Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 21, 1881, Image 8

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    t?!ic Cmtrr jOnriocr.il
Thursday Morning, April 21, 1881,
Democratic County Committee.
TBo following persons have been named
as members of the Democratic County
Committee for IHHI.
ItfMlofoitlr, W.W NUIIOIUM Iti-Minx
iiollefuntf, N. W 4 lurh N lintilrr.
TMlefoutis S. W K.lwftttl llrown, Jr.
}Mil<wbur|{ U. I'. KrNiiiiir.
*l/11 holm l I. /frtf.
I uionvllk* A Toiler l.oitthor*.
HtsWftlU \V|MI T
Phillpafcttfg* A.J. lirthnm.
AtiQtttr.wM. Ko**i.
*->** JAIUM A MT Claln.
fiurnai'l* (Mem ll*lt.
•\irtln John
Cclknf Jacob |totl>rf.
fVrxu*oi, oM. John T. Md'ornlck.
VerjutMn, new MitM W*lk#r.
tirtfg.MiaUi K>l Krumriae.
north... JIIIIM IHwk. ,
SUtfuhMia lohlt Want.
Hftintw o|onou KtUiOffr. ,
li*rrta..... John A. Hupp.
nr.l John A Dtiuhle,
VliMton Ilcnry Hale.
l iberty W. 11. tinrUner.
Marion Perry Cumin.
Btilm ... Sninuel K Faust
Pattou Knl.
N ChrUt Alexander.
J otter, north J<hn Ihnnnon.
fatter, wttth Jainee McCllutJck.
fiuah John (Hililoii.
Shoe Abel ( tfuj>b< 11.
JiprliiK John Noll.
Taylor William Calderwood. i
V'nion... ~ 8. K Ktnerlrk.
Waiker..- •- Authree M Mulls n.
Worth. Marshall LeU
IV tilt A V MKKK.
U.<*Tlefonte, I**., Feb. 1. Chairman. |
REMOVAL. —Wo desire our friends to
notice that the office of the CENTRE DEM
OCRAT has been removed from the Bush
House Block to tbo building on the North
West corner of Allegheny and Bishop !
streets. Office on the second tloor; en
trance on Allegheny street. We have
pleasant quarters and will be pleased to
Lave friends and patrons call to see us.
NOTICE.—I call the attention of the
public to the fact that 1 again have my
olficc in the parlors of the old Conrad
House, just opposite the Brockerhoff House,
where 1 .hall be glad to meet with all
persons having legal business to be attend
ed to. D. F. FORTNET.
Local Department.
—Conrt next week.
—Last quarter of the April moon to-day.
—The Philadelphia Branch has a splen
did stock of clothing.
—One of Harry Green's cigars is worth
Cfty of the ordinary kind.
—When you come to the circus call at
Green's drug store for a few cigars.
—The latest styles in men's and boys'
clothing at the Philadelphia Branch.
—Maple syrup by the quart or gallon
and maple sugar at Valentines' stores. I
—The borough council now meets on
the first and third Monday evenings of
each month.
—Have you looked at those elegant ra<- i
simere suits for men and boys at the Phil- ;
i aJclphia Branch ?
—Wanted, 1,000 bushelAp.itatocs, ton
tons meat, one ton lard, butter and eggs at '
Valentines' stores.
—The boardwalk in front of Miss Pet- f
tlken s Iligh street residence underwent a
i Tew repairs yesterday. j
—Centre county is the largest in point of ' ,
area in the State. It covers 785,280 acres ' (
ct 1,227 square mile*. { t
Mr. Frank B. Stover has suspended a , ,
handsome new sign in front of his meat
market, formerly owned by Mr. Kdward j
Tyson. , t
i I —lf the young ladies of this town have (
£<*>4 taste they will urge all their gentle- j 1
men friends to buy clothing at tho Pbila- ,
B delpbia Branch. I
■ —Numerous Improvements are to be {
R tnade on the Mountain House at Snow
B Shoe, and John Irwin, Jr., has contracted ,
■ to do the papering and kalsomining. (
■ —Deputy State Superinten dent Lindsay
■ bu issued a formal denial that Slate Super- ;
B intendent Iligbeo purposed to revoko the
B "permanent certificates held by teacher*. !
■| —Quite a large number of farmers *t-
I leaded the curbstone market last Saturday
■ n.orning. The buyers were also numerous
B and eggs brought twenty c n nts per dozen.
M —The Borough Council is making ar
■ rangcrnenU to purchase a suitable safe in
■ which to depost its valuables, and has re
■ ferrcd the subject to the proper committee.
KK —Our readers will perceive that the
fourth page of the DEMOCRAT is illuminat
■ <4 by several illustration* of an exciting i
■ character, exhibiting the interior opera-
HK lions of the Circus Royal.
■ —The churches were all well attended
H Last Sunday. The special Easter service*
fB in the Roman Catholic, Episcopal and
B Lutheran churches, which took place in
Bl the morning, were very impressive and
HI the floral decorations quite elegant.
