Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 30, 1881, Image 8

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    Slit Cfutrt graotrat.
Thursday Morning, June 30, 1881.
Unaatsroaai*' ■. containing ini|>ruiit nr, solicit
.<l from nnv lmrt f lh" miiMjr. No romimml. tt to
Inserted uulese ..unwilled l > Hie feel lunno of lire
writer. '
Local Department.
Rend tho advertisement headed WHY.
—Jim. Williams wa* in town on Hun
day. He is now a resident of Philiptburg,
and report* business as booming in that
littlo village.
—Mr. James Halo, a ty|>o of Philips
burg, gavo tho DEMOCRAT a call last week.
James it a pleasant gentleman and we
would be pleased to have him call again.
Among tho graduate* of Franklin
and Marshall College, at Lancaster, l'a.,
at the recontcommencement, was J Calvin
Meyer, son of our esteemed friend, Mr. J.
G. Meyer, of Aarotrsburg.
—After an absence of some weeks, our
enterprising citizen, 1). G. Rush, F,sq.,
reached hi* pleasant home in Bellefonte,
on last Friday. The many friends of Mr.
Hush are always pleased to extend a hearty
greeting to him.
—Peoplo somotimes wonder why some
articles tako the public by storm, a* it
were, while with others no amount of
puffing will avail. It it because the one
has merit, the other none. That is why
"Green's Liver Pills'' are so popular.
—On Wednesday of last week Mr. J. C.
Motz, 'ff Woodward, received a danger
ous kick in his side from a vicious horse.
Mr. Mot/, has experienced sovere suffering
from tho injury, but wo understand that
he is now in a fair way to recover from it.
—There came very near being a san
guinary encountre at tho headquarters of
the Singer Sewing Machine Company, in
the Conrad House, the other day. Blows
IIBW thick and fast, but there were no dead
to remove. The gentle dove of peace flew
over tho scene and all was serene.
—On last Sunday morning the works of
tho Clearfield Fire Brick Company, near
the borough of Clearfield, were destroyed
by fire. The fire is supposed to have origi
nated in the flues. The loss is not known,
but there was an insurance of $1U,&00 upon
tho works.
—F. H. Gratf, at the Conrad House bil
liard parlors, has a fine stock of tobacco
and cigar*. He is having new covers put
upon his billiard and pool tables, and will
. soon thoroughly remodel his room. New
wainscoting and new paper will greatly
add to its appearance.
—On the fourth of July our colored
citizens will jubilate over the passage of
the late act of the legislature giving color
ed children equal privileges with white
children in all the public schools of the
State. The programme of exercises for
the day is quite elaborate.
—l)r. Mclnty re, formerly of Centre Hall,
hut now residing in Ixick Haven, called at
the DEMOCRAT office last week. The Di>c
tor is an excellent dentist and Lock Haven
is to be congratulated upon securing his
service*. He will pull out all the bad teeth
and put in gook ones in a most artistic
—Thos. M. Coleman, Esq., a represen
tee of the Philadelphia l*<l;irr, was in
town on Tuesday. Mr. Coleman went to
the State Coilego and it is possible that we
may hear from him. He is one of the re
liable reporters of tho I*rlyer and has
gained an enviable reputation as a news
paper man.
—Dr. Hale has laid a new and service
able pavement in front of his lots on the
south side of Howard street He is also
making great improvements in bis prop
erty opposite the residence of John B.
Linn, on Allegheny street. The spirit of
enterprise ha* taken possession of the Dr.
and wo hope it will march on.
—When the "Reverend" W. A. Carver,
of Snow Shoe, who utilizes the columns of
the Morning Sew, for the purpose of
murdering the (Jueen's English, was asked
by one of bis parishoners, what the term
11 Sir Semper Tyranue " (7) meant, the learn
ed divine promptly replied, "I am sick
send for McManus."
—A man named Jacob Woomer, a
brakeman on the Clearfield branch rail
road, was killed on last Saturday morning
at Handy Ridge, in this county. It ap
pear* that ho had looked out from the
platform upon which he was standing and
bit head came in contact with tb<% water
tank at that place, killing him instantly.
—Mis* Kate Jackson the accomplished
daughter of George W. Jackson, Esq., has
returned from Vassar College, and will re
main all summer. Mis* Jackson—if such
• thing could be possible—ha* greatly im
proved in appearance and doubtless has
made a corresponding improvement in her
—Hon. J. K. Noble, of Waterside, Red
ford county, one of the former member* of
the Legislature from that reliable Demo
cratic county, favored tho DEMOCRAT of
fice with his presence on last Tuesday.
He wa* accompanied by Cat. Smith, who
is known a* "Smithy." Mr. Noble i* a
very affable gentleman and we irould like
to see him again.
—Mr. Vennor ha* now begun "predict
ing" for July, and under date of June 17
write* : "I regret that I have to warn you
of a hot and ftormy July, with frequent
disastrous storms of wind, hail, and rain
throughout those section* In which the
June storms have been so severely felt.
