Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 14, 1881, Image 8

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Thursday Morning, April 14, 1881.
OiIUtoiFOWnKNrK, containing lui|Mirtnnt t wn, • ii.it
from any part of thr rounty. No r-.tiinmni. *1 n
ln*rtiHl IIH1M icooni|Milill ly tin* msl nam* of ih>
Democratic County Committee.
The following persons have been named
as members oi' the Democratic County
Committee for 18N1.
Brllofimte, W. \V Nl.-h-U" It. -l llnu
Brllffonlr, N. W CliarlMHchnMlcr.
JMlrfout*, H. W ■
Milnittnrg O. IV Krwmrr.
Mlllhrim 1). L. Z#rt*.
1Jnlonvlll* A Toin-r l^*lhrn.
H'untJ li.org" \Vit
A.J. limit tm.
IWQnr,... mM Jfrry Kuan.
IktggM Junto* A. M -rUin.
BurtiiMe *. H- lt
4'urtin John .MdTtki*jr.
College llottorf
Fcrguaon, 01d.... •••••• John T. Mri'oroilrk.
Fargtwon, Mil* Walkrr.
Grrgg, *nth Il*nr> K rutin Inc. Hr
Orrot, n>rtli Jmw lut k.
lUlfni' John War.l.
Haiti" S-lMin.ift Kttltiigfr.
lUrri*... John A. Kupn
H war I ... John A. Dut.kl*.
Ihiiiton - 11.-nry 11 .!•
l.tberty . 11. litnlnrr.
Ularlon p. rry €V v |.
>Iil* Panto. I K Kauet.
Patlon John K*l.
IV nn Chrial AlekAluter.
Totter, north Johu Phannon.
Toltrr, Milli , J. linn Md'liutick.
Ktuh.. - ■■■
Si)owßh<x A I l 'an| <lr||.
Spring John Noll
Taylor W ilium CaMcrwood.
I'nion P. K Kmrrlrk.
AValkrr - Anii r—.• M VulVn.
Worth kUI l
Pa., Frb. I. Chairman
REMOVAL. —We desire our friend- I,
notice that the office of the CENTRE DEM
OCRAT ha* been removed from the Bush
House Block to the building on the North
West corner of Allegheny and Bi-h p '
ftreets. Office on the second !!■•or ; er.- '
trance on Allegheny street. We have !
pleasant quarters and will he p!ea-"d to |
. have friends and pstr, n rail to see us.
NOTICE.—I call the attention of the
public to the fact that 1 acain have m_\
office in the parlors of the old Conrad ,
House, just opposite the Brockorhoff House,
where I .hall he glad to meet with all
persons having legal business to la- attend
ed to. |) r FORTXKT
Local Department.
—Coup * eircus is coming.
Many of ourcili/.ens have commenced \
making garden.
—Five hundred pounds butter wanted at
Lyon 6c Co'* store.
—Bob Burdette will lecture in Lock
.Haven to-morrow evening.
—There is a good rafting flood in the
"West Branch of the Susquehanna.
—This is the last month in which oysters
can be eaten until the advent of Septem
—Thy Riverside diagonal suit* old at
the Philadelphia Branch for sl*arc beau- !
—Gentlemen's straw hats are already
displayed in some of the store windows of
—No new eases of scarlet fever have
been reported at Pleasant Gap during the
past week.
—Goods sold at closest cash prices in
exchange for country produce at Lyon &
Co's store.
—Just think of a child's suit for $1.50
That's what you can get at the Philadel
phia Branch.
—The Philadelphia Branch has 200 pair
of cassimere pants and wants 2UO men and
boys to buy them.
—This week is known in the church
calendar as "Passion Week," and is the
most important part of Lent.
—The cigars that are the largest and
most fragrant and last the longest are
those sold by Harry Green.
—All-wool boys' dress suits that will
wear for several years can be purchased at
the Philadelphia Branch for only $5.
—The planing mill owned by Fred
Ramev, at O*ceola, was totally destroyed
by fire on Friday night of last week.
—Rov. Dr. Robert Hammill, of Boals
burg, preached in the First Presbyterian
church, of Altoona, last Friday evening.
—Butter is thirty cents per pound.
"Whew 1 Guess we'll have to invent an
other wav to make our bread slide down
easy. ™
—A sixty-five horse power engine is
being constructed at Duncan A Co's foun
dry for the Bellefonte Car Works. This
has the appearance of business.
—Adams Express Company has estab
lished an office in Snow Hboe, with
Conductor Nolan as messenger and C. P.
Stoncroad agent.
—Bavarian and Bohemian beers surpass
any malt liquors ever before offered to the
public. These sparkling drinks can he
had on draft at Brown Bros., Butts House.
