®!ic €rnlrt grnwttst. BELLEFONTE, PA. TKe Largest, Chonpest and Beat Paper PUHLIHII El> IN CENTRE COUNTY. From lha New York Observer. INTERNATIONAL LESSONS. Si-fonil Quarter. or >N . a. r. N-.E. D. I>. Aran. 17. Bp", Lesion 3. PHARISEE 3 REPROVED. I.UKC 1 ' 17. Ooi.hr.\ Tr\i Rut .|.i not jra after their works: tar Ihejr >•,.1 ing in league with Satan, and in many ways endeavored to turn against him the tide of popular indignation. Kven the instances of their hospitality, of which one is re corded in this lesson, were hypocritical in character, and in the hope of induc ing him to commit himself, so that they might find something of which to ac cuse him. Jesus was especially severe in his de nunciation of this famous sect for their bigoted devotion to mere forms and cer emonies, while they neglected doctrines and practices of far greater import nice and more spiritual value. Their long and formal prayers, their ostentatious charities, their frequent ablutions, were often the object ot bis animadversion, while they themselves prided them selves on the-e as evidences of their own superior sanctity. 'ln this occasion our Lord took occasion ol the invitation ot a certain l'hurisee to dino with him, purposely to omit the customary wash ing before meals, which was insisted on by the purists and formalists of the day. Our Lord wis never guilty of rudeness or a failure to observe the proper courtesies of society, but in this case he wished to teach the people that there was no vital religion in mere cere monial forms and rites, and that exces sive devotion to these was a very differ ent thing from true spiritual religion. So be look his place at the table with out performing th<- usual ablution, which omission was probably remarked upon by his ho-t and the company in a critical and offensive manner. This led to the stern and uncompromising re buke which followed from our Lord. His language seems harsh; the term "fools" which he applied to the Fhari aeps means rather "thoughtless ones," and Christ was warranted in plain speaking to such barefaced hypocrites as they were, who laid so much stress on outwanl purity while so thoroughly defiled within. His pure ami honest soul revolted from the impious cant of the whole tribe of sanctimonious, self righteous purists, and he poured out upon them the lava of his anathemas with the holy indignation which every sincere soul must instinctively feel for shameless hypocrisy such as theirs. To the humble. |>enitent sinner Jesus was always tender, compassionate and forgiving, but to the proud, self right sou* and censorious he was a stern re- sparing the "i chip qf so ill earth," or the biting reproaches ola holy law. which vindicated the purity of its Divine Author, who cannot look upon sin without the greatest abhorrence. The Pharisees, Lawyers and Scribes professed to bp the teachers and guides of the people. 15ut they loaded them down with grievous burden* of soulless ceremonies aud vain observances, which brought them no comfort or help, but only aggravated the troubled souls wh>m thev should have endeavored to lead into the wav of peace. It was no wonder that these men were especially odious to the pure and loving Haviour who came to preach the Gospel to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted. bring deliverance to the captives, jnd of whom and whose teaching it was said a* a noble eulogiura, 4 * 77* com mo* people heard Asm ghidly." rucncti ■luQtarrioßs. 1. There is only one washing which can cleanse the soul. It is the •• wash ing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Gbc>*t." Jesus, my God thy blood alone Hath power sufficient to atone ; Thy blood can make me white as •gov ; No Jewish ty|iei could cleanse me so. 2. No amount of outward lustration c-tn insure purity of heart. The tombs around Jerusalem were whitewashed every year, and made thua prominent, MI that the people, as they traveled towards the city, might not even accidentily eoffie into contact with them, and thua be made ceremoniallv unclean. The whitewash was indeed nn outside improvement, but it was in nil the more offensive contrast with the foul corruption within. ituch ia a hypocrite in religion. He is only a whitewashed tomb. 3. The Pharisees "for a pretence made *- h>ng prayers," and received damnation One true prayer can insure salvation : " (tori he merciful to me a tinner." 