Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 05, 1881, Image 4
Ik (Centre ftrraorrat. RELLEPONTE, PA. Tlie Lar|;eat,CkoApoit and BeitPaper PU 14LIHII Kl> IN CENTRE COUNTY. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT is pub rvrry ThurmUy mrtloHi *1 B*llft>nl,( vutr* couutjr, P*. TERM*—Oasbla Si UO If not |H*id In #l*oe#. V? OO A 1.1 V K IMPlSH—d#?otd to the lutrreett of the mhole |)o<i|ile. I'tytuout# made within Uiree month# will be c#* aidorf.l in ndveure. No impor will t* dlacoitinn- d until nrreanifee nre . fald, except at option of publithere. Paper# going oat of the comity inuet be paid for In aKaure. Any peraon procuring q# toneaeh ItUcrlMTi will beaantaoopy free of charge. Our *tfnair circulation niakra thla paper an on naually reliable and profitable medium lufanvprtiiliiif We hate the moat ample farllillee for JOB J <,KK and are prepared to pout all kind# of Book#, Tract#, Programme#, i'>#tcr, Common lal printing, mc.. In the Aueat at vie and at the loweat piaalbleratea. All advortlH.-mri.ta for a 1~. term than three month# Meeata pet line for the ftrat three Ina. rtlona, and . cent# a Hue for ca*h additional luaerOou. Bpecl tl auttcea one-half more. Kditorlal notice# 1". cent# per line. A liberal diacoant la made to pern# adrertlalng by the quarter, half year, or year, aa follows : tc o: - irtct occt ri.B. On* Inrh (or I* llm-s thU typ*) —— O Two inch.* Tliuhi lmli J" ••'I ■*' au.tr let column (or .* turbo#,'.-- 1- *S alf column (or IfMnchea) JilU AJ Aft One column - r Jit I i heal 1" ' Foreign adverticeinenU muat be paol for before in aertioa. escept on yearly contract#,whan haU yearly pay tn out a in advance will be lequlred PoUTtcAL Noticsa, Ift cento |ar line each Uiaertion. Nothing inaorted for leaa than ft" rents. lit .mo Norwaa, In the editorial columns, lft cents per line, each Insertion. Local Notlcij, lu local column#, 10 rents per line. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. From our Regular CorreepemleDt. Wasuinuton, I>. 0.. May 2, ISSI. The Democracy has had so many legis lative defeats during the last two years, while having a majority in both Houses of Congress, that there is more than usual pleasure in recording a victory in the Senate. That victory is already achieved, though it will not he finally announced for some days. The Repub lican Senatorial caucus committee of seven has decided to recommend the consideration in executive session of the Chinese treaties. This breaks the dead- : lock and substantially acknowledges that the Democratic Senators were right in insisting on the transaction of none but executive business at the special session. From the consideration of treaties to the consideration of Presi dential nominations will be but a step. The deadlock is broken. There will not bo, of course, an open and final abandonment of the effort to elect offi cers of the Senate, but the result will be the same, tiorbam and Uiddleber ger will be retired until I>ecen>l<er, and will most likely be dropped entirely then. With a view to an adjustment of the difficulties that now surround the situa tion the caucus committee of the Re publicans have called upon the Presi dent to consult his wishes in regard to the nominations now pending before the Senate. The President decided one point about which there will be no mis take—that is, that he is not to be bull dozed by Senator Conkling. The com mittee informed the President that Senator Conkling had given them to understand that he (Mr. Conkling) j cared nothing for a continuance of the deadlock on his own account, but bad promoted it so far as the New York Collectorship in question was concern ed merely in diferenre to the wishes ol his New York constituents, who believed that the delay