Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 05, 1881, Image 8

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    ©!tt (Centre JPettwetnt.
Thursday Morning, May 5, 1881.
Cnaaa*iD!iD**r. rviiUlnln* lui|irtul nawi, ■ >)U II
eel friini ant |aul <•■ Ilia lounly. No loiiiiiiiiulr .H. i,
lunar toil uiili-w aceoM|MUlMl l>y llio roal iiauio ~f i|„.
Democratic County Committee.
Tho following pontons have boon named
as members of iho Democratic County
Committee for 18H1.
Btllofont*, W. W IflcbolM RcddJnr
DrUi-ront*. N W... Chart** irlr.
Hrllrtuntr, 8. W..***. K<l**rU Bruwn. Jr.
MilraburM O. T. KrsMner,
Mlllhnm D. L. Z*rl*.
i'alonrtll* A. Toner ]L*thirs. 1
Howard Usorvs W lit i.
Phlllpburg A. J. Orabaro.
Bsonrr y Roan.
Dogg* Jam** A MrClain.
Burmmlr Ow*r llult
Curtlo John Mrt'loskry.
Got toga Hwllorf.
ftergiMuu. old John T. MoConnick.
P*rgiton, Mil* Silkw.
Greffg, uuuUi Kd. Kmmrtac.
north Jam** Duck.
lUifuiivo John Wrd.
llain** Sobmon Kttlinger.
lUrrts - J ' l "* A- Hupi>.
Howard —... Jhn A iMinklf.
Ilufton - llenry Hal*.
Liberty. W. 11. (rardtitr.
Marlon - Hrrry Cond.
Mil** * Haotiu'l K Faint.
I'attun John Herd
Lent....— I'brUt Al*uM>d*r.
I'.tli*r, aOCth J'-liu MkUßOtl
pottrr, Miuth Jainea MK'llotlck.
Ruth John Dunln.
Bnow Bhoe Al l •
B|>nujg John Noll.
Taylor William r*M*rwood.
l*iibin - 8. K K<nnrk.
Walker Ami-fiat' M Mullen.
Worth Mirh*ll l.**i*
I' (ill W MKKK.
Bdl*ft>nta, Pa.. Feb. I. Chairman
REMOVAL. —Wo desire our friends to
notice that tho office of the CENTRE DEM
OCRAT h? been removed from the Buh
House Block to the building on the North
"West corner of Allegheny and Bishop
streets. Ofliie on tho second fhor ; en
trance on Allegheny street. We have
pleasant quarters and will be pleased to 1
have friends and patrons call to see us. j
NOTICE.—I call the attention of the j
public to the fact that I again have my !
office in the parlors of the old Conrad !
House, just opposite the Brockerhoff House,
where 1 shall be gUd to meet with ali
persons having legal business to he attend
ed to. D F. FORTNEY.
fesor Henry Meyer lost a pocket book j
in Bellefon'.o on Tuesday evening, May
."SJ, containing from fifteen to twenty dol
larsin money and a due bill for five dollars j
against Ilcnry Dutwiler. A reward o! j
fivedul'.ars will ba paid to tho finder upon j
the return ol the same with contents to j
Judge Samuel Franek of Rebersl urg, or
to the office of the CENTRE DEMOC RAT.
Local -Department.
—M ty-l!w*r* wltn May rota**
To d;iv* AWIT all April'* audit***,
Th* p*fh bod i;!oiv* t th* wild born*
And bright fluwert watelu grirrfut g'ln**
May, the present month, is usually
consi 1 red the most b-.-out.M period of the
—Strangers in town can be certain of
souring a good cigar by purchasing of
Harry Oroen.
—lf the rule in regard to the "survival j
cf the fittest" is true the Philadelphia j
Branch will last forever.
Tho man is yet to be discovered who ;
does not think that Harry Owen's cigars
are as near perfection a possible.
Mr. J. C. Miller, of tho "Model
Bookstore," has accepted a position in the 1
service of the Bellefonlo Car Works.
Patronise the business establishments
that advertise, of which the Philadelphia | ,
Branch clothing store is quite prominent.
—A handsome and substantial new ;
liardwalk has recently been laid around ' i
the residence occupied* by Mr. W. E. j'
Burchfleld, on Allegheny street.
—A change of weather moan: a change |
of clothes. Gentlemen can purchase all 1
the necessary articles at tho Philadelphia I
Branch. • ,
Bavarian and Bohemian beers surpass '<'
any malt liquors ever before offered to the '
public. These sparkling drinks tan be
had on draft at Brown Bros., Butts House. ! 1
Mr. George P. Bible, of Milesburg, :
who has won an enviable fame as an clocu- ,
tionist, departed lost week to New Balti
more, Ohio, where hv will give lessons in
elocution during the summer, returning 1
again to Milesburg next fall.
—Every bottle of Green's Compound
Hyrup of Tar, Honey nnd Bloodroot is
supplied with a patent cork screw, which,
besides being a great convenience, prevents '
the breaking of tho cork and the conse
quent deterioration of the medicine.
Mr. W. W. Hayes, of Washington, J
father of Mrs. J. W. Gephart, of this place,
spent a fow days in Bellsfonte last week.
He attended Miss Ohnmacbl's concert on
Tuesday night and pronounced the Belle- !
font* Orchestra equal to similar organize- |
lions in the large cities.
