Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 12, 1881, Image 5
I. VOX ,r CO., Allegheny Street, JtellrfotUe, I'a. LTON & CO.'S . OPENING OF SPRING GOODS! "We have just opened a big bargain in Child's Short Pants, at - 50 Cents. % THIS IS WONDERFUL CUE AP. Best Working Pants for - - $1 16 Good decent Suit for Men - - 3 78 A nice Dress Suit - - 4 78 Nice light Union Cassimere Suit - 8 80 A very nice good wearing Child's Suit - 2 OO Splendid Cassimere Dress Suit, good enough for anybody, 10 OO We have just opened a full line of Ladies' Spring HATS and MILLINERY. Nice Walking Hals for Ladies, at - - - - 28 els. In DRESS GOODS we have some Bargains worth your while to see. Minnie Cloths at 18 cts., which ivt hought at a special bargain—they are worth 25 cents. We make a specialty in Men's Hats. A fine line of Fur and Wool Hats. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies' Coarse Shoes from - 08c. to $2.00. Ladies' Fine Shoes from - $1.25 to 4.75 WF. UAVE MAKES OF SHOES WHICH WE WARRANT. Come in and see us, we have special Bargains in White Bid Spreads from 7to cents up. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES AND STRICTLY ONE PRICK. ieao-1. iseo-i. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. The HaWriptini) price of thWin.T pATtIoT lute bcfu rnlui'iH] to sl.'*) jifr ropy |r annum. To club* of FIFTY ami upw*rl* the Wcvkly will 1* furnUhrd at the cttntordiutrily cheap rate of 75 centa per copy per annum. THE DAILY PATIIOT will \* aent t. any addrrws, "luring the aeaainna of loD|rm ami the Legislature at ! the rate of 6) cenU | r month. Under the art of Congress the publisher prepay* the pontage and *ttb*rnher* are relieved from that eipenae. Every tubecription nitaat le accompanied l.y the cash. Now ia the time [to u!*rrltM>. The approaching eeaaion* of Congress an l the Legislature will he of more than ordinary interest ami their pn needing* will he fully reported f..r the Daily ,*nd a complete vynopaia ef them will 1* given in the Weekly. A ldreaa PATKI'FT PI HLINHISU ft). 4" tf Market Street. !!atrial urg | Administrator's Notice. i* hereby given, that let- It tef* of administration >n the T \Vi!%.|i W. Beck, dereaaed. late ~f Man n t"wnhip, C'-ntn* county. Pa., have U-n granted to the und<*r*ignel I All perns indebted to *aid der**4M*| ate r .{n< t> make Immediate payment, and person* having claim* I against the said d-ceaae| will prweut th*ni duly an I thenticateil for settlement. WILLIAM B BECK. I"-' w J. 7,. LONO. Administrator*. NEW REVISION 'WANTED I NEW TESTAMENT. VS made by the raiwt eminent achol r f KnjtUn l T ! Half thr I'flfe I orrr.pondlnic I nicllh I dltlon. I-mk tjp. In., n ,.ir. •U.'ip.nl l-.r..lin. A *-[ "omprrhfnlff HIMor, of ihr Rlblr mil it. Tron.l.ti n.," Ii ln.hn* • full ArcoUßl of Ihr V KrtUloa. *l*rn to nil ~ rtt ■ r. It..t . Imik* for .{.nil r*r offorwl. Rrnl .tonip for porlkolor. al onrr. THK IIKMU BILL PI RLIMIIM. CO., "foralrh, ft. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that Ix-t --ters of Administration on the estate of Hainucl Yearlck, dec'!. late of Walker tow nship, having been granted to the undersigned, resident of the ame township, all j*rsons indebted to said deceaacl r * r, .{nested to make immellate payment. and all per sek* having claims against said deceased will present them duly authenticated for payment. l.W'.w JOHN N. Y KARD K, Administrator For Sale. VFARM containing Fifty Acres, •o.f hating lh>rm crwtMl * TW(-itTOKY PHAMK HfII.DI.VO and o t,gliding.. Tul- g.l In ).nr. of A J A T K. <iRIK.*T, S-tf ?nlonvl!1r. CmOr rmmty. Pa. Ec A. eeni-"ir <hnri*>noiia vJ TO dHW Addraaa A BTIVSON A fo Portland, Mam.-, My S. f A. lAt /•„'/#, (ieneral Merchnni*, Allegheny Strrrt, llclh fmitr. I'a. MOTHERS, WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR ROYS! Our SPRING & SUMMER, SCHOOL, PLAY and DRESS STJITS ARE NOW ALL IN. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED. EXTRA PATCHES TO EACH SUIT; SILK HANDKERCHIEFS IN EACH COAT, —OF THE CELEBRATED— STEIN, ABLER & CO.'S MAKE, of Rochester, WHOSE REPUTATION IN THIS LINE STANDS FIRST IN THE UNITED STATES. To be had ONLY at the popular establishment of S. & A. LOEB,! 18. & A. LOEB, FINE CLOTIIIEKS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I'hilfulftphia Itrnneh C/othhtif House, Itellrfonte, I'd. A GREAT VICTORY! THE SUCCESS OF THE PHILADEI.PI IIA BK ANT 11. TJI EPEOPLE TI>'ICMPHA.^T! POLITICIANS KNOCK I'NDEK ! i THE PHILADELPHIA HHAXCII Oil the Side of the People! We have the extreme satisfaction of announcing that the Philadelphia Branch is now ready to do BETTER THAN EVER IN CLOTHING, FOR MEN, BOYS AM) CHILDREN! AND ARE, AS ALWAYS, AHF.AII OF ALI, OTHERS FBB CHINE BOOBS. Clothing Manufactured by their Own House and every Article Marked and Warranted. SAMUEL LEWIN, the Manager, How Defies the World and the Host of Mankind. IN HIS OWN MAKE OF (I.OTII I NO, The PHILADELPHIA BRANCH never wr. i>ent, never will l>e l>ent ami never ran be beat for the CHEAPEST CLOTHING offered in or outside of Centre county. All thnt i- paid here is meant. GO AND SEE, nnd carry the news to your neighbor, that MONEY CAN POSITIVELY BE SAVED AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. I I A LENT I.V KH STOIC ICS, Hume*' lllorh, Alleyhniy Street, Hettefontr, fa. JTJST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. LOOK AT THE PRICES! MOMIES and BROCADES from 10 cents a yard. tST These are not Auction Goods. DO YOU WEAR No. 10 or 11 BOOTS? COME ANI) SEE WIIAT WE W/LJ, HIVE Y0(. REMEMBER OUR GLASS SETS. FOUR PIECES for BO cents, and TWELVE DISHES for a quarter! A TEA SET of 46 Pieces for $3.50. PURE MAPLE SUGAR! - - - - ■ .. We sell all kinds of WOOD and WILLOW WARE. A Bucket. Washboard and Cuke of Soap for a Quarter Examine our WHITEWASH BRUSHES. We have Counters full of Bargains, CALL and EXAMINE THEM' VAI-ENTINES STORES, Humes' Block, . . . BELLEFONTE, PA. I/LLIB L. OKVIS, i I J ,*i tOMII AT LW I OFFK'R fVnirt llou**-, <ti tlr 24 fW t j A O. I'urat • I'Utldltir '• 'tf pHOCKKKHOFF IIOUSK, 1 > ALI.EOIIK.NY -T . IIKI.I.KKOTK. PA i WILLIAM .M< KKKVKK, Manager. (h*r*{ SnmjtU flown on /•'/ r. RUM t - nti<l from ail Trail.