Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 26, 1881, Image 8

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    She ffirntw jgraofrat.
— ♦
Thursday Morning) May 26, 1881.
CunSKr<>*P**<. nalliln|t liui'ortnnt n.*r, ..lli 1t
...1 fnnu any pari f Hi" o.unly No numniunlraih n-
Inaartml union nccomimnlarl l.y th r.-iil imiuo or t1,..
Democratic County Committee.
Tlio following person* hvo been named
■* member* of the Democratic County
Committee for 1881.
Ballriit, W W N'j. 1...1 da HmliliniC.
Hallafi.nt)*. N. W Cliarln S. hiwlar
MrllrMHa, 8, W....„ MwarO Umwn, Jr.
M ili'nliur K O I*. Kroaiui-r.
MIIIMm 1> 1., /.i-rlia.
rnliinvlHo A. Tout L^alln-ra
Howard IliHirg" Wl-.li.
Phill|MburK- A- J. (Jrshaai.
IV-navr J".
A M ( mill.
Itiinil>t>< Oanar J'olt
turtle J" 1 '" M <
CoHm* . '... J"'" 1,
Kermuon, ..1.1 £' , 1 in T.. > !r°" rn "' k
rluu, new MIIm \\ alkar
lir.gf,a.illi J K t titiiTl m--
"r.-Kt, north,— Lhi. k.
llalPoioon John Ward.
11 alma tMoinnn Lltllngrr,
lUrrl. •J"'" 1 V U0,.,.
ll,.want John A, l>unkl<\
lliMton - 11. nry llalo.
Mhorly W. H.tlarJnrr.
Marlon Perry Con*.
Mill*- Stttuixl K Puu-t.
UttM Bta
IVon ' liriwt Ah xumlrr.
I'uttrr, nrth ... John 8htuov
Poller, south I*ihmi M< llollck.
flush ........ John Donlon.
Hnowtfhoo \ln>l t nrn|.|M 11.
H|iii>K l-iliii Nll.
Twylor ......... William CaManrood.
I'tiiou S. K Kmsrirk
\V.ilkT Alilhnaa* M> Mull' Ml.
Worth Mar-hall l.twU.
P. tilt AY M KICK.
B' H.'foiit#'. Pa., Frit I. Chainnan.
Local Department.
—The family of Mr. A. Lukenback
lave come to Bellefonte. The Hitting ar
rived on Tuesday.
—We have tried Harry Green's live
rent Florida cigars and pronounce them
first rate. Call and try them.
—The question at present convulsing
Tammany Hall is who burned John Kel
ly's shirt' Referred to Squire Smith.
—Joseph Ross, of Spring township, re
ported quite ill, was able to be about on
last Saturday. We saw him in town on ;
that day.
—There is no place in Bellefonte that ,
you can buy a better five cent cigar than
at Green'* drug store. Call ior Harry's j
five cent Florida.
—Among the recent appointment* of
the poet-office department wo notice that
of Mary E. Brown to be postmistress at
Moshannon, in this county.
—The towns of l'hilipsburg, Osceola,
Houtsda'.e, North Uoutsdale. Ramey, San
dy Ridge, I'owelton and Morrisdalc mine*
arc to be connected by telephone.
—Nelse Lucas is of the opinion that
while bouncing axe bandies from his head
may be great amusement for lookers on,
and may not hurt the axe handle, that it is
sadly demoralizing to tho head.
—Dr. Dobbins recently ordered a pa
tient to take tbree ounces of brandy a day.
The man knowing that it takes lb drachms
to make an ounce has boon religiously tak
ing forty eight drinks a day ever since.
—Our friend Bond Valentine is the
agent for the Morris & Ireland Boston
Safe. He has sold quite a number of them.
They give general satisfaction. Persons
in need of these useful articles should give
him a call.
—The report circulated in omo part* of
tho county that Mr. Frank Bible would
not be a candidate for Recorder, we are
authorized to say is not correct. Mr. Bi
ble will be a candidate and so desires bis
friends to understand.
—We are sorry to learn from the Lock
Haven Daily Journal that Mr. Augustus
Krom, the well known hotel keeper, who
lately returned from Florida, where he
had spent some time for the benefit of his
health, is confined to his room with severe
Hon. L. A. Mackey, of Haven,
recently delivered a lecture before the
Land League of that city, taking for his
subject the condition of the Irish nation.
Mr. Mackey is an able and interesting public
speaker and his effort on this occasion was
well received.
.—Owing to the circumstances, the decor
ation of soldiers graves at Eagle Cemetery,
(Curtlns), will be on Haturday, May 28,
1881, at 2 o'clock, r. w. Rev. Mr. Penno
packer, of Bellefonte, will deliver the ad
dress, and the Pleasant Gap hand will be
in attendance.