Bl —Gen. James It. Weaver, ex-candidate
Bl fir President on the Greenback ticket,
will visit Bellefonto on the 30th instant
H He was the most able advocate of that par
jm ty while in Congress, and if there is any
HB merit in the "Ohio idea" ho will enlighten
H bis hearers in regard to it.
—The wonderful girl who can bake nine
BK immense loaves of broad, make a dress,
BR take a music lesson, and attend the theatre
In all in one day, and not feel tired, buys her
H . groceries at Sechler ACo s store, of this
H place. Everybody who wants to feel well
at this time of year should deal at this
BE RhvoriU- store.
|B —Rev. 8. A. Tag-art, Stale Sec rets ry of
BHV tie Y. If. C. A., arrived in Bellefonte
Bast Saturday morning and proceeded at
Vance to the State College, lie spent Sun
■ w day among the students in that institution,
and on Monday raturned to this place,
conducting a very enjoyable and largely
*; I attended meeting in the Y. M. C. A.
■ coom* iu tho evening.
B. Brow spent a portion of last week in
town. A full board hus exerted quite n
transforming influence on ills handsome
—Andrew Curtin Loneberger is visited
bis numerous friends in tliis pluee last
—On Saturday morning tho DEMOCRAT
ofllcu enjoyed the slativnian-like presence
of Senator C. T. Alexander and Repre
sentative J. P. Gephnrt.
—Mr. Levi Slraub, of Altoona, was in
town on Saturday and Sunday last, de
parting again on Monday.
—Mr. J. G. Kurtz,of Milton, arrived in
Bellefonto on Saturday last.
Mr. William P. Duncan, president ol j
the Pbilipaburg bank and prominently
connected with several other business in
stitutions of Centre county, was in Belle
fonte on Sunday last.
—" Andrew BrockerhoflT, Bellefonte,''
was registered at the St. George Hotel,
Philadelphia, last Saturday.
—We are pleased to see that ('apt. W. j
W. Potter, who hus been suffering a long
period of illness, is again able to appear
upon tho streets.
—Rev. William Laurie exchanged pul
pits with Rev. W. O. Wright, of Miles
burg, last Sunday morning.
—Wo perceive by the Williamsporl Sun
that Rev. R. Crittenden, of this place, was
hovering around Williainsport last week.
Of course, lie took time to call on the
Mr. John Linn is now at Half Moon j
aad is rapidly recovering from his recent
serious illness. After reaching Half Moon
he suffered a relapse, induced by over
exertion, but at present writing his condi
tion is more favorable than fur a long time ,
■—Mr. Claude Linn, son of Judge Sam
uel Linn, of Wilhainsport, is suiting in
town, the guest of Mr, J. Dunlop Sbugerl*
one day last week Senator Alexander pre- '
sented a memorial from the trustees of the
State College asking for the appointment
ot a committee of tho Legislature to in
vestigate tho atfnirs of the College. The
paper provoked considerable discussion in
relntion to the institution, but a resolution '
granting the request of tho memorialists ;
was finally adopted. The same resolution i
also parsed tho House and of course a
committee will be named for the purpose :
indicated. On the part <>f the Senate this
committee will coii-it ol Senators Alexan
der, Norris, Holben,Mylin and N- wmeyer. I
The names on tho part of the Uou have
not yet been announced We trust that \
the committee will be a fair one, that tho
investigation will be thorough and impar- j
tial, and that all disputed questions in re
gard to the College will bo fully deter
mined by tho report to bo presented to tho
Legislature at its next session.
Valentine# pay rash or exchange gixnl#
for butler, eggs, lard, baron and potatoes.
—A prospective fountain~lo bo located
in the centre of Bollefonte'a beautiful
spring is now agitating the bosom of En
gineer Satnuol Ryan. Wo hope he will
be successful in securing subscription* to
defray tho expense of its erection.
—The residents of Linn street have been
put to considerable Inconvenience during
the past week to obtain the requisite
quantity of Adam's ale for daily use. ;
While the water sujierintendent has been
searching for leaks in tho pipe* the water !
has been drawn off from that part of town,
causing a water famine.
Men grow until they are twenty-one
years of age; women until eighteen, but !
grocery stores are subject to no uniform
rule. Tho grocery store of Sechler A Co.,
of this nlace, is continually growing In ex- j
cellence and in the extent <sf iu irado.
The large force of clerks and salesmen is
taxed to its utmost capacity, and still there's
more to follow.
—George L. Struble, a six-year-old son
of Mr. Isaiah Struble, of /.ion, died of!
that dread disease, scarlet fever, on Mon
day night last at 11 o'clock. The disease
appeared on the Saturday previous and !
thus quickly did it* fatal work. We learn
that a little girl in Mr. Struble's family is
also suffering from the same disease, hut
thero is every prospect of her recovery.