—The effect of reviving industries are
already visible in Bollefonte. Numerous j
strange faces have appeared upon the |
streets. All good, honest people who I
come to town are welcome and are hereby 1
informed that the very best gooeeriee can
be constantly procured at Hechler A Co's I
store in the Bush House block.
—A large assortment of new and im- |
proves! machinery is being put in the grist
mill Ojerated by Mr. Thomas Reynolds, '
materially enlarging the capacity of the
establishment. Mr. Lukonbach, lately of
Millheim, one of the best practical millers
in the Bute, will be in charge, and with
the new Improvements and this gentleman
to run tho mill tho work given to the
market should not be surpassed anywhere.
—Tho clothing sold at the Philadelphia
Branch is as well made a* that nianufac- i
lured by any tailor.
—Brown Bros, aro making n specialty
of new whiskies never before off-rod in
Bellefonlo, such s "Golden Rule ~f the
People," "Uannisvllle" and "Dougle rty."
—lt is a pleasuro to stale that the con
dition of Dr. J. M. Bush,of Paiion town
ship, who was so seriously Injured lust J
week by being thrown from his buggy, ,
was so much improved as to justify his i
removal to his home on last Saturday.
We hope soon to hear of his entire restr- J
—Court opened on Monday morning '
with Judge* Mayer and Franek upon the |
bench. Judge Mayer held court during '
the duy, delivering the charge to the jury 1
in the case of Witiner vs. Kephart late in
tho evening. He was then obliged to go I
to Lock Haven to attend the funeral ut '
his sister-in-law, Mrs. Henrietta Mayer, ,
which took placo on Tuesday afternoon. ,
Tho deceased lady was the widow of Alex- '
under Mayer who died some years ago.
—Many newspapers aro already Hl! vcr- 1
Using the total eclipse of the moon which i
will take placo on tho 11th of June. It is |
rather premature to allude to that as poo- j
pie will forget all about it la-fore the oe- |
currenco. Everybody should remember,
however, that their is at least one instilu- 1
tion which cannot be eclipsed, and that is
the store of Sechler A Co., of this place, i
Nothing can hide the fm t from tin- people '
that it is the best grocery in Centre county.
—Congressman Henry Walker, of Wil- i
liamspori, has erected a costly monument
over the grave of a pet dog at that place. '
Although very few people can aff rd to HI- '
dulge in such elegant eccentricities a '
marking tin- gravi-s of d--j -tried d-'gs. in
such a ple..did manner, nil can greatly
benefit themselves by purchasing their :
groceries at the store of S. A. Brew A
Son, and by so doing they will show wis' j
d-un and good common sense.
—The advcrlls-m-nt of the flrtn of
Mes-rs. Gordon A Landis appear n th
fourth page uf this issue. Although the j
firm was organized but a short time ago !
' ls career has been one of almost unex- j
| ampled prosperity. They deal in all kinds
| of machinery, making a specially of farm
j implements. They have recently boon
I making extenivo alterations and improve
! mcnts in their businc-s headquarters l
better accommodate their increasing Ira jo
All persons desiring to purchase machinery
should consult these experienced gentle
men. j
lmprovement is the order of th" day
at the Brockerhoff House. This week a
splendid lot of new furniture has been put
into the house, nnd the floors of th-- par
lors, ball* and chambers will ail be re
covered with handsome brussels carpet
I When the improvements now under way
are fully completed this favorite bouse
will be one of the most attractive stopping
; places to be found anywhere in the int-ri
j <<r of the Htate. Messrs. Brockerhoff A
1 McKecver deserve credit for their endeav
ors to keep up with the times. They evi
dently "know how to keep a hotel."
—Our Clearfield county contemporary,
the ' lterola KrrrtlU ami II ,u< iaU />Aoes,
contained in it* last issue a notice of
of the principal business establishments of
Houfzdale. It alludes to the jewelry store
of Mr. C. A. Lindner, formerly of B-dle
fonte, in the following language:
1.1 refering briefly to this establishment,
we feel confident that we will be in perfect
accord with our many readers, at this
house has ai ways been conducted on cor
feet business principles since its commence- '
nu-nt lat August.
Mr. Lindey is an experienced workman
and business man of honor and integrity, j
who keeps in stork at all times a full al.<i
complete line of watches, clocks, j'-welry,
and silverware sets, and gives particular
attention to the repairing of clocks, and
guarantees his workmanship to las equal to :
snv in the city.
Located on Hannah street, opposite Hi. ,
Cloud Hotel, this gentleman a-ks but a
fair trial and rompari-on of go.xl and
prices to convince all that it will be of 1
advantage to do business with him.
