Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 12, 1881, Image 8

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    ®he Centre Dmcttnt.
Thursday Morning, May 12, 1881.
Oosssfr"*"** I '*. cue mining Important news, solicit
ed from *nv |t of tho county So oomtminlcalien-
Inserted unless wt'COln|ttlilcd liy tin roal inline of the
Local l)iartiiont.
I limply where tho pi no tr*o made
A gain at tho bitter ft*l their hwrricmle,
Al guhlel by it* swnfit
Perfm I found, within a narrow tlell,
Atnld lry uhhm ami tloail leav-i at my feel
The trailing spring flower, tinted like a hll.
Ami bending o'er it Not Irreverent,
I thought of Uvea thus lowly clogged and |elt
Wnlch yet found room, . . ,
Through dslly cumherlngs of drr|. dcyay n. ileum,
To give In hearen the sweetness of their breath
And to earth tho beauty of their hhsim.
—.John CI. hlttler.
-Mrs. John G. Love is veiling friends
in Philadelphia.
—For a lino flavored cigar, try tho Tn
known,'' at Green's.
—For variety and cheapness, go to the
Philadelphia Branch clothing store.
H. K. Hicks, from and after to-day
will sell Logan Cement at two dollars per
—His Honor Judge Orvis, is holding
court this week for Judge Dean, of tho
Hlais district.
—A splendid array of clothing is now
on display at tho Philadelphia Branch
clothing store.
—The curbstone market last Saturday,
consisted of seven wagons. It is improv
ing slowly but surely.
Mr. Michael Dolan, bar-tender at the
Bush House, suffered from a severe bilious
ntlaek, last week.
—We understand the I'ndine Fire Com
pany, are making preparations for grand
turnout on Decoration Day.
Miss Ketnble, a guest of Mrs. I>r.
Hayes, departed for her home in Mifflin
burg, last week, nfter a short but pleasant
—Miss Flora Fox, stepdaughter of Mr.
W. K. Teller, of the Bush House, left la.-t
Thursday for her homo in the sunny
—When you want the very finest cent
cigar to bo found in Bellefonte, call upon
Ilarrv Green at the drug store in the Bush
—On Sunday last, Rev. William Laurie,
of the Presbyterian church of Bellefonte,
filled the pulpit of Rev. N. 11. Miller, of
Mr. J. S. Houseman, of Tusseyville,
paid the Dimocrat a visit on last Monday.
He is an agreeable gentleman and we trust
he will come again.
—We observe that our friend Ex-Gov
ernor Curtin has been in Washington so.
looting quarters for himself and family
for the next session of Congress.
—The stock of clothing now on the
shelves of tho Philadelphia Branch is the
finest ever seen in Bellefonte, and prices
are exceedingly low. Call and lie con
vinced of these facts.
—lf you wish success in life make per
severance your liosom friend, experience
your wise counselor, caution your elder
brother, hope your guardian, and buy
your groceries of Secbler A Co.
—You need it, your wife needs it, your
cousins and your sisters and your aunts need
it, likewise the children need it—for it
cures their coughs like magic. Wo mean
Green's Comp. Syrup of Tar, Honey and
Blood root.
—Mrs. Isaac Hauptand her twochildrcn,
had a narrow escape from serious injury
on last Sunday. Whilst riding in a car
riage the horse took fright and ran off.
All three were thrown from the carriage,
but fortunately escaped with only a few
slight bruise*.
—The following officers of the Tyrone
arid Clearfield railroad were elected at the
meeting in Philadelphia, last week Pres
ident, J. N. Duberry ; Directors, Wistar
Morris, Strickland Ericas*, Henry M
Philfips, G. B. Roberts, N. I'. Hhortridge
and Edmund Smith.
—Mr. Robert Taylor, of Philiptburg,
the popular proprietor of the Taylor
House at that place, spent a few days in
Bellefonte last week. Bob says he attends
to business closely and work* hard when
at borne, and it is therefore occasionally
necessary for him to have a few day's rest.
—A large party of the friends of Mr.
and Mrs. R. M. Magee, met at the pleas
ant home of that couple on last Thursday
evening. Mr. and Mrs. Magee entertain
ed their guests in a delightful manner, and
the pleasure* of the evening were greatly
enjoyed by all present.
