Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 14, 1881, Image 4

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    Slit Crutvf femora!.
Tho Layout,Chcapwmt unci Bt Pupor
IUh1 >vory Tlitir*Uy morning, At lU'llafont*, Centre
comity, I* a.
TERMS—'Oaib hi HtlvAnr* i>o
If not jld in ml *it id o. OO
Pnym*ttU mnl* within throe months will Im- con
stiilmo l lit
A IsIVK I'Al'KU—t|n*otp.l to tho Interest* of tho
whole propl*.
No |hk|ier will !** ifim ontiuH <1 until irrMregniAre
p*i<t, *xc#|>t At option ot publtahoni.
l*Ap*ra 40111K out of the county iitunt ho pnhl for lit
Any pi roon pr<H tirtntr ti* tfiiranh •übecrll>*r will
ho *' tit a copy free of charffo.
Onr I'XtonmTis ctrrulMtioii m*k' this paper aii uiw
tlftilallv reliable it it'l prodtMhle nn-lium fo| itiiviTtlahfi
Woviayo tho moat Am pi o f*rtlltl** for JO II WOltK
And aim prrpAtcl to ptiulMJl kind" ol Itook,Tract*,
ProßrAOtnii . I*..•••■", t'Htitnrri ml pilntltiß, In tin
fln-wl ttvle Aftd At the lowe*t |*>mll>l r*t'*
All AtUortmemetrtd for a |om term tlmti thr*o mnfitli*
CO coutd pet lino for ill* tit t litre* Insertion*, uml.%
cents a lino for each mMitioiml Insertion.
notice* one-hAlf mro.
Kilitoriitl notice* I'• cents |>er line.
A libera! til* "n is m i l" to |Hrs..tt nlvertlilnK l>
tho quAfter, hftlf ye.ir, or yettr. ** follow*
| - c. -
•r tci ocrvritn. I 3 B "}
_ _ ji| 11
Ooe inch (or 13 tine# thi* type) f* tSfl-
Twu 111. ft T I'M I •
Three inchoA 1" !-*•
OuHr:*r column ( >t . I-
Half col it hi n fr In incite*) f. VI
o , i oolnmn ot . • . Ho*) ' •
K Advertisement" must le paid for tM.f,re in
*-rtioM, except ofi tritilycoMnt-i .when half-yearly
payment" In .advance %til ie required.
Politic at Noti'n<. ' "• -■-ent* per line each Innrtlon.
Nothinw in*, i t.d for lens than .'nt. -lit*.
lit 'INE •" NoTtci * u (h< dltorlAl. oltinin*. l' cent*
per line, each insertion.
Loc\l Not* M.dn i h-aI column*. 10 cent*per lln.
dProM our lh*KulAr r>rreAp#nilent.
\V.\sui.m.tox, D. C., April 11, 1881.
Beyond the fact that he will sell tin
hundred millions of -1 j per c--nt. bond*
which remain unsold under existing
law. Secretary Windom has not yet
made public his intentions concerning
tiie taking up of bond" maturing before
the meeting of Congress. The pnject
to "srale" the interest on bonds —
say three ja-r cent., tinder agreement
with the holder, when the bond calls
for five or six, does not meet with th
same suppoit ns at first. Tiiere is of
course a uioie acceptable rate to pay
than five or six, but won't it be better
to let Congress make laws. rat!;--r than
the Secretary ? Republican administra
tions made laws for many years, and a
nice me-s they made of it. All Repub
liean Presidents have been either sol
diers, uses! to the exereie of absolute
authority, or ex-menibers of Congress,
and it has seemed difficult for them to
understand that their simple duty was
to execute the laws which hid received
tho sanction of Congress. Add to this
the fact that the political experience of
most of them anil their Cabinet mem
bers was bad while the constitution and
laws were in great measure disregarded
because of the war between the States, 1
and we can readily understand why a
mere .Secretary of the Treasury content
plates action which tho law making
power has just refused to take. He ha
as much power to put in force the fifth
section of the vetoed refunding bill as
he has to alter tho legal contract be
tween thegovernmentar.il the owners
of bonds. Indeed, if lie can reduce the
interest on them lie can increase it.
The Postmaster General, greatly to
his credit, is taking active step* to *e
cure a more strict enforcement of the
law in his department, than has here
tofore prevailed. He has alo com
menced an investigation that will show
the comparative efficiency of all his
subordinates. He lias so far shown him
self an excellent official.
At its last session Congress authorized
the appointment of a largo number of
high-salaried clerks for service in the
Pension office. The ap(>ointmenta wore
made yesterday. Instead of promoting
clerks already in the office, and put
ting new men in at low salaries, the
."Secretary .elected outsider* for all the
places. The Ccrnmissioner of Pension*
and a great many other people who
like him know very little abont the
business of the office complain of this.
But there are good reasons for it. First,
the terms of the appropriation seemed
to require it. Second, the Secretary
thought it best to put men in charge of
pension work who would at least make
an altempl to get it out of tho ruts in
which it has run for twenty years.
