L I'O.V CO., Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. ZLATOUST &c CO.'S SZECOHSTID Arrival of Spring Goods! OUK trnJe lias been so much larger than we expected that our Mr. (Just Lyon has been compelled to go to the city twice l'or a Spring Stock. 'We have just received the handsomest stock of 4LAWNH, very I>< inutil'ul, l'roiit To. upwards. A NKW LINK OF BEAUTIFUL Buntings, Grenadine and Hernani. WK CAN SHOW YOt A lIANDSOMK LOT OF Chintzes, Cretonnes, Percales, &c. Undoubtedly we have the bent and most varied assortment of Ladies' Underwear, Skirts, Chemist's, Drawers and Suits complete. We have SKIRTS from itHe. to $0.60, trimmed in Embroidery or Lace. CHEMISES from 40c. to 1*5.00, in all styles. Lady Clerks in attendance to show you those goods. LADIES' LINEN ULSTERS, the largest variety now open that can bo found anywhere. We need not <|Uotu prices ot them, but we guarantee them 16 per cent, cheaper than any other house in the county. In PARASOLS wo can boat anything around liore! LADIES' SLIITKKS, WALKING SHOES, INLAID SANDALS, HUT TON WALKING SHOES, box-toed and otherwise. Wo can show you about thirty varieties, bought direct from the manufacturers. .CLOTHING! CLOTHING! The largest and most complete stock of Cloth ing brought to town. Summer Suits, for $•! 77 A beautiful light medium weight or heavy Suit, for 4 77 A good Union Uossimere Suit, for 7 00 A uice Dress Suit, for $0.77, 7.->0 and Mon are good quality, light and dark cassimered. * The best quality of all wool Cassimeres, Diagonals, Basket I'atterus and Yus selburg's, from SIO.OO up. "We are willing to wager that we have ."ld more pants, this season, than any throe concerns combined : Because we bad better and better made, and cheaper, than you can find anywhere. ItoYS' good Pants, TV.; MEN'.*' good I'ant*, SI ' h>. We have WARNER A CO.'S CELEBRATED PANTS for $1 Celebrated because they are better, and bettor made goods than any other l'ant for the monav. SHOES! SHOES!! BOOTS! BOOTS!! We can show you three times as many SHOES as any other establishment* MEN'S Low-cuts, Button, Oxford Ties, High Button Shoes, Buckle Shoe.- We have them very cheap l'or parties who do not want to pay much—from $1.20 up —and we have the best good serviceable and fine shoes. J*ai""(.'omo anil see for yourself if we don't do all we sav. We are run -1 ning FOUR LARGE STORKS AND BUY GOODS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS and we can afford to SELL ( HEAR. ALL GOODS MARKED /.V I'LA IS Eld CUES A.\l> STJtICTL}' O.XE Cll ICE LYON & CO. ALL KISDS OF COFSTUY PUOItVCE TAKES. Branch Store* at PhHip.*fni rg, llei/noltlerUlr, ami llnutzdalr, I'a. ieec-i. ioec-i. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. The *ot>*r ripti*l> prn-e of the WitftLT P*TW*>T baa b**n reduced to |l.f j>er r.upy per annum. T- dub# of Kim and upward* tb* Wtuif will tw furnlahed at the extraordinarily cheap rmt* <>f 76 re nt per copy per annum. Ti* DAILY Pan t will l>* *ent to any addre*., during the nwilom of Conjcfw and ihf Legislature at lb# rat* of to t i>n(A per month. Unr tthb|M, lth fall Information, a.l,tr~ W. P. IIUBBEY, A. M., Principal. Hrockkhhoff house, ALLKOIIRXV-ST . BSI-LRfOSTE, PA WILLIAM MrKXKVKK, Manager. ' Good Sample Room on Fir it Floor. H>IW til an t fmm all Trainr S(,*rtal rat— | tn wilniani n an.l juron. 14-lj WARD'S PATENT NEW 1880 SERIES Malleable Iron uud Wood Beam Chilled 1 PLOWS nr® 'Ti-ml in (1,,. I'nrinrrs uf Out rnimlry for tln> corning >ca*on will, ninny vaiualiln lm|iruvcincn!a I.