—Mis* ilaltio Deuel I, who died last week
in lowa City, lowa, after abstaining from
food for forty-seven days, is called, byway
of joke, tho fastest woman on record.
Tho Watchman call* her a girl, which,
considering her age—fifty-one years—is
probably intended for another joke. But
when we allude to fasting it is interesting
to nyte that there is no temptation to fast
when near such a grocery store as that of
Sechler A Co., of this place. Try that
store and be convinced.
—A frightful runaway occurred about
half-past four o'clock last Saturday after
noon. A valuable team of horses belong
ing to Mr. Perry Gentzel, of Zion, and
attached to a heavy wagon, broke from
their fastenings near Mr. John Goffer's
dry goods store, dashing along Bishop
street at a rapid rata. They turned the
corner near Allegheny street and plunged
into the midst of the numerous vebiclea al
ways occupying that street on Saturday
afternoon. Before they could be stopped
the wagon came In contact with two ve
hicles, considerably damaging both. They
were checked near Hicks' Brothers hard
ware store. The wagon was found to be in
a somewhat datoaged condition, and one of
tho horses was quite seriously injured by
violent contact with tha tongue of tho
wagon. No personal Injury occurred*
sponse to the receipt of elegantly |>rint'<l
card* of Invitation, the friend* of the Sir
K night* com (Mini in; Con-tuns Cotnmnndery
K. T., of lieHofoiito, wended their way to
the head-quarter* of Unit organisation,
last Tuesday evening, to witnn** a cere
mony which w now to nearly all— the
installation of tho recently elected officer*.
The Commandwry apartment* are located
on the third floor of Bush'* Arcade huild
ing, and when the bidden guest* hud
reached that lofty height, they were
ushered into the beautiful apartment tired
on this occasion u an audience room. Tho
•Sir Knights, clad in the beautiful regalia
peculiar to that order, received their gue.ts
and by half-past " o'clock the entire audi
ence was seated and the ceremonies began.
The programme of exorcise* consisted
largely of music, and the mere mention
that this was performed by the Misses
Lyon and Messrs. lilanehard and Bradley
is sufficient to show that it was well exe
cuted. We have not spa •• t give the
ceremony in detail. Suffice to say that it
was striking, impressive, deeply mysterious
and of a highly religious order. Sir F. I*.
Green presided a* chief instuiling • ffirer
and Sir S Dor bin Gray a< ted u escort,
both Sir Knights performing their | art
in a courtly and elegant manner. Retir
ing Kmiiient Commander Sir L. T. Mun
son marshalled the valiant Sir Knights,
i-suing his numerous orders with much
precision and authority. The address de
livered by ltev. Sir John Hewitt was in
teresting and instructive. It abounded
in polished periods and carefully select' i
i words and phrases, and was delivered in
jan eloquent and impressive manner. He
j asserted that :i- Christianity i- a develop
ment ni thi old Hebrew faith, so Knights
Teniplarism, whi, h is foun led on the doc
■ trine* of Chri-tianity, i- a development <f
• •Id time Free Masonry, the cardinal doc
; tripe* of which are the same a* those held
by the ancient Jews. When the road
1 leading from Christian Kuropo to the
Holy Land became dangerous from the
presence of Moslem Ctietoie*, the order of
' Sir Knights arose to protect the weary
| pilgrims with their trusty swords and of
• fer them a-ylum* • f rest. Here : the
j origin of Knight* Templar:-m si. 1 such I
j -till its mission, though now in a more
: spiritual sense. But when the Kev. Sir
Knight proceeded to -ay that the ceremon
ies of the evening hsd the same effect upon
| the audience • u t' le.i oj would have up
j on one who held the larger end of the
j instrument to his eye, and the smaller
; end directed towards an inter--ting
| object in the heavens, thus rendering the
1 object more di-tant and mysteri us than
• before, it did not have a reassuring cfl.-ct,
i especially upon lbo-e e-h.> imagim I the*
i could detect in the mylic cefeinoni- • an
I insight into the r. al •• r"t and d ..Trine.
•f the order.
But at length the--pleasant andn.vl
1 exercises ■ led and lb audi. ;ice di-p r•• I
' The following are tli • titles of the • (To es
and tho names of the Sir Knights who
were call, I upon to t. 1 tie -n durii ■ tic
eoming year
i Eminent C '.nana -r- Jr.ck- ni. Spang
ffmtf ttitwmii 1 T>na ■• H Hasting*,
fkii.'din tSenrrol—K-.'o W, 11.. r.
Trf'imrtr John 1' Harri
/fc.-or-ter George |'. Weaver.
fVnfnl* 811 .Ld.n Hewitt.
.SVe-or ll' 'if i -W !' II r,
Juninr ITsnfl* ■- J t'-.lsin KsfpSf.
Standard llenrer li-bert Hepburn.
I S.n.r.f /Core Jo o H S'U Is.
Warder —J. Irvin Ilagerman.