—Protbonotary Harper, is said to he
putting himself in training for school di
rector, In the North ward. While on s
recent fishing excursion, he endeavored
with the aid of Frank Blair, to get his
completion into shape. It was quite dark
enough for a while to suit him exsctly.
—What you want in a cough remedy is
an article that will allay the inflammation
of the mucous membrane that lines the
throat and lungs, promote expectoration,
and heal and soothe the irritated surface.
This Is exactly what Green's Compound
Syrnp of Tar, Honey and Bloodroot docs.
—We were pleased to see Dr. J. M.
Bush, of I'atton township, in town on last
Saturday. A few weeks ago the Doctor
was the victim of an accident brought
about by a run-a-way horse, and seriously
injured. His many friends will be glad to
know that he is in a fair way to recovery,
An annoying mistake occurred in the
advertisement of Valentines A Go's store*
last week. When the "ad."' was written
by Mr. Nichols, he was no doubt laboring
under some excitement In view of his con
templated journey across the "ocean blue,''
and wrote "nearly two barrels" Instead of
"MBABLT TWO CAB LOADS,'' as he intend
ed to do, in giving the quantity of Fish
which Valentines have sold this spring.
—The Watchman remark* that a couple
of our young (?) men are taking privato
lessons in the racquet at the Bush llouie.
Ono of those gentlemen ha* previously
taken similar lessons only ho then spoiled
it simply racket.
—Mr. John Hhonta, of Philipsburg,
was the victim of a serious accident on
Tuesday, May 10, which resulted in the
breaking of his right leg at the thigh, lie
was riding in a truck down a steep grade
to the saw mill of Hoover, Hughes A Co.,
near Wallacelan, Clenrlleld county, when
the car jumped the track throwing him to
the ground with the result above stated.
A Clinton county man recently went
to Lock Haven, and alter drinking about
a quart of the best whiskey to be found in
our ambitious sister city, started for home.
llq was overcome by his emotions on the
way and laid down in tho woods to rest.
In tho morning when he awoke, a dead
rattlesnake lay by his side. He was bitten
in four places, but suffered no inconven
ience. It wu however, fatal to the snake.
—Tho old Methodist church, on the
north side of tho public square of Belle
fonte, has passed into tho possession of
Mr. Jacob Myers of Hon nor township,
who is remodelling the structure for tho
purpose of changing into dwelling bouse*.
It will make three comfortable dwellings
When completed, for which tho owner will
have no trouble to tlnd tenants.
—The Decoration Committee of Gregg
Post respectfully request all persons con
tributing flowers to have them sent to the
Post room, in Humes' block, as early as
po-sible on Monday morning, the :ioth in
stant. The room will las open at xA. M.,
and tho committee will be in attendance,
where they will he pleased to have as many
of their lady friends as can make it con
venient to meet for tho purpose of prepar
ing tho flowers and decorations.
—A number of the wealthy and enter
prising citizen* of the borough of Philips
burg have determine that tho place shall
be supplied with water works. A com
pany has been organized of which J. N.
Casanova is President, Chester Munson,
Treasurer and J. J. Lindsey, Secretary,
apd a sufficient amount of stock was
promptly taken to insure the succe- of the
project. Tho water will be taken from
Cold Stream Dam, tho power being suffi
cient to force it into a reservoir 162 feet
al>ove the surface of Moshannon creek.
The estimated cost will be $30,000. Tho
work will be commenced as soon as the
company recei\cs its charter, and it is ex
pected to be completed not later than the
first of next October.
—The extensive improvements we have
heretofore mentioned as being inaugurated
at the Brockerhoff House are rapidly near
ing completion. The entire first floor with
the exception of the three parlors, u now
ready for business. The lirst floor i laid
out in *w its of apartments, furnished with
solid black walnut furniture, fine ta|>estrid
Brussels carpet, with bureaus and wash
stands covered with beautiful Tennessee
marble. The rooms are models of neatness
and tate and will compare favorably with
those of any first class hotel in tho eastern
cities. The third floor will soon be fin
ished, and then with the contemplated
changes on the first floor tho Brockerhoff
House will be one of the finest in this sec
tion of the s to. As soon as tbe hotel is
completely renovates!, we will take occa
sion to give our readers a full description
of its already beautified interior.
—On Tuesday night of last wk an ac
cident occurred on the Tyrone and Clear
field Kailroad, t the summit of the moun
tain, by which William Engle, n brake
man, wa instantly killed, and another
hrakeman, named William Oaten, WM HV
riouily injured. The Philipsbubg Journal
say* "the accident was caused by a freight
train running into several car* standing on
a tiding, to clote to the main track that
the train wet unable to past without com
ing in collition. A number of cart were
thrown from the track and demolished
and the broken timber, and truckt piled
up in confution on both tidee. The even
ing eipreat north had pated the Summit
a few momenta pre*iout to the disaster, thua
avoiding any delay." The Journal further
tavt that "Mr. Kngle, who wet inatantly
killed, waa aged about 30 yeara and leavoa
a wife and three children to mourn hi*
auddden and horrible death and that be
had only gone on the road at a hrakeman
on the day he met hi* death.