would result in a with drawal of Judge Robertsod's nomination, which they earnestly desired tn the inter esls of party harmony. The committee thereu|>on asked the President whether it would be embarrassing to him to ; withdraw this nomination and have all the rest of the nominal io is promptly confirmed. President Harlield, in re ply, said with emphasis that no such proposition could bo entertained and thus the conference ended. A great •leul of good advice ought to be given to Democratic Senators at this time, by the people of the States represented by them 'The best of the advice can he put in few words. It is to vote for the confirmation of all proper persons nom inated by the President for office. I do not have the least doubt whatever that the President deserves etrnestly to appoint the beat men to office. He wishes of course to select Republicans, and there can he no objection to that, unlets he .hall select some men .special ; |jr obnoxious to Democrata—such a man for instanco as William E. Chandler—l can see no party or public benefit in voting against his nominees. Bargains ol various kinds wiil be proposed— have been proposed—by .Senator Conklirtg's friends, by which, fur votes against Robertson, help could he secured in de feating unworthy nominations in the South. But there will be few if any, unworthy nomination*. The President is seeking advice in all hia southern nominations from persons to give advice. To join Conkling in bis fight against the President, at this time, would be, it seems to me, not only bad in policy, but indecent. President Oar fn-ld has shown, and is showing a better fading toward the Southern people i than any recent President has shown. The New York papers say that Sec- SLiifet;, ik&ikizmM retary Windom has succeeded beyond expectation in hia refunding operations. That fact is not of record at the I reas ury. So fin- the aeception* of a .11 per cent, bond in place of the called six per cent, bonds do not represent forty mil lions. The whole amount called was one hundred and ninety two millions. But the Secretary is confident, and it is said at the Department, is -already pre paring proposals for a similar extension of the five per cents, redeemable this summer. There is now no doubt what ever that Congress will pass early in its next session a throe per cent, funding bill. The action of the Secretary in is suing a bond bearing a larger interest may be "condoned" but the bond will not be allowed to become a lusting por tion of the government's indebtedness. I hi.*. GENERAL NEWS. "Light-Horse Harry" I-ee captured Fort Dieadnnught, S. C., on May 21, 1781. t>n the coming centennial of the event the Continental victory will be celebrated by local parades and speech making. The tireat Council of Pennsylvania, Improved Order of Red men, will hold its annual session in Music Hall, Nor ristown, this year, commencing on Tuesday. May 10, and continuing three or four days. Congressman Frmentrout, of Read ing. has made arrsngements for an ex cursion trip to Furope this summer and expects to leave on May 12. The party which will accompany him consists of persons resident in Kt-uduig, Lancaster ami vicinity. The roof of the Jackson House. Hun tingdon. Pa., whs damaged by tire on <i<>od Friday 1*70; it was again damag ed by fire on tiood Friday, 18*0. and on Hood Friday, 1881, it was entirely consumed. A very remarkable coirici donee. An Indiana woman has just killed twenty snakes which she found on one spot enjoying the warm sunshine. If Adam bad only had that kind of it wife! But somehow the Harden of i Eden bad to be placed on the wrong side of the Indiana line, and thing got mixed. Mrs. Ebergood, of Reading, ha* so much trouble with lier eleven -year-old I daughter