(RA*l> QAL\*I)AR - is Irl* w: \;e.—
The following i a |-n-pi<turi! <>f iho tr< <i j
parade of th CiroiK H>v*i, which will be '
in Bellefonte on Wednesday, the 'JTih in.
i -Urit "A solid mile of brillinnt scarlet
end gold artistically-wrought chnriot-,
i cages, den* nnd tank*, elegantly emliel
iWhed by renow..od ni*ter, with histori
, cat, allegorical and Biblical painting*, ol j
unusual beauty and interest, conveying to
I the looker-on, a- the great moi of mag- i
nificent elegance rolla upon it* pathway,
that wo have reached, within a hundred ,
year*, huge event*, and that our country i- j
"revolving In splendor" and "*celling in i
grandeur" the gorgeou* period of jageant- i
ry that eainted in the day* of the Koman
empire, more than eighteen hundred year*
ago. Now, in the I'.tth century, come* the
admiration and wonder of the world. The
great Kiectric Light, with it* motive
power, a gold, silver and nieke].plated <c*l
■team fire the entire co*l of which
m $ d*>,ooo, will make one of the many
attraction* that adorn thi* grand street
pageant. Following, will be the train of
massive golden chariot* and brilliant equi
page* of the entire cavalcade, with open
den* of living wild carnivoroua beaxl*;
Mardi-gra*, in ropre*ent*tivo character of
the bea*t*, bird* and reptile* of tho earth,
•ea and air in colo*ai proportion*. These
will be followed by "The Gigantic Indian
Monarch, Rmpres*," a war elephant, over
ono hundred and thirty yoan old, weighing
*ii ton*, and nearly twelve feet in height,
worth $30,000 in gold, (more than the en
tire ten pigmy elephant* spoken of clue
where). Thl* living mountain of flesh—
"a Goliah of the Pachderm*"—la a single
feature atone worth one hundred mile* of
travel to wltno**. No ono should hesitate
to bring the family to witness one of the
mmt superb sight* ever seen by mortal
, man. Come early. Don't fail to see it!"
—The best dressed men and boys buy
their clothipg at the Philadelphia Branch,
Of thi* there U no doubt.
AN INFANT BAPTIZED.-- It. was reserv
ed for Mr. William June* to prepare the
most impressive service which took place
in the Kpiscopal church on Faster day.
On the afternoon of that day lie presented
hi* infant son fur the solemn sacrament
of baptiniu, and made all tho arrange
rhent* in a manner that could not fail to
attract attention and elicit admiration.
The Sabbath-school scholar* and a large
number of adults assembled to witness the
ceremony. The party that gathered around
the flower-decked baptismal font consisted
of CapL Breeze, son-in-law of ex-Uov.
A G Curtiu, und Roland C. Irvin, who
acted a* sponsors; Mr. Jones holding the
crowing infant in his paternal arms; Mi*
! Lmily Natt, who officiated as god-mother,
and the rector, Rev. John W. Hewitt,
I who performed the baptismal office. It
; will be observed that the three lay gentle
'nu n named are all accompli-hod aib.r*
j Capl. Braes*ud Mr. Jose*bivln| had an
, extensive experience a* mariners, and .Mr.
Roland Irvin being an ex-cadet of the
| American navy. With the natural pro
pensity which every lively American lad
, develops to follow tile sea, supplemented
j by such Influences t> mould and direct his
future life a* these three gentlemen will
exert, it will he remarkable if he does not
also become a sailor. As if to cap the
climax and make fate more certain, the
roguish infant received the famous name,
John l'aul Jones, given to him in honor of
the grand hero of the American navy
during the revolution. But then, as is
al ways the case, "doubtful things are some*
1 times uncertain," and a- Miss Kmily Natl
acted the rote of god-mother on that <M a
-ion, it may be that tho influence of this
talented lady will be sufflci<- .tly potent t"
counteract that of these sea-lor.ng gentle
men, and when John Raul Jones grow - to
manhood it is l-os-ihle that she wili je-r- J
suadn hiin to keep at least one foot on
land. Meanwhile, great Neptune, watch
over the future destiny of thy favored !
child. (
M i -IC • The B'd'efonteOri he-tra, w hit h
will aid Miss Ohnmacht in the concert to
given by her next Tuesday evening,
have kindly donated their one-half of the
proceed* to the Young Men's Christian
A sociation, of this place The programme,
whoh is printed below, will sj*ak for
*%t J.F M* HF*." !• MJ T,4 #• IF
j "llf limit' r • •* lU| \ tod I'MC 11 I. ||d
I Mr li.i rim,.!, t- ruwle * 1 >.
I .lsu !*■, \• *1 trl VfHi
."'IKII nlf "U uiUfiil ' ..... .... ... .Ot<h*ti*
VUilin< •( IIK " tc ~j* T*rry
oil ari •..n;fl,h | ..filin. 'ft Hl*!* rjtMfUtl" t*inU'
MM <GII fr •' *Tr<sr*lopr
Atts'fKM Alf,** •>•> Tttll* |r #' .. 'f*
In W rlli.' hi; fr-i** IU) ii. • "Crthl t<
jby f^w*-!
