®3ic Ctnftt . • . . BELLEFONTE, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper I'UHMHIIKD IN t'KNTKC COUNTV. Krum tlio New Turk 01x'r*r. INTERNATIONAL LESSONS. Second Quarter, 111 R*V. IIK.NHV M. QSot'T, 0. D. Jt'NK 19. Luton 12. REVIEW. fInUHN Text -.—"Fur even tlie N.HI 'if Mn < nie nut to bo miitUterttl ontu. but to iiilnl.tT, au'l to give tile life a rsnauii (or lusujr."—Murk 10 : (•'>. Central Truth: —Christ's love for sonls anil eagerness to savo them a quenchless passion. Our present lesson is a review of the second quarter. It includes nearly two thirds of Luke's entire Gospel, and much that is not found in either of the othors. The period of time is, how ever, not long. It extends only from November to April of the last year of our Saviour's ministry. For a year and a half he had been in Galilee. But his work there was done. The time of the end was drawing on. Accordingly "he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem." With this an nouncement our quarter's study began. Bome of the events included in the chapters which follow may belong to an earlier period. The order of time is not exact, though doubtless in the main, it is preserved. Leaving Galilee, our Saviour's course was across a corner of Samaria, and through Perea, east of the Jordan. It was not direct. Ho was preceded by messengers, and went where they were received. Also a little time must elapsp i before the terrible hour of his sufferings, , that the truths the disciples were be ginning to grn-p might take deeper root. Twice he anticipated his triumph- ! al and final entrance into Jerusalem by brief visits, the first being at the time , of the Feast of Dedication, and the other for the raising of Lazarus. In both instances the threatened violence of the rulers hastened his departure. Rut the cross was hi? goal. "He was in the grip of his grand purpose of aton ing tor the sins of the world." And his soul was straitened till it should be ac complished. The first lesson was F01.1.0M IN'. JESUS. It is in two part?. The first presents a {licture of intolerance, together with a esson of loving patience. The other part shows the spirit with which one is to set out in the Christian life. Three kinds of followers are described and ad monished—the impetuous, the procras tinating and the irresolute. The only acceptable service, we are taught, is that of the whole heart. It must be delib erate, unconditional and entire. The surrender must be at once and forever. The second lesson was THE I.OOD SAMARITAN. Of all our Saviour's parables this is one of the most striking and familiar. Its great lessons aro two. First, the essen- j tial principle of all true religion is love j —love to God and to men ; to all men i without distinction of race, rank, or j Slace. This is Christ-like. This is eaven. The other lesson is one that is often missed. The Scribe regarded eternal life as something to be earned by "doing." The Saviour probed his heart and showed him its great defects. If saved, it must be by grace. This i? j the conclusion to which self knowledge must lead us all. The third lesson was THE PHARISEE? REPROVE!'. It was a characteristic of the Pharisee? that they made great account of out ward appearances, indeed of the most < trifling external things, but neglected to put sin awav from the heart. ' For such hollow pretensions to piety, Jes is had only words of sternest rebuke. His words arn a solemn warning to all. "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy." The fourth lesson was COV BTOI'SN ESS, Chief among the tendencies native to the heart is that which would lay up for self, but is not rich toward God. It ap pears in other ambitions beside? the disposition to hoard wealth. It makes riches, honor, social standing, pleasure, worldly success, the grand aim of life. The sin and the folly of all this is the impressive lesson of the parable. The fifth lesson was IX)ST AND FOI'XD. By two charming parables we were made to see both why and how God seeks the sinner. Because he pities and values him, be goes after him with pains and patience, and the wisest choice of means. Having found and rescued him, bis joy, the joy of heaven, is faint ly imaged by that of the shepherd over the recovered sheep, and that of the woman who had found the missing coin. The sixth lesson was THE I'RODIUAI. SON. This was found to be truly "the pearl of parables." It is a condensed history of a wandering soul and its return to God ; of its sin, misery, repentance and restoration. Its special design is to show how ready God is to receive such. He notes the first signs of repentance, and with great