L Yoy c CO., AHiuheny Street, Itellefonte, Pa. x/x'oisr &o co.'s SECOIsTID Anifal of Spring Qoods! 0~ UR trade lias been HO much larger thau we expected that our Mr. (Just Lyon has been compelled to go to the city twice for a Spring Stock. We have just received the handsomest stock of LAWNS, very beautiful, irorn TV. upwards. A NEW LINE OF BEAUTIFUL Buntings, Grenadine:^EiHernani. WK CAN SHOW YOU A HANDSOME LOT OF Chintzes, Cretonnes, Percales, &e. Undoubtedly wo have the beat and most varied assortment of Indies' Underwear, Skirts, Chemises, Drawers and Suits complete. We have SKIRTS from 88c. to sti.so, trimmed in Embroidery or Lace. CHEMISES from 40c. to SB.OO, in all ntylea. Lady Clerks in attendance to show you those goods. LADIES' LINEN ULSTERS, tho largest variety now open that can he found k anywhere. Wo need not quota prices of them, but we guarantee them 16 per cent, cheaper than any other house in tne county. In PARASOLS we can beat anything around here! LADIES' SLIPPERS, WALKING SHOES, INLAID SANDALS, RUT TON WALKING SHOES box-toed and otherwise. We can show you about thirty varieties, bought direct from the manufacturers. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! The largest and most complete stock of Cloth ing brought to town. Summer Suits, for $3 75 A beautiful light medium weight or heavy Suit, for 4 75 A good Union Cassimere Suit, for 5 00 A uiee Dress Suit, for $0.75, 7.50 and H 00 are good quality, light and dark cassimered. ► The best quality of all wool Caasimeree, Diagonals, Basket Patterns and Vas selburg's, from SIO.OO up. We are willing to wager that wo have sold more pants, this season, than any three concerns combined : Because we had better and better made, and cheaper, than you can find anywhere. BOYS'good Pants, 76c.; MEN'S good Panta, SI.OO. Wo have WARNER & CO.'S CELEBRATED PANTS for $1.26. Celebrated because they are better, and better made goods than any other Pants for the money. SHOES! SHOES!! BOOTS! BOOTS!! We can show you three times as many SHOES as any other establishment. MEN'S Low-cuts, Button, Oxford Ties, High Button Shoes, Buckle Shoes. We have them very cheap for parties who uo not want to pay much —from $1.25 up —and we have the best good serviceable ami fine shoes. f&Cnme and see for yourself if we don't do all we sav. We are run- I ning FOUR LARGE STORES AND BUY GOODS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS and we can afford to SELL CHEAP. ALL GOODS MARKED IS PLAIS FIG('RES ASD STRICTLY OSE PRICE. LYON & CO. tar ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN. llraneh Store m at Phiiiphurg, IteynotflmrUie, and I loot: date. Pa. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. A 1.1.E1i IIKSV-CT, HEI.LKPDHTR. PA. WILLIAM MrKEEVKR, Mnger. O'tod Sample Room on firtt floor. But. to nll Tr*ln. B|K>ci*l r.l to wltaMii. kO'l Juror*. lt-lj For Sale. \FARM containing Fifty Acres, tn yonna ladlaa all tha adrantagm of atlirtatlaa bom, with thorna*!. mora* of laatmrtlona In tba hlgbar brnnrhra of education. Terms, $350.00 per Annum, Including board and altaadanr., oaa of library pari.at- Ida, and tuition in all KnglMi branch.. hi nil. am! art aitra. ANNUAL TKIIM, FORTY" "YVKKKM. For catalogue, with foil Information, addraaa W. P. IIUHHRY, A M., Principal. 4JCC • l fmr awn town Tat ma and |>*. oal- JUlmT*' *" U BA * LMrt * OJ# Fort- />•// 11 inula mill Ororerira. j J JARPER BROTHERS, SPRING HTKKKT, IIKLMSFOMTB, I'A.. Have thi-ir counters and (halves filled with NEW GOODS, f BANKRUPT RATES Purchased at \ IJANKKUPT RATES ( BANKRUPT RATES WHICH TIIKY OYPKK AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Millinery Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Notions, &c. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS anil BHOKS at very low prices BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS I Latent styles of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS | Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Parasols, Ladies' Cloaks, Carpeting, Groceries, o'.- enswnre, Ac. CoriiprlnliiK every thlnir that can be found In a flraU t lu ator*. HARPER BROTHERS, SPRING HTRKKT, . . BKLLKPONTK. PA COUNTRY PRODI'CK takeu in rirhang* at th j high**! tuarkM |dn #• 11, OUSH HOUSE, sr BKI.I.EFOSTK. PA . Farulltf* and .ingle gentlemen, a* *#-J| n th* g*-n --*r*l trafltng titibllc and (otnniM Ui mr* intlfod to till. FlrM IMAS ll|p rate* | l.iforal redaction to Juryman and other. attending I Court W R TKI.I.KH, Proj.'r BECHLER af CO., Grorrrt, llunh Hounr Work. HtHrfnntr, Pa. NEW GOODS FOR THE SJP® MlC€r TRADE* We have endeavored to get the very best of every tiling In o„r line, and now have some really choice goodx. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Demons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Pr served PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES. FINE CONFECTIONERY. -AND GOODIES of all Sorts snd Kinds. the l >ew lle of Centre County to call anil inspect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fall to please. 1 " r SECHLER CO. VALKNTINKS NTftItJSS, A tiff j hen y Strut, Jtrllrfonle, /'. A War in Bellefonte ! ( NOW IS THE TIME TO BUV Dry Goods, Clothing and Groceries, AT OUR STORES. YOU HAVF. THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL TIIK GREAT WAR IN PRICKS, ONE STORK COMPETING AGAINST ANOTHER. M E HAVE MADE WONDEREI L REDUCTIONS IN THE PRICES OF SOME OF OUR GOODS. DO NOT SUFFER FROM THE HEAT THIS YEAR-KEEP THE BLOOD COOL WITH A Straw Hat for 4c. and a Nice Duster for 50c. WE STILL HAVE A FEW GROSS OF THOSE WONDERFUL 30c. GLASS SETS - - 4 pieces. DO NOT FORGET A DO/EX 12 Glass Dishes for a Quarter! EVERY DAY —AND ALMOST EVERY IfoUR-WE ARE RE CEIVING NEW GOODS. COME AND SEE OUR BARGAINS! Oaf* REMEMBER WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FISH, SOLI) NEARLY TWO 2) CAP. LOADS THIS SPRING VALENTINES A < O.S STOKES, HUMES BLOCK, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA 1855-1881. Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Years. BUSHELS. NOT ACRES. savk musky itr i sixo BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE Pric-w. *25.00 Per Ton of 2000 Pound*. BAUGH S ECONOMICAL FERTILIZER for POTATOES < nUff.iag 4to h p+r oefjt, of Pa]|4**t* t .f f> 9 Pric*. t.T0.00 Par Ton of 2000 Ponnda ALL GOODS SOLO ON GUARANTEED ANALYSIS „ . lharriptive Urmiara Smt l rrr upon appliratioH. BAUGH & SONS, 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Tor ale by J. H. LONG, rieniington, Pa., Agent for Clinton and Centre Counties. MILLHKIM IIOTKL, MII.UIKIM. CRMKK OOCMT. FRKVA "W. 8. M I*BBKR, Proprietor. Th* b*wa nf Millhkim I' IKAIMI In Fmrt". Vail.v. ■ Maul twr. mlim from (H,rn M>un. <*i th Li. , t*irt. Cntr- and lpra<. I'M Rallr.md mi). a,,r funding* tl,( ro.kr II a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. o'>™l Irnol flthlnc In tb m.mudl.t. Ttonlli A ml. run. I„ ..t. IMI AI th. Miilk'im 11..1.1 n>dati..n. will I. fnuud fir.l-t lu. ,„d irm. n,*d.r *• Jun. , l*Tt-ly. NEW REVISION NEW TESTAMENT. \ by tho mwt eminent v-hol * >nr fc# rrif# lorrft|Mß||R| Figlltb MIIJm. Lmr. t.fi. ho>i> Hl.lorj f ihr Riklf nd tu * il-'.'il ''""'""''"n • mil <>bi of ikr k> ItO Mo|, ' r* L" *u)hw rll,< ?• iwi