' * I#*' r r-t % llnrgi*. ' 'l *lr
r*ik>ta ¥■ tt}. .... Nhfikli
- :II * i a I . h
Li M- Hear Tbj * Aftia.S nr Millard
- l<S#t It l .i !*• Ikh.' C*iir *.)
Ai-iou<)*hlf>l l-jr lb* "r(,i|r*
. r*nn Rn*t . • sun.'-r/t
At. AUrrh, ' (rmtl* <ju*rl<t a r I^r* -■ r,
•*!• p.* Hi
Tickets for sale at Miller A Hoover
!> • ksl- re. Ke-erved seats, oO i enls ; tick
to cents. gallery, '-!*> < ■•nt.
RIFLE RSAI-TH r, -The tnemlwrs of
< oni|ny 11, N. • . are determined to ex
| <el in all soldierly accomplishments, and
aisoit twenty-five -.f them, commanded by
f plain Amos Mullen. rewri<cl to th" fsir
gr< und last Saturday nftcrn<-"n to try th<*ir
'-sill in rifle pre-tu e Mr George Wolf
' demonstrated that he i most proficient in
' tt.i- rcs|.ect and found close rivals in
M'-sr*. lLile, Rowers, Gro-inger and Gar
i rett. If company II -h. u!d over bs- calle<l
! into actual service, the f<; will discover
that these young gentlemen are fine sol
! o'iers not only on occasion* of dress parade
i hut also when engaged in the heal of battle.
We regretted to hear last week of the
d<ath of Mr Jesse K. Gillespie, who died
on Bunday evening, the 10th instant, at
the age of 7" years. On the following
i Monday he was interred in the Friends
burial ground in this place. He was sin
; ' erely respected by all who knew him and
j his familiar figure will be missed from our
midst. His aged wife still survives him,
and ha* the unreserved sympathy of all.
pure, harmless remedy, that cures every
time, and prevent* disease by keeping the
blood pure, stomach regular, kidney* and
liver active, is the greatest blessing ever
conferred upon mah. Hop Bitter* is that
remedy, and it* proprietors are being bless
ed by thousands who have been saved and
cured by it- Will you try it 1 See anoth
er column.— Eagle.
—Tn April *IM rhsnyln* je* f .
Tli* M-NTH WHFH L*n*h< MM h-r frown ;
New on h lids h*n* * Lr.
Or w.LI-fln* LWWET th- M-wdow. drown ;
TH-n half • smlls th- nh -he-rs n*.
And nsUrw drsnsht* the TUTIL-sam '|*s*
From th* ptmn* I .LOW-Ml'- hflmmtn* E|l.
Or, with one nnl*f*l L*nvh.
NNLNR-'S >onn, F\MJ RI"n *l-t
IT Ir. Is srrosra from "H th* dan-tn* trM I
And tilue.jed stotets win* shout.
And torn th.lr odour* on Ih- hrror- .
TH* *nr*lln* rtroams mrk In Us* springs.
And srom t.. loaf, aton* rmiro float .
As on th* IWKF path tray ting*
Round of thlr twlnhllns sUrar f—l:
Th* gra*s *t*A|. forth with far* all wan,
II)- th* llfe-GF -lug sun Wnllml,
To ROO II surly Maroh IS goo-
All Nalnt*. ll*' a nw-LXrn ehild,
ISUIM no lis fruitful mother'* lap.
TO win HY Ita Innoxlon* WLLRO—
If SWRB A GRATIONS thing may hap--
It* grost Crwator'* gid.lms Mnlfaa;
FOR thm-'T a glory In th* hour
Raran l what '*O th* son rwn ISWD,
W-TiVod th* gmas and owning FLOWK
A WM- thing In whlrh hrarsra most Mend
—Within the past four months eleven
persona have been received into the Lu
theran church, of this place, Ave by con
firmation and six by certificate.
—A large stock of elegant kid gloves,
all slxet, 2 and 3 button, at aeventy-five
cents a pair at Valentinea' stores.
..v: - iwrli UltllSIIIITT"
3 For the sake of variety, we shall change
t the established order of thing, by alluding
tonne of the permanent business enter
i prim sof Bcllefonte, instead of devoting so
t much space to spe-ulalion* about the Bnow
Shoo mines, Ilullcfontu car work* and other
> important establishment* which are always
• far in tho fuluro. As is' well known, the
cigars made at tho manufactory of
.Mr. A J. Cruse have obtained a wid sale
1 and gr.-m popularity, and these are con
-1 stanlly increasing. Much of tho agricul
, tural page of the DEVI.,, H.VI ha* of iato
' j been devot' d to inforinatiun on tobacco
culture, utid no action can more for ibly
' ; impress upon tho mind of the cultivator
. j and ail others the amount of money there
, is in the article by the time it i* waited
into smoke and changed into a-hes by the
vigorous j nfl. of the happy smoker than
a brief visit to the extensive manufactory
of Mr. A. J. Cruse, in the Bush House
j block.