gladness goes forth to meet tbem. The three paiables of the ohapter give a most melting and win ning glimpse of the heart of God. The seventh lesson was THE RICII MAN AND LAZARI'S. It was a lesson well fitted to make upon all thoughtful miods adeep and serious impression. For a moment it lifts the veil which hidea the world to come. It teaches that our future condition is being determined by the use we are making of present opportunities: that we aball be judged according to charac ter, and not by our outward circum stances ; and that the light of Revela tion is sufficient to guide ua to heeven. The unsaved will be without excuae as they will be without hope. The eighth leaaon was FAIAMLES ON PRATEI. By the story of the Importunate Widow we aro taught the need of perseverance in supplication ; by that of the Phari see and the Publican the equal ueces sity of humility. Together they show that as men ought alwuys to pray, so truo prayer can never fail to procure rich blossing. The ninth lesson was THE PARABLE OF TIIE FOUNDS. The central truth of this was found to be that Christian fidelity is sure of abundant reward. To each disciple is given his pound. He is to use it for the Master's profit. The most faithful will receive the largest reward. The great purpose of the parable is to en courage Christian trust and service. The tenth lesson was TIIF. CRL'i IFIXION. It set before us the sinless Jesus dying on the cross that guilty sinners might he pardoned and live. if all lessons it speaks to the heart. It is at once a con vincing argument and mighty appeal. It demonstrates at once the holiness and love of God, and the worth and ruin of the soul of man. How hard tho heart that can resist its cull to re pentance! There are those who make light of the work of saving souls. At what a distance are such from the Spirit of Christ ! The eleventh and last lesson was THE WALK TO EMMA! S. And did we not find it full of cheer and comfort? In it we luid a sight of the risen Saviour and Lord. And whst a view it gave us of his sympathy with troubled disciples! It taught us that he is otten with his people, even when his presence is unrecognized. He is pleased when they talk together ot him and the things of his kingdom. It is ho who helps us to understand the Scriptures. The lesson was the last of a series from which the earnest teacher nnd scholar has received great profit und delight. CHRIST'S SKM KM K OF RCA I 11. AN AI.I.EGED COI'V or TIIE Mo-T MEMORAIII.E Jl DtCI AI. ?EN TEN E EVER IRON"! V ED. The following is a , -i-y memorable judicial n-nti-iiw which ha? ever been pronounced id the annals of the world, namely, that of death against the Saviour, with the remarks which the Journal I. I>etr ' has collected, and the knowledge of which must be inter esting in the highest degree t" ev< ry Christian. It i.? word for word as fol low? : Sentence pronounced by I'ontius Pi late. intendaiit ot the Lower Province of Galilee, that Jesusof Na/aielh shall suffer death by the cross. In the seventeenth year of the reign of the Kmpefor Tiberius, and on the twenty fourth day ot the month of March, in the most holy city of .L-ru-i lent, during the pontificate of Anna? and fniaphaa. Pontius Pilate, intendant of the j rnv ince of Lower Galilee, sitting to judg ment in the presidential sent of the Praetors, sentences Jesus of N.i/arelh to death on n cro-s between two rob ber?, a? the numerous and notorious testimonials of the people prove. 1. Jesus is a misleadsr. 2. He has excited the people to sedi tion. H. He is an enemy to the lnw. 4. He calls himself the sou of God. ■>. He calls himself, falsely, the King of Israel. f>. He went into the temple followed by a multitude carrying palms in their hinds. irders from the first centurion ijuir rdiia Cornelius to bring him to the place of execution; forbids all persons, rich or poor, to prevent the execution of Jesus. The witnesse? who have signed the execution of Jesus are: I. Daniel Rohani, Pharisee. 