—The council* of Wiiiiamsport, have
passed an ordinance to refund the city debt
by issuing four percent ten-twenty bond*,
by which they not only expect to redeem
their credit, but to relieve the people of
onerout burden*. Thi* example might be
worthy of imitation in other lax-ridden
communities. Our own borough of Belle
fiito need* relief in thi* direction a* much
a* any place of equal extent and popula
tion in America, and it may be pertinent
| to inquire why our borough authorities do
not institute tome measure to leeen the in
terest tax which form* no prominent a fea
ture in the corporate burden*. We have
intelligent buiinea* men in our council,
elected for their intelligence and ability to
grasp the necessities and provide such
mean* a* will add most to the comfort and
prosperity of the people they represent.
Accepting the tru*t, comprehend* theduty,
and the public affair* should receive the
same intelligent attention that would be
given to their own private affair* under
ry Miller, a well known and respected cit
lr.en of Spring township, died very sudden
ly at hi* home on Tuesday morning of
heart disease. The deceased was, we be
lieve a native of Mile* township, where ho
passed hi* early day* upon the farm of hi*
father near lloberburg. 110 came l>>
Spring township some year* ago, and con
tinued to reside there until the day of hi*
death. Mr. Miller wa* prominent in the
order of < >Jd Fellow* and hi* funeral will
lake place to-day, attended hy the Belle
fonte Lodge, lie wa* an upright man in
all respects, and hi* death will be a griev
ous sorrow to hi* family and friend*. Hi*
age wa* 114 year*, fi month* and 4 days.
THE LOKII'h I'RAVKR. —The "BevUors" j
have taken liberties with the Lord'* I'ray- i
er that we think will meet with soino con- ;
detonation. The following i* the revision .
and aluo tho old version :
Bsviu"* "U> *•!"*
our KstliT wblrti art In Our I'lttltrr rhi< h art In
bfisvvii, hallovril In* Tiy ln*4*"ii, tialloikiMl In* Thy
nam- TUy kinil'u c-umr nam**.
Thy will In* iloin* •• i* Thy kln(pln rum**. Thy
II I A VIM ,MI ON rtST II . (lire will In* |GII 111 *arlh a# IT
ua till* la* ur lUlly lr'Ri|, i in hRV*ii.
and forglvf* asnur as !•!%• u this day our
t'r.ttTfft* And IMI IIS not And furjilte u"or del.ls,
1010 toiftilloiibut Mit M Wflbtpvti n Wit r
••r nt fri.rn TH triL oar. And l**ad o not Into
{ I 'M IT TUB r.MT } t-lll|.tatl"tl, I'llt deliver u*
(rum evil. ff Thliia I#
the tunic ! m. and the |>iw
-t and the *lofy fwratcr,
—While a large number of people lined
the walk in front of the po*t office yester
day morning waiting for the o|*-nirig of
the mail, a man in a great hurry wns forc
ing his way through tho crowd. In some
way or other he insulted a small dog and
wa* promptly bitten in the leg for hi*
pain*. He wa* very angry and swore he
would go home, get his revolver and
shoot tho cur on sight. "Don tdo that,'
said hi* owner, "ho is not mad "Not ,
mad' 1 shouted tho victim "of course not,
what'* he got to be mail about, it me
that * mad." A shout of laughter greeted
this and the man went on hi# way swearing 1
by all the god* in the heathen calendar
and several that are not.
A Spring street man who rejoice* in
the powosaio.i of a beautiful and attractive '
daughter about eighteen years ol age, ha*
recently purcha*ed a music box which he
wind* up when h retirra At ten o'clock
promptly, the sweet itrains of "Home,
Sweet Homo' can be heard issuing from
it* mystic depth*. Immediately after the
Bret soothing note# of tbi# beautiful ballad i
fall upon the night air the front door may '
be seen softly opened and *hut. Somebody
goes swiftly down the street, while a light
soon appears in the young lady's bM room.
—tjuite a number of our legal light*
have gone to Millhoim this week to con
duct the contrat between F. I" Musser, '
Ks.p, and Squire Keifnyder for the com
mission a* justice of the peace for Millhoim
borough. Mr. Mu**ser received a major
ity of one vote *t the Spring election, j
and Squire lleifsnyder, the present justice
contest*. H. A McKee, K*q., i the com- |
missioner. Alexander A Bower, are coun- |
sol for contralee, and Spangler iV Fortney
for contestant. It will liven up the little
borough of Nliilheim for a few day* and
give it quite an air of importance.
