m* <£i*ntrc ify Democrat. NIIFGFKT \ FORSTEII, Editor*. VOL. 5k (Crntvt $ mortal Terms 51.50 per Annum,in Advance. S. T. SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editor.. Thursday Morning, May 19, 1881. WE direct the attention of all read ers of the DKMCX'UAT to the able and eloquent address of Senator Alexan der upon the resolutions passed by both branches of the Legislature in honor of the late Ex-Gov. William Rigler, which will he found on the second page of this paper. It presents in a very interesting manner all the leading events in the life and public services of the excellent and eminent man of whom it treats, and is in all respects a most admirable production. Mr. Alexander lias taken a high rank among the Senators of Pennsylvania, and this address will add to his already well earned and well deserved reputa tion. Tilt's far Garfield makes no surren der to the imperious Senator from New York, and the imperious Senator scorns to compromise with what he denominates a deceitful, mendacious Executive. IF the Republicans have a majority in the Uuited States Senate, a thev allege, why have they waited two months without electing Riddlcbcrger and Gorham, in fulfillment of their contract with Mahone ? j TIIK power of Jay Gould has again ' been asserted in its omnipotence. The nomination of Stanley Matthews, the attorney of the Pacific railroad, has been confirmed an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, by a vote of 22 to 21. The i figures are close, hut sufficient. How far Judge Matthew's brilliant services in consummating the Presidential j fraud of I*7> influenced the votes of Southern Senators in his favor is not ; stated. THE fight between Conk ling and the Presideut seems to have absorbed the other great question, so vaunting ly put forward by the Republican Mahone orators during the dead-lock in the Senate. The "rights of the ma jority," so often alludcsl to in the effort to elect Gorham and Riddle berger, appear to be lost and forgot ten. Even Don Cameron and Dawes are incapable of recalling them to memory. TUERMAN FOR GOVERNOR! —The name of this great and pure states man, now in Europe on the Interna tional Monetary Conference Commis sion, is spoken of as the Democratic candidate for Governor of Ohio. If the Democracy of Ohio thus honor themselves by bringing forward this able and distinguished citizen for the highest Executive office of the State, they will not only deserve success, hut will l>e pretty certain of attaining it. IT appears that Republican post masters all over Virginia are being re moved and Mahone men appointed in their places. This would seem to in dicate that the President and Mr- Blaine have determined to ratify the Repuhlican-Mahone dicker, so far at least as the Executive department of the government is concerned. Conk ling A Co., owing to stubbornness of the Democrats, having failed to make deliverance in the Senate, the opportunity is not to he lost in fixing the doubtful vote of the Virginia Sen ator on the Presidential side in the contest with Conkling. The displaced Republican postmasters and their friends, it is said, are not feeling good in being removed by a Republican administration to make room for men who voted for Hancock, and will doubtless show their displeasure, as well as make it felt, in party struggles hereafter. The Republican Senators gnawed this Mahone file until they had no teeth remaining and Garfield would probably have been discreet to profit by their experience. "KINTAL AND KXACT JUHTIC K TO ALL MKN, OF WIIATKVKR STATU OH I'KHM'ASION, HKLKiIOL'H OK I'oMTH Al„"-Mn. 11 TIIK uncertainty of iiuuiun events is now having a very practical reali zation with our Republican friends. A few mouths ago the press of that party, claiming a great political vic tory, were jubilant in anticipation of a successful and harmonious adminis tration. These hopes were founded upon the settlement of the party bick erings ami the personal animosities of rival aspirants in the treaty of Men tor, by which the new administration would come into power divested of all disturbing elements that had pro duced discord in the past. Rut little over two months have elapsed since the inauguration of the Garfield ad ministration, and how is it? The party is rent asunder, confusion and discord reign supreme in its counsels, an open and exterminating war is de clared between its great champions— each proclaiming the others liars and hypocrites and tyrants. And why? Simply becau.