—lt Is consoling to know that although
tbe day for catching large trout in Spring
creek has passed away, the finest cigars
ever manufactured are still sold by Harry
—Another chapter of that interesting
aerial story entitled "Sheriff's Sales" ap
peared on the fourth page of the DEMO
CRAT last week. It will be repeated every
week until the 23d instant.
Noll's school bouse, in Curtin town
chip, wa* totally destroyed by Are one day
laat week- It is said to be tbe school
house in which our friend, Judge Orvis,
first taught tbe young idea how to shoot.
—The rain fell steadily all day Tuesday
and Wednesday, flaw long it will con
tinue we do not know, but hope that when
the DCMOCRAT reaches its readers on
Thursday morning the sun will be shining
from a clear sky.
—!!■■■ ill i an
—The usual quarterly communion was
administer, d in the Preibylerlan church
of this place last Sunday morning, on
which occasion three persons <•(•,. received
jnto the full membership of t!,.. church.
The 1 I'l A. M . express train last Sat
urday was delayed several lumi-, caused by
the wreck of an extra freight train near
Mill llall. Several cars worn thrown from
the track, hut no one was injured.
—An unu-tial number of gentlemen
from /ion seemed to travel toward* Belle
fonte last Saturday, and Mr. John A.
Kibe, of that place, was among the num
ber who favored our office with his pre*,
—"Green's Compound Syrup of Tnr,
Honey anil Bloodroot" i* the result of a
series of experiments extending over a
period of 2i' years, by a practical pharma
cist, and for all diseases of the throat and
lungs stand* unrivatlrd.
—S AA. Loeb have placed the sign of
their store in a very prominent place. It 1
graces the t,.p „f William* Brothers paint
store on High street. '-He who runs may i
read," even if he is running up hill.
Mr. .1 N. YanOrmer, who ha* re-id
id at Humes' Mill, in Spring township,
during the past year, will hereafter make 1
hi- residence in Belief* "to. "Van" cotno
with lii flitting to-day and every one will I
extend a hearty welcome to him.
—A correspondent of the Bedford fin
! .-•'/* savs that in the first week of May.
18,'ifi, snow fell to the depth of twelve or
fourteen inches. Oh, horror; if lhi< oc
curred in Ihuf, it mav he repeated tin
1 year '
—We had a very pleasant call from "iir
'our friend Mr. John Bi-hel, of Better :
' township, en la-t Monday afternoon Mr j
Ri-he| w ill he n randidate before the |>
oeratie County IVnven'ion for the import
ant office ~f Asaoclata Judga, and so <!■•-
■ ire- hi< friend* throughout the county to
| understand.
, —The Donaldson dramatic company
have been occupying the hoard* at It \ -
Hold* Hull during the p*t two c* no
On Tu.'-day night they presented the
drama of the "Two Orphan- ' and last
■ vening [ erform-d "Camilla." Large „...
dicnces attended the cntertainnc ht- hot!,
Mr. Al. Grow, of the Lock Haven
' Daily ./ u rn<d, has be.-n made hit; py in
the following manner, a* rdated in Tu
; day '* i-*ue : '■ We have *ei ured the -er\ i ■■ ■ j
of aq ii'-i-tant (alitor who is a* -burp a- a
two-edged sword and of go..J metal. The
; new editor is eomj--id of—a pair of nil kle- '
plated, double-jointed, back-ac lion scissor*.
, the gift of Mr. Kyle M< Farlsne, of Belle
fonte. Thanks."
! —With the addition of every new hu*i
! ness establishment to the many already in
; Bellefonte, competition become* greater
It is pleasant to know that those who d> al
honestly will always win the best patron
age. This is juel what the grocery firm of
Sechlcr ("o. i doing. The sentiment of
prae i univerlin reference to the square
dealing of the firm and the excellent sti k
of grrH?eries always on hand.
—One of the grand secrets in Vie suc
cess of Sechlcr A Co s grocery store in j
this plaee is in ibc fact that Mr. Sechlcr,
Mr. Test* and all the a-*iUnt are th**-
oughly familiar with all varieties of tbe ,
grcn ery trade. Persens patronising cither
the grocery or meat market departments
can have their want* quickly and satisfac
torily supplied.