™ ,tro """ 1 •'" w.Tu 1 m L?u A^ D T f " r |.urj,oe work, in iNitli mm| and Mtubblv. THE f *'** "implinl and tnoM f inn •lirciiM 111 " rl ' l f " r """* ,WO " r " 2ft* *?u'"d. ,he V '' x " l " l ha " ] |,|ow ' on)™e. WIARD ' ,M - e* for Llghtacwi v..£ X L M^!" ab, ° Iron Bc "m in the only arar •4Jiilr.l,lo incur IU an, ,„,.,l. . i guarani.*,| DTi.n.L bending or breaking; IK |*.rfmiy a,fj,| Ma |,|,. .v,o;;. r .n,iu^. m, ' r * wwu B" d ■ • ,<^fata?. lnt *™' Whw>l * and Handle, arc nil ao^n*°,! d ,f° ar,U """ •" '<* "'♦ k.M Ur Plow " ft "' warranted lo any reasonable cx • !L ~U3R * "*■* N KUIC U JA© (be W UMii a trial. I | roll BALK liV GORDON A LAN I) IS, ' Engineer and Machinist*, ' AND DEALER* I.V ALL KINDS Of Agricultural Implements, Ht'KCIAt. ATTENTION GIVEN To UEI-AIKS. is-tr BELLEFONTE, PA. , I'h iltuhl i>h in Hrmir/i i loth itiy llniisr, Jtt'Hrfo utf, /*/•// iitnnln and {JrttcrrlUH. JjAKPKK BROTHERS, BIWN HKt LKKONTK PA . Hitflfc* *ul Hnflc M ffltl w• UOM ••ral trttrlliiK m, I r< mmri' *1 o r tfitilad I t< Una )int < |f((tl, w h*r*- lit*-) will fiti'l bwllia 1 ronforii •( rMMW'ii %!!•* rat#<# I I*it ral reduction I" Juryi urn at* 1 nthm all*ndilkf 1 Court * li. TKI.I.KH lr.|.*r SKCVILKR .I 1 CO., Urttrrrn, Hu*h linnnr Work, Ihllcfuntr, Pa. NEW GOODS —FOR THE— SPRING TRADE. Wtt have endeavored to get tlx* very heat of every thing iu our line, and now have some really ehoiee goods. Fine Cream Cheese, JV " Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, meet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, melles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS,PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. pTWe invito the (ample of Centre Comity to rail and inspect our NICK GOODS, which cannot fail to plcaac. . . . SECHLER &c CO. VALESrtSKS STOItKS, Allef/heti]/ Street, ttellefonte, Va, A War in Bellefonte ! NOW IS THE TIME 'Jo BUY Dry Goods, Clothing' and Groceries, AT or II KTO It KS, VOI lIAVK TilK ADVANTAOK op ALL THE GREAT WAR IN PRICKS, ONK STOI'.K COMPUTING AGAINST ANOTHER WK HAVE MADE WONDERED, REDUCTIONS IN THE PRICKS OF SOME OF OCR GOODS. DO NOT SUFFKK FROM TDK IIKAT TilIS YKAR-KKEP THE BLOOD COOL WITH A Straw Hat for 4c. and a Nice Duster for 50c. WK STILL lIAVK A FKW GROSS OF THOSE WONDERFUL 30c. GLASS SETS - - 4 pieces. DO NOT FORGET A DOZEN 12 Glass Dishes for a Quarter! EVERY PAY —AND ALMOST EVERY HOUR —WE ARE RE CEIVING NEW GOODS. ■BMMMMMMMMBBBB COME .AND SEE OCR BARGAINS! ISKMKMI •i:il WK AltK HKAIKiUARTEKH FOK-*i .FIS J3L, SOLD NEAR l ' Y TWO 2 BAHUEL9 THIS SPRING. VALENTIN ES & CO.S STORES, HUMES BI.ocK, ALL tfcHENY STREET, HELLKFONTE, PA. 18 V-1881. Baugh's Fertilizer have tuod Field Tests for 25 Years. BUSHELS . NOT ACRES. 'Atr. M'l **' ''MSG BAUGH'S TWENTY-FTV *E DOLLAR PHOSPHATE,- Prire. 52&.00 Per 1 "■ 2000 Posada. BAUGH'S ECONOMICAL FE RTILIZER for POTATOES,- . ■ utu.iiii 4 1-- >< |*-t af Ivtaab. Prico. S.'tO.OO Per Ton •' liOOO Pound* ALL goods sold on oua hanteec ANALYSIS. Uenrriptive Cirrular* Sent I ree upon application. BAUGH & SONS. 20 South Dclaw. ire Avenue. Philadelphia. For uJe by J. H. LONG. rieniinptoij. Pa.. Ape it for Clintoo aad Ontre Oonntieq. \fILLIIKIM HOTEL, ,1 wti.i.gfin onru cor it v nan * W. Tv MI'HSKH, l'n'i rici'ir. Th "• "ft In IVnn • ,ln>< "rk will" f --rounding* tlnt mut* II a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Onrol tr til Ahlng in lh im*- MW—. Ct*. tj|. Im. a JKIIJI >U. t ,nt iHVMttaf A wir.■.' IIK lading • fall Mnul T tfet R llf i MoB glfon to wlncillmt, ln-i • up fur u\mr* Mi QUCf. TH V RKMII RILL NBLJSHIMi OS- W.W*. Ct.