-e they were l>efore the election what they are now —political hvjM)crit> and frauds, and the present confusion of their councils is the le gitimate fruits of ill-gotten power, gained l>v fraud and unlawful and dishonorable means, in which each of the prominent actors, discarding fuir ness and iutegrity one to the other, intended to apply the results of tri umph to his own jK-rsonal advantage. To sum up in short, the present con test is to determine which of the rogues, the man in the Executive chair, or the man whose power of com bining rascally methods to place him there, is the great mogul of the party. How the fight may terminate can be of little interest to the Democracy, or honest men of any party. They can atrord to bsik on with much the same indifference displayed by the woman who witnessed the contest between her hushnml and the hear, not caring which obtains the victory. POSTMASTER GENERAL JAMK* was one of the s[>cakcr* at the banquet, of the New York chamber of com merce last week. He stated that the "Star route investigation" now pro gressing in the Post-office Department was aimed at a system, not at men, but that if the inquiry should disclose the fact that persons have been guilty of corruption and fraud, the guilty par tie* would lie handed over to the At torney General for treatment. He also stated that the investigation would he pursued until there are no more facts connected with it to be ascertain ed. There is now little, if any, doubt of the existence of shameful and ex tensive fraud connected with this .Star route service and that officers and other men who have figured promi nently in Republican partizun strug gles are deeply implicated. From the evidence already disclosed the guilt of Dorsey, of the Republican National Committee, and Rrady, in charge of the Star route service in the depart ment, seem to be established by un doubted facts, and the brave words of Mr. James gives hope that he, at least, will not screen the rascals from merited punishment. A RESOLUTION was unanimously passed in the Senate last week and concurred in by the House of Repre sentatives, looking to the transfer of the remains of William Penn from the Jordon Meeting House grave yard, Buckinghamshire, England, to Philadelphia. The resolution pro vides for obtaining the consent and co-operation of the representatives at law of the distinguished founder of our great commonwealth in the mat ter. A wealthy Philadelphia Friend offers to affect the transfer at his own cost, if permission can he obtained. SAY the New York Ijegislature does re-elect ex-Senator Conkling in order to give him a certificate of character, who is going to vouch for the New York Legislature? "Theriver Rhine it is well known doth wash the city of Cologne. But oh t ye Gods what power divine can ever cleaase the river Rhine." BELLEFONTK, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 111, IHHI. Conkling and Piatt Reaign And so they ought. The resigna tion of the Senators from New York should lie followed by the resignation of Harrison, of Indiana, Shermun, of Ohio, and the "subsidiary" Senator from Pennsylvania. Each of these men hold their high pluces of honor through fraud and corruption success fully accomplished at the last election. The truth in, the whole Republican purtv should alxlicute at once, for the same means that made the men na nied Senators, gave the parly success in the la-t general election. When the telegraph brought word that Indi- ana was lost to HANCOCK we believed that great State had been taken from us by the vote of colonized negroes. I hut may have helped ; hut each turn of the investigation wheel, set in mo tion by Postmaster General James demonstrates beyond all dispute the. means hv which Republican success was achieved. The people's money appropriated to carry on the mail ser vice of the United States, was turned by the debauched I >orscy, aided by tin; unscrupulous Brady, endorsed and en couraged by a false, canting, hypocri tical candidate, to their destruction. Garfield's letter to I lubbcll, pleading tor Rrady's aid, is the best evidence in the world of this fact. Star routes for mails, supposed to lie for the use of the people in the far west, were used to wrench from a mighty people au ex pression of their will by the ballot, which, had they been left untrameled and free, would have l>eon entirely dif ferent. e collector of the Port of New York City. .Judge Robertson, who led the lilaine forces at the Chicago conven tion and i* the chief friend of the plumed knight, took occasion to tell the lordly R< >scoe upon one occa *ion that he wan a liar. Senator Conk ling wouldn't have cared if Judge Robertson had come to him and told him thi* quietly, but the Judge took the ntire convention into hi* confi dence ami therefore the curled and exquisite darling of New York, took umbrage. Finding that he could not ware the administration into with drawing Judge Robertson's nomina tion, Mr. Crinkling put Senator I'latt in lii* pocket and withdrew. The