So much more general than hereto
fore is the calling in society here, too,
that Mrs. Garfield has somewhat amend
ed the easy rule* which prevailed from
1851 to 1881, and the wives of the Cab
* net ministers will no longer return the
calls made on them. Dov,
James Brady, aged 18, was made
drunk in the bar-room* of Kbensburg,
and while in a erased condition struck
one of his companions. William Carney,
a blow on the head with a club from
th" effects of which the injured youth
will probably die. Brady is in jail.
Vice President Bond, of the Texas
and Pacific Railroad Company, has re
cently announced that rapid progress
has been made upon the extension of
that road, about 100 miles of track
having been completed since last No
vember. The road is now finished 223
miles west of Fort Worth, and the con
tract require* its construction to F.I
Pnso, about COO miles west of Fort
Worth, by the beginning of next year.
At El Paso connection is made with the j
Fo .thern Pacific rotd.
Lewistown has a lager-beer drinker
vviio consumes on nn average t wo glasses
every hour of llie day that he in awake.
They nre ponies, however.
The We.it Chester I 'Ulagt Jteeord says
that Maria Raymond, colored, died in
l'ocopson towpship, Cheater county, on
Tuesday last, aged 105 year*.
The harn of William Bane*, in Ah
ingtnn township, Montgomery county,
was destroyed by fireon Monday. Los*,
$3,000; partly coveieil by insurance.
Parties are searching for gold near
Newcomerstown, Mercer county, that is
supposed to have been buried there by
the French on their retreat from l'ltts
The Pennsylvania Railroad t ouipany
is having built at the Allodia shops
eight ••Class K" engines, counterparts ot
the mammoth No. Id recently put on
the New York division.
Stephen N. Stock well, one of the
editors of the Boston Journal , died on
last Friday of a complication <>f diseases,
aged OS years, lie WHS one of the old
est journalists in New Ivoglund.
Moody and Sankey left San Fr .ncisco
for the i'.ast, and expectetl t spend la t
Monday in Los Angeles, the following
Sunday in Denver and the next Sunday
in Chicago. At the closing meeting
8*2,000 were raised to pay oil the debt
ol the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion building.
A new method of reproducing photo
graphs in colors on china will, it is pre
dieted, completely revolutionise that
art. By the new process a dinner plate
can be converted into a ventab.e work
of art at u slight expense—not one
twentieth of the cost by the plan <-f
hand painting.
The rumors that Mr. franklin lb
iion>-n, president of the Reading loi.l
■ Olid Company, bad written a letter of
I resignation cannot bo traced to any
| authoritative source. It i"-tiw to be
pretty generally understood that lie h: s
; not resigned, nor does lie contemplate
any such action.
Nicholas C. Cole, formerly of Phils
• lelpina, late ol Bui k-vilb . Lucks tin
t%. Pa., has made the following bequests
to charitable institutions in that city :
itfiOOtoSt. Vincent's llorne, Eighteenth
and Wood streets; S3OO tO M. -L-.p1,-
Orphun A-yluin. Seventh and Spruce
streets, and $-'•*> to St. Jolui's Orphan
Asylum, West Philadelphia.
The joint committee appointed by
tin. Tennessee Legislature to inve-ti
gate hni.eiy and corruption report, I
that while the evidence does not Ml
tain the charges of brff ery. it do.* d;
clo-e the fact that two member- M- s-r-.
Davis and Piuminerlwere guilty of con
duct fearfully at variance with good
morals and the rules of j ropriety.
Senator Fair hs gone to St. !.o-.ii (or
h ten day ' btiint-* trip. He has paired
with Senator Jones, of Nevada. Sena
tors Teller and Maxcy hare paired for
tiie remainder of the session mil left
Washington for Colorado and Texas r<-
spectively. The pair of Sen,'or F.d
uiunds, who is still in Florida, has been
transferred to Senator ti-.rland. of Ar
kansas, who ha gone home and is not
expected back in Washington during
the present session.
A telegram received from St. Peters
burg mentions a report that the I ,:ir
lias received Irotn the Niliilist commit
tee a printed proclamation, dated M ,reh
22, offering to lay down their arms in
return, among oth--r things, for a con
stitution and amnesty for all revolu
tionist*. (>n the other hand the en
gineers continue their search for mine,
in the purlieus of the Annilchkofl
Palace, and another i sj-oken of as
having been discovered leading from
the Admiralty to the Soltykoff entranre
of the Winter Palace.
The Wealth and Deht Department of
the Census Bureau will shortly issue m
interesting statement showing by whom
and where the registered bonded in
debtedness of the Government is held.
The largest amount in value is held in
New York, while Pennsylvania h.n the
greatest number of individual holders.
William H Vanderbilt has the largest
amount of bonds of any single person
and he holds more than is held in ten
of the Western States, including t'oio.
An estimate of the coujioti indef.ted
nes shows New York to lead, with
Pennsylvania second.
Much difficulty is experienced in ob
taining laborers tor the railroads under
construction t hrou ghoul Colorado. The
Denver and Rio (irando alone require*
from 5.000 to l(t,o<* laborer* for grading
the five hundred miles of extension"
which they hive under contract in Col
orado and adjoining territories. Ijn v
offer work at two dollars per day to
able-bodied men who apply at either
Denver or South Pueblo. New exten
sion* are projected, which, on tho com
pletion ot those now under way, will
give employment to a large force.
