ffirntrc - ♦ ■ — 1 Thursday Morning, July 7, 1881. OOSSSSI-ORDSXCS, ronlaliiliiK lm|wlnl nims, s.illt It .< rotttil*. No c.nimiinlrMkoi lusortvd uuli'M ccow|nll I'f Hit* rrol tiomi'>>f 1t.,, writer. Local Department. —lf you want a pleasnnt surprise, go to tho Philadelphia Hrnnch store ami inquire the price of their men's and boys' cloth ing. The extraordinary demand for llarry Green's live cent Florida cigar still con tinues. They are the tlnest cigars for tho money to bo found in llellefonto. Try one and be convinced. —l)r. J. M. Stewart, of liurnsido town ship, passed through Bellcfonto, on Tues day on a business trip to "West Virginia. Hope he will experience not only prolit but pleasure from the journey. —Thanks to Mr. I-aac Sharer, of Port Matilda, for his call on last Saturday after noon. Subscribers liko Mr. Sharer are a joy to the printer's heart. We wish that many others would como and do likewise. —Among the callers nt the DKMOCHAT olllce, on the fourth was Mr. A. A. Spang ler, of Potter township. Mr. Spangler 'is one of the active Democratic wo/kers of the township, and is an excellent und pleasant young gentleman. Wo hope to have the pleasure of frequent calls from him * Dr. I). 11. Mingle, of Millheiui, is at present on a visit to Stephenson county, Illinois, with a view of looking up a new location for the practice of his profession. ; The Doctor is a successful young physician, and should he conclude to "go West" will be greatly missed in tho community in which he has lived. We shall be sorry to part with bim. —"Don't put ofT until to-morrow what j can be done to-day." Don't even wait ! until to-morrow to buy your groceries, but i go to-day to Sechler A Co., for them. It is the best place for all to buy, but especially j for young people who are just learning the , science of housekeeping. The members of the firm are reliable men who keep none but tho best goods and never impose upon those who are young and inexperi enced. —We had the pleasure of meeting Mr Thomas Wolf, of Miles township, and Mr. Michael Harper, of Aaronsburg, or Monday evening. They passed the night [ at the liush House, and took the early train on Tuesday morning for a journey to j the West. Mr. Woli will visit his chil- ' dren who reside in lowa, and Mr. Harper 1 his brother, John Harper, who lives at Monroe, Wisconsin. Wo hope the journ ey may be very pleasant to both. —The members of the rnethodist Episco pal congregation of Cnionville, had a very pleasant and successful festival on last Saturday and Mouday evenings for the benefit of the Sabbath school of their church. It was held in the new hall over j Leathers' store, and was throughout an exceedingly enjoyable affair, (Juitn a handsome sum of money was reaii/.od. It will be applied to enlarging the library of the school. —A party of burglars mad" an attempt j on Tuesday night to rob the store of Mr Henry Hoover, at Kagleville. They had already effected an entranco to the store, but in doing so made noise enough to arouse Mr. Hoover who was prompt to ! protect hi# property. There were five 1 men in the party, and they beat a hasty retreat without any booty, after firing a shot at Mr. Hoover, which fortunately did no damage. —By tho retirement of General James B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant General, I". S. A., Col. William G. Mitchell, so long an aide-de-camp to Gen. Hancock, will re ceive promotion. It is said this promotion will come to him from the President in compliance with a personal request made by General Hancock. There are scores of soldiers in Centre county who remember Col. Mitchell in the late war, and without exception they will bo gratified to hear of his merited advancement. He was one of tho most efficient staff officers in the army, and his meritorious and gallant ser vices to the country well deserve