—The report thst Pr lligiiee, i*tate Su
perintendent of Public Instruction, intend*
to rancel all certificates issued by bis pr*-
decrasor is denied. It would be a foolish
action. If he doe# compel tho teaehers
holding such certificate* to show their
competency by an examination his action
will he commended and the teaehers of
i Centre county are ready for him to begin,
j —There is a story current that tbe late
j Mr. Carlyle was a terrible domestic ty
rant. At breakfast lime he would com"
| down grumbling, and, glancing at the
I well-spread board, declare tho f --l unlit
a dog. It was a pity the renowned
philosopher did not live in Bellefonte, so
he could purchase groceries of 8. A Brew !
ft Son. Victual* compounded of these gro
ceries would have cured his tcin|>cr and
perhaps prolonged his life.
—We are informed that the death of
Mrs. John Painter, of Pleasant Gap, which
was announced in the DEMOCRAT last
week, did not result from scarlet fever,
but from a complication of other diseases.
This announcement is made that none may
be deterred, through fear of scarlet fever,
from attending a sale which will take
place in a few days from the residence of
ber husband,
i —Among the decorations of the tables
at the Brockerhoff House dinner was a
magnificent cake, prepared for tho occa
: slon and presented to the house by
Mr. J. 11. Sands, the Allegheny street
baker. We cannot undertake to describe
it, but as an artistic and beautiful specimen
[ of what may be accomplished in tho way
> of cake baking wo tbink it would be hard
■ to excel.
' —Tho new management of tho Brockor
boff House prepared a most sumptuous
• dinner on last Sunday, which wit greatly
r enjoyed by a large number of Invited
I guests. Mr. McKoever spared no pains in
, making every one present feel at home and
all were delighted with their entcrtain-
V ment. The bill-of fare contained every
• thing to tempt tbe appetite, and full Justice
i) was done to tbe splendid feast of good
n things placed before the assembled guests.
; —Five hundred doson eggs wanted at
Lyon A Co's store.
PoPCt.AS PERRON a LH. —Theodora O.
L"athor* hint hcen appointed postmaster ut
' Mountain Fugle, in this county.
Mr. (iiiurgc 11. Itishri, n ion of John
Uishel, F-q., of Putter lown-hiii, ha gone
to tlm Want. Afl"r n 'hurt visit nt CI"V
land, Ohio, loi will proceed to Illinois
whore ha will remain during tha rummer.
Mr. Kirhel will return to Michigan In the
fall uinl -peii'l the coming lull Htei winter
nt school in tli ,t Slate. Succors to h I in.
Mr. 11. N. Chandler, of Julian, tarried
tor H while in the DKMOCK AT sanctum last
Saturday afternoon. He is extensively en
gaged in the lumber hu-inerr, and his con. '
vernation upon the operation* of the prea*
ontvseason proved instructive and enter- 1
—The *ermon of ltev. G. I) Penny
packer, of the Methodist church, hot Sun- !
day morning, occupied lifty-llve minutes '•
in its delivery, and was pronounced u fine '
Mi-s Kate Jackson, the elegant and
accomplished daughter of (icorg -Jackson.
I F-q., alio lo>s hi-en attending Yassar Col
i lego, is at present cfij "\ iiig u lirief \ti.u.
ut lor fiitlier's residence in this place
She wilt return in a f. v day* to complete
her year's studb-. Mi • Jennie Iteynolds
daughter of Thomas Iteynolds, K q
| who is a'tending a youti.' Indies -cloud in
I'hiiudelphia, is also expci! i home to-day
■ to spend a liro f season.
• The M' -frs. McCarthy 'w iv.. Iligent
and pleasing young gentlemen, ' . run -ed
this plaee l-t week in the interest of an 1
art establishment at Auburn, N V. They
took orders for portrait- to be executed ...
India ink, and cure highly -ice. :
Their tiKwi extensive order wn fr in Mr
llrfx kerhofT for a life-siz" portrait of her
■ leteaed husband, the late Mr Henry
1 Brother huff, of this p'uo e.
if ■:!. Aielr< w (• ('..rlin is antiour. Ed I
to delivi r the < ration in M >nongabela
; (,'ity on I' '.ratl in Idas 1 hat - tnougli
t > eto iro the *ucce-s of the "h—TvuM ' # in
iLat i ity.
' —Mr A Tn • fart, St il<- >. -etary ••<
'.lie Young Men s Christian A •fHiatn i
will \iit lh:- I ince next Monday and
Tue. lay. \\ hi." he l- lu re a;. lig; •
gathering will b< held to which ins lu.tu
•rottt frh r.'i> are la* ited loMd kith Ha 1
Alii also 1 I it Milt' C "lege.
l>r. I' ugan Clark, minifies of the
Friends J- vo'.y, wiil te-gin a series i,
( B.ble reading- ill Hutne- li il of tt. * J .u ••
tiiis evening, and continue them lb: uglo
• <ul the week.
l'rof. Henry Nhortii Ig--, Pr- -idsnt of
State College, ha- re-igr ■ 1, and tliat itn
{■orlanl otii e i with it an McU|*sil (
Why not estl cur aci "m; ii-le d friend.
