Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 05, 1881, Image 2

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    Stoe (Ktntw jgrwuctat. i
The Largait, Cheapest and Best Paper
From His New Yurk Observer.
tSV.S'K / Quarter,
ST SIT. S. r. RO.IMU. D. 0.
/w.Miin 6.
Un IS: 11-24.
flei.nr* Trxr —" I *lll rle end t mjr father,
■ml will mv unto 111111 Futhar, I hn- -Uiiii-I agnunl
liratro eml heliire lli<-.''—Luke l.'i: Id.
Central Truth : —God loves a repent
ing sinner as a father loves and wel
comes a returning son.
This, which is perhaps the most beau
tiful and winsome ot all our Saviour's
parables, follows close upon the two
considered last week. It is a part or
the same discourse, and has for its main
purpose the same lesson of (Sod's ten
der regard for sinners nnd eagerness to
save them. In more than one point it
rounds out the teaching of the others.
As respects the sinner's character, we
see in the wandering sheep nnd lost
coin its Bide of stupidity and self ignor
ance; while here we have its other side
of wilful departure Irom God. As to
his recovery, in the other parables we
see only God's side of interjiosing grace,
diligently and patiently going alter the
wanderer and searching for the lost, as
if no movement or act whatever were
required of the latter; whereas in this
we have very distinctly brought to view
the sinner's own exercise of a free and
active choice. Yet. again, in the others
the divine motive appears as compassion j
for a creature in peril and desire to save j
that which has value, where hero we
have the far more atl'.-cting picture of a
loving father joyfully receiving a long
lost son as one alive from the dead.
Thus each of the three is the comple- |
ment of the others. Neither, standing
alone, conveys the whole of the glori
ous and cheering truth in the Saviour's
mind. There is al-o a climax, since in
this last we have at once a more vivid
picture of what it is on the one side to
be lost, and on the other to be recovered
and saved.
Primarily the two sons represent the
two classes named in the opening verses
of the chapter: the elder, the complain
ing Pharisees and Scribes, who, though
tar from true righteousness, were still
nominally with the Father; the )oung
er, the Publicans and Sinners, who knew
and confessed themselveii as unrighteous.
In general, however, the latter may re
present any and every sinner who, be
ing consciously lost, is again found.
In the prodigal's course four things
stand out from all the rest, —his sin, its
consequences, his conversion, and hi
welcome home. It will be profitable
for teacher and scholar to linger upon
each of these, and note their principal
The sin began where all sin begins,
in the cherished feelings of the heart. !
The youth was not content to trust his
father's wisdom and love; he was impn j
tientof restraint, he would be his own
master and please himself. Naturally
enough, he soon found his father's pres- ,
ence irksome, and went in quest ot lib
erty in self indulgence. So every sinner j
goes into forgetfulness of God—the "far
country" of a prayerless, disobedient, j
■elfish, if not sensual, life.
The prodigal ere long found himself
in straits. With the sinner it is not
always so. Many are seemingly pros
Cs rous aad smiling to the end. Never,
owever, are they truly happy. Sooner
or later the sense of want, degradation
and bondage comes to all. Never, even
in this world, is the alien blest.
It should remembered that the
Saviour is depicting the ea-e of a sinner
who actually returns to God. Not all
do this. There are those whom misery
hardens. These become "citizen*"' of
the far country. The prodigal repre
sent# those who, in time of trouble, are
made to see their guilt, and moved to
forsake their sins and seek fur mercy.
Ke|>entance and faith mark every stej
of his return.
The beauty and pathos of the parahlc
appear in the scene in which the father, ,
seeing the son a great way ofT. goes forth
to meet him, and with every demosntra ;
lion of full and free forgiveness take
him to his heart nnd home. It is a won .
derful representation of the full a!va
tion in store for the greatest sinner
willing to forsake evil and accept divine
it is quite true that nothing is here
said of the ground of acceptance in the j
great expiation. This was not needful, j
if indeed it were |K>*ible to convey i ,
truth, having no place in merely human
relations, in parabolic form. Not all
truth, nor every side ot nny truth, i
taught on every page. But elsewhere,
and in due time, it was very plainly
made known that the ground ol pur
don and divine welcome are ever tin
name— namely, the one sacrifice upon
the cross.
