Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 23, 1881, Image 2
®he Ctutoc ;Draiurrat. ♦ BELLEPONTE, PA. Tho Largest, Cheapest anil Boat Paper PUIILtBtIKO IN t'KNTKK COUNTY. KK'IH !!• New York tMnwrvvr. INTERNATIONAL LESSONS. SeecnU (fn<irtcr. ■it utv ns.iur m. <in.n r, . i>. JI NK 20. Lesson 13. Tho Gospol for tho World. Lux I U 44—Kl (hunts TSXT "Tli.y WENT RIRTH *ml |>rM<-li) mrywhtw." Central Truth: —The true disciple ii Christian missionary. There could be no more fitting topic with which to conclude litis halt years' studies. Our Saviour's public ministry is ended. llis death upon the cross hits been accomplished. So has his ressnr rection from the dead. The great Gos pel feast is fully prepared. Nothing re mains but that messengers be instruct ed, endowed and commissioned to bear the good tidings to all the world. Ot this remaining work we have some account in the few verses before us. Just when all these words and events were spoken and transpired is not cer tain. Alter our Saviour's appearance to tiie two in the way to Kmmaus, the) hastened back to Jerusalem to tell to the other disciples the great things which had happened to them. They found the eleven, with others, gathered together, and, i.s they entered the room where thev were, were greeted with the cry, "The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared unto Simon." And in the midst of their own joyful storv, Jesus himself stood betore them. His first work after quieting their fears, excited by so sudden an appearance, was to convince them of his bodily presence. It is possible that all that which fol lows down to the forty ninth verse transpired at this interview. More likely, however, these verses are a sum mary of the Saviour's teachings during the forty days which followed his res surrection. Hut, however that may be, it is certain that we have here an inter osting portion of his last words, and, with if, the record of his withdrawal from mortal sight. As such, they are of deep and tender interest. Neither teach er nor scholar will be at a loss to find important truths. 1. It is noteworthy that again, RS in his words to the two on the way to Km tnaus, our Saviour puts honor on the Old Testament Scriptures. There are those who speak lightly of that portion of the Bible. They speak of it as a col lection of Hebrew legends and incredi ble stories. >ur Saviour bad different ' view. In his very last utterances to those he was about to leave, he took pains to say that in every part of those writings there were plain predictions about himself, and that all these > <• be fulfilled. He had told them this be fore, and now he repeats and empha sizes it. Let it be settled that to dis parage the Old Testament Scriptures is to part company with Christ. 2. "Then opened he their under standing, that they might uielerstand the Scriptures." That is, having shown them that all the wonderful things which had put so great a strain upon their faith were just what their own Scriptures should have led them to ex pect, he quickened their inner eye, that these might no longer be as a sealed look. No doubt this is but another ac count of that which is spoken of in John 20:22 —"And he breathed on them, saying, Receive ye the Holy Ghost." The Bible tells of things with which even the disciple is all too un familiar ; often it speaks to minds blind eil and hearts hardened by prejudice, passion and unwillingness to obey. >nly the Ihvine Spirit can prepare such eyes to see and such hearts and minds to feet and understand. Is it not al ways a good thing to begin the reading nnd study of the Bible with prayer for the Spirit's aid ? 3. It will W profitable to fix attention for a moment upon what in the next two verses is set forth as a great ne cessity, and as the very kernel of what was thencefoith to be the Gospel mes sage. "Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to sutler and to rise from the dead." Christ's death was not a mere martyrdom to ltdelityand truth ; nor was it a great crime of wicked men. and nothing more. From the first, it had been in God's thought and heart. If men were to be saved, there must lie an expiation. It bad been written that f'brist should sutler, and there were great moral reason* requiring it. His sufferings had now been accom plished. and thenceforth "repentance