SGIb.IIIFIF SCRAPS. It is considered by a French scientist w that it is almost certain that tho ancient Egyptians and Phenicians used steel, if, indeed, they did not make it. There is an effort making in London, England, to test the system of com pressed air clocks which have been in troduced in Paris* Ten stations are proposed for tho British metropolis. . A now French appliance is an elootric brake, which is made to operate on the by means of generated during the motion of the train and applied at pleasure. It is said that the quantity of rain water which finds its way to the ground along the trunks of trees is very con siderable, but that somo kinds of trees discharge this function better thiui others. A Belgium telephone company have made arrangements so that any of the subscribers leaving word any evening may bo awakened at any hour next morning by means of a powerful alarm. Whereas previous investigations have indicated a height of about 2f><> miles as the greatest extent of the earth's atmos phere, M. Jose J. Lindenr in a recent paper places it at not less than 22,000 miles. All of the timbers used in the Sutro tunnel, Nevada, are tirst soaked in n solution of sulphuric acid and iron. By thus treating the timber it is supposed that vermin will be kept away and that mold and rot will be greatly retarded. Tho rare phenomena of an inverted rainbow lias been observed at a Prussian town. The i-tuls of the semi-circle, the center of which was the sun, rose and moved westward with the la'ter for some thirty minutes, when the appearance vanished. A new theory of the Cause of earth quakes has been propounded by Dr. Novak, of Pesth. He considers that, l>esidos the rotation of the earth on its axis and its revolution around the sun, a multiplicity of the motions of the earth appear in space, in virtue of which the earth's axis and with it the equator, shift their positions. This causes a variation of the forces (centrifugal and centripetal), influencing the earth's form, and the earth's crust has a ten dency to adapt itself to this change. Peculiarities of Great Men. Aaron Burr always forgot to return a borrowed umbrella. Charlemagne always pared i r ns in the dark of the moon. Byron never found a button off his shirt without rising a row about it. Homer was extremely found of boiled cablmgo, which he invarib'.y eat with a fork. Napoleon could never think to shut a door after him, unless he was mad about something. I'liny could never write with a lead pencil witbont first wetting it on the tip of his tongue. Socrates was exceedingly fond of peanuts, quantities of which he always carried in his pocket. The Duke of Wellington could never \ think to wipe his feet on the door-mat unless his wife reminded him of it. George Washington was so fond of cats that he would get np in the middle i of the night to throw a liootjaek at them. Shakespeare, when ca..ying a cod fish home from the village grocery, would invariably try to conceal it un derneath his coat. When the wife of Gillileo gave him a letter to mail he always carried it round in his pocket three weeks before he ever thought of it again. Christopher Columbus always jiaid : for his local jiaper promptly, and being an attentive reader he always found cut when new worlds were ripe —Middis (turn Transcript. aper Plates. Tho latest application of paper is the adoption of paper plates by some of the great restaurants and cafes in Berlin. The innovation was first introduced during the summer of lost year by the adventurous landlord of a much fre quented open air restaurant. Every customer who ordered broad and butter, rolls, cakes, buns or similar articles, hod them served to him upon a little paper plate, mode of light jiaper macho, adorned with a pretty border of relief, and having at the first glance a great similarity to porcelain. (meats, waiters and host were all pleased with the novelty; it saved the waiters many a deduction from their wages on account of breakages, which the deftest and cleverest can scarcely avoid when he handles hundreds of pieces of crockery dnring a single afternoon and evening. The jiaper jilates were so cheap that the | landlord did not care to assert his ownership over them, and his customers were allowed to carry them away, like the petty serviettes of tliin paper used in so many restaurant* in Holland. There was also a considerable saving of the time lost, and the chance ot acci dent incurred in the cleansing of earth enware pottery. The success of the ex periment has been so marked that the new species of plates is likely to be in troduced into a great number of res taurants A COLO "UK) LYNCH IML Drinlla oI Ihr Capiurr mid Ksplolls of " IIIIU l, lloi, the llnndll." A