—lf it is a fact as alleged that dipthcria
never make* it appearance in a household
where coffee is roasted, it would be advis
able for all families to buy green coffee
and do their own roasting. The theory is
that the aroma from roasting coffee dee
troys the germs of the disease.
—A very pleasant and social gathering
took plaee at the residence of Col. George
A. Bayard, on Friday evening last, In
honor of their ion Walter, it being bis
21st birthday. The guests, numbering
some eighty, were entertained in a royal
manner and the refreshment* served were
beyond description.
—William Miller & Son, proprietor* of
the Sandy Ridge Fire Brick Works, have
contracted with D. W. Holt, of Philips
burg, for the erection of twenty new frame
houses to sccommodate their employes.
Mr. Holt will supply the lumber from bit
own mill and the erection of the buildings
will be under the supervision of Messrs.
Dorland and Newman, builders of that
place. So says the Philipeburg Journal.
—Jacob Grntlus, Esq., ono of tho most
prominorit citizen* of Lock Haven, died
in that city on ltn>t Thursday morning.
Mr. Gratlus wu in old resldont of tiio
place. 110 was engaged i.i business pur
suit* during a long period of time, retir
ing gomo year* ago with h competency.
distemper i* afflicting the horse* of Potter
township. It 1* eaiil to lie so prevalent
that many farmers tliul It difficult to got
their spring work done. At this busy sea
son of tho year it is certainly very unfor
tunate that such a disease should prevail.
—Wo learn that Mr. B. Lauth, of How
ard, and his daughter Miss Cinnle, will
sail for Europe shortly with tho intention
of remaining abroad tho greater part of
tho lumtnor. Tho trip will bo made par
ticularly for M is Lauth'* pleasuro, but
Mr. Lauth'* extensive business interests
will receive a sharo of his attention.
—Our excellent friend, Mr. ,1. If. Holt,
of Snowshoe, was in town last week on hi*
way homo Irom Marietta, where ho *old
tho last of tho timber rait* that he float
ed out this spring. Mr. Holt was inter
estod in forty-two rafU—twenty-two ol
which were taken out by J. H. Holt A (Son.
All were taken to market without tho los*
of a single stick, and sold at remunerative
prices. Mr. Holt is to be congratulated
upon the fart that in his timber operations
of tho past year he has been very success
—The Clinton Dnncx-rat says that at a
recent election for Trustees of the State Nor
mal School at Lock llaven. A. 11. Best,
A. N. Kaub, and T. C. Hippie were m
eleted Stockholders Trustees, and J. F.
Clark was elected in place of K P. Me-
Cormick, Esq., removed to Philadelphia.
Governor Curlin, of Centre, Hon. C. A.
Mayer, of Clinton, Hon. .1. G. Hall, of
Elk, and K. A. Irwin, Esq., of Clearfield,
were recommended for State Trustees
Prom these the State Superintendent will |
elect two.
—Spring trade has opened very favor
ably in Bellefonte. The stores are tilled
with new stock and daily present scenes of
business activity that must be very en
couraging to the proprietors. Nowhere
is this more manifest than at the extensive
and popular grocery of S. A. Brew A Son
They have a splendid -lock of everything
in their line which they are selling out at
a rapid rate. They spare no pains to
please their customers and consequently
always have a big run of trade.
I —lt is a fact acknowledged by everyone [
' that the grocery store of Sechler A Co., in ,
I the Bush House block, is a model estab
! lishment. They take particular care t"
' always keep in stock the very freshest and
j choicest goods that can tie found in the
| markets. The meat* and fruits, coffees,
ton. spires, Ac., to lie purrha-d there will
at all times be found superior in quality
and reasonable in price. Tho fair dealing
of this house is also one of it* strongest i
recommendations. Mr. fiechler is an
active, enterprising gentleman and i
never behind in anything.