that she lodged information against her, charging her with vagrancy and being incorrigible. An effort will t>e made to send her to the House ol Reluge. The girl absents hersell from home for several weeks at a time and is met at all hours of the night on the street*. The Ex-Empress Eugenie, the former queen of fa-diion and central attraction of Europe, has been obliged to leave her home in Camden Place, near ten don, because the unsympmtbii'ng owne. of an adjacent field decline I to sell h a small plot of ground, which she de sired to become her grave, so that she might ret beside the dust of hrr son and husband. Matthew Rhoda, a deaf citizen ot 1 Allentown, had just stepped on the rail of the L'-high Valley track to cross n on Thursdny when an engine came - along. As the cow-catcher touched hi* leg* he threw himself over it and was tossed on the other side of the track. His presence of mind alone saved him. He was badly bruised, but not seriously injured. The total loss of property by the flood on the Missouri River and it- i tributar.es l-etween Sioux Citv and Bi msrek is estimated at $2 500.000. lie- - low Sioux City, including the damage done at i tmaha. Council Bluff-, K n-•- City, and the great overflows on both sides of the Miouri between these cities and St. Lotii*. the nmount of he is computed at $1,500,000. In the U.S. District Court at lUlti mire, a verdict has been given for 759.17 in favcrof Lawrence Johnson, of Philadelphia,against Millmine, Rodman A >)., of Baltimore, for failure to deliver 1 corn which hsd been purchased from defendants by plaintiff ami which ne I ceisitatcd the purchase of other corn ' on a rising murKei, for which the plain t.ff had to pay the above amount in ex ce-s of the contract price agreed u|>on with defendants. The nominations sent to the Senate by the President and which have not yet been acted upon aggregate 217. I'hey nre classified as follows ; Judi cial, 4 ; diplomatic, fi ; consuls, )I; army officers, 14; navy officers, f, ; col lectors of customs, 17; surveyor* of customs, 3; collector* of internal reve nue, H ; United .State* marshal*, 7 ; di* trict attorney*. G; receivers of land office*. 15; registers, 5; Indian agent*. 4; |>o.tmasters, 95 ; miscellaneous, Ifi. Alter having subjected it to numer on* amendment* the State Sen ile last week passed finally a hill designed to prevent the further organization of swindling insurance companies. Every precaution ha* been taken to remove from the bill everything that might be ciinstruded to include within it* opera tion* bern fiend association*. Under the bill no company can procuie a charter unless it has effected Si'IO.OOO of insur ance, two per cent, ol which is requir ed to he paid in. At the State Department nt Harris burg, on last Friday, a charter w-.s granted to the Banker* and Meichania' Telegraph Company, for the purpose of constructing a line front Phildelpliia to Elision, vritis power to make extensions and connections and to construct branches. The charter will give the company the privilege to transect busi ness in any ol the counties of the State. The director* of the Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia have already issued a circular announcing an exhib ition to be held in the months ol No vember and December of this year which is designed to be ol especial itn- Krtanee to American artists. It will limited to painung* in oil and no artist is expected to enter more than two works. Arrangements have been made that will secure a good represen tation of American painters abroad and it is hoped that those n Ivuio will be represented equally well. Whst l r<ardeH s n incipient vol cano has In-oken out on t lie farm ol N'. A. Jitruagin, in tin, southern portion of <'hio county, Kv. 