1. To the lost and the-wandering
God is still a generous Father ; much as
he is displeased with sin, he not only
pities and values, but loves and long*
for the sinner.
2. Self-seeking, the desire to use and
enjoy God's gift without the restraints
of obedience, is the root and essence of
all sin. -It is against this that we have
most need to watch snd pray. Sooner
or later it ii sure to take us into the far
country of open and flagrant sin. Oft
en, too, the downward course is rapid.
3. The results of sin in this life are
often bitter and oppressive; God's will
and way are the best for ua here and
4. Not all who wander from God re
turn to him. Home remain, unrepent
ingnnd unforgiven. Nevertheless there
is not one whose sins and distance are
so great that God is not eager to receive
and save him. Whosoever will, let him
5. And vet not even the compassion
and fatherly love of God can save the
unwilling. Each for himself must arise
and return that he may live. Without
personal faith and repentance there ia
no pardon. If any are anxious to know
for whom are reserved the joy and bless
ing symbolized by the ring unci the robe
of the parable, they have here an un
mist ak able answer.
fi. Could there be a more powerful
argument or persuasive to repentance
than the view presented to us in this
story? The door of Cod's homo and
heart are wide open. By the Saviour's
work every hindrance on his part has
been removed. More than this, the
divine Father is waiting and watching
for the first signs of relenting and re
turn, ready to hear us when wo begin
to confess and ask. His lovo is repre
sented as embracing the prodigal, that
there might be encouragement for all.
The welcome is overflowing, that we
may be sure of u salvation free and
' ■ ♦
Prom Ftmiry'g ProgtMW.
Macbeth invites his king and bene
factor to his castle, and kills liiin in
his sleep in cold blood, and, with the
aiil of his wife, butchers his guards,
ami accuses them of his own crime.
Hancock is beaten for tlie Presidency
by the people he suved from political
disruption, in the midst of their ad
mission that he was deserving of un
dying gratitude, by open bribery and
threats. His defeat, wrought by such
means, excited no exultation among
the victors, because they knew at
once its price and its penally, ami it
is u remarkable fact that they did not
begin to celebrate it till they called |
their armies of office-holders in revel
ry to Washington, and even the glory
of Garfield was made by the presence
of Hancock in obedience to an invita
tion,—a military order he could not
safely decline. It will be remembered,
a tier King Duncan was made the
guest of Macbeth, his a--as-inalion
was laid nt the dsir of his entertainer,
and remorse for that crime made that
entertainer the mortal foe of all the
blood of Duncan in Scotland. This
memory of Duncan's murder, cherish
ed by Duncan's followers, drove the
author of Duncan's death to decree
the annihilation of all the kindred
and liegemen of the slaughtered king.
And so runs the tale. lli-> favorite,
General llunquo, and his wife and
children, and many more of the best
blood of Scotland, were removed by
hired ruffians, or burned in their cas
tles. Thus the original crime com
pelled other crimes. Remorse was
changed into revenge, fear succeeded
hate, and the martyred king, instead
of becoming an object of reverence
and sympathy, was a deathless re
minder of the "deep damnation of his
taking off." It was necessary to hide
the traces of the tragedy by removing '
all the supposed witnesses, —all who
believed that wrong had been done to
the right. If ever any people de- j
j served kind treatment, it was the de
feated Smth. If ever any public j
' man deserved honor, it was General <
Hancock. The Democrats had sub- i
| mittcd to the bought verdict of the I
i plutocracy. The government is in the j
hands of Macbeth and his partv ; hut
i,., 1 • ' ,l
the consciousness ot a great crime
j hears heavily upon the piJßjfcvietors,
' and so they resolve, like
] thane, that their power will IK- fruit
less if they do not follow it with new
outrage. There are too many living
witnesses of the cruelty and fraud of
the men who have won a doubtful
control of the government. There is
| too much prosperity iu the South, as n
j result of honesty, economy, and thrift,
j The Bouth has become too solid, since
: it has been cheated out of Hancock.
| Its Duncans have not crawled at the
feet of its Machcths. It has gone on
silently in its industry and its culture,
its development and its benevolence.