recogni tion. —Mr. Wm. Hile, of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, has lately been very unfortunate with his horses. He has had two or three very disastrous runaways and recently was so unfortunate as to lose a horse, lie drove out with a double t >am and when near Mann's Axe Factory, one of the horses dropped down. A gentle man happened to be passing and asked Mr. Hile what was the matter. He re. plied he was afraid his horse was going to die. The gentleman alighted and looking at the horse told bim it was already dead. There is much sympathy expressed for Mr. Hile in Ms misfortunes. —An organisation called "The Rey nolds' Memorial Association," lor the purpose of erecting a monument to the memory of the gallant Gen. Reynolds, who fell at Gettysburg, was formed last week in I'hiladelphie. Kx-Gov. Andrew G. Curtin, who was an intimate friend of the distinguished soldier, wss very appro priately made lh president of the associa tion.' Tho intention, we believe, is to erect a statue of Gen, Reynolds In Fair mount Park. The generous contribution of f'Jo.OOO, made by Joseph £. Temple, of Philadelphia, for this purpose, gives the association a handsome sum to start with. —Snow Shoo WHS tho scono of slight disturbance on lasFSaturdny evening, and ono of tho results of tho iilfuir wns that a number of strangers, who undertook to run John Uzzle's hotel in their own way, became so well acquainted with John that they will bo careful how they invade his premises in tho future. It appears that four persons, all new-comers to Snow Shoo, wont to I'M.IO'I hotel with tho avowed purposeof "cleaningout tho house." John demurred t<> this, ami after considerable trouble succeeded in getting them out of the house and barring tho doors against them. Tliey then made an assault upon tho house witli stones; this assault was mot with three discharge* from a Win chester rille, and ended tho riot. One of tho four, whose name we have not learned, received u wound in the foot and was slightly grazed on tho side of tho head by tho shot*. Wo understand that public opinion in Snow Shoe is almost unanimous in sustaining Mr. C/.zio in tho means ho used to protect himself and his property troin tho intrusion and violence of those rowdies. On Monday the parties were arrested, and, in default of hail, were lodged in jail to await trial for thoir disturbance of the peace and quiet of Snow Shoe. —A most remarkable circumstance oc curred one rn part of Centre county, at 6 .To P. vi , | *atne day. The distance traveled in four hours and forty-five minute* is estimated i to be about forty-five mile-. ! —At the regular meeting of the Undine Fire Company, on Tuesday evening, John N I.ano offered the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted lU- lrtJ, That the heartfelt thanks of the Undino Fire Company, lie and are here by extended to the ladies who did no much to make their picnic on the 4th of July a success. Their untiring efforts and their noble work is gratefully appreciated by every memlier of this Company. Rrv.lrrJ, That the Cridine Fire Com pany return their sincere thanks to the Logan Hose Company for th< ir active ro- Deration, and hope that the time will coma wh-n they can reciprocate in kind. Also, that all the citizens of Dellefonte snd vicinity, who MI libs-rally assisted the Company will he gratefully remembered. Lush G. Larimer, of Pleasant flap, ha* recently been accorded thecontract for carrying the mail from Dellefonte to Mil roy. He ha* sub-let the route from Cen tre Hall to Milroy. Notwithstanding the Star Louie fraud*, he is running an excel lent coach from Dellefonte to Centra Hail, and hopes that the people who travel across the mountains will lake notice of the improvement. Any person wishing to take passage in Lush's line can go to tel ler's drug store and put their names upon the slate, which is kept their by Mr. Lar imer for tho convenience of his patron*. —At a meeting of tho Dellefonte school board, on last Thursday evening, the fol lowing teachers for the school* of tho bor ough were elected for the ensuing year : Principal, I). M. Lieb. 2nd Grade, J. C. Meyer, fid do. Charle* Hughe*. 