'lay l"t week Mr. Jll in 11 |iin w;,s sttrscleii to the |Uo by noticing gas cnciping from th- earth and he found upon examination that the ground was seemingly on fire. There was a pile of corn sliU' hs over the place, and the heat caused it to ignite. Many persons have visited the spot, and It is a source of great wonder to all. Philadelphia Markets. I'IIII..SKLI'HIA, MV :t, I**l. The mnvsmrntr iii hrciilitiiff* arr llxlit. !• wlnwt l ratlirr In-ltrr. Kiot't lis ats'wdr Ml ftrn®r rntfn. Rvtlw® of ls%r r*>l®. itb'ltidibK MibitfMiU r*tie at 9ft4nft 7ft for low to Iwnrv dtr, ami hi If f|(l it fur itmlubt; Prribnrlvnwiw faamiljr nl 91.7 do.ft.lt•; W.wtPrn do do. t f-'. rfjuft il iMrtrnt® at 9*> kttft>7.76. liys (lour U trsly nt sft/s0 l*r twrrsl. Hit a I*.—Thr-r*- m a 'lrnisr frfJlut In wlis-wt, with Hit ndvAliis* of ly . in nil montlia, but riot mixfe di lilAUd whrff.l f..r*ft|®4. Tits- r|olli{( 'jtlotnti. us vrrrw fl 121'.. bid. fl el M -kfd f'.r No 2 r#*. M-y; fl Idd Mini fl l'.i 4 wnk.d for i 1.., June; $| p. bid and staked for 1!" July, !• •••• bushrh. Jims', mdd •t 91 ,'di.fssi l.nahfb, Il®y, t f I 21. Ilys U sAdj ■ t II Ik lor PwnnwylvabU. Kirrn - t'lorrr ramp-i from W+r. lo 7 1 ■/ .. and rnlw® •inlet. Tlmtdby nlt*rrd Btllefont* Marktii. RtLLtrokTl, May ft, IMI. QtOTATIONf. Whit* wheat, ji*r bunl.rl fold) 1 0G lUtl whi*t (nr®) I His, per buabsl.. —• 90 Cora,cob 4" 1 •h*lle<! A" (laU.. 3ft Plour, r*til, |*r hwrrrl 6 'o Klour, wrhiil*suil*. A 2k ProTlclon Market. Corr*rtd wrs-*kly by lUrpsr Brs-thrrt. Ap|dHi,drtod, f*r twiuod A Chsrrls*. dri*d. |*r poOud, fwlwl l' Hmih p*r qutrl * Pr**h bolter i*r pound 2k i*hlrk*n |*r P"U*d . k |>*r |siiinL IK' fturilM hwma |er jv.uttd 12 Hams,MfM ■ ttfM I It®. MB I p'f p0U54... M ... MMN.HH I't Rrr* |**r h* 12 I'oUJ.ies |wr h(|a)|s>l 7ft Ml 1 b.rf ... Ik .Vcl/* Advertisementa. M - 1 WIARD'S PATENT KKW 1800 SERIK3 Malleable Iron ami Wood Eean Chilled PLOWS ®f f t.T jhr 7 arm< r® of th* • nr.{rjr fir j;,, coming i*n<4i * 'tis m®uy %%Juahl* im; -mi n# !i: THE WIAKD 1. ih. .iroag,.: Bn.| r.,,st djra Mr plow In u,r miirkrt. TIIE WIARD 1. tbr Or.t for r.r.f* ■ ;. work. 11l bolU i*l sort .inhblc THE WIARD , v thr ,r fj to.; plrlr ,ijtt.unii! for u.105 two or !l,n l,o r w. •breast. THE WIARD I® the 1 I'.owr iiiat fur !.in] day ana gr-.und. THE WIARD rirl. nil otVr , J Ir,.*. for clrso c in I'W toil sdUi.iv. .oil., fTITE WIARD 'snoot br rt,i; c for • ..-hUM .. Out Velleebls Iron Beam i I'.rmlv p-- vrai Milu.UM* n.tii Ik tm era n.| bn.rtir or hr, .k rp; I. |>, .i Ktor .1 l,or.orrr In t>~ t ■ itiou..nd ril,-ci. Our Joints re. Whscis and Handles nr. t ,asttbi-. Our ric.l ail othrr. for n.. . Mill tiniforiiiity. Blows r. aarrai tn] !oi,_r r-wti> 1 • If ro-i sr. poia; ,0 buy s now fio (*■ ,-ir, / r v lb. W't.kti r, Ui*l. r<>R SALE nv (i() R DON A LA X D IS. Engineer* ntid Morhinifb, wn DEAI.CRS im am. i:i\r>. or Agricultural Implements, SPECIAL ATTEMTIOX |VrM T>l UrTAfPs 1. If ilililUlSTl PA. The Planet Jr. Seed Drills AMI." VV liwl Hot", ami the l in-flt Plows. \ IUK wiiiit every onp who i* intere*!* f ® sd, m< h rtt llttlw, in ®'<fli|ng |h* to #nd no* for osir mrsfnlly ®rritt-n (%tslngne of liar f*ti ind fim tMfAIMi It li tl •!!! ' ®*n for to all ®hn Ufly for It. and It rnntafb mj l*f *!#wrrtfdWna of th* •%. rkjr.ge ar> i d*a|gn of Ilia liigru,-'u tswda itt tha w.mM, AAln®* a i"*fvl card 11 S. !,. ALI.KN ft CO., ls-41 2M.'k.l Slr-. CkiU.l.lpM# Executor's Notice. IETfKRH tcftaincntnry on the cs- J f it* if * hr? ? d' rt * • i Kri|g'it) t'<ridl)i, • -at*h bfltint lvn gr*it"d to tl* ttn*lrrigrwl. h* ttqnollgtl ysiwft' ltMlrUs.l to #ais| <ts)s Pi Make I a.nHllair |aym*il; howc- brir g datnia will | ( |ea*s HrwMtit ilhwi. dnlf aulbsiitifwlnl, I® lbs tlh'UttigTini, rtsaltfwwt of Half >b • n tomtibi|>. 