Its offense is its obedience to honor
and to self-respect. As poor Banqiio
-aid of Macbeth, after lie had killed
his monarch, so Hancock may say to
the Republican chiefs :
j ,4 Tltr.q filial it *• w King, Cmntm. GUr l. }*,
A lls irl • •ftian (.tcriilsad, tH, I feat,
1 Tfeott I'Uj'ilat nat for it/"
Still they are not satisfied. They
j have the President and the offices,
1 hut they have no confidence in them
! selves, and they fear the country.
The iSiulh is tranquil, subdued, and
'again conquered. General Hancock
] was defeated iu the midst of profuse
| promises of kindness ami condcsccn
j sion. There was little protest against
j the unexampled efforts to compass his
overthrow from the subjugated South.
But this very fact, so far from arous
ing consideration or sympathy on the
part of these Republican leaders, or
ganizes a new spirit of unaccountable
hatred. Notwithstanding the tremen
dous official power combined ngainst
Hancock, the Gongress of the United
.States is not safely secured to the vic
tors. The Senate was lost. Half the
Senate was Democratic, and so to
make a majority for the extremists
they procured a vote by securing a
recreant. They took from proud Vir
ginia a Senator who had pledged him
self to Hancock in the November
election, and they sought to make this
foul hostage a weapon of in n xcusahle
vengeance upon a defeated |>eople.
These people resisted, and because
they did they are now to lie newly
punished simply for not consenting to
obey and ratify a wicked bargain.
All the worst passiousof the civil war
are stimulated against them. The
busineaa of the entire country is par
alyzed in this uew crusade upon the
South. All the pledges of concilia
tion made by Garfield are broken.
Long forgotten calumnies are revived.
No words are spokcu by the Republi
can Senators except words of hatred
against the Southern people. The
very prosperity which thq north had
prayed for, and which begins to grow
all through the Southern State#, arous
es the envy of tho Conkling#, Ivogun#,
Dawes, Hours, Cameron#, aud tlaw
ley#. The niulcvolence that succeeded
the Rebellion i# repeated with exag
gerated bitterness. New "rebel" out
rages are fabricated for' Northern
consumption, Tho new Senator from
Muine, Sir. Frye, rise# in hi# #eat and
[Hiur# forth a Hood of maledictions and
uito upon tho whole people of the
Southern States. Meanwhile these
people stand appalled at an exhibition
so utterly without reason or excuse.
The w heels of government are stopped.
The trade of the North responds in a
new paralysis to this sectional fury.
The expectation of a healthy revival
in all tho great business centres is
already disappointed. The manufac
turers #o sure that the election of Gar
field would increase their business are
terrified at the gloomy outlook, and
the protqieet of a long uml dreary sum
mer begins to darken the future.
Strikes are threatened all over the
North, aud, to crown all, pestilence i#
predicted iu New Y'ork as n result of
the quarrels among politicians, ami
merchant# everywhere deplore the ab
sence of Southern customers atid put
rouage. Meanwhile the galling bur
dens of (>ersonul ring rule, felt iu all
i the great centres of the North, are
' thrown oil' by an indignant people.
; M unicipal elections iu most of the j
j large cities are so many verdict#
j against the Republican party.
' In a series of urticle* on "Distin
guished Women in the Department at
Washington," written by Mrs. Mary
Fields, and published in the New
Y'ork two years ago, a sketch
of Mrs. ('liarlotte Living-ton appeared,
which from the interesting sequel de
serves reproduction:
A few year# ago, in the most aristo
cratic quarter of the great metropolis, a
mansion Mood out with the palatial
grandeur of a I'ontainehleau in the
il.ysol Loul* XIV, or Napoleon 111.
