Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 09, 1881, Image 1

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    31p Centre A fflrmorraf.
VOL. 3.
Tormt 11.50 per Annum. In Advance.
8. T. SHUGERT nd R. H. FORSTER. Editor..
Tbnrsday Morning, June 9, 1881.
THE Greenback State Convention
of lowa, in nominating their State
ticket, have selected Mrs. Mary E.
Nash, as their candidate for Superin
tendent of Education.
THE obituary of the Republican
party is now being written up by its
adherents. A liberal cultivation of
ilowers to deck the grave on next
memorial day should engage the at
tention of the faithful.
EX-SENATOR CoNKi.ixci the other
day sent an encouraging message to
Seuator Mahone of Virginia, sympa
thizing in his aims and purpose. This
may be called a spiritualistic commu
nication of the dead lion to the dead
Two things can be said to Conk
ling's credit. He has never been charg
ed with selling his officiul position to
enable a rogue to rob the Treasury.
He has never been charged with jK>r
jury to cover fraud and dishonor.
He may have many sius to answer for,
but these are not amongst them.
IT seems to be generally believed
that Garfield and Blaine hold iu re
serve some very interesting marks of
their confidence and good will for Don
Cameron, to he exhibited to an admir
ing public as soon as they get through
with Itoscoe Coukling. Whether they
involve Don's " go-between " and con
fidential agent and solicitor, .Mitchell,
is as yet, uncertain.
A PROVISO was appended to the ap
propriation for the insane hospital at
Warren, the other day, requiring that
a female graduate in medicine shall
have charge of the female department.
This was a most proper and judicious
requirement. Insane females should
have the earc of female attendants of
competent kuowledge to administer to
their necessities.
Tin: wild hunt for place under
the Garfield administration is still
active and aggressive on the ]>art of
the outsiders against the jieace of the
insiders. The out* are demanding pay
for campaign work in the field, and
take no account that the tn* furnished
the funds to enable them to put in the
work, in the belief that it would he
unnatural for "dog to eat dog."
GEORGE C. GORHAM, the editor of
the stalwart organ in Washington,
telegraphs from Albany, "there are
various rumors afloat of coming dis
closures affecting men high in the Re
publican party, that will shock the
country. A prominent Republican of
this State, (New York), says that with
in three mouths certain matters will
come out that will startle and amaze
the people." It is not at all unlikely.
Rascality has marked the career of
the Republican party ever since Grant
assumes! the Presidential office, sup
plemented by Hayes in the same posi
tion. The rogues are now quarrelling,
and it will not he strange if they begin
to tell interesting tales in criminating
each other. Jiet the funeral move on.
appointed to discover what became of
the contingent funds of the Treasury
Department under the fraudulent ad
ministration, is still on the hunt.
They have no difficulty in discovering
that large sums were appropriated to
that fund and disappeared, but they
meet with heavy failure to find the ar
ticles said to have been bought and
paid for to balance the expenditures.
Knough crookedness, however, is un
covered to show that the swindling
operations in the Treasury Depart
ment is keeping pace with the Poat
office, and both together prove the ne
cessity of a general and searching
overhauling by parties beyond the
reach of white-washing influences.
William Ponn'H ltomalns.
It seems that tl e negotiations re
cently inaugurated for the transfer of |
the remains of William Pcim from
their quiet resting place in England
to the city of Philadelphia, is not
likely to have a successful termina
tion. The effort to accomplish this
desirable object contemplated only
the necessity of obtaining the consent
of the lineal descendants of the great
founder of our Commonwealth, with
out taking iulo account that the trus
tees of the cemetery iu which they
have rested for lfi.'J years, might pre
sent insuperable difficulties. After the
consent of his surviving liueal de
scendants had been obtained, it was !
supposed that there was no other per
son in existence who could interpose
any legal obstacle to the proposed re
moval. The mayor and councils of
Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania His
torical Society and the State Legisla
ture united in a request to the Eng
lish descendants of Penn to jiermit
the people of Pennsylvania to pay
this posthumous honor to their illus
trious ancestor. Gov. Hoyt requested
Mr. George Lieb Harrison, a wealthy
citizen of Philadelphia, who was
about to sail for Europe, to act for the
State government, and to do whatever
might be necessary to secure the ob
ject in view. Mr. Harrison is now on
his way across the ocean, but it is not
likely that he will succeed In his mis
sion. Under date of June 4, Mr R.