How "in the midst of lifo we are in
death!" From the Lock Haven Daily
Journal, of last Monday, wo take the fol
lowing notice of the death of one who
will be remembered by many person* In
Bellefonte. The deceased was a nephew
of Mrs. Judge Grvis nnd just one week
before his sudden death he made one
of that joyous throng who filled the
pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Orvis
upon the 'Joth anniversary of their mar
riage. "Frank, youngest child of Judge
George C- nnd Roxnnna Harvey, died
' Saturday nt one o'clock, in his twenty
second year. Franks, a, he was known
] in the home circle, had been a cripple all
| through life, and suffered many bodily af
, dictions. Notwithstanding this, be was
! the light of the household-always cheer
ful and entertaining. His mind was strong,
1 and he delighted to talk to his friends
about events of the day. On the day pre
j vlous to his death a noticeable change—
j for tho worse—came over him, and he
I seemed to lose interest in the little things
of lifo. tie continued in that condition
1 until .Saturday when, at one o'clock he
1 passed peacefully away without a struggle,
| attended by his mother and two of his sis
ters-" The funeral service* were held
! at the family home In Lock Mavtn, on
j Monday, at ono o'clock p. u., and the re
- mains of the deceased w -ro then taken to
. i Sa'ona, Clinton county, for interment.
Kx-Clov. WILLIAM BIOLRR.— At the
session of the Stulo Benatii held on Wed
nesday afternoon <>f iu*t week, the *|>eciKl
order WH the consideration of the follow
ing preamble and resolutions of res|H-ct to
the memory and public services of the lau-
Kx-Gov. William Biglcr, which were re
ported from the committee by Senator
"WIIKIIXAS, There ha- Icon communi
cated to the Legislature ol Pennsylvania
the melancholy intelligence of the death
of thw lion. William Biglcr who, whether
in eminent official station or in the pur
suit* of private life, served with distin
guished usefulness and enjoyed the re*|iect
and confidence of his fcilu-v cili/.uli*,
Anil i rhrrrn, It i* highly appropriate
thai ibu just tribute due to excelhucies ol
character *•< conspicuous and labor* in be
bail of the common grx.nl so manifold anil
meritorious should have a recognition and
record commensurate with their enduring
And whtrtaa. A* well in thu chair of
the presiding officer of the Senate of this
Commonwealth during the session of 1843
and IMII, as while silting a* the eh lei
magistrate of Pennsylvania for the term
embracing the years iHolf, IH.Vi and 1854,
or a* Senator in the Congress of the
United Stale* from 1H55 to |Hf,o, inclusive,
his earner wa. one of unriuc- ioned purity,
ability and p-xlriotism ; llieri lore,
/fssofter/, That while w p rpctuate by
tills testimonial our exaltr-rl iwlllnale of tin
pr-rsonal attribute, and publix dignity ol
tins illustrious citi/.-n, we but gi - •• embodi
ment to the s- istini"ist tit admii ition lor
hi- unsullied life and sorrow for bis dentil
which prevail* throughout the .Slate w here
he was so entirely tru*tri and lioiiornl.
Rrvdml, That in the death of Governor
Bigler this whole nation has reason to
mourn the In** of a statesman of thoiiglilful
and comprehensive eonvit-lioiis and a pa
triot whose devotion to in. country Wii
not liiuilid within tlie bound* of speciu
■>r *egregai-.l interest*, iuit was a* brosrl
a Hi" demands and well being of a great |
p- -pie, and the most signal annum ceife-ril
of In- sincerity mel ib-votioii to tn eo-.mtry
and her j.rop. nty i found in the foot ilia
ami,l strib and contention and bemilalton
r-l.ewliere, t* i * own alb-giaii'e toot vuh
unfaltering ;rer glh, an t It uld r. uiu. ■
no Iretter or bright'r d—'.iny tlian tliat
which should dl-'doso it - If in the progr-v*
and stiilulitv of our govcrriui' iil and un
divided I'nion.
/{rsofrr-.f, That a copy < 1 th"*e preamble
and resolutions, suitably '-ngr 1 and :
signed by til- pr—id n". the Senate, the
sp-'sk'-r tif ti,.. Bag u prweptatii -
an I bis ex. .dlere y tin- (i 'Vernor of lln-
Commonwealth, beconv -yed to the wid -w
of the deceased "
Speecbr-s in eulogy of til" dn-sxtsd p*.
tri >t and statesman were made by Senator'
Alexander, Lavrsoi Hall, Jon -, Smiley,
S-hnalterly, Laird, Sill nrel Hv-rbsrl
The address delivered by Senator Alexan
der, einli .lying a full biographical sketch
of G .v, Bigler, i regarded by th.-M- wl,--
loci the pleasure of hearing it a* n v.-ry
able, elorju'-iil and int'-r ting pr<-Ju< lion.
We |lO|m> to lav it before the reader* • f
the DFMOVIVAT a' na* it aj.p'-ar* in th--
/.S7l ilnlirf /.'• tril We know they Will
read it w.lh profit and pleasure.
Mat WiAtan —Vnaw l ! pnphMifii
for the month "f .May are given In-low
In consult'ug th'-rn, however, our r
should reinom!" r th-xt it May < ;rj-i-i •
he pre-iicli and th -n again it May : t
Although he i< oft n correct, his proj (1-
ecie* are not infallible, ill- sax - :
Toward* the end of the tir.t week in
M ay, or about th r*!h i'd ' li liner isltr
may be looked ' r in th- ' 0 •p: .vir,' ••
of t'anada. Tie v, ill !*••, in all proba
bility be <now I • thr- ig'i -■ . it and |
the Si Lawri-n . .tret a- ■ . -. 7;
and klh. Aft'-r 111 • Itllh ■: Max ti w
ever, h"t Weath'-r ir. i-. t • ■ x I. an
after the |."th b i-ti fir - will pro vsblv
break out ill lerlaiu Ulstncl*. although
thund'-r st'-mi* SO- a -O probabie on It.