Th-* wraith and luxury of Oriental!
countries made the hou*o and it* ur !
rounding# the pride a# well a- the envy |
o( all who gax-d upon it* grandeur. '
Drive# lined with tinted shell, step* of
inlaid marble, ruo-aic in its delicate lit
ting*, coucbant lion* guarding the en
trance, winged Mercuric* hoi ling ILm
Iteaii* that sheil subdued light Upon i
the scene, the moving to and fro o(
liveried servant*, the perlumery of rr<-
(lower*, the note# o( entrancing music j
the gleam of costly ditruond* and sheen
of s.itin* and mist of price!e* laces, '
i the face* ol beautiful women anil form
of stately men, made a picture in the j
! memory indelible as that ol the rock j
upon the mount.
Out of this home of wealth and splen
dor and high birth and g< ntle breeding
1 all the daughter* had gone to grace
other home* of equal wealth. One wa*
left a young endowed friend, s refined
! lady in wbo#e vein* the blue blond *u
| a* pure as nobility of birth and clrarac ,
j tor could make it. She boasted, 100.
her hu*hand'* descent from the genu j
ino aristocracy of the mo#t aristocratic
family, the Chancelor Livingston, who
administered the onlh of oni e to the |
first President of the United state*. In ;
; the old manor hou*e on the Hudson, in \
her luxurious home in New Y'ork, and
in foreign travel the earlier year* ol
Mrs. Livingston's life were spent with
out an unhappy'tboughl for the future.
Hut death came, and the happy wife
was a widow. There was an interim of
sorrow too sacred for intrusion, and
! then came a change. The fickle (iod
de** Fortune fled. She wa* left u> her
own resources, and he bravely exerted
them. We find her in the Redemption
Division of the Treasury Department,
on a salary of jkw year, doing her
work a* faithfully, conscientiously, and
cheerfully as if #he had alway* been ac
customed to the humble dutie*. With
the nobility of chararter which is her
heritage, she scorned dependence, and
the Department* at Washington were
her fir*t suggestion when he found her
self jennile#*. Her relative. United
Sta'e# Senator Paddock, obtained the
position for her after all arguments
against her endeavoring tu*up|ort her
self had failed, and she is there to-day
ohMtful and happy, having adapted
herself to circumstance# and to the pen
1 pie about her. She ha# a kind word lor
every one and i* a favorite with every
hoiiy. She maintain# and i# conceded
her place in society the same a* ever,
and, unlike some, who have no ante
cedent* of birth or wealth of which to
ho,st, she i# not ashamed to acknowl
edge that she earn* her living by hold
J iog an office under the Government.
*ne betrays her breeding in her digni
! fied and aristocratic carrig, hut with
nl unconsciously. Mrs. Livingston i
one of the women who purify and re
fine the social atmosphere about her.
With Hue instinct# *he remarked, "I
am not too proud to work, but 1 am too
proud to accept dependence while I
have health ami strength."
The New Y'ork Herald i# read the
world over, and when the number
containing the above article reached
Man Francisco a gentleman of leisure
| niul wealth, whose working day# were
over, opened the paper for hi# accus
tomed new#, and the first article which
met hi# eye wa* that on "Distinguished
Women in the Department at Wash
ington." He read it with interest un
til he rrached the sketch of Charlotte
Livingston, when every word burned
' j into hi# heart like coal# of living fire.