4. The religion of self-righteousnes multiplies the burdens of the soul. Jesus alone says i "Come unto me, all ve that labor and ■- heavy-laden, and k I will give you rest." a A 5. Infinite puniv abho-s the self righ teous Pharisee, but stoo|>a to welcome even the very chief of sinner*, who re pents and trusts to the imputed righ teousness of Christ. 6. Sin ia not extenuated by the high position of the sinner. No class received such scathing re bukes from our Lord as the .Scribe* and Pharisees, who were the most respecta ble class in Jewish society. Sin in the "Fifth avenue " is as odi oua to a holy God as gin at the " Five Point*." The sinner may be clad in purple or in rg, but is equally naked without the robe of Christ's righteousness. 7. The hypocrite serve* the devil fadhfuily, and is despised even by hi* ■| own master. t rOXGItI'SHIONAL TALK. fECrt.URITIES OF SOME NOTED MEM HERS. • •I 8. C\ in riillftdflphiu Record. There are few really good talkers in Congress—that is, men who arc dis tinguished for their oratory and rhet oric. Senator Conkling heads the list as the host, lie begins his speeches oftentimes with a question, and then follows with the thunder. Each sen tence is clear cut. Ho speaks delib erately and in well chosen words, which impress one with nn idea of preparation, lie even follows out this in impromptu remarks during a run ning achate. Conk ling's speeches never need revision. Senator Edmund* makes his speeches and then he is done with them. He is so careful of what he says and does that he cau never he picked up on an utterance. The brilliant Matt Carpenter was always I in u peck of trouble when .lie made a speech. < 'arpeutcr was averse to study, and relied upon hi* memory, which grew to he faulty. lie always revised his speeches, tore them to pieces and rebuilt, interlined, crossed out and made a frightful looking proof sheet. Then lie always in-i-ted upon getting , the inc.—otiger from the printing office "full" when the latter was sent for hi* copy. Carpi-nti r always demoralized the Congrr tlonnl li'mini office upon the night wlv-n he would make a great effort in the Senate. Judge Thurmnn's speeches never needed revision, except! to see if the quoted authorities were correct. Senator Bayard i* one of the mo.-t ph-asing speaki r* on the Democratic side, and ho generally, glance- over the pr< >!'* to see that no mistakes creep in. General Burtiside repeats himself in about every ten sentences, and is npt to become nerv ous. Ben Hill fires away in a sledge hammer style of oratory, and, no mat ter how trivial the topic may he, will work himself up to a f< vor heat and expend as much earnestness a* if great things were to lie accomplished. Mor gan, of Alabama, i* another Demo cratic orator possessing the distinctive peculiarities of the talker* of the ■South. A gallery lounger can tell in a second from what section of the coun try a speak'-r come*. The peculiari ties of dialect arc marked in these representative men the same as in the lower classes of society in their vicin ity. Over in the House Sunset < x causes trouble to the printers. He always prepares his speeches, and ro vis-s them. He writes on all sorts of paper. One page may he yellow, an other white, a third a leaf from a book. Then his hand writing is not letter pre.