Littleboy, one of the trustees of the
burial ground in Buckinghamshire iu
which Penn is buried, writes to the
I>ondon Time* that no application has
been made to the hoard of trustees for
the removal of the remains, and that
if such a request were made it would
not he entertained. It is to he pre
sumed that without the consent of the
legal custodians of the cemetery the
grave of Penn cannot l>e disturlicd, !
and it is said that Penn and his last
wife were buried side by side iu the
family lot, and that there is no record
by which the one grave can lie identi- '
fied from the other.
A PUBLISHED interview with the:
late </e facto President discloses the
fact, if that fraudulent individual is
worthy of credit, that the reason Sen- j
ntor Coukling sat quiet and failed to j
deliver the speech he is said to have i
prepared against the consumm on of
the Presidential fraud of was
his belief that he, the late incumbent,
would leave the Presidential office in
shame thirty flays after the Potter
Committee commenced the investiga
tion of the frauds. This certainly
shows two things discreditable to
Conkling's sagacity—first that he
should have so mistaken the charac
ter of Hayes as to believe lie would
shame at any indecency of his party ;
ami second, that Conklingihy coward
ice lost the best opportunity he ever
had, or could hope to have, to make
himself the great man he was ambi
tious to be called by exposing at the
proper time the nefarious designs
of men with whom he was associated
to commit a fraud upon the American
people. It is difficult to say whether
the Hayes interview is most damaging
to himself or Conkling. Neither,
however, can congratulate himself
upon the history made by the transac"
tions referred to.
THE Pittsburg Critic is disposed to
accept the certificate of character
that Garfield gives to filainc, but at
the same time thinks the President
might have carried his illustration a
little farther than he does. The Critic
says, "Jim Blaine is a pure man. He
is innocent of any connection with
the Btar route blackmailing swindle.
In the langunge of President Garfield,
"he is just as innocent of any connec
tion with the Blar route swindles as I
am." That ought to settle it. If
Mr. Garfield bad added, "and he is
just as innocent of any connection
with the Credit Mobilier as I am,"
then that wouid have settled it."
Virginia Roadjustors in Motion.
Muhoue held his Rcndjlister con
vention Inst week, put in nomination a
full State ticket, and issued an ad
dress in form of an ap(x-ul to the
Republicans not to place a ticket in
nomination, alleging the interests
of the two partita* were identical
und that their hopes of success
in overcoming the Democracy rest
ed upon a complete coalition and
the election of the repudiation
candidates. They left no blanks
upon the ticket for the Republicans
to fill, hut rely upon the antagonism
of the Republicans to the Democracy
to induce un acceptance of the one
so graciously presented for their votes
hv the Rebel Rrigadier. The question
now is, will the Virginia Republicans
ratify the humiliating conditions, and
sink their party organization to be
come n tail to the repudiation kite-
Perhaps they will; some of them at
least will. As a party elsewhere, they
have done many acts to prove they are
not influenced by any great principle,
and may now, as they have on other
occasions, embrace any expedient, how
ever faint, that will give them hope
of crippling the onward march of
the party they hate so cordially, and
which has for over eighty years resist
ed all attempts to concentrate power,
und establish a National aristocracy
to control the people's Government.