nnd remission of sins should be preach ed in his name." This was to be the kernel, the heart, the inner substance of the Gospel message. And so, in Apostolic days, it was. Whatever was left out this was put first. And in such preaching there was, and alwavs has been, immense power. Add to the call to repentance tho sure promise of im mediate pence through an expiation actually accomplished, the pledge of pardon, and God's perfect good will as an immediate jxwsession, and hearts are moved, melted and won. This is God's way of reaching them. 4. This brings us to the centra) truth of the lesson. It is the business of every one who has found these things out, and knows them by experience, to be a witness of them. "And ye are witnesses of these things." Doubtless this was primarily addressed to the Apostles. But the duty and privilege were not to be theirs alone, in the very first days, when persecution irons, "they," that is, ail, "that were scatter ed abroad went everywhere preaching the Word." Kvery true disciple is to count himself a Christian missionary. Then the Saviour tells us where this witnessing, this missionary work, is to begin, and with what cheer and aid it Is to be carried on. "Beginning at Je rusalem." "Tarry ye in Jerusalem un til," So we are to trybi at home just where we are. But we are not to stop there, or anywhere, until the good news has been preached "among all nations." Nor are we to hope or at tempt to work alone. In the saying, "Heboid, 1 tend tlio promise of my Father upon you," (be word promise do notes the thing promised, namely, the Holy Spirit. How tlio disciples </,./ tarry at Jerusalem, praying with one accord in one place, and how the prom ise of the Spirit was fulfilled to them, enduing theiu with power, and what wonders followed is told in I,tike's rec ord of the "Acts of the Apostles. Hut tlio promise was meant for all times and for all disciples, and not lor them only. 5. The lesson ends with a brief ac count of the ascension. Were I,tike's the only Gospel it might be inferred that this loiiowed immediately upon the words recorded in the preceding verses. This, however, is not a neces sary inference, nor is it a correct one. In the saying, "And he led them out as far as lietbany," nothing is intimated with respect to the time of the event. From other accounts wo learn that it actually took place forty days after the resurrection. The joy with which the disciples returned to Jerusalem is ox plained in part by the fact that the as cension was the final pledge of the ful fillment of all that the Master had promised, and so of the triumph of his and their cause. Then they must have recalled those precious words of his in the upper chamber, when he told them that in his Father's house are many mansions; that he went to ptepare a place for them, and would come again to receive them to he with him where he should he. In the first chapter of the Acts we learn that they were also cheered by a special promise ol his re turn. In that ascension is ihcro not like comfort anil joy for n* ? To us is it not a pledge of victory*? We, too, look for his return, and for our own exaltation to a piece with hint in the father'* house, lie is our forerunner into the heavens. And even now, though ab sent in body, he is in spirit, jmwer, and love, present with ull his people, RA ACTIO At, sroufssTioNs. 1. The Bible a book front (Iwlj the Holy .Spirit ever present to enlighten the mind and warm the heart; a divine, suffering Saviour, through whom we have release from the power and curse of sin ; these are the three great facta of our religion, to these we must hold fast. '2. We are not to be content with merely being saved ourselves. It is the Master's will that repentance and re mission of sin* should he preached in Christ's name to ail the world. He cannot have assurance that he is him self a true disciple who does not feel moved to help to bring about tin- great result. To all hi* people he is still say ing, "Ye are witnesses."' - -- ■ ■ illf-: ASIIIIV ItKOTimtS. A Buckfaller hill* lahhy. am • Uwn&ng is ,v.'OfinMtfry Win rh ftrr, I f., to .!