The month will resemble that of 1880
rather than 1870.
—The annual examination* at the State
Normal School at Lock Hnvi-n were con
cluded last week. The graduating clam
numbered forty-one and all parted the try
ing ordeal very creditably. The com
mencement exoreisea of the institution
will begin on Thursday, duly 7th, and
promise to bo of an interesting character.
Tho Lock liaven I)emorrnl, sayt tliat this
inttitulioii "now stand* second to none in
tho State" and is Inclined "to claim for it
superiority to all others.'' Certainly tbia
it high praise, und coming from tho souico
it does we must bcliovo that it is well
deserved. Wo think our county might he
hotter represented among tho students of
this school than wo aro forced to admit it
is. In the list of forty-one who will grad
uate this year we llnd hut two Contre
county names, vir.: W. R. Leathers, of
Mount Kuglc, and A. W Schenek, of
—Wo desire to call attention to the
very interesting letter on tho second page
of this number of the I)KMO< HAT, dated,
Yakima, (pronounced Yack-i-mawi Wash
ington Territory, May 7, 1881. Tho
writer, Mr. Roland I!. Kinno, a native of
Centre county, is tho present Register o(
the Land Office at that place, lie give* a
line description of that far off section of
tho United States, the fertility of the soil,
the advantages and disadvantages of the
country and alto mentions a few Pennsyl
vania settler*. Tho letter it writen in
pleasant style and it well worth a careful
reading. Wo hopo to hear irom Mr.
Kinne again.
—lt was sup|>oacd that tho reunion of
the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps would be
held this summer at llellefonte, but tho
meeting has been postponed until next
year as will be seen by the following letter
written by Gov. Curlin to Cbarlet Devine,
tho Secretary of the Association :
BBLI.KVONTK, PA., June 17, 18*1.
CharU* Itrrinr, Secretary of the I'rnn'vl-
Riitui Ktstrrr A*** at ion :
SIR —Having learne<l from a majority
of tho manager* of the association, as
from many of tho officers, that there it a
general with to postpone the reunion voted
to be held in Bellefonte this year, and
that being in harmony with my own wish,
you will notify tho members that tho re
union is postponed until next spring.
Yours respectfully,
A. (i. Ct'RTtx,
President Pennsylvania Reserve Associa
Mr. Jonas Dinge*, tho well known
engineer on tho Tyrone division of the
Pennsylvania railroad, we aro sorry to
learn from tho Osceola RrteilU, met with
an accident at Hout/duie on Saturday, the
18th instant. While getting down from
his engine to hand a package to a friend he
lost bit footing and falling heavily upon
tho ground was so unfortunate as to dislo
cate his shoulder, A physician was im
mediately called and the dislocated mem
ber replaced. Jonas, however, will be
disabled for some time, and his many
friends sympathize with him in bis misfor
Tim new lsw requiring practitioner*
of medicine and surgery to take their di
plomas to .the I'rolhonotaries of their
counties to be registered ha* been signed
by tho Governor and ha- gone into rib* t,
and the penalty for refusing to comply
with this law is a fine of one hundred dol
lars, one-half to go to the prosecutor and
tho other half to, tho county, with im
prisonment in the county jaii at the dis
cretion of the Court. This is ono of the
method* by which it it proposed to wood
out bogas diploma*.
Hon. Kennedy L. Blood, of Brook
ville, has had a successful operation |>er
formed by Dr. Jo*. I'ancoast, of Philadcl
phia, and is now improving. His diseased
limb was successfully amputated and he is
so far recovered as to announce that be is
still a candidate for the Democratic nomi
nation for Prothonotary of Jefferson roun
ty. The Democracy of the whole Stale
will feel gratified if Mr Blood both re
cover* and receives the nomination he
seek*. He deserve* all the favors his par
ty can give him. He is Democrat from
the top of his head to the sole* of hi* feet
and ho should promptly receive tho nomi
nation as a recognition of hi* past service*.
Hi* many friends in Centre county will
hear of his improved condition with the
liveliest satisfaction.
one o'clock on la*t Monday morning our
citizens were aroused from their slumbers
by the dread cry of fire. A bright light
on Bishop street, beiow Allegheny, located
the scene of disaster and a large number
of people were toon on the ground. The
fire wa* in the building occupied by Peter
Devine and hi* daughter, Mrs. Howard.
Tho lower portion is used by Mr. Spitzer
as a beer bottling establishment. Tho en
tire portion of this part of town is covered
with wooden buildings for the space of
a half a block on each tide of Bishop street,
and if it had not been for the prompt and
efficient action of our fire companies, the
result would have been most disastrous.