Among the application* made In
Judge Brigg* of Philadelphia, on last
Saturday, tor tho transfer ol lunatic*
from various asylum* in ttint city to the
Norriitown Asylum for the Insane wa*
one presented on behalf of the relatives
of John Dooly, who was recently ad
mitted to the St. Joseph Ilo*| ital while
suffering frdtn the excessive use of
drink. He now imagines that ho is n
telephone and hear* voire* *nd receive*
messages from all over the country. It
came out that I)ooly wa* a resident of
Schuylkill county, and therefore Judge
I'riggs dismissed the application on the
ground that it should have beer, made
in that county.
The catching of oyster* by dredger*
in the waters of Maryland ceased qn
last Thursday, according to law, though
the tongmeo are allowed to continue,
but cannot cutch any oyslera to be sent
out of the State in the shell after April
15. The schooners and pungiea which
have been dredging in the Chesapeake
Bay and its tributaries all the winter
have gone to the Potomac River, where
they can dredge unmolested, because of
the failure of Maryland and Virginia to
pass a joint law fixing the time during
which oysters may he caught in the
Potomac. The oystertnen say that the
past winter has been a very good one,
so far as the number of oysters caught
is concerned, but though the catch was
large the profits were considerably di
minished by the lime they were com
pelled to remain idle during the freeze
and by the damage to vessels by ice.
Ilxnilmitl ,P XftvtMtm.
Bee Hive Stores.
Having (jinn tin dnits' /)<?-
jKirtmnU amjtlr Una to c.rjtltiiii
1 its (joint ijuatitirs, ivr will now
; turn oar attention to the Ladies
/)ejatrtmerit y to which tee arc
1 payinij oar almost attention to
have tin most e.omjileie in ( Vli
tre count if. We ilo not like to
include I'hUildelphia, hat, in
\ most departments ttaaj en a not
j heal IIS.
Our Mr. Haul aml has just
returned J'rom tin Hast, ha vim/
' /mrchased the largest andjim st
\ stuck of' J)ri/ (roods, far rash,
i v< r brought to li' ll' f ouh , wht ti
in will si tt for cash at such true
prices as to astonish the public.
As Ua amount of giants pur
chased for this Spring is so im
j mense, it will h' impossible this
| tina to ua at ion uatng special
ities. We expect most of our
'joists will Is la r< this in ■ k. and
will In/ to have them readg far
j safe daring Ih/S Weeh .
We wilt hare tin largest,
finest ami e/uajssl stock of
Dri ss floods ever shown. 11 i
wish ta inform goa of a f'W
bargains that wdl not be sold
again for the mow g. These
prims d' fg com pi tition: t east
of ('a'bm JtUiges or II ash /'op
lins at Sets. pi r yard, which
om of the. Inrgt /'hihuh tphia
houses is nut king such a fuss
a!oat. and t/air price is I'lets.
/ east of Atlantic ('ash tin res
at lit ets. per gard, a big bar
gain in J'hiliuletphia at lit,
bat are cheap at I~> rials per
gard. I lot of all-woo' f 'ash
meres. Hark and rotund, gard
with , at l't ets. pi r gard. r/aap
at .V t rts, jar gard. aml a gnat
mang other bargains too nu
merous to mention.
Our stork of Silks is cejin
pie b. .1 full li/a of /'lain
and Taney Silks from 50 ets.
jar gard emd ujnenrels.
I.a dies, you can ajf'ord to
waste a full day to hnjk at our
stork of Lawns, Mad rets-( Hag
hams, and choice (,'ambries.—
Wi /nice eibout ei i ras< of Met
ilras- (iinghetms eit Hi rents
jaw ganl, which are selling in
J'hilaelelphiet at 15 ets. jar yd.
* In Dome stirs wi heirr errry
thiwg that is manufartarid, and
as ice bug these goods direct
from the mills, we will sill Ham
at job ers prices, fall aud i
i.vamine for yourself.
To House keejwrs we eire a
blessing, eis wr are selling such I
goes Is for so Hi tie moiug that'
the r.rjiensc of fitting u/iet house
is a trifle. Just think, Line n
Damask at JO ets. jwr yard ;
all fJnen Xapkin* at t>s ets.
jar dozen'. Towtls 5 els. each,
and everything else in projwr
Shoe.*, sho<s, shoes, at such
low prices (hut w will not
mention any this time.
270w (tlsmi Carpets, which is
o very important thing to > very
one, ire just ham the prettiest
stock ever shown, all new styles
and all new prices. Tiny are,
so cheap that ice e.rjtect to ham.
our st<s'k sold, in Hit days.
.All the latest noti I lien in
(ilovra, Ifosii r>j, lithiums, Tvs
<ind Fancy (iuodn.
He added this Spring a new
Department to our already immense
I stock which \cill pi tone the l.atlirs. A
full line of Muslin I'nderwear, espe
cially mnnuf icttircd f<.r tut, made of the
best workmanship, for !cs money than
you ran mole them at home.
Our Ration and Small wear
Departments are always complete.
Samples sent free on appli
cation, and special attention paid to
mail orders.