/■•' •/ '/■ • <>, i f ,i 7-lt ' iment (J> rr fA, Gtw t Turner Ah■ h <\u/ Hich'ird AthfjU. Col.mjurner Ashby w* killed while leading wi infantry charge against the famous muck (HI 1 regiment. Turner Ashhy, ll\ father of Turner and Itich ard A*ht.A w, the child ol M iry and lohn Ahb\ of Fauquier cyrnty. V s., and iiiarrit-% 1 1 'f'tbi a F.. • Ltiightf-r of Jus. and Fiirw-eth Hreen, oflliappahan nock countvnV *. From t\wi-> marriage sprung six i laFircn. and i the follow ing order, at \o-* I'ink, lin Fauquier county; Fii/.if->%, born MuK 1. i*'J.'; .lame* fireen, bFmJtilv 11. 1*27 ; Tur ner, born < '••toberli, I*2* }vM-try. l orn June jr., 1* HI . fleharii, nkrti Uclo lier 2. I *ll, and i'yothea F., |korn No vember 1", I * !'). THIS, had >!wi. Tur n<-r Ashbv lived until he 2th ber, I**l, be would bave'tiswn ,Uwm of age, nut yielding up his yrr on the sixth day of June, IMI2. he was not quite .11 years of age when he was killed, in all the strength and promise of manly prime. Asittiv'* i,%*r XI-.IIT ox r\KTII. It wis on the outskirts of Harrison burg, in the centre of the great valley, almost equi~ditant from tragic Harper's Ferry, at its entrance and quiet Salem at its close. The Federals were press nig upon the rear of Jackson, and the next day the storm of battle was to be gin which shook the mountain around Port Repul 1 c and reverberated among the hills of t'ros* Key. Ashby was to fall with hi* hand on the heart of the valley. His chaplain, who was with him, says "it was little wonder he could not sleep that night, for never did offl rer feel more keenly the delicacy and importance of Jackson's trust.*' Ksrly Friday morning, June 6, ImVJ. just nine teen years ago. Ashby seemed all encr gy anil life. With his line of protec tion and observation throw n in rre*cent form from the Shenandoah river around to the mountains west of Harrisonburg, it may be imagined how very active and energetic he was when he endeavored to keep the whole line tinder his own eye. His whole military eareer had been verv brilliant, and, as tieneral Robert K. Fee expressed it, "it bad been an eventful one." The last flay of his life, however, was the most brilliant in scr vice, arduous and |erilous, cam at or cot . aia etacv WVXIUIAM. When the Federal advance reached Harrisonburg the cavalry, under (Jen. Bayard, began to press Jackson's rear with great energy. Here it was that Ashby performed one of his brilliant exploits. There WHS in the Federal army one Sir Percy Wyndham, Colonel of the First New Jersey Cavalry, an of ficer well schooled in all the experiences of the field on both sides of the Atlan tic, He was full of adventure and anx ions to capture Ashby. This he under took to do by pe*ing Ashby's rear with great flash, but imagine Mir Percy's chagrin to find himself a prisoner, lie bad gone too far. Ashby had apparent ly retreated, when, throwing out hi* Hanks and allowing the Federal cavalry to pass on, had completely enveloped Hir Percy before the Fnglish adventurer knew he had ventured too far in on the lines formed. asnav's UKATit AX n keftutu Very soon thereafter Fremont pushed on his infantry, and Ashby fell leading an infantry charge against a Pennsylva nia regiment known as the "Bucktail#," He was pierced through the heart by a Minie ball while leading on bis men to victory, and calling to them as he led them on, ♦'Forward, my brave men I" Jit WM buried the Mh of Juo*, 1802, in the cemetery of the University of Vir ginia, at I .'harlottenvillc. Till STo.NSWAU, i KSII'IKKy. The women of the l.ower Valley, headed by Mrs. I'lulip Williams, hud prepared a bcnuifiil home for the Con federate dead who had fallen around Winchester. Tills work of love hud been brought to such a stage of comple tion us to be ready fur dedication on the LTitli of October, IMWi, when the bodies of the Athby brothers were bur ied in one and the same grave. <Mi the afternoon of the 21 ill the body ol Cap tain fieorge Sheets, one of the Ashby's bravest and most traded captains, had been brought from near Front Itovnl, where he had fallen in May, lsfl2, while thai of Captain Richard Ashby was brought from Rotnney ; that ol Lieut.- Col. Thomas Marshall from Charles town, where it had been temporarily placed in a vault, while that of Ceneral Ashby was brought from <'harlottes villi*. The four bodies were carried to the Lpiscopal church. The interment took place the next day with the dedi cation of Stonewall Cemetery, in the presence of 10,000 people, the laic Hon. Henry A. Wise delivering the eloquent address. *♦- in k in: Kin. The Yankee Horse's Victory. I.RAPIIIC- IiKSiRIITION or tlir. I.KKAT tMJ* I.lilt RACE. 1.. J. J-ni.ti>s; to S.