resignation of the**' two gentlemen leave* the Senate democratic. When the men who started out so valiantly to make Gorliam and Mahone'a man Kiddlebcrger officer* of the Senate, who strained the constitution to en compass a majority with the vote of the Vice Prt sident who shamelessly and in open market bought a Dem ocratic apostate with the promise of the good thing* that would lay in rich profusion on the table of patronage, glance around the Senate chamber and see after these months of definnt battle, a Democratic majority and that by the desertion of the only great leader thev have in their party, they must inevitably feel that they are un fit for llie positions thev so feebly try to fill. The lovely Dawes who is wab bling around in Senator Summer's chair must feel very lonely, now that thero is no longer anv neoawity for him to make hi* monotonous motion to proceed to the election of Senate officer*. Instead of that the Ropub liean caucus tnildly ami obsequiously inform the Democrat* that they shall elect a President pro Irmjforr and they will not object. "To this com plexion have we come at last." This is the end of the mighty struggle to break the Solid .South. This is the melancholy end of our OMTO Senator's magnificent crusade iu favor of "a free ballot ami a fair count." To Conkling mid Piatt the country will gludly say farewell, and if a few more of the great men of that kind who in sist on serving their country would do likewise the feeling of relief would be intensified. They hope of course to be re-elected and returned in order to he vindicated. If there is any man on the face of the habitable globe who needs vindication, that man is Ruscoe' Conkling. His private life is a scan dal aud disgrace, while his public life represents all this is vicious and bad in the administration of our affairs. ()t*R Republican friends do not ex lilt over W'o situation at Washington. SOME of the Insurance Companion in which insurance was effected upon the Stale Lunatic Asylum at Danville, an- quibbling over payment and offer ing settlement at *0 p< r cent. The legislature have tak n the matter up ami panned a resolution requiring the trustees of the Asylum to r<-|>ort the names of the companies refusing to nettle in ffill the insurance on the partn of the building destroyed. These companies should IK; coerced to the full extent of the law or such an act panned an will deprive them of the | lower to impone upon the |x-op!e of Pennsylvania in the future. We be lieve the insurance wan montly taken by companies outside of the State. THE PRESIDENT has appointed Mr. Fred. Douglas, Recorder of Deeds in the District of Columbia, and < apt. C. E. Henry of Ohio, a [tersonal friend, as Marshal of the District, the office formerly filled by Douglas. Previous to the appointment of Douglas, the Marshal was always the iiia-fcr of ceremonies at the Presidential recep tions, hut during the incumliencv of the accomplished negro, we believe this duty was assigned to a deputy having a white skin. The President by the change accomplishes a double purpose. He rewards another (>hio man and gets rid of the negro, with out offence, from the White House ceremonies. TIIE New York 11-raid publishes a five column statement of Coukling's grievances against Garfield, in which the latter is charged with breaking solemn covenants by which the form er wa induced to enter the campaign in the support of the Republican Presidential ticket. The article is a hitter and damaging indictment of Presidential sincerity, in which treach ery, cowardice and mendacity are made prominent features of character in the present occupant of the Presidential office. It may IK* all true, ami evidence is not wanting to give much color to it, hut the witness now on the stand wbo*e name is sup !*s#d to be Roseoe < otikling, i- nut very reliable and his words should le received with many grains of allow ance. Between the combatants in this war, honest people may well look on with indifference. KKNWARD Pmi.r who wo.* accuse*! and prosecuted for writing the Morev letter has proved his innocence, and it is said is about to bring suit against his accusers. The only other person charged with the authorship >f that letter is now President of the United States. He Is still liable t< suspicion, and his vindication should he next in order. UPON one topic of general interest 1 nt the present time there is entire una nimity of sentiment throughout the United State*. I; is sentiment of nincere regret for the alarming illness of tho estimable wife of President t iarfield and of earnest hope that , "lie may lie speedily restored to good | health. _ ABOUT this time, a* MR>. Spragtie I read* the new* from Washington, she | will be apt to think that her Roscoe