Rut in this case, the coalition can only
result in disgrace and defeat as the
Democracy of Virginia art) sufficient
ly strong to overcome the combina
A WRITER in the Philadelphia
Timer, believing that the people have
had a surfeit of "ring rule" appeals to
both parties for great care in the nom
ination only of competent and honest
men for the office of State Treasurer
Amongst the gentlemen believed to
possess every needed qualification for
a faithful and satisfactory adminis
tration of this important office, the
following Democrats are named:
Ailam Hartranft, of Philadelphia;
Arthur D. Markley, of Montgomery ;
Jacob Zicglcr, of Rutlcr; Hon. Levi
Maish, of York ; Gen. Davis of Bucks;
and Hon. Hamilton Alricks, of Dau
phin. From this list the Democracy
certainly could commit no error in
selection, and would be more than sa
tisfied with either Gen. Davis, Hamil
ton Alricks or Levi Maish. The fol
lowing Republicans are also names)
from which an honest and capable
selection is possible: Geo. E. Mapce,
of Venango ; Jos. E. Caven.of Phila
delphia; Rutler B. Strang, of Tioga ;
(ten. Jas. A. Beaver, of Centre ; Issue
B. Gara.of Erie ; Wn>. B. Roberts, of
Montgomery ; Hiram Young, of York,
aud Robert Iredell, of Schuylkill.
THE Senate has rejected the pro
posed constitutional amendment pro
hibiting the manufacture and sale of
intoxicating liquors in the State, and
they did right. The legislature has
full power over the subject, and the at
tempt to get rid of the vexed question
by a constitutional amendment was
only a cowardly pretense to satisfy the
advocates of prohibition and relieve
themselves of an emlmrraming situa
tion. If the members were unprepar
ed to meet the issue at once and abol
ish the use and sale of liquor in the
commonwealth, or continue it under
the enactment of intelligent restriction
against abuses, it was at least more
creditable to abandon the subterfuge
got up to evade the responsibility.
♦ - 11
GT*. GKAST was reported at New ,
Orleans the other day, on his way to
the front. Rapid transit will bring
him to Albany in time to lead the
stalwarts to victory ever the half
breeds. By all means let Ulysses
hasten to the rescue of the imperiled
BOG, who are sadly beleaguered in their
entrenchments by the half-breeds.
MR. COKKLINU has not yet been
vindicated. The dead lock still con
'No More Democratic Tomfoolory.'
Under the above caption that able
und reliuhie Democratic journal, the
Doylegtown Democrat, gives advice to
the Democratic party which is worthy
of earnest consideration, and which it
would be well for the purty to accept
and follow. "We want no more Dem
ocratic tomfoolery,"says the Democrat;
"we have had too much of it already.
Several times, since the war, the Re
publican party was in absolute despair,
on the very verge of ruin, und almost
ready to throw up the sponge. Rut
| on each occasion a Democratic whale
was furnished at the opportune mo
ment to save the sinking donah. The
Cincinnati platform was good enough,
but a Kentucky Rourbou was allowed
to add three little words, "for menu*:
only," which frightened the manufac
turing interests of the country. These
words didn't mean anything, but they
furnished a cluh to beat out Demo
cratic brains. Indiana was made a
November State, aa far as constitution
al amendment and popular vote could
do it, but some of the Democratic
leaders out there, who hud the Presi
dential bee in their bonnets, and were
over smart to boot, carried the ques
tion to the Supreme Court and had
the will of the jieople reversed. In
diana was known to la- a Democratic
State, and this enabled her Presiden
tial aspirants to go to Cincinnati and
swell up on their great victory in Oc
tober, when and where the boom was
sure to be started. One of them got
the second place on the ticket, but the
October State business was his ruin.
It was another club in Republican
hands to boat out Democratic brains,
for it enabled the Republican party to
concentrate all their strength of men
and money, including I>orscy' million
I of Star route dollars, UJKHI the Iloosier
State. They carries! the State, and
! from that day Hancock was beaten.