- V'.rk Werß It was lour minutes past when the horses went to the post. With a good deal of good-humored crowding and horse play the course had been cleared und lay a riband of emerald between two human walls. The inevitable "iM-rby dog" put in hi< appearance, and having been chased and chevied in mad terror vanished as suddenly and mysteriously a* he had appeared. The babel of the bookmakers in the ring ceased with almost ludicrous sudden ness as the horso drew into line like a squadron of cavalry making ready to charge. "Hats off!" ran around the throng and a quarter of a million face#, visibly flushed with excitement, were turned towards tbe starling point and there came upon the crowd a hush in which the flapping of flags in the light wind could tie heard. Over in the rainbow streak on the hill there i* a moment's hesitation ; one horse tries, apparently, to stand upon Ins head, another prances around on his hind-hoofs and spar# with his fore feet at vacancy, then the tiny blot of flog falls and the horses seem, as if smit ten by an electric shock, to become half as high and twice as long as they were nn instant before. "They're off!" bursts with a single impulse and a sort of relieved sigh from every lip; then, "No! False start!" as three or four hor-e are seen still at the post, towards which the others wheelbaCk, one, that had gone further**!, fh-hutig hi* jockey and boring hi* head rebellious!*- from si-io to *i ie as if j rotesling again -t being checked in such an auspice us de parture. Again they are marshalled again the # uiie hush and craning of necks; again the same exclamation. I he rainbow steak breaks up, shifts, is reoombined like bit# of painted glas# in a kaleidoscope. Il is a, if a handful of gay leads had been thrown alo ig a talde, "They're or)!" in earnest tin# time, and every bound of the lioiw# mean* ClMl** l for backers or fielders. A blind man could almost have fol lowed the different phases of the con test by commenting murmur of the throng, growing louder and louder as the horse* tore along, painted shadows in the distance. As they scudded up the hill Marshal MarPonald making strong running for hi# stable compan ion, Pon Fulano—led, Geologist and St. Louis close upon him, then Fere gine and Iroquois, a* il watching each other, t'n th level ground St. leMi* goes up to him. then take* a slight lead ; then the American scamje'r* upa they descend the lull to Tottenham Corner, the critical point of the race. It i# hard to say what their exact position* are a# they scurry around the bend, heading toward* borne, but the lead er* are dropping back to the main division and the tail i# lengthen ing out. For a moment Voluptuary show* in front * St. Ixiuis and Mar*hal M-tcdonald die nwav. and the humming commentary grow* louder and more ex cited. "They're round! Voluptuary's leading ! Aah ! (a long sigh of relief a* Geologist, against whom Peregrine has cannoned, after staggering almot to hi* no*o and knee*, recovers himself). Peregrine has it! Peregrine win*! Pere grine ! Peregrine!" Up the level stretch thundered the horses, coming nearer and nearer, curi ously fore shortened, a phantasmagoria of flashing colors, platted manes tioh bing, silk cap# with tuts of faces -com pressed lips and sharp chins—seen be tween the horses' ears. Town Moor, Tristan and Peregrine sre in front ; Pon Fulano, Scobell and Iroquois just behind, like two Roman chariot teams. Up goes a jockey * hand and his whip fall* three or four times on hi* hor#e's flank ; the animal wriggles forward for a second, then seem* to float backward, and the cry i* raised, "Tristan's heat I" Town Moor and Peregrine are a span now, and the greyhound like favorite draws out aifid a delighted roar, "Pere grine wins!" "It is all over!" and scores of watchers shut their glasses with a contemptuous click, as the horse* flash up to the grand stand. Then a counter roar breaks out devouring the shouting like • prairie fire: "Iroquois! Iroquois? The Yankee's coming! He has him ! (every one knows who "he* is and who 'him.') Peregrine I Iroquois! Archerl" snd the two leaders dash by, leaving the others at every stride; their eyes aflame and flanks all wet; every muscle