It is our aim to supply the
public icith all their wants in our tine,
and any article not on hand, no matter
how small a quantity is wanted, or how
small the purchase is, we will procure
it for them.
An early call is solicited.
Bauland & Newman,
Originators of the One Price
System in Belief onte.
Slabbed In n Cell.
CI.KAKIIM.*, I'M.. April (J.
George KVHIIK, under conviction of
voluntary mnnalaugliUw for killing n
IIIHII named Ilnganwn and m>rinulv
wounding another named lh*rgiitr<>m,
two Swcdca, at HoutHitle, in .June In-1,
stubbed it fellow prisoner, named Kd
ward (ioodwin, in jail at tbi* place, laat
evening. Goodwin died in 10 minute*.
| KVIIIJH li it young man and it deKpernte
| character. It appear* that lu*t night a
brother of (ioodwin viaited the prison
with an uhandotied woman of Itie oil
j and coal region* named Kate .Sample.
; She WRM acquainted with KVHIIM, ami the
I jailer allowed her to visit Kvan*in hi*
cell in company with Goodwin. The
' men got in a quarrel over the woman,
i and in the emoting light Kvnna tabbed
Goodwin through the heart. The knife,
covered with blood, ha* been found in
Kvan*'cell, (ioodwin'* brother and the
woman ufter the murder drove away in
a carriage, hut the Sheriff puraued them
and *III reeded in urrenting them at Cor
wenaville. He brought them back and
locked them up uotil after the inquest,
whleh Wa* iteld today. Goodwin wa*
dln<-|iarged ami the woman held a* an
(•rulcl'ul Women.
None receive so much I eneflt. and
none air m> proloutidlv grateful and
-hoM mich an interest m recommending
, Hop Ititteia a* women. It in the ot.ly
1 remedy peculiarly adapted to the nruiv
j ill. the sex i.* almost universally subject
i to. * hill* and lever, indigestion or do
j tanged liver, constant or periodical
I headache*, weaknc** in the hack or
kidney*, p*,in in tie* shoulder* and dif
ferctit part* of the hodv, a feeling of
j lassitude and d. spomiencv. are all f*ad
| dy removed by thee Hater* --( ><r i ■!.
The Pr'*byl,*rian* have within the
paM ten year* established in Kan.i*
I I'Ht new churches, some of which have
•lied, although a in >jori|y have survived.
| There arc now 2*l Chui.-hc* of tin* (MIII,
in Kama*. Most of these ar.* amall.
'inly a few count more than I.VI tijetn
j her* each. Some have so small a mem
bership a* a doren.
Philatlofphin Market*.
fan >Mirio. A|*ll ! : I**l.
Tti.* -l.tnar, 1 f.-r I ielit*S, la. tails,, l. *t
fi'.t * — TI.e .ism,n4 t r f, ■<„ U l**a ml,, an. I
' ..., .. SIS . 1 s .f ~| *,. ~| ].s, 1a.,,, I.
j •* ar-l s* * . . t r I'.ss.i Its,. •
f.M..,. .1 111. *e.O ,r 4" a! < . ," a, 1
t*,.ii,a f* Tastl.iA. K,s f .* fir.a. si f
| Istrrr t.
O* .1* *•• (,f 1' OKI-1 f f ,.<*! a, 1,,,
s n.'s*. ... ~ i.| rati | in u.. da, 11. ■ . r.
it" M , I i,• * • . ..I. : t . s . ~.*
*i i.i. D.Ktj We i. ii i>, ..v.-i tm * i I
W.i . lll*'. 11.l a.. 1 |I1 sated • V ; t--t
I Ja*t lagM i.oii.st. A|*ii aa.i.i a, yt r*'.. lO.ubci
I laWtlaAt ai 91 tt r. **■ i <I.I> i. via, at 11 It ,
*r. ■-* .1. |. an Ituulsd o-,n.-.l a, 1. *
: |..i Ifr < H an J ~sa In tim- Ih J Mblai la I"tny.
Bflllofontu Markrti.
AjfiJ 11, l*M
j Whiff hik*hl 'M| .na... fl t* ■
U' ! !■< ,i t.- * . ; |s
! lit ' . J*. < I . ' (*\
J Cottt \ . 4
i < •■!. aMMI 4
I 'kalP .. 2L
i Hour, rtoil, |xt b*rt).. w I a
| FI nr. r d'*al* &
Provision Market.
} j IIa(|-*r flr< fh r
| j#f (kmiipl „ t
J Fr*wh UIIm r |*>qi) ,:i
j < hi'k+a* |*f j#tnd „. *
\ |•* r |*ont4
' ' obhtri hbrr.tjwrfw.on4 .......... U
! lltm,*ti2M mrH !*•
■ Ff
' f.'il |sif l.qthrl . 7".
I fwiw-l lw f 1-
Xrw Aftfcrti*rii)rntn.
Administrator's Notice.
