Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 02, 1881, Image 8

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    ®he Cfntrt
Thursday Morning, Jnne 2, 1881,
oaspo*i>**c*. rimlaluloa lui|>rtiuit tisws, lullrlt
<-<t from any pert of tho Bounty No oommuuic •Hon
laaortod uuleaa itcroni|iil<Hl by tho rcnl lumo of tho
Democratic County Committee.
The following persons have boon named
as members of the Democratic County
Committer' for 18X1.
ltoll*fuiito, W. \V NitlioliiM llotisllii|(.
Brtlvfunte, N. W. ChrlM SchnMler.
Uelleftiute, 8. F.tlwurtl Brown, Jr.
Milmit>uri; o. I*. Km*t* er.
Mlllhrliit If. I*. Ztrlw.
Unionvrillfl A Toner LmtliM*.
HowtrU Georic* Wliln
Pbllipbiir^.. M A. J. Gmhffiin.
• lienner terry KoffiTl.
IloKft" J unit* A. McCUId.
Hurneitte fbrr Illl.
Cur tin Joliti McCloffikey.
College Jacob ttottorf.
Fergumiu, old T. McConnlck.
FerKueott, new Mil** Wnlkfi.
Gregf|| f pouth W- Krirnrine.
®rwg, tiorth Jmhm Dork.
llAlfmH>n J"kn Ha d.
Haipe* Bu'omOO Kllliliger.
lUrrta John A. Hum..
llowartl John A. Punkle.
Huston ... Henry llale.
Liberty. H*. 11. Ganlner.
Marion Perry Couth-
Milen - Hatnuel K. Kwu-L
l*attou John Keetl
IVon Chrlat Alesatider.
I'otter, nort.t John J'hfii i
Potter, eolith James Mrt'llutick.
Ktmh John Donlon.
8nw8hoc Alel Campbell.
Hpriug John Noll.
Taylor Willium Cablerwood.
Union 8. K. Kmerb k.
Walker.. Aiubfwe M< Mullen.
Worth... Marehall Lewie.
Bellefonte, Pa.. Feb. 1. Chairman.
Local Department.
In the dim dawning *>w thy a*ed,
Ami in iheev>niiiK U> not thy band.
What it will bring forth—wheat r •••. —
Who can know, or w|-o understand'
Few Will heesl.
Yet tow thy wtil
Ba-e, the red mnHie twforr the- clows.
Though rloto behind thee night iingem atkll.
Flapping their fatal wingw, roiiu* the hta< k haw,
Following, folh-wing over the hill.
No rewe '
80 w thjr *eed.
We, too, wentaowing in glad wpne-
Mow it la twilight. a-l aha<hiw* fail.
Whe eis the harvest? Why lift we oar eye* '
What could we *• here * But God eeth all.
Pant life fliea,
Sow the good
Though we may cant it with trembling hand.
Spirit half-broken, heart tick and faint,
Ilia wind* will waiter It over the land.
Ilia rain will nurih and cleauae it from taint.
Sinner or mint.
Sow the rd aed.
—"JORV Uaumx, irenth man
—See the went* of tho Bellefonte Cur
"Works in our advertising colums.
Harry Green finds a rapid '*l® f° r
his extra five cent Florida cigars. Call
and try them.
—You can get the best five cent cigar to
be found in Bellefonte st Frank Green's
drug store. Call for Harry's Florida
—As a pleasant, safe and reliable remedy
for all diseases of the pulmonary organs
Green's Compound Hyrup of Tar Honey
and Blood root has no equal.
—Gentlemen's furnishing goods of every
variety and quality can be found in stock
nt the Philadelphia Branch, which are
being sold remarkably cheap.
—Mr*. Frank Hillibish and her child
ren, of Canton, Ohio, have beea spending
some time with their relatives in Belle
fonte, and are no doubt enjoying their
—A very neat new head made a decided
improvement in the appearance of Relit*
fonte Morning Sewi on last Thursday
morning. We think the new name :
"Daily News," is also a praiseworthy
—Hon. William K. Alexander, of Mill
heim, started on Monday morning of last
week on a journey to Texas. It Is rumor
ed that Mr. Alexander has some notion of
looking for a business location in the far
—Mr. Lewin, of the Philadelphia
Branch Clothing house on Allegheny
street, Bellefonte, defies competion. In
quality, style and price, his clothing will
be found superior to any in town. Call
and be convinced.
—Tberc was a delightful social gather
ing of young people at the residence of
Mr. Frank Green, on Linn street, on
Wednesday evening of last week, in honor
of the birthday of the twin sisters, Misses
Emma and Mary Green.
—Attorney* Fortncy, Bower and Mc-
Kee spent several days last week in Mill
helm taking testimony in the contested
election case of Keifsnyder vs. Musser.
