Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 16, 1881, Image 1
BHUUERT & FORSTER* Editors. VOL. 3. ©lit Crntw JPtraorrat. Term* 01.50 per Annum, In Advanc*. s. T. SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER. Editor*. Thursday Morning, June 16, 1881. NEW YORK having failed in get ting up a World's Fair for 1885, Bos ton has taken it up and are already in receipt of sufficient funds subscrib ed to insure success to the enterprise. WILLIAM BUEHLER, a prominent and most esteemed citizen of Harris burg, died very suddenly of heart dis ease on Sunday morning last. Mr. Buehler some years ago was the pro prietor of the old "Buehler House" iu that city, uow known as the Bolton House. A SERIOUS personal difficulty is im minent between Mr. Gibson, the de tective employed in the Star route in vestigation, and Mr. Buell, the editor of the Washington Capital, one of the organs of the Star route thieves. It will probably make a vacancy either in the detective force or the editorial corps of the great scandal. IT .is said that Grier, the original Garfield man, whose feet were sup posed to be too small to fit Brady's old shoes in the Post office Depart ment, is again coming to the front. He is to have an office after all, pro vided the President don't again change his mind and find some other fellow who wants one. WE notice by an exchange that the Hon. Kennedy L. Blood is danger ously ill at his residence in Brook ville, Jefferson couuty. It is said he suffers intensely with a diseased leg, and is too weak to survive amputation. Mr. Blood was formerly a State Sen ator, and is well known to the citi zens of this county. THE: constituents of the Philadel phia roosters in the last legislature credit them with one honest vote. It was given for the Pilot bill, which of course passed. The Philadelphians have reason to be thankful for small favors, hut the number one will scarcely repay them for much dis graoa. THE Republican State Convention •f Ohio, have placed Gov. Foster in nomination • for re-election. He is an adroit politician possessing great wealth, and will put the Democracy up to their highest metal and industry to keep in view the various methods he assumes to obtain success. At pres ent he has a herculean task on hand, that of placating the temperance men, who charge him with hypocrisy. THE roosters who fought during the winter so valiantly to create the neces sity for au extra session of the legisla ture, will be sadly disappointed if no extra session is called for next winter. This will probably be their experience. With the Governor's election ap proaching, it would be just like Gov. Hoyt, adroit politician as he is, to fail to see the necessity of burdening the State with the expenses of again call ing the roosters to Harrishurg during their official lives. THE negroes of North Carolina arc demanding recognition and a fair di vision of executive patronage. They have recently held a convention and adopted proceedings claiming that they comprise seven-eighths of the vot ing strength of the Republican party of the State, and are loud in condem nation of the proscription of their race in the matter of offices. Claim ing their right to equality and the benefits of the party, they declare that if this it not given them they will no longer give their adherence to the pres ent administration party. The South ern negroes show more spirit than the Pennsylvania darkies. Here they compose the Republican majority 6f the State, and seem to be content with "cold lunch" and the privilege of fol lowing party parades at a respectable distance, "EQUAL ANl> EXACT Jl .tTli K TO ALL MKK, OF WHATEVER STATE OK I'KRSUASION, HKLIOIOL'H 0 POLITICAL."— I'.KLLKKONTK, l'A., 'l'll UItSDAY, .H XK 1(1, 1881. A VERY stringent law was passed by the legislature at the heel of the session, regulating delegate elections of parties, which will be u heavy blow to ringster leaders. llow it escaped the vigilance of the drilled roosters in the legislature is a mystery. It cooks the goose for them when the time comes to put its provisions in force. The law, general iu its provisions, em braces a number of sections, but the first, which is all we have room for at present, will give its general char- acter and is here appended. Oth er sections apply to the receiving of bribes; to fraudulent voting; to the action of delegates, committees, judg es and clerks, of primary elections, designed to secure honest discharge of duty. lie it enacted, etc.. That hereafter if a candidate for any office within this Com monwealth shall directly or indirectly give, offer or promise to give, or procure to give to any elector any gift or re ward, in money, goods or other valuable thing, or any office, emolument or em ployment on condition expressed or im plied that such elector shall cast, give, retain or withhold his vote or use his influence at a nominating election or delegate election, or east, give or sub stitute another to cast or give his vote or use his influence at a nominating convention lor or against the nomina tion of any particular candidate for nomination so as to procure such person to he voted for at any election to take place, the person so hiring, procuring, influencing, at>etting, endeavoring or offering either directly or indirectly through others, their aiders or abettors to procure the person to be voted lor by such electors, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be sentenced to pay a line not exceed S3OO and bo imprisoned for a period not exce.eding three months. THE victory of Mr. Lorillard's horse Iroquois in the Derby race was duplicated by another American horse yesterday, Mr. James R. Kecne's fine three-year-old Foxlinll having crus.