Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 09, 1881, Image 2

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    ®he <S*ntw sfttwrrat.
——— ♦ -
Tk Larust, Cheapest and Beat Paper
I'ruin lli Ni'W York Observer,
Second Quarter.
J INK 12. x
Lesson 11.
Tho Walk to Emmaus.
Urn !M : 13—' W.
IlolßM Tiit : —"AMI U>'.* >">• J" N ' , ! L "J R •
not uur heart burn within ... while he Ulkl with
... by tbo way, an.l wl.il. !><• "I"""' •" "• ,h# B,r, l>-
Central Truth . —Though often unrecog
nised. Jesus is always near to his disci
plea in their troubles.
No other week so memorable has the
world ever seen as that which included
the events ot the last and present les
sons. Chief among these events were
the crucifixion and resurrection of our
Saviour. These indeed were cen
tral facts of the world's history. They
constitute the one sure foundation of
human gladness and hope. Irom them
shines out the great light which cheers
all our lives.
Of our Saviour's appearances after his
resurrection, the Gospels give no eon
tinuous narrative. Nevertheless it is
clear that these were many. They were
to different persons, on various occa
sions, under widely dissimilar circum
stances. And they were most fully at
tested. The record of them, though not
continuous, is abundantly sufficient.
With respect to these appearances it
is to he observed that, in one particu
lar, they were alike. Though he never
showed himself apart from a bodily
form, ho spoke and acted more as a
spirit than ever before. There was
something new in his manner of com
ing and going. He suddenly revealed
himself, and as suddenly vanished.
Such changes had taken place in his
body that those who had known him
best did not recognise him at once.
Had he not already entered upon a new
mode of existence?
His first appearance was to that Mary
of Msgdala to whom much had been
forgiven, and who for that reason loved
much. Next he showed himself to ,
those other women who, with Mary, j
were not only latest at the cross, but
also first at the sepulchre. Then he was
seen of I'eter, and after that of the two >
disciples on the road to Kmmaus.
Why were these two disciples thus j
specially favored ? So far as appears, it j
was simply because Jesus knew them a
real disciples in great trouble. They ;
had up to this time trusted that it had
been he which should have redeemed
Israel. Now they were disappointed,
distressed, ready to despair. Jesus had j
been nailed to the cross. There were i
strange rumors afloat, as that his tomb j
had been found empty, and that angel I
voices had affirmed that he was alive.
Hut none of those who spread the ru- |
mors had seen him. How could the j
two, as they walked and talked along
the weary road, be otherwise than de j
jected ? Jesus saw this, and saw how
ready they were to surrender all faith
and hope. And it was like him to i
come to them for their comfort and re
One of the noteworthy things of this i
narrative is the way he drew from them
the confession of their sorrow and ,
doubts. He led them on to tell hun
all. It was his way of preparing them
for the help he would minister. God is j
pleased that hia people should rehearse
in his ear all their difficulties, doubts,
sorrows and fears.
Then we should not overlook the
honor Jesus put upon the Old Testa
ment Scriptures. He began at Moses
and all the prophets. There he found
very much concerning himself, predic
tions both of his sufferings and his en- I
trance to glory. The books of Moses
are an important help to a right under
standing of the meaning of the death
upon the cross. The modern dispar
agement of the Old Testament has no
t warrant in the example of Christ.
There is something very instructive
in his reproof of the unbelief of these
disciples. He did not excuse it. "O
dull of understanding and sluggish of
heart!" This was his exclamation.—
Faith is a privilege. It is also a duty.
We ought to believe. Not that we are
called to a blind faith . by no means is
this true ; for the proof of the truths of
our religion are abundant. Neverthe
less, faith is a duty, something for which
we are to pray, and which we should
studiously exercise.
It is specially interesting to bear in
mind that the .Saviour's visit to these
disciples was as they walked and talked
together concerning himself. Ho we
make enough of religious conversation
either at home, or in our visits and
walks with friends ? I>o we sufficiently
priwi the freedom of communion with
fellow-disciples enjoyed in the prayer
meeting? Those are good questions to
ask and good points to press. It is in
connection with social worship and re
ligious conversation that Jesus loves to
visit us. Then it is that he renews
our courage, faith, hope and love, and
makes our hearts burn with the new
thought he wakea within us.
1. Christ's love is for us as individuals.
He knows and cares for each one of his
people. I!e knows them by name. He
regards their personal state. He knew
all his diaciples, and was not forgetful
of the two who walked alone toward
2. Otten he is present with hia disci
ples when they are not conscious of bis
presence. Is it not his .Spirit which
moves them to pour thought and need
into the divine ear?