The contest is for the office of Justice of
the Peace for Millheim borough.
—Mr. James Loder, of Howard town
ship, fell from a wagon last week, and
bruised himself considerably, in addition
to somewhat severe internal injuries. Mr.
Loder is an old gentleman, quite heavy,
and not so active as in hi* younger days
and It is feared that the consequences of
his fall may prove serious.
—Mr. Hiram Hoffor, of Philipahurg,
gave hi* many friends in Bellefonte, the
pleasure of his society for a few day* last
week. Mr. lloffer is such a pleasant, ge
nial gentleman, that he always receives a
hearty greeting from all hi* acqnainUnce*.
We are glad to hear that he is doing a
prosperous business in his new home.
—We are sorry that Mr. Linn should
have been obliged to speak in the cemetery
on lest Monday under somewhat embar
• raising surrounding*. We have never
seen it otherwise, however, during the
time occupied by orators in the cemetery
on decoration day. The crowd scatters,
many indulge in loud talk, in running
around, end in other actions that ere not
proper end should not be permitted on
these occasions. We sey this more in sor
row than in anger, end trust that in fu
ture some measures will be taken to pre
vent these Improper and indecorons dis
—Mr. J. 8. Flshor, of Rebersburg,gave
Ibo DEMOCRAT a call last weok. Mr. Kiibur
it ongagod in tbo manufacture of carriages,
buggies, spring wagons and tloighs, and
does an extensive business. Ho is a skill,
ful and experienced workman himself and
is thoreforo able to guarantee satisfaction
to all persons who purchase the products
of his shops.
—The popular grocery of 8. A. Hrew &
Son continues to lead all others in the
amount of business transacted. It is the
best place to buy pure, sweet and fresh
groceries. Though tho establishment is
well known, there may be a few persons
in tho county who liavo nevor patronized
them. It will bo to their advantage to do
so on the next occasion they wish to buy.
—Maj. George I). I'ifer, on his usual
business trip through tho country, put in
an appearance at Belicfonto on last Satur
day. Tho Major remains with tho houso
with which ho has so long been connected,
Jones, Hoar A Co., of 514 Market Street,
Philadelphia, and report* business in a
flourishing condition. Tho friends of tho
Major—and they are legion—were all
pleased to meet him.
—People may sometimes be inclined to
ask why tho grocery store of Sechlcr A
Co., is so popular. This is an easy matter
to explain. This enterprising Arm sells
nothing but the best goods in their lino to
tie found in tho markets, and consequently
every customer who comes to the store is
not only fully satisfied, but pleated with
his or her purchases. Tho best in the mar
ket, reasonable prices and fair dealing will
make any firm popular.
Mr. 11. 11. Bonner, of this place has
been appointed and commissioned a Notary
Public. He will have his office with Squire
John Kankin, on the second floor of
Humes' Block, whore ho will always bo
pleased to meet his friends who ne-d his
services. In addition to the business of a
Notary, ho will also give attention to pen
sion claims and hopes to receive a share of
the patronage. We wish Harvey success
in his new vocation and hope ho will
achieve it.
Burglaries are coming to be quite a
common occurrence in Howard borough.
Tho store of I.ucas A Bros., of that place
was again broken into and ransacked one
night last week, this being the fourth or
fifth time, wo l>clicve, that this firm has
been tho recipient of these unwelcome
visits. In this instance, however, the
•camps had their pains for their trouble,
failing to receive any booty ; though the
safe wa pried open with tools taken from
the division tool house on the railroad, and
from B. F. Walter's blacksmith shop.
—Tho summer minting of tho State
Board of Agriculture will be held at Wil
liamsport, commencing June 7. Tho pro
gramme indicates an unusually interesting
session. Among the stated essays we no
tice one by Profeaaor Jordan, of the State
College upon the "Economical use of
Stock Food*,' all of the sessions of the
Board are open t>> the public, and all are
invites! to take part in the discussions.
We have no doubt that as many of our
farmers as can find time in this busy season
to attend will find profit in doing so. Re
duced rate* of fare can be obtained by ad
dressing Mr. D. 11. Forcsman, William
—Tho Bellefonte Fencibles again re
paired to the Fair Grounds on last Satur
day afternoon for target practice. The
following is the scorn:
200 TARH R A SO It —oil HAND.
Mollsn ... O .1 ii .1 )- I
VsnMl I 2 .1 ( X—IS
Halt 9 I I 4 9*t9
• ♦. O ft 0 1 2 *
Gr<** 2 1 i 2 o—lo
SrhffuwW t 3 4 2—IJ
%|orrt*iv. A....... O i .U 4-11
*m#r 2 2 t 2 2—ll
J'onsrt 1 3 i 3 iu. it
Grata 0 3 0 0 2—9
lflll VARD RANttE—err HARD.
