Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 16, 1881, Image 5
LYON Jt CO., Allegheny Street, Bellrfonte, Pa. LYON &c CO.'S SIEOOIISriD Arrival of Spring Goods! OUR trade lias been so much larger than we expected that our Mr. Gust Lyon has been compelled to go to the city twice for a Spring Stock. We have just received the handsomest stock of LAWNS, very bountiful, from Tv. upwards. A NEW LINE OF BEAUTIFUL Buntings, Grenadine>rHernani. WK CAN SUOW YOU A HANDSOME LOT OF Chintzes, Cretonnes, Percales, &e. Undoubtedly we have tho best end most varied assortment of liaflies' I mlorwear, Skirts, Chemist*. Drawers and Suits complete. We have SKIRTS frotn 68c. to $0.60, trimmed in Embroidery or Lace. CHEMISES from 10c. to SB.OO, in all styles. Lady Clerks in attendance to show you those goods. LADIES' LINEN ULSTERS, the largest variety now open that can ho found anywhere. Wo need not quoto prices of them, hut we guarantee them 16 per cent, cheaper than any other house in the county. In PARASOLS wo can beat anything around here! LADIES' SLIPPERS, WALKING SHOES, INLAID SANDALS, HUT TON WALKING SHOES, box-toed and otherwise. We can show you about thirty varieties, bought direct from the manufacturers. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! The largest and most complete stock of Cloth ing brought to town. Summer Suits, for 8-1 7-3 A beautiful light medium weight or heavy Suit, for -1 7> A good Union Cassimere Suit, for. -3 'hi A nice Dress Suit, for S*.7•, 7.->0 and H (HI are good quality, light and dark casaimered. The best quality of all wool Cassimeres, Diagonals, Basket Patterns and Yas selburg's, from 810.IHI up. We are willing to wager that we have sold more pants, this season, than any three concerns combined : Because we had better arid better made, and cheaper, than you can find anywhere. BOYS' good Pants, 76c.; M EN'S good l'ants, sl.<N). We have WARNER Jfc CO.'S CELEBRATED PANTS fur $1.26. Celebrated because they are better, and better made goods than any other Pant" for the monay. SHOES! SHOES!! BOOTS! BOOTS!! We can show you three times as many SHOES as any other establishment. MEN'S Low-cuts, Button, Oxford Ties, High Button Shoes, Buckle Shoes. We have them very cheap for parties who do not want to pay much —from $1.2-3 up —and we have the best good serviceable ami fine shoes. *jF*('ome ami see for yourself if we don't do all we say. We are run ning FOUR LARGE STORKS AND BUY GOODS IiIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS and we can atford to SELL CHEAP. ALL GOODS MARKED IS I'LAtS FIOIRES ASD STRICTLY OSE TRICK. LYON CO. WALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN. Hr<tiich Store* at I'hUi/ml/urg, /h (/Ho/d*ri//f, tuul lloutzitalr, Pa. ■QROCKKRIIOFF HOUSE, -!> AU.WiIIKNY ST., HKt-LKFiiSTE. PA. "WILLIAM MrKREVER, Managor. Ockhl Sample Room cm F\r*t Floor. tfTrf Rn. to *nd from all Train*. Bprwlal rla t.> wltn— ifi jaron. 14— S y For Hale. VFARM containing Filty Acres, and hiring th.rvon ■ '< ] a IKAMK Hl'll.MMi and nt bnlldln*. TIU- r"l Inqalr* id A J AT K. (!KIT. HI vnionrlllo. Centra county. t'a. S. it A. LOF.lt, fieneral Merchant/*, AUryhrny-St,, Hcllrfotilr, Pa, MOTHERS, WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR IB O ~3T S. OUR SPRING AND SUMMER, SCHOOL, PLAY, —AND— DRESS SUITS, ARE NOW ALL IN. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED. EXTRA PATCHES IN EACH SUIT; SILK HANDKERCHIEFS IN EACH COAT. —OP THE CELEBRATED— STEIN, ABLER & CO.'S MAKE, of Rochester, WIIUBE REPUTATION IN TIIIS LINE STANDS FIRST IN TUB UNITED STATES. 1 To be had ONLY at the Popular Establishment —OF— Sft. AI flPft 1 ALLEGHENY STREET, ■tt Aa JuUIjU) ) BELLEFOWTE, FA., FINE CLOTHIERS —AWll— dealers in genekal mekcuandise. pENTRAL HOTEL, j (Opposite th ll*i!r <*! Motion.) Rh. rRjHTKK rot NTY. VA. A. A. KOIILRKCKER, Proprietor. THROUHH TRATEt.KR." on ih. ral'r.