*-d the channel and carried off the grand prise of Paris, which, like the Derby of Kngland, is the most valued prize contested for on the French turf. Home of the best English and French stables were represented in the event, whilst America had hut one represent ative, which proved the winner. Ford ham, au excellent jockey, had the mount on Foxhall, whilst Archer, the most successful jockey of the present century, rode the French horse Tris tau for all he was worth, aud came in only a head In-hind the winner. For American horses to have won the Der by and the Prix de Paris the same year is an extraordinary turf event and a cause for congratulation for the lovers of racing, whilst at the same time the national pride must he tick led at the result. That the breed of American race horses has been much improved during the past decade is not only attested by many unexcelled time records recently made in this country, but by the successes of Par ole, Iroquois, Foxhall, and others across the water, who have won whilst contesting against the best English and French race-horses. THE Stalwarts and half-breeds of New York do not harmonize yet. They seem as far from a satisfactory result to either faction as they were a week ago. As was to be expected from the protracted character of the conflict, a change of tactics is being in troduced. They are now inaugurat ing side shows in which the amusing game of measuring parte* is the prom inent feature of the play. Coukling does not seem to be discouraged while the half-breeds are somewhat discon certed at the threatened founding of a new party to he dubbed the "Nation al Republican party" under the lead of Conkling and Arthur, provided the "vindication is not accorded the late Senator." JAY GOULD still has great power in legislation. The telegraph bill fram ed to prevent telegraph corporation*, association* and companies, forming a monopoliea in thi* State, wo* defeat ed in the House, in it* final pann age, by a vote of 72 to 84. The ob ject of thi* bill wa to protect the Btate from Gould'* Western Union monopoly. Of course a Republican legislature could not pas* such a bill. Our Oourta. The judicial apportionment hill re rent ly passed by the Legislature has been largely commented upon, both by the newspapers and the citizens of the State. Some objections to the hill are reasonable and well taken, while oth ers have neither reason nor Reuse in thorn. In order thut the hill may be properly understood let it he examin ed by the aid of our Constitution. Section live of article five of our State CousL'tution provides that "whenever i county shall contain forty thousand inhabitants it shall constitute a sepa rate judicial district and shall elect one judge learned in the law." There cau he no misunderstanding in this language. It is a severely simple and plain provision of what shall he done. Under it the first duty of the Legisla ture was to simply set apart every county having a population of forty thousand inhabitants, for under the mandatory language of the Constitu tion they coiu|Ktsed separate judicial districts. 1 "nder this provision thirty seven counties are constituted separate districts, including Allegheny and Philadelphia. These thirty-seven coun ties have seventy judges. Of these seventy judges provided for in the late act of Assembly, one in Erie, tine in Crawford, one iu Dauphin aud oue in Northampton are certainly unneces sary ; but three of this number were created by the present hill, the extra judge in Northampton having been created by a special net of the legis lature passed some time ago. As the business of the counties containing 40,iM)() inhabitants increases the gen eral assembly -hull provide additional law judge*. The lx*t evidence in t In* world that an additional law judge iu < 'rawford with a imputation of 6*.000, or Dauphin with a population of 70,- Mm> i unnecessary, and that one judge can do the business of said counties, is shown by the fact that Chester county with a population of 83,000 ha< only one judge. The only judges that are not necessary under the bill arc these four, and they are made to give per manent places to a few faithful He publicans. The next duty of the legislature was to dispose of the counties con taining less than 40,000 inhabitants and erect them into as convenient ju dicial districts as possible. That this has been done can