—One evening last week, Mr. Teller,
the genial and obliging ho*l of the Bush
House, set out a splendid tut tie soup lunch
to a large numlier of invited guest*. The
soup was delicious and of course was keen- ;
ly relished hy all preeent. Mr. Teller will
maintain his reputation a* one f the most
accomplished hotel keepers in thi* section ]
of Pennsylvania and since he ha* l>een in
charge of the Bush House that large and j
elegant hotel has had a large run of pa- {
—Competition is the life ol trade, and the
trader who keep* the best good* and the
neatest store will always draw the patron
age. Kspocially is thia true of 11. Hechler
A Co.'a grocery store. Notwithstanding
large competition in the same line of busi
ness, they still continue conducting their
businra* in the same ruerraful manner
which has always characterised them.
• -Uovernor and Mrs. Curtin arrived at
their home in Bellafout# last week. Mrs.
Curtin Is in excellent health, but we are
sorry lo say tho Governor ha* not been
able to make his appearance upon the
street* since he ha* been here. Ho is suf
fering with a very annoying and painful
boil on the side of bis neck, which confine*
him to the house. We trust the trouble
some affliction wilt not last long.
Frank Blair was nut fishing with Pro
thonotary Harper, Ksquire Hmith and
others last week and attempted to turn the
excursion into a geological survey. Hit
effort to split open a rock weighing leveral
tons by standing upon it and then sudden
ly sitting down was a complete failure so
far a* injuring the rock was ronccrned.
Tha other results were entirely satisfactory.
llrew A Hon, the grocers on Allegheny
street, aro among the most enterprising
business men of Uellefonte. They take
particular pain* always to keep on hand a
choice stock of all that is now in their
line. Hams, dried fruita, coffee, tea, spices,
Ac., can be purchased there at all times.
Their stock of confectionery is also very
—Tha depot at this place has been suita
bly draped in morning as a mark ol re
spect to tha lata Col. Thomas A. Scott.
We believe this tribute to the memory of
Col. Bcott was goneral on all the lines of
the Pennsylvania railroad.
—D. B. Kunes, of Blanchard, in this
county, has gone to Whiußulphur Hprings
In Virginia, to eetima|| the timber on a
large tract of land. John Liggat, o<
Beach Creak, accompanies him.
Exorcinos of Decoration Day,
G. A It,, BELLKKONTK, May i(3, IHKL. /
(Inirrtil Order No. I
Tho following programme of exercises
for tho proper observance of "Memorial
Day," May HO, U hereby announced :
1. Tho Post will asso in bio In G. A. It.
HHII, at 10 A. M. Monday, May Vfiitb, in
full uniform, with white glove* ami will
proceed in "regular order" to Hi. John's
Protectant Episcopal church, to attend the
regular morning service at 10.30 A. M.
Sermon hy the I too tor, Itov. John Hewitt.
II <ii Monday, May 3", at 1• A. M.,
the officer* of the Post with a committee
of coloration will proceed to the several
cemeteries and mark each soldier's grave
with the appropriate Hag, and will at the
j same time decorate with flower* ull grave*
i except those in the I'nioti cemetery.
111. The O. A. It. Memorial Day ser
| vice* will take place in the I'nion ceme
tery at 4.30 I', M.
i IV. The Sunday-school* will be under
j the charge of Comrade J. 11. Itankin, and
I the Superintendent* will kindly re|irt to
: him for instruction* a-! to their place in
! the cemetery and the distribution of flow-
I er*.
V. The organization* | articipating in
the parade will be formed m line by the
Adjutant, in the Court House square, at I
f M., precisely, in tie* following order :
The Mountain City Band ; Company B,
'>th Regiment, N. G. P Gregg Pot, No.
G A It . I/ogan HUM* Company, No.
1 ; Cndino Fire Company, No.
V I The line of parade will bedown Al
legheny to Howard ; to Spring ; to Bishop ;
to Allegheny ; to Howard ; to I'nion cem
\ 11. After the Decoration reremonie*,
an addria# will b- delivered by Capl. J
Merrill Linn, of L<*wisburg.
VIII. At seven r. st , tin- Po*t will a*-
sembh* at their Hall to proooad to tho
Court II 'use, at 7 i" i* it., where the (i.
! A. It. Memorial service for deceased com
rade- of the p, t, will l> held, to which
the public are cordially invited. An ad
dr< will be delivered by comrade John
G I. ive, of Gregg Post, Ni>. I'f*.
By order < f
/' if C- tnm'tnder.