| Y'ear# before, almost too many to re
• member, he had been a student at
i West Point aud had known and loved
• —-hU first ami beat love—the bright,
i winsome girl, Lottie Paddock. When
#he married Peter Livingston, in 1849,
he weal to California, and from the
day of leaving New York city, in
■ October, 1849, until the New York
I Hnmld came to him, thirty year#
• afterward, he had heard nothing of
I j hi# early love. He recalled the olden
■ i times, aud dreamed of the possibilities
in the future. He wa# freo to love or
marry whom he chose. He wrote to
Mr#. Livingston,addressing to the Re
demption Division of the Treasury
Department, uml a renewal of the old
acquaintance resulted in her murriage
to one of the millionaire princes of
Man Francisco, where she now resides,
re-established in the luxury and sur
rounding# to which #hu bus ulway#
been accustomed. Hon. Myron An
gel, the fortunate husband of this
most estimable lady, values the article
on "Distinguished Women" a# a per
sonal prize, as having reunited him to
hi# early love.
■ ■■■■■• ♦
Census Olllce Bulletin on These Indus
WASHINGTON, April 14. —The Cen
sus Office to-day issued a bulletin ou
the iron ami steel industries of the
United State#, which shows the num
ber and capacity of the blast furnaces,
rolling mills, steel works, forge# ami
blotnaries in the United States at the
close of the census year, May 31,
1880, to he as follows:
iila-t furnace establishment#, 490;
completed blast furnaces, o*l ; rolling
mill establishments, 324 ; single pud
dling furnaces, each double furnace
counting as two single furnace#, 4319 ;
rotary puddling furnace (Sellers'), 1 ;
Dank#' puddling furnace, 19; ham
mers in iron rolling mills, 239; heat
ing furnaces, 2105 ; trains of rolls in
iron rolling mills, 1206; nail ma
chines, 3775; steel works, 73; He
semer steel converters, 24: open hearth
steel furnaces, 37 ; j>t hole# for cru
cible steel, 2691 ; trains of rolls iu
steel works, 136; hammers in steel
works, 219 ; forges uml bloniarics, 11*;
forge and blomary fires, 495 ; .Siemens'
' rotator, 1 ; hammers in forges ami
blotnaries, 1 tl ; daily capacity of bla#t
j furnaces iu net tons, 9248 ; daily ca
pacity of rolling mills in net ton#, 10,-
1 130; daily rapacity of 15 < in r stei 1
. converter* in net tons, 5167; daily
j rapacity of ojtoti-hcarth !• I l'iir:iac<-
: iu m-t ton#, *27 ; daily caput tv of
crucible steel work* in net ton#. 445;
daily en | km itv of forge* and bloiuaii -
in net tons, 526.
The whole number of t tab! li'in-nt
in 18*0 was 1005. Iu I*7o ii w. - • i*.
I The |w?rceiitngo of increase in t!.< ten
| \nr* was 24.38. The size ami capnc
, ity of the c#labli-hment* were, how
j ever, much greater iu I**o than in
1870. A# the capacity of bla-t fur
' naces only was given in I*7o, no cum.
plete data are available for a compari
son of the capacity of all the work# in
the two periods. The daily capacity
of the hlo#t furnace* in 187" wa- *357
ton#, ami in 1880 it wa* 19,248 ton*,
an inrrcnio of 130.32 per cent
The whole amount of capital in-
I vested in the iron and *tccl industries
Jof the Unitt-d fttltti iu 1880 VM
I 8230.971.88 4; in 1870 it was 8121,
772,074; increase, 8109,199,810, or
i *9.68 per cent.
In 1870 there were twenty-five
State# engaged iu the manufacture of
iron and steel. Of the#e South Caro
lina doc* not nptvar in the statistic* of
18*0. 11# total production in I*7o
did not nggregate 500 tons. The iron
industry in this Slate ha* licen prac
tically abandoned.
Mince 1870 three States have for the
first time engaged in the manufacture
of iron, namely: Colorado, Kama*
and Nebraska ; also two Territories,
namely: Utah and Wyoming. Utah
did not, however, make any iron in
1880. It made a small quantity in
each of the year# 1*74, 187.) and 1876,
and it will make a larger quantity in
the near future.
California and Washington Terri
tory have made arrangement# since
the close of the census year 1880 to
manufacture iron.