-*; so Cox is dreaded. Kandall revises every speech he makes. < ien eral Harry White had a habit ol sending for book* during debates until his desk was littered and he could scarcely be seen. By the time he J found the authority desired, debate would be exhausted, and he would produce a scare, nothing more. Thi* was nn old trick of White's. '1 he most remarkable instance of the effect of talking is that which Mr. Blount's voice has ffpou a journalist who i* well known here. Blount ha* the J pure, unadult- rated Southern accent, and i* inclined to lie harsh without meaning it. A few year* ago a young man who was a student at the Anna polis academy was detected in a hazing scrape. The matter came before Con gre-s, and Mr. Blount made a violent speech against the naval cadets. One of the young men occupied a seat in tier gallery, ami the effect of Blount'* speech, coupled with the thought of being dismissed from the academy, was such that he l>ecame violently ill and had to be carried from the capi tol. in hi* career be branch ed out as a journalist, ami wa* assign ed to duty in the House gall cry. 1 Blount arose to speak, aud the recol lections of pa*t event* came so vividly to the young man's mind that he again liecamc ill. He tried in vain, day j after day, to conquer the feeling, but it was found to be impossible. Kvcry j time Blount iqxrke he became sick. 1 At last he was compelled to relinquish hi* position on tin* account. Even , to this day that gentleman never ap- j pear* in the House gallery for fear of! Blount. 'lliere i* no distinctively 1 great orator in the Hon*c whmu the | crowd* ruh in to hear speak. The 1 talking is done by some seven or eight, | or rather wa* during the last session, and there is no promise that the order : of things will be changed iu the fu ture. The great debaters are confined to the Senate, and the crop is being fast thinned out there. The retire ment of Wallace, Thurman and Blninc and the death of Carpenter took away four of the most brilliant mcu at a swoop. It cost* s.*>o,ooo jer year for the mere jotting down the remark* of the congressmen. The corps of offi cial stenographers, both in the Senate and the House, is probably the best in the United .State*. What ia more, the chief cf these arc Philndelphians who were educated at the Central High School. Few there aro who do not know I). F. Murphy, the Senate re porter. For year* his brother wa* hi* principal assistant, but now a young man named Shuey occupies that petition. The plan porsflred in the Senate differs from that of other bodies. Mr. Murphy report* the pro ceeding* himself and send* hi* mono graphic notes to the transcribing room, where they arc read off to usual ly about a dozen young men, who write out the copy for the printer. Long year* of practice have been re quirerf to at tail) a degree of proficicn ey which would enable one writer to read tho hurried note* of another. Mr. Murphy ha* held hi* position for a number of years, and litis the re porting so admirably systematized that there is never any trouble with the senators' speeches. Ho receive* 8'2"),- 000 per year for the work, and out of this pays his assistants. In the end tho chief of the bureau receives more salary than a Senator, hut ho must always be on hand, and earns it. The head of the House corp.* is Mr. John J. McElhnnc. There are five report ers here who receive a salary ol s>,ooo each—the same pay a* a Congress man. Each reporter takes "a hitch" at tho debates, spending fifteen min utes upon the floor, when lie retire* to the transcribing room, reads hi* notes j to the assistant* and then resumes hi* place at the desk until hi* turn comes around again. The stenographers are appointed by the speaker, and arc seldom changed unlcs* for good cause. Singular us it may seem, I am told that the Senate is the more difficult bodv to report. There is always more i or less confusion in tho Hon-", hut even with this drawback reporter* pre i fer it to the Senate. The reason i* this: In the Senate much of the de bate i- carried on in a conversational , i manner, and a reporter mu-t need keep a sharp eye or car or he will tnis -OIIIC of the talking that i- carried on ' iin a low tone. It i* for this reason ! that Murphy trust* the reporting to ! himself or hi* most valued a**i-tant only. Every word uttered i* record. i, and many a ( "iigrc-sman is surprised , 1 the next morning to find in the I'm- I tjre.