The Undine Fire company in less than
ten minutes after the first alarm had two
streams of water playing upon the build
ing. They attached two sections of hote
to the two plug* on Bishop street, and car
ried them into the house and fought the
fire, which was confined to the second story
and was burning fiercely between the
walls. The l<og*n company were quickly
on band, and attaching tbeir hose to the
plug in front of the Conrad House ran it
to the rear of the bouse and most efficient
ly assisted tho Undine boys in preventing
a genoral conflagration. In a brief space
of time the fire was totally extinguished.
Too much credit cannot he bestowed on
the flru companies, for their bravo end en
ergetic action, Any delay would have
been fatal and the flamra could not have
been controlled. Mr. AI kens, the dealer
in orgnns, piano*, Ac., who occupiea the
building immediately adjoining Mr*. How
ard'*, wan the llr.-t to din over the lire, and
gave the qlarin.
Mr*. Howard i* insured in the Union
Fire Inmiraneot'ompaiiy, of i'hiladelphia,
and her lo** i* fully cove rial.
Tn K UOMKT. —The comet now visible in
the Northern sky each evening attract*
great attention. Nightly many p.ersoii*
are to be *eon gazing at the brilliant
"trampi',' of the heaven*, a* it ha* been
somewhat facetiously called. Astronomer*
differ in opinion a* to the identity of thi*
comet, some claiming that it l* the same
one which app.carol in 1807, while other*
are disptoscd to doubt whether that i* cor
rect. It wa* first seen in this country on
last Thursday morning by Levi T. Ed
ward*, a student of Haverford College,
though it bad been observed by Professor
Henry, at Paris, several hour* previous to
the time it was seen at Haverford, At the
National Observatory, at Washington, it
was not seen until Thursday night. Prof.
Sharpdess, of Haverford College, speak in
reference to it a* follow*
"It* right ascension is about eighty
three degrees, with a northern declension
of forty-two degrees. It has a wander
fully luminous nucleus and a clearly-de
fined envelope on tho side nearest the sun.
Tho tail is live degree* long and is about
eight degree* from the sun. It i between
Cap.ella and tho horizon and the bead
make* it* ap>p>earance first. The comet i*
jiointed toward the North Star, and it
moving almost directly along the northern
line at the rate of five degree* every
tw-nty-four hours Moving as rapidly as
it does it will in a short time be visible at
nil hours of the night. I believe this is
the comet Dr. (iould saw on the southern
hemisphere a few years ago, but whether
or not it is the great comet Pons discover
ed at Marseilles on September 2ii, IMI", I
have not been able to determine ; but the
comet last discovered is moving in tho
same direction as Dr. (ionld's and there i
every reason to believe they are identical,"
Joba W. Moore, on local scientist, has
been making observations every night, and
along with the great astronomers, he has
his theory. He has an elaborately finish
ed p.icturo of all the comet* that have up
p>eared in tho last two hundred years, and
ho inclines to the opinion that this comet
resembles, if it is not actually tho same
one which ap.p>ear<Hl in I*ll. The Phila
delphia lUeoril and other journals, err n
eously make the date 1812.
VALLEY RAILROAD.—A freight train was
totally wrecked on the Bald Eagle Valley
Kai!r>.ad on last Monday evening, near
Curtin's Iron Works. Seven cars left the
track, and as tho misfortune occurred in a
narrow cut, they were entirely demolished.
It was ten o'clock lieforo the train from
Lock Haven, due here at and the
Tyrone train due at 8 40, arrived These
frequent disasters should *im..r.ish the
officials of the company to put their r.ad
in a condition that will insure reasonable
safety, both to their employes and the gen
eral p.ublic. Accidents on railroads are
sometimes unavoidable. The a. i id'-nt* on
th" Bald Eagle ran l>o reduced h> a mini
mum if the road is cared f..r.
The loss of life which may result from a
neglect to heed this advice, will entail
more cost up>on the company than there,
hailasling, and p.utting down new rails
and new tie* will amount to.
ITEM* raow HI-RINO MILL*.-- Last week
we were called upson to pay the last sad
tribute of respx>et to one of Spiring Mill*'
best citizens About six year* ago John
Krumrine wa* attacked by that felt de
stroyer consumption, and although he h*d
several severe sp>ellt of sickness, his vitali
ty wa* so strong that he weathered it
through for six long years, and attended
to hi* business up lo within a week of hi*
death. A twill two weeks go he took a
very bad spell *nd on the 17th he p>a**ed
tho confine* of time out into the bound
le* age* of eternity. As a citizen and
neighbor ho will be much missed by hi*
friend* of whom he had a great many.
He wa* buried in the Reformed church s
burying ground, a mile eat of Pcnn Hall.
Service* were performed by Kev. Wolf
and the pastor in charge. Hi* age was !4
year*. Thi* make* the third child that
Mr. Henry Krumrine ha* lost by con
sumption, the first was the wife of Mr. I.