W.l ...... 3SIO X—U
•w—ny ._ (i 4 So—li
miii mi i.i
Philtj. —-. ,1 0 S J 2—lo
Tho shooting at 200 yards is fair for a
first trial at that range. As usual, Van
Pelt carried ofT the honors. At 100 yards
Sweeny is making rapid improvement.
From a blank to a score of 12 is a big
—Two well known Linn street men, liv
ing in close proximity to each other de
cided to test the efficacy of Brown's Bo
hemian Beer tho other ijight. They are
not in the habit of drinking more than
they can conveniently carry home and
they were much astonished after they pass
ed Howard street to find that the malt
fume* from famed Bohemia had decidedly
the best of them. The night was dark
and their house* looked exactly alike.
They held a convention an the street and
passed a resolution to the effect that they
could not pick out their respective houses.
After considerable debate thsy resolved to
tackle the first house and find out which of
them lived there. With great difficulty
they reached the door bell, and frantically
sent a peal ringing through tho house. A
lady's head was immediately visible at a
second story window. "Does Mr. Thomp
son lite here?" asked an uncertain voice.
"Yes sir," was the irrascibie response.
"Are you Mrs. Thompson? 1 ' again ven
tured the Meseo-Sopreno," "I am," was
the Damascus-like reply. "Then will you
please come down and pick Mr. Thompson
out, Mr. Johnson want* to go home."
There is a decided coolneet now noticeable
between the two famtltee. The name* are
fictitious but Ulo facts as narrated are lit
erally correct.
"Cover thrrii ovsr—yss, covsr llu-ui over,
I'sieiit, slid hii'htinu, unit hut'isr, si d hivsr :
t'ruwn In your hesrt llii-si- (lead lieies* of only.
And cover tlii-m over with Ix-sutlful flowers."
Momorial Honors to tho Nation'#
Never slnco an annual momorial day
was instituted in honor of tho dead sol
dier* of tho country was tho day more ap
propriately and impres*ivoly observed in
Kellofonto than on last Monday. Gregg
I'ost, No. 96, Grand Army of tho llepub
lic, had taken liinoly action to mako tho
corcmonies of tho day successful, as well as
interesting, to those who should take part
in them, and tho mombor* oi tho I'ost aro
to bo congratulated upon tho perfection of
their arrangements and tho fitting manner
in wiiich they were carried out.
It rnuy bo said thatthe memorial honors
really began on Sunday, by a sermon de
livered to tho I'ost by Kov. John Hewitt,
of tho I'rotostant Episcopal Church. Be
tween fifty and sixty member* of tho I'ost
inarched to tho church in a body, occupy
ing a number of pews set apart for them.
A largo congregation was present, and tho
services throughout wcro of an impressive
ly interesting character. In connection
with tho usual Sunday morning service of
tho church, tho rector read for tho lesson*
of tho day the thirty-second chapter of
Genesi* and tho sixth chapter of Ephes
iaris, taking for his text the Ist, -tui and
part of tho 7th verse* of tho ehapter read
from tho Old testament, in these word* :
1. "Ami Jacob went on hi* way, and
the angels of (<xi met him."
2. "A..d when Jacob saw them, he said,
Thi* i* God's host and ho cat'ed the iiamo
of that place Mahanaim.''
7. * * * "and he divided the people
that vie with him • • • into two
From these word* Mr. Hewitt drew an
initructivo and deeply impressive leaaon
between the living and the dead host*
that went to battle for the preservation of
the government. Tho angel* of God met
them and they wero divid<<d into two
hands, that if one hand fell the other
might be preserved. Wo cannot attempt
a further *ynnpal* of thi* able and eloquent
sermon at thi* time, expecting, through
tho kindne* of Mr Hewitt, to lay it before
the readers of the DEMOCRAT in full next
week. It i sufficient for the present to
•ay that the discourse throughout wa* ex
ceedingly appropriate and edifying.
On M nday morning, those gruel friend*
of the Post, the ladies, ever active and
willing in good work*, were promptly on
hand, furnishing an abundant supply of
fresh flower* and arranging them with
their fair, deft hand* into beautiful
wreatb and boqucts. It would be a great
pleasure to give the name* of ail the lair
contributor* but they are no numerous that
a want of space com|>els u* to omit them.
The programme arranged by the F.sst
fixed the hour for the assembling of the
various organizations taking part in the
ceremonies at four o'clock, r. M., and
promptly at that hour all appeared in tho
square in front of the Court House. The
line wa* formed under the direction of Ad
jutant Henner, and then turned over to
the command of Pot Commander George
F. Harris, who acted as Chief Marshal.
Wheeling into column the procession
marches! over the prescribed route in the
following order :
Chfcf Mar*h*l ih'i
N'XHitait) Oty lUn4.
r,rr,f4r.T 11. %4h X. 0 P*.