—"n Friday last our townsman, Major
Roland C'hiesman, received official
notice that he hail been appointed to a
clerkship in tho Pension Bureau at Wash i
ington. The notice included a request to |
report with as little delay as possible 1
The Major started u> Washington yester
day and will enter upon hi* duties immed
iately after his arrival. No one better do- ;
serves a position of the kind. Ho was a
gallant soldier, and beside* the loss of a
i leg bears upon his jierson the scars of sev- j
oral other wounds. He is also, in every I
I respect, well qualified, his long experience '
in the business of a pension claim agent j
making him perfectly familiar with the '
; laws in relation to fiensions and also with I
the rules of the bureau. His many friends
will be gratified to learn of hit success.
—Tlic members o| Gregg P. t, G. A
1t,,0f Bellefonte, have already commenced
their preparations for the proper obserr- j
| ance of Decoration Day, which comes j
; this year on Monday, that day being the
| 10th of May. As a step in this direction 1
they have engaged Captain .1. Merrill
Linn, of Lewisburg, a brother of our
townsman, John B. Linn, to deliver the
oration on the occasion. Captain Linn'wa*
a gallant soldier, serving with great credit
in the filit, a regiment that was highly
distinguished throughout the war, and
that contained the names of a great many-
Centre county men upon its rolls. Capt.
Linn is an accomplished gentleman, a fine
writer and speaker, and it may be expected
that his oration will be an eloquent and
entertaining production.
—Among the spectator* whom we were
pleased to see in the Court House last week,
taking in the proceedings of court, was
Mr. fismuel Weiser, fir., of Millheim.
Old father time has made some visible in
road* upon the once vigorous and com
manding form of our old and esteemed
frienfl, yet as we grasped him by the hand,
we were gratiflod to learn that hi* present
state of health is reasonably good. Mr.
Weiser is now probably one of the oldest
residents of the town of Millheim that it
contain*. For many year* he followed
tho business of blacksmilhing, and in his
prime year* could accomplish as much In a
day at any branch of bis trade, from the
shoeing of horse to the Ironing of a farm
wagon, a* any man who ever worked at it.
We well remember the ringing music of his
strong blows upon the anvil, and whata tre
mendous worker he was. While in Rolle
fonte, Mr. Weiser we* the guest of his
brother-in-law, John Wagner, Esq., ef
Spring street. May he yet be spared meny
years In the enjoyment of gooa health.
HON. SAMUEL LINN. —Our distinguish
ed formur townsman, lion. Banuiol Linn,
no well known and #e highly rosjioctod liy
tbo people of Centre county, wu some
timo ago honored by Judge Morrow, of
HriuUord county, with the appointment of
mauler nnd examiner In u very important
equity suit in that county which involve#
large mini* of money. To perform tho
duties required of him Judge Linn recent
ly went to Towanda, the county scat of
liradford county, and in tho Hevitiu of
that place, tho following complimentary
notice, which wo transfer with extreme
pleasure to tho column* of tho DKMOCRAT,
wa* made ol hi* pretence :
"It i* not known to many of our people
that Judge Linn wa* formerly a resident
of our county, but uch i* the fact. Ho
came from Bellefonto hero in the year IKJO
at tho age of sixteen, and wa* an engineer
on tho North Branch canal under hi*
uncle, Mr Harris, who wa*chief engineer,
Ho remained hero till some time in tho
year 1839, and ha* often boon heard to say
that "they were tho three happiest year*
of hi* life." It i certain deep and pleas
ant impression* were made U|H>II hi* mind,
for he not only remember* event*, but the
name* of person* from Browntown to
Athens, their buiines* and peculiarities
lie think* he knew every man, woman and
child along the lino of the canal between
those two point*. A*ido from tho hard
work ho had to do, it i* not claimed but
that he enjoyed fun, and that hi* happi
ness in tlii* rcsi.ect wa not circumscribed.
It was tbo jubilant, jolly overflow not 1111-
cxpcctod in a young man of his ability and
sound bodily condition. And now after
forty-two year* of "hard knock*" in prac
tical life, he return* to u* in the maturity
of manhood, but inclined to leel young
again and live over the merry day* of '.'bi
ll. Many of his trienda and acquaintance*
are gone 'tis true, hut many remain who
will extend to him warm bands and cor- !
dial greetings, and make hi* sojourn 1
among us a# pleasant as possible.