J. Grenoble, and tho second, Mrs. John
Grenoble. • •
He*. John Ilarptter, who loft our town
over nine year* ago, ** a Lutheran mis
sionary to Guntour, Indie, returned on
last Wednesday, having been nt Altoona
a* e delegate representing the Ken***
Synod in the General Bynod of the United
State*. After hi* deperturn from Centre
Hall, over nine year* ago, Rev. Harp*tr
remained in India eome four or fire year*,
when the (tale of hi* health required hi*
return to the United Slate*, and he made
the voyage via. San Franeitco. He re
mained in California and Oregon a year or
two, engaged in the mitaion work, and
then came to Kanaa* where he ha* had
charge of the Haye# City miuion inee,
and ia doing a very ucc**ful work there.
He will return again to thi* field of hi*
labor* In a hort time, with all the esteem
fof hi* brethren in the church elsewhere,
a* he ha* ahown a peculiar fltne** for tbi*
important work, and I* poesawed of great
power and eloquence as a *pe*ker. He i*
a *on of George Harpeler, deceased, and
brother of Jacob liarpater, of our town,
ifi* old neighbor*, friend* and acquaint
ance* here greeted hi* return with warm
est o*pro**ion*. —Centre Halt Iteporter.
The sptM iacio of a Metropolitan Hotel
transplanted Into the mountain*, 1* ju*t
about to bo presented to our people by tho
proprietor* of tho Krockerholf House.
Thi* hotel wa* erected in IWif, and i* an
itupoiing structure. It ha* a frontage on
Allegheny street of 200 feet with a depth
of about 76 feet and contain* over fifty
room*. • The hotel ha* been occu|>ied by
many landlord* *lncn it* erection, but it i*
now coutrollcd by Messr*. Andrew and
Henry Jlrockcrholf, two of the trustee* of
the estate by which Urn hotel i owned.
'1 ho*o gentlemen determined when they
assumed control of the house, to make it
one of the finest hotel* in the Htato, and
they have Inaugurated a series of vxten
lvo Improvement* that well deierve men
tion. Tho entire first floor of the bouse
lias been changed, and other alteration*
arc contemplated. The office floor will lie
laid with marble tiling and tho counter
covered with p.ury white marble. The
changes have pdacod the water closet* and
wash room in more favorable position* and
made it poesiblo to have two elegant sam
pl" rooms directly in the rear of the office,
a most convenient location for commercial
traveler*. The bar i not to be removed
from its presenrtocation but a handsomely
fitted up private room will be added to
that department. Thi* room will be a
feature of the bouse and i* as completely
furnished as a parlor. A ban.Nome carp.et
will cover it* floor and choice piicturcs will
line it* wall*. A side board, one of the
: most elegant that is manufactured, will be
pdacod in thi* room and an enticing lunch
! will be kc|)l upon it constantly. This
; room will be one of the finest in the hotel
and will be a model of neatness and taste.
It will doubtless prove a great attraction
to tho numerous patron* of tho house
Every room in this Isrgo caravansary ha
| been entirely refurnished from the (.apx-r
| upon the walls to the most insignificant
article of furniture needed in the room*
i All the rooms in the house, including
( those occu|iied by Warders, are furnished
with black walnut bedsteads, bureaus,
| wash-stands and evntre tables. Tennessee
I marble covers the bureaus, the wash
• land* and the centre tables The finest
ltrussel* carp-el are on the floors, and they
are all fit for the occupancy of a prince.
. Thro- luxuriously furnished parlors take
I the place of tho single one that formerly
|jmwcred the wants of the guests. Two
<>f these p.arlori are furnished with chair*,
| sofa* and divan* covered with silk plush,
, while in the other the covering is of the
j finest velvet. All the surroundings re
! sumptuous and certainly no hotel in the
j State can boast of more costly furniture.
The dining room i* being beautifully fres.
j cosd, painted and papered, and elegantly
carved ceiling jiiecc have been placed
' around the g** fixture* The dining room
t .'*l feel long and is a ni'>st atlraclivi
; r.irti. It giv<-c one an apfe-lite t"> merely
!<.k at it. There are hath rooms and wtr
ct( >u i>n every floor, and it would l>o difli
• ill to find anything that if needed to malo
' Un a most complete and magnificent hotel
One of the greatest improvement* will l>o
the nrm lii n of an addition In the roar "f
the hotel of almost a new building. Thin
' will rnntain the wa#h and ironing room*,
und room* for the help of the h<>u*e. Here
*!o they have a large space which it if
proposed to convert into a place for drying
clothe Tim i covered by a heavy tin
j roof. A Are wall it in proce*# of construe
tion which will afford ample protection to
this portion of the hotel. Mr, (u*. Smith
laid the tin roof and certainly made an
exoeedingly creditable job. The kitchen,
1 one of the most important adjunct* of a
hotel, ha* not l>een neglected. A lfl foot
range ha* been placed in it and everything
. ha* been done to make it complete and
convenient. There i* a place for every ar
ticle and that article muil be in it* place.