*. Bj • ml r * • I u>ivftoMMMsiMjtf r prsn norsi:, I > HI i I.:kom PA MNfl • i*>|C I** (MllfflMW, *• veil *• Ibt MH #ml traveling lut lie m-l •••mn r i| mn nf Mitlf*) %o thU PlrvtCUwi ll.trl, *h. f* \Ur } ill fir. I I* in* comfort* At ul- • Literal r*4urti<>vi to Jumiiimi *i>4 • .t.r • attending Qgtfl H R.TKU Bft r WIARD'S PATENT NEW 1880 SERIES j Malleable Iron aa:l Wood Bean Chilled PLOWS irr tn thr Fanner* of th# r jfitry for corning isapob wltfc tu*ny vaJoat>i* improvr-romi* THE WIARD • l!** aLn£*l ar>4 <iar*. bW now In the ntrkrL THE WIARD ! thr hfi f"f fi'Mti! * w*rk. in both *\ ao4 *tuhf.r THK WIARD II pivt* srJJu*Ujrnt for u;t>£ or thrrw Lor*r* tbmifl. THE WIARD l thr be**. |, < i *am for Lard euy at>4 Hoti} pfirord. THE WIARD ri*U nil oiUr rh ; r < p . for c in luor **,4 adbrv.,r *n:> THE WIARD ar.DM kn . 4 for L htr.*a of I 'rtfl. Our Malleable Iron Bourn ■ thr rmSr r>ni tirai Kljii.Ubir mrUI It. am ma,!,. fnarai't,. <! qp nat brntl:i.|fof brr.kn i. |ar>*rU< /!>..-v f* " r a i orrr V"> in ii". .Ml not ,„ a tbotmand fi led. Our Jolntara. Wheel* ar.d Hand!.. are a; * ;titAbb>. Our Mold hoards rtrrl ail ot>.<r. f„, a, al nnifnnnilp. fcl ? ur PIowIUT arranul tanj riMnnalili n " T . rm J r * c° ,r, • new Plow. N- ur. the * i.ati a triaJ. fur fu.e nv GORDON \ LAND IS, Enufintrr* and Mttehini'U, AMI liRAIIR* IX Al l KlßDft OP Agricultural Implements, FPKCUI. ATTENTION OIVKN TO RRPAIRJI. ia-,f BKLLEFONTK, PA. SECIII.Kit .('• f'O., iirorvrn, Hush House Work. Ttrlirfonte, fa. NEW C3-OOIDS —FOR THE— SPRING TRADE. We have Pinlcvorr<l to jjet the very host of every thing in our line, and now have some really choice goodn, Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CTHtON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. i*r wo invito tli© people of Centre County to rail anil inspect our NICK GOODS, which cannot fall to pleaac. SBCHLER & CO. •riiflr&rifeffiftiMT ""ft ' *A />/•// (load* and (t rorrrirn. | TAItI'EK BROTHERS, M'RJMi CTUKKT, liKI.I.KpiiNTE. PA., llava their counter* and *belve filled with NEW GOODS, f HANK HP IT KATKS Purcbaied at ■ BANKRUPT KATKB ( BANKRUPT KATKS WIIIPII TIII.V OFFER AT BOTTOM BRICKS, BOTFOM BRICKS, BOTTOM BRICKS. CXJKFI.fTISO OF Dry Good., Millinery Good., Clothing, Fancy Good., Notions, fcr. BOOTS and HIIOKH HOOTS and SIIOKS at very low prii. BOOTS and SIIOKS HATS and Latest ttyle* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carjet Bag, Umbrella*, Paraaols, Ladie*' Cl<>alr, Carpating, Groceries, ennware, Ac I OenprMncat.rp Ihle* that <an b Pond la • Srrt. <U 1 r H AKI'EK BKOTII ICRS, FPHINO NTRKRR. • • BKLLKFOMR. I'A i m n tii i iji -i'" ii. tai.f in i\ haigg t, MgMMI n*r k t ;, # j. | J 1 THOROUQII KPUCATION —ros — YOUNG LA 1)1 MS. Hollidaysburg Seminary, | lIot.LIDA YfBI RO, 111, AIR OtM RTT, PPiS.N A j A wfj brallliful I . nil n ("uniiful mrr tnvlinr* fHfrrt t- lajllm %II lh* adi-ttiUffM of tftiriitlM j L rfuft, mith Os'if tifL mum *f ImtriHliotil in 1b ' higher t rim !