I—th and 1 1. ■' : .• '. I. 411
th'-re will pr ,:.. >1 . th.,
with rain*, an ! " g-( x :-n v li - v ad
vanced l • i 1 r.i be the ' f
month. II wa . the go . • ti
weather will prol.x • v b*ced. T monih
will end hot and • 1 try.
I>r.ATii or AN Ar.rti Lah We learn
that Mrs. t'hristin- llu der of Il .' l. r*. I
burg, died at that place on Baturday la>l, !
and was burie-l on >l->n!ay. Mr- It abler
wm about eighty year* of age, and w**,
we believe, <1 ring the entire period of her
long lif-i a ri-siJent of Centra rounty
Shu was the wifo of the late Tbomar
Habler, who livr-d many years in Haines .
township, about four rnib-* east of Aaron*-
burg, at the farm and hotel stand known
as liubler'* Place, at present owned by
Mr. Henry Fcidlcr. Some years aft-r thr
death of her husband sh" removed to
Hublersburg, with her son and daughter.
The maiden name of this venerable lady
xvas Christina Weaver. Hhe was a sister
of the late Mrs. Henry Bower, Thomas,
Michael and George Weaver, all of whom
x*ere highly respected residents of Haines
A Gnajsn 8oLrlKlu• Rxtrvto*.—Sol
dier* of the late war residing in the coun
ties of Lycoming, Centre, Potter, Tioga
and Bradford are requested to send dele
gate*—one or two from each organixation
—to meet at the Court House in Wellsboro
at four o'clock r. M., May fiOtb, 1881, to
make necessary arrangement* for a gen
eral reunion of soldier* of the counties
named at a llmo and place there to be
Col. A E. Nile*, Ist r'fle*, chairman.
Capt. Wm Chac. 46th Pa. Vet. vol*.
Maj. O. W. Merrtrk, 6th Pa. reserve*.
Capt, A. B. Ilorton, IHtth la. vols,
G-n. It C. Co*, 207 th Pa vols,
Wm. Hoagland, 7th Pa. cavalry.
I). 11. Belcher, 461h Pa. volt.
The above call 1* issued In pursuance of
a resolution adopted at a meeting of the
•oldiorsof the 45th Pa. veteran volunteers,
held in January last, when the above
named persons were appointed a committee
to take preliminary action by calling such
convention. I). U. bILCUxx,
—No use looking for better goods than
those sold nt the Philadelphia Branch—
you can't find them.
Philadelphia I'm* fa recent dale cm
tHineil the following Article upon the right
of it tenant to remove improvement* that
he may make fur hie own comfort or con
venience upon property which be occupies.
A* the urlicle limy he of intercut t<< both
owner# and tenant* we reproduce it;
Tenant* of HII improving disposition are
often deterred from making their home* a*
comfortable a- they could desire and are
utile to iiiuke tile-11l for fear f benefiting
their landlord* or lUMi-muri more than
them Helve*, I'aintilig, papering and re.
pairing of tin- house and improvement* of
llie giouiol* are obviou-ly of a pi rmaneiil
nature and cannot benefit any one hut the
occupant of the premies*#. Should a ten
ant see lit to incur expenses for tin—e thing*
he can claim no recompense, if, at the ex
piration of til* learn, he i unwilling or |
unaiile to renew it There are, however, I
inaiiy improvement* that formerly would
have been held to inure to the benefit ol
the landlord, but which more modern de.
vision* permit the tenant to take up and
carry away with hi* other household goial*.
The old law and judicial construction
favored land and land owner*, and every
thing that wa directly or constructively
attached to the soli wa* hold to belong to
the owner of the fee and not removable hy
lic- tenant tbougli plae. <J there by him 1
solely for liia own convi ni. rice. Although
the iaw has been little changed in till* re
sped the views o| judges have been prai - '
tii-ally reversed. The tend ncy of all re.
ce|,t decisions is to allow a V nanl to re
move everything rem xveble wbii h lie
add* I" the tenantry, tin:. ■ • lie himself in
tended it to he pi rinaticnt. Houses a*e
usually considered as realty, and every- ,
tiling attm heil, a- p itches, window blinds
and undies, water s|*eit ntei lightning
r..ds, g.. with Ihein. Tile ga- pipes whieli
convey the g*. from lh" street an 1 ills,
tribute it throughout lit- house are in the
sain category, lull the ga- fixture*, though
scri wed arid i menled to the gas tltlings,
.in- held to In- of the yaiiin nature a the
old lasj.j, • • . „[. lie.lief., ai,d. therefore
personal property. Th.s has long ie-en
held to le- the law a* regard* tenant*.