3. Especially is he near to us in our
times of trouble. He loves to make
dark days bright. "His strength is in
the clouds."
4. The death and rising again of Christ
are the central truths of the Old Testa
ment as well as the New. In all the
Scriptures there are things concerning
him. From the first there was an
•'ought," a "needs be," that he should
a ufTsr and enter into glory. Never,
then, can these (ruths !>* safely put
usido. Thoy are at tbo heart of vital
piety. of them Christians should both
meditate and talk.
5. To a right and full understanding
of the Scriptures we need help. It is
when Christ, by his Spirit, opens them
to us that dark things are made light.
G. Christian hospitality has its fre
quent and great rewards. It is a good
thing to break bread with those we love,
and with the stranger, too, at times.
7. The Saviour is ready to bo a guest
in all our homes. Honestly say : "Abide
with us!" and he will not fail to enter.
And in his felt presence there would be
rich blessing. It would be u restraint
upon selfishness and sin. It would
deepen and purify love. It would
sweeten our bread. It would always
uplift and often thrill. It would light
en sorrows und multiply joys.
8. And yet it is not his visible, bodily
presence that we specially need, l'here
were great reasons for an outward mani
festation to his disciples after his resur
rectiou, reasons which have now passed
away. We need no such demonstration
of that fact; therefore ho now visits us
by his Spirit. He shows himself to the
inner eye. Faith may see him always.
There is no day or hour when the be
liever may not sit and walk with the
risen Saviour.
M A 11 A X A 1 M .
The Memorial Sermon dtlirrrr>l by the Kev.
JOHN IIKWITT, before (St '<j<t May
U'.l, 18-11, in St. John's Kjo - -jtiil Church,
HelUJonte, I'a,
—"Am. I J,,. w, nt I,:. ws> Mi, I tin- 1,
of Ood ai"t bun
"And "bi-n Jach t 1,.- >ld. Tbb Is Cl-ls
and lis cll.-.| ibr tli> else* Slslis
"And I," dlTldxl tl," pn.plr tin,! was •ill, hint *
• * Into to.. I, . | . i j,i i.Att
of 7.
In the whole marvelous range of holy
felicities with which the page* of Hi- ,
vine Revelation are crowded, I can j
think of no inspired line so befitting '
this occasion as that of my text. I
take it for granted that this meeting of i
tho members of the Grand Army of the !
Republic is in some respects a memorial'
meetiny; a meeting held in memory of
days and scenes and trials anil hard
ships and dangers through which the
Lord led you with safety ; and, which
have secured the blessings of happiness
and prosperity to our common country.
The spiritual meeting ulso, so to speak,
of men who "escaped tbo edge of the
sword" in the late civil war. with men .
who "counted not their lives dear unto j
themselves," but yielded them up and :
placed tliern as willing sacrifices upon '
the altar of their country. And, ad
nutting that this is such a meeting, my
brethren, then, according to our belief
as to the nature of the unseen world
and the character of its inhabitants, the
name of this place, for tho present,
shall be " MaKanaim" —the place of th \
meeting of "two hosts tho one seen,
the other unseen. The one sitting hero,
still clothed in tho habiliments of the
flesh, the other lying yonder, covered
with the dust of their mother earth, in
the city of the dead. Indeed the name
of this place for the present '/Vail be to
u M i : i 1
also. It shall tie the place meet- '
ing of that host to
meet an angry brother J*at
host of angels whiclA
with them to guard t
it is from this
rattier than from
principles and questions in the
fratricidal contest which try to
forget, in the light of what it cost: but,
from which patriotism draws fresh in
spiration in the presence of what it
purchased. For it was never well for '
the world when the pulpits, designed j
for the oracles of the iios|-l of pence,
rung out with battles and alarms, and
the soft and still trumpet of meekness
and charity, which should sound from
thence, was outnoised and drowned
with the thunder of drums and the
roaring of cannons.
The commission of the Christian
minister instructs hun to ]>ut on no
armor, but "the whole armor of <od
to enlist no volunteers, but tor Heaven ;
and to proclaim no war, but between
men and their lusts, from which all
other wars and fighting* proceed. I
may very well be excused, therefore, if
I do not understand the language of
your discipline and drill; if 1 cannot
talk in rank and file ; and, if I do not
flank and rear my discourse this morn
ing with correct military allusions.