Prof. John Mason Duncan, to that J-*l
tion ? if h will accept he can do m re
to rcsuM-itato that institution than any ,
j other pc-ro.n within our knowledge;
what is quins important, everybody tii
I Centre county will be pleased with the
1 f boicc.
—The card of Ir H K Iloy will l<-
found in the DHW.HRST this week. ll
will lake i-.-.c-wic-n his office in the •
! Con rail House v-xt Monday, where he wii
j le- |>i- u-ed to wV. tie- all bit friends, and '
, where orders can fit- kit hy lh-iss- who
require the aerv • of a -kiilful physiiiau
Mr. John lUhtl, of l'ottcr township.
ike great interest in th raising of l-ee -
' I Hit la-t wintr waeavery unhirtuiiale otu •
i for him. Ha hwi sixty.e.on s'seps and |
informs us that Ifty-DM of th- in p||filW I
during the cold w xths-r. They had plenty
; of honey to keep iwo, orsi the winter anei
Mr. Itishni thinks v re weather must
! have killed them. It is a serious loss
•—The wedding of Mr. AI. IS. llaupt |
' and Miss F.mrna Hoover, two of the good !
looking and popular young folk* of |hi-
Itorougli, was a sssvft well kept. 11 took
place on the ""ith of November ami was i
made public for the first timo last w-.-k i
| If ll' not too late to e|<> MI, wo le-g to cx
t tend our congratulation.
—A pleasant social gathering took place |
at the residence < f Mr. George A. liayard j
on Friday evening of last week, in honor '
'of Mrs. Bayard* birthday.
—Mr John S. Yearick, a young gentle- I
man from /.ion—the earthly /ion in Cen- 1
tre county, we mean—railed nt tbc DEMU- 1
• HAT office last Saturday.
Mr. O. K. Harper, of Pine Grove !
Mills, called at the DEMOCRAT office lost
Mr. Jatncw McCafferty, son of our
worthy fellow-citizen, Charles McCafferty, ;
Esq., departed on Monday evening to
Bradford, McKran county, whore he will j
engage in the service of a banking insti
—II. C. Weaver, proprietor of the
Cuban cigar store, spent Sunday last in
Philadelphia and visited Coup * circu* on
Mr. Wilbur Harris it again officiating
as clerk in the post-office.
Miss Lido Jehnton, daughter of Poet
master Johnson, who has been suffering
severe illness for several weeks, i* growing
rapidly better.
—Mr. Gus. Lyoi, formerly of the dry
goods firm of Lyon A Co., of thi* place,
ha* purchased the store of Hoover, Hughe*
A Co., of Philipsburg, and will give the
people of that place the benefit of hi*
superior business qualifications, attested by
a long experience la Bellefonte.
Mr. A. B. Agnew, the tobacconist,
has moved hi* cigar store into the build
i ing recently yachted by John Hour beck,
i and now ha* a very neat and tasteful place
of business,
i —Mr. F. W. Cridcr paid a vis it to Lock
Haven on Monday.
row will be Good Friday—a legal holiday
—a day of rest and r< creation for school
children and banker . Sunday next will
IHI Faster—a day of rejoicing afl< r the !
solemn season of Lent. Both of these days '
uro observed by somecburi lies with special
religious services, com memo rut! ve of tbo
death and resurrection of our Saviour. The !
joy which Faster brings is symbolized by
a profuse Aral decoration, and the Fjlscn.
pal and Finnan Catholic churches of this
place will doubtless be ornamented lu the
I usual extent on such occasion. To the
world nt large Faster is a day of more ol
less feasting, and eggs constitute the m -t
importtt.it article of consumption. Young
! folks spend u large part of the Saturday
previous in coloring egg j n ~ highly oriiM- |
mental manner. There are many ways of
! doing this and the necessary coloring ma- |
terials can be found at any drug st re.