•• of n Tpmiß, ®250.00 per Annum, Ir.rloJirir Iom ! *n ! •!!#■Uwf.iw f E' mrv frml* *nt tniti. n in nil l'.ncii*li Mn*/ rt Ftirt. ANNUAL TKRAI, FORTY WKKKS. IF'r rnUl'pgnr, m Ith fJI hifmeU n, n.l4re-am W. P. HUBSKY, A. M., Principal. M Inrclla neou*. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. : r PHh circulation of thin popular t 1 MM)} tMMritf BMtWM >ll to. Intdinr r,.. of 1|„ 0,„, Ilttn: | uiH bandj ()(•tm nta. The FOREIGN NEWS .trilra... lal d.if.t, h* |r< vi >ll .joart.-r* of tba | *lob*. t lull Uir head AM Kill ('AN NEWS : ar firm tb. Tal.trraj bi. |i,.|t> h.* .rib* >.k from | *ll t*U "I tb. I tii'.ti. Tbii fxator. kiou. unk-t THE WEEKLY HERALD th Bt raloalla .hr.'til.l. In ||„ . rid. a It Ii tba ; rboa|mt. Hi 'ft wark i> ([lr.ti • lattbful trpurt ~f POLITICAL NEWS •nt.bra.lnr r-n.|.l.u and . .ni|.r.ti.uan. dtanatsbea !i m >iuw, lik India* full ip|.-rt> „f tb. | ~br <f .tnm.ht |litln>ui n Uip 'jixUviii of tb> ' b<>r THE FARM DEPARTMENT I of tb. * Ilk I I UtßkUl *l.. tb. ißtml >. w*|| M tb. a >1 |t•- tlrml Hid d.-..,, .n.-a relating i> lb. duti.t of lb. lartn.r, hinta for ra.amr C'rtL • idni, Gum, Tup \ u,nuu> A t<. ,t,' nrt~t. n f.T kpotdti* I Uildlne* and ot. ...,la , n 1 JHUI. rt.l. I. ..i|.j l.tnan.t.-l bj > mil-aUta*! 4t. Bllbl.Vldllj refund, iiodi>| tb. bo>d of THE HOKS, firing i.i f„ ~rotifJ di.br*. hinta f,r making ■Mb : f-.t a- clog w Willi lb. lat*t tub. •!.. at tb. lonian f. K.'-rt Ilea f narking or or* i...tu* n/cM In Iklt d pkMro. m |,ra/-o<jlt i nl ,d |, tijiiii |..f *. I'lddioit i 1 > i!' f f? .in or J'aru >r.d l. ti i ii airreapondrnla oti lb. ry latwt I- in Tb. II m. I> jnrtm.r.t of tb. U tii.Lt limit* • ill ait. tb. houaitrlf. mora than on. hundred tin..* tbafrtn* of tb. paper. Tb. labmb < f SKILLED LABOR am I-.bed after, and .rrrrtblog retaining to m. . h%a>< and labor aartng li <T.fallv m t<W. Th.ra '• a pa*. d.t.n.-) to all tb. lalml ( baa., t tb. .ow r.eaa mark.!. i Y<. ( .a. M.nbaudin- 4. do A ralua -11. faator. ii found in lb. .[.-'lai'T i i. p.d uioa j and ooodltkon. of THE I'RODCCE MARKET. Reran*.. Jfrtn at boon, and abr.nd. together with a -7" i ..a Man ■ 1,1 a, r... .toir.. n i <U -111... Idruuat, Ml .ML, bkaaanr, lra>*t and ,mi Jlirtt Tb. r. no pafet In tb. nor Id that run. I lamia. inmbii'.i Malta* rrrr) t aa tb. Mat*, it Until*. • huh Un ot. |ata. r *od. 1 * do. IM l*r n <Ji. Mjti*- iilf t Mi una. tiiic 1 e nm S .o. V m K i lb a w.okli rM. DOI.I.AR All! I A TEAR NEW YORK HERALD, ltrr.ad>l and Ann jr.* Totk. Mii.I.HKIM uotkl, Mil I.IIEIM CEXTBK OOCXTT. PKSR'A. W. S. MI'SSKR, Proprietor. Tb. I f, .ti ,f Mtllb.it*. ii 1,. at.d In P.Tit.'• VaJl.r, a! ul Mb* fm.il Clol nrn Mal.n. ..n lb. I*.|V butt. <>o.. and .|.rn, <wk Railfrwd, Ilb aur rraindlt.pi that mat. It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Ootid trout fUblnt In U>. In.m.-diat. Monitr A tnb run. t.. I.m tratn At lb. Miilh.im 11.n.'l armn. n. tati..n mil I*, round r*W la., and t- rmi mol*. Jon. n, * *"* k ,n " **" Tra and '■ <*it tjlUO f,i r... A Hi... ii IIAEI.ett A oo_ r ,t land, Haiti.. tnly