P*t, No. &. Q. A H
l/<Co II * •' N" I.
I oJtn* ll i* < -ofn*ri i. Jin. 1.
Tho procnMton m*rchcd down Alleghe
ny .treet to Howard ; from Uoward to
Spring; from Spring to Hithop; from
Ili.hop to Allegheny ; from Allegheny to
Howard and thence to tho I'nion Ceme
tery. Tho organisation* all presented a
very creditable appearance. The excel
lent marching of Company H wa special
ly remarked and many complimentary ei
preion* wore pa**od upon the company
by the crowd* on the pavement* a* the
column marrhed along. The Are compan
ion *)<> deerve word* of commendation.
The Ix>gan hoy* turneo out between thir
ty-five and forty men and marched like
veteran*. The Undine boy* paraded for
the flrt time in their new uniform—blue
*hirt, with white trimming* looking
clean and frcth and of cour*e received
many complimentary remark* from their
A* the head of the column wheeled into
the entrance of the cemetery the time wa*
changed to a *low .top—the band playing
a dead march and the military company
rever*ing arm*. With *low, nmanured
tread the column marched up the main
avenue of the city of the dead and wheal-
Ing to the left proceeded to the burial lot
of the llalo family, around which a hollow
<]uare wa* formed, preparatory to the ex
ercite* of the day.
The decoration exercise* in the cemetery
began with the beautiful ritual of the
Urand Army of tho Republic for the dec
oration of four apecial graves. The object
of the a**emblage wa* *tated by the Poet
Commander and wa* followed by prayer
by Rev. i>e Long. Comrade* Keller, Ir
vin, Love and Lankin then, in the order
named, dunwind the four gravM, each re
pealing the inlemn and appropriate word*
of the ritual.
At the concluflon of thl* ceremony came
the general decoration of the grave* of all
the soldier*, "lying *o quiet by night and
by day," In th* cemetery. A magnificent
floral croc* that *tood at the centra of one
tide of the iquare wa* stripped of It* lux
uriant wealth of "beautiful flowers" by
the member-it of tbo l'ot, all carrying off
boquot* to deck the grave* of their dead
comrade*. When this had been accom
plished, the assembly wa* lounded, and
the organization* and vi*itor* present gath
ered around the stand to licar the oration
oi Hon. .1. Merrill Linn, of Union coun
ty, who had been announced a* the orator
of the day. Mr. Linn wa* introduced to
hi* audience by l*ot Commander Harris,
and at once proceeded to deliver hi* ora
tion. It wa* read from note* and wa* an
eloquent and a well written production.
After a glowing tribute to the deeds and
memory of the dead heroes of the war, il
lustrated by a touching reference to the
soldiers of the American revolution, he
proceeded to the real theme of discourse—
that of Nationality—and was listened to
with much interest.
At the conclusion of the oration the
benediction wa* pronounced by ltov. He
Long, and the various organization re
formed and marched to court house
square whore the column was dismissed.
The grave* of the soldiers who lie in the
Catholic and Friend* cemeteries were vis
ited in the morning and properly decorat
ed by members of the Host detailed for
that duty. The grave of every soldier
lying in the cemeteries of Uellefonte,
therefore, recieved its floral tribute to the
memory of the dead patriot sleeping with
in its narrow bounds.
In the evening of the same day a public
memorial service was held in the Court
House, by Gregg Fast in honor of deceased
comrades. They were four in number, as !
William I' Wilson, who served in com
pany O, of the bin Kegt. I'. V Died, No
vember 1879.
.1 aloes Sheridan, who served, first, in the ;
Tt'i I teg l. I'unn'a lb-serve Corn.-; second,
in the l'JOth Kegt I*. V. Died August
Harry C. Brooks, who served as Second
Lieutenant of Company H. 11th I'erina.
Cavalry. Died, December 7, I*Bo.
ib-nry Kckenrotb, who served, first, as
a private in Company 11, 7th lb-g't. I' M ,
second, as corporal in Company G, Hath
Keg t , I'. V., and, third, as Se, ond Ln-u- ;
tenant in the 1 'J-Ith lb-g't., V. S. Colored
Infantry. Died, March 8, Ih* 1.
At an early hour in the evening the
I'ost, escorted by the Mountain City Hand,
man hod to the Court House, and <-ecupi-d
the spate within the bar. The formal
ceremonies o|*ned with the reading of
the records of tb defeated soldiers. Th
ritual of the G. A K, in commemoration
of deceased comrades, consisting of a re
sponsire service by the Chaplain of the
I'ot and a choir wa then rendered, and
impressed the audience with iu solemni- '
ty and beauty The choir consisted of
four voices—the Misses Lyon and Messrs.