I.et us, then, at once turn hack to the
text an<l see what we may learn tram
it. Jacob had gone down to I'adati
Aram. He had taken with him no
sheep, no oxen, no camels, no goods,
or wealth of any kind—nothing hut the
clothes upon his hack, a bottle ol wa
ter swung from his shoulder on the
one side, a haversack of broad swung
from bis shoulder on the other tide,
and, a pilgrim's staff in his right hand
instead of a warrior's sword. He had
served his uncle lathan fourteen years
and had lived six years beside in the
same country. He was now returning
to his native land—where he was almost
a stranger—with flocks and herds and
menscrvanta and maidservants, even
a very great company.
If hi leave-taking from Lshan,
though only an incident of every day
life, was picturesque and affecting, hia
anticipationa of a perilous encounter
with hia powerful and exasperated
brother, gave place to a atill more pictur
esque and affecting scene when he met
Ksau. Hut, between the two—between
the leave-taking from Lahan and the
meeting with Ksau—ia interposed a
surprising and splendid revelation of
the powers of the unseen world. "Ja
cob went on his way and the angela of
God met him; and when Jacob saw
them, he said, this is Ood's host; and
he called the name of the place Maha
naim." Observe that just when he was
expecting to meet hia angry brother
armed to the teeth, and leading against
him an army of equally angry soldiers,
bent on the destruction of him and his,
lot he meets the angela of God !
Consider only, my brethren, what is
invariably the language or Holy .Scrip
ture concerning those august inhabit
ant* of jjeaven, and then picture to
younelvea the patriarch's astonishment
and joy. The radiant oouateaanow,
tho robes of dazzling glory, (lie atmos
phere of brightness, tho tokens of
superhuman strength. oh, that light
must have reussured Ureal ; must have
comforted him; mint have strengthen
ed hint unspeakably I Strong already
in the ccrtuinty of the nearness ol these
messengers and minister* of the Most
High, but now stronger than ever in the
conviction that lie enjoyed the Divine
favor and protection, Jacob will have
laid down to rest that night with a sense
of security, to which, for twenty long
years his soul had been a stranger.
So he expressed what he thought and
felt by the name he bestowed upon the
spot where the glorious vision was
vouchsafed him. "lie called the name
of that place Mahaiiuim." And, what lie
mount was, thut here were two hosts
tile heavenly and the earthly ; two
camps—the angelic and the human—
pitched over against each other. And
these two camps— the one seen, the oth
er unseen, ins own company and the
angels—he speaks of aa"Muhunaiin"—
that is, "two hosts, or camps."
Now, mark you, in the course of a
few days after, when terrified at the tid
ings of his brother Ksau'sapproach with
a party of arined followers, the Scrip
ture tells us Jacob "divided the people
that was with him, and the docks, and
the herds, and the camels, into two
bands," in order that if one were smit
ten, the other at least might escape.
And then lie prayed to Hod and con
fessed Hod's goodness to him ; ami
said, "for with my stall' 1 passed over
this Jordan and now I am become two
1 ask you to observe that Jacob calls
the two bands or camps into which he
has now divided his household by the
very same word which ho had employed
just In-fore to designate the angels and
himself. Hut there is now a slight dif
ference iri the form of the word. It is
no longer M>Juvuwn but Mahanaolh.
And the difference is of this nature:
that he speaks of the angelic company
and his own company as constituting
Iso to speak), a pair of camps. The
two which went together, because they
were in their nature two ; because they
could not be either more or fewer, and,
because they would be incomplete, one
without the other. It is somewhat a*
when a man speaks of his two eyes, his
two hands, meaning both hi* eyes, both
tiis hands, and not two eyes and two
hands out of many others. I say, when
Jacob divides hi* family into two com
panies, it is no longer Mahanaim, but
Mahaniaoth, that he calls them. In
number they were two, but in nature
tliev were one. In otlier words, the
angels of God and Jacob's company,
made up in hi* estimation "a pair of
camp*;" but bin divided followei* con
stituled two camps.
Now, my hearers, the inference which
I proj>ose to draw from this very inter
esting circumstance, lie* almost upon
the nurface, and |>erhap* you have ul
ready drawn it for voumelve*. It i*
concerning the Guardianship of Angel*
and God's use of Angel* in Hi* dealings
wiih men.