The conduct of thi* important department
j i* intru*ted to competent peraon* and i
; conducted in the miel atif factory manner
An immense refrigerator ha* been placed
I in the lower hall through which can al
i mint lie driven a coach-and-four. Al
together the Brockerboff House may be
*aid U> be one of the flneet hotel* to be
found anywhere. No expense hat been
•pared In bringing it a* near perfection a*
possible and iu eicellence 1* creditable to
the nrockerhoff heir*, who have been o
lavlth in the improvement*. It i* a credit
to Bellefonte. Mr. Win. Shoop ha* had
charge of all the rarp>enter work and ha*
evidently done it In a *ati*fartory manner.
In addition to the improvement* in the
interior of the hotel, awning* are being
erected over every window io the front.
When these are put up the exterior of the
Brockerboff llouae will bo much enhanced.
The Mer. Brockerboff aro al*o having a
coach built for the purpose of tranafering
paseWfcer from the depot to their hotel.
It *omewhat resemble* the improved Her
die coach and will be exceedingly band
come a* well a* serviceable.
{<*<Namnni<wtc-l j
v RR. —ln a communication entitled "Wild
Beast at Snow Shoe," published in the
Morning AVte*, of Wednefday, we find the
following reflection* on our Judge* made
over the name of "Bcv. W. A. Carver:
"The Judge* of thi* district have blight
ed their honor in the eye* of the Christian
and law abiding cilisen* of thi* place, who
helped to give them their place* in the
Judicial bench. *But from the pre*ent
state of feeling I am inclined to think Ibev
will turn a deaf ear to the appeal of such
eoneriowa/e** JtUtnr when they return to
er tktir tHffrttgt.*."
The occasion of all tbi* bad English and
worse sense la the granting of two licenaea
to John (J. UMIO and Samuel Buyer at the
latI at term of Court. The article conclude*
with the hackneyed phrase of "Hie Bum
per lyranus," „d ilgneiJ "Kev." W. A.
Carver. This "Reverend', should bear in
mind that in publishing hi* own commu
ne atlona it i* both bad taste and bad
O style himself "R.. v ." w A (: „ rv „ r
guar It doctor*, .purl.,, .howmen, oap
vender*, horse trainer*, and fifth rate
preacher*, usually gain their bread and
butter by imping on the , iul ,| lc ulld ,. r
lltl " "Doctor," "I'rofi-ssor," or
"Keverend." "Reverend" i* all the stock
Ibis new fledgling has in trade. A f.-w
more arte !••• signed " jtevnrned" W.A.I'
will satisfy this public that the "Willi
lien t ~f Know Shoe" must be the "Kever
end lunatic himself. Our .Judge* need
no vindication Ht our band*. They are
beyond the detraction and senseless abuse
of "Rev." Carver. YOIIIET.
Corner titono Laying.
MKMHHN. EDITOR* —Last Friday, 24th
inst., was a day long to la. remembered by
not only the citizen* of the beautiful little
city of Danville, but also by the Masons of
central and eastern I'eriniylvania ; it being
the occasion of the laying of the corner
•tone of the l'rotostant Kpincopal church,
at that place by the Grand Lodge of Ma
son* of Pennsylvania. Thi* church i*
being built through the munificence of
the late Peter ifahly, who left a large urn
of money to be devoted by hi* executor* to
erect a suitable memorial to himself and
wife. And thus a life spent in Danville,
and in earnest labor in hi* church, to
which he wa* deeply attar:bed i* fitly
crowned by thi* memorial building. On
the morning of thn'-Mlb, your correspond
ent in company with some fourteen other
member* of Old Fort Lzsdge, at Centre
Hall, took the morning train at Spring
Mills, for the purpose of participating in
the cert-monies of the occasion. At Laurel
is. n we were reinforced by Matt. Kingman,
.f the sarnc lodge, and at Miffiinburg, by
several member* of the lodge at that
place, who informed us that the molt of
their member* had gone in carriage*
Arrow the country. Arriving at Lewi*-
burg, we expected a large reinfofcement,
but were disap|>ointd, as their delegation
had gone soma in carriages and the rest by
way of Milton. Having changed cars at
M'.ritandon, a ride of a few mile* brought
u* into the city of Sunbury, where a
•j>ec:al train wa* waiting to steam us up to
•ur destination. Here we were joined bv
the Sunbury lodge, and several member*
■>f Northumberland lodge. The Sunbury
lge wa> accompanied by a full band. A
ride of a few minute* brought us to River
• ide. Leaving the car* we formed in pro.
. ession and marched across the riser into
Danville. Here we met at every turn and
r..s* street, delegations of Mas.,..* who
filed into the pruCM*ion as we mart hid
along In a short tiriuv we were ail in
line, when, after marching through several
•■f the principal streets, we proceeded to
the church comer, where the member* of
the (trend ledge performed the solemn
and imposing ceremony ef laying the
• •rner st..ne . f Christ i hurch at the h<u*r
f l.igh twelve. Among the memorable
■ vents of the day the following are de
••rving of a spc-cial notice: The Kev.