Ulanrhard and Bradley. The music was
exquisite and called forth unqualified com
mendation. The Itord's l'rayer was re
peated bv the I'ost in unison, stid John
<. Love, Esq., wss introduced as the
orator of the evening. After an eloquent
exordium sh'-wing the antiquity of the
means used to commemorate gie*t <-venu
and heroic deeds, Mr. L->ve proceeded to '
pay a tribute of resject to th recently
deceased comrades they had assetnbSm) to
honor. At the conclusion of the address,
the benediction was pronounced by Iter
Laurie, of the I'resbyterian church, and
thus ended the exercises of the day.
The committee on floral decorations, G.
A. K , deem it no more than just to say
that they owe to the children o| Bollefontc
whatever success may have attended their
decoration ceremonies. The ladies who
comprised the committee worked the flow
ers into wreaths, cr-ses and bnquets. suf
fered nothing to be lost that would decor
ate and supplied graciously the benefit of
their experience and culture ; but the boys
and girls gathered the fragrant treasures
from the fields and gardens and generously
made them a free gift
We acknowledge gratefully the receipt
of wreaths, crosses, boquet* prepared by i
friends at home. %
Comrade William Jones deserves men- ,
tinn for the preparation of the Court
House for the ceremony in the evening,
but he had ladies U> help, whoae taste sup
plied the decoration* upon the alter.
These acknowledgments being made to
all our benefactors, we now think it proper
that we should say to those children who
expected to take part in the ceremonial at
the cemetery that the threatening rain ne
cessarily curtailed that feature in the ser
vices, via of receiving the flowers and
handing them to the comrades upon the
entry of the latter into the cemetery,
Tne ladies aid committee on decoration
consisted of the fotiowing named ladle*:
Mis# Sallio Benner, Mrs. D. M. Glenn,
Mrs. J. G. 1/ove, Mrs John 1. Curtln,
Mrs. Amos Mullen, Mrs. K. T. Tuten,
Mrs. W. S. Zeller, Miss Hallie Burnsldo,
Mrs. John N. Lane, Mrs. K. C. Chessman,
Mrs A K. Smith, Mrs. Col. Der*, Mrs.
I), it Hastings.
K. C. Imviw, 11. A. WILLIAMS,
J. 11. RANKI*, H. 11. RKKKKR,
R. A. SMITH, Committer..
The Annual memorial to the dead sol
dier* u observed with appropriate cere
moniM *t Curtin'* Work* oil lart Saturday
Afternoon. The two burial place* at the
work* contain the graves of nineteen sol
dier* of the late war, and each received its
fitting floral tribute. The attendance of
people was large—fully five hundred—and
under the htarshalsbip of Captain Austin
Curtin, a procession, headed by the Plea
sant Gap Cornet Band and the Zimmerman
Drum Corps, was formed and marched to
the cemeteries. The Sunday-schools were
out in full force, the children bearing the
flowers used for decorating the graves.
After the decoration had been completed
the audience was called together and en
tertained In a most acceptable manner by
Rev. Pennypacker, of the M. E. Church
of Bellefonlc. The addrem was an elo
quent and touching tribute to the memo
ries of thoto dead heroes in whore honor
the annum binge had come together.
Mumorlal day war duly and fittingly ob
served at Pleasant Gap. A number of
soldiers slumber in thaquiet burial ground*
Methodist and Lutheran—nt that place,
and the grave of each one of them re.
ceived it* meed of regard and honor on
Monday morning. The assemblage came
together at 10 o'clock, Under the Chief
Marshal, John It. Tate, a precaution bead,
ed by the Pleasant Cap Cornet Itand,
marched, 11 rat, to the cemetery at the
Methodist church. The band played a
solemn dirge and a fervent prayer was of
fered by the itev. Warner. After the
decoration of the graves at this cemetery,
Clement Dole, K*q.,of Bellefonte, was in
troduced as the orator of the occasion.
Ho entertained those present with an able
and appropriate address. The effort of
-Mr. Dale is spoken of in the very highest
terms by those who were present. At the
Lutheran cemetery a few interesting and
seasonable remarks were made by Jtev.
\\ arm-r, and after the floral offerings were
j placed upon the grave* the benediction was
j pronounced and the assemblage dispersed.
In addition to the excellent music of the
band, the choir present on the occasion
] rendered the memorial ode and a number
| of other selections in a very excellent and
j pleasing manner.