New Hump-hire made iron many
year# ago, hut it doe# not ap|>ear in
the statistics for 1870. It appear* in
lilt' tallies for 1880.
Oregon and Texas each built a blast
furnace in the decade preceding the
census year 1870, but they did not
make any iron in that year. Tliey
ap|#ar, however, in the statistics of
| production for 1880.
The District of Columbia once had
a h!nt furnace in operation, but in
j I*7o it had no iron industry whatever.
In I**o the United Mtates Govern
ment owned and operated a small roll
ing mill at the Washington Navy
Minnesota apjiear# in 1880 for the
first time among iron manufacturing
States, hut its statistics relate only to
the preparation# that have been made
to embark iu the business.
Thirty States, the District of Co
lumbia and Wyoming Territory net
ually made iron in 1880. Twelve
State# made over 100,000 ton# each
iu 1880.
Pennsylvania, which for more than
a hundred year# has been the leadiug
iron-producing State in the l T uiuu,
made in 1870 a fraction over 50 per
cent, of the total product, and in 1880
it made a fraction over 49 per cent.
At both periods its prominence in the
production of iron and steel waa vir
tually the same. From 1870 to 1880
it increased its production 97 per cent,,
or from 1,836,808 tons to 3,616,668
tons, while the whole country increas
ed its production 99 per cent., or from
8,655,215 tons to 7,265,140 tons.
Ohio was the next State in promi
nence in 1870, and it held the same
rank iu 1880. In the former year it
produced 449,708 tons, aud in 1880 it
produced 930,141 ton#—an increase of
107 |x;r cent.
1 Ijo third Htate in prominence in
1870 was New York, and it maintain
ed thin rank in 1880, but its growth
fell fur below that o! i Lh two sister
KtaU-n above mentioned. In 1870 it
produced 148,'277 tons, and in 1880 it
produced 598,300 tons—an increase
of 83 per cent.
New .Jersey was fourth in rank in
1870, producing 115,202 ton*, but it
won fifth in 1880, although in that
year it produced 243,800 toon, an in
crease of 112 per cent.
The fourth place iu 18*0 wa taken
by Illinois, which produced in 1870
only 25,701 tonn, while in 1880 it pro
duced 417,907 ton#, an increase of
1522 per cent. Maryland ranked fifth
in 1870, producing 95,424 lohm in that
year, while in 1880 it produced only
110,934 ton#, an increase of 10 per
cent, cauxing it to drop to the twelfth
'I he nixth State in rank in 1870 wa#
Missouri, with a production of 94,890
ton#, which was increased to 125,758
tons iu 1880, or 33 per cent., giving it
| the tenth place in that year.
Michigan increased its production
| in the ten years from 80,079 tons to
142,710 tons, or 05 per cent., taking
the eighth place in rank iu 1880.
Wisconsin increased it# production
| from 42,234 ton# to 178,935 ton#, or
J 324 |# r cent., giving it the sixth place
i ill 18MO.
Indiana produced 04,148 ton# in
1 I*7o and 90,119 ton# in I*Bo, an in-
I crease of 50 per cent.
Of the New Kngland State-, Massa
chusetts shows the greatest growth in
! the ten year#, increasing from 80,140
tons in I*7o to 1 41,321 ton# in I**o,
lor 04 per cent., placing it ninth in
Astonishing progress was made in
the ten year# in several Southern
j States. West Virginia increased it#
production from 72,337 ton# to 147,-
I*7 ton#, or 104 per cent., giving it
tin -eventh place in I**o. Alabama
increased from 7<K)O tons to 02,9*0
ton#, or 792 per *-<-nt. Georgia in
-i< .1 1 fi.un 9o:;i ton- to 35 152 ton#.
20 > per wnt. Teiinc—<-e increa-eil
ti nit 34,'505 ton# to 77,100 toil#, or
12 5 p* r cent. Kentucky increased
from *0,7 52 ton# to 123,751 tons, or
1 ! per cent., placing it eleventh iu
rank in 1880. Delaware increased
from 8 it)7 ton# to 33,918 tons, or 308
j#T c nt Virginia increased from
:,7 * 6 to 55,722 ton#, or 47 p r cent.