H. H BENNKR, Adjutant.
Sxuw SIIOK I'KiKt-—M>**r*. Bcrwmd,
White A Co., tho new op>-rator of thi-
Snow Shoe mine*, are making many im
, provement* at thi* place f-.r the purj-ose of
increasing their facilities for the transac
tion of their extensive husine**. They
j have a new >.ffl e unde* way neat the d<-
|x>t which they will occupy in a h-w days.
They an- at present mining and (hipping a
i large amount of coal, and will increase
the quantity as they can pr*<cure labor and
! tratis|*irtation.
The miner* were ma-le happy on last
Saturday. It was jay day and a large
amount of money was paid out to them.
Mr. Peters has coinplehad the repairs to
the Mountain House and i now ready b>
\ receive trimmer guests, The house i* in
elegant order and w ill be kept in a style to
please it* patron*. In all Pennsylvania
ihcro i* not a finer mountain resort for the
hot month* of nimmer than Snow Shoe,
and with a certainty of lirst das* hotel ac
commodation* should attract many visitor*
The rub* captured hy John l'r.xlc last
wek are n lively a- kittens, and are a
source <-f great aimm-mcnl to all who go
t' CC them.
J<sc|h Lucas, while at work in mine
No. 4, on last Thursday made a narrow
racspe from a fall ol coal. A* it was, a
lump caught him. and he was so seriously
bruised and rut as to be laid up.
A man named Armstrong, we have been
informed, wra* instantly killed by a fall of
: coal in Mine No. t, at Snow Shoe, on last
Monday. He had undermined the coal
, and wa* working under the mas* when it
fell upon him.
A l.xssnv TO JTRVMEX Judge Mayer
last week administered a severe rebuke to
a Clinton county jury in the cae of F.llis
L. Grvis against Ario Pardee. The I<ock
Haven Hrj-uhltmn give* the following ac
count of the ess-- and the scene between
Judge and jury when the verdict wa* ren
"The rase wa* an ejectment for a tract
of land along the line fsetween Centre and
Clinton counties, and depended upon three
question* First, wa* the a**ra*ment. upon
which it wa* sold for taxe in Clinton
county r<qjul*r ; Second, i* the line run in
IH4S, or the one run in ISS9 the true divi
sion line between Clinton and Centre coun
tie# , and third, d'sra the tract in dispute
lie east or west of the line of IW#. The
Judge, in his charge, decided a* a matter
of law that the assessment wa* regular and
the sale valid, and that the line run in
IHA9 i* the true division line between the
two counties, leaving nothing to the jury
to find except whether the tract is east or
west of thi* line. On thi* question how
ever, there wa* nodipule, a* the surveyor*
on both side* testified, and the defence ad
mitted, that the land i* East, of the line of
IfLMt. No one who heard the charge of
the Court supposed that the jury would be
more than a few minute* in making up a
verdict for the plaintiff, a* the Court had
left them little or no discretion in the
matter. But ir.*led of coming in at once,
they tayed nut until 2 o'clock in the morn
ing'and'then agreed upom a verdict for the
"When they came into the Court room
to deliver their verdict, H. T. llarvey, of
the plaintiff's counsel arose, and A*ketl the
Court to direct the Jury to find a verdict in
favor of the plaintiff, Mr. Praia, defend
ant's attorney began to talk about the
province of the Court and jury, but Judge
Mayer promptly ordered the jury to find
for "the plaintiff and remarked to them,
among other thing* equally strong, that he
would never have allowed them to leave
the box had he supnosed that they would
find a verdict In sucn direct opposition to
their Instructions, and that aa he wis
sworn to administer the law a# he found It,
he props#ed lo teach the Jury that while
he sat on the hench they could not make
up a verdict, and un*ettle titles in open
violation of law and In disregard of every
principle of Justice."
— Brown Bros, are making A specially
of new whiskias never before offered in
Beilefonte, such as "Golden Rule of the
People," "Hannisvllle" and "Dougherty."
_., J 1 Br " authorized to announce thnt
IIOMAH J Dt'NKLE, of Kn*h luwnablp, will U- R
li.. ?, V r •to Hi.- il.ii.l-l. ..flli
I innto nr. rum fid! that
IHI i i L\ "! ""** IM I" • ••-
£?, rw • J,< ' u - 'i" •<- n. ii...
i mlli (lOUiilyCuavinU'/n
0 y rM t "
II . " f > , -'*'l'll U,|.|,||, ||| H
*i*n . Wwrtff.witjwi l ||,. „| ii,.
lli-mu. l.llr Count* I '..ii 11 ill 1,,|,
.. 1 r " t" MlllOUllfl. that
.!? . Sf.yf ~t 1i.*,.. iMwml.lp, .11! i,, ,
•Milan- hi,.,in, , ||( I(#
ratlr Oouttly < >od truism.
We Mm authorized l<. announce tlmt
• .lilllS 11 Mi1.1.".,.f lln|"li l-'trimlilii, will |. . ,
' illtlalo f-r Mi. rilt .ulj,, I 1., 11,- ,,| ,|„. |,, Ulo .