! But the chief obstacle just now to the use :
of eggs i in their price. They cost from
fifteen to twenty cents |xr do/.' n, and nt
that price can be indulged in only by the
| wealthy. Luring Lent lire festivities am! '
hnvo ><•! carried
on in a sulolued manner, hut nft.-r Ka-l r
all who desire to do so call indulge in the
most brilliant display and i#n continue t >
do so during the f.-w w<- k which inter
vi-ne between that day and Ihe advent el
extreme warm watlier, wlii'h no -irilv
■ u'.ls a halt m all d:u r . i.- inveiiing
physical ex'-rti n
A l/'OHi oiu. LOCAL. —The Alio ns |
s/i furnish s th>- following interest.ng
r uiiiiiM-eti'< • about tin- h" o|r. t:\. - which
have b." nin u•'■ by the Iteilef.-tit- and
Snow Shoe fa 11 r .id • ■nj any
"There in the ird ro-ar tin mid
idle divi-ioji round house tli; < ;d.|. king
locolll stives, Nos. 1. Hlid I, win h hate
Iv-eii br uglit b< re Iroui the lb ib ior.te and ;
>:i *• Mi"- I. iil 0., No. I wu- IN I It)
Pliiindi Ipl.oi b_x M \\ Bn.dwin, in 1 *V.',
and wa. rat b_i rail to Wiinams|iort.
Kroni thence it wa taken ( . liej .< n.nie on
ifiit bv i an.il, there being noofi-r out
let at that time—the Ji.i.d l.agle Valley
railroad hating nt ti.en an . xi-ieiire
1.. i• engine ji it.. • . hi- :. n.. thui.
.'!i i has , \ i.J. ntly* s'-'-ri I nrd si-rvicc in
. limbing tie sts-eps ~f Hi- A '-ghero—
iratefM"! by the Bel efnnte and Sr.. w
alios r* id. N' 1 will probab \ go to
•idorn the scrap piie, as it hu- a!- .ut out
live | its u 'fulness. N""'. 3 and I are m
I setter c-ndrtion, hating le.-n buiit in |
I ai.'i, ar-l therefore endured service.
I hey have the *!inlt motion,' ar.d will
repaired and used a- shtfu-r- on some ot
ihe bran -hr- ads. 'I hey are .• ri i- ik
ing machines, cinlr.t<"i w-.tli the !sr.-c.
• y iiiiin lrical a"wl powerful engines of the
i' ll nst ivania iiniir. -d t' mpanv, into
wboM pOSMlsioi Uw li- liefon'.e and S- w
: Shoe road ha- reeenily pasMoJ. 'fh- cvlin
i d-r heads j, um sky ward, and in rase of a
blow-out li e plate or IragllietiU of them
would perform v circuit in the heavens
much ilk" a rocket."
t'liriton /i"';<uifi < -ays that a meeting ol
the st-- kholders of the Bald Fagle Valley
iltaiiroad Company wai held is the
city if Philadelphia on Wednesday,
April ti, fir the purpose of ratifyirg the
j articles of agreement merging the iiello
lonle and Snow SVsie railroad and the
Moshann n railroad into the Itab) Kagle
Valley railroad company. Nine-tenths of
ihestiH-k of the <oirt|uiny was v tcd in
favor of the merger—being all the stork
represented at the mealing This increases
tk mileage of the Bai.i Kaglo road iskuit
j seventy-five miles. It u c|>crated by the
Penn.sylvania railroad company unilar a
.ease. Thn Snow .Shoe coal mine# have j
I I .eon bai'-d to a party who have, we are j
informed, entcrml into a contract to mine .
and ship oOO.'W tons M coal a year. They '
' are now mining SiOO tons a day and hy the
lt of May expect to mine upward* of i
J1,0(10 ton*. This will make lively time* i
in Snow Shoo and add largely to the re
ceipt* of the Bald Fagle Valley road. The j
>ld Sow Shin* company heretofore m.ned j
üboiit fk'qrasi ton# a year. The Snow Shoe
c >sl kieing of a very superior quality finds i
| a ready market.
PROMPT FAYMXS*.—Samuel Yearick,
who diesl a few day* ago at his home near j
/.ion, in this county, had an insurance on
: hi# life of I,'a*i in the Brooklyn Life In
mranre Company. 11c had paid in pre
mium* upon the policy about s3.'io, at the
i timo of hi# death. The proofs of death
were forwarded to the Company on the
*ith of April, and on the Mb, or ia three
days, the check of the company fur sl,uoo
I was returned in payment of the claim
This wo rail prompt payment sad is a
' prartienlfart that speaks louder than vol
ume* of praise. People should and will
patronize those companies which exhibit
liberality, fair-dealing and promptness in
their business transactions, and in these
respects, a* well as in sound, careful, con
servative management, no company in tho
country stands higher than the Brooklyn
Life, of New York.
that's what some of the owner* of land in
tho vicinity of Lcmont now imagine.
There is a growing belief that unlimited
quantities of gold exist in that vicinity. A
veteran mineralogist from this place, who
never make* a mistake, ha* recently been
instituting investigation*. It is certain
that he ha* found gold in portion* of the
soil and rock brought home with him.
In the meantime, those person* who own
land en which tho goose is believed tu have
iald the golden egg are inclined to ak
fancy prices for it.
