Crivht Thursday Morning, April 14, 1881. OiIUtoiFOWnKNrK, containing lui|Mirtnnt t wn, • from any part of thr rounty. No r-.tiinmni. *1 n ln*rtiHl IIH1M icooni|Milill ly tin* msl nam* of ih> writer. Democratic County Committee. The following persons have been named as members oi' the Democratic County Committee for 18N1. Brllofimte, W. \V Nl.-h-U" It. -l llnu Brllffonlr, N. W CliarlMHchnMlcr. JMlrfout*, H. W ■ Milnittnrg O. IV Krwmrr. Mlllhrim 1). L. Z#rt*. 1Jnlonvlll* A Toin-r l^*lhrn. H'untJ" \Vit A.J. limit tm. IWQnr,... mM Jfrry Kuan. IktggM Junto* A. M -rUin. BurtiiMe *. H- lt 4'urtin John .MdTtki*jr. College llottorf Fcrguaon, 01d.... •••••• John T. Mri'oroilrk. Fargtwon, Mil* Walkrr. Grrgg, *nth Il*nr> K rutin Inc. Hr Orrot, n>rtli Jmw lut k. lUlfni' John War.l. Haiti" S-lMin.ift Kttltiigfr. lUrri*... John A. Kupn H war I ... John A. Dut.kl*. Ihiiiton - 11.-nry 11 .!• l.tberty . 11. litnlnrr. Ularlon p. rry €V v |. >Iil* Panto. I K Kauet. Patlon John K*l. IV nn Chrial AlekAluter. Totter, north Johu Phannon. Toltrr, Milli , J. linn Md'liutick. Ktuh.. - ■■■ Si)owßh oeratie County IVnven'ion for the import ant office ~f Asaoclata Judga, and so al honestly will always win the best patron age. This is juel what the grocery firm of Sechlcr ("o. i doing. The sentiment of prae i univerlin reference to the square dealing of the firm and the excellent sti k of grrH?eries always on hand. —One of the grand secrets in Vie suc cess of Sechlcr A Co s grocery store in j this plaee is in ibc fact that Mr. Sechlcr, Mr. Test* and all the a-*iUnt are th**- oughly familiar with all varieties of tbe , grcn ery trade. Persens patronising cither the grocery or meat market departments can have their want* quickly and satisfac torily supplied. —The report thst Pr lligiiee, i*tate Su perintendent of Public Instruction, intend* to rancel all certificates issued by bis pr*- decrasor is denied. It would be a foolish action. If he doe# compel tho teaehers holding such certificate* to show their competency by an examination his action will he commended and the teaehers of i Centre county are ready for him to begin, j —There is a story current that tbe late j Mr. Carlyle was a terrible domestic ty rant. At breakfast lime he would com" | down grumbling, and, glancing at the I well-spread board, declare tho f --l unlit a dog. It was a pity the renowned philosopher did not live in Bellefonte, so he could purchase groceries of 8. A Brew ! ft Son. Victual* compounded of these gro ceries would have cured his tcin|>cr and perhaps prolonged his life. —We are informed that the death of Mrs. John Painter, of Pleasant Gap, which was announced in the DEMOCRAT last week, did not result from scarlet fever, but from a complication of other diseases. This announcement is made that none may be deterred, through fear of scarlet fever, from attending a sale which will take place in a few days from the residence of ber husband, i —Among the decorations of the tables at the Brockerhoff House dinner was a magnificent cake, prepared for tho occa : slon and presented to the house by Mr. J. 11. Sands, the Allegheny street baker. We cannot undertake to describe it, but as an artistic and beautiful specimen [ of what may be accomplished in tho way > of cake baking wo tbink it would be hard ■ to excel. ' —Tho new management of tho Brockor boff House prepared a most sumptuous • dinner on last Sunday, which wit greatly r enjoyed by a large number of Invited I guests. Mr. McKoever spared no pains in , making every one present feel at home and all were delighted with their entcrtain- V ment. The bill-of fare contained every • thing to tempt tbe appetite, and full Justice i) was done to tbe splendid feast of good n things placed before the assembled guests. ; —Five hundred doson eggs wanted at Lyon A Co's store. PoPCt.AS PERRON a LH. —Theodora O. L"athor* hint hcen appointed postmaster ut ' Mountain Fugle, in this county. Mr. (iiiurgc 11. Itishri, n ion of John Uishel, F-q., of Putter lown-hiii, ha gone to tlm Want. Afl"r n 'hurt visit nt CI"V land, Ohio, loi will proceed to Illinois whore ha will remain during tha rummer. Mr. Kirhel will return to Michigan In the fall uinl -peii'l the coming lull Htei winter nt school in tli ,t Slate. Succors to h I in. Mr. 11. N. Chandler, of Julian, tarried tor H while in the DKMOCK AT sanctum last Saturday afternoon. He is extensively en gaged in the lumber hu-inerr, and his con. ' vernation upon the operation* of the prea* ontvseason proved instructive and enter- 1 tuining. —The *ermon of ltev. G. I) Penny packer, of the Methodist church, hot Sun- ! day morning, occupied lifty-llve minutes '• in its delivery, and was pronounced u fine ' production. Mi-s Kate Jackson, the elegant and accomplished daughter of (icorg -Jackson. I F-q., alio lo>s hi-en attending Yassar Col i lego, is at present cfij "\ iiig u lirief \ti.u. ut lor fiitlier's residence in this place She wilt return in a f. v day* to complete her year's studb-. Mi • Jennie Iteynolds daughter of Thomas Iteynolds, K q | who is a'tending a youti.' Indies -cloud in I'hiiudelphia, is also expci! i home to-day ■ to spend a liro f season. • The M' -frs. McCarthy 'w iv.. Iligent and pleasing young gentlemen, ' . run -ed this plaee l-t week in the interest of an 1 art establishment at Auburn, N V. They took orders for portrait- to be executed ... India ink, and cure highly -ice. : Their tiKwi extensive order wn fr in Mr llrfx kerhofT for a life-siz" portrait of her ■ leteaed husband, the late Mr Henry 1 Brother huff, of this p'uo e. if ■:!. Aielr< w (• ('..rlin is antiour. Ed I to delivi r the < ration in M >nongabela ; (,'ity on I' '.ratl in Idas 1 hat - tnougli t > eto iro the *ucce-s of the "h—TvuM ' # in iLat i ity. ' —Mr A Tn • fart, St il<- >. -etary ••< '.lie Young Men s Christian A •fHiatn i will \iit lh:- I ince next Monday and Tue. lay. \\ hi." he l- lu re a;. lig; • gathering will b< held to which ins lu.tu •rottt frh r.'i> are la* ited loMd kith Ha 1 Alii also 1 I it Milt' C "lege. l>r. I' ugan Clark, minifies of the Friends J- vo'.y, wiil te-gin a series i, ( B.ble reading- ill Hutne- li il of tt. * J .u •• tiiis evening, and continue them lb: uglo •