not well be doubt ed. There are eighty-six judges un der the present apportionment bill, as against seventy-six under the bill of 1874. The thirty-seven counties al ready dis|>oscd of, have assigned to them seventy judges. This leaves thirty counties and sixteen judge* Four of these judges are assigned to separate districts as follows: Heaver, Green, Jefferson ami Lebanon counties. Kacli of the*c counties contain le*s than 40,000 inhabitants and are made separate districts under constitutional provisions, l>ecause they can not be conveniently attneheei to any other districts. It has t>ee urged a an objection To the bill that it don't increase the judge* in Philadelphia and Allegheny counties, where courts sit all the time. Hy the last census upon which the ap portionment hill is based, Philadel phia contained 846,980 inhabitants. •She ha fifteen law judges, or one judge for every 57,40-7 inhabitants. Alle gheny county (with all her cities) has a population of 355,759 with eight law judges, or one judge to every 44,- 457 inhabitants The judge* in Alle gheny auel Philadelphia get from one to two thousanel dollars more salary a year than the country judges. Hut it is not true that in these two dis tricts the juelgcs do more work than the country judges. The judges in Philadelphia and Allegheny do not on an average sit wore than three and a half to fdtir hours a elay. There are never more than two out of three al lotted to each of the courts of com mon |deas on the bench at the same time. These courts have terms, and the judges take turns iu holding these I different terms. Again, it is much easier to dispose of the business where a district is close and compact like I Philadelphia, than in u district ex | tended over much territory. It iseasien | Loo, because there are always one or | two judges to consult with on all questions that may arise. They have 1 resort to the largest and best libraries I in the world. Take our own district. It has 57,- •)!t7 inhabitants and one law judge, a i thousand more inhabitants than is al lowed to a judge in Philadelphia, and i 13, CM MI more than is allowed to a judge in Allegheny county. Again, it is objected against this hill that in many of the country districts the courts may not last more than ten or twelve weeks. \\ hen such objections are ■ made the public should at least be in ! formed of what the judges have to do. : fo simply hold court when jurors are jiu attendance, and try ca at the regular term is hut a small portion of j their labors. For instance, lust week ■we had an argument court in this place. It lasted two days and a half. In this time there was testimony • uough read and authorities cited and i asc argued to fully occupy the time | of a judge two weeks, laboring eight ■ to ten hours u day, to examine aud | write opinions UJHI and dispose of. | Again, in one week of court even, in trying cases before a jury, questions i enough may arise to keep a judge at I hard work for a month to dispose of. ; Bills in equity, applications for rules, ] auditor's reports, in short, an almost , endless variety of eases are continual ly arising demanding the attention of the law judge, that |>er*ons not con nected with courts will know nothing a!>out, especially if they are of the kind that never learn. Take the ease of K. R. Payne Sc Co. vs. Holt and j others, in equity. The testimony when I printed made a volume of about 450 i pages. When the case came up for argument before Judge Morrow, it ' took three days for the argument, hut ! lcfore he could make a derision he was hound to examine, and that close ly, not only all the testimony, but the briefs of the lawyers and every ease referred to by them in the books. To do this wa- an herculean ta-k. taking perhaps two or three weeks of labor at eight to ten hours a day. Our judges are entitled to as fair a treatment at the hands of the public as any vther class of men. The |s-ople cannot well hlatne the legislature for doing a it did, except in so far a we have shown it did wrong ; for it only obeyed the holiest of the constitution adopted by the people by an overwhelming majority in 1873, and made neeessarv bv the corrupt legislatures of IBt>s, 1869, 187U, 171 and 1872. THE Philadelphia Time* is just now indulging in a good deal of Sophomo ric gush anent the political situation in Virginia. While every good citizen will welcome n straight out Republi can ticket and a straight out fight in the Old Dominion without regard to the Repudiationists of Iwth parties who follow the soiled plume of Ma hone, there is no need for the Time* to lie enternallv harping almut Bourtxin ism as applied to the regular Demo cratic party of Virginia. Bourbon or not, they have upheld the credit of the State government and enforced honesty in its' administration. Bour bonism as Col. M'Clure calls it, has at least been a boon to the whole people of Virginia, and there is no doubt that it will be overwhelmingly sustained at the polls. Tin: fight of faction* at Albany ("till continue* with unabated bitterness and 