4th do. Uebecca MrUinloy. fith do. Lizzio Swart/, fith do. Lizzie Campbell. 7th do, Dctla Lankin. Bth do. Annie McCaffery. '.Hh do. Mary Schrom. l'Uh do. Km ma Graham. —"Be you the potecary roan?" said a brawny Irishman a few days ago to our drnggist friend . "That is my pro fession," politely replied that gentleman. "Well, it* tnesllf that's out o' sorts intire ly, and I hear so much of tho grane pills that's curin' Iveryhody thst I want some." "Oh, it* Green's Liver Pills |pu mean," said . "He tho powers, ye're right now ; whst It U to have larnln'," and being supplied with a bo* each of Green's No. 1. and 2 pills he went away happy. —On our second page will be found a very able and interesting sermon, deliver ed in the Lutheran church of Dellefonte, by the pastor, Dev. Samuel K. Kurst, on the late meeting of tho Lutheran Synod at dltooDa. t TIIK FOURTH or JULY— Tut PICNIC or TIIK UNDINK FIRK COMPANY—A FINK PA it A DR. —Tho Fourth of July passed off in liellefonte without iiriy general colebra tion of tho anniversary of tho Natal day of tho Nation, owing to tho sad new* from Washington. Thosmall hoy was very num erous, and unawed by tho thunder* of tho press against llro crucker* and othor explo sive*, amused himself to hi* hearts content. Mayor Powers, unlike hi*colleague, May or King, of Philadelphia, did not interdict tho snh> or use of pyrotechnic* and thorn fore tho future president* of tho I'niled States, were happy. Tho Undine Fire Company, however, rescued the -Ith from being an ordinary day. They gave a picnic in Valentines Grove and in con junction with their gue-t, the Logan Nose Company, rondo a parade in tlio morning about 10 o'clock. Kluborato preparations bud boon made for this affair ami the hope* of it* projector* wero fully realized. Tho Pleasant (lap brass band and the Zion cornet band furnished tho music in the parade, which was an exceedingly lino one. Tho neat blue shirts of the Undine boys, and tho bright red shirt* of the Logan's, with tho two bands discoursing patriotic nirs, made our streets for a short time look as if tho Ith of July had not wholly passed from tho memory of our ! pooplo. The pyoccasion llled through tho j principal street* with their hose carriages handsomely decorated with wreaths and flowers, and then repaired to Valentines (•rove where the festivities of tho day i were to culminate. A platform for danc ing ; a music stand ; lemonade and cigar stands; eating stands, nnd in fact every : thing that could conduce to the comfort, I convenience and pleasure of the large | crowd of people in attendance, were erect -1 cd. Numerous line* of iiacks running be tween town and the grove brought a con i stantly increasing stream of people to the ' grounds until the crowd became immense. Tho tables were laden with everything that hungry men and women could eat. This part of the mnnag'-ment deserves <•- pecial mention. The edibles were all gra tuitously contributed by the < itizon* of the town, ami wero collected by commit \ tee# who canva-o-d each ward. 1 Dir peo ple were certainly profuse in their -'n erous gifts, for the supply wa very large. A slight shower about 'J o'clock had a somewhat demoralizing effect u|>on the crowd, hut it held its ground with com mendable g'w>d nature. The only accident that occurred wu- the collapse of the mu se star.d vh ! 