WANTIDI— IO girls to work on over
alls. Apply at once at the Bee Hive.
—Spring woolens now rsady. Ksrly
orders solicited, ' Money saved.
19-if MONTOOMMT A CO., Teller*.
Mi its nt; no C'KvrftAi. I'KNNHYI.VAXIA
SEMINARY. —Wo have always heard it '
-aid that enthusiasm i* a g.,.*| thing oven |
if it is upon a subject ti.- full realization i
of which is never attained. Our esteemed t
clerical friend from Milwhurg seem* to [„■ j
fu'l of his subject, und advocate# th<- prop. ,
osillon of a seminary for Mi<. t and g0,,, f
tlemen at Mibsburg with a fores calcu- i
iatcd to convince the most doubtful Thorn- <
a*- Wss insert bis communication entire : i
Mr.asKs, KniToita: Some may say <
" but is thi* ?' "J* there such an iriti. t
tatlonf' • This i soawthing MW, ' Well, 1
|it i- something new. It i* not y. t in ac- j 1
I tusl I'liiUiiK ■, but it i„ ii strong purpose
in the lienrt- of many of our citizens. It 1
i* to this that we ask the attention and
solicit the co-opcralon of the citizen* of '
Centre county and of the whole State
; i"he need ..( nucb an institution among u#
lias lee,, felt f.,r some time by some of our
; best citizens, and this h-eling ha* culmi
> nuled in an organization t-, effect thL
laudable purpose. In pursuance of thi,
| a meeting wo* held in the M. K church,
-n M nduy evening, April t. When the
| meeting wa* organt/ i the matter w..-
fullv discussed, arid its feasibility seem#
quite en. .uriigmg A paper was tin n f a.! ;
| and adopted, setting forth the object and !
proj o, in - the means of it- i.cc-omplishn.< nt
I' gilt sc.. t -r- \v-ft then elected, who
•net on To lay at 7 • xt , and elected '
sixt'-en additional solicitor*.
Ibe fa uis f..r this movement are ■ . J , .
#i r*s lr. Our prosnl ni"ur, of VI
I good oducauon are ißadaauaUi. (2) We
! nave tbo lst location fa Ooatral rcanotL ■
xnr,ia. O ;r village is U>aul;fully b at< I .
.1 i- i asy of a. , ;j, |,n fc ri'-t the disad
vanl" s "r | .ii' • tl> n* are f. ~ r
ternplati r. nr. I greater sc. lusion We
bavt sevi rai good ohurobaa, ar,<j tbcro is
•'i t a Jr ; ,f inl >. itilig ii , jor il>' lu i
n •ur I n. gh This is nt the <.— in
' st of i r Ur " r towns and villages
i'r..in tlir fatal stuif parents .an feel a
-■ urity, t at is .!\ f. ,;,d t
(dttcr- But il may la- "I jTt-d that w.
havu- our Mat-- i'< i'-ge wituin*asy reach,
and that i- in*,! .'M But goial and effi
■ : nt a> • ,r State Cuou-ge i„v be. it d< • >
i ll'" ' | •" -fa V Ladi< ■ and
• 1 nll' tii'-i. Seminary They are ~ •
• Irictly the same in u:tn ar.d p .rj. and
I what i mil letter, ..ur scrniiiaries nn<i
ad. rn:< -ar • fc-d. rs of ,r r 0,!.-g-- th'-i
prepare the material, and are therefore
more of b* Ips than bfadraaci N<<w our j
aim ar d j r|-"ie are fairll before '-ur fe|.
| I.'*- it /'n*. and earnestly solicit your
i o op< ration in •• curing the funds !.• ere, t
i:r building* o> above prop "d N"r is
there any ri in taking Mr-ek. Sim-ear •
i ord:fig t the terms of the sule' rij tt"n no
•ne is required to pay until we obtain the
ntn unt r< , iir'-'l bv le r a fi i<- subscriptions
i a*, i then there is roi ri-k, for then tt will
| he u success, arol for this we have gte*) aroi
- .lent rcas-'lts, as we have one of tin
-1 t: .n the Sute ready to take bold
;of it a- 'ur Principal, I r , I'rof. 1'- 11
K - (,'hri-tian. a gentleman a scholar,
sor' a t< ar ! c- , f large experience and ac.
kr.nw'edged proficiency And finally,
wluie the seminary will be endurted as a
' ■>. tian scl.i J, it wiil I. strictly ursde-
I■ in .allot,al. W O Waiaar.