We learn that at Centre Hail, Madison
burg, Hpring Mills, Kebeixburg, Philips
burg, and at other placid in Centre county,
the day was appropriately obaeryed, but
at this writing we do not have any of the
particulars and af course cannot give de
terson, aged ho years, make* bis home with I
Sheriff Hpangler. He was a drummer boy '
under Napoleon I, and was with the army j
to Moscow. Many years ago he came t"
Mr. Spangler and became a hostler at his |
hotel For a half dor.cn years he has done ;
nothing but chores about the bouse, and
seems to be as feeble as people at h.', usual- ,
ly get. l!ut he still possesses the idea of
being able to make rapid marches, as be
calls them, and surprises the Sheriff and j
his family by sudden tramps into the 1
neighboring counties. Two weeks ago. on j
a morning, be arose at three o clock, pack- '
••d his knapsack with provision* for three j
days, and started on bit tramp. He
walk's] from Bellefonte to Miirov, from
thereto Lewistowri At Lewisb wn he took
the train and went to Adamsburg, Snyder i
! county; from thence he walked ]."> miles
; to Troselville ; from thence across Jack s '
mountain, nn'lhe roughest road in America,
and hauled up at I-aurelton, Union coun
ty At this place be rested a few hours
and then boarded the train for Millbeim
Here he resumed his march and arrived at
Bellefonte on Sunday about 4 o'clock, hav
ing walked probably an hundred miles, i
Where is there another man at h. r > who j
ian d<> half as much * Mr. Peterson is an '
intelligent German. reads closely and is '
well posted both on the news of the day
I and that [>*rt of modern history relating
to the campaign of his idolir.ed Kmperor.
He carries with him a copy of the life of
Napoleon, and knows the history and per
sonal career of that wonderful personage
literally by heart
have revived for publication the following j
! circular from the War Department at I
Washington, D. C.:
IH*l ; There being now pending in this
department great numbers of volunteer
pension claims which cannot be satisfacto
rily verified for want of information which
missing records of discontinued volunteer
: commands would afford, and it having
transpired in many instance* that officers
of the late volunteer forces have still in
| their possession or under their control
books and other records pertaining to their ,
<xrps, divisions, brigades, regiments, and i
companies, their attention is called to the 1
! fact that all such books and records should
he deposited with this office, and they are
earnestly requested to cause the same to be
forwarded without delay to the Adjutant
Genera! of-the army, at Washington, Dis
trict of Columbia.
No expense other than postage or propter
express charges (when package* exceed
four pounds, the limit for mail prcUl,
can be paid by the government.
In the interest of the great number of
widows, orphans and disabled soldier*
whose claim* are involved, the newspapers
of the countrv are requested to give the
substance of Oii* circular the greatest pub
licity. By order of the Secretary of War :
R. C. DRCM, Adjutant benerai.
Assistant Adjutant General. i
—The public talc of the property of the
Bellefonte Building and Loan Association,
advertised for the 26th of May, at the 1
Court House, in the borough of Bellefonte,
ha* been postponed to the 16th of June.
Home of the properties to be sold are quite
desirable, and bargains may be secured
at this sale.
Mr. Edward Nolan, conductor, and
William Temple, engineer, and the train
hands of Conductor Nolan '■ train gathered 1
and brought to town a beautiful collection
of mountain flowers for decoration pur- 1
pose* on last Monday. They are entitled
to thanks for their kindness and fore
thought ■
—Bavarian and Bohemian been surpass
any malt liquors evar before offered to the
public. These sparkling drinks cea be
had on draft at Brown Bros., Bull* House.
—Hpring woolens now ready. Early 1
order* solicited. Money saved.
I-*F MOKTOOMERT A CO., Tailon. 1
M; arc authorized to announce that
JOHN KIHIKfs.'/f Voiimt lewwlilp will !**• ll
<Ut# for Aewrjr n! Jtuium, tUJ 0..- Ul</& of the ■
IHntFffrilk O/unty O'liffhUon.
mi km yy,
ll am authorized to announce that
TflOMAfl J fit N'KLK, at fltiali ("vmblp, will l<
4Bj|j'Uie for Xh-nfT, *ul.jew t to th# '4 the
UfiifM rntk Couuly f "fk*t,ilori.
Wo hm fcuthorized to iQnounca that
JOHN COLfIKEN, of tAswrmhlfi, will I* a *#.
•lldftt# for Rhxrtff, •Übject v, th# <l" ,U of the U*U*t
cmlk County Convention
Wo ore to announce that
fi. M NKllilblf, of f'rjruaoo Biaiiiliip, will U a
carol Male for hhvriff. t u, tb <J<*lioi* of tha
fxlit"* rati' County f>>. rtulloii.
w am authorized to announce that*
JOKKPIf L. NK tV. of U/wruhlp, a ill Is* a fan
dllata for Khar Iff, uhjert to tha de iioa of (ha
crath- County Convwitton. 4
Wo ar authorized to announce that
JOUR MII.K-, of lliulou loun.htp, sill l„,-,,.
dld.t- Ivr SI,-riff, tabp-t Iu tbs <l*< UOu, of lb- le-tuo
trstlr tJounty OusiMlloli
We are authorized to announce that
KAMI EI. K FAIHT. of Mil-. towihl|.. .11l I- ■
' an'll'Ut*. fot enhj*-. t to th# <li irlon of lt*
'Vmnty Ccmaaotton.