After he loft our county, he read law at j
Carlisle, was admitted to tho bar in 1843,
practiced hi profession in Bellefonto until
when ho was elected President Judge
of the district compoeed of Clinton, l>n- ;
I tro and Clearfield. After nerving out
nearly bit term, he resigned, and about
twelve years ago came to Williarnsport,
where his practice has been large and lu
crative. He it ono of the ablest lawyers j
of tho State. Tho parlio* to the equity '
j -uit are fortunate to have a Master so able I
' and upright as Judge Linn is.'
I , ll!LIl'!tl K<i. —The remarkable growth j
and the present businc*# prosperity of Phil- i
ipsburg, Centre county, in contrast with
Osceola and Houtr.dale, Clearfield • canty, i
are the subj<ct of an excellent and inter- I
i osting article that appeared in the Osceola
| HrrnUr of last week Certainly the spirit i
' of thrift, energy and enterprise shown by
I the people of Pbiliptburg in the improve.
| inent and building upon their town cannot
be too highly commended. In IWHi the
population of Philiptburg was enumerates! j
with Hush township, when l*iih contained i
•'.*o inhabitant*. In I*so the numl-er re- i
turned in loth was only 371. In I*7" the
(•opulalion of I'hilipsburg alone wa* lOHfi,
and in 1880 it was I7"si, showing an in
crease in the decade between IH7O and 1880
iof nearly ill j*>r cent. Tho writer on the
IterrilU attribute# the success of our Cen
tre county town t*> "natural cause*,'
j among which it spocifisw five as follow*
"In the first place Philipshurg is an old
! town, and has the precedent of being the
i i entre of trade of this region f>r over :
( fifty year# —long before any of its rivals 1
! were thought of and of a sequence its cil- j
j i/.ens have acquired wealth and opulence, ;
i by which her tenure of ucces is made per
| inanent.
In the next place her merchants are
j there to stay, and with their surplus earn- i
. ing* invest in real estate, build themselves
j palatial residence# and gorgeous store.
I rooms, and beautify their town with ail
tho modern adornment* and convenience#
Thirdly ; her citir.ens are trtiir-awale,
enterprising and affable—act In harmony
| for the town's good, and are ever on the
alert to attract the stranger, seeking for a
location, to their fold They are generous
beyond measure, and sometimes hiss pi la- !
hie to their own inconvenience, a* Osceola
iar,s can attest.
Fourthly ; they are liberal in advertis- ]
ing, which has the effect of drawing the
j trade from many mile# around them.
Fifthly . Centre county takes great pride
, and interest in thi# fast-becoming city, j
j BnUalaatl sends her wealth to help her
1 along, and not only her wealth, but some
jof her best citizens. Among them we
may mention William P. Duncan, of Dun-
I can, Hale A Co.; (, W Hoover, of Hoov
er, Hughe* & Co. ; and Dr Hale, if he
: doe# not com* himself, largely invests in
1 ono or two interest# in tho place.
SILVER WK DDI NO. —Mr. and Mr#.
| Louis Haas of Roj>burg, celebrated the
: 23th anniversary of their marriage on last
Thursday afternoon and evening. A large
company of friends assembled at their ro#-
tdent to offer congratulations and the
present* received in commemoration of
the event were numerous and valuable.
One of the happy incident# of the occa
sion was the marriage on the same day of
their daughter, Mis* Kate, (o Mr. Kichard
Dotting. The numerous guest# were en
tertained in the most hospitable manner
and all returned to their homes pleased
with the enjoyment* lh*t had been afford
ed them.
Person* having deed* in their possession
unrecorded, should have them placed on
record immediately for the following rea
son : Because a deed which Is not recorded
within six months after the execution of
the samo shall be adjudged fraudulent
against any subsequent purchaser for val
uable consideration. Because purchasers
who neglect to place their deed* upon rec
ord as prescribed by law incur the risk of
former owners giving liens upon the same.
—Col. J. G. Kverhart being relievod of
duty In the Auditor General's office ha*
returned to hi* former residence in Blair
county. He 1* now In the Insurance bud
naaa, but we can be assured he will take no
stock in the bogus kind.