Kobert Pigg-dl, win. was the pa*tor when
th" corner stone of the old church was
aid. some fifty years ag.. was present, and
Pr *. h<-<l the sermon in the morning The
• -rn ri who w* Master of the lodge when
th" ft rand I. *dge laid that corner ctone
•'.ill live* and was present. Not let* than
forty lodges were represented by delega
tion*. Bellefonte lodge wa* represented
hj M'-**r I-oob, Ham*. Hale. Jr., liar-
I <T, I lev Hewitt, and the l)itrirt I>eputv,
Ir. Hale. Having descripod our trip, and
the ceremonies up to their close, I will not
occupy your cpace with a description of
•ur return journey, leaving your readers
to imagine that we got home cafe and
sober—* fart which friend Porster can
vouch for, ac he journeyed with u* from
Coburn to Spring Mills. •
M Ec RC. KIUTOKS : —Your correspond
ent "Enquirer. ceems to be somewhat
ckeptical <>n the "llalllesnake I>en" subject
and desire# more information. Thi* in
credully it prevalent because so few woods
men have como in contact with tbem
Before I met with Samuel Askey I believed
they existed only in the imagination ; hav.
ing faith in hi* veracity my tkcpticism wa*
removed. But I wa* not left to depend
alone upon hi* testimony ; the time came
when I caw for myself, and now speak
from personal knowledge on the subject.
About the Ist of tfctober, IRSO, J. D.
Turner was with me going through the
woods from Moshannon Mills to the In
dian path, and when within a few rods of
it, on the hill tide north of Moshannon
creek, we were startled by the rattling of
•nakes. We killed one and saw others
coming from every direction and passing
under rocks. After tbey were all in we
got a pole about a rod in length with
which we could reach and stir them ; the
rattling was fearful. Two day* after I re
turned and approaching the roick* caulious
1y saw a large pile of snake* at the mouth
of the den. They soon disappeared. The
day wa* chillv and they were I think to
some extent in a torpid condition, for the
rattling wa* not o loud when I stirred
them with the pole. Warm weather re
turned and a few days after a part v of six
or eight visited the place and killed one
near the den, the only snake they saw, and
when the pole was thrust in there was no
response. Kverj summer, for several years,
my curiosity induced me to visit the place
seteral times during tbe season and 1
found no snakes there. This wa* not
Samuel Askey'* den, but it wa* n..t f*r
from it j hi* wa* below the path and thi*
den wa* above It. I infer that after he
disturbed them they moved to tbe den we
found and being again discovered, they
sought new quarter*. That rattlesnake*
do congregate in den*, with me i* a settled
Question, Hut I would like, and I have no
doubt your reader* would he interested in
hearing more about them. Have any oth
er* been discovered beside* the two above
mentioned T I often heard of a den found
near tbe mouth of Big Moshannon creek
in which cop|>erhead* and other snake*
were mixed with ratlle*nake*. Who know*
of IhUden ? I* It a Baron Munchausen
stonr, or i* it a reality T If anybody can
confirm It, please give a description of it
Announce rhentn.
AMOCIATE *v 1/0%.
We are authorized to announce that
<LL< tor Amtn ULR Juttg*, IUI'JM | Vt thf- 'if# #4'fj r,F D|,
UritKM tfcii< O/uut/ (a/ijtrillion.
of ll'/war'] Boron li, • |/ro#ntMl *a a #n'J')otr f,r
tlf ' At' ' of !•( Milijwt (/> III*- 'lt/HU' Ij
of Ihr l><Ui<A ra'!' O/uniy < onvfiiUon.
Wo urn authorized p, announce that
• ••O'll'Ulr for Jo'lifr •utjwt to tl* 'i~ WK.I
uf tl Hooio/mt< Count* O>BV#TIUCM
Wo arc authorized to a i,, ounce that
JOHN KIfHKL. of V'lii'i UiMiiiliip, will u, B < imH
-4*l* for AjrUl# JU'l*r, aulrjor t f.. t| <( . fiir
I> iiiocrmio Ovm/ty O/no'ttUofl.
Wo aro authorized to announce that
UK,MAC J 1,1 NKI.I, ~( KTI.li L,,wi.T,L|,, ~11 I. „ *
| 'AiidcUl. t>il Mi.riff, .iili)r.l I/) lli. I]H tI,M
j Ifeni.a-ratlc Cuaulj, fim.iiti.,n
WO nr.- authorized to announce that
I J'lll* f'OI.IIRKN, ~f Gregg i„wn.hiji, will I. a
| dldafe |.„ HL.rr Iff, .nI.J,, | u, Hi. dwi.,.,1, ~f til. Ifeu..
I 'rati'T 'tuuty Gt/nvrntlnti
We ARC authorized to announce that
11. M. Million i.f re,*,,...,, ianabl|>, will to a
?" l-hwlfl, dut'iMt ||, 11,. <l* latcu „| ||„
■"WW* Oaaatj c.