! Vie nin ta> knowledge that it somewhat
j surprised us to learn, on a recent visit to
that establishment, that fight workmen
.are constantly employed, and last year
300,0! JO cigars were manufactured. It is
. exp , ti-d that the product of the factory will
jbo d< üb.'cd during Hie present year. Mr.
' Cruse d<>es not lind it nccetsary to send
| agents out to solicit orders lor cigars, but
, they come voluntarily, arid hi* ruil sales
' are immense. If,- paid a government tax
Of f l /N) lat year on the cigar* sold by
1 him, which is greater than the tax of ail
the other dealer- in Centre county coin
: billed. He a!-o deal* in choice t'>bare< of
all kind-, and hi* sale* are very large.
1 bus, during the pn-l few ywrs, almost
j urijiercei*. 1, n industry of great import
. ance ha* h-n springing uj. in not luid-t,
, which we hope will continue prosperous.
IR AitTEK >'i - o.ss Co,-nr.—The n.ual
spring term of court will le-gin next Men
' day, the "J'sth llitr.t ll- low we give the
, i. a me* of the jurors summoned U, !*• pre--
. ent und also a list of the trials whiih will
occupy the attention of court;
II II '-' T. || r 1 IV.r
i Urlfis M -•*f v t I is* tt
I K |* tt*
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H'liiiitt KoljibKin,
I* isvit
'• j ••• lrf. I > I||| u
I V K'flir., <fir*AV
J .'lUMglt, 1 "I^l,'F
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• 5 K " r ID f
J -\u II Mftf.flfi i'ssl? V
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Mi lilt Uxlk.r ff *****
Mftib M -in|. t.
I; ' rt Mffrh *, Umh
A -i 111 Whlk'f
Hi rif • • tUarl. J'. (|t
J ha K• ' hf, I* tt#^r
• i IthtQl J I's-f.ti
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uH ttord
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• ®k* hi. II *4t|
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Abtl *l3. t*tua (tfeot
Aaatln ' wtifj. B***
.1 J M nr;.
II !|blr. tti-i|r|oi U.
I'#r W |*ar* -<. I|t)lw*
llrfirjr 3u *ti, Ulkr
J* ' l t,f Putt' t*
II I h 1 iiM
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7. %1 'TT flu*t"t
J- l*n I' Ujilmma. W*nli.
At Af < iij ** ri
I'M - ; Hi '**. i*n*ti
• 3 p .*qtwi. . k , • nsr
%. |v trt. ,
> J II tt ii>g. ttri'Kf
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'!• • |V |c, •I.
P l-t W-'Mli.
W ilium *m,i, i> r. |lut* r.
M'-t. n a; o,
M i ■ %I*n*. Cnrti
I'mnk Kna i MiU|iti
It fr
It M I/*
v. lilUlQ 3W ►f*. Il-I1f r.t
J tn i* tntiiAii 'Jffjat.
II- .j fu—f. PatUm.
J ftr M-jw HarrU
l.M v*.
I Iwt4 ka<a* t I .
A •* ' II ► i ' 1 r |
J a lam W •air,, ISeiiiH
f|M in*# Iftaott, A a •
J II IVtiKilt. *; :
it IV K• . r. Mil' * r e
ii c OMMNitt, :i autitt
A *r i Kvjfsltl' I* tt/ /
I'M M * •no. HoO.
'•fut|fi I I. I*f> •
UiNfj[r l/klr,
llltUffi Xnyl.,l
- tMd'l H. T. M•!* r
-it - i
U iJlshiF. U. msilijMs'f
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* :'j • ' I- ii, a
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J A il-int'f, IUII
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I fhok V* fhM| UalWff
J ilh.lU H' it.it*
I# #riv i'wtu.ri
T W llwlHUifi' llatt
. M \ ■ • V r
K \ riniii Matiiffi.
.1 I. €.*;,ear® Iv-f.MV .
I! i M Thvl * >rtl
l • Glhft' *l. 4 ilv|fi.
' ti II f? • t rl
I' i. Of •
A J l i t MM, H(kvr.
i*tlfl ll t*Vtttit I tii-n
Vt hi -ft Ih r ♦ I Vt tie 1
\ t;d M'fff I* lb H'-l II!
LflhDi lfirt lltjis n
W I Ih * is MLf Of.
A c M t>l vf U \
J Em' •t n- rtw II r 1
U > u T JUiUx . |v t.jsvf
A !• fits
.1 Ii Uniri*.
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AMI nm hm
AVvkB> JUnio. AsC^ttt
II 4 Uiihamt
j i.v*,r E v J| * • k
. f r% i
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-ti/ i. |>rt Kt r- .. ..