—We have received from L. H. Kogers,
Now York, a "Bird's Kyo View of the
English Language," a regular monument
of patience. The sheet t* 22x38 inches,
and gonlains rnoro information for person#
who write letter* than wo ever saw or
thought could bo arranged on ono sheet.
Price 2/icU. The first part contain* Jtules
for Spelling and Punctuation, also Huies
for Using Capital Letter* and Letter Writ
ing. Next i* a "Bird's Kyo View <>f the
Correct Hpelling of 25, (XX1 Words." Every
word i# before you at a single glance, and
i easily found by a system of indexing,
lliat i* wonderful, thorough and complete.
There is also a "Bird's Kyo View of 20,-
000 Synonyms," which is of great assist
ance to writers. One of the most interest
ing features, which alone is worth the
small price of tho sheet, i# a list of 2,000
Words of Similar Pronunciation, such a*;
MAYOR owned a fat trotting MARK.
A bottle of SCENT cannot be SKNT by
■ nail for a CENT. Tho doctor's PA
TIENTS wro out of PATIENCE at not
being ALLOWED to call ALOUD to
MISSED my way in the mist, Ac., Ac.
The sheet can be used to good advantage
by every one who write* the English
Language. The sheet* are sent by mail,
postage prepaid, by lite publisher, I*. 11.
Rogers, 7.7 Maiden Lane, Nvw York City.
Price 25 cents each, or live sheet# for one
dollar Postage 'tamp# received in pay
—The village of Ree I, Creek will !•
tbo scene of a delightful ocial event to
day that calls for special mention. At 1
| o'clock that jxipular young gentleman,
1 Mr. Edgar Dolt, son of J H. Holt, Esq ,
of Snow Shoe, will be married to Miss
Alice, the amiable and accomplished daugh
ter of Capl. Johnson Gardner, of Hoech
Creek. Tho marriage ceremony will be
performed bv Rev. W. O. Wright, of the
Presbyterian church of Milesburg. After
, the ceremony a reception will lake place
I at the home of the bride's parents, where
the UH'le and grisotn will receive the con
; gratulations of their friends. Th happy
' young couple will then take the afternoon
train on their contemplated wedding tour.
They will visit Washington and other
J place* of interest during their absence
We extend to them the hearty congratula
tions of the DEMOCRAT. A* they sail down
j the stream of life together may happiness
j and prosjierily bo their ever present com
; pan ions.
-Among the confirmation* of public of
| fircr* in one of the i>i"cuti ve #.>ion*. f the
i United Stab Son at" la*t week was that of
i Mr. J ihn T. Johnson l • be jH.tm*st"r • f
Belief..nt". Mr. Johnston ha* tilled the
| p<iti.,ri of postmaster of thi* town during
| the past twelve year*, and his reappoint
ment and confirmation fcr another term of
i four years is a compliment of which he
, rnav well feel proud. Every one agree#
that he ha* b>*n a very competent and
failh-ful official.
I —Mrs. Anne Whillenmeyer of Philadel
i phia, I* to address the lodic* in Isehalf of
the Temperance cause on Saturday next at
I 3 o'clock, 1' M in th" Lecture room of
th" M"tbodi*t Church of this place . and
[on Sunday, at 4 o'clock, P M , will ad
dress a general public meeting at the
, Court House She will doubtless have
large audience#.
—The West Susquehanna Classi* of the
Reformed Church, which convened in an
nual session at Sellnsgrove, Snyder county,
Pa., on the 4th instant. passed the follow
! ing rewolutious on what is known a* spec,
ulative li/e insurance. They are timely as
a warning against a growing evil which
, ought to be suppressed
WIIRREA*, almo*l the whole territory
j of West Susquehanna Claseis is covered
: by what is commonly known a* "specula
; live life insurance" j therefore,
/(e*i./rerf, That we regard this business as
fraudulent and wrong in principle and a#
' very dotnoralixtng in it# effect*
Hftolved, That we hereby earnestly ex
horl all our people to discourage and shun
j this business as a great public evil, hurtful
to the church and to the State as well as to
: the individual.
/frWrof, That our p>a#tor# try to secure
the early publication of thi* action in the
various county paper# which circulate
among their people.