1 nallr I -juiiljr Cuu<riii|.,ti
We nr.. authorized to announce tht
, , SAMI Kl, K. KAL'HT, ~f Mll.a tfiwiiali!|,, will 1,, a
rari.ll.Ul>- 1.,r Mi. illt, ~,1,j„ t i„ t ),. ,|„
• DvflMWfftti' County Tolltriilimti.
! WH iir<! authorized t announce that
( J < IIAHPKIt.of lU-llffontf, wfll t* A l<,t
: I'rothouotary. t lo tin* !** t.lvi. of U,*- !>rrno<rt
1 l * "uiilj Coutaotion
I Wo aro authorized to announce that
' j I'AMKI, C KKI.IaKK, of I'otUr Ifiwtialilp, will Un
I *ari'll'lntr f.r t 'idnljrTrMuurcr.iuhJv tto the <)*< t*i<m
of Dir. In to -, rati *urily Osiivoattoti,
Wo nr* Hithon/.o<J t/ Announce that
M A M' vI IHTION. of IW ||# f. of, 111 I*. „ rmnti.
• 'lftt- f / County Tr'nßiirer. •utmost to lb a <J lalon of
• ; tb I*'*• late County ConrtuOoti
Wo hTf authori/.wl to announce that
J'fllS IftlV, Jr , of Marlon to*nt<i|>. will la* • um'lt
' <bt for t ounty C<<tiittilMlon*r, aubjM tto t!i <lr taion
of tli- I>rii|. tmW County Cot)VftilloU.
wa are author! a*d to UDMUM that
Ivr ImnriKK. t frrntu,.!, |>.wnabl|.. will l • rai.-lt
dat- f>-r t onuty Cotf)tulaalot)-r, ul.| tto tbr
>1 Hi# I*oik- rati* t3onnty f ontrntOHj.
Wo nro Huthori/.<Hj to announce that
f*AMI P.I. DKI'KKh, ol NSnJk'-t lot# whip, will a
* atididatr l,t Cw.unty (a >m ml avion* r, t u* lb> d^
< i#i .ii of t|,> th-mo* mil' County Oon>Dti >n
\\ <• ar>- auth"ri/.>-<i t<. announcfl that
JA MM A M'< I.A|N,i f Milaal-ary. will U,
•Ulr lur U- k --.1. r, an))" Itu n>. .1.1 ..lon <>l Um U-n>->
ml 1 mty I avMUtMi
Wf nr.- !ith..ri/..ij t/i nnnr>uti(-r> that
Jiip. • rfHKT. .f IHlrf.-nla, will .uxtidala
I r li-ifialrr. nil-j.. II ■ 11>■ -l-<la. 'II ut ll.r la tins rat.-
t uuty Contrition
' KK< oHIiEII.
Wo are atithori/.o<! Uj announce that
j PRANK V. ItIHI.R, f Mil#wbtirr will \ a mndidata
* >■- '•• * aal#KT lotflrn IKH a f IIM Dasoantflfi
| < -unty Cunvmtn r
RKAIJ A** I (VishiiiEß.—The buftinr*ft>
I boom ha> cauted k. many tnanufa/ torirn u>
, >tart int/i full r.jwrationn that h*n'l arr
brsiomini; Karcr". M<-n *trikinj t.r
. higher wage* at bu*ir.e centre. ; thi
( will make harvent hanrlr Klrre. Farmer*
. rhouhl contider the rituation in time.
Thoae who haso much wheat to harvrwt
. should provide lliemelve with *elf-hind
ing llarveter*. The)U>rn i> the la-i-t—
--, bind* with either twine or wire,
. I which :* twenty-five to thirty cent* jwr
I 1 acre. It ia the only Harvnater mad" that
the twine arid wire attachtnenlA go with
l the arne machine. They are the only
M-lf-hinding Harvester* that have br-en
aold in Centre county thin year. There i
a twine hinder in working order at the
Farmer Supply Store, of Alexander A
i | Co., Bel.efonte, J'a
-1 mimioner Itentleyof the Penaion Bureau at
Washington. ha prepared a circular rela
• live to the buaincM of hi* A the
information h give* may bo o| r[wwial in
terest to many of our reader* we publish it
! for their benefit. He *ay
1 o With a view to reduce the volume of
corr<-|*indence between thi office and
| claimant*, and other* in their la-half, and
i b-tw.a-ri Senator* and Iteproaeutative* and
their c<in*titueriU. in relation to pension
' - c laim*, thereby in some measure facilitate
i ing the settlement of < a*o, he state* that,
. except in a small ja-r rentage of claims
which by reason of some extraordinary
circumstance* have been given precedence
i in their consideration, no claim* for in*al
f id |>en*ion numbered higher than
and widows numbered '.I-'sl.Ofk), have been
reached for adjustment. The claim* in
' each series, of higher numbers, will be
t taken up in regular course, by blocks of
ten thousand in the invalid series, and cor
responding blocks of about three thousand
in the widows series (which includes the
claim* of minor children, dependent
mothers and fathers, and sisters and broth
ers, a* well as the widows of soldiers , as
rapidly a* the records of service and hos
pital treatment can be procured from the
offices of the adjutant-general and surgeon
general of the Army. As new blocks
of claims are taken up for adjustment, in
the two series, notice will bo given by a
similar circular."