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' Vniv nr f
j Vtrntlkv lltiH* *t ttl
Dfitil llrßfl
II hfj (V.*t rx | || ......
>1 1. I rvnll u*r .f ......
4 'i|r
A ■AI fV att.-...
, 4 n r*f t* ti%- ■ f
I 4 ott* Mitt a A AltiiTi rg
, J It A <* T Atei4MHt#-r.
N A. I*frtUL
1 risiiip iu-Mfi"*
' ll'iitt XrltFiirdih
IWt au in W'iUivl
! Alfff-I IUO
j C Aoltmtttt
a. it A r*.
} . O.vtssllr A Uyl.
J rt rrl .....
j J 4.0 W. M •*!• -
4* M
J > u Mtm
** 4 it th .I*. **l r it
44 J"hn iVsrobftn <*t
' V tlltj \P'* .?rt*!.
Jcr*<* lUls*.
tMr NiUh' 11, Ki'r.
•* Jishn I en, t.
4*4 <.M KICK.
r IhnDl Kmrn'-r.
Triiv 4 M.liik'J.
4 H J Tl rvt|-s* ti't TT!.
" II M- ft *1
• Vii Mvrk.
41 JUnr'l Mil's r. r. I rf
44 II M'-rnmii ft nl
M Imk lUhj tft ni
44 I!. Mrrtiomts vt %!.
" Jisvfph T I f-mmittr.
44 J .hn %Idj|,fv
44 l 4*. H*h. A/iai'r ft •).
" Q W.I - i
44 II Mmlttfifi ft ml
44 John I Tl * mj-t-ii
14 John
" Jfioii- K lirrtittr.
44 John W I'.*A*.
" KiiniMb MtJlrv ft IL.
** M J. Iwkff ft %l.
- W J.Jflfisk^t,
" K. II -rt!irf.
44 M. II all Man4/ HI ft tt!
*' .1. M K'phaft.
44 M ft ttl
" John T limirr.
IFIVK HJU'I-Y Sl*TKß*.— Mr*. Roland
Curtln hud the pleasure of entertaining
her four iter* Hi her handsome residence
on Allegheny *treet, la*t Thursday eve
ning. They are; Mr*. Jama* Potter,
Mr*. Andrew Gregg, Mr*. Mote* Tbomp
on and Mr*. W. W. Potter. All rrvide
in thi* county, except Mr*, dame* Potter,
whi.se home i in Chicago. There five la
die* are daughter* of Mr. dohn Irwin, de
crated, and titter* of the lata Gen. datnc*
Irvin. Their age* eange from 60 to SO
year#, "and all—eacept Mr*. Thotnpton,
who it luflering from an accident received
two year* ago—are enjoying good health.
Of courte, the occation wa* very pleasant,
and It it to be hoped that they will turvive
to enjoy many more Mich happy re-unlona.
AotUcm.Tva*L Mumvo —The ntual
quarterly meeting of the Centre County
Agricultural Society, nr\t Monday even
ing in the Court Houte, promitet to be an
interetting event to farmer*. Prof. Jordan,
Oie director of the agricultural department
at State College, will be present and ad
drew the meeting. The subject will be
"Barrennett; It* Caute and Remedy."
Thlt It a highly important subject for all
our agricultural cummunity aud the at
tendance should be large.
tori have mudu the AIIIJUAI <:ttf<mciit of
our townihip Account!. Jam *o*rjr to ay
tho result of tlio Audit i* nut rati.factory
I " |" M, pl. "or officer* have not boon
a* prudent they should have boon in ex-
I pending the put/lie fund*. They havo
! Mjirie cnormoui bill*—the medical bill, for
! in/dunce, which i almott ? 400 for the
I treatment of the poor alone. Thi* i* rath
jr high when the same i* now contracted
I for by the mme par lie* for S2OO. They
| will have to make an explanation before
, another election, or tho people wiil not
give them the tame chance again. Hut
( thi* i* only another in-tanco of radical
.rule. did riot expect an)thing ele,
for like their brethren everywhere, they
all Ilk.: to feed from the public crib.
—The life insurance agent, Mr. Mu
elm, from Union county, wa* greatly
; turprhed to learn that one of the old men
h on he intended to get a* a .object had
| died a year ago; but .aid it did not make
much difference a. he had the name* of
several .uUj.-cU in hi. pocket for tale
good old fellow, who would die oon. We
now hate a resident agent in tbi. place
Who it doing a go'el deal of canvatting,
and ha. l,een the m< an* of inducing sev
i era! aged person* to become victim* of the
company which he represent*. It look*
tery much like a bare-fated .windle, and
) w '' w o<d all pereoM to be careful.
' "plain, are you ure you are doing a*
you would be done by ? You know ibvre
j i a hereafu r and you niu.t render an ac
count, for the deed* done in the leafy.
\Sujli it not be more honorable for you
to tak" bold of a reliable company ?