2. John Zorabahe], .1. Raphael K ib-ini. 4. Capet. Jesus to be taken out of Jerusalem through the gates of Tourne*. This sentence is engraved on a plate of brass in the Hebrew language, and on its sides are'the following words "A similar plate has been sent to each tribe." It was discovered in the year 1280, in the city of Aquilla, in the king dom of Naples, by search made for Roman antiquities, and remained there until it was found by the commission of Arts in the French army in Italy. Up to the time of the campaign in South ern Daly it was preserved in the sacris ty of the Carthusians, nenr Naples, where it was kept in a box of ebony. Since then the relic has been kept in the chapel of <'asert. The Carthusian? obtained, by their petitions, that the plate might be kept by them, which was an acknowledgement of the sacri fices which they made for the French aimy. The French translation was made literally by members of the com mission of arts. Dennon had a fac simile of the plate engraved, which was bought by Lord Howard on the sale of his cabinet for 2.N90 francs. There seems to he no historical doubt as to the authenticity of this. The reasons of the sentence correspond exactly with those of the gospel. The Ohlrd City in the World. Damascus is the oldest city in the world. Tyre and Sidon have crumbled on the shore ; Baal bee is a ruin ; Pal mira is buried in a desert; Nineveh and Bablyon have disappeared from the Tigris and Euphrates. D.imu?rii? re mains what it was before the days of Abraham—a centre of trade and travel —an island of verdure in the desert; "a presidential capital," with material and sacred associations extending through thirty centuries. It was near Damascus that Saul of Tarsua saw the light above the brightness of the sun ; the street which is called Hlrait, in which it was said "he prayed," still runs through the city. The caravan cornea and goes as it did a thousand years ago ; there ia still the .Sheik, the ass, and the water wheel: the mer chants of the Euphrates and the Med iterranean still occupy these "with the multitude of their wares." The city which Mohammed surveyed from a neighboring height, and was afraid to enter "because it was given to man to have but one paradise, and for his part he was resolved not to have ft in this world," is to day what Julian called tbe "eye of tbe East," aa it was in the time of Isaiah, "the bead of Syria." JEFF DAVIS' CAITIHK. THE CONFEDERATE PRESIDENT'S OW N At> * COl'N'T or A MICII DISPUTED INCIDENT. From Mr. fortkvorulug Ik*k. After a short time I was hailed by a voice which I recognised as that of tny private secretary, who informed me that the marauders had been hanging uiouud the camp, and tiiat he and oth ers were on post around it and were expecting an assault as soon as the moon went down. A silly story had got abroad that it was a treasure train, and auri sacra fames hud probably in stigated these marauders, us it subse quently stimulated 'iencral.). 11. Wilson to seiul out a largo force to capture the same train. For the protection of my family I traveled with them two or throe days,) when, believing that they bad passed out of the region of marauders I determined to leave their encamp ment at nightfall to execute my original purpose. My horse and those of my party proper were saddled preparatory to a start, when one of my stuff, who hud ridden into the neighboring village, returned and told ino that he hud heard that a marauding party intended to at tack the camp that night. This decided me to wait long enough to see whether there was any truth in the rumor, which I supposed would bo ascertained in a few hours. My horse remained saddled and my pistols in the holsters, and I iuy down, fully dressed, to rest. Nothing occurred to rouse tne until just before dawn, when my coachman, a free color ed man, who faithfully clung to our for tunes, came and told me there was firing over the branch just behind our encampment. I stepped out of tny wife's tent ami saw some horseman whom f immediately recognized a* cav alry, deploying around the encamp ment. I turned buck and told my wife these were not the expected marauders, but regular troopers. She implored me to leave her at once. I hesitated, from unwillingness to do so, and lost a few precious moments before yielding to her iin port unity. My horse and anus were ti'-ar the Toad on which 1 expected to leave, and down which the cavalry up proached ; it was, therefore, impracti cable to reach them. 1 was compelled to start in the opposite direction. As it was quite dark hi the tent, I picked up what was supposed to he my "rag lan," a waterproof, light overcoat with out sleeves ; it was subsequently found to to my wife's, so very like my own a* to be taken for it. As I started my wife thoughtfully threw over my head and shoulders a shawl. I iiad gone perhaps fifteen or twenty yards when a trooper galloped up and ordered me to bait and surrender, to which I gave a defiant answer and, dropping the shawl and ruglan from my shoulders, advanced toward him. He leveled hit carbine at me, but I expected if he fired he would miss me, and tny intention was, in that event, to put my hand under his foot, tumble l> iin off on the other side, spring into bis saddle and attempt to escape. My wife, whe bad