-iional L'foril some remark which wa- hardly intended for publication. It requires 11 I' -olutiotl to expunge tie annoying paragraph, a fact which causes, members to be careful what they say. ~ Industrial Instruction Abroad. ; Ft m ou> N'rvirk A Governor M( C'lellao, in hi* lost and most worthy mew-age, i- very em phatic in hi- recommendation of in du-trial school*, and if hi* words of wisdom are heeded a- they should be his administration it it hud no other , redeeming point, would thereby shine illustriou-ly. There i- no State in tic Union that can so easily devote all the ne-"e**ary mean* to establish industrial education, a* there is no State where it would prove more profitable. It i- the otic thing that i* lacking to round out the enterprise* of our people, mid to still further draw hither the capital and j enterprise of the world. Newark, n we have said before, should take a lively interest in the matter, for it ha il larger interest in manufactures than all the rest of the State together, and it is strange that it ha- shown so little activity when it would add so largely to it* future wealth and population. Euroj>e take- the lead of the United State* in applying *i>eriul education to the advancement of mauu facto re*. It will surprise many to h-arn that even in Italy, which i* popularly supposed Ito cultivate only la-ggar* and fruit, , there arc technical school*, < avh -chool or community where one i located providing three-filths' ami the govern ment two-fifth* of the co-t. Thi* would seem to be a proper division, as the State is sure to receive a hem-fit from the promotion of any local indw*tri<-*. 1; i- in Belgium and sax niy, how v. r, where the advantage- of these school- 1 have been in '-t apparent, and some ot j the facta are so singular and sugges live that a reference to the report of an Ehgli-li investigating committee cannot be other than interesting. It i* well to note that no Statu in Europe so much resembles New Jersey as Bel gium. It depends wholly on its man ufactures for it* wealth, and in those it has been obliged to eont|ete with France, Germany and England, and it has met that competition success fully bv applying education as the mo live power. There i one town in Belgium—Sc raing—that in 1 -Hi7 contained but! 2,000 souls, all peasants ; it now has a population of over 40,000, nearly all engaged in the production of iron and -teel. It ha* nn industrial and mining school sustained by the company, with ' m arly 4,OOO children, j Education is compulsory on all who wih to enter the employ of the com pany. The technical schools turn out excellent foremen, mining experts, and scientific engineers, and the company is therefore sure that all its employes ran be trusted in important situations that may l>e filled. At Ghent there is an industrial school containing IKK) scholars, and this large attendance i. easily explained; preferences being given in tho manufactories there and elsewhere fo the pupils, and thus, in competence being at a discount, the ambitious naturally turn to the school as an avenue of preferment. It may he remarked in passing that we have never heard of the explosion of a boiler in Belgium through the mistnko or ignorance of an engineer, or in the uiisjdaremcnt of a safety valve. The direct effect of scence applied to industry is still more marked at Verviers, famous for its wollen ma chinery and yarns. The yarns spun here are exported to Great Hritinn at the rate of over £14,000,000 annually, and this has been accomplished solely through the scientific and economical Srocesses, the result of education. In axony the spinners of Angola yarns absolutely buy their cotton in Eng land, j>ay the transportation both ways, and undersell Englaud in her own market*. Education, technical cn II EX OWN KIM-TIM WITII A W NR. Is.rd Palmer-ton had been a | man in bis younger days ; bad learn ed Mime bitter le— on- and lost many ill u*ion. A friend catl<-d upon him hy appointment and found he was out, a sudden summons to the palace being the reason of his inability to keep hi engagement. A servant explained that my lord would probably IK- hack in an hour. "Very well," said the visitor, who was on intimate term* with Palmerston, I'll wait. Mean while—it was about luiieheon time "1 11 take a gia-s of sherry and a biscuit." The • rvant looked rather confused, and ended hy stammering out that neither sherry nor biscuits were to he had in the liou-c. The fact was, hi- lord-hip kept the key of the cupboard. Cellar there was evidently none. Palmer-ton came back bv and by, ami was laughingly informed of the incident, lleob-crvod in a rather dry tone. "1 -h- uld think 1 did k