j has been suffering considerably from I the ingratitude of Republic*. A young man named Nus, being in l)eep Valley, (ireene county, w* vac cinated tecently. and hi* aim became aninflimed that it had lobe amputated. Auditor (ieneral Lemon i* laid up at I his home in Hollidaysburg with a severe attack of rheumatism. (teorge H. Lang ha* been sentenoeonobue, a priest at Plymouth, Lucerne county, on Wednesday nifht, of last week, and after drugging him made off with a gold watch and S4O in money. A number of famihea bearing the j name of Holmes, and living in Rlslrs vide, Indiana oounty, will unite in en- j deavoring to secure a part of the £4O,- j 000,000 said to have been left by an ! Englishman of the same name. Two tramps and a boy applied at a monastery near Treason one day last week for food. The monk, suspecting something wrong, had them arrested. The boy proved to be Charlie Oreen, the kidnapped son of a gentleman in Brooklyn* TEHMS: |M*r Annum, in Ailvinif. * # Shall We Have a Seminary at Milciihurg ? M *k. Km To a* :—Permit me through tin! column* of your valuable paper to pre sent some reasons why thia enterprise, .o well begun, should be carried forward to an early completion. Pint of all, an inititulion auch a* it la propoaed to make thia, ia needed. It ia the firm purpose of the originator a of thia project to make it a seminary of the firat grade, auch a> will afford young ladies and gentlemen the advantage, of a thorough education in all the branches taught in lint-elan* seminaries. In look ing over the field, it i* evident that auch an institution i* needed in thia county and in thia part of the State. A* it now it, thote who would bare in the advantage* tbt a courte of higher education afford*, rnott *e*k eUewbere. The eip-n*e of educating young ladle* and gentlemen a hundred mile* or ao from home it not little. And the advan- taget of having an inttitution of learning within the reach of home influence, and parental ovcrtight, and away from the cor rupting rice* of our citi and large town* >annot fx- over-edirnated. And then we claim that the influence of ruch a temi nary Upton our public tchooli, would b of the mod talulary character, in elevating the -tandardof teaching and affording an opportunity for the intellectual and moral training of our teacberi; which mutt be tupplied, in erder that we have that de gree of permanent tucceet, which come* alone at a rotult of the intpirallon gives out through our higher inttitution* of learning Conceding then the neceatity and j-ermanent value of uch an inttitu tion in it* imrneaturablc influence for good upon future generation*, we think we are not claiming too much for Milethurg when we tay that it offer* the bod location for a fhool of tbia kind, in the county or ttate. For beauty of fcenerv, it i unurp>t**d. The eminence upx>n which it it proptoeed to locale the terninary i* one which com mand* a view of Raid Kagle valley, al rnott from Lock Haven to Tyrone, and of the mountain range of the Allegheny with it- countlem px*ak%, nettling at it* ba*e in twauty arid majetty , while within aradiu* of a mile or two are p*'int affording the •Indent and lover of nature an outlook un turpa-ted by any on,thi lide of the M .-tittippi. Tb<-n, too, the location i* one of decided h<**llhfulnot#, being entirely free from all that could brood epidemic. There i# alao accctsiblo an unfailing mountain tpring from which the pure life-giving element can be conveyed in pipe# to every story of the building, and in addition to the other natural advantage* jut named, are near to town two mineral spring*, which in their medicinal properties are not eicelled by any in the Slate, and all that U needed to give their water* a national reputation it a iree ute of printer * ink. * The location ia alto central both for the ttale and county, being within e*y acceaa to Bellefonte, I'nionville, Howard and I other contiguoui point* ; and latt, but not ieat, we claim that we have in the pereon onte upon the part of the citicen* of the , county, to tbe appeel that i* new being , made for funds to put up the necessary building*. Miletburg, we think, ha* dose ' nobly, considering her reeourcet, but ia j not able of herself to assume the whole i financial burden of the enterprise, and hence is compelled to nsk her sister towns and the county, to sVare with her In this responsibility. Shall we have the money in tbe shape of stock, to go forward #ith the project ? To withhold, will be to defeat an enterprise, full of hope and promise, to us and our children. To give, will be to make (t a success as permanent at it shall be glo rious. Yours truly, J. A. Wooixoc*. Miletburg, May 16,1881. —The curb stone market was well at tended on last Saturday morning. NO. 20.