Mr. James Huston, of the Brocket-
hoff House, is a pleasant and affable gen
tleman wbo thoroughly understand* his
business. He it kind in disposition, polite
in his intercourse with every one, and is
rapidly becoming a favorite with all wbo
come in contact with him at the hotel.
—Bavarian and Bohemian beers surpass
any mall liquor* ever before offered to the
public. These sparkling drinks ran be
had on draft at Brown Bros., Butts House.
"WoMix Nn kk TIIIVK."—If the
crabbed old bachelor who uttered this sen.
f timent, could but witness the intense
f thought, deep study and thorough investi
gation of women in determining the brat
medicines to keep their families well, and 1
would note their sagacity and wisdom in
selecting Hop Bitters a* the brat, and dem
onstrating it by keeping their families in
perpetual health, at a mere nominal ex
pense, he would be forced to acknowledge
that such sentiments are baseless and alse.
1/OOAK CRMKWT.— The retail price for
Loo AN CRMRNT on and after this date
(May 9, ltWI), will be two dollars per
battel and no charge for bags or barrels.
—Bpring woolens now ready. Karly
orders solicited. Money saved.
19-tf MONTOOMMY A CO., Tailors.
LIRN—#TOt KR-At U~ II **■!- <* lb* brMe * p.
reals, M fefWvm*. Mar, lsl, bj * W. A.
f Mr. JUMT UM, OS tllaSaa saaalT, sad MM* in.
Rbla Stove*, b4 S**le*tlle
I AUK'Rorr -to Cbsetsrrm*. near phUlnrt-etR. Sal
w4o, Hot 14, Hsrwi. ava of Jobs Aabcrofl. tpf
about 13 mostbt.
Senator David 1 >uvin liken* Conkling
to Web*t*r.
'I here are about 17,000 locomotive*
running on the railroad* ol the l*riite<|
State*. and .'(00,000 care of all kind*.
It i* uid that Butler i about to
j form a law partnership in New York,
■ with the ex rebel, lien. linger A. I'ryer.
Lleotric 1 titinir i in *ucce**ful oper
ation on more than sixty steamer* (f
1 the Mississippi river and it* tributaries.
It i* helieve<l to add much to tiie *a(ety
of that kind of traffic and traveling.
Kdinon, the electrician, ha* purchased
the factory of Last Newark, which he
longed to the i'eter* Maniifaeturirig
'>irnpany. He will manufacture hi*
electric light*, and will, it in *aid give
; employment to 1.000 men.
I he oldc*t po*tinater in this country
i Kdward Stabler, of Sandy Spring*,
Montgomery county, Md. lie ha* held
the office fifty one year*, and ha* l/eeri
under eighteen I'oslmaiter (ieneral*.
He i eighty *even year* old, and live*
in the hou*e in which he wa* t.orn.
The amount or 5 per cent, bond*
covered by notice* and the actual re
j ceipt of houda which have been con
liriued at .'i{ per rent, to the UOtb in
•tant aggregate* $lH'J,ll4,.iOO. s'M,<)'.>,■
'• i 0 of which an received on that day.
j The amount of r, per cent, bond* re
ceived for continuance at .'fj per rent,
to that date aggregate* £l7 , 'J<,\ 250.
Mt*. Lincoln, the wiiow of I'ieiident
I Lincoln, i* *o near the grave that hope
of her recovery ha* been abandoned,
i Mr*. M. Smith, her *i-te. say* that
•he daily grow- weaker, and Springfield
I and Chicago physician* intimate that
| *he cannot *urvive many day*. Secre
tary Lincoln ill b- at hi* mother'* bed
: tide tbi* week.
A counterfeit $2O silver certificate ha*
been received at the office of tbe ret
i Service divi*ion of the Treasury Depart*
| rnent. 11 i fwn made, and it* execution
i clumsy. "Kngraved and printed at the
Bureau of Kngraving ami Printing" ap
pear* uruler the word certificate on tbe
hack of the genuine, al*o outaide the
border at the right end of the face of
the note. It doe* not appear at either
place in the counterfeit. •
A Beading wife went before an Al
derman in tliat city the other day. and
made oath that her hu*f<and had cruel
ly beaten her. There being no Con
*table two young men were deputed to
| arrest the husband. They went to the
hou*e, fiut were refused ad mint ion.
j 'I hey *ucceede<l in getting in the hack
way, while the husband went out of the
garret, crawled along tbe eave* to the
next window, rushed down the*!irway,
out into the *treel and ecm|ed.