letter from Denver nay a: A few weeks ago tho people of many comnm nitios in Goloratio wore made angry by the escape of the notorioUH highway man, Hilly Lo Hoy, from Deputy Mar shal Gantril, on the Kansas Pacific ex prosH. The story of tho escape, as priutotl at the time, was that Lo Hoy's sweetheart had planned her lover's re lease and that she hail successfully bo witched the deputy marshal. Tho trno story, as reluted by tho bundit to Dr. Flournoy, of Del Norte, is as follows; Le Hoy carried uliout his person a tiny key, made from a watch spring. When ho was stripped and searched on the morning of his departure for Detroit he creased the skin of his nock and placed tho koy in tho crease, llis mouth was opened, his hair brushed and his ears examined, but the key escaped tho no tice of the searchers. When tho train was running at terrilic speed Gantril left his prisoner, shackled hand and foot, and stepped to tho toilet-room. "In two .seconds," said tho bandit to Dr. Flournoy, " I had my hands free and in another two seconds my Dot also. All the jMissengcrs in tho car, except one , ladv, wero either nodding or half asleep. ! I know how to settle tho lady. I just gave her one look, run to the platform : and jumped off. I was stunned, but 1 came to in a little while and got away." Several days passeif after Le Hoy's escajKj, and tho pcoplo hoped that he had gone to Bonn- other corner of the world. On tho night of the l.'tth tilt, tho down stage for Del Norte ; passed tho lower < ornor of' Franklin's ranch, when from one side of the dark ' highway thero arose a demand to halt. 1 The quick movement of the roblwrs | frightened the coach horses. Old dim i my—so he is called —was driving, and he had terrible work to control the horses, though he did his hest. The robbers, mistaking the runawuv for a delilierate fattcmjit on the jiurt of the driver to evade their dutches, tired a vclley into the fast-fleeting cos-h. One of these shots passed through a man's hat who was on tho liox with Jimmvi and took off one of his lo: ks of hair " Let's go baek and surrender," said Jimmy; "if we don't they'll kill me next time." " For God's sake don't ~go back." pleaded a passenger, " have got 8700 on me now and I will lose tin whole of it " So Jimmy put lash to his horses and the conch got nwny as quickly as pos sible. Then Jimmy resigned. He did not propose to be killed in any such style, lie knew that the liandits were none other than Hilly Loltoy and his party. Le Hoy was next henrd from when the stage was ascending the bill about three miles from Antelope Springs and about a mile and a half frojn the lake. The hill is very sleep, and it was while the aseent was being made that the agents jumped from their concealment and llred a whole handful of bullets into the passing vehicle. One of the bullets took effect in the leg of Kngineer Bart lett, of the Denver and llio Grande road, striking him in the fleshy part. The ball struck a silver dollar in Bart lett'a jiorket and sent tho dolls'- into the flesh,then glanced and w> it through •he F-g and out The silver piece pro tected the femoral artery an 1 saved Harriett's life. Hull ed. The robbers were evi dently nervous, for it was early in the evening— 8:20. Tho "little fellow" was Le Hoy himself. , A flfo and drum corps paraded Del Norte when the stage reached that place, and there was considerable ex citement in Denver, and all along the route. The citizens of Del Norte armed tliemsclvrs for a grand hunt for the higwaymeti. Deputy Marshal Arm strong headed the party. The guide ass J. P. Galloway, an old and experi enced mountain horse-thief tracker. The man-hunters rode np the Bavoya into the mountain fastnesses. At dusk on the 23d, when Armstrong was sitting on a boulder, witfc Mr. Frost and Galloway near, he saw a man emerg ing from the thin timber. "Halt!' said Armstrong. The man raised his gun and was sbont to fire, whnn'lie saw that lie was covered from three points. He sin rendered and admitted that he was " Louis Potter," of Le Roy's gang. Tho throo hunters wont toward Ala mosa. On tho road they Haw a little follow with a pack on hiH back. At the command " halt" tho little man drew a revolver, fired and ran. Armstrong sent a load after him. The hall (struck tho follow, and with a quick bound lie en tered tho IIUHII near at hand and rolled down the river bank out of night. It was a job getting him out of .the copse. Ho would not say a word, and all the coaxing in the world (scorned to have no effect. Finally they got to talking about Hhooting into the copse'after him, and this brought the young man to time. He Haid he was nhot and couldn't walk. Hut they got him out at last, and found that tho whole of his