All the State# which made iron or
-t" I in I*7" iiK-n k a*ed their produc
ti hi iu 1 *BO, except Maine, North Car
olina and South Carolina.
"4 A Mil.4 " IN AMUtItA.
, Froto lh' YY xahingt n I* -'t
"Within the last ten year#,** say#
; the a-.-thctic New York Tribune, "a
! new and significant kind of literature
ha# sprung up am mg us. It consist#
tor the most part of thin oetavo vol
! umes, in purple or red binding#, with
a gorgeous coat of arm# emblazoned
lon the hark, and on the front page
the magic words, "Printed for private
I circulation only." Karh of these vol
| umes pur|ort.s to !*■ the authentic his
tory of #>>nic American family, Smith
or Potter, a# the case may he, from
the pre-o nt time hark to n great foun
| dcr somewhere iu the mi-ts of anti
This is a goorl deal so, and it is very
silly. "Family," "casts," "historical
ancestry," in free and sham hnting
America! Could anything be more
absurd, more worthy of contempt ?
Americans have their country to lie
proud of, its history to glory in, and
their own deed# to base their claims
lor consideration ujn>n. What have
they to do with "family?" What
j "family" have they ? We are all de
' scendant.* of emigrants. Our father#
wore forced to leave Kurojie, or they
, loft it voluntarily to better their con
dition. They settled in New Kngland
and were known as Puritan#; they
settled in the Smth ami called them
selves Cavalier#. They were not men
of "family" in the mother country,
and the transition did not ohangetheir
state. They became Americans. Free
and equal among themselves, tliey
longed for a free laud to live in. They
fought together for liberty and won
it; thin they formed a great political
family for the benefit of thcmsclvis
and their posterity ; and it has en
| dured.
America has prospered, and so have
it# citizen#. Many of the latter have
become rich and powerful among their
neighbor# ami in some caos a snob
bish feeling ha# come into being which
with good# demand# "position," with
wealth, "title" and with time,
The wife of the bonanza mining king
goes to Kurope to air the reputation
which money ha# brought her and #lie
note# that certain consideration i# do
nied her because she hails from a Re
public and can lay claim to no "de
scent." She invents a genealogical
tree and ha# a book of marginal note#
compiled to accompany it, "Money
will do much" says she, "but I am for
an empire and so is mv husband. His
business interests noeJ protection."
I*t common sense ride such ideas to
destruction. I/ct Americans be proud
of the family of Americans, to which
they all belong, and draw the line at
"I'VE just got out of a bad scrape,"
as the man said when he came out of
a five-cent barber ahop.
The man who has gathered a big
ice crop wants to keep it shady.
Another Htrauge Discovery.
From th* Voulli'i '^o(n|mfjl(ii.
Prof. TynilalJ, of London, lias just
invented a new scientific apparatus
that, when properly used, give* moot
singular result*, ami chow* that the
wonders of the photophone have only
ju*t begun.
The photophone ha* already l>oeii
described in the Cornp'inwn, and you
may remember it a* an instrument in
vented by Prof. Ik-11 for causing a
beam of fight to convey a telephonic
message to a distance.
In the new apparatus, a beam of
light from a lime light, or even a can
dle, i* thrown upon a common glass
lla*k having a long neck. To this is
fastened a rubber sjK.-aking tube that
may lie pluo-d to the ear, HO that any
. sound* in the (1 ;tsk may lie heard
j through the tube.
J between the flask and the light is
I placed a circular disk of metal, hav-
I ing narrow slot* or openings placed
' I'ke the *jM>k-* of a wheel around the
edge. When the disk i* at rest the
beam of light may pa** through one
| of the slot* and tall on the flu>k.