*.! will find (ki ll'Rfol on fltr# to lui-h, or |ifwqr a , ml aa AM, TKAI\- t' p ibovt MIMU. 47 Logan Cement. f T , HK retail price for lAKAN OE -1 MKNT on anl *ft*r thi <Ute (May 1*1) will \m two • )•11 ata |r trr*| an.l no rltar** f->r lour* of l*rr*l 1 I tt II K 01CKI WXARD'S PATENT NEW 1880 BKRIEB Malloablo Iron and Wood Beam Ohilled PLOWS urti ofTi-rod to tlir Farmer* of the roniitr* for the coming wruwin with many aJuahlo improvrnirMa. THE WIARD i the tot ami moat dura hie I low In the market. THE WIARD la the Iwnt for general purpose work, lit both mnl and ntuhble. THE WIARD hai the Ntrnpleet and inoet.rn M-,n * lW ° ° r thr ™ THE WIARD la the be*t Plow extant for hard clay and atony ground. THE WIARD rlvala idl other chilled Plow, for cleaning tn loom? and ad heal ve .oil.. ofTHE WIARD rannot lie excelled for Llghtneaa Out Malleable Iron Beam la t!e only pfftc Vt*ai adluetnhie metal I ham made; i. gurnnvd V 1 ; 1 " 1 b*'tiding or breaking; i. adiu.tab|e *jr a or 8 homea: over 110,000 in u.e. and not one ; o a thouaand failed. '°"uh ° intCr *' WWI " and Handle. re nJ/ Our Mold boards ixeel all other* for flnenra* and uniformity. •*M Ur Plow " ,rv warrant,.! to any rva*tm*blc ex • 11 1 r ,' > " " r " R" 1 "? < '"! new PLOW, fx- >un; IV i-re the W iauii a trial. n>H I ALU IIV (i OR DON A LAND 18, Engineer* anil Mark in i*t, AMI HEALERS IN AL.L. KIND* or Agricultural Implements, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN To ItKI'AIRH, is-if BELLKFONTE, PA. I'hilafit/j>/ild llrtint/i f'/otltiitft IhniHt, Iltlfrfoiift-, I'ti. A GREAT VICTORY! THE SUCCESS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. T 111-: PK( )PI .E Tin CM PH A NT! POLITICIANS KNOCK I'NDER! THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH On the Side of the People! We have the extreme satisfaction of announcing that the Philadelphia Branch is now ready to do BETTER THAN EVER IN CLOTHING, MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN! AND ARE, AS ALWAYS, AIIEAKOF ALL OTHERS® GENUINE GOODS. Clothing Manufactured by their Own House and every Article Marked and Warranted. SAMUEL LEWIN, the !M&niger, Now Defies the World and the Host of Mankind. IN HIS OWN MAKE OF CLOTHING, The PHILADELPHIA BRANCH never WM heat, never will I* heat ami never can be heat for the CHEAPEST CLOTHING offered in or outeide of Centre county. All that i* xaid here i* meant. GO ANT) SEE, and carry the new* to your neighbor, that MONEY CAN POSITIVELY BE BAVEI) AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. ißeo-i. ieeo-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Tear. Tha .ahw rfptkm prlra <4 lb* K 11111 baa Iwi rxbirrf to tl,(i> par copy par amnio. To clnl. of rirrt and apwarda lb WuiLt Fit Mar will ba farnlahad at tha aatraorllnarlly rbaap rata of "I aanta par ropy par annum. Tm I>ilt PtraioT will la nant lo any addnsa, dnrtn* tha aaartan. of t'oafraaa ami tha latolalara a* tha rata of K> rant* par month. t'mlar tha art ut Confraaa tha pnl.llahar jT>|.y tha porta*, and aotwrribart ara rallarad from that niprnaa. Krary ■nbarrtptkßi moat ha arrompanfad by tha raah. Mow la tba tlma [ln anlarrfha Tha approaching aaaatona of Cftßgraaa and tha will ba of mora than ordinary Inlaraat and tbalr proraadlnca will ha fnlly raporta.l for tha Iftally.and a romplata aynotaia af thain Will ha (Iran | n tha Waahly Addraaa PATRIOT PI HI.IRII IVI Of)., 11-lf W Markat Atraat. tlarrtahnr*. THOROUGH EDUCATION —rot— YOUNG LADIES. Hollidaysburg Seminary, IIOLLIDA YftBI'RO, BLAIR OOUNTT, PRRR'A. A yary hrolthful loratlow; haantlfal anrronndiafi OR ara to yonna Imltaa all tba ad*antac of at'hrlatiaa homa, With thofoofh "<w* "f laatrwrtlona la tha bl(bar liranrbaa of admwtinn. Terms, $250.00 per Annum, Inrlndinc hoard and attaadanra, naa of library. parlnd laala. and taltton in all RnlMi hranrhaa. Mnak and art aiua. ANNUAL TKRM, FORTY WKKKB. For i atalofna, with fall Information, nddtraa W P. HPBBBY, A. M., PiinstptL •CC * *•* •" T l ™' ,wn Tarma and |R oat wwO HI fraa. Addtraa U. ILA ELECT A 00, Pnrt laad, Main*. p.