e a serious tiifHcnnv IIIKIUI the reception of the cmha -a tlr> -*e-. "May it please your inaje*- tv, -aid Lord Palmerston, "1 should only be to hnppv too marry if I kmw any one who would have me." Tim 'piecti graciously replies! that there would lie no difficulty on that head, nnd that if it were ueccssarv she would take upon her-s-lf to find a lady Iwth ready and willing. .So Igidy Gowper was sent for from Home l reign for thirty years over London so ciety. It is said, by the way, that thi lady decided that her hubaml was to lie prime minister long In-fore the idea occurred to himself. It was a very happy match—indeed, a love match. Those who knew lord Pal merston In-st sometimes fancied that they detected the traces of a great sorrow carefully cooccaled from all men. As his coffin was lowered into its lat resting place in Westminster Abbey ou that cold autumn day of iMfi-i a gentleman stepped forward and flung a ring, with two or three other trinkets, iuto the open grave. Ileeent Man. Two French savants have for the last twelve months been keeping nine pigs in a state of habitual drunken ness, with a view to testing the effects of different kinds of alcoholic liquor*: 1 ' the Prefect of the Heine hnving kindly put up some stiles in the yard of the municipal slaughter-house's at the dis posal of the savants, in order that they might conduct their interesting expe riments at the smallest cost to them selves. Pigs were chosen for the ex-' | Eerirnent because of the close re-em Innce of their digestive apparatus to i that of man. The pig wdio takes ab- i cinthe is first gay, then excitable, irri table, combative, and finally drowsy; 1 the nig who has brandy mixed with ' his food is cheerful all through till he [ falls asleeo; the rum swilling pig lie- , cornea sad and somnolent almost at i once; while the pig who drinks gin con- < duct* himself in exccntricwrays; grunt- I ing, squealing, tilting his head ngainst 1 the sty door, and raising on his hind ' lejjs a* if to snuff the wind. I)r. I)e- j caisne, describing these experiments i with intoxicated swine, remarks in the i 1 /' ranee that they are none the worse for their year's tippling. These experiments taken in conjunc tion with the pig h well known personal > peculiarities in feeding and hi* obsti nate refusal to travel in the correct path, 'go far to show that man Im* evoked from the hog, rather than from the monkey, a* some have surmised. Andrew Johnson's Old Home. TIIE HOI HE WHERE HE MVEO SNI> THE TAI I.OX Slioe IV Willi II HE MOKKKO. Driving through fireenvillo we catne to a small two-story brick residence, built in the severest style of architect ure. The door open* on the street. The one small yard on either side and in the rear of the house, though scru pulous neat, i* devoid of schrub or flower. The entire premise* are pain fully destitute of ornamentations,but in perfect keeping with the original mind ot it* former o--ciip:uit. t'ontiguou to the dwelling -tand-a small frami building, wealher-bi-aten and old, that is dignified by tin: title of "office." i Here during his life, when not hurled in u political vortex, or engaged in .some active pur-uit, M r. Johnson spi-nt I his leisiir ■ hours. '1 hi- was his ".-anc i turn sanctorum," nnd here still is hi - library, of valuable hook-. A eopv of the t 'institution of the ITiiti-d t States, the margin! - ol it- liavi- filh d bv com incuts in the peculiar chirogra phv ol'tlie • \ Pre-ident. constituting a eiirio-ity of the i-i>lD-i-ti in. 