941 JOHN 4 in M .. 1 v UK. HGY, M. I>.. • t).Ti " lii Omrad Onttn, sbos PortnnT ® UrrtKlire. PKLLIkPOIVTk. PA Piwwial attantiun giran lo Bjiathtlif fiirgtrr and Ckt'inir I.V-ly I >HOC K KUIIOFV HOUSE, 1> A 1,1 I>IIIKM V ST.. BKLI.RmMTR, PA. WILLIAM M. kkkvku, OoodHampU Koi>m on EirUt Floor, WfYtrt Diim la an 4 from all Talis, Ipsbl nle |o ®rilnn*rrw srd lun.rw. 14— tjr IJUSH HOUSE, I > BKM.KWMtTE. PA.. fimiMw artl •icgla i&iirnsii, mm trdl m lbs g*n- trsiT-llng irrihlt* and rminnrrwil m*n am tnll*d tsi this Fir®t-( lam IIoU-5. nb< t* lh*y MIII And hn" o at rsMs.n%bl# rtlM, • Ltl*ral rsdt)ditii and othrr® attandlM CYrtirt. #, 11. TKLLhII, Npert a I Announcement. The Almighty Dollar! "The, many luive too far, and the few 100 many." Wlmt in the use of wasting it dollar when you can nave it? Big prices will not do in these time* when even the wealthy cannot afford to waste their money, and the poor require double duty of every dollar and every penny. Not by favor, but by merit alone will we maintain and increase our unrivaled reputation. We dcul in good Goods and not trash, and believe the masses w ill pa trouize that house that sells the best Goods for the least money. Buy for cash and at one price. Who can tell the waste of money when you get your goods of bouses that buy and sell on long time? This is the music and these the prices that crowd our store, whilst other merchants sleep on their coun ters, little dreaming of the day of dis aster and ruin awaiting all who buy on long time and sell on longer; who pay big prices, and sell at figures that no people can ulford to pay. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Black Alpaca, double width, for lfi cents, worth 25 cents. Black Cashmeres, yard wide, all j wool, only 10 ets., cheap at 50 cents. Wool Bunting, colored and block, , at 19 cents, worth 25. Knickerbocker Suiting at fi cents. Word Motnic Cloth and ligurr-d I >ress Goods for 17 cents, worth 25 j cents. Choice Ijiwiis for 7 and * cents. I tress Cambrics for Id cents. SPECIAL BARGAINS. lit nee we throw out among the nias-ow these specialties, those match less goods and matchless pries t< eln-ek this insane and criminal | r:u-. tie< of wasting money for the paltry consideration of a little credit. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Bombay Ginghams for H) cents. Cambria Cheviot* for #} cent*. All Linen Crash for 5 cents. White Corded I*. K. for 7 cents. Heavy Cottonadc for 12} cents. Kentucky .Jeans for 11 cents. '•■4 1-adies Coating, all word, for 95 1 cents. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Thus we are fighting against the old rotten credit system for money, lor reputation, and lor the people. SPECIAL BARGAINS. India Mull Ties for 10 cents. Spanish lace Tn-s lor 45 cents. 2->-B 'lie Corset lor 25 cents. 50 Ilotic Corset for 40 cents. Carpet go-id quality, l> r in ,--nts. Carpet, half w.ml, for 47 cents. Carpet, all wml, for fid cents. THE GREAT BEE HIVE One Price Stores. SPECIAL BARGAINS, j Gents' Summer Under Shirts, lfi . cents, worth 35 cents. Gmt*' Press Shirts, 25 cents, worth | 50 cents. Gents' Pants to order, $3.75, worth $5.00. Gent.'nll wool Suit, to order,sls.oo, worth s2d.od. Straw Hat., 4 cents, worth 10 cent.. The la-st (I vera 11 in America, oar own make and warranted not to rip, at SI.OO. OUR PRINCIPLES. At the very foundation of our un dertaking in Bcllefontc is the One Price system. Respectable merchants generally have hut One Price for most goods, hut the temptation to make excep tions now and then proves too strong for all, hut very few. Here the rule is absolute. We are so committed to the ONE PRICK sys tem that an exception in any depart ment, no matter how great the tempta tion, would disgrace us. One Price, if stuck to, has to he a moderate price, a fair price. Let that lie your assurance in your dealings with the Bee Hive Stores. Respectfully yours, Bauland & Newman, BKLLEFONTE, PA. .'