strained; their panting like, the breathing of steam engine*. Iroquois'* note is at the favorite's shoulder--at his head -it shows in front; Webb raises bis whip and at the stinging cut Pere grine springs forward, but his bolt ia shot", and with a smile Archer shoot* post tbe judge's box with Peregrine's red nostrils at his knee. And amid such a roar as Kptotn powns have rarely heard. Jealousy, pride, all hostile emotions are swallowed up on the instant, and the crowd cheers and laughs snd cheer* again, and break ing all restraint overflows into the green ribbon of tracks towards where the gallant Anifrirnn with hi* onrx pricked mid neck niching incoming hack to the scales, Ins young rider witting calmly triumphantly with one hard on hi* hip. The stalwart, hluc coated policemen have to hi-sccdi, aid threaten and shoulder and almost use their trunrh eons to force away for horse and rider, while every hanjo, fiddle, brass and at ringed instrument on the Downs i* blowing or twanging something more or less American, arid the Americana in delirious delight are breaking each other's hats aid giving each other trip hammer greetings on the hack. The hundred and second Porby baa been run for and won by a "Yankee." kOSSI 111 AMI IIKAK. So far as know, Hungarian method* are not very different from other meth- I oils ; but the fact J hat Kossuth is now living in .Northern Italy, and talks | about the great love he hears his coun try, etc., moves us to make a few re marks for the special benefit of Mr. Kossuth and his legal heirs. About live years ago the cable brought intclli I gence of the death of Franz I leak at I'uda-I'esth, the capital of Hungary. ; His life hail been a marvel of purity and devotion to the grand scheme of I redemption lor his native laud ; aid he had lived, like Simeon, to witness its glories and see ten millions of people nourishing under the realization of Ins dreams for Hungarian freedom. Hail we heard of the death of Kossuth, who hat dropped almost entirely below th" holizon ot modern thought, a thousand martial memories, pregnant with patri otic fire, would have been instantly re kindled. His name is a household word. His deeds and his impetumfi eloquence are familiar to a land which has beard his story from his own burn ing lip. lie fought like i hero against op pression, but failed. He had been a fiery revolutionist, panting for Hunga rian freedom, fighting for it. sword in hand ; and lovers of liberty the world over look Kossuth anil his cause to their heart*. Hut Peak? How many have the faintest conception of the glorious triumph illustrated in his ac reer ? He never cost Hungary a sin gle life ; his policy had been one of peace : the herald of his political career had murched in front of his ambition, hearing only the flags and crr> it.g only the terms of a grand and inflexible .ustire a separate internal government tor his native land. Never for half a century did he waver in taith or work, and never called on Hungary for one diop of blood in a cause'tbat was more hers than his own. The great purpose of his earnest life was finally realized in the constitutional freedom of his native land, and hence it was felt by hi- grateful country, when IJ.S death was announce-!, that a far greater nun than Kossuth w dead, ( Franz I'eak W;| * born in the Hung, rim county of Zila. in |W., one year i Iter the birth of Kossuth. He studied law and became coospicuou- for his eh> |ijence. He fore he wa thirty he hud ot ir won till- c -t.fi lel.ee of lhe people that he wc- elected to the national I bet, and allied huii-el! w.ih the liberal party, then demanding that the Aus trian government should recognise the constitutional rights of Hungary as an independent kingdom. His armor then was the plain justice of the petition, and his only weapon the logic of a firm and moderate policy, lie (oun 1 Hun gary groping in the darker-* tor pnhti . vl itidejtetidence, and he took upon himself the tsk of leading her into the light. IK r ancient liberties had been infringed upon, step by step, by the tyrannous dynasty of Hapsbttrg. till scarcely a vestige remained of the time honored rights of her citizen*. Her peasants were serfs ; her Ihet. con trary to the articles of IT'.'l, had to submit to the authority of royal letters patent from Austria, and, as • crowning insult, taxation