMRXT. —The retail price for
DOOAX CXMEXT on And after this dato
' May 9, !HM), will Im> two dollar* per
barrel and no charge for bag* or barrels.
—Special Inducement* for order* for
Clothing during the Summor month*.
28-tf XOXTOOMRRT to Co., TaUon.
; *