|y />r// (Joints and (Jrorrrics. pfARPHR BROTHERS, HI'RINO BTKKKT, IIKI.I.KVONTK, PA., Have their counter* and iholvea filled with NEW GOODS, ( BANKRUPT RATES Purchased at {HANK RU PT RATES ( BANKRUPT RATES Wlirt lt TIIKV OFKKH AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. CONSISTING OP Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion*, Stc. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS , Latest Rtyle* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS j Carjiet Bag*, Umbrella*, Parasol*, Ladies' Cloak*, Carpeting, Groceries, Queen* wn re, Ac. I Cuin(.rliltiKrry llilns that <an h* fuiiml In a flr.u 11... More. HARPER RROTHERB, SPBINO BTRKET, • - BKLLEKONTK, PA COUNTRY PRODUCE tak.n In cschanx* at tha I hlghet market prire. I Iy DUSH HOUSE, I> BKI.I.EEONTK. PA . K.mllie. end •ingle gentlemen, ** %•11 .1 t|,- jf.-n --• era! traveling putdlr .ml ormnef' nd msii ar* Dm ted ' to tin* Firwt 4'lwm Hotel, where they mill find home j comfort* .t rwMM<n.l lr rtw. IlJGnl reduction to Jury lorn and father, .tending Court. W. H TKI.I.KK. Prtff NEC It/.EE if' CO., (I'rorrrit, Hush llounr Work. Brllrfonte, Pa. NEW GOODS —F O R THE SPRING TRADE, We liave endeavored to get the very host of every thing in our Hue, and now have Home really choice good*. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes. Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Pr served PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. Wo invite the people of Centre County to call and Inspect oar NICE GOODS, which cannot fall to pleitac. SEOHLEB & CO. it f A LES rtSKS S I (titles, Alhyhenff Street, Jtrlle/'onte, /', A War in Bellefonte I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Dry Goods, Clothing and Groceries, AT OUR STORES. YOU HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OF AM. THE GREAT WAR IN PRICES, ONE STORK COMPETING AGAINST ANOTHER. WE HAVE HADE WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS IN THE PRICES OF HOME OF Ol'K GOODS. DO NOT SUFFER FROM THE THIS YEAR—KEEP THE BLOOD COOL WITH A Straw Hat for 4c. and a Nice Duster for 50c. WE STILL HAVE A FEW GROSS OF THOSE WONDERFUL 30c. GLASS SETS - - 4 pieces. DO NOT FORGET A DOZEN 12 Glass Dishes for a—Quarter! EVERY DAY —AND ALMOST EVERY HOUR —WE ARE RE CEIVING NEW GOODS. COME AM) SEE OI K BARGAINS! W REMEMBER WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR-%* FIS ZEE, SOLD NEARLY TWti CAR LOADS THIS SPRING. VALENTINES \ CO.S STORES, HI'.MKS' BLOCK, ALLEGHENY STREET, UELLEFONTK, l'A. 1855-1881. Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Years. BUSHELS. NOT ACRES. f\\r MONET Br I 81X0 BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE, Price. *25.00 Per Ton of 2000 Pounda. BAUGH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILISER for POTATOES par f P '.*•!, ' Price. 530.00 Per Ton of 2000 Pounda ALL GOODS SOLD ON OUAHANTEED ANALYSIS. inscriptive Circulars Sent free upon apfdiration. BAUGH & SONS. 20 South Delaware Avenue. Philadelphia. Tor mUc by J. H. LOKQ, Fleniington, Pa., Agent for Clinton and Oentre Oonntiei. MILLHEIM HOTEL, Mil. 1.11 KIM. CKNTIIK COT NTT. rE\S A. W. s XUBSIK, Props tetoi. Tb* tewa of J hi P'-nrr* VUrr. 1 •Unit tM nuloa from - iMfi • f v . C**tr* and ftpror* < rk Kailr.<i, with vur* , rounding* Uat mat* it a PLEASANT SUWMER RESORT. Oond trout ft.hlnc In lb ImOxtiaM *)< ■' 11, a '•> niM la mry tnl. At lh Mulb- mllt' l > i,> ■nidation, will I* fur. 1 Brat* law nd lmn< tn'lT- I •!* Jan* V, l*T#-lj* NEW REVISION NEW TESTAMENT. \S mado hv the m<#t eminent who!- •" ' Raclaad end Atonic*. Half Ibt FHrt ( nrrrpondlag I azll'k I dllloa. Earc* Sl. Ilara • 11-. • r.dpnl I|I. r)sr>Kl loading a CfwaM •• (dmprrfcraihr RUiari nt ihr Rtblr and im I'"."/'' "" g a fail arcoaat ef tbr Af r.rili|ni, gli<*n tombwrlt-piik IM-I . fr.? e ir.u .<•! offrrsd. And Hasp I t partinlaia al mtr. TIB HI SKI Bill NBUMUSfc (., Anrakfc.U.