Ttu-y may put what gi* fixture* they
please in a house and take them away
again with their k- r a,-no iaiflfss and Other
illuminating apparatus. Recently Judge
Thayer ili-cid'- l that this w-as go al Inw lor
the landlord as well a for tin- tenant, and
that therefore the g* fixture* do hot in-..--
essatiiy p-s with the sale of the house,
ie>r are they covered l-y u mortgage on the
As a general rule, whatever a tenant
p it* int'i a dwelling - r ere. t* on the i rem.
is-, f rh: own c'-mfort, without the in
tention to ja-rmanently annex it, he may
remove a*, any time h fore the expiration
of Ins Ira-e. This would include sue),
tilings n< • uple-srds, shelves, eonliillil, and
even a stair any hr.i been held t-i le- with
in th. ril le. All trade fixture* and l< mp. -
r iry structure., whether frame <>r brn k.
and without regard to th-ir i? -, may (•■
taken down and carried off t*y the tenant
who er.-ct'-d l o-ui. Kven nd* -iling-houe
h not a patt of the r-altv it the right to
r< more it i* referred. All the landlord .
c.iii 1-gltliioiUlv demand i- to have in* ,
pr. p'-rty !■ r ! t - hi- | o.<-n >n in a
g ..l order a* it wa* re "tved by the ten
ant, ordinary *sr and tear except*i. j
Whatever th>- tenant p-lts in of a movable j
• ,-ilure he may take away, hut hi* I arjsen- j
n-r work mu*t t>" injure or permanently
■ Iter the property. *\ll the decisions ton
cur that th'*se removal* of improvement*
and fixture* mut be made within the term
f tie It*■•. It the tenant nitl until i
hi* |s *e h*- expir-I the land and all that
i* on it except the t urelv personal prop, r '
x of the teiiar.t revert* to th" landlord.
Srmxe Mit.l.a ITKM*.—Stm<- my lAM '
c iiunnnicalion nothing sj ecial or notc
w rthy ha* incurred to disturb the har
m nr or je-a. -of our railroad iitv. Th
ex ~em-nt over the r.duiti.-n of prtc by !
the tt -w mrchanu ha- sub-id- d, the other 1
• • .re ecjr* baring cut down price* <or
re. je.ridingly, Th - house* are all fuli and
■ x'-al faniilie. are leaning f-.r want of a
piai to move to. You will no doubt
w -nd-r why some of our enterprising men .
d - n->t put up ome h. .:■(-# to rent ; hut the 1
uncertainty of thi# place remaining a rail
re.el terminus for any length of time is the
c ief reason. After the railroad i* com- ;
plated sevetal familie* living here will >•
necessitated to remove t<s eitlxh Lewis
burg or Ty rone.
Prof. Wolfs Academy is flourishing,
the number of student* being up to that ,
of former terms.
Prof. liitner is running a select school
at Center Hall. Big A, little a, ron
Aaron) Itunkle is assisting him.
Mi* Minnich i* b aching a subscrip- !
lion school at the Mill*. Can any of your 1
professional reader* tell to what language
the la*t eb-mentary sound of thi* lady * i
name belong*? It i* not found in the
English table of elementary sounds.
TAR/.ET PRACTICE.—The gallant boy*
of Company B, sth Kegimcnt, made their
t.-cond effort at rifle shooting at the fa r
grounds on lat Saturday afternoon. Tie
score of this trial shows a vast improve
ment over the first score made by the
Company a few xscek* ago. At the fir*t
trial the score (18 persons shooting) was
but 98 out of a possible 4uo. At the trial
on last Saturday the score sum* up (Iff ju-r
--sons shooting) 22fi out of a possible 400.
It will be observed that the battle-scared
veteran, Van Pelt, cartied off the honor*
of the day, scoring 21 out of a possible 25.
We trust that Van will wear hi* laurels
modestly. The following i the score in
detail :
Cleissinger 0 4 4 4 4—lo
Sunday - 218 1 2—l ft
McMullen 2 3 3 3 4-16
Power* 2 3 4 8 B—l6
Hehroeder 2 8 4 4 3—lß
Van Pelt - 3 * * ft 3-5H
- 4 2 4 2 2—14
Wolf - 4 8 4 4 B—lß
Miller rO2 3r— 6
Gahret - 4 8 4 3 2—lft
Weight - 0 0 0 0 It— 0
Phillip* - 022 8 2 9
Owner 8 3 3 4
Hale (Lieut) 8 6 3 3 B—l7
Mullen (Capl) 8 8 4 4 2—lft
—Senator 0. T. Alexander paid his usual
visit to town lort Saturday.
KLKCTIOM or A Covsrr HrrrKivTr.*u-
KRT l'Ror. Wol.r TAKKH Til K PRIXR.— <
Pursuant to public notice the school di- 1
rectors of the various school districU of
( oiitrii county, met in convention at the j '
• "iirl house in Ib-llx fonte, on Tuesday last ,
for the purpose of electing a County Su- ,
perinU-ndcnt for the i-nsuing three years. I
The convention wa# called to order at 1
0 1 lock I*. xi., by superintendent .Meyer, 1
when upon a motion duly seconded, John .
A. Mull, Esq., of Hush township, wa*
unanimously elected President of the Con
vention, and W. C. H'-inle and A Lukcn
bai h, E-fj.., Becri tarics.
The Secretariis were directed Us call
over the list of directors, and the following
responded to their names :
Belle fonte—John Hoff.-r, W. C Heinle, ,
J P. Harrif, C M Bowar, B, D, Gray,
James Si hoflcnl, ii. It. i'ontius, Jared
B'-nner township—Uriah Stover, Ferdi
nand It.- A'-r, Frod'k Uouseal, lie/e.-kiah
Hoy, 11. Armagast.
Hogg* towiisliip—J. S. Proudfoot, Chas.