calf had been scooped out by the bulb t. It was an ugly wound. "Whojaro you, anyhow?" he was asked. " I agt llillv Lo Roy," lie replied. " Hilly tho bandit ?" "The same." Del Norte was crazy over tho capture "The people were wild," said General It. A. Cameron, who happened to bo in the place; " tho streets were like so many hivcH of mad liees." The sheriff locked the two prisoners in the rear cells of the strong jail, and a committee of in flu ntial citizens were appointed to ait as guard for the night About In o'clock tho sheriff stepped across the I way on business. He was seized, locked in a room and kept under guard. Every - thing was quiet. Apparently every- ' liouy had gone to bed. At 11 o'clock a party rode up to door and knocked. The guard asked what was wanted. "This is your relief; walkout." Tin guard walked out and w. re eized and bound, one bv one. The partv then went direetly to the cells where Le Rov and Hotter Were, took them nut, gagged them and left the jail with tin- prison ers. Not a word W.IH sj>oki u. At 12 o'clock, midnight, a man rapped at Coroner Holland's house. Holland j lit his head out at the window. "Jlollo!" said lie. " There's two men h .nging on a tre? near tho river." " What?" " That's whatj said; and, by the way. j it'- vciy curious, but I found the keys of the jail just up the street. ere they are." 'I he stranger tossed tho keys in at the window and walked away. The coroner went to the river and cut down the dead lwidics, which were those of Lcroy and Hotter. The next day the coroner's jury foniul a verdict exonerating all concerned in the nfftir. As the dead bodies were stretched ids by side many persons remarked upon their close resemblance. I'pon Le Roy's right aim were tattooed the letters "A. I\," and upon Potter's right arm the letters "8. P." Le Roy's real name was Arthur Pond, and Potter's real name Samm 1 Pond, and the dead men wen brothers. i'he Vagabond Saj p. An old man of very active physiog nomy was brought to tho police couit His clothes looked as if they might have ls>e, I.,.nght second-band in his youth ful prime, for they hail suffered more from the rnlw of tho world thxn the proprietor himself, " What business ?" "None: I'm a traveler " " A vagabond, perhaps?* "You are not fir wrong T avelere and vagabonds are about tho same thing. The difference is that the latter travels without money and the former without brains." " Where have von traveled ?" "All over the continent." " For what purpose ?" "Observation." * " What have yon ol>-etved ?" " A little to commend, much to cen sure and a great deal to langh at." " Humph I What do you commend?" " A hatubome woman that will stay at home, an elo |Uent preacher that will preach show sermons, a good writer that will not write too much, and a fool that has sense enough to hold h'a tongue." " What do yon censure ?" " A man that marries a girl for her flue clothing, a youth who studies medicine while lie has the use of his hands, and the people who will elect a drunkard to office." " What do yon laugh at ?" " I laugh at a man who expects his position to command that respect which his personal qualifications and qualities do not merit." He wan dismissed.— K.rr< iiiit thr llitlr. If any proc f were wanting of the dif ference of pace at which people in towns and people in the country live in these days it would be found where wise men never think of looking for it—on the heads of tho women Whereas' those in the country, of the lowcrorders es pecially, wear their hair in precisely the same style for decade after decade, those in towns exhibit a cycle of change in i very ten years. <>n the continent the same stylo of hair-dres iuglms rcn tinunl for centuries as thcdistuiguisbed mark of certain nations, of certain prov inces and sometimes even of certain villages. Who would fail to lo ognizc a Dutch woman by her geld hints, a SHI IS bv her Utile cap of embroidered leather, a Swiss by her long jdaits? In France alone there is an enormous con trast between the gigantic black ribbon of tbe Alsatian women and tho cotton cap of the Normans. In town* a dif ferent order of things reigns. Without exactly emulating the wife of Man ns Anrelius, who in nineteen years hail her hair done in MM different ways, the women of cities change tlicir coiffure at boat ten times in a similar |riod. One need not be exactly an octogenarian to remember seeing ladies in turbans, and later on there win the hideous chignon, which took the place of the almost equally ugly puffs and rolls stuffed with prepared horsehair. As to our fore fathers they were in worse case. In their timo they saw the feminine head rniseears that in Faris alone 15,000 hairdressers sub sisted by the industry of haiipins and curl jsijiers— l/>ntlon I.if". t'nthion \|ra. Hhirred sleeve* take the load in fa*h ion. Htoel law grow* more an.l more pop ular. Old fashioned challio* arc again in vogue. Yellow and rod are a* fashionable iva erer. Narrow l>elt* are more worn than wide one*. Silver ornament* are worn in half mourning. Sleeves are worn Tory tight or Tory loose. Yermieella laoe collar* and scarf* are tnnch worn. Li*lo threaalrii in it* paining; Ho ■ x. ck for it long in faitli ami prayer, For tin flng' rof fli*l |a ovorywlvro, Willi'- tin.