'how no sign* of a let up on either aide. The half-breed* are confident of suc cess and Conkling, somewhat disgust ed, is serene, knowing he hold* a win ning card against the administration, whether "vindicated" by a re-election or not. The Republican party ia dis integrated in any event, and no one knows this better than the stalwart leader. TUB Pennsylvania legislature ad journed on lust Thursday. The sea sion was a long one, and was not in | any sense of benefit or profit to the ; people of the State. A number of j reform measure* were earnestly press ed upon the attention of tin- members, but not a single one of thein has be come a law. There were many good ; men in the membership of both branches, but the rooster and machine elements wo re sufficiently powerful to prevent the passage of any luws to correct existing abuses, and hence so far as the welfare the public is con cerned the session has been a failure. The responsibility for all failures to jjorform what the people demanded and expected at the hands of those who represented them at the State capital must rot with the strong party majority that was in control of the or ganization of both branches. I>_-t them is.- lnc to it, and if public opin ion is'rA a verdict of con demnation will go forth in no uncer- I tnin or doubtful tones. • 'lnr: Philadelphia /Vr*< i not at all pleased with the roo-ter Represen tatives from tlint city in the legisla ture, and spcuks thusly of their work : As to the great measures of reform demanded by public sentiment the ses "ion has beet) n disastrous failure. No rejieal of the odious delinquent tax law, no correction of the abuses of the Recorder's otJjce, no remedy of the fla grant evils of speculative insurance, no just apportionment bill—this i a part of the record which mrk the defeat of reform legislation. The ap|M>al must he from the Legislature to the j eople, who will send to the Capitol men that will not thus wantonly defy public sen timent. 1 hat the way to do it. Send de cent men, not roosters. There were plenty of resjectable niemlxrit in the Legislature who would have Iran glad to aid the" passage of the reform laws so ardently desired by the pub lic sentiment of Philadelphia, but the roosters accredited to that city, crowed them down. THE arrivals of emigrants at New York 4!u ring the month of May num bered 76,6"2, making an average of nearly '2,.>00 a day for the month. A large (sirtion of these emigrants are from the fierman Kmpirc. Hypocrisy was never more mani fest than it was on the closing day of the Legislature. Tle rixwters ruhd the day as they had ruled the House and the flat-heads responded with their offering without a blush. GENERAL NEWS. The burned portion of the Insane Asylum st Danville is being rebuilt. Clinton lfsys, of I.ock|>orl. Lrie coun ty. is 7 years old and weighs lot pounds. Rev. Daniel Steck, I). D., a prominent minister of Lutheran church, died at Gettysburg Friday evening. Mrs. Harriet Lane .Johnson, niece of President Buchansn. is now nt Wheat lands, nursing the only child left to her —a bright boy o( eleven, of whose re turn to health there is little hope. Mrs. Johnson's eldest son died last winter. Mrs. Abraham Lincoln's physician has given up all hopes of her recovery. Her strength is gradually failing. In the last two days her mind has failed. ■She doe* not recognize her most inti mate friends. Joseph L. t'aven. ex President of the Common Council ot Philadelphia, sailed for Kurope on Saturday altetnoon from New York 011 one of the Red Star Line steamers. Mr. t'aven was accompanied by his wife and two daughters, and will make a three months tour of Great Britain and the Continent. At the wedding of the Princess Steph anie and the crown prince of Austria, the king of the Belgiains. her father, presented her with $450,009; while at the wedding of Miss Miles and Mr. Whitelaw Reid.it is said that the bride's father made her a present of $900,000. In this case republicanism outdid roy alty in its magnificence. Ten of the students who left tho Mil lersville Normal School h*ve been re fused admission to the Normal School at Shippensbtirg. The farulty of tho Lock Haven School will admit all who apply. Dp. Brooks, principal of the school at Milleraville, has revoked his ! order tu*|>ending those student* ae- j companying the expelled scholars to !<ancaater. Patrick Iteilty, of Smoketown, a sub urban portion of thatownof Olypbant, Luzerne county, on the line of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's Railroad, created the wildest excite ment at that place on Suuday morning by aa attempt to aaaaasinate Ray, Father I l-.K.MS: I."