been watching, when she saw the soldier aim his carbine at me, ran forward and threw her arms around me. Success depended on in stantaneous action, and recognizing that the opportunity had been lost, 1 turned back, and, the morning being damp and chilly, paaed on to a fire beyond tiie lent. 1 ur pursuers bad taken dif fercnt roads ami approached our camp from opposite directions ; they encoun tered each other and commenced firing, both supposing they had met our armed escort and some casualties resulted from their conflict with an imaginary body of Confederate troops. During the confu sion, while attention was concentrated upon myself, except by those who were engag"d in pillage, one of my aides. Col. .1. i'aylor Wood, with Lieutenant l'irn well, walked off unobserved. His dar ing exploits on the s.-a had made lum on the part of the federal government an object of special hostility and ren dered il quite proper that he should avail himself of every possible means of escajie. Colonel rriteiiard went over to their battle field and I did not see bint for a long time, surely more than an hour ofter my capture. He subse quently claimed credit, in a conversa tion witii me, for the forfwarance shown by bis men in not shooting me when I refused to surrender. Wilson ami others have uttered many falsebood* in regard to my capture, which have been exposed in publics tions bv persons there present- by Sec retary Ifeagan, by members of my |>er sonal staff and by the colored coach man, Jim Jones, which must have feen convincing to all who were not given over to Iwdieve a lie. For this reason I will postpone to some other time and more appropriate place any further notice of the story and it* variations, all the spawn of a malignity that slia-nes the civilization of the age. \V e were, when prisoners, subjected to petty pillage. IMAGINE 3,814.571 people swarming around an area of which I'enn Square is the centre. To imagine such a fabulous thing >* to get an idea of the imperial city of the world —London. In cold figure* the ground covered by the city embrace* G9O square mile*. The#e mile* of clu*tered thrift, grandeur, aqua lor, art*, commerce, science and what not imaginable to the mind of man take up the better part of four great coun tie*. that were in the early day* consid ered kingdom* by the primitive Britons. Original Isuidon, and what is known i distinctively as "the city," i* situate in the county of Middlesex north of the | Thame*. This i* joined (o the southern district* by thirteen magnificent bridge*. The government and administration of ! this stupendous assemblage of human beings is almost as diverse as the locali tie* who** people form the aggregate of the metropolis. But so excellent is the administration of London from centre to circumference, that it is sought by the cultivated of all land* as the most agreeable city for residence. From any ! given point the circulation is more rapid and less expensive than any city in the world. By the underground rail ways suburbs twelve miles from the centre are as desirable and accessible as the old-fashioned residence quarters limited to stages and cab*. Hence rents in London are more reasonable than in any large city in Kurope. Locomotive and rapid transit have been studied carefully and worked out scientifically, and the result is that these four mil lions of people are better housed, better transported and live more comfortably than any urban population in the world. In comparison with London pavement* Philadelphia streets are mere buck wood bog*, and in conipariaon with its civic administration the beat governed Amer ican city is the happy go lucky experi ment of a Kaffir tribe.—/'/ufa. Timet. CI ICI OS I'l I EH OF ICE. In 1850, Mr. Faruday discovered that two piecen of ice placed in contact froze together almost instantly. Mr. Tyndall says : "< 'no hot summer day 1 entered a shop on the .Strand; in the window fragments of ice were lying in a basin. The tradesman gave me per mission to take the pieces in my own hand ; holding the first piece I attached all the other pieces in the basin to it. The thermometer was sixty degrees, and yet all the pieces were frozen to gether." In this way Mr. Tyndall formed a chain of ice. This experi ment may be made even in hot water. Throw two piece* of ice in a pail full of almost boiling water, keep them in contact and they will freeze together in despite of the high temperature. Mr. Faraday made another experiment of the same sort, lie threw into a vessel full of water several small pieces of ice. They floated on the surface of the water. The moment one piece touched another