M' L.iughlin, \1 niisin Sliawb-x, Malioa*
College Township—A W Dale. J. 1* .
M'*ofe, Wm M'Girk, W Sliowulter
Cur tin township-—Conrad Sing, r, Wm.
Lin as, Peter liobb.
I', rgu-oii township f). 11. Young, <>
M Sh.* U, It. li. Brett, Daxi i Miller.
Gregg township—S. J Herring, J. It.
U'-cktuau, Km!. E- it.--, Dwiio-t Weaver,
liaine* township—L 1) Kurt/.
Half .Mom, township—Jeremiah Way,
W 111. I. Wilson, Dam lie* k.
Harris Township J i! Meters, D P.
W .-.land, Jxine* K import, Jaioe* G-man.
11 .xxarl to a i,.., ij. • James T.rnei, D
P. Fletcher. James K Leathers Dst •
.-xeb'-nik.J it L'-ath'-rs, fsert I! Li'as.
Howard borough—ll. (.' Holier, H. A
Huston township—W. S Wiliiain*. 11
G < roni--. r Jo.in Gingriih, J. M es,
Mi •A .0 vat,lb r.
Liberty town-hip >. il nun J I).
Tie-nip on, il. A Biiyil-r, John Sb'-tn
Marlon lownahip—Perry Con do, B. 11.
Bei,t,|.oii. (. S. II v,<t P. Grr, J. Bpaxd.
J J Hox.
Mib* township *J. Cs Bwiull, s K
Faust, A Mlia Onunloy, Hswica Brum. '
g*rd 11-1 ry Ib-wersox, John Gcker.
Mib-sbnrg It. L Shirk, Joseph Ibtig
- r, Wm Adam*, tie. rg. (ira-,, l! II
Klse, J C P Jones.
M lilheiiu—Thu*. Kranck. A. Luken
(■ -li, , v tj Gut- ii j.. - IJ. M I r, W It
Patton township—W. I. Kurst. John !
Ghainer, John lltim-r, (ii, rgs I) tsreen
Georg. t'lark
Penn townshiji—Jar-.,!, Dutweiler, f-.
W" If -• r, l>. K. Gent■ le, J. Meyer,
Kim* H""v or.
Pott r township—B. 11. Arney, J M !
G biiai.-i, A. K. Alexander, W. A. K.-rr, j
W in. li Ming>
l'hilip-hurg—l)r Thos B. Potter, Hen
ry r-um.rr.
ltu-i towi.-hip—Jno. A. Mull, J. Miles
, Hale. Hugh M.i'snn, Barney Ci yl"
-'1 > S- ■ township—Patrick Kelly, j
J uni'i Wat :i
Spring township—J. 11 Rousb, Henry ,
I! Ik, W. H Noil, Jane-* it Miller, Dav
! id Shearer.
Taylor township—S. It. l'rir.gle. Geo. j
M- rrymao, Bamtlel M over
Union township—H<-nrv II over, Henry
"•pott* George P. Ilall, Dr. J. M. Blair.
Jam- * Dax id-on
Unionvill- Tb"ma J Tayi'-r, A T
L -a\h'-r. J hn Big, Dr C. II Cambridge
; i\ J. McDonald. Dr. K A Huasell
Walk'-r township—l 11. B<-k, W B. j
SbaflVr, David DunhU-, l'et'-r Hockman, j
Jesse Bwartx, Isaiah Strulo"
Worth township—A. W. lt'-e'e. Jacob )
J Wisodring, James Grday.
The President next announced that he j
1 w.-xs ready Us rec-ive the names of can
. didnt'-s fi-r the office of County Bu|icr- \
tiu nd'-t.t, and the following were placed
in nominati on - John Mxwn Duncan, of
the lasro igh of H"ii"fnlr, Prof. Ilsnry
. yer, of Miles t itra ip, Prof I) M
, Wolf, of Gr gg lownsliip, J. C. H -utx, < f
College township, Ibdiert Cambridge, of
I r.i nville, and George W. llumbarger, '
i of Unionville.
The .. nvetiUoa then proceeded to vole.
The name of Mr H<<tilx was withdrawn
aft. r the second ('allot, and there being no
.-hoi. afu-r four ballots had been taken, it
vni sgri 1 d u|>on the motion of Mr. Harris
to drop the name of the lowest ranxlidate
■n each succeeiting ballot until an election
was made. The voting continued until j
i the eighth ballot, when the convention 1
wa* narrowed down to a choice between
l'ruf. Wolf and John Mason Duncan i
The result of the ballot was 88 votes for
Wolf snd 69 for iHincan. Prof. Woll |
having received a majority of all the j
votes was declared duly elected. The usu- |
al certificate* of election were then made j
and signeJ by the officer# and the Conven
tion adjourned * </'. The following
table shows the result of each Itllot;
ttsilets, Irt 4 M tth Ma Oik Tth Sit.
Wisl #• A* ii *3 M M
tiassss v* :w IN 41 41 *4 4 IV
issail-ttilc- ti 2i -i ft *•
>i " ' lf >4
M.,„ 11 li 13 f. 13
ll.t> <• •
—Dr. G. F. Hoop, of rhilipsburg, Pro
fessor M--yer, of Reisers burg, Henry O.
Cronister, of Huston, Conrad Binger of
Curlin, John Ovldren, of Gregg, D. F.