- day* ar<- -tanning an I waning. 'I liougli tli- fiilM'-w ito Mm. HI i, staining, 'l'li< rise liaa some scent remaining; Through tlw darkest hour, mill trust in the light; oat the hand .ha* to do, I't it do with its might - Strong git I I'M k'Mji the cloud* from raining. ITNfiK.M' PABAUKAPIIH. A good trade- mark—A big advertise ment. All fish do not swim through water, the shad PICK. f >ate posts should be set ont firmly. A great deal may hinge upon them a H your girls grow up. The (lays are here when white pantaloons arid custard pie* have an aflinity for each other. Home pretty expensive suit* are seen on the street", hnt not as high pric 1 as those to Im found ia the courts. I'.tta hie) a student lamp 'Twas full of keroxen— Shi kmv kod it oft th< table. And it didn't burnt. When a couple of dogs fight for the possession of a knuckle of ham, they ma;, he said to lie engag.-d in a joint debate. V lien the cow jumped over the moon she must have wanted to lie re-lked awful had from the manner she left the milky way behind her. Young lady examining some bridal veils—"Can you rwilly recommend this one?" Over zealous shopman—"Oh! yes, miss. It may lie used several times." "The only lady that ever impressed me much," said an old bachelor, " was a :SOO-pound woman, who was standing in a car, and when the car turned a comer fell against me." A New York pajier speaks of a man who was " )H-stcn in three suits, 'which reminds one of the old-time schoolboy who n> t" jad his trousers in antici pation of a thrashing. " Nothing is im]KMsihle with the per severing," says a writer who manufac tures philosophy at foil* dollars a col umn. Then, Mr. Philosopher, suppose you try to convince your wife tliat she doesn't need a summer bonnet, "k ou say there hain't no 'w ' in Trench," says Tumble! on. "Then how the deuce does them clia]is sjiell 'water,' I should like trr know''' The i|Ucstion was referred to the fnll house, with l>ower to send for person s ajul pajs-rs Pleasures of hotel life : *' Here's a fly in my soup waiter." "Yea, sir; very sorry sir ; hut you can throw the fly away and eat the soup, can ' yon Y' "Of course I can. Y'ou didn't ex poet me to throw away the soup and cat the j fly, did you ?" " This isn't s menagerie," sharply ob served an ira ciblc deacon to a man who was trying to force a ).assage through the crowd at a church doorway. "No, I pn-sume not,' returned the stranger, "or they wouldn't loan any of the ani mals to block tip the entrance," An over-fastidious fellow, dining at a , first-rate restaurant, was complaining lccanse n beefsteak was not cooked to : suit his taste. "It takes away my ap jwtiU'," he said. "to eat it." " Then it must suit you," said a friend. "Why so ?" " Because that is what you are rating it for!"— Phtl ulal/thm Sun, The c/Ar'a fear of Nihilists doe* not ■ onfine him strictly to one apartment. When he gets tired of aittiug on the water-bncket down in the well, he own i lie drawn up and crawl into a large empty cannon near by and lay down and rent. Hia leg a, at last account*, were just as sound aa anybody's. A young man whose mustache is, like faith, "the evidence of things hoped for, the substance of things not yet seen," called on his prospective fat her-in law, and gave notice that he intended marrying tbe old gentleman's daughter at an early date. "It had 1 ett*r take place on some .Saturday, so that it will not interfere with yonr school hon*V sarcastically remarked the old man. Twas the first twilight interview. She. swinging in tbe hammock on tbe side veranda, and he sitting submis sively at her feet, with his legs dangling off the board*. " How refreshing at the closing hour of day," he gently re marked, "to thus in sweet companion ship await the rising of the stars that will soon fleck the cerulean dome of heaven with s|smgles of silver. I would ever thus, with thee at my side, revel in the glories' of the azure—azure, as sure as— " Whst si qui sits lan gunge," she enid, with a sign. •• How can yon afford it on six dollar* a Week f The young man was not quite ''as sirs" aa he waa, and slid down the pill** to the yard, toaled the frnvs and waa aeen no more thereaboutforever.