Here is an admission on the part of
Jacob, or heie is an assertion, rather,
of the doctrine long afterward* express
ly laid down by the I'salmist, that "the
angel of the I.ord encampeth round
about those that fear Hun." And, it is
worthy of notice that the I'nalmist uses
exactly the same word to express it a*
that used in the text. Jacob indeed
confesses without confession, that he
and hi* are under the guardianship of
an invisible host, sent by the Ixrd of
Hosts to sustain, protect and defend
them. Could it have been the same
company of angels which he saw near
the same place twenty years fefore.
when on hi* way down to I'adan Aram,
ascending and descending on the ladder
which reached to heaven ? It is true
the word do not necessarily imply the
presence of armed warriors; but, I
think it is a somewhat frigid Ihvinity
which doe* not see hero the sunie image
convoyed by the thrice repeated de
scription of "the angel with a drawn
sword "the Captain of the lord's
Hostour lord's mention of "twelve
legions ol angel*;" and, the sublime
allusion to that heavenly war when
"Mirheil end tun tuig<-I fought against
the I>ragon." So that Jaoob will have
iwn the twin encampment* (so to
(peak)—the earthly an>l the heavenly
—over against each other: thia, weak
an'l unarmed and needing protection ;
that, excelling in (tower and might, able
and eager to protect.
Ar.d when he called the place where
the blessed vision of these celestial
warrior* met hi* *ight, "MaAanaim," he
will have further professed with grati
tude and joy unutterable, that God had
indeed been faithful to all hi* promise* ;
that the defenceless company which he
had brought up from I'adan Aram.
w the undoubted object <>l heavenly
guardianship, the special care of that
armed and |iowerful host of heaven ;
that the one belonged to the other, in
deed, had been committed to them
even by the Lord of Host* Himself, to
be regarded a* their own (>eculiar charge.
And then, again, when by the direc
tion of an angel, a* we believe, the com
pany of Jacob was divided into "two
band*," waa there not a symbolic allu
sion hern, to that division of all man
kind into two companies, "two camp*,"
the living and the dead, the church
militant and the church triumphant ?
For, waa not one part of Jacob * com
pany-—one camp—*ent in advance over
the river in the belief that it would be
smitten and slain, and that the other,
remaining on this aide, would escape
and so be saved alive? And does any
greater significance attach to this cir
cumstance from the fact that thia trans
action occurred on the hanks of the
river Jordan, which is so commonly
used to represent the river of death ?
Mv brethren, are any more worda
needed to make the application of thia
matter to the present occasion more
clearly understood f If so, I would that
at thia moment the Holy Spirit might
inspire me with power to express them.
I ask you, old soldier*, to think of
that leave-taking which twenty years
ago you made with your relatives and
friends, and which formed such an af
fecting prelude to a journey into that
part of your own country where dwelt
your then angry brother; when fath
ers, who had taught you to fear God,
reverence your rulers and love your
country and obey its laws, faltered out
their "good bye and be brave" with the
same breath ; when fond mothers, who
had built air castles over your heads
und tilled them with high hopes, fell
almost fainting upon your necks and
poured forth their burning blessings
upon your self sacrificing souls in tears
which their troubled hearts distilled;
when brothers and sisters and friends,
who had learned to think that happi
ness in life depended upon companion
ship with you, stood around and punc
tuated your parents expressions with
sympathetic sobs. I ask you to think
of that division of your very great com
pany into the "two camps which the
Angel of Heath made upon the hanks
of that Jordan which separates this life
from the lite to come ; when many of
your comrades fell out from the ranks,
and, by the Captain of the lord'* Host
which followed you, were formed into
another cnm/i on tiie farther side of the
river; when you stooped over then
mangled forms and gazed into their
tear dimmed eyes and caught the dy
ing words which you brought buck to
the dear ones at home.
Yes! at this lime I ask you to think
even more than ever, also, of that An
gelic host, the other member of the pair
ot camps—your other half, so to speak—
which hovered about you by day and
by night as the pillurs of tiie cloud and
the tire followed and went before the
Israelites in the wilderness. Think of
that armed host of heavenly soldiery,
forming solid phalanxes of celestial al
lies, which fought for you and tnih you
in unseen order, as "the stars in their
courses'' fought for and with I'arak and
Hehorah against Sisera.
For, the nio.it important consideration
of t tin memorial occasion, in that your
presence here to 'lav, in view of all the
peril* you panned through an men of
war, is dt'C to the guardiunship of God's
Ilont, tlie Angela whioh met you in the
hour when you met your angry brother,
delivered you out of hi* hand, and ail
the yearn since that time have been
your helpers and defenders. A* you nit
here in thin sacred p.enencc you may
be, the better able to realize this solemn
truth, than when the excitement occa
sioned by the cla*h of arms, the sound
of drums, the roar of cannon and the
shriek* of the wounded and dying
engaged your mind*.