W - an- authorized to announce that
L * KR '' ''• T-I.I.IP. N- a
AIIUIR L.rffb.rlll.eil.J^lU,,l,. D.. ~I TI,. D*..,,,.
crate L^U1,1T0,1,1,1,T.,1,.
We ar luttiorinxl to announce that
HM .* ?!"'*' """I|l||. will b* a
dt.l.t. F R Ml.riff. I,L J- I TI, 11,. ,„ „ , ,
trail, IOUNLY G,1,<.111E,N
WE are authorised FT announce that
caleltdat. ',R Ml. riff, ,1,8 J. | P, Ul* ■!,„. ~
IfeUM. IBllt I ~111.1 % U.llV.Ktl.rt,.
\\<- are authorized to announce that
1.. T MI NW.Ji f IKUAF. „1., will T„ .~, |„U U FAR
I Al..riff, ul.)-L B. It. <fe.uk,!, of TR .| A ,.* ratlc
Count/ Contention.
We are authorized to announce that
DAMKI. T WIKI.AMI. ->f HarrU . will \M
1 •(•NDL'LATE t<JF M*< riff, F T 0 UIE <!-.. U >A tb#
D*BxxrUc County ''-iiuntiMi
We are authorized to announce that
W 11. KOI,U ,/F ffprlng t/,n81|,, Will 1,. . .ab.LI ute
K,f ffhacff, .UL.;.. I B, 11,. d LU/I, ~F t|„. TR. u, .ml.
Cuuuly CMKnUu
We are authorized to announce that
J C IIABPEK,'I IFELI.F .BT. A,ll LU a caedklat. lir
Pri'lbutx/lacf, .ul JE. I til TB. <1 . >■*.,B ul L|,. |r. U,
j It C.Hjntf O'rjT' l,li'.tj
We are authorized to announce tbat
JAOOLI 11 M 1.1 1.11. of llaitKW B aiiibij. will 1M- a
• ab'lelai. lor ' "IJIIL? TN*iir.r, .ÜBJWI T , (J,. RJ,-.,-
•tea of tb IWU,'.r.TIC Craiuf, < "L,R.-,t, R
We are aulhorizid to atiriounce that
GEoBftE W FLPAKGLEIT,of P.atrr biwaablf. will IW
|' IM 1• • •' h! •• . ■ e ■ ■ %
VW ARE NUTH<>riEitd to NNN</UNC that
I'ANFKF. f K KLI.KK, of L*<tt*-r LOWIITBLP, will I* m
'wndltUu f.rt i Wmn \% v, th dntfriun
f ILp I"in'ntl- <-tinty 'Vjutf-nUoti
NV' nro authoriEed UJ announce that
F A of will ]*• 'WTRDL
<UTR ff.R O utif) T RW*ur*r. •.;! to tti iktwloti of
Hl* Omnt/ < *IN*-UUOIJ
\S • ar<* nut to that
J II HOLT. </F L*Hl# t/ (<Hl|>. till] I* ■ RTBDI.
Utw f"T CON fa!/ Trewtmr. L, IN# of
We are authorized to announce that
■LOFKI'H LIATM, "f I'-RPTIIFIH LOtlltil|I. will lar b
I'WFA.N UU Lr ' 4/NTIL/ ('onßiiM R,/T, T |/J tb
I W ißlfiti rrf T|, IMSTFM RATI/ 0.-tttit) ( .IRTPFAU .F!
We are authorized to announce that
jlf K I'T 'K of fVnn RIDIRJI. * ILI I* B RBNII UL*
fr < <Mibly < - nirmwiotm. u, tb d* tw in of
j Uif ThtK C<ount Cob*ntut.
We are authorized to announce that
F-r • -"TINT/ < Itnitif* U |.Y T ! , thr DX/LM.N <A
'LIE I. TN - RH < ' TJFAT/fwnrrtiJi I,
We are authorized to announce tbat
JoffN HOV. Jr 'F MAN/IN ! -• *HIFI. will T* m twndi
'"r * C - riiriilMiif.-f f Bolgiff't Ui lb* (btlßoft
•f Uw rUf C<rtint/ i 4>nr*-fatx<o
WE are authorized to announce that
DFTF*- f -r (ARTTIINT*KI<-T*'R, •UL>)* I to Ul#' TFC IIN
of TB rati < ofat/ CV>UBUTIM.
WE are aulh<>rir.<-d to announce tbat
f* AMI EL IK)f K KK. <f WBIIk-t ilii(i, will a
*ndi'Ul t.r Cftißt/ CotoriitwiM ti. r. mtu. tb# d~
I nr. r, i f Um Droiof rwli ( unit C i.ti nti .t
W• are authorized to announce that
\ J <iHF.IFT. "f CAT-villa, will U A RAIIDKDIT* tor
I KNINTT ( '.MINIW I.T. •TIL .TRIFF T Ui tb# I. n of tb#
■ rat< < .'UFATY CK*##UU U
We are authorized to announce that
I C AI.KX AXDER. ..f Pma be> nabl|T. will a rD|.