'i was crowded with la lies. Happily n "no were seriously iieured. There i> no quarreling or disturbance, for the member- of the Undine i mj any ha 1 determined that this should t - an ex cej tion among ordinary picnics. Much of the succet. of the whole affair, and in fact the principle part of it, rested with the lady friend- of the Fire boys. They worked with a patience and /eul that ; won the admiration and gratitude of mp-ry member of the company. In de .- rating the bote carriage, Mrs. John N L*ne, with an able corps of assistant*, deserve* e*|>eciat mention. The work was done in the good tato that marks ail that Mrs. Lane undertake* and wo much ad mired. Mrs. A mo# Mullen, Mn< Ibdl* Kelt, Mrs W. A Lyon, Mi** Mary Vea ger, with a score of ladi--* whose names we cannot recall, worked like Trojans, and much of the success of the pirnic is attributable to their indefatigable energy. Tho whole affair wa a success in every particular and the Undine Fire Company n to lie congratulated uj-oti the manner in which they conducted it. (In the whole the 4th was passed in a m'ot pleasant man ner for our people Fred Smith's excel, lent orche*tra furnished the music for . dancing, which was kept up until a late -hour. If information of l'resident Gar- II eld's death had le-cn received, the ]| en carriage would have been draped in mourning. SUDDEN DEATH.— The startling an nouncement of the sudden death from heart disease, of Mrs. Eliza I). Humes, wife ol Mr. William P. Humes, of this place, created a profound senalion on Fri i i day evening last, Being a lady endeared ] to the community by the strongest ties of affectionate regard, earned by kindness in the social amenities of a beautiful life, and . which so adorn the character of an intelli. gent Christian woman, the sorrow for tho I sudden demise of this excellent lady, can j better be imagined than described. Mrs. Humes, was, up to the moment of her death, in her usual apparent good health, and having been out making call* upon friends, stepped into the residence of her brother-in-law, Adam Hoy, Esq., to see her sister. While in pleasant conversa tion with Mrs. Hoy, and without any pre monition that the dread monster was then in waiting to invade the sanctuary and claim a victim, she suddenly placed her hand to her heart and fell over, expiring instantly. The occasion was a sad one to those who loved her so well ; but they may be comforted in the reflection that death found one who had alrßhdy made ampin preparation for tho pale messenger. Mrs. Hume* was the fourth of five daugh ters of the late James I). Harris, who for many year* was one of our most prominent and cherished citisens, but who died when they wero yet young. Three of lhe* daughter*, Mrs. James Orbison, Mrs. Jaa. Sommerville, and Mrs. Adam Hoy, still survive and reside In Bellefonte. To these sorrowing sisters and to the bereaved bus band we extend our heartfelt sympathy, —Tho Washington Cornet Hand, of Pin* Hall, paid a visit to Bellefonte on the Fourth. This band is an excellent musi cal organ 1 z.ation, and we heard many good Judges speak in a very commendatory way of their music. * A WARNIKO TO MINOR*.— -At tho late : session of tho legislature an act was paused I' and approved by tho fiovornor making it . a misdemeanor, punishable by line and im f prisonment for a minor to represent him i self to bo of age for tho purpose of procur . ing intoxicating liquor*. This act became s a law to any licensed inn-keeper, restaurant i keeper, or other person any minor, to be t of lull age. for the purpose of inducing . any sucli licensed inn-keeper, restaurant keeper, or other jierson, to sell or furnish ' any intoxicating liquor# to said minor, i shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and I upon conviction thereof shall be sentenced lo pay a line of not more lhan twenty dol ' , lar-, or undergo an imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding i thirty day*, both or either at the discretion of the court. | IMPORTANT LECJIHLATION.