had so little to do with representation that the nobility were exempt from all payment of tithes. With unwearied zeal, and using every argument but the sword, Peak (ought against these abuses, at the same tune preparing his |>eople for a greater des tiny l-y promoting measures for their commercial and social improvement. The nobles saw the growing power of t fie fearless champion, and succeeded for a time in retiring lion to private life. Hut they could not quench his republican spirit. He believed in the invincible power of Ins cause, ami w*s convinced it would triumph without sr. appeal to arm*. Then followed that Kuropean oonvul- i sion which shook all the thrones of Kurope in IM*. The spirit of democ racy, attended by a horde of demons, rushed forth froni the gate* of Paris in February, and swept from the I'.altic to the Adriatic, fiom the Hay of Hiscay to the Caspian Sea. The Hungarian part of the tragedy is familiar. The fierce Magyars, led on by the intrepid Kossuth, held the combined forces of Austria, ituasia and Cloatia at hay for months, till the hopes of the insurgents died with the surrender of fiorgey at Vila gos. 1 teak was not in sympathy with the revolution, and did all in his power to avert it; and so Kossuth, who dis agreed with tlorgey and with evervbody else, had no patience with that style of patriotism, and when he became gover nor willingly accepted Peak's resigna tion from th-* portfolio of justice. He forgot that whiie some may flaunt their patriotism, like an nriflmime from the helmet of war. others may watch re ligiously over its per|>etua! fires, like the vestal* of ancient Home. The ap istle of peace builds slowly, but hi* founda tions endure. Pesk was deputized fo treat amicably with Prince VVindishgratz, but was thrown into prison for his pains ; and, knowing the times were not ready for him. he retired to hi* estate when hi* confinement was over. At the conclu sion of the war Austria asked him to join the legislative conference at Vien na, hut he proudly refused, because the Hungarian policy of Austria, which lie saw was fixed, did not harmonise with his constitutional views, lie demanded more than Austria su willing to grant, and be kept on demanding, bravely, temperately, but inflexibly, till he got it. One by one, under the combined influence of liberalism in Europe, and the relentless appeals of Peak, conces sions were made by the Austrian crown. Nobles paid tax a* ; peasants had the right toownlandin fro simple; taxa lion became the basis of rcpri'rciilttkiii; arid tin* statesman had rcrnedled that evil in the former constitution of hi* country which allow. ,| comitate or electoral distrii t t,> decide ; JV voU , whether it would accept the laws passed by a representative Pjt, and thus made Hungary nee the unref.iihlicaii lolly of a course which had ruined the Nether land* and Spain. The articles of |H were a ({real stride toward Hungarian freedom, hut the victory was not complete. I leak re fused to enter public life while there wa not a resident Hungarian ministry, a constant token to the people that Hungary was ruling herself. He also insisted that the exiles of the country should not be stripped ol their proper ty. I ncondilion 111 surrender being the only terms he had to offer Austria, he would not fraternize with the emissaries of liapsburg till every part of his dream of freedom had been realised. In 1861, when various concessions had been made, he was returned by the city of I'esth to the Uiet.and was appointed to draw ufi that famous address to the Kroperor, containing demands which completed his dream of a constitutional Hungary. The Emperor sent it hack with an insulting rescript. Peak an swered with a protest in the name of the Jiiet; whereupon the Kinperor dis solved the I Met, and the fearless Ileak resjmnded with another protest against tin* illegality of the measure, and again battled and waited for his time tocoine. Finally, after lorty years of sleepless devotion to one grand idea, the blessed vision of a free Hungary became a fact. .1 1,/,\ I S ltl.lt <1 ('lt., Ilif/h-St., lltiinh tiotlHf. Farmers' Supply Store, wi: AHI; TIN: A T TII< I:IZI:I> AGENTS EOU THE KALE OF THE CON KLIN WAGONS, r wl.wh f oflHM Bearer ;■< rfecti'.n than any ottM -r wagon* made. No Otlur make com- I' ■' " ' '' l f,! rufifiii. g iifid dura I ity I hivp liecn in uw* many year* in < KN llt 1 ('"( NT\ HI ! i 'IN- w .rn i a Tli*\ are made bu<-r and better RTRRR vr \\ .