'hi a par allel hack street i- the fiimoii* tailor shop, with tiie sijn -"A .lolui-.-i," | -till preserved. We were informed that tin* family 'heris'i a pride in tin- liny building', and tin I<-holder cannot fail to view with reverence a character occupying a position ni liumblo exalting hm-elf by forei of will to the lofty sjiliere oj' f 'lii- t Magistrate of th: g'rand lb-public. Nearly one mile from the dwelling, we drove through an arch gateway into a hr< a 1 field, in tic centre < f which is a v< rv high hill on which i reared the ".Johnson Monument." The ba-< i- of granite, containing two arches, from which ri- - a inagniff Hit marble shaft tw.-ntv-fivc ft t in heigh'., draped in the American flag', ntr mounted hy an i.agle with out-pi'nd wing-, wl i h -eeiiiingly keeps jsrp t unl vigil o'< r the :i-b - of him who in life clung mj t naciouslv to thc-c -yrn bols. A-'de from the dale of hi* birth in IMOffand his death in P75, no inscription adorn* the tomb, save the -iinjile -• nten "Hi- faith in the p. 'iple never wav red." Just to tin right i the name of Mr-. Jolin-oii with the usual date- and w id-. '—a cred to the memory of our mother." I i the left of the m -nun. -lit rest. -,de by-ide, two - n- who only attained j the age of twenty-three years; and directly in front i- a handsome motiu- ; mcnt lie-igiiutiug the lat re-ling plan lof Andrew Jobuaoo, Jr. Lires fitful fever ov< r. he slept with l.i* father at twenty-five. At the death of this son the name h came • xtinet. A vacancy to the right for the graves of two daughters, th- - de r> iiiainiiig nicmfx r- ' of the family, complete tic iticlosurc. We turne-1 at the gate of the iron railing and viewed the fuautifui ' grounds within, and searched in vain f- r some v, ad of e.irnfort to hi- friend*, *otne happy hope chisch 1 in the purity of tlie marble ; but no word of inspiration meets the eve. Sad com mentary upon the life of a man who occupied pla- e-of trust and honor, a man who wa- ever of the pi-ople. t orn fur Karl, THE TTRliini V -TR IT* "I SNOW leu Mi to*. l MTIt! IN THE KOKTKKMr. Frfilhan"#f H T) UtW. A gentleman who left Sioux City. lowa, a week ago, report* that two third* of the people in Sioux City are burning corn *i thirty cent* per bushel, while tho railroad* are blockaded to Yankton. Sioux Kalla, St. Paul and < 'hie ipo direct. A party who had jus! arrived front Sioux Kail* on the firt train down in four week* (the track ; being now blockaded again) brought tidings of an even more dcapcrate state of affair*. Tiia people have burned everything from the lumber yards, and ' that source of fuel being exhausted they were tearing down and consuming shed* and barns. Further up, and es pecially on the prairies, the suffering wa* terrible. The hay gathered fot stock was all used up for fuel, and ; much stock had te-en killed to keep it ] from (reeaing and starving. Hailrosd ties were torn up and even telegraph pole* rut down in place*, and fain lie* were clubbing together to spare a liouc or two (or fuel, in a neighborhood, after their coal and wood had lieen used up - and their available furniture was gone. A train that started out with shove! er from Pierre had to be abandoned, •ml the tncti walked a few unles distant ea-t and left for Huron to escape being -moved in. .Just to give you an idea of the drifts that are blockading the read I will give you one illustration. The mail carrier who brought the mail through from Sleepy Eva to || uron> making the trip on snow shoe*, meas ured one drift. It wa live hundred leet long and averaged forty seven feet deep. At Pierre there is plenty of food and fuel to last until the sun naise* the snow blockade, but from Huron to Sleepy Eye, a distance of two hundred and sixty miles, there is a famine both ot fuel and of food, and the suffering and los* of life to tba unfortunate settler* who have taken up homesteads will be simply awful. There ia no way to reach them with aid and heaven only know* what the result will be. Many