W<• hto authorised to lonounra that
1,. T Ml NHON, of hrllrfdit#, win I*- A faD'Ji'Ut*- for
Kharifl. Mthj** v, th* of \u* i>. u. y rt*'
i'Aiuuty CwuteiiUoti.
\V • arr; authorized t/> announce that
IMN fKIs 7 HIKI.AN'Ii i f ffarrl t ihihip, will
a cart'Hdat* f.-r HbwrifT •.)•*( to tha <l"*iotiof th-
I>-ris'sr ratir Count y <xjri*>ntiorj
We are authorial to announce that
w 11. NOLL "I I*l rli.K t/>wisahl|s, will | a 'dU*)t4at
f<*r Hlitrfiff. *ult t/j tha 'Win si, of th- lit-or* raU
County Convention.
We are authorized to announce that
j ' IIAHf'KIt - f IVU-1'.r.l- .ill b- * cietldsl* for
PretbunetsrT, satj-11/ lb- d>- iwuf, of tb-
lc founts Cua.-bftua
We are autiorized to announce that
I'ANILL f K KM-Kit. of I' tt*-r livtiolilp, w|J| l a
•i. ii'UlA for * Nsuntv 7r*waur-r. uhjM lU, lh*> iawn
f th* lam's' riti' ' ounty t *>n% f(it,"r,.
We are authorized to announce that
C A MHjl IST I OR. of n-ll.lnl-, .HI
<Ut- f< R O ntii) Trm.ur.% oi.j.- t Uj lb. AMAUOO of
tl, Ifo-tntsf rati< Counti <V*,-e-bUo<j
W<* ar* authoriz,4"i tr announce that
J II HOLT, of f r/Ts Khi* t/jt)>lilp. ||| Uaia4i>
data fffr Cwnty T,*va*tinr. njb)**f t it, tia i*u,u of
tk#- fx u.'sf ruti' (Vtanty C'outantloa
We are authorized to announce that
JOHN HoV, Jr. of township, will La a caadf*
'latr f'-r ( Vsonti < omri.t>,>.n< r. UJ tn tkv tun
J >1 tli- Ixus'M rU' CVxinty ( -avroUu ,
W*' ato authorised to arinouncM* that
il* V N'TT'im f ,"f l**rua t'analiip, will U> a r 'H
IdataM ( Nialf OMMHM • -1 r . t.* ■*• m
j >1 Hie Im-ms'w rati- Osunfy < miA-nti ;
We are authorized to announce that
fAMI'EL MU KKK of W.lk-r U.a.t.lf., .ill I- .
'Mdkiil* f-r (Vsucity <Vsom,i,,,t,.f i #ti | tss Utr d
j 'ialoa of Ui* fx rocs' rwti Uutfty OnoiiLia.
We are authorized to announce that
J 'iKKIFT. < f I nt tiiill* will I* a 'hdidiile f'er
It kionty < . any#wt to th* 0* >•* >n <4 Use-
Uamorranr Coaaty ( o
W'• ar# to innounc that
C. A LK.V A MI.K, of f*raa Low fiahlp, vtll |w a
4at' for i xifilj f VdiißHMKitirr, *ot)wt U> th- 4*< l*,cm
! 'd th- l>m<ratjr t'tuwi} Uff.t*bti<>b.
We are authorized to announce that
! JAMES A M'<-t-Alß.f M-'-tars. .ill I- < kb 4l
. Ul- Ivl R-CI-I-I. .ols-t U, lb- J- I.lot, of lb. IXmjjo-
I ! ' ratir Grtinty I DiMftt r.
W x ar- authorized to announce that
JOR W H KEV. of fl*-llwf> r,t#. will U i rgiidi'hfo
I !"f IhflflUr vol')** \ t ■ th <t#vu,si(ib of Vt* In
* rooaty Uiitxiihifi
W<• are authorized t.i announce that
If EN R V HKi K .f fyrivg t vtikt j will a randi
lat# f-r R#^r•!*<, im* i*>ri to tb 4* i a <4 tb Ixtw -
rwtit < Catitfatkift
Wx arx authorised to announce that
T K JAMIVIN of urwaf t/'wrafthq . w|Jl U a rtdi
'l*t f'sf H'iillX. MljXt Us lb# (Jf'' t ft (if fh# LXtls'e
_ - rmti< CtHibiy CuavxaUotii
W X arx authcrisxd tc announce that
FRANK R I'IRI.E <.f '•j.rinfc* t/>wr.#hi|> JI I*# a 'wn-
I f'r K" rvle-r. t u> th# J' wusb (4 lb# Ixo,-
. <citF <"onty Coa#rst#oa.