—Th<- M. I> .tudent at the X road. i
getting along finely. He I. doing better
than he did last fall flt the Forge School,
but he should not divulge U xi much of
what he read*. There will be time enough
lor that when he begin* to practice.
—Our worthy landlord it di.j-.eed to
I criticise Mom Gepbart and Murray for
their Vote again.t hi. bteiniw.
Tl.e K'are t fever i, or .ecm* to be.
| under control. There are no new case*
j and a.) that have had it are r>\ vering.
We h. { our affliction, mav end and
j hcaith arid pro-pent* .<nce more attend u.
They .ay that the school at Coalville,
:>w taught by Mr. Noll, of thi. place,
cloaed on Tuesday.
Your., A-,- Sin v BOWK.
Opries ll* Hi —\t a recent m.-el
ing of Centre L dge No. l.v;, 1. o. O. K.
IVputy Grand Ma.t.-r Frain installed the
following officer* N J. c. Brachbill;
j\ . G., Henry Bet k ; Secretary, H. B.
I'ontiu. Assistant Secretary, William H.
lUnkin ; Treasurer, H 11. Benner ; Jani
iler, It. Galbraitb : Tru-tee., If Y. SltUi-r,
j Henry Beck, I). V. Fortney.
A LAnoc Tnour. Mr. Harry MK'lel-
J lan was o sucecs.ful a. to calcli an im
] m< me trout yesterday morning while fish
ing in Spring creek n<-ar the Snow Shoe
coal slu'ils, rin- is* autiful fi.b measured
11 inrhe. long by ' im h*-. in girth.
! —\\ itoeMes. juiors, lawyer, and all at
t' tiding court will have an opportunity to
bear the fittest concert ever given in Hello
f iitle. It will lake place on Tuesday eve
nm ; in Humes 11*1! and all .hould make
lie r arrangement* to IK- present.
C rider s planing mill and bo\ factory
i. now a awn. of lively industry, and i*
operated Ui its fuile.t cajiacily. To enlarge
operation, a 'JOxbo foot addition will nam
be erected.
I —A bunth of four * r five kej. was lost
* n Tuesday night, which Ui finder will
confer a favor by returning to Box No.
2S, Itellefonte Tost office.
j —We hav. a!way* carefully abstained
j from commending *.r puffing the *t-i*iUd
patent medicine, that haven me under onr
notice, alway* giv ing them M •' whle (.erth,''
! but whn an article of genuine merit be
come. known t*> u*. we believe we are not
only doing justice r* ourselves but to the
community at large in making it known.
•Mich an articlv trt know "Green'* Com
, pound Syrup of Tar, Honey and Blood
i root" to l>e, having u.ed it in our family
for rear, with perfect ali.fat lion, so much
.<• that we consider it an indispensable ar
ticle of household u*c.— JUlUj.mlt tUjuhh
—lt i. expected that 2,000,000 ton* of
coal will bo produced yearly in the newly
opened bituminou* region of Centre county.
Phtia Time*
—spring woolen* now ready. Early
order, solicited. Money saved.
If-If MOXTOOWKRT 'Jk Co., Tailor*.
Philadelphia Market*.
rii inMirsu, April lft. IMI.
Flora—floor is qnlet *1 turner role. Stales o!
1 l,t*i barrel*. including Minnnes.u e*trs t T:>
fur trsMlnm to Star i Hear. en*t el RT< 'ft. ** It lot
■might; Pennsvtrsnt* extra family .1 *4 7".,.
I Western dn do. at JV ft, *,! Patents at
Bye flour Is Arm at fio.HVo SJSff pot harrel.
i Attn —Vkl*t l In 'l-m.rsrt end pk* are a lr*<
li'-n higher. Bale, ssf A'..*K*i I ushels, including revest
ert, ai M 10: nomt-er 2 red. em !<<#.. at fl Hi)., .'ml :
■ red. to elerotnf, *1 HI", April. I 161, Mar, and 11.1*
Joae. Rye H Aeio at tl <*lo.l (s- let Pentmtlraals
1 flatn*,—SVnrer I* in limited request at 7i*V I"*
) peomi M old and nee In pmutAy nothing i* doing.
Belleroute Market*.
Ituirerrg April 21. IMI.
White oh eat, per hathel... ,r<sld>. 41 on
Bud * heal (new > IOA
! Bye, per touh-l no
C* C*. *sh *1
Cksra, .helled , •.
I Ploor, retell. per barrel. I es
. ftoor, whoteaale —*l4
Provision Market.
1 Co tree i-d meekly by Harper Brother*.
, Apple., dried, per pooaduu—..—
Chetne., dried, per poaad, iti did- to
1 Keen* per qnart ... a
. freeh hotter per poaed *S>
Chtrhetse per |enit—— *
f (Vew per peaed... 3u
IVsantty hnass peruse* ad I t
' bard per |o
Putatoee per bnhl... —— 11
Piled beef.— 1*
. ..... . .