<I per Annum, in Advinre. ' t'Bourkc (luring the celebration of Mum*. Rcilly returned bom Irom the Danville Insane Aay 1 urn a few month* ago ami ha* b<--n frantic at time* since then. On Sunday morning lie marched through tho principal streets to the | '-(inrch, carrying a loaded repeating rifle. I'pon reaching the church ho ! passed up the centre aide to the altar and aimed hi* gun at the pried. Her eral men caught him before he could I lire and forced him from tho church. The negotiation* between Adelina I'atti and American capitaliata for an American tour have been abandoned, owing to the extravagant price demand ed. Mr. Rulltnsnn, who baa been act ing a* agent for tho undertaker* of the enterprise, say that Nicolini waa the "tumbling block. He demanded t2,(XjO,- '*M) franc* for I'atti and himself. It is believed that Nicolini will take Patti to America on hi* own account. Mr. John 0. Haxe, the poet, within the pa-t year ha* lot hi* wife, mother, two daughter* and a favorite daughter in-law. He ha* never recovered from injuries received in a railroad accident ol six year* ago, and hi* persistent ill health arid family !o*e have resulted in a melancholy which seldom lighten*. He ha* decided to break up hia Brook lyn home and to pa** with a *on in Al bany the remainder of hi* day*. John Taylor, a negro who committed an outrage on a respectable white lady i in Buckingham, N. C., on Friday night last. was taken out of the Greensboro jail early on Sunday morning, during j the eclipse of the moon, by a body of j disguised men, who hanged him to a ; ire in the wood*. ,\ large number of , per*ona vi*ited the scene of the lynch ing after the man had been hung.' No | <-]ue to the lyncher* ha* yet been ob : tamed. General <>rant say* of hi* Mexican irip: "I accomplished the purpose for which 1 went to Mexico. 1 went be fore < ongrea# and in a abort *{>eech j told them what I wanted and they gave me my charter at once. No charter was ever liefore issued in so short a i time. The road will be in all about seven hundred mile* long, running | trom the Tty of Mexioo through I'ueblo to the Pacific coast, while another branch mut go down to the Gulf. It will be a great benefit to Mexico in de ! veloping the resource* of that country tnd to the 1 niu-d States. The charter provides for the completion of the road i n ten years, but in all probability it will be finished inside of three year*. Four surveying parties- are already at work. I shall very likely return there j next winter." • The autograph testimonial album to Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes, by the wo men of Illinois, haa been finished. The work consist* of six large volume* of j i.'.d page* each, elegantly bound in | full Turkey morocco. All through the j volume- are scattered India ink draw ing". The inscription read*: "From the ladip* of Illinois, who have admired (the courage Mrs. Hayes has displayed ! in the administration of the hospitali ties of the Executive Mansion. God grunt that the influence of thi* signal ind benign example may be felt more and more a age follow* age in the life lof thi* great republic," The first sig nature i* that of Mr*. Jatues K. Polk, i Nashville. Tenn. ; the second that of !R. B. Hayes. Among the autographs I in Volume I. are those of members of the late Hayes Cabinet, Chief Justice Waite and Justices of the Supreme | Court, and the Governors of nearly all the State* and Territories, under the oflirial seal, followed by Congressmen and prominent professional and busi ness men. Tuni*on Coryell, the oldest resident of Wiiiiamsport, celebrated his nine tieth anniversary lat Monday, aming Ins immediate relative* and friend* at the residence of John Gibson. He is in the enjoyment of good health and bta mind i clear and bright. Few men of his age in the State today have a wider acquaintance with politicians and men of letter* than Mr. Coryell. During hia liletime be has enjoyed the personal ac quaintance of many distinguished men and relate* many interesting incident* in their history. He was born at Cory elUford, on the Delaware, June 13, 1791, anl haa resided in Lycoming county for three quarters of a century. A* an incident of the anniversary on Monday two great grandchildren of the fourth generation were bap tised in his presence by Rev. Sidney I". Webster, p*tor of the First Baptist Church. Dr. Pollock, the oldest phy sician in thi* county, read an appropri ate |-oem on the occasion. A dinner was served and the afternoon wa* pleas antly s| ent and no one seemed to en joy the occasion more than the Teoer -1 able but active nonagenarian. t Malnarl Family. Mr. H. D. Tower and wife, of Pittsfield, Mass.. celebrated- their golden wedding last Thursday. Five sons and five daughter* were present on the happy occasion. The Pittsfield £iwwy -'emisf gives the height and weight of each member of the lamdy. The oldeat aon is 6 feet fi inches high and weighs 251 pound*. Two of his brother* sre each 6 feet 4 inches, and two are 6 feet 3 inches. The oldest daughter is S feet II inches, the second ia A feet 4 inches, the third is 5 feel 10 inches, and two othsrs are each 5 feet 8 inches. Mr*. Congdon, the oldest and tallest daugh ter. weighs 2IX pounds ; Mrs. Newell, the second and shortest, weighs 238 pound*. The average weight of the five sons is SSOA pounds, and the average weight of the five daughters is 198 pound*. The father weigh* ISA pounds, j and.the mother 245 pound*, NO. 21.