—We understand that two of tho em
ploye# of the car works were prostrated by
the heat of last Tuesday. The men are
employed in tho foundry of the works and
were engaged in casting at the time they
were overcome. A physician wa# im
mediately called in and his timely arrival
was fortunate for them. After partial re
lief, they were taken to their home* where
they are gradually recovering.
—The friend* of Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Teat# in Centre county will be grieved to
learn that both are tying quite ill at their
present home in Altoona with that pain
ful disease, neuralgia. The Altoona Sun,
of Monday, says that the condition of Mr.
Teat# is quite aeriou*.
—Mr. I). B. Dunham, of Howard, form
ly a well known and experienced news
paper man, called upon the DEMOCRAT
yesterday morning. Mr. Dunham ha*
suffered much of lata and appear# thin in
flesh. We trust be may toon regain good
—The Bellefenta Building and Loan Ae
•oclation wiit offcr at public sale on the
2&th instant, a number of detirabla prop
erties. Persons desiring to purchase real
estate should attend. There may be bar
gain* to pick up.
At the time the DEMOCRAT went U> pre#*
last w> "k the case of Clinn tjulggley vs.
John McOliee, was on triul. The case was
an action of ejectment nnd the jury return
ed a verdict in favor ol the defendant.
The following are the case, disposed of
by Hie court during the balance of the
week ;
P P. Under "l al. vs. H. A Merriruan
<-t al Action of ejectment and verdict of
the jury in favor or the defendant.
Commonwealth of IV, vs. (i. W. Rum
berger. Jury find for plaintiff.
Centre Mining and Manufacturing Co.,
vs. 11. Merriman et al. Cause of action—
tresspass. Continued owing to the death
of one of the parties.
J. R. Alexander, et a), vs. John I
Thompson. ( ause of action—summons
in assumption. Continued.
Nelson Lucas vs. John Mecse. Cause
of action—replevin. Judgement in favor
of plaintiff.
I hilip Resides vs. Jacob K. Houser.
■ Cause of action—ejectment. Continued.
I Henry Kckenroth vs. John. W. Cook.
< ause of action—tresspass on the case up
on promises. Plaintiff dead ami cause
Benjamin Weiland vs. Elizabeth Mal
lory, el al. Cause of action—foreign at
tachment. Cause continued at cost of de
Alfred Hull vs. Michael J. Decker, et a).
Cause of action—ejectment. Settled and
I costs paid.
Donnelly, UasK'th A Lovd vs. Bransorn
Knitting Machine Company. Cam-# of
action— sur assumpsit. Judgment of non
suit entered against the plaintiffs.
Judge Or vis di*|>*"d of the following
road (e-iitioni during the week
Petition for private road in Rush town
ship from th" Tyrone and Cb-arfleld pike
to Walker Br"*.' planing mill near Os-
JCFX la. J. G Lingl", Harry Hitnlcr and
L. W. Munson appointed viewer*.
Petition for private road in Huston
; township, from plank road to house of A.
B. Meyers. Viewers report in favor of
! road.
| Petition for vacating road in Roalsburg.
, in. Thompson, Jr , Geo. Fortney and
| Jarne# Gilliland appointed viewer*.
Petition for vacating road in Curtin
township near Mitchell leathers Uack
smith shop. Nathan J. Mitchell, J. N.
Had and Joseph Royer apj.inUj viewers.
! Petition of citizens of Curtin township
for review of road near James Packer's
residence, in Curtin township. Order to
review l-med and A Dale, Josej h N"ff
arid Henry I■ -pp ap|>oint"d viewers
I Petition for roa-1 in Gregg township,
, near store of I J fire nob!#, Sum I Grain
j ley, R"ub"n Krowmer and J. P. Franck
I apj*iint"d viewer-
Petition for r<>ad In Howard township,
, near John A. Woodward. K. L. Orvis,
John I'roudfoot and James F. Weaver a; -
f'inl<vl viewers.
Petition f r road in Huston township,
from Jarne* M rley s to Julian. S D.
Ray, Daniel irvin and A J. Greist ap
pointed viewers.
Petition for road in Potter township,
j from Barney Wagner's to Jacob Treasters.