Brown Bray, are making a tpectalty
|of new wbifkic* nxvxr before otFared in
Bellefonte, uch "Golden Rule of the
People," "JfannUFille" and "Dougherty."
i I>xjA*f CRMKNT.—The retail price for
j Loo an (IMKUT on and afU*r thii date
i May IHM , will be two dollar*
liar re) and no charge for tag* or barrel#.
Pkiladelpkia Marketa.
FaiLAMtrmi, Mai Ni, I*M.
Fi/'n.-rrifw of loar ar# *#il •!*)*<>rt#d and a
Mxwdy d*4Dvei |ir#rtlto frxtm th# hum# r<ti#un*r#
w ht. wtri* iriu m fr.. dlfifaf# fwil-# af ~ Isar
r#l#. Ir,< lu Ju<£ Mmiswafta #%tra# at tor
nMtan, to tabry 'l*ar, and at ah-V. Ut vtraigbt .
f*#*tri*ylaata fanuty at RYJfcfi' 1 . w#wt#m i|t. i
I at fd T hw ft.nr I#
j atoaflt wiifi a*i#* at s'• |*#* l*arr#l
J M ut —Than ii x<l nor), d#maa4 for wbxai. l-nt
' hkw ar# fitto#r Th# U aitig qW'taUot,* war# —-
II M\ l4 aad <*a#AM tor No 2 rod. Mai 1 tt
Ud Md |l 'Z? % #Aad for No. 2 rwd, Jt,,.* 9! V\ d
and fl 1?\ i -r No 2 red. July , |1 1 i . bid and
11.2t l 4 a#A-l fr No t rod. Aofait 1 I n#l< 1#
Jan# add at ll boahwl* Mai. at fl .4'.;
k f m> July al 11.K •. lOJOCi tnah#4a M#' at 11 *•' .
Aura --In timothy and (k't#m<#d* tb#r# • mdhing
worthy uf noth # doibf.
Ballefoat* Market*.
RtbLSrouvt. Sun. i, last.
WT,il. .h-st,|>r I'U.br! (01d)... |1 00
R~l k*t ' I ua
ll'. |- r bush.l HQ
Oora.rwt. so
I "oru, >b-llad X
FU-tir. r-v.ll, p-r 1-WT.I f> Ul
ftonr. bul-*sl. S itS
Provision Msrk.t.
CnrrsdrS —klj by Ituf-i Rrctb-f..
ApylM.frliA. |*tpmi4 *
IVni* .tnd. |.i pAsf. null,Jo
|t <|MTt
VTMAI bntt-r pr pound IS
Oilrksn. |—r pound *
Ch—• p-r pound .... an
(Tmutry bsuu pt pound —....... Is
llusu., niaur rursd IX
■seoa a
UH p-r pound to
Eca* psrdtt. |o
P ru— p-r busk.l TS
ISrtod bus*. ■ || is
.——. —~ ——• ,
CAl.not'R nil/iFR _<ln th. TMh . ulttUKr. ls*l, t\
lb* pufuonua* of *rl M K rhurrh. *u Alloouu. bp
R-* Th-uus. Mltrholl. Mr. tTru. J. Oslbouu. of
I'ukiutlll., thl. county, snd Mis. Msrsi. E. Illpr,
of Phillpsbura.
EHKETS— MAEI.RV —On lb. IMb. ultfan, by Rv.
J. r Wlbrlu. ut tb unfit.mo of lb brtdob
pufuuts, Mr John Kl-rt. uf OsuHMd —Ulrtr. ta
■I" Rusts Msrtsy, of JuUta. Osutr* county, fu.
AI.tAIR—ARTE# -On tb- .Mb of M.r 1 SSl,by a*.
Kslbsu J Mllchsll. of 11, used, st lb- i .odours of
tbs brlds'. purvols, Mr Wllltsss Alton, uf Im
sod Miss MsrUta J. Astsu, uf lieu-
EMERtCK —On lbs loth, ulllum. st bo issldsut. in
WTulka* tun ushlp. uf purulysl*. Jtdts tuisnrk. |rd
J run nod 1 dsys.
EASTMAR -On frldsr, Msy ink. last. sfW s short
but ssnvs 111 now. si tbs bosss of bst psnuts. ut M
llnutuduls. Ibuu C Eustuuo, dsußhtor uf O—ra- E. V
sod Msrths hsu.ii, sud I* yuurs, 7 uowtbs sad
N dsys
A'w Aitrrrfi*rm+nt*.
A T the ItellefoDte Oar Wurke: Four
il ur Esu Oks Euttdsru sad a fsw wa rt cuu
truth lu ths ErocOu Rbsa; sssssut psruow bo <uu
Putut IWV A fuod, usuud, potsurful. trurduhli. *lll
- tuM boms, Aout hmrtosn kuudrsd
pounds vs%hl. Apply si ths