And, if we turn to the Holy l'.jhle for
further proof of thin guardiannhip of
angels than that we have already found
in the text, we shall be surprised to
find how much ha* been revealed to us
concerning the ministration* of those
exalted beingn in the affair* of men.
From the day when they were seen by
Adain in anger; when they came to
Abraham in mercy ; or, met Jacob in
hi* anxious suspense in regard to the
treatment he might expect from Knatl;
or. rendered aid to Joshua and the
Judge* of Urea! ; or, destroyed the host*
of Sennacherib ; or, sjtoke comforting
word* to I'aruel; until the very close
of the sacred record, Angel* have been
prominent actor* in the most interest
mg and important events, and I believe
they are *o still.
They are active to rescue (tod's chil
dren from danger ; to afford them as
sistance in season of trial, and toad
minister comfort in the hour of death.
Try then to believe, my brethren, that
triumph to the arms you bore to pre
serve the government, was wrought, not
by your own. but by supernatural
strength. It wan liod who "girded you
with strength to battle." It sit (iod
who by the Angelic army He sent to be
with you. delivered your souls
from the battle th*t wan against you.
No l'amacu blade of Saracen, or axe
of fixer ilf I.um could have done what
you achieved without the help of God.
No armor of human invention or subtle
element of nature could have enabled
you to escape what you escafw-d without
the ioter|>o*itinn of a supernatural pow
er. I.ift up your hearts, therefore, and
confes* in the word* of the I'salmist
"Thou, ( l-ord. didn't cover my head in
the day of battle" ••••
Hut bear in mind, my brethren, that
such special sign* of God's favor do not
exempt men from the need* and suffer
nig* of ordinary life. Men may, indeed,
bring up past help a* a plea for present
need, Hut those who have been highly
honored by the extraordinary tokens
of < tod's favor, may Ixj brought down to
the level of ordinary men by some
common place want. Samson slew a
thousand men with so mean an instru
ment as the jawbone ol an ass, but he
would afterwards have died of thirst
himself had not God provided him
drink in a miraculous way. In like
manner, you who have had God's spe
cial guardianship Ixstowed u|*>n you in
the midst of great dangers, may he
ready to die eternslly for want of the
water of that spiritual life which flowed
from the Itedeetner'a side st the point
of the Itoman soldier's spesr. You sre
still in the midst of danger. You are
still needing help from lleaven. The
great enemy of soul* with drawn sword
defies the srmies of the living God.
Goje out to meet him with the same
coursge which chsrscierised your con
duct in the day of battle ; not in your
own strength, but in the strength of
the Ixml of Host*.
Your fellow countrymen have flower*
to strew at your leet and upon your
comrade*' grave*. They have gratitude
to write in golden letter* upon the
blood-red *lri|>e* of the Star Spangled
banner which you brarely defended.
They hare plaudit* for your achieve
ment* to pa*a down to their children
from generation to generation. Hut
what are all these compared with that
joy which ahall be expressed "in the
pretence of the Angel* of God orer one
inner that repenteth" and orercometb
Satan f And, aa in the world, the man
who haa met an enemy and measured
sword* with him and overcome him ia
held in higher esteem than he who sim
ply avoid* conflict, and seek* instead
personal comfoit* and worldy wealth,
•o in Heaven it shall be that he who haa
tought with Satan and overcome the
inoat sin in himself shall receive the
richest reward* and be crowned with
the costliest crown.
Wherefore, I say unto you, "Put on
the whole armor of God. "Fight the
good flght o! faith." "Quit you like
men." "He strong in the I/ord and in
the |>ower of hi* might." Stand should
er to shoulder in the ranks of Christ's
army. Execute the orders of the great
Captain of your salvation with that
precision of movement which shall dis
cover the carefulness of your religious
discipline. Follow with unfaltering
steps the uplifted standard of the Grose,
Heboid tho battalions of Angelic sol
diery marching along the battlements
of Heaven's high fortress, hearing tho
shield of your defence, encouraging
you to deeds of moral bravery, llathe
your sword* in Christ'* righteousness
ami then bury them in Satan'* bre*t.