Ltt*e, of Potter, Henry Duck, of Penn,
Hugh McCann, of Hush, and P. J. Mc-
Donald, of Unionville, were among the
callers at tho DEMOCRAT office this week.
Son's Boot and Sho Store, on Bisbop-st.,
one thousand dollars' worth of those ele
gant boot* and show, the remains of the
City noot and Shoe Store, are offered for
sale at cost in lot* or by tho pair. This
offer will continue during the April court,
and presents a rare chance for cash buy
er* of which they should not fail to take
advantage. _ _ 1"-2 l.
AnvxßTiatßO CHEAT#.—It has become
so common to write the beginning of aa
elegant, interesting article and then ron
It into some advertisement that wo avoid
all such cheat* and simply call attention
to the merit* of Hop Hitler* in as plain
honest terms as possible, to induce people
to give them one trial, as no one wbo
knows their value will ever use anything
*♦. _ x - •
COURT pRocKRDIMGa. Th fs/llowing
caaea were di*|>*s-d of hut wes-k after we
went to pre** by Orvb, A. I. J.
11. C. VV 11)inTn• **. p. U, Wilton'* Kx
ecutor. Verdict for plaintiff forflGl.
Commonw.-hiu, vt . j,. p,,k. lornicß
ti.n and batlardy. True bill. A 'ol pro*
entered on payment of coat*.
Commonwealth **. Minnie Grey et al.
Keeping bawdy boute. True bill. !><;-
fi-r.'lnnt* plead guilty
Common wealth v" John Manly and **
JUIIJC* Meyer Vagrancy. True kill.
Sot pro* entered for want of evidence.
Common wealth v*. J. A. J. rugate. Cut
ting line tree*, frue bill. Sol pros en
tered on payment of coat*. i
Common vcitltb t*. N'lton Luc a* Vio
lation of Kiah law. True bill. Defen- ♦
dent plead* guilty.
CommonwcaltL vi. Philip William*.
Cutting timber tree*. True bill. Sol
proK entered on payment of corta
Common wealth j. (J. Aurnan. I*ar
ceny. \ erdict, not guilty.
'I lie cans of Common wealth v. J. C
Auman, for receiving tol*n good* and
lari eny, wa* a caws tnat excited in ore than
umibl inb-re*t. li wn* a caws in which
their wa* room for fair dopulc. No
doul.t the attorney*f,,r tiie Comin..n wealth,
Dintrn-t Attorney Heinle and Mr. Bower,
both thought and firmly bells ved that the
defen Janl wa- guilty, while Mr Spangler
jut a* fl*ni!y be.iev.-i hi* client, the de
fendant, wa* not guilty, and wa* aleo toss
(e*jr to tai-<- the mean* to produce hi- wit
rii-***-* in court. Spangier knew thi* and
ut this aania tune tiad the totlimony of
an alleged lUCompllS-e t#i over. . me. But
what rnasis; it Kp|-ar v,s.r* for the defen
slant, the ■*• *( te-ing very well iro-d on
the part of the C' mir.onw.-auh. and ju*t at
the o|irning sif the ds-fs-i-.**-, Mr. Spang*
|er wa* s.l, o-d to i- ave the -..-aridl> K.
P'srtney, K I)-tn-t Att rissy wa* *ked
u labs- hi* place. Mr. Kortney from
thi* ■ nt the s-nd sif ths- trial took
charge of it. The fas t that h's came
into tl.s- < ■*<• at tiie middle of the trial,
no d t i tiirssw K -rins-y *>t* hi* metal
an I the trial frs*m the tuns- bs- took ibarg'-
s.t it wa* conducted in a careful. sautou*
u.ann-r, 10-ing tigist *f 10 psont* that
d make *irong the |#**itii n that the
d'i'-l 'Jalit wa* al al.s ther | la. " al ti.e time
ths- . rim.- wa* c-.turnittssd. The argument
•na s.:. tt.s part '•( Um defrflM wa, it 1
*o, n.i to be agri-'d on *ll hnr.d*, one of
tb<- .lr->r,g. -t made in ds f-n*eot * priwncr
(or a long while. I.kbs.ring under the di*-
ad vantage of h'-arii.g <nlt part < f ;!. ta*e,
(.*• e-tij*d, i:otwith*tai.ding, t - compro*
hs rid ftiily the je*eill*-r: ol the Common
wealth, ai. si bit i.-'t'db-g un*aid that
would aid in clearii ■ i#c)-.j,t. Tn jurv
rs turnesl a verdict lost guiity.
nr.*siHt or THE iiKam. JURY.
Tbi* Grand lnque*t r.-pet t!uily report
that we have in*|-*.tid the pubic building*
of lbs* county and find that one panel of
(s i -in r.-ar of C irt li ut* need* r>-pair*
ing The frs-nt yard ■ ! the Court ii.,u*e
-bould be roan in gra**. * * * The
. <-".ir underns-ath trie j.,i| i* in a vtry
filthy condili' n *nsi w>- ftt i the regi*ter in
hali of jaii miming. Firat ceil t<> right of
s-ritrance door i* out of repair and eis*o
-b'-sl* in the jail yard might facilitate the
| t-KBjMs of |.ri*wher*
*Rs OS D w r.I.K.