VOTKT", i- licrchy given, that I/I*
A fef r f A4r>, inlbtrwt >r> r>t tt.e cl ■' • f
; V'bfj<k. A*-t d. Into '*( Hslltf (<> r,|i|i. it*ring I. * o
I t" the* Rhrtrmjli'*). milmf ■( IJ.'* Milne
all tie llilid l*v| f, mni )}k< Aefl nf v
t. oiiL* imm*<H*te |nt ment r>l ill |n
• in hidfn elnl Mi l ifv<o*r4 otll |itrn|
t!ro tlblj ulli*t.ti'*t<*| l/r |*iniefit
1 • Jul!* * 4 k.4kl< k. A4fnintlrs: t |
/< I OA if CO., .tttr(fhcn)/ Street, fir It' finite, I'n.
We have just opened a big bargain in Child's
Short Pants, at - 50 Cents.
Best Working Pants for - - $1 IB
Good decent Suit for Men - 3 78
A nice Dress Suit - - 4 7B
Nice light Union Cassimere Suit - 5 BO
A very nice good wearing Child's Suit - 2 OO
Splendid Cassimere Dress Suit, good enough for anybody, 10 OO
We have just opened a full line of Ladies' Spring
Nice Walking Hals for Ladies, at - - - - 28 cts.
In DRESS GOODS we have some Bargains worth your while to see.
Momic Cloths at 18 cts., which tcc bought at a sjiecieU bargain—they are irorth 25 cents.
We make a specialty in Men's Hats. A fine line of Fur and Wool Hats.
Ladies Coarse Shoes from - 98c. to $2.00. Ladies' Fine Shoes from - $7.25 to 4.75
Come in and see us, we have special Bargains in White Bed Spreads from 50 cents up.
Xrit> AdvcrtlnrmtmtH,
To the Schuol Directors of
Centre County:
( * I**N I lah.MKN : —Ju pursuance of
lli r>lr-U.ln| ~f n„. , ~f r ,i, Mux,
I '*•* ■*" • J.*-. sl.jr iHitawi i„ ins., In siai'.n,
a. so.","!* " 'I- nnar
V f . ' N , M \ V * i "-i.i-Lm it.* a .u, ~r
n.s liK.tilb.sl 1 s-t.M-k In ,1 .. a11,.,,,.. „
i sAi'r. 1., .
~,..,,,1 ..... nisrsry HII'I . isnoftr
srsiulr..,,,s.sl ~f .sill 0,.,,,,. o, ll,s
"f as Oinimv Hn,.-,|„,. r |,„, , |||r |hfl^
. x,, ,
, , i#t. h| ||nrrl|.M M rr*iuirJ
tlilil) ninth mi l (uttiHlt WM t|.*r,. ,f •MII| |
[ ' llsl-r.l JiT'RXTIZt'" 1
I j K. nov, M. I) ,
* * • <*>■' in ll'iti*)'. Uv m
, lAkiilfi'r, llF.l.l.kKoSTf |* A
nttMill-.n Kl (, to Oj.rtbtfi. .,r;
| Curoni' |iieMv j ( jj
' KkK I' • ''nt t I, 'oi MIS It tt , !,
4) / U J T
IIUMk, MslflC. %j y
I >1 si I llot.'sK,
I Kamlllt-r **< l •!rijfJ- jf-titl iii-i,. *, m,|| M . |)|>
<i*l trnV"l|fif ;ti 1,, nti.l <niu*i. f<
t. tl,l* JiiftMjiiM || ,t. I, Mh <• fh. y %i|| |„,,1 h' tli •
I cfiilorfM t ie t*otinl'|e r .*--
I.ilk rl i*lu< ti u to , ti n*l oth*r* ntt-ri.li,r
' rouii W II TKI.I.F.U. 1*,.,|. r
I >Y virtue of Mtindry writ* of Fieri
I>i.. .. \, Mcia* mm VM i
|sr*.s*l • *ll "1 11, S of . . Mill.. I. I'l.t, 1,1 (, lilts
em,*!/,Md <•. mMmM. Itwr* .ill I. MM I M
I | |.,i sals iil• ' • nil II ... a 1.. ■■ '.I, , i.i,
Saturday, April 2d, A 13 1881,
il i. •t. -k, r v i Kb*l Ucd.t* -i iai m*
. Uhnf th* <i*f> inUot*. I - mi!
No. I.
j Hlt MJr| n. J Htl#-f (- A<l a 111 Mf"V*r *-t l.
No. (J, A| iti Urtii, Ikkl ln*i t . 4 Wnl *r
, Pals. All ~
I All thnl certin ha of timber l*nd ulu
.l : *...', la.i l; '... 1,. Ml. >■
•*f *f'!•>•* i. tihUin njr Inh'U l| ,f
! iVtwl, Oli'thb L U, Jam-. Jtn . t!i< *wt Ai.ri act
In # * .
tl. • • e !. .• | ttflfUl tbnci
I "V,t.tl. t w. -; .1 . r I ,1 t .1 ' : t*• bv 11. l< •
north .i . we*et i" t • i* n<. ft, ; . n<li<
•' •', il.' |i •' t ; 'bf t- i.j: *t,tri
. *ii: 4'* i r • n4 Ti |,..tt<*. i r|i
tbici, In . 1 • . 1 . J . ;. tl ;r J *•; f
A4*n. J..t,(Uh*f •*stiu< J, IHII> Wii ,*li i,<l il M
' I fttoTCf.