Frm*gio MtLt> ITEMS. —Tbc Bprisg
Mills y- sndsy-school rc-uja-ru-d last.Sunday
with lV venerable Peter Wilson as supi r- j
inlend<nt. Mr. Wilson, or "Pappy" Wil- J.
son as hi* neighbors delight to call him.
wa* e)s bed life superintendent some years i
sgo, ard right faithfully does he fulfill the i
trust reponvl in him. Although bis locks j
are silvery and bts age beyond the Psalm- j
tst's four-score, yet his mental activity is j
! unclouded and bis earnestness in the work
for the Vaster unabated.
--■ B. A. W.Hsd# has lieen very sick fur
some time with pneumonia, hut is slowly
I convalescing.
—George Firman, of Farmer s Mills'
has bought a properly at Spring Mills and .
.Mend* putting up a fine house tins sum- j
! tner. John 1/eitzel will also build some !
time letween now and next fall.
—>l r Hpiglemeyer, of tbc firm of Whit
j mire A Co., talks of erecting a new dwell- j
ing bouse. This sounds as though he i
' ex|>ect* to make his business at this plate a
' paying institution.
•—The war on price* still continues,
j Uobert Ihinrsn has got coffee down to two
rent# less than the other merchants and is
' cutting down the price* of other thing*
! accordingly. ,*
THE OvaaTcai "StMiaAMiaa."
Among the choice selections of musie with
which our Orchestra will favor us at their t
concert on the 2<Uh insl., will be the Iwau
liful overture to Itossini's Sr timsUr j
which was given in the repertoire of the |
Boston td un bltc Club when here a few j
year* ago. We also noticed it as the open
ing selection by tho "Germania" at the .
Academy of Music last winter when the
young Brazilian violinist I). Fugramonl
mad" his debut in Philadelphia. The :
opera Stmiromuit. was brought out first at |
Venice in 1828 and was the most elaborate
work ot Rossini's up to that time, and it ;
shows considerable pluck in the Orchestra
whose members are all amateurs to under
take so difficult a selection, but their ob
ject is certainly a commendable one, the
desire to raise thn standard of music among
our people. F.very lover of music should
hear thi* beautiful overture. The selec
tion* for ibis concert are so varied, con
taining as tbey do, cornet, flute and vocal
so,os with orchestral accompaniment, that
all wiil go away dalighted. Don't forget
the dale, Tuesday, April 26.
RASTER HERVICR. —The Lutheran con
gregation and Sabbath-school, under the
direction of the pastor, Rev. Samuel E
Kurst, are making arrangements for an
Faster service of an usually interesting
character next Sunday morning at 10|
o'clock. The congregation and Sabbath
school will unite In tbo exercisea. The
service will conclude with the administra
tion of the Communion. A cordial invi
tation is extended to the public to be prea
#ab *
—A thousand pound* of lard wanted at
Lyon A CO'a
Tnxvi That WANG SOT Cii'uiit. —
Micro were several comparatively warm,
pleasant day* last week and all the ei[>-rt
angler* of this vicinity took advantage of
the woalhT and the licence of law to stride
forlh, rod In hand, in conquest of the
speckled beauties whose presence render
spring creek attractive. At they wended
their devious way* toward the sparkling
water* it was refreshing to m*c the look of
li*< d deterruination which iliuwiint-d each
eye—ar certain were they of a successful
expedition as though the trout were al
ready in the frying pan—a brilliant illus
tration of the individual who lirst uttered
the classic and triumphant sentence," Vini,
l i'li, riri The stream tt us reached, the
tapering rod.- were bent gracefully in air,
the handsome flies danced naturally along
the surface of the water—and throughout
tin' hours of the day those rials continued
to le nd and the flies to dance, hut the
trout failed toappear and a book of blank
desolation look the plate of the oasis of
expectancy. A* these anglers turned from
the -treatns and passed along the unfre
quented side of the street on their way
homeward what a change had come over
the spirit of their dreams I iVriiap* a few
"i the most successful had two su.aii trout
carefully dejaisited iri a fish basket, but the
luaj' rity bad nothing lor their day s ad
venture. Those who bail posl|>uned their
fishing excursion until the next day con
gratulated themselves that such should not
be their C) peril.lll hut each of the pleasant
'lcy * that fohuwi d li'i ] the -ame ta-- Air
100 cold, fl: S not of the f rojier kind, Ac.,
are the excuses offered by the ur.sui! . tsful
•tng.en, ! -Jt the public tan forth'*rn
sclves. Wc have board of no instance oi
great success in angling for trout ibis
•>a...n, and even the Additional Law
■' _;e wbo ha-acquire !an• nv iabie rcpu
islion for skill in almost every variety o'
sport. I*.is nothing to say in regard to his
•■event expi rierice in this parte uiar.