These little acts, which led to such
bad results, were Democratic tomfool-)
cries; yes, Ib-mocratic cussednews, W . T
we must make our English little
plainer. The Democratic rank and
file know, to their soirow. that such
things will not do for a st<-ady diet, for
they have been fed upon them for
years, and they are not fattening. We
repeat, these little vagaries must cease,
and in future the Democratic party
must not furnish any more compas
sionate whales to save the Republi
cans. If the Democratic (tarty would
1m- entrusted with the power which
the Republicans must shortly lay
down, they must not only cease pro
viding whales to save sinking Repub
licans, hut prove to the people they
arc worthy this high trust. Tbey
have three years to do it in. This is
time enough. We need not point out
any line of policy; our leaders have
sense enough to know what challenges
the confidence of their countrymen.
Gain that, and power falls into their
hands as naturally as apples fall to
the ground. The Republican party
is only a festering, putrid, carcass of a
once healthy body, and the people are
ready to kick it away and place power
and confidence in the Democratic
party whenever its leaders bring
"fruits meet for repentence." Will
tbey do it ?
THE Mahone convention met at
Richmond, last Friday, and nominat
ed William E. Cameron, for Governor,
and John F. Lewis, for Lieutenant
Governor. The former declares him
self a Democrat, and the latter a Re
publican and a Readjustee The Ad
ministration will not be able to pull
them through.
1 - ♦ 11 11
THE compact entered into between
Conkling, Grant, Cameron and Gar
field, at Mentor, will soon have its full
development, when the people will be
able to judge something of the honor
due to the contracting (Arties in the
light of the events now transpiring.
That the people were betrayed and
again cheated oat of their cboioo of
an honest President begins to find ex
tensive belief, ami the quarrel of the
conspirators is not unlikely to throw
some light upon the mcuns used to ac
complish it.
THE Htur route swindlers are pre
paring for a vigorous fight by the pur
chase of newspapers in Washington
and the employment of the most emi
nent criminal lawyers in the country.
They have now two dailies, morning
and evening, and one Sunday paper
; employed in their interest, with lien
Butler, Boh Ingersoll and other able
men as criminal experts to defend and
J save them if (>os-ihlf from the peni
j Untiary. With all these appliances
lof defence, they will doubtless make
things lively about the Attorney-Gen
eral and Postofficc Departments. The
rascal# have plenty of money and can
afford to spend millions to escape the
| punishment their crime deserve.
| J. ft. Killebrt-w, of Tennessee, ha*
I been appointed chief of the depart
| ment of minerals and wood* in the At
lanta expedition, and will at once pro
| need to collect the finest exhibit of
wood*, mineral*, ore*, etc., ever made
j in the history of the I'nited State* for
the Southern country.
Augucta, Ga., which i so fast becorn
ing a busine** and manufacturing ten
I tre, will issue four hundred thousand
I dollar* of *ix |>er cent, thirty-year
! bond* to pay for a new water work*
j *y*tem and improved drainage and
| sewerage. The work will be coramcnc
I ed at an early day, under the auperin
tendence of Prof. Ames, of I'sxton, and
will be finished in about a year.
K.x-Mayor Stockley, of Philadelphia,
I ha* been elected president of the " At-
I lantic and < iulf Coast Canal and Okee
chobee I.nd Company." A* ha* here
tofore been stated, this company pro
|o*es to reclaim a large section of
Southern Florida, generally called the
" Everglade#," by draining the swamp*.
The scheme involve* the construction
of a canal atx>ut .100 mile* in length.
Kev. Samuel K. Fisher I). I>.. died in
! Philadelphia, on Sunday evening. Hi*
v-vk place at ("hambcrsburg on
! Tuea< jnv -1-"bev. Fiber *n one of the
! most divine* of the lie
; fore for many year* wa*
| | with the publi
i friend V' UT business department
p He wa* seventy one
tncn in her
pming bird I,a* a, Tbomu A Soott
! fb,*f. lit'le 1 jjj'i lto probate It con
j t- $ >vi*ion* for the tamiiy
Ja, q. , Colonel Scott. There
are-v-* ,'xbhc bequests, a* Colonel Scott
i rememt>ered the institution* he desired
j to benefit by large cah donation* only
I a short time before hit death. No ex
| act statement of the fortune left by
I Colonel Scott can be made, as the will
| provide* that no inventory or account
| shall be filled in any public office.