— The follow- I lowing bill, which is of interest to farmers • and owner* of gardens, has received the I signature of the Governor, and i now • a law SUCTION p That any person or person* who shall wilfully enter or break down, j through or over any lield, orchard, garden or yard, fence hotbed or greenhouse, or j who shall wrongfully club, stone, cut, break, bark or otherwise mutilate or dam age any tl<*ld < r p. nut. fruit or ornamental , tr* •*, shrub, bush, plant **r vine, trellis, arbor, h üb* !or gr- * lib •, r who .ball trample or in anywise injure any grain, gra- vines, vegetables or carry nwav trie grain, corn, rv*, wh* at of other fie. i < rot*,, Iruit. vegetable*, plant', fruit or orna mental trees, vines or shrubs, whether the j same be attached to the ...|| or not, shall subject -aid per-on or |-r-ons to a penally ■■l not Ira* than lite nor more than fitly dollars for rai h and every offence. M* 2 Any justice of the p- ace or alder man, upon information *r complaint tna le lei ore turn by the all! lavit of . r,. -r rre r<- jM-r-ons of the violation ol s*i 1 at by any person or persons, shall im.io his warrant, , *lir* < ted to any constable or police officer, to < n i.e such je rson or je*rs*,ns to l~* ar r"-ted and brought before -#.,1 justice or alderman, who shall h**r and ci '.ermine • the guilt or inns* once of sush person or f. person# so charged, nnd if • *n\i(.',. I *id penalties, shall te com nutted to the romm-n jail >.f the said county for a period of not h-ss than one day for each dollar of |*>nalty imposed, unless the defendant or defendant- enter into recognizance, with good s-curilv, to answer said complaint on a charge of mis i demeanor before the quarter sessions of the peai e of the county In winch the of fence |t churged ami failure to pay the t penalty imposed by this act, with <* u, shall commit *td defendant or defendants to the common jail of the county lor a |*erit*l of not less than one day for each j dollar of |>enaity imposed. For the information ol members of our local military organization we append some of the nul Important features of i the bill that recently passed the legislature reorganizing the National Guard MICTION 7. That any soldier failing to j *pp*ar upon any occasion of duty to which !he shall I* l orders*! by hit proper com | manding officer shall be subject to trial by ! such oourt-martial as the brigade com mander may direst, and upon conviction, tailing to render good and sufficient cause therefor, he shall be sentenced to pay a line not exceeding twenly-flve dollars, or upon his failure to py such fine within twenty days, to a term of imprisonment n*>l exceeding thirty days, as #uch court martial may direct." MKC. 8. That all military offences, cog nizable and triable by the statute# of the United .States army regulations and arti cle# of war, before general or regimental < ourts-martial, or field officer'* courts, as i# provides! for in the ninety-seventh sec lion of the act approved May fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, enlitlesl "An act for the organiz-alion, discipline and regulation of the militia of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, 1 ' shall be rognizable and triable before the like court* in thi* Commonwealth; but the said court* except in times of war, insur rection, invasion, rebellion or riot, end except in oases where the (tensities as pro vided in the ariny of the United Slates, shall be dismissing or cashering of • com missioned officer, may upon conviction, sentence to lines not exceeding one hun dred dollars, *ml on a failure to pay the same within twenty dav*, to *n impriaon ment not exceeding tfiree months a* the said court-martial may direct. "Every arm, uniform and equipment is sued by the Mtale, shall be used only in tho discharge of military duty, and any