Houch * Brazilian line of *teamer* ha*
been u|>ended. The line, which wa*
operated by t". If. Mallory, comprised
] two *teatner. 1 fie cause given for it*
■ di*continuance l* that tin* route be
i tween here and Brazil i* a long and
tediou* one and the line ha* t>een ojera
i ted for over three year* at a low, tieitb-
I er American nor Brazilian 'iovernment*
j affording anv support to it in the way of
• übsidies. The last -learner tailed from
) tbi* port on tiie sth in*tant.
The Secretary of tbe Interior on Mon
day decided tn*t the Northern i'acifie
Ilailroad ha* the right aecured to it by
it* chatter to *urvey and hoild it* road
; acro* the ('row Indian re*erition <<n
i the Yellow*tone Kiver, in Kvstern Mon
tana, and the Indian agent at the Crow
Agency ha* been instructed to j*ermit
(tie engineer* of tbe company to pro-
I ceed with their survey*.
Mr. I>. A. Oobrigbt, a widely known
known anil experienced journalist, died
in Washington city on Saturday last, in
the fi7th year of hi* age. He bad been
iil for some month*. Mr. (robright wa*
one of the oldest journalist* in the
country, having tier n connected with
l the pre** of that city for more than
forty-five year*. For nearly thirty year*
he represented the New York Associa
ted l're* in Washington. He retired
from active service in ls7f, but his con
; nection with the office remamd un*
severed until bis death. Mr. Hohriglit
wa> prominently identifieil with the 1.
jO. O. F. and the "Oldest Inhabitant* 1
, Association'' of Washington city.
The Cathedral of Milan ha* recently
l-een reconsecrated under somewhat
' |>eculiar circumstance*. Huring the first
week in April a tn*n named Soipiono
Venturini entcreil it about 4 o'clock in
the afternoon, drew hi* revolver, and
shot himself through the head. Al*
i though he did not die on the spot, but
j wa* removed to the hospital, where
] he lived till the following day,, the at
tempted suicide wa* held to have de*e*
; crated the church, which was according
ly stripped of it* ornaments and closed
for twenty-four hours. The rite ol re
i consecration was then performed by
the Archbishop, a gieat crowd attend
ing* %
Philadelphia Market*.
run.>mirm. May A I**l.
ri.*r*. ~rrVs* of l*i sr. *ll .up|"*ri-1 sod *
■tmuly demand prevail. tli. heme roname
nllhaum* Intuiry frma •hlpr**** *!< •( i r
-r.l. invlodin* Minnesota stirs.. *1 tMWtMJM o>r
medium I.* fanrt rinar. Snd *1 |o-ikZS k .traUrhf;
r.nn.ylvanla family *1 hVJiUa . eeet.ru il.. st
tft iVWAi*!. and patent. *1 Sekktn "15. Ky tlonr I*
i .lesdy with sale. *1 Hi per barrel.
WnCAt —Titer, la not tou- It demand fot * best. I-til
prteas are St met Tbe rloaltt* quotation. twr.
|1 MS, 'od and IX. a.tod fur Ra 2 r~l. Ms* .1 M
bid and II ST, ask ad tin So. t red. June . f I I**4 IM
and fl l?'o asked k>r Ko. J red. Jul. , fI.ISS, kid and
• I Hi 1 , asked lot Mo, S red, Aucwl 1'1.t... I.ueh.la
June add al tlx** . .*• kuehel. Mat. al 1 M'•%;
*.<*' July al tl It's . I>l.'*> ba*4>el. Mat at flo
Sun. —ln timothy sad rloreraredi Umtk MklkJ
trnrUty uf m*U< k*k|
Ballefontw Marketa.
Rniifom. May AIW).
MTlille wheat, per bwabel. .. 41 M
lied wheat. (aew| 1 W
Mye, per bushel - —™, 08
(Ww.osb - *
Onrn, abet led...— U
OMa 1 . •*
Went, nktll. per barrel——— • H
ri.mr, whalaaale 3- *A
Onrrerled weekly by lUrp hrolhera
Aprlee. dried, pet posed— ... •
< Tiertlea. dried, par pamwd, aee<u<™...._„„...__ 10
Itaana par *art.— — •
Trash better per pewad - *
Chlrheaa per paaad... *
Cha.aa per powwtl *1
Onwntry heme per penad 1*
llama, anpsr rated 1A
lard per pend 1
Sft-n* *