And when the Archangel shall descend
upon the battle field of Time to sound
the Resurrection reveille, in company
with those comrades who have crossed
the river before you and now sleep in
.Jesus, you shall rue to a lite of eternal
peace ; (for there shall be no more war);
and you *hall march through eternity
to the music of cherubim and seraphim,
sweet-swelling with the strains of praise
for those who have conquered in tho
In the meantime, my brethren, your
fellow countrymen will engrave upon
their hearthstones, to he read by their
children's children, tin* grateful ex
preaaion : "Sm'tr <l < the memory of the
mm who defended our hornet ami Jir< tulrt."
Hut, to morrow, when you gather
around the graves of your dead com
rades in arms and drop tears of silent
grief into the cup of affectionate recol
lections, or strew blessings upon the
green sod above them in the sacred
poetry of flowers, do you inscribe upon
your hearts tins sentence of solemn
consecration : SS Wretl lo the gen-ice of that
good (rod who gay hit an/cU charge 0 > cr in
lo krep ut m all our wage. '
Then, in deed and in truth, this place
shall have been to you Mahanmm, and
"the Angel of the Covenant"' shall
spread the wings of his protection over
your beads and shield you from the
fiery darts of the Wicked One.
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We c!l the OLIY KR CIIILLKD PLOWS, the ftandard plow of this age; It
doe* it* work o well that other maker* try to Imitate tt. Price, with Jointer Pilot
Wheel and extra Share, (sl4) fourteen dollar*, ft per ct. off for cah. Three different
Sharo* ! "C" Share for roll ea*ily plowed ; "D 8" Share for plowing dry ground, and
"8" *hare for plowing baked *oll or gravelly ground. Price of Sharfw 50 ct*. each.
We tell Cultivator* for one and two hor*ea—for either riding or walking; Lever
and Rotary Cutting Boxe* ; tho celebrated llouck Fodder Cutter and Crueller; tho
(>*borne Mower*, Reaper* and Self-Binding Harve*ter*; the Hubbard Gleaner and
Hinder; Horen Hay Rake*, band and elf dump; Hore Ilay Fork*; the bet Grain
Drill made, with Vcrtilizing attachment, at the lowet price; the Heebner Level
Tread Horee Power, with Thneher and SeparaU>r, or Threcher and Shaker, for one or
two hor*M; the Gei*er Threeher and Separator, with repair* ; Clover lluliar* and
Cleaner*; Farm Chop Mill* ; Farm Engine*; Cider Mill*, for hacd or horsepower;
Fairbank*' Scale*, every variety ; Corn Sbeller* ; Road Plow* and Hoed Ser*;*r, for
Supervisor*' u*e ; Wind Mill* of the mo*t improved make ; Wagon Hotels and Axla
Greaae; Baltimore, Boston and Buffalo Commefeial Fertiliser*; Cayug* Plaster; Steel
Wheelbarrows; twenty varieties of Graa* Seed*, and every variety of Garden Seed* ;
the American Improved Sewing Machine*, with Oil, Needle#, Ac. We Invite the
ladiea to call and inspect It. Thia department i* attended to by a ladv operator, who
SEE* ln*truction*. AH in want of Sewing Machine* MV* money by dealing with u*.
ButUmt Manager, Bwk-Xee/xr.
Ob, Almighty <od, Who art a most
, strong tower of defence unto Thy
i servants in the midst of dangers of
whatever sort: we yield Thee praise
and thanksgiving for the deliverance
from those great and apparent dangers
wherewith these men before Thee were
compassed in the tune of war. We ac
knowledge it as being of Thy goodness
that they were not delivered as a prey
unto death. V\ e ble,s Thy Holy Name
that it did please 1 hee to protect them
by the power of Thine invisible army
of Angels in ail the way wherein they
went. And we beseech Thee still to
continue such Thy mercies towards
them, that all the world may iknow
that Thou art the .Saviour and Mighty
deliverer of all therii that put their
trust in Thee.
Oram to us, and to all the people of
' this land, grace to walk obediently in
Iby Holy commandment* ; and, lead
ing quiet and peaceable lives in all god
| lines* and honesty, may we continually
' offer unto I hee our sacrifice of prsie
and thanksgiving for these Thy mercies
j towards u; through Jesus Christ our
; I-ord, Amen,
ires we feel a strong desire to thrust
I our advice upon olhets. it is usually be
cause we suspect their weakness; but
we ought rather to suspect our own.
| Tn* young fancy that their follies are
; mistaken by the old for happiness : and
j the old fancy that their gravity is mis
taken by the young for wisdom.
' HAa IT v is a fi r> t mortgage on every
\ human being's possession*.