It now, the di*k i* made to turn
rapidly on it* axis, the light will
I reach the flask in a series of flashes,
I a* it shine* through the slots, one aftci
the other. Here the curious discove
ry come* in. When the flask i* filled
; with a gas, or a vapor, say the vapor
i of sulphuric ether, common street gas,
! oxygen, perfumes like patchouli or
! cassia, or even smoke, and the beam
i of light i* made to fall on the flask
in a series of alternate flashes, the
operator, listening with the speaking
IUIM* at his ear, will hear strange mus
ical sound* inside the flask.
1 he pitch of thec tones will corres
pond exactly with the speed with
which the disk is made to turn, and
each kind of gas, or vapor, in the
flask will give a different kind of noU
•ome soft, some loud, and some very
sweet and musical.
This is certainly the most remarka
ble discovery siuce the photophone,
and it shows that light may lie made
the mean of making sound* audible
a! a distance, even when the eve can
sec no difference in the light, ft even
snggcvt* the idea that we may yet la
able to 1.-'ng the sound* of the fire*
raging in the *un. It may, indeed, IK*
only a hint to yet rnore wonderful ami
uuthought-of relationship* between
light and sound, which may lie utiliz
ed as a medium of communication.
#i - -
>etnes in Women.
A woman may l>c handsome or re
markably attractive in various way* ;
but if she i* not personally neat, she
cannot hope to win admiration. Fine
j clothe* will not conceal the slaiteru.
A young woman with hair always in
disorder and her clothes hangiug about
her a* if suspeuded from a prop, is
| repulsive. Slattern is written on her
i to the soles of her feet, and if she w in*
a husbaud, he will turn out, in all pro
j bability, either an idle fool or a drunk
.en ruftian. The bringing up of daugh
ter* to 1H able to tjrork, talk and act
like honest, sensible young women, is
the special task ot all mother*, and in
the industrial rank* there i* imposed
the prime obligation of learning to re
spect household work for it* own sake
! and the comfort and happiness it will
; bring in the future. Housework is
drudgery ; but it must be done bv some
, IKSIV, and it bad better be well than
ill liouc.
i With thst COUGH whin th^ro
ft* A t ha; I an I AN T, MO CM TAI
jA ml MFfc. ihdl lite m<*l 4Hirtf child may t*h< tl
j without -Ufiger. Il la oallwd
GREEN'S Comp. Syrup of
Tar, Honey & Bloodroot,
Il contain* all lb# vittaM of Tar In a roarrEWTm*T*i
form. comMo#*! with th* *•! EXPEtT*!* and
I ASIDYKKf, tb# wll# W*fats4 * ithnt the aid of
hwd. firming th# BEST KNOWN
REMEDY l<* m&mtikm* of tl# Thmai ar>*i
Try on# boftl# and b# ronrinmd. Pric# BO clntt
p# bottle Mamtfa* lod only IT
The Patriot, Daily & Weekly,
For the Ensuing Year.
Tba aaharrlptbai prtc* of lb* *lllll r.rtst KM
•"■an radwaad to tl.oo ir cap* pat aaantn.
Te dab* af rim aad apwarda IK. turn rra#r
a 111 b# famM.nl at U>. aitranrdnuutl; clwp rata at
n mat* par rap? par annatn.
Tar DAIKT PILTM HI la aaal to **T addraaa,
daring th* aaliar af Coup Ml aad lb* Lagtatatara at
IK. rata af m ab par SMattb.
Cadaa lb. art of Oonpaa tba paMtabar prapnjn
tba polar and nl'Sritat an lattaaad flwto thai
Rrarj aabarrtpttoa ~aat b* awpwld bp tba
Raw la tba UaM fto aabarriba Tba appraarMng
aaaataaa af C.fcgrrai aad tba U#|tatwrr will ha af
•era tbaa nrdlwat? lat***t aad. Ototr
will ba tally up ait < tor tba ttoH* .aad a r.toplil*
aywtsala af Ibato wflt ba praa la tba Waatttp.
41-U MO Mart* ruaat, Barritharg.