there was an instantaneous refreezing. Attraction soon brought all the pieces in contact, so that in an in stant an ice chain was formed. An ice wheel tiiriiirif* on n surface <$ ice refree7.e lit the |ioint of contact ; 'luring the rotation a series ot cracks are heard which show the ear that suc cessive refreezings are constantly taking place. The phenomenon ot refreezing is easily explained. At the surface of a piece of ice the atoms, which are no longer in equilibrium on the outside, tend to leave their neighbors, as hap pens in boiling or evaporation. Melt ing ensues. But if two pieces of ice are brought together, the utoius on the surface are restored to their equilibrium, the attractive action toint. The slowness with which ice melts 1* well known. During the winter of 1710 the Cur built at St. Petersburg, a magnifi cent palace of ice. which lasted several vears. Since then cannons have Iteen loaded with hall* and fired. They weie fired ten times without bursting. It is consequently indisputable that ice melt* slowly, and may he turned to good ac count in the polar regions. In Siberia, the windows have pane* of ice. The remarkable property with which par tides of ice are endowed of molding themselves into different *h*|>e* by re freezing. easily explains how glaciers make their way through narrow gorge* and expand in valley*. The ice is broken into fragments which refreeze whenever they touch. ■ ♦ —■ W lint Bcnrotr field Owed to H Woman. Fr-'is ll> Boston Tr**!r. Mrs. f>iraeli I rought to the future Premier not only a considerable fortune, but perfect companionship. She was ten year* his senior, and if a passage in "F.ndytnioh" is to he trusted a* auto biographical, she relieved him of fully mwf the embarrassment of popping the question. To her influence he always largely ascribed the success of his after life. "Women will do much for you," say* Myra to Fndymion Ferrars (Dia rae'i's mask), and certain it is that Benjamin Disraeli believed implicity that they had done more for him than all other instrumentalities combines!. Truth is stranger than fiction, and it is the simple truth that Mrs. Brydges Wyllyams, of Torquay, Devonshire, out of her woman's admiration for his ge nius, made him heir to her estate, worth $150,000. She only eiacted from him in return his friendship while she lived, and a promise that she should rest after death among the Disraeli's at Hughenden. Nor will it be forgotten that to the tjueen'* high personal es teem for him be oweyl a series of favors in hi* conduct of the Government such as Victoria ha* never shown to any other of the long line of able statesmen who have served as ber Prime Minis ter*. He was all chivalrous deference to women In general, and all devotion to one woman in particular. Addressing the farmers of Buckinghamshire at a Harvest Home festival he called his spouse "the best wife in England," and he dedicated "Sybil" "to the most severe of critics but e perfect wife." At every turn in the road along whieh we trace his path to fame we see stand ing beside him this enchanting figure of • faithful wife, nerving bin ambition, soothing hi* defeat*, and entering with zest into hi* ultimately startling tri umnhs. '1 he try ha* often been told of her friding with him down to the House of Common*, giving no *ign of the acute pain caused her by having her thumb* severely cnubed by the carriage door, lent her diatraaa might unnerve him for the great speech which be was shortly to deliver. It well illustrate* the fine sympathies that linked them to each other. The vicinage of Hugh enden ha* been full of touching anec dotes of their home felicity. Disraeli purchased the Hughenden Manor from the Norris family, and Mrs. Disraeli did with it, while she lived, what she pleas ed. The handsome mansion was more than half hidden by beaches and elms, and the gardens and conset vatories WW exceedingly beautiful. In a little bask et-carriage, behind a shaggy black pony called .lack, Mrs. Disraeli was accus tomed to ride around among her bus band's neighbors and tenantry, with smiles for her social equals, and an open hand for those of poorer station. At her instance Mr. Disraeli long since built a convenient and well appointed school house, in connection with St, Michael's church, where they were to Im* seen kneeling together every Sunday when I'arliament wa* not in session. 