• buy by the r*r load and kwp ■ full *i<* kof difmat rise* <>n bund f FA KM, KMAU m' t i,i MBKR \\ MiO{lB xttim na rmiwor * da track )il'.< •\ l> WHEEL CoNK LIN WAGtN> MADE !<• UI'.DKP. Curlliiiiil Busies. Cnrriaitcs, Plurtoiis —A Nl PLATFORM SI'UIXC WAUOXS. L.ko \ > t nk in company. lb" Cortland C'-mpany make nothing but flm-riaiu. 2" d* and guarantee their work, which we ell at low price* CALL AMI KXAMINK OUR STOCK and you will be roßriaml that wo fulfill our declaration* ** to quality and tvle of good*. tur *tock include* BUG <SI KS WITH <H WITHOUT TOPS, GENTLEMEN'S K*• Al► WAt.oNK, SII)K BAR BUGGIES, I'II,KT<NS, Ac. tiur I'LATFoKM bPHING WAGONS are model* of perfect ton. They are in every *onc a rlandard wagon, which have never failed to give rati* faction. WK INVITK INSPECTION OF THOSE WK HAVE ON HAND OR ANY THAT AKK IN t'HK PRICKS LOW. We ell the OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS, the tUodard plow of the age; it doea it* work *o well that other maker* try to imitate it. Price, with Jointer Pilot Wheel and extra Share, ($l4) fourteen dollar*, f> per ct. off fur cah. Three different Share*: "C" Share for *<il earily plowed ; "D S" Share for plowing drv ground, and "8" hare lor plowing baked *il or gravelly ground. Price of Sharea W ct* each. We *ell Cultivator* for one and two kerm—lor either riding or wnfcing: I .ever and llotarv Culling Roto*; the ceh'hralod Ilouck Fodder Cutter and Cru*har; the Otborna Mower*, Reaper* and Self-Binding Hre*ter; the Hubbard Gleaner and Hinder; Horae Hay Rake*, hand and *elf dump; Horae llay Furka; the be*l Grain Drill made, with Fertilir.ing attachment, at the lowoet price; the Heebner level Tread llorae Power, with Threaher and Separator, or Tbrmhrr and Shaker, for one or two bor*e: the Geiaer Thre*her and Separator, with repair* ; Clover Hulleft and Cleaner*; Farm Chop Mill* ; Farm Engine*; Cider Mill*, for hard or horae power; Fairbanki' Scale*, every .variety ; Corn Sheller* ; Road Plow* and Road Scraper*, for Supervi*or* ! ** ; Wind Mill* of the mo*t improved make ; Wagon H<du and Axle Grea*e; Baltimore, Itoaton and Buffalo Commercial Fertiliser* ; Cayuga Pla*ter , Steel Wheelbarrow*; twenty varieties of Ura* Seed*, and every variety of Garden Seed* ; the American Improved Sewing Machine*, with Oil, NeedlM, Ac We invite the ladiea to call and inpcct it, Thi* de;*rttent i* attended to by a ladv operator, who ?lve* tnHrualion*. All In want of Sewing Machine* *av* money by dealing with ut. DWDKK, FUSE, DYNAMITE and EXPLODING CAPS. <fc CO., STORE OPPOSITE BUSH HOUSE. BKLLEFONTK, PA. WM. BHORTLIDOK, C. L. BUFFINGTON, BMINCM Mane per. Book-Krtjxr. Humiliated ly the war with I'rMarin in hi), Auatria wa* ready to grant Ih-ak the *am unconditional term* a* were extended hv Pharaoh to the children of i liael, and hii beloved country today enjoy* a (sotiatituiiorial liberty it* free a* England'*. •Such id ari outline of thia great |>eaco nUtteaman * „ r -i-r. The value of audi a life and the power „[ [•ln will remain impcriahably among the lull* and |>lain* of Hungary, lie found hi* country enihed ; he left her proud and erect. OppreMiive feudal veMige* were nwept away, Koieiuth tried tne nword. beak tried the peaceable logic of an honeal cam*. KoMuth roamed an exile in Turkey] I' ranee and America, now iteming litho graphed hank note* in London, aianed with hi* name, fur 'JiHtrihution in Hun gary ; now inflaming Italy to war by mean* of fiery article* in the />er*evrran■ :i; now advising hu own countrymen to reject all w,iii offered by Krancia Joneph of Austria, and finally retiring, in a fretful old age, to a umall dwelling iri Turin, the capital town of the. Piedmonteae Alp*, where he write* ! e**ay on astronomy. Leak remained in Hungary, the afioiit'e of her connti j tutional freedom, the advocate of jteace, the idol of a regenerate people. Ob. nerve the leatoii : \N hile in* honored remain* were lying in Mate at the capj. tal of hi* native land, and hi* coflln wan draped with emblem* of a nation * grief Kotwulh wit* listening wearily to plaintiff cathedral chime* in an alien city ol l'iedmont, and looking for nign* of a rcahz-d L'lopia in the star* of an Italian *ky.