! • N >
P 'til MJ Mil) !/>* hn fhllil
S \A| I *• i 1... 1M \rlfl (1 l.t,i,
I'urwf, Att'j.
Ai) ttiHt •' rthiri lot •• i int.<l
tukl" It! Vu >■ t'.htj. < f.tte* ' Ii! |V tl t,'n
I *rtif.l,.t M'| '!i* *. f. ! . li -il.. If.tf mi M
I I , in . Iheuritliemti nici r < r. n*n luna Ftt
!,%/ ,*,.... U< .* t ,♦**<(> bJongMnll laid MrtJtl.
'N't 1. |Mf*lM* t .fl.kl! ! ' 1 -* H . tfl.t*.*
, pm nek 1A .
. *io J-f.i ew to ,.!• Ihwt,r.. at '|,a land of
Til* M.JM < V ill. T, rf li 4 M.-et !.; ~ r l„.
• t W . tie. , •.! ■*..■ %I .. . i
• -<•: I. ■ I ) -e t.lhe \ \* c f Uv.ir.ti! fc (. .
j taifonjr 1T h- id, I ► |ri*ls iuid mli* *<< . th<*i*< u
i r<Mi. ( * t .. ! M h (in U*nV Imiti bud ft.'f
j .H|i . '.nk.r, .U fketllUMb bl.i tw U
M/ld b* iU* l l hei 1 I 'fJ
Nit. 3.
* ? f .<- •?• A it a.. I* j, , r u*
Kits. N W Ajifll tfin, lk'l I* t J!'.
• t 11. if.l*-. Att*|
All tl *1 rrftntfl l"t "T Jilf c• o| gr- • ifil
. " d* If, tl , • t ffh . f M r < ifrw htn
|' |,1.. ■!,*.;* I !. , il*W fll*.I k foil* •. t/ (t Ik it,*i
<*J • til* v It! % t) bl'.e ti tt •• th Ii UP
'TI tl,* l . wet I i 14 if Til i i> .etnle *l tit* et lb
w iflii ltd nUiatajr "t,< (oiifth '-f n •' t*-, u a
,*f If*. (latM'ti Htit-d • MaUl
| tek' t. |G f .. fti I toltckni lu ll.r |l}*
1 h| .*! J ,* I lat, r\, 1I Ar of Tl r** I* '**,
No. I.
P'Hl',l KuDc* ~wcf .. t II PIMY s
* tt *I-1,1 nm,(Ml PtM.klWU.ili. , is— *
A II All',s.
All lh*t rertnin lot or piece ~f ground
Mtnat* in tl.w l*f Dfli cf Ft i jttl ufc. C*r#t< . ourttn, ,
F* . P**d <i<**f nle-<1 p* |*,||<| tl. II it llitfifiii
'-t * Tl the tt Hi llt I 1 N"f til *.t rtfiet ~|| th*- epit 1.1 |
Irtflfl dfo l 'r t) c •<*! I.y Mof Mf* N*f*t*, tP<l i
Tv the tl' till I ff'tollne ( Nrl|i
Ffctkl • tf**< tef < t Slid ' tt**l ttlotlf l/tlf l llreft j
s"JB f* t . ibfMdi klwt'dk tM*tnj franif dtt-t llittf
|kH, ktsl'l* tnd (.IW (tbaii4t(iga k*d?*d, taker* i
''• t,ii h and to t*c p. .d a* tb* jnfritj l J II
No. 6.
**iU sf J II rises**, us. i, tWnlst 11 .ilsr
N . XI Apiil I>r. I*l tM*. bRM r>fs-A
A 11 AW,
All thnl certain Int or pi,*ce of ground
4lnt* in Kh4 t r>whiji. f**nfrp < F* . !• ar.l-d
r,d (WflM *• f.dhtttß IV !ti !.**! rd; Hi* w. ith l >
the M hit#- it* |*r>.|*r*tl . r ft lb* (B*t It ItMlt ft th*
<dd***ftj |d"i"flt d "tlrTe. pod <t, th#, ri> rthl>
Ufp* ft the 44 litter fit}' j.fN.jw-tf * —< < ( Uifiilig T' *t rftt.
■ r< r km, th*r ti • t: <?• nd • half Pt"i
fr*n%e h ttw I'-p *Ti 1 *dh** fditt'tiiMitifn
t* li et, it. 'ON'iiioi, p-,d to |H t. .J • th" |f"|*tly ,rf
Ika.iif-t lltUfr.