Ft ii i.wux KX ixkiai.VMl.sts ami A
GuTITDL Mi.msteii—The several en
t"rta;nmen!s, coiir luding with that given
by the your g folks in the school hi use at
Miles burg last Friday evening, were all
'j-de su. sful, and lb v. \Y. () Wright,
of the 1 ri-shyU-rian 1 burch, of that place,
i b r the Ih'|,( lit of whose church thev wo-re
given, send* u> the* following card of
thanks :
Kmtoiu- We denre, through
VI ur jiajrtT, to express our thanks to the
young ladie. arid gentlemen of Mileshurg
arid others j f. r their generous and beartv
kindness in s'.isitng u. t. raise funds for
the l'resbyteriaii parsonage in Miletbuig.
It was very gratifying to witn<-s- the
unanimity with which they worked (some
• I ail our churches j, sjending much time
and labor. It a#alo gratifying to see
how our people ,4 all the churches patron
ize d the movement, making it a financial
>urce>—the pnsceeds amounting to f.-rty
three dollars and sixteen cents. This su'e
cess was owing, in a great measure, to the
j prudent management of some of our ladie*
and gentlemen. Our friend, Mr. Frank
K. Bible, gave much valuable lime snd
, attent'oa to it. \\ e must also mention
Mr. George Poller Bible, the ebwutiotiist,
with thank-. 11*. SMM time ag". gave us
two excellent entertainments, donating us
one-half of the proceeds for the same pur
jasse. A'l will please accept our thanks.
Respectfully, W. O. WaiuilT.
Cw.wtt Sl'l'tKl \ T K> I'|;xt. —The /Vnn*
sy/rosiui •VrAeof Journal, of April, writing
j on the election of County Suj-rintendent,
says that, of all the important duties of
directors, "none is more weighty and of
more far reaching influence' than that of
choosing the chief eduiational executive.
It further add* that it were difficult to
prove the ncve-aity of the i flic* unless able
m<n fil) it, ®r;<l iWn to criuropr
ate the requisite* of a good County Super
intends nt. The essential points of this
, officer, says the writer, are: 1. General
j scholarship. 2. Ksyiecia) prelessional abil
ity 3. Successful experience as a teacher.
' f. Skillfulnes* to discern and to manage,
j6. Ureal energy and seal. f>. Con-Unt
; mental growth.' 7. Good rugged health.
; After carefully viewing the ground, we
1 know no gentleman named who so gener
i ally enmbin"s and blends these qualities a*
Mr. John Maon Duncan. AH that know
him liesr ample testimony to his flr.o gen
•Tal scholarship, lie seein to have the •
| peculiar gift of winning the sympathy and *
engaging the seal of all hit'pupil*. Hi*
j succea* as a teacher stand* magnificently
attested, not only in the public and private
school* of Centre county, but its Cumber
land, Adam* and other*—to which College
, facullie* cheerfully übscribe, feeing hi*
work* in their student*. Centra county
boards gladly testify to his able conduct of
work appointed hi'm. Energy i hi* very
name, xcal bit soul; while to a strong,
i vigorous body he add* a* strung and vig.
orou* a mind ever growing.
Director*, remember the itolemn and
high responsibilitim of the s.ipeMnlendencT
and consider the claim* uf Mr Duncan.
Pnorira, (1,200.—"T0 *um It up, six
long year* of bed-ridden sickne**, costing
(200 per year, total, (1,201* —all of this
expense was stopped three bottle* of
Hop RiUcr*, taken by my wife. Sbe has
done her own housework for a year since,
without the loaa of a day. and I want
everybody to know it, for their benefit."—
,V. Partner.
—Brown Bro*. are making a specialty
of new whiskies never before offered in
Bcllefonte, such a* "Golden Rule of tha
People," 11 Hannlsville" and "Itougherty.'*
—Five hundred bu*brl of potatoaa
wanted at Lvon A Co s.
ItacrT-ItOOVKU -la MlL.siwrg, NWSWHAV
iaaa.tr t w.n Wrtht. m> a in-* * iu*|r
H* MTE Eat— HI-osr. I—lk of NLRHTW
TACK Bit— B'HlN —Ob To~4*s, Its MH lastaat, at
tit* msbnrt of fit* TEAR KJ TO
r. 1U...-1I Mr. let M. Pw* uf WW* M.n Ik
**, l. IH ,4 Cwrtia FCUNUFCLY, C**lr ciwitj
nOt-t.-THOM A* At UT* IYmAvisrUo r'NINTE,
Mitoabatf. Msrvk M, LTEI.br *• *• " w "t.
M< tbtnnwf NOM NF Miss farah C. Th at**, twtfc