The most curious romance of all come*
from Chicago. A wealthy Chicago wid
ower shortly will marry the wife of
Mike Weaver, a notorious burglar, and
herself belonging to a family ot thieve*.
Mike robbed the widower * house of
#1,01)0 worth of plate and jewelry and
| wa* sent to the State Prison. Mrs.
Weaver is pretty and winsome, it is
needle** to say, for when the widower
called on her to negotiate for the re
turn of the plunder she captivated him.
The marriage will take place a* soon a*
she can obtain a divorce from the con
When John Griscom, the fat man
who is making a starving experiment
at Chicago, wa* weighed on Saturday, at
the conclusion of the eighth day ol hi*
fast, it wa* found that in the last twen
ty-four hour* he had lost only a quarter
|of a pound, while hi* temperature,
pulse and re*piration were normal and
| unchanged. At nine o'clock the same
: night he appeared as cheerful a* ever,
and was sitting up, taking part in the
conversation of hi* attendant physician*
ujson the scientific pleasure* of the dis
secting room and table.
The Governor of Colorado on Satur
day received a telegram from the sber
| iff of Conejoa county, saving: "The
| county is powerless against the armed
desperadoes. Allison, the leader, has
' threatened an attack on Antonieto and
Conejos. We have good men but no
arm*." On receipt of this dispatch the
Governor offered a reward of #I,OOO for
the capture of Allison and #*JOO each
for the remainder of the gang, and also
ordered irro* to be shipped to An
At the election of officers of the
grand commandery of Knight* Tem
plar* of Pennsylvania, held in Scran
ton, last week, the following named
grand officers were elected for the en
suing Templar year: Eminent grand
commander, George W. Kendrick, Jr.;
deputy grand commander, B. Frank
Brenneman ; grand generalissimo."has.
W. Balchaler; grand captain general,
Edward G. Martin, M. D.; grand prelate
A. V. C. Schenrk, I>. I).; grand senior
warden, -Tames Alexander; grand junior
warden, George 8. Graham; grand
treasurer, M. Richard* Muckte: grand
recorder. Charles K. Meyer. The recep
tion drill and hop, under the auspices
of Philadelphia commandery. No. 2,
given in the ballroom of the Wyoming
hotel wee one of the grandest affairs
ever given in this place.
I RUMS : |M*r Aniiinn. in Ailvann*.
A cottage at one of the seaside re
son* baa been rented to a < Jifornia
millionaire, at sl,'/JO for the \
dozen yearn ago the *:ime man a
•reet ear conductor in the city of S,m
Mflattie Solace Nate, the only re.
tnaming daughter of the poet, John G,
Saxe, died in Brooklyn laat Friday
night. Her father ia now sixty-five
yearn of age and broken down with
grief and ill health.
A robbery of between SW,OOO and
*IOO,OOO in bonda from the Erie Coua
ty Saving* Hank, at Buffalo, N. V.. ha*
just come to light. The bonds were
taken from the treasurer's desk, where
they had been placed without any mjs
picion of danger after a number of
coupon* ba<l been cut from them. Sev
eral of the stolen bonds have been
traced to Haltimore.
Among the distinguished persons now
in the government employ at the Indian
agencies, at salaries ranging from f-j to
#lO a month, are : Abraham Lincoln, a
teamster; Ulyases Grant, an interpre
ter; John Adams, a farmer; Enoch Ar
den, a laborer; George Washington and
Andrew .Jackson, interpreters; Daniel
Webster, a captain. James K. Folk, a
sergeant, and Join I'-enton, a carpenter,
(hose who think that our great men
are disappearing will notice that they
have only "gone West."
The case of marriage of a Chinaman
named l>ee Cbin, to Mrs. Lva 11. Lee, a
white woman, is attracting much atten
tion at ' heyenne, Wyoming lerrilory.