non-commissioned officer or private, who shall wilfully or wantonly injure or de stroy any uniform, arm, equipment, or other military property belonging lo the State, or to the regiment, battalion or company, and refuse to make good such injury or loss, or who shall Ml, dispose of, secrete, or remove the same with intent to sell or dispose thereof, or who shall fall within six day* after being notified to re turn the same to the State, or hi# com manding officer, shall be tried by court martial and sentenced to pay a fine of not more than fifty dollars, or undergo an im prisonment in the county jail oj not more than sixty days, and sill clothing, camp and garrison equipage, ordinance, ordi nance store* and quartermaster store*, Is sued by the State, or fabricated from ma terial Issued by the State and charged against the company allowance, or for which commutation has been paid, shall bo tlin property of the Stain of Pennsyl vania.' Sr.i i.|. '| bat military duty shall require tho attend auce, of commissioned officers, non-commissioned officer#, musicians and privates, on all occasions of drills, parades, nit ainpuieiita arid active service, ordered by tile commanding officer of the company, regiment, battalion, brigade, division or the ('ominander-iti-chief, or provided for by tho company by-laws, unless excused therefrom by the officers having authority to grunt su. h excuses ; and that while on such duty or going to and returning from the same obedience shall be rendered to all rules, regulations, usages, customs and requirements of the army of the United Stutes, and of the rode and regulations of the State of Pennsylvania. "'I wolfth.—The president of such court martial, or the officer of a regiment or battalion court-martial shall issue bis war rant for the collection of all lire?* imposed by said court-martial to the sheriff of the county, in which the court was held, or in which the delinquent resides, whose duty it shall he to collect all fine* provided for by this supplement, in the same manner as he is authorized to collect debts on civil process, and make bis return to the presi dent of the said court, or to the officer of the said regiment or battalion court-mar tial, or within twenty days certify to tho • aid president or officer that there is no properly of the defendant out of which said moneys can be made." Si* A i SO Mii. L* ITKVIS. Business about our little railroad city is unusually brisk Ibis summer The I'enns Valley Mining Company composed of such solid men as Gen. Gregg, Col. Slifer, Andrew DIFF, Jas. I*. Cnhurn, ami others of equal energy and ability, who are operating the Centre Hill mines, ship from two to three ear load# of ■ •re from this jsiint each week. ltobert Nuncan is getting stone hauled preparatory to erecting the new store room, I si>ke of in one of rny former let ters ltobert has rut down prices wonder fully since the new store ojroned out. Just think of coal oil at 12 cent# JOT gallon, j tolerably good coffee at 12 cents |er lb., ! good overalls at 7.1 rents per pair, and •ther artii les in the same proportion. ; \V e'll stun beat Bellefonte for cheap good*. Tn many building# going up this sum ,■ r ii,ate a btftat Irl /. OfMoblt,M I he is the only one who k-ej • a general as ►ortmenl of hardware. What Spring Mills wants i a good j clothing store Can't some one of the | clothing men of overcrowded Bellefonte • ate in our j la- <•. We need such a 'tare 'wily. There is also n fine opening for i a drug t< r> re.no nearer than Millbeim and Centre Had. This is the • ori"U' < i Fourth. The t.ly su r rnt b. r ■ it the tub race. Not a single picnic in the whole valley. The tub-race came off at 1 o'clock v. v , in tie null dam, at Bunk's Mill. T! nlctat.w r< three h ;,s n!out six teen i r seventeen years old—John Beam, : Ira Hartley ; i Bob Kenninger. The | 'a e b'-gan at (In- hotel stable, arid ended t a lino slrep h'-d across tho dam a lew rd al#'Ve the pike bridge. From the J lino u su>|" od"d an apple. The boy | who first f acbeid the apple and t""k it from the line UB to !