('.•urt called M-nJav morning. M*y 2,
with Hi* Honor C. A Mayer, P J., on
ths- bench. Aft'-r bearing vari< J* motion*
; -in.) petition* court adj. urr.. 0 to B.is-t *; 2
,!•.*, when tins following i are* were di*-
j<s**d of r
Ahram Stewart v. D (5 ltub, Admin
istrator of George Yocum. decea-.-d. Ver
di. • lor plaintiff* for f-oO
Wm. Witmer vt. J. Matt • b K -phvrt.
I*- . i-s- of a tion, Judgment - -pen--d. VerJ
; diet for defendant lor sl7
Court called May 8. at M : ."Vt A. m., Hi*
; li. nor John A. Or via, A L J , on the
! tench.
Davia Henry vs. I*ai. Hruptau i wife,
i cauae of action. .V Ft Si, m.rfyagt.
Verdict for plaintiff lor je'-f >i.('d.
M I) li.witt AJm*. A- ** J,*eph
Tte**lcr. Caun- of action "IVbl." Ver
s*i f.-r plaintiff f-*r ytnOflO.
li-sryi) K. It-sak A Co. va. George M.
lieflitm*. Cau*e sf action " A'mm*lL"
ionlc'scd bv deleitdant in oj-n
, urt for sl7"i l.i
C. Aultnian v* W.J. Jicl.- n "licbt." I
Judgment confs**s.**d in o|s**n court by de-
I f. i dat.l for $.7M7 fD.
Catherine l>ur*t, Exocutrir &-* va.
Win. 1 hompaon* et al. ' '
Plaintitf ruff- r* judgment cf non *sit.
Csunmi-n wealth v*. IJaviJ Kr-amer. ,
1 lisp.i.itson in Lunacy." Judgment ol
non *uit.
I Cline (juiggley v. John MeGm*. "Kject
ment ' Ha* bi-cn tried but the Jury have
not, up to the time of g"s-'ig i 1 J*tc>r, re
turr.i'.l a verdict.
, ■
Mu.BSßrnu, May 3, 1 (**!. J
tot lh iw.tt* f*er-ral
Ma Km sou. —Wo desire, through
your pajser D> let our friend* know that
the fund for the par*otiAge of the Miliw
burg Prcebyteriali church i Hill increaa
ing. One of our lady friend*. Mtaa Julia
A. Morri*, of tbi* place, *s-curiNl from her
friend* twenty-*ix d-dlar* and fifty cent*,
which *be handed to u lat week. Such
energy and Lindner* dc*#rv *pe ml notice,
lleepectfally Your*,
Mr. Jame* William* ha* *evere<l hia
connection with the Boc Hive More*.
—Spring wonlenn now ready. Karly
order* aolicited. Money raved. "• .
Ift-tf MORTOOMKRT* Jt Co., Ta^Mtk
TKEIIRKR-On th* 1-U- Iwrtetsl. ** H.!*i.nr c . Jansti
f—turr, *rH 7# v-as*. a atnnUi* *a4 U Cat-*.
fIART—Oa Aprtl B. *1 WV| Mm. Wa** namt},
iMig* Hr. U"si| iJ*t, le hi* "'ik !*
Mf H**t **<TTS-4 10-ei nrmh V*(lr h. o***' tt
j**r* ll* *• r- n m*k*r I-i tr-i. •*.I Mr. if
Jok* Uulle, ut Mill*. li!l h* *" la nasi*
It Mr Usm* He ** sweat • l*i,-Uj rf nlaa rkaM
rex. r >' in two. lb* *uhj** tof tht* notice, uel Mr*
T*l, are The *arl*.n* e * - * *re g-ur ei.t. r*.
*ll alstsiw*. Hvlna In Rc*h Valley, ni* ly. t*.- a. tea
of Mp>t J.shn Ket • M*. M-* I ~'*r. th* * -m*
J*cel. W -llf, Ih- nvdturr . I P.el W r-ll*. *ll n-.** a(a4
Iseso*: III* T rntlon lill llin( ARE ASISM Gael, al
br*a ll*t*n. In hi# *7th Tew. *4 H'-nns a4 J<4>n
Ct**i. of M .(TiM-nrr. It I* r*fr- lhl * feaslly >r sine
rhlMred will all lire In each a ripe oU APA A* MM**.—
Ol.ll* Hall RrfKsit.r.
FI'RIIRKR—(*a lb# tsth AT Afsrll. la RNAHASATYG
Jas-.I- Prehrer. * ( el 7* paare, A sns*U.< aa4 17 4GR.
JAMI-SSOI —On H* IMH at April, In Gr*seg T-RXDIP,
I*sta N. HalKu. *get Jtsata, It w.-oth* mo 4 t
Administrator's Notice.
XTOTIOE i lierthy given, that )H
--it i** ,il aUasisl*tr*Oe* ,ti th* tatate i"t tutmi
W. ph,4ea*ea. late #f Mttksa tf-an-hle, iVrtr- %
<x*inly. r*. ( l-to he#*l a mated ft, sv ensletaga* f
I aslt* ltatas*4l*l# masal, en.t |*n,a, b*< (au . lata**
aptia-i ih* *M *read alii *<naeal thew J*!.s a
thewtksaleJ fin tattle.*, i.i
R RHftg