No. fi.
ftut *f W II IV.wtr t alt* J lis Cnfßhhkm \o
CI Ai item, fa |vt-t ll* e It. Att>
All that certain let ot utiscaUd land
•itokt* In Un*h t *•! if-. Cfftt* tihti, pefti, a. ur>
T*>*d in |*i t tj• t• .• of a vitifttit lb* 1 'th
Mauh. A l . I**'d4. £T*nf*d and < Tiy*d to A3irt
f*ntt t Uinit*| 411 iviw at I \S\ j*<fhr* pr, J
Al ■. all that certain trait of unseated
Jand *itnal* in R.htm j* tt if* ( hi ti. I'mn't.
d)'dfiti.-- itie* !* t* 'li* til l I |*<4 lurtrtd mi* a
• ifTntil Mtnli IT |7'*s jt i- t.*d f. Iknt*d Tr
bft ■" ( taininr 4et a< tfH ] V*: |>f r> (,<•* and mil' *n< e
I A ho, all thai certain tract of unisated
'sft. .-lusl* la Ku.h I una}.]},, c,,.us nsnl), l' t,r s.
adj'dnlt Iff t|t# Invt tnrtiM'rfl trurt. on a
tmiruoi da to. I J.ttli'lay of Mar*h, and grunt#*!
t" wMMW Turn*# Itt mz-m-m | v*, MfdMo
► and allow*tt<*. Th- Tyrotsf and ('!*•■
fit tilling tlif'Mif fi tin*** t!lfo# M-TMiil U*' !•
AUo, nil ihitu) Cf-rUin triK'ti of
lanf I v f!uh totiidilfi, Cftdr" ronnly, f'<-nri a,
trtirvwyetl j„nuw.,t (lftln) tl,* |mj, day
of Mm), j.wrj, fy, J, in, MuM'|..^<iiitc{iiii|tf
fUa< IWll<t 1 ' i tim MU'I •ll''*Nl*4
A Uo, otif "itn-r, ftiiimtj! in Kijwh town*
Mlilli, fVnfr I'mii, tt< adjoin 11 *on lb* nottlt by
li.v I on * Msrmtil Ut-d IMb da) of May,
.I : yratibd to Kb hard uk >n In
OffUlMl Ml,.| to U Mold MM IU I'l'/M'M/ of
N... 7.
Mutt .f II M l.lfff.-t <1 at. nw „i j.,|,i, |), Or.J.
lift. Tl. (. No <>.' Ai>r< 1T , lMi| l*Ll, ti.VMi.
j AJI thnt if* r twin lot or pi*T of inrni nt
, "It.- 11l f,|l.r'jr t"W||*hi|>. i roll. HAtulj, Pain's, on
i tin main road loading f|. Ui I** k Urn II f/. Mil*
Imiuihlml Mini do* ui., ,j mm follow* (o wit. On th*
north I.) IntnU of Ml'low IMI M ok. "fj ll, w-*t by
I . t,.i. , I .„„„J is., |„J,,| „„ , y
h./f. it,, ,„,t i,, Uu4r „f Unjaifti, U,,fl,
*"'* 1,, P. Il l on. 11'.I<if
. | .110*.,., ~f .i„i iS,n,.„, „ |„|
■ I* Iran,*. li'illhF, In1( I ferr, ai.'l "ft,f 081
1.m1.i1i,,, ,„] j,, I,r ani l
aa ll.i |,i- j, ilj, J ; ,|,„ |, ij„.j,,, ,
No. H.
hilll „f 111,, jr,,., K. t „ al , k ~f r , j II
"-F- .il, 1.1 | Ki u, s<j a April 'inu,. I-m lh-1,1,
I O 11. A <l, All'l*.
, A.i tin- right, tillo and irit<r,-.t of tbo
'i'-u it,i i„,, u,,,!
• 111.,u- In 111. |„, , ||r r/iun| .
' iil l','' "i J- ' 11,1,,-
n„.-11, I,M 11..,,/*.
5,1'.","'?i" "■" "•*• 'ioi'dii.s br •
If-. I • I U„■! la tl,■ Abd,. , i|r a ft,
I I,' HI. I . .11 ,* , a,-.. i„, 1,, „ * till*
I ! ' it ' "t t ij. ,„. Ii , 1,,' 1~1 lai,'l i ,, jf,a ar
' ' M,•,•( b,||, , ~, , a
-l -kli" iMwliaafc
I.j ~ ~, lai.-l
, ~l K-.1., r. , |, ... :>i , mnhmt
i... lli.i,' ■ , a I,i „| sat,! in
11.. „I.I,I.
i i . ■ lan, |aHa j,, . s i., .
i * I . , • .| 1" | i. |,.a ,,.) all„
• 1.., ' ..KIIIIK I- Mid llt, k l,
Ai- all tin- nifht, till,- h( ,d int. of
j .1,1 nd.i.l. ,• I 1,. nil |),.| ,ra, , la, ~
..It.nl. I„ II . I *8.1..| f liu-l, „ f
! ' 'lf *<■ •>, .1-1 Ml ft,. W*fT.al;|.. fl ~ ..
I -ft
, l-.-l. it'. ■ -i... 11.
-'i a.... ... laaa, to a jria* i... •
* "•'! "I l,"I In 11,. .final... a.a,
, ' I'll'l'V •"'Hi * ' . n.t i*t ut:tr <a
!- ' ' "" * " " n U„t ~1
... I|„ Ihvaarraui • I J t. , ||, lu |, . .. u ,
i '' I'-"''. 11. '. I ttr 1., . , ~.n irm.
I , , ~l p. ...1,.i, l,,nt ■„ ill. w •a.I A. . .....