>•• the victor. There i were two r.e <•-, or heat# a# the turf men all them. The first •• won by B< nr.ing r. and the second by Hartley. The prism wave 7ft m nta f>r ea< ii toMii I ; hear there is to be another race to-night. II It comes off I w ill give you the particu lar# next letter. A Card. To THR. DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OR CEN TRE COCNTT I arn informed that rejurts have l>ei -i extensively circulated through out the county that in Isecoming a candi date for the office of County Treasurer, I am simply acting as the agent of one of the banking institution* of Bellefonte. I de-ire t disabuse the minds of my fellow ritizen' from all belief in these untruthful vnd unfounded stories They are false In ••very particular and are used only for the I purpose of injuring my < hances for a nom ination. In my candidacy I desire to 'land upon my own menu. I am not under obligations, promises or pledges to any person or to any bank, and should I be fortunate enough, through the favor of my friends, to receive the nomination and INS elected to the office for which I am a candidate, I shall enter Upon and discharge iU duti"* free and unlramrnelcd and lo the l-l interest# of the }>pople of the county. J. II H "IT Snow Shoe, July fi, IRBI. Jt RT LIST FOR AI CHST TERM —The following is the list of juror# drawn for August term of court, corymencing Mon day, August 22, IHSI ORXND JURY. IHiH IWtrirk. W*lk#-r, Jts. Mnamr. >1 A. Mtwft, w , J Witmw H , If, ralkm. W" I!*if M n, Mir htm l |*Uts IT. |l H MAlofHt, n*MLg*. k ktllnma, John 11. n Ctirtln. J'shii T T MiiMff. MilltiHm, John Hi-Mi*. Jno OtHintilu*. ||nb f>W (#*-. W hwnrtr. Wiilh'in. Tbom* Ruuni|rnr4, I# C ft# nrif k. W M> k Jr , re. o x slwu. fpo..s. < v.n'Um Cartin. Rn„o. sjtoe, (n W Plerh, RoactV m A Kerr. PoCCw. J.e|Ji Hill I Intel, poller, Iteorge Ktaffmtn. RfrCSR. Daniel K Miller. Msrcea. Aaem t'ltlrh. Pena. W Einnecman. Ilntnshte. i|*ote Mrc>. noil#**, Thorn*# IJR|>, Poller. D. L Eethr. Pan. Daniel Oheener, Lilarty, LE erei Shone. ROAGS. C M Sellers. Pallon, Wan. t lerensUne, Walker. W. H. lUrlholamea, lireat WM. RMLLO,,! Ilnffl', D W Holt. Phili|E! tirt KAE*H Kinmiioe. lirngg. I' rlh Sl"*er, Haines, II MM Blower*, T#J lor, L#enr*e Bo* ER. Hslnen. S'ERGO' Patter, ItsrH*. Tailor Walker, Snow Shoe. John Confer. Jr. Harrt*. II P. Ilonun, Peigt,—,,. Daniel Ron.h, Mite*. W. R Mill. in. Itaslon. W. C Eaimer. Poller. TRAVERSE JURORn—2ND WEEK. Christian Dsle. M-nner. Ilenri EmerKh.ltregg, John R ftalr. Millh'lm. JaeJ, II Wile. Haiim, J. H. Hotl, Know Shoe, Jno R. Mllrhett, Eevgvtoa AtexanAer (kan, Worth. John Ralh, Mllea, L. T Mamma. Reitefonle. Btios Elm merman, Sen, Oeo, W. Rh-m-t*. Renner. larM Dnakle, Br , Walher, lien W W ilnon, Union, 11, le Hsrrer. Rnggi, (J R S|'t-ore! lT. rer, Haiaes. J. O. Jna#*. Worth. Jo# R laae Relteinate, Uoaol Rsaaea. Tarkiv, Wm. Reekwiih, Wonh. ,R E Kline. Reltetimte, Iteo M Sirarts. RelMhnSe, Atft*4 Jonen, Phltlnahnrw. D. 11. Paiker, Phlllfhar*. W. H. Wflklaam. RelleTe. Osn. T, Rmerlrk. Renner. Oarle# Hull, Snow *hoa, Plank MrPhriane, HarHs, Mrneoa RMhnrat, Ron*' Darht Eeaan, poller, CW'n E,aenm|h. Snfim, June* DamWehm Rnoh, IA. f. Alan, Renner g " TTTinnT: H'lH) astiiYwmw. |Mf| A.MTvvt, VV|ii|V Announcements. ASSOCIATE JUDOK. —We urc authorised to announce tbst DANIKI, / BUHK, HM h-rfrttuh of RiltfSio 11l i.* . rtmiiclat* f,„ a• authorised to announce that JOHN b. HOY, of Marlon t*,wr„kl),, will Im* a j'l '. ml*},, tt. ikf; .J# . ;■!-,,.. raft* Owbt/ ( >*k r.ouua. The name of N ATM am J. M ITCBKI-L, of Howard During k, la | -'.-.. i,,.