C. Dal", James Gordon and M L. Risbel
appointed viewers.
Petition for road in Hainns township,
| near Pine Creek school house. K. L. Or.
• vis, Daniel Garman and R. H. Forster tj*.
j jointed viewers.
SlttKirr'a DRKDS.
j The following deed# of tho Sheriff of
l Centre county were acknowledged in op.cn
court John Spangler, Sheriff to John G.
i#>ve . same to B"]lefonle Ruildiag and
; l/oan Association ; same to D S. Keller,
same to Win. fsentzel ; same to C. M
j Bower, samo to Adam Hoy; same to J
W fiephart; same to Dr. J. O. Dale;
same to C. M. Bower; same to Nathan
Kejihart; same to W. 11. lilsir; same to
j W II Blair; same to W. 11. Blair ; sme
to W. 11. Blair; same to Catharine B.
i Haiipt.
CINITY. —Our railroad city present# a scene
of bustle and activity which it never be
fore witnessed. The buildings I sjsoke of
in one of my former letters are nearly all
under way. Work it plenty and hand*
are scarce.
—The season for bark-pealing it here,
and many of the jseople of this part of the
valley are busy stripping the trees of their
natural covering. Jacob M'Cool has a
crew of hand# busy jtealing on Kgg Hill,
Just above the village. John Grove Is
doing the iam* on a large tract of land
just west of M'CooP* tract. W. A. Krlse
has half a dozen hand* at work on Brush
Mountain. The#e parties Intend making
railroad tie# and saw log# out of the pealed
logs. There are some ten or twelve other
parties who are or intend to pel on Brush
Mountain, and the number that will rob
the trees of mother nature'* covering over
in the Seven Mountain*, U legion.
—The grain around here looks well, but
up the valley from Centre Hall towards
Boalsburg, the field* do not present a very
promising appearance. From here to the
lower end of the valley the grain i* doing
Decoration day falls thi* year on the
fifth Monday of May, and the oerer. onie#
promise to be very general and unusually
—lt is foolish to do without good clothe*
while they may be purchased at such rea
sonable prices at the Philadelphia Branch.
Think of this.
Wo aro nuthori/.'xl to announce tlint
7IIOMAH J M NKI.K, > f litiati l ||l \m a
minll'lata .,r M,-l.fT, u> til* (J-'mlvli i/f lli
!>••.< rlk Oiuliljr Ctfot-miu,,.
Wo urn nulhortaed to Hnnounco that
JOII.V I' lUU K v ..f (Ir-ng lutMlii)., will f.e a ran.
.Ildalef .1 at.-f.fl, autaja. t U, t|.|„,, r.f 11,. D-,l
'ffl< c rriii.tjiCona-nttnii
—Wo learn from tbo Ix-ck Haven Daily
Journal that Edgar I', Geary, son ol our
esteemed friend, Mr. A I Geary—former
ly of \\ alk*r township arul an ex-lrea.u
rcr of Centre county—waa admitted to the
bar of Clinton county on Monday last,
after pacing a molt creditable examina
tion. The Journal iay that for rnoro than *
three year* Mr. Geary was the student of
1- C. Hippie, KMJ., and in addition to
that time he studied some in Klk county.
1 he examining committee heartily report
in hU favor, and our young Iriend .tart*
in the profession with bright proapecu, in
deed." We reiterate the with of the
Journal that hit career at a lawyer may
be a successful one.
Mr. Levi Htraub, of Kpringatrest, who
for the patt year or two ha. had a aitoa
j lion in the rail road .hop. at Altoona, hat
; given up hi. place there and will go into
, the employ of the IMlefonte car werka.
j Mr. htraub it a rnaW workman, and ari
excellent citizen, arid hi. many friend,
will lie gla<l to know that her'-after be it
I to he with ur permanently
I —The Altoona Sun antiou. .jt that on
i next Sunday a week a ro*w paper, to lie
called Sunday Morning, will make it ap
r | j-earance in that city. It will be under
, the management of Mr George J. Akers,
with Mri. Mattie Furey, wife of the late
Wi.liam I'. y urey, and ari aerompliihed
writer, at a regular contributor.