.-'lii ■.. • ' ,V Mercantile Appraisement r PHE venders of foreign and domes . tlr Hisii haiutlse, i||stl||eri ami hrsweta. broker*. .V I ' rv: w,t| ' " Oml Ifa'jrfttr . 'T* l " OmUMlwialifj.r.l of IX* to •!?! <" II" r< .1 le-l. w AAUOSSMOHO. A'lluiikle 'T"' f" li I'lilllfsw k Jkrt m$L.. 7' rollick,Tlmhihw Ornrsr ZZZ. 14 7 it, ftKLLKFONTK. Mtltmr.ll Y. Honk M nothing j. j#, Or(f. J H Ilillliriis... m Idfuft A On, M<n imiiU 0 Mir, Harris. Joint Hniggitt 14 77 u hnud*, J. II Coti|r<;lkiMf) 14 7 -r, (iuhUl.dth, Klein A I ~1 41 l ,0 ll.tur, \ ( lot,,lr r* IS 10 76 M■ er Jnlifi (irnrrr J4 77^ IlilfMiell A Alk*>b Music M.ire. ... |4 77f, htrii klaud, 4 ) rua Opsfr 14 7 HUlr, ¥ P Jevs|<r u 7 Vft I. y I'miinliuiivr 1 . 14 7 7;, |R>II A Mliix!•* Iksils ainl ibufi. . 14 77k Harris, J*a 4Co lOrdrr„ HM 10 'At 7S Zeller# 4 Hon longgists |.j |n 75 %lontg"M+ry A #i Clutliirti 14 7 ;% Jr |.li If • A Iju.. Nstduiiiii y i\ 7^ L>*-h, MA A 0 X, 'if lUulniirl A N-winKii Msrikiiili ir i> 7', Wignrr, I) M M r bant ....... |<j 7ft ('•*)*r, (.'obfrdiuiirty 14 771, 11 offer. J '1 11 . Mfr'hntjt I'i lf 7 k lUr|>*>v llr<* M<rhabt 1i -41 7k Mcbu.J V. Motiliftnt.. 12 13 7k llroi libill.Jaliii Kuruitur* 14 7 7k Graham 4 Hon Hoot* atsd ahow*... . 14 7 7'. Moger M M*j bin** C\s.. >*-w|bg UMNrtiln*. . 14 77 . ttilkititon Urn II *Wun|>i* in*p haul 1; | • 7ft vt ilsnri. M srlaii< 41 o lUr*iirs in '4O 7ft VdrtillttM 4Po McfcliftttUi 4 00 71* BWV, H A 4R B . .f. J ' K'7'. Mill' f. J • A I Kookl ST. I slat 14 Wwaftf, 11. I' T<'h(olil*t..., 14 7 1U Rc)irtl ( K 4* Jeweler 14 7 7f> LiutUry. II J ... ......Totfwrs.fitst 14 7 7/, Kirk. MA I>r ogt'ts* 14 7 71, I'otoi 4 H"fi ...Ikwii and bos> 10 7& (Ug|{< libiinrf, | M -f r liMlit )0 '/o 71, licblrf 4Co • r 1] || 75 < run#-, A J Tniwmihirt 14 7 7'# Alexander A - ... Gralr, Agr Itu .A' II If, t', iir+*-t 1, V p H „ litogrlM Id 10 7k tiordou A l.rcli M*> lilnwrt 14 7 7k 1 Hi wti, Uwieiii* litslti sikl cvmJ .... 11 J', •,% ! C!rMfrr, I* P A Nhm I.utiilxf . I*. l*• 7', j III' ks. II K Hardware V 'JJt 7k l'-U<kf-Md iie Tal/"rdsl 14 7 7' Mnrd-**ijt t >. M ... M<rtKaid 14 7 7 r H •• I • fir. v' ' ... J | %74 j Hmfrr, fsnliiiand ... .HiatjlJe-r 1 i 7k llrvrwn. Kdw.rd IkrttHr -f ! Bp.U*r, 11. 1 IW'ttHr >f liesf ... 14 77k BI.AN'MAKI). K tm"s. J I Mvrrhwnl. .... I.T I<i 7■' littf,Wa.|lCo meMlfCkUltl 1 • I" 7 1 I • II Nv >!• f I r.t M 10 71 I*o A Uilil'lUl. , i ' • B Me? • bltil II 77' H' lit. Til— 1 M. I l.abt 14 7 7k RiWf, j, H MntSmwl 14 77 ; DISfM, -I II Mft b Itl 14 77- j Htsaiut, J V HrugJtiel .......... 14 7 7k ( r.RTRt IIALL. I • fl Man b*nt 14 77 | . .4*4'-( . J n lUrdwsfe H 7 7k •M.r • * .1 Kl bfiaM 3 4 77- , M •. w llliAM IMmM 12 12 • IMKE IIILL. K. : - A - Mn bout 14 7 7'. pir dtw M le| Merrl!writ 14 7 75 (XHll'lDl. Or. ' (ls|4isil A Mttssr? drsiii sb'i owl 11 Ik7k M'/tet.ll VI .Cu . Ibstillrit 14 l'i 7.'* I I Ltft. 1 • 3 T Mhovkm • 1 4 7 75 li A 1.4 Moor . 0rn.f1.4l MM I 19 10 7& M, II bttl t , 4 7 7', MOW AUD. IshitH, IW-ftiwrvl M' r* bail! M Jf 74 Met II % lf.gfW 14 774 NKTkal 14 7 7:. u. .T ft A<-> Mutui 19 MM I Vt IMM 14 7 n M a:, . baftl 14 t H I A 1 • • M• 'MI .. 14 774 IH*l HKKYILLIC. ! If..err. LM.A ( " Mrrvl.aM 14 77k HI nLEKPIU Kii. • - km M M.• -!.♦ K i ' • Riwwb. Mrp hatil . H 14 JO 74 i JULIAS. !• > I.t • I MM Is-! 14 | ||j II * . • J c sMllliUßl .14 7 75 I sf | J QM I f - 14 77 ; t M' S T Th"RipMi. J 1A O M*t<hnrit IT |ft 75 Is-' r P / Mro ImM .14 77 - LIRIrx IIAI.L. 1 llfwMt, D A Son ...... Mirbtoli U 10 74 LOV I.VILLK. klKKKir* A Sent tit Merrlswbt* 14 7 74 UAPtNiklU'llQ. 