•tal# |m Howl) I mmla,, i,m. .<,|,;...| U, tb. DEDICI
OF tb* !#>'• rati/ ( UNT) C<IFIVRIT<IN
W E are auih<>riz<D to announce tbat
II r ARRET. I.f I'ottor L. wbl|. will L . .audi
•U-. f.l < ~|,|> ( ,R,|.,„| P, ,K.
f ll> li.i,..talrr < onti < in.tt.,m
W E are authorized to announce tbat
JACOB PI'K RLE. F.f Walk.r tr wn.hi| a,II b. ea.
didK- fie (..unit C mtr>iw, u.r, mil ,t u. 11,.
•fet. "f lb. IK-HI .ral. FV-AATR CFIEI.NTKIC
WE are authorized to announce that
I MRU A MRCI.AIV, of It t, WN.bi will I. a
' arxlirlal. BW ReciM.r, •! >.. I B. tb. 4erfel< I. OF 111.
J tfemiaratk Oovatf CAM,I.MI
We are authorized to announce that
| JOE W. FL HIT, irf It, 11.F,T1T., will lea iaftAi<lal.
J be R. cl|.r. b lb. diii ~f U>. twiner raUr
. Imofttt C.-atmlirin
W E are authorized TO announce tbat
; IIRRRI HK K. of FTFITFTIFI tewnabifi. will I. A caaili-
I Ul. FT.I Rr enter, nibl.ti tr, tb. DEL., A tb. |AN
I ralir Cnantf < <•■,< .NIIW,
W e are authorized to announce that
T B JAMIAOR. ul FIRWAG tnwnablp, will IW A rma#-
TAT. for R, K NI.R TO tb. IFEFIMOA of lb. P.no.
W e are authorized to announce that
PR AXE K HI 111.E. of R|IIAG |R>. r. Ol.| will 1# a rn
rllifet. lor ReniritM. NTBFART b, tb. dr. feiot, OF lb. Iv.
rKratfe C.MAL) (V.rn.r.LM.A
W e are authorized to announce that
RILL* MKTERFF, of llam. teWßablp, will IN A raarli
rfeu for Rer Offer, rakfert to lb. d. *1.101, of lb. DM,
'Zatk Omatf Cloi,T.atk
A GREAT KxTzaraiaz —The Hop Bit
ten Manufacturing Company it one of
Rich eater 1 greateat buaineaa enlerprirea.
Their Hop Bitten have reached a aale be
yond all precedent, having from their in.
trinaic value found their way into aim oat
every bouacbold in the land.— OrapAu.
Brown Broa. are making a apecialty
of new whiakie* never before offered in
Reliefonte, auch aa "Golden Rule of the
People," "Hanniaville" and "Dougherty."
Lou AN CEMEN|F.—The reuil price for
LOGAK CBMEBT on and after thia date
(May 9, 18fl). will be two dollara per
barrel and no charge for baga or barrela.
—Special inducement# for order* for
Clothing during the Hummer monthr.
28-tf MOXTOOMERT A Co., Tailor#
Bavarian and Bohemian beera aurpaaa
anv malt liquor* ever before offered to the
public. There aparkling drinki can be
bad on draft at Brown Broa., Bulla Houee.
BREATH—tIOITES —At tb* rMMwar. <4 lb. felrfe'i
fbibw, Jan. . IW, bf Re*. J. A Irrla, Mr Cferfe
tun H. Braaib. of <Wud OUnHfeM ooowtf, and
Mlaa Matv M Holur, off Utwetf. (Veuw mmtf.
DKUORfI VTVVEI —At lb. R—J.an OF tb* krkfe T
PANE la la CaM BRO.H Vail.*, on Jaa* la, IBM, Mr.
J H IMuaff and Amaalb X, Pan***, all af IBALU
KM TRICK—BPiVER —Ga Jaa* ML IW, by Re*. ,
Jobn Trmllnwe, Mr M I. taeW. af wain Hall MR
aad Mtaa I'fe.W Rt..***, of Haia** iwaSlf.
WEAVER—IaoWKRXOX,—Oa Jaa* l,tW,bEltM
Job a Tnaliaana. Mt Cbaa W**w. af One* a*w*.
•blp.and Mlaa fctuefeOi Rowmwox, af ra leant.
BtEABS—At b** boat* la R.II tnaablp, * wtm.n '
land oowati. Pa. Jaa* IA, IW. Mr* CiMbwdw* A.
Rnncd, wotbM *> Ifeaaot, who la waft Known
la tbta onaatr, "H far*.
RORMAN —OK Jaa* I*. IW. la Bnia** towntbin,
MagfU " *nraa. tpd l fnara. t awe lb • and
RRPMRIMK.—Oa Jaa* IT, lW.al ApHa Mill*. Job*
W. Kraarta*, agad M yaara, 3 aonlb* and 1 dajv