—Simon Lyon, who retenlly went from
here to I'hilip.burg to engage in the buti
n<* of butchering, i. very ill with dropay.
11'- i reported to be in a very dangerou.
condition and i. not expected to live be
yond a day or two.
Rev. J. K. iJelong, pastor of the Re
' formed congregation of Bellefonle wa*
absent for a short time attending the na
tion. of the Wett Suaquehana C'las.i. at
i Selin.grove. lie returned on Tueaday
; evening.
—Tbi. week we are experiencing ex
! ceedingly warm weather for the month
of May. The change ha. been .udden
and extreme
—The Cominiaaionert of Centre county
are in session at their office thi. week,
hearing appeals from the assessment. of
personal property returned tbi> spring
fen r Henry Meyer Let a pocket book
in Rellefonte on Tuesday evening, May
3d, containing from fifteen to twenty dol
lar. in money and a due bill for five dollar,
again.t Henry Dutwilor. A reward of
five dollar, will be paid to the finder upon
the return ol the same with content, to
! Judge Samuel Franck of Keberburg, or
to the office of the CENTRE DEMOCRAT
llavarian and Bohemian beer, surpAHt
any mall liquor, ever before offered to tho
public. Then* sparkling drink, can bo
1 had on draft at Ilrown Bros., Butt, House.
—The delay in making the ne>ce..arv re
pair. tj the High street bridge i the cause
of con.iderable anxiety to our neighbor of
j the Morning .Vines. He keeps poking up
the .treet commi..ioner at a lively rate.
! Well, the appearance of the tide walk of
I the bridge blocked up a. it i. with un
i .ightly obftruction. i* an eye wire, and we
, second the motion of our eonteroporary V>
have the repair, made at once.
—Gilmore A Co., filffi F .treet, Wash
ington, D. C., request every soldier or
.ailor who served in the Union army dur
ing the late war, to .end hi. name and
port-office address on a potial card. Write „
plainly name, post-office, county and state.
In return you will receive a copy of anew
paper, America, containing valuable in
formation. l*-2t.
o common to write the beginning of an
elegant, interesting article and then run
it into Mm. advertisement that we avoid
all uch cheat, and simply call attention
to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain
honest terms as possible, to induce people
to give them one trial, at no one who
know, their value will ever use anything
else.— Proruimrr Arfnerftjser,
—Brown Bros, are making a specialty
of new whiskies never before offered in
Bellefonte, such as "Golden Rule of the
People," "Hannlsville" and "Dougherty."
—Bpring woolens now ready. Early
orders solicited. Money saved.
lfl-lf MONTGOMERY' A Co., Tailors.
OGT'NPKI#— CONFER.—On lb. lO f May. *1 It* <*
Bafcrwad Jarlwerlll*. by R* im>. P.
Harts.ll, Mr. Jnw-f4) Oneswl and Mim Pi ud< a-.
(Volrr. Mb of Uterty bornrtilp. Oatrs noaaty, Pa
Dn.tßO-n AAA At ft. Joba'r Caitwlir rbsrrß.na
ThamUy, lb* tlh inn.nl, by R r.Owe Mr Aril..
Ml. Rirhard Hotline and life. Kalr. Isnshlrr of
tnat. Ham, of Rnefirtinrx.
RPATB—STGVKR On u>- via alt. at th. mUiw.
of tb brld. '• jitictiti in ll. in to. wWp, by Rt#
Jehn Tmnltawm, Mr. A*n Rpayd. of M.rtoa loaa-
Skip, to Ml<a Alto. J. Shim. <tu(hM of Mow
Ptavor, of llailMo toaaoklp.
MI'RSER.—(h tb tb. tlh last aaar AamaMiarß, ts ']
tbar. aa of J. >■ Masse, .fall I yew, 5 BoiaUb, ant
* day. S
OONFRR.—On lit. Ist
Jan., roaasont daftthtaa of Jnha aad Naa< y Osake,
a*t * yaara, X awatßa aad days
U'IEG-tl PVntlebnr*. on IW axcalas of May
t, I mi. Of nlaartay. Rtaaiik. A , daagkNt of Jaa. A,
•ad M. lctkoaa, af*d SI pan.