'Vkr. Afi lrv .... 34 r 11 10 75 ; h J $ Me' Lki.t 14 77 j MAtTtkb YILLC. VlkttGn. J R 9MIiM 14 77 MILIBHVKi. Tin gf kUM Mtlll t. 11 || ! i; | Nfftkaat 14 711 I lew, 4'. II * • Mtwlw • 14 77 4 I % ' M I * ' M 'ls 14 77 I I , . - I a MM IMI is . 1 4 7 7- 1 ' | 1 . .M l ...It 14 7 ' la-iikc. • *'-•*. h,M*. it ::t I t Wilted i k . J I M ' Md n 7 7.'. Mil l IIKIM. T vblim II II Me f Uswt. 14 7 7ft 1 J* - long. ist .... 14 7 7', M w*st 4 'h ||jfi-srs 19 |n 7'■ -I. f . 1 11 MM INNM If 77 IK* Mer 14 7 7ft t/ J |t .... M tvl •! 1 4 77 '. J * M'rvtm.l ...... It Id 7ft MTTART IIAI.L. | |Uvk M rtktM 14 7 fft PK>* HALL. ' J n Me, > , t .. 12 19 21 PLKAPART BAP. . 1/kfbNb. Hrifi Merthwrit 14 7 74 , llsac. li W'NMiv iMdW 11 X- 7 rill li i> in K4i. | M.ir.sv.r. rA I n M" t.snts 11 |0 74 f I M Kinttf T. M Irnicctef ...... 14 7 7ft , \lutt- r. • , - ,4 ;*| Rffwlsf A ll'-ffJn*t.r Mst'lwnU. U |; 7.^ . Owvese, J A r*itif"rlt rsr 14 7 7ft ' TsMk A K ] 1 77 ' RK W D A Jwf#Wr„ 14 7*4 • ft .... llardwwrw 14 77' Jf.wwa, ||. I) A (V,,.... Prtmlttirw I.T 10 7ft ft Im.l, A K rJ rial J 14 7 7ft ! •. • V* • A • M■ • • • 4 7 7'. I MiMi WiMA Oi . Mer> Bai.ts ... . I,* || n j I't'rt F4 A Prtti Jewetsr 14 7 7ft , str*qs, Utimta I <V Mi n.lMlil* 1< jn 7k , lleflibget. t' H , M ... o4b*r IT 10 7A Ptrr*. K ... Mrbbl.„.„.. t .. 12 19 2ft j T J 14 7 7ft llsw"tth I |Mi 9mMVMMI|MIM r 14 7 f| Itv man. K A tirviref atrd cr.nfrr'r 14 7 7ft oe* A htal ....... Fttttiittrr* 14 7 7fc Rwltwll. J A A* Kysr. I . - Ik* IMM I 14 77 l.ton A C > Hi 5Jn 7ft !tk A M.Hr ......... Mmiskt 14 7 7ft • J }f. ...lVwra i<| . n 14 7 7A A tis, %ifrewi Mi 11. R V Hn tM • t 14 ll<T*m MlnH tatklw Tta 7A Mlw, 4 M 11 1.7*. Test Jme Rinmrd Übif.... H 4" 7ft H4Nff, llitf 14 7 *1 PIXK OLIIK. Wmk.G. 11. ..MrrrlwiiJl 14 7 7' PlffK UROYK MILL*. 4r.!r M D.. ..9<r<h4til . 14 7 7ft J. *mith. i fl , 4r, United* 14 7 7' PORT VfAill.UA. Ilesmw, A W...„ 9IK * P A C® ..Msirbshto ... 14 7 7A 1855-1881. Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Years. BUSHELS. NOT ACRES. itvi MOSKT vr raiKo BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSFHATE, PrlM. SB.VOO Par Ton tf 2000 Posada. BAUGH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILIZER for POTATOES, ivooialaf 4 * I*r c**t. of Po!|fnla of Pi lilt PrW 530.00 Por Tea of SOOO Pooadt. ALL GOODS SOLD ON OUAHANTBTD ANALYSIS. Itrnrrtptire Ctrrutnrn Sent F'rf* MJ>ON apittcatlon. BAUGH & SONS. 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. For sale by J. H. LONG, Flemington, Pa.. Agent for Clinton and Centre Oonntin. roTTRRa MILL*. Tl.irip,u A Hu.ul, HorrMfiU 14 775 Pln-iiU, rtaiuurl Mibal It 775 RttliMltVlW. k Mrrrb.lil. II 7 7ft 111 utuuwt, i U klmbahi 14 77b K "• K Hl'lll fj'lH. Rrmplr, J. I' „ Men ||.|,| 14 7 7", M.iurti * 11.11.11 Mrrt k.i.u H II 14 7 , It'll.A*/,. Curiloa *Co Mn, |,.„ U „ |] 157.4 RA.VUV HIIMJK. •Ivktoi, W I *!•-..l.*iii ~ 1 1 or. Miiii-r, w it 11 > ri ii.i.i J; wow PIIOR ftu.h li R 4 <Vi Mrrcbant. 17 17 r, Bonn nlll.-,' ri.lrr A 14. M>l,l..1,1. ' -■ William., llrrU n 'lraerr j| 774 aPKIHO Ml LI.It. ta.ne. J. |i wil 'lrn.ul.lr, | J M-i.b.i.i |; I.;'. Krmannr, Kl' ~..14| 144 irilD L; |,i 74 I'ttii'.ii A A..11 ... MM. I,i,t<i J4 777 Vt bltuim *a, Mwi-I>.i,la u 10 7.4 BTATK COLLfcriK. *<*• <LW Ml-Irll.ni u 77., Pumtti, J. W Mnr.brnl „ 14 7 ;.4 TL'HMKTVILLK. MM, li.nl ,4 7J S . lurid Morrlui.t H 77., b'kIOKVJLLK. hi la.* 11 L 4 74 it,ji.tr - 5 * A", (.'iiuiud;/" M"eliol. 14 j 0 ; , WALKER Tr.rkk ll Mrrebwit Millar, a. 14 Mr-irli.ni ,4 777 WOllllW A Hll. J**"-!. 'W'M fbrtlllrr ... ..... Hull A 11-au.in.il M-r.h.M. ™p, WoLf'R WIORK. KmrrVk, J ■ ..Mrfrbaot _ || . :i /.I OR. P,lf. litul . M'rib.i.l 14 777 . rl"\„"!'!"iV "" r< l" nbfrfr ... prai.. If,. 