The statutes of Wyoming forbid such
intermarriage and the couple went to
Denver to have the ceremony perform
ed, the Colorado laws |<ermittiog it. Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Chin have been indicted
for miscegenation. The Chinese Con
sul at Denver, under direction of the
< hinese Ambassador at Washington,
has become interested in bebalf of his
countryman and will contest thecase in
tne courts.
The recent announcement in the
New Ycrk Chamber of Commerce by
t'olonel Fred. A. Conkling that a New
York sugar refiner ha/1 paid *IOO,OOO to
a member of the Committee on Ways
and Means in the last Congress to fire
vent legislation on the sugar question
has caused a sensation in New York
commercial circles. The Tinor says:
"1 he statement appears to be generally
credited, and reputable gentlemen are
to be found who say thev saw the
check," The committee adopted a bill
by a vote of 7 to 6 which provided
for a sjiecific instead of an ad valorem
duty, but the bill was never reported.
The votes against the bill in committee
were Messrs. Wood (Chairman), Car
field, Kelley, t'onger, Frye and Dun
An organization of the ex-Confeder
ate soldiers has l-een effected at Chatta
nooga, Tenn., with Col. J. B. t'ooke,
president; Mr. D. M. Key, Capt. J.
• 'aldwell, vice-presidents; Maj. (. C.
[ <'onner, secretary. Nearly every ex
! <'onfederate soldier in the vicinity has
; Sieouuie a member. The purjose of the
i organization is to tender a reception to
the Army of the Cumberland, which
will have a re union in Chattanooga,
next September. It is intended to have
present the most imj-ortant and promi
nent of living Confederate generals.
President Garfield and party, who
have been cruising in Virginia waters
on the Fnited States steamer Dispatch,
visited F'ort Monroe on last Sunday
morning, witnessed guard mounting
and inspected the troops. In the after
noon they visited the Soldiers' Home,
near Hampton, then the Hampton
Normal School, and next the National
Cemetery, after which they attended
services 111 the Hetbesda Chapel, at the
school, after which the President made
a short address to the students. At 5
r. a. the party sailed for Washington.
The yards of each vcsle off the fort,
including the Herman school ship,
Nymphe, were manned and three cheers
were given as the Dispatch passer] them.
tn May 24, tjueen Victoria attained
her sixty-second birthday, an age which
has l>een exceeded by eleven only of
the sovereigns of England, dating in>m
the Norman conquest—namely, Henry
1., who attained sixty seven years;
Henry 111., sixty five years; Edward
!., sixty seven years ; Edward lll.,sixty
five years; ijtieen Elizabeth, sixty-nine
years; -lames IE, sixty eight years;
George l„ sixty-seven years; George IE,
seventy-seven years; George 11 (..eighty
two years ; George 1 V„ sixty eight years,
and William IV., seventy-two years.
On the 20th of June she will have
reigned forty-four years, a period which
has been exceeded by four Finglish sov
ereigns only—namely, Henry 111., who
reigned fifty six years; Edward 111.,
who reigned for fifty years; tjueen
Elizabeth, who reigned for forty-five
years, and George 111., sixty year*.
Col. r. Peno Gaakell Hall, IT. 8. A„ a
member of General Hancock's staff, is
somewhat indignant over the appoint
ment of George Lieb Harrison, a sugar
merchant of Philadelphia, to go to Eng
land for the remains of William Penn.
Colonel Hall is the nearest and oldest,
descendant of Peno living in America,
was born here, end thinks that by vir
tue of hta position as an army officer,
he would be a representative of the
family and the nation. He has been in
correspondence with English members
of the family, and by a letter recently
received he learns that Peter Tenn Gaa
kell, ol Sbstiagerry, Ireland, who in
herited the English estates and ia the
jwner of the place in Berkshire, where
the remains of the founder of Pennsyl
ranie now lie, ia unwilling to allow
fbetn to be taken away except by a de
■eendant. Fnleaa bis consent can tie
>btained it will be impossible to remove
NO. 2:5.