of these people located between these point* moved in last fall, built'a small house and did not lay in a winter'a supply of provisions, thinking thev could gel ail the supplies they needed by going to the railroad. Everything that will burn ia being made usa of by these wretched people to kcop from frcez\n% clothing j not abaolutely neceajiary, lumber yr i*n*4 GREEN'S Comp. Syrup of Tar, Honey & Bloodroot. i It mulae nil 11,. ~f T< ) * . •• •••' i■ i in. ii.. 1 i \iu:(*r ''Farm * • ■m4aa ' fen* H Mar, Mm mMiIM i - t'' la f-s a.,1,- . ti |.. firmi It* ft * ,tjjit*. IN IIOWAKf TeM SMIIP. j Tl.ii bra * Imainl < n tl,, i,. sib 14< ~f tb* li.ii t'.u:'. ■ itj , 111. of liuaard. It be afr a tag. I 'i 1..1. m tb* 111. I trlib a blgta 1..1 k sloth . , *r oi.if, ,a , • ll i.u i > jni tni.| hu, ||,. v | t .1,1 I, e,|e„. I Tt,. |.lU„,|.| I. „ ..dlar,! Ii It trl'll *•. !. U„i n< tbsm*A fraat '. as-11 si tie, I, , uu tratsndng 1t.,. TV ,I',, . out 11-tda si bs.t t,. . f wy ate ti**. mail a. altu.lsd aa | ssally ,-.jd t . tin buildiaip Tie I,te. r l|i |„J loading of. and di,n tb* it~k.an-tiUt tear tbla I. a f.A tank barn, ala , msrlj iii It tab, s#i f„ t< rM.talut* ( |. • Usui Ij- t, njabi-l nira. a I granary, , brat tats Ital lisf, atad baa atUil,l Ui it a Ur*r ,„ n , . "b. ate! a sagou abel, Ji ili f,*t, srtb ajoos **. ' brad. * * p."'' • f ta dla srstl a la, t,.,| r„ tim.,tt, y , aud baa • isbUd, f r lla |arat t.. raa bi ( h aa Ibrn : re I itil... bay ,-r a . --! I' K Dsdrrbi bay bal.nc uaasfalaa . ant > itsni a a .Ira f„r ssigb- Ing lb* l*ali-a are i., it, lbs bain, ate] sill Ik- aolJ i altb til 'arm If 4'..rod. tahsr part# of lbs land ars sr. II aaM to tobsra, ! rallars. and , tsbjiai a fautai-sf on* rr,>p la.t asas>n. • nii in n nhtiiU • ili,' iij Ft !♦ || ii| |.m-fc..j i atl (alf |r.. r*4 ; irWhrtrtiWi' !• tw, i h it'd iJ • nit 1? I< For Rent to a Good Tenant : lor lbs K'Otlng year. .1 A. WOODWARD, M u. II sard. Pa. ieco-1. iseo-i. The Patriot, D.iily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. Tlis aula. li|.i|..t, , ,„f tbsWt atr Ptrai t baa lu-"ti nduiasi t fl < jo* nijy |-r annum. T • rials f I irrt ami a, atd tin Wt.lt It TasaioT sill bs furnnbaa'. at lbs .ttraord.nanly r|,is| rata of 71 enta jor copy pr annum Tilt 11SILT Psrat ,r sill Is anat to any addrsa*. dnrln* th ssi wd t',fnu at. i tbs bsgvdaturs at lbs r,ts ~f ; o < mta |s* ni- nth. fudsr tbs ait of I • t.g,... tbs publiahn ,*spa.a tb (using* and mlsiilstt at* rsllssad from that ' stpsaaa. I terry sob* Ti|it.m amat Is airompardsd by tbs caab. No* la lbs t.aa> aalscriba Tbs a|-,oaibin asssji.na id t , i.gtisa and tbs leglaUtars all) Is of mors thaa srbaary latersst and tbsir pt,.s..||n,a • ill Is fully rs| stod b.r lb. Pally and a i,,m|lrts ayt,|Kia *f tie in ;l| b. gesn In tbs Wasbly. Adiltsaa PATRIOT Pt lILIPIIIMi to.. *-tf 3#i Mat Aid lfs* b !lart id t,t(. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED FLORAL GUIDE LAir I**l i nn Klppnnt Hook of I*2o 1 Pay* Ofls (Vhnd Pi *t Plats, and mo Illua. (rations sth IVs npttntia ~f tbs I,sat ri. sir. and I sfMalls, and Ob■* tl 'fit f.; gr.eslng Only Jo asata In Rngtlsh of (Irrtnan If yna aflsraarda otdsr asb Isinl tbs 1" ramta VICK 8 set OS ars tb* 10-i | n tie sorld TtfP. ridUUI, Ul lOK sill tsll bos to gst and m>* tteui Vlck a Plswar and Vsgstabls Oardrn. Paosa Bf' dutvd Plata* ai I n.rann.* lot Vi rsfits In i.a bsr tstafa, II In sbganl tl tb la Oitatan or IkiM. Vlck a llliaafralnd Mnalbl, Maatia— Pagsa. a (N.biml puts In st,-ry asmlsr and many bus Km E'aita Prtis #1 i - . a ynar. Piss tm *<, ,(l. tn u Run let, mat for lo ts-t :i trial i„|*t u Ad-lrsaa. JAM Kf V ICR. Ro, bsstsy, R Y. IX)R CHILDREN! !„, „ . | tbla Waraalns hsgnn lb< ITIT3' T" |k "' * w " a est and othrr NURSERY. Ram low sill ye- is tbla. . "I RO * ynar I* adtaass. nmEITTH YSAB j labs rtb* aos anursery publishino co.. J W*anrvn br , Boam*. * .aa &tps2o Hunar i, pirr a. - ■ssv Ußo PATENTS. CAINS, OItAFTON * |, Ann •I "Ji.iy. Stf.fton if Amentw <*** pWya f'alent*, 412 Firm *Rr. W A „„ MTOW p c "ja