1 hey both took a deep interest in the laborers' families on their estate, and each cottage was a little model of con venience and comfort. It in not sur prising that this fond couple should have been regarded as something more than common day by the simple coun try folks thereabouts. After they bad pa*ed through nearly thirty year* of life together, thirty years in winch hi* political career had A IJK\ .1 A />/•;// .1 f.'ft., Uigh-St.. ()p/tonite /;rn out. Yhey are made better and better every vea* \S •• I iv by the car l->ad and k<-ej. a full shock of different nz< on hand of IAI! M. KOAD and I.T MBF.B WAGONS, either narrow or wide tra< k. BROAD WIIKKL < ON KLIN WAGONS MADE To ORDER. Cortland Billies, Carriages, Phartons —AND— PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS. Like the < ..nklin company, the Cortland company make nothing but first-class goods and guarantee their work, which we sell at low prices. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK and yea will !••• convinced thai we fulfill <>ur declaration* *• to qualiiv and stvle of good*. Our stock includes BUG GIES WITH .R WITHOUT TOPS, GENTLEMEN'S ROAD WAGONS, SIDE BAR BUGGIES, PH.ETON'S, Ac Our PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS are models of perfecting!. Tbev arc in every sense a standard wagon, which have never failed to give satisfaction. WK INVITE INSPECTION OF THOSE WE HAVE ON HAND OR ANY THAT ARE IN USE. PRICES LOW. We sell the OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS, the standard plow of the age; it doe* its work so well that other makers try to Imitate it. Price, with Jointer Pilot Wheel and extra Share, (sl4) fourteen dollars, 6 per ct. off for cash. Three different Share* ; "C Share for soil easily plowed ; "D 8" Share for plowing dry ground, and "8" share for plowing baked soil or gravelly ground. Price of Share* 60 eta. each. We sell Cultivators for one and two horses—for either riding or walking; Lever ami Rotary Cutting Boxes; the celebrated Hourk Fodder Cutter and Crusher ; the t>*borne Mower*. Reapers and Self-Binding Harvesters; the Hubbard Gleaner and Binder; Horse Hay Rakes, hand and self dump; Moree Hay Forks; the best Grain Drill made, with Fertilising attachment, at the lowest price; the Hrebnrr Level Treed Horse Power, with Thresher and Separator, or Thresher and Shaker, for one or two horses; the Geiser Thresher and Separator, Willi repairs: Clover Hullers and Cleaners; Farm Chop Mills; Farm Engines; Cider Mills, for hand or horsepower; Fairbanks' Scales, every variety ; Corn Shelters ; Road Plows and Road Scrapers, for Supervisors' use; Wind Mills of the most improved make; Wagon Hoists and Axle Grease; Baltimore, Boston and Buffalo Commercial Fertiliser* ; Cayuga Plaster ; Steel Wheelbarrows ; twenty varieties of Grass Seeds, and every variety <>f Garden Seeds ; the American Improved Sewing Machines, with Oil, Needles, Ac. We Invite the ladies to call and inspect it- This department is attended to by a ladv operator, who give* instructions. All in want of Sewing Machines save money by dealing with us. POWDER, FUSE, DYNAMITE and EXPLODING CAPS. & CO.. STORE OPPOSITE BUSH HOUSE. BBLLEFONTK, PA. WM. BHOBTLIDGE, CTLTBUPFINOTON, /fastness Manaytr, JkxA-kttycr. been a well-nigh unbroken succession of defeat*, there came a day, in 1808, when the 'fueeii offered him a coronet. He declined It, but asked her Majesty to beatow the honor upon hi* wife, and and ahe accordingly became Viscoun tess Iteacouxfield. A little over four yeara later, in I'ecember, 1872, she died, and the world knowa that what Carlyle aaid of hi# .leanie wa* true of JJisraeli alao—"the light of my life ha# gone out." On foot, with uncovered head, and alone, he followed her remains to the crypt of the little church of St. Michael'#, which he soon after restored and beautified in her gracious memory. Milton'* I'ortrult. A correspondeat tella ua that the por trait of Milton bought at public auction lately by Mr. tjuaritch for £3i. r < ia likely to go to America, It represent# the poet at the age of about 34 to 40. There ia a look of hardness about the eye# such iw seem# to have struck J.amb upon firat seeing it, though he afterwards changed his mind about it. The hair parted in the middle and the two short lock# which are visible on Faitborne'a portrait, hut are scarcely seen on that engraved by Vertue, arc distinctly shown. The color of the eyes t* a dis tinct brown. It i* curious that the en graving by Faithorne, though it show# Milton when he mu#t he fully fifty, af ford# no sign of hi# blindness. J.atnb, in his correspondence, edited by i'ur nell, apeak# of this portrait a# "an un doubtable picture of Milton," and again a* "very briely painted—that is. it might have been done by a hand next to V andyke's. It is the genuine Milton, and an object of 'juiet g%*<- for the half hour at a time."— Thf Alhrncrum.