1.1, 11..1 , H ..1 ~n u Vui''ltM iV ■'" *"■>•>■ -tb 'i., M Ma f. '*■" I- 1..n 11.. i„ mr , „f ,o , . ' lun and l,r,r „ Jnn lh(llk IW " _ P r. LOIK, APPLICANT* A'iiß TAVKKX LICKRPP. ■ •nr. rot or rut CL... .> ■lp.wn, Kdo.rd Jr mil.lunu •, ... - j Hoik-rlndl, II lull. ~ . i ' , n.imui. |i m-lUlunu ' r, u . - ' 1 T.IUf, Wlt l-rllrfutllr 4 7, \ Kaawtale, John. Pl.il||.lrii 4 >, 77 Li">d, lt-1.,1 Pl,lll|l,ut( A V, f-, t P.tjlknrr, •' A ...... .I*tiill,.t,tira ....... ft ,ij 77 j Pu.ttK.rr, J.turr Ph.1!777.7 77 77 , II• J'ffir; Pl.i!.||,uf(, ] 4 it| 74 1 Kruunrr. Jun.tli.u MiMUtii, j.. w. . . Mniii.itt. M—kiit, J II o—lia Hall M'l.r. l J .Onmpp ll.il ft u, 7., ; Rulil. I" II I'uMar. Mill. ..... ' v, • •lur.r, P II CV,t,irr, 71, 77 I I rrJr. Jubi, <i nil.,. MHU 40*-. I ll.ul, I4uf|r hnuw Mr# 7 fr, 77 Mattg J.m.-r I MttttdMH .. . ft Hfa nr U'rltiUt. Pl'aMi.l (lap .... 4 |ji 7 . j nb.Rur, ,| 11 ........... trrrtulnrr ft ... 77 i Ruhh, ll.nrj XIlIUJ ■ K'.b!l<-k". A Mili.l-.iif ft ' 4 | -ft k. J..-.I- Ba—i4 | 7 . ! Millrf.ilu rirr npr.n. Mill# ft ~,77 liUttifrl".. R. T P. r.iir-1, IMb 41 7 . P"M. I" p M...0 Pb- ftO • ■ ; Pi ...k J W„ Mlllta-ltti V, 77 K.tir* P II ...... IIU'-'tr.| >, 7 , | Tll lor, BiUri.. ....... p|.tli|i.rit u '4174 APPLICANT?* >oB PAUKI.M Lit KNM7 ! AaVnuo. Julm lb iub.nu 2r, 75 i-air". II C IMlrlut,l ft 7., | Atnnh, I'rnli-rvk IMlrtont* ...... ft e74 Park". 11. *. Phllipatairf & at 74 ; R trr. h.murl ...Pi#,,, nhu 7 77 Rnr.an. P.ra Milr. tap 74 j I 4. rrrtifjr that tbr U>r ir . corral lint c.f .11 j applKMto lor utrrn .n-l •|.u li,ir,rtr,4 apprurr-l | I ) Ibr urxlnrlftird i. (Vi.trr ni u tip t, fUU. I P M I) P LI *f. tfprmlur NEW REVISION A WANTED. NEW TESTAMENT. \H ma|p hv the mont eraincnt nchol rr. f P.nrtland .nd ArnrtUa Rttlf Ike Prlr (orrrrpnadlnK l aclUk Mllloa. U[r In'. Ilr,. n • •'- I'H t ' *!•* r A " I natprrhrarlir Hlrlr.rj of Ibr Rlklr and It. Tr.p.. Intl. j a fall arrouat of ikr Vt Rrtlrloa. rim trlntlln*. lUri 11 .MO* r Ir.t ry.-r.tr rrrr oOirwA Prod rlrap r • imiu • '.r. at oarr. Till niNKI Rill rißllsßlM, (.. Rarotrb. 11. AGENTS WANTED To Ukr rbncrt|diet for tbr INT Kit N ATI ON A L It K VIE W. t", U|l Mil l lar.f AIPP i' Wl | Ul'lir|tvn. u{ lb" , liifb'-vt <!•*• Willi (V DlumtflM frnm tha R. kt irMniir-,] MiiOri in Mtfi fHI ft try. b^r J T Mt-rv. Jr nil ll i ( plait I*pljp, | if I|M> piUiniMpnti at.u mitur*. tind vlao#^ I MrilPi MR alo<M nt i<i*Txbl% pf f|,r ul'i* <f tlp l.ti ;bt, !•' 1# Mt<' h(rn. ?|r , rT^rßf^tr.'l (% in tj!r*iire in prtrnrß, *r M u in *4 lh<lr|i> t>4> rt .1 |ilittrß. |itr *>tf (-fttk M | ' •* M A fsmr folß-l* I jmt'* (btUt RM.I ii of |i <M. A ej/m < tf'J A N BANr* A H rut.!lh m*, 111 A IIS Whai ft.. Rt toftr Administrator's Notice. N'OTIC'K i hcrctijr jiivpn, lbl Irot !■* of A nt"t i tba '•!*!• r1 SMtt>4-1 Xe+r*<k 4, latr 01 Walk t l"ikt •* likOnc tMrn crvntfwl t u, niiAtipr'fl. i Jaht u| th Mktft' , t"r>>tu|' Mil fmtm> nrn lintf! |m] fit mm i rtffw<ari| tf j tM|Mr-U4I 1 ?•>k*• tN'Oi'MiUtn ind alt j*-- i r--p !• *M>( laimt triitiM aa>4 dwmMßl il| t ' I ■ • ! 1 k.f [Hit • Wl.t l.V4r JOHN N TRAKIt'K. Admit intra! r I r |MIK CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE BUSH HOUSE BLOCK, BKLLKFONTK, PA., j* row oprr.RiMi GREAT INI)U CE M EMS TO TIIOPK WIPMIRO PIRBT-CLAPP Plain or Fancy Printinir. y vj Wo hava unusual facililint for printi..; LAW B(M)K.H, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES. PROGRAMMES. BT/TF.MKXTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS. NOTE IIF.ADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DK VISITK. CARDS ON ENVELOPES, AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. gajT'Onlcr* by mail will receive prompt aUenlioß. |a?~Printinc done in tho beel rtyle, on i abort notice and at the Inwmt ratee.