-! u , * aiidtdal" for tin ■ fflra of Ape-I,l*, Jul,,. mkje* t to tk .lo laiou of tll< |>< Mi'" mil' C'-oflMjr OtßVtrtiUMi W aru authorised to >nnntjnr that run,ii' w HAHKIIAHT. r iv,.,. u,w,,.i,i|,. -tu i„ ft aii'li'Utc for A-cUt' JU'lp.Mtt'Jw I| o || <4( '], >ti of tl |>*liff fAtt' (a/Ul* Coiit*(iUetl We arc authorised to announce that JOHN ltlim.. -r poller tcwnalilp, will I, , , dat. for Aaarjrtata Judg., *jkj'-*t b. lie- -J.- iakra "I lite lieiuotrall' Count; Con twillou. WHKEIPP, We arc authorised to announce that THOMAS J M *KU|,ef Ku.i, imiii arm y a raiclidaie |.,r Mo-rill, nl,jwi t/> Uie dc luw i/f Ike Ki-'ii'i ratic ( "U it I ; fonratitiuii. We are authorised Ur announce that JOHN' OOI.bHKV ~f Ortft li.tiil,i|t, wilt le> a 'arc did.l. |„r Kkerilt, aukjeci io Ike daemon of Iba l>eti,o i rale Count; Coriru-nUon We arc authorised to announce that I>. II \KIDIfiII, t,f K-rguvot, townabtp, will lea rail.ll.lain for Khar Iff, tukjewl l tke dc laduu of Ike Democratic Count; (t.itctilltiii We arc authorised to announce that JffAK.PII I. NK.KK.uf Ikggga town*bl|,, will |, a raw delate lor ckeriff. •„ I j ito Ike da* rootr of ike Deuce < reic Count; Convention. We are authorised to announce that JOHN (f MM.KX.of lluelon tuwr.vbl|*. will kearan dld.le f,r He-riff, eul.jw Ito tke d- ,ion „f tie- (remo , rate Count; Contortion We are authorised to announce that HAMI Kl. K. KAI'HT, of Mllee L"wnkif>, will le a candidate f„r Kkerlfl, eulje I to Ike dwiviou of tke lit-nite ratlc Count; Convention. We are authorised to announce that l< T Mf NMN. Isf Ik||pfut|U, Mj|) U I 'Ail'llflstA f'ff M*f Iff. U, U| ftwlsfc fj of O'ft !>' fii<*r rt|f Gourjty CotiT*ttflotj. Wc are authorise] to announce that DANIKI. T WIK.I.AND of llarn. i i..1.,,.. will a candklale f-.r Hbertfl. enkject to tke d.i> ,n oI t1..- I>< in'*' mti< Ortiiity Ctffv*ott'/ri We are authorised to announce that w 11. 10LL..1 MHIMNMr, iirieaoaaSl -. t lor KkerilT, eukjert to tlir d.v tatot, ,1 tl.. je-iuo, ret. Count; Convention. I'KOTIIOXOTART. \\ c nrc auth*>rls,*>] t*, announce that iJ.C lIAKPKR.. I Belle!..nt* ~n |„ a .audidale lor - Protk.-uotar;, aal.je* t t-. the de* inof Ik- lletnocret | Ic ' onut; C/uvention 7 RKAM'KKK. We an- authorised to announce that JAC'jft (j MEY KH of Iltitips i< ns)ii|, will U • | '** will I* a *ar, ielate Ir < inl< Trew.urer, eul jrrt to tic de. i "f h irrujf i uuiy < ri \N f nr< hutfmri/• 'j ta htm• *iot will U • <**!< 'lMt* 1 ,t ( nitty Tr.Mstji.i. t<, th .r. <*f ■ !h* iN ni'CflUf t < lint* I '-t!r lilxifj coll We a'c authorised Di announce that J' •" I I'll t *7 I*• ■ ' I* i jruw-u t- w nvkij all] la a ! "*iaie t'.t Uaaai) OmnWair, eutfe.! to tke jdc ~ | the leu,W rati* < mm; . r,rented WS are saUwriasd to announce that H I. I*l l k *.| Pet,r, t wt.Uwp. will |e arateti lat, ' • r.lv I■r, I to tlo do . -.r, . f tke latwvtittt < Mint; , - av.nttntj W c arc auihori/., .1 d, announce that JOHN IT ,tr fV- wtlil., , ' hi,delate 1. ' < .at; > miuieaouer, , u t u, u,. c,-, i> u .1 I tke 1,. tr, e rati , ..-,„t> ,,,<■ r.l \t,- ar<- authoris.,l t<< announce that ,Jo|IN IMV J* 'Mar. HI Wi..i, Will ! a < audi lat* f-r < -r.t< , r-- ... -r. rrl,j,*t t . tke de ,•,< n , I t ,.* |an,,wrate < -unit < <.,,, t,- i, *• arc authorised t*> announce that I' K It- r t ann.ij. will I- a I , at. I,date l- rC- uut; C.-m„.iaei .net. tulle It, tke ,1. I 'vaiohof Ike DeawetaMl I . iint; o*n,t nnnouncc thut ' A!wl.\ANDKfl, of t"cishi|*, will I

di m tj*bi|i, ill I* ft oa>. li4ftt* f-i •!;... \ to It* a-UKoof tb IWU.er milf l.rttM* ( litt-Mkrn, \N p htp authorized to announce* that JOR W Fl RFV. fit lif II f, tit*, will b* ft t fttldi'lftTft f fr I', tbr dsririon of tin- iMowntx ; CxMjflt* CdtfiTSWfl <*, \\ c are authorised to announce that HKXR i HK Ktd Pprlns I- aTi.k IJ. will be a rtandc date l. R* ctete r. eul.j.w t I*- tke dee li, cl tile Iter,, e I