'• *' ' 1 t " I.UJIjIt.K
, j 4 . > n< '< * M...1 I . j.. ■. ;, ~
Ai.'. all tlii* riyfot. titl- ai.i] Itili-ri.t of
■ 11., ,|.( •..!.• 1., M..| I .11 that p. ,i. „, t . „f
In I .itiial' I |.nrllr It. tl . t,. „ i
. ui.it . I i .i,ir., ai,l i.irtjj la 11,, t. .. ... ...
||_. taMWmM paaClchara aM
, !i. low i, aoll „„l i|,.,
. I .ill th. w 1,. <l. 11... I|n,. f I.'J,-t n!i I
.M 'I 1,,, ll„ r, .mi, i., labia lai, I 11,. oui, . !
* 11., ... law . aa j . a it , .-a., in
a,,! h., '1..-, I|„ null, I , .I * I~|
I • war, aal. • nun . I A i.- OralT
1 Hoi ••All.- O.U.UB* m arfaa
• ! . ■ ■ ••r, t . r .. . tin.,.-1 A| ~I|3; vi
1 a a,lai,l la lb aaa ~1 'l>M.t.aa Mux.,
A •. all tli.- li*M, titlf bt.ij lilt, rt-nt of
t) '!• in *ti-1 t<. *ll t. 01 rtfi fi !- f f pf* .. Tt ,j
Mll 'l til. 1, , ,tl(a'l 'f J'UiJ |ol Ufy tnUl<-
•' 4-weiifw*! m* 1 !J. V.*.
; ,u II • !"• I. " t.. t t .al„ W n,,| . l„ t nbd
- rI t , ..4 U,„. . I , Ml, : ,
t ff "1 \% Mll'• |l| t|,.|, a a.atllb ), '.f ft',
i '1 t |-t '• t-M" MMiili • Waat.l i JmO'J
•if iWri Mm . •> I*4 to f fm*>r -n tl* lit#
f |Va4al f •: • * * ttw imi '' ', \ | o ,
i ; >M/ of Iwjftr.f iny ttrn* I t t j[ tb'foou MtM .
• t.'ft ftMOM iJwH! tl, b t.M.
Ali. aii tlv riiffit, till" arid it tpftl of
!!• 4'f* t4* In *t<<t t'. all (ht '#rlMh l/#t of gt >utul
• •i tl*- In If * i i. <f ij, n tb* rvtiti<y .f
' ' •1 to f I Mi l ilea, r it* | mm f ! i !w •
|t ymniny at m j t u lb* wwl Ma ,# *4 lb*
• k MT.) ff t'! ♦itji* ■r • io. i tilyniunf >Mta<}
)Mt* • f II K fco<h*ti tftM-no b) awi'l |td 10-tlti b"
"t ' 1 , '• • ' !• ti.l * k ! > ! ft i,f
t i>wtM-r M n <t n<tlh V k *•! 11l |"r-'b' u< |# ;
bMf> • I } !r. I n-a i 1|. nf Wmlt) Kui k ►.!
•! M (aofrloM |<| |t , .fj turt*|- iM , tliHKr al(t>|
tb* MMftO" • utb W-vt, Hi JWt b*w to |>lm" f |w*
fflntaltaf —<v/tMir4tny 3L *4t+, \£t r,4 tbo* t' utb*
l*i f h- *4J no fua I*Jai.
A]o. m)I the rigbt. Htln i?.tcrn*! of
j tb* d*f-*lttit It. Mnd b< nli that r*flaati |r.t c*f grtm*4
iwlttantn in Ikf t •wbt,t|. f Hu4i. In tl#- ra.nntv of
t <atl f-.towMi<J utn*u - n tb# <Ht k,d ,4 tki> turti-
I ik* b>*4t ig fi.rtn Tyronr b, rbtltf*! tirr. thro
f-nrlb* "1 * triiU M 'uthof thi bofougbof I"btb|*frf>urß,
lUxiriiM •n MM r**i!,•• t Mtd M.*wtb by iMbd*. n<w ..f
Utrty >4 Jobn H Mutism thi-r**|,tj hklm] two
Mb ry fiMttiM tit | Unk 4<-tliby h -u*' irwd.
| In Mwittl<i H"l b I* tM-ld m th*- f nfwtl) of J'bn
1 11 H IJ: tirr. ftdtulftwtrMtfif ,4, A ,*1 \% ..Il*arx>
I'Mfotwt, '>'•'** l, Mr* Haf tMf, motlier. John 11.
W •IfftH, liNkf *r| hi tr of ikid dwiwaoi arid John
II W ir-fiff, dt'Uft'Ulit v 1 **)<] MiliUtu ' H a^i'Dft,
'iW *MI ' I .
ytilf 'f N*Mtl>MVi a# y*rb Tb'>mh
>• C Afifil ittm.
fl Att y*
#\ 11 th*t cofttin lot or piecn of ground
•ItoMt# in th* tillMirM of Onlrwi fity. <Vitv> county,
I* . taoumb . mpi tb* .if#' ) m follow*. t|i Ikniti'M
on tb try llun. <nl th* |.y EmmoH
• Miniyif oti Ibf' owt I y CtMVit*lw)| A r,• *<>! <• tb*
I M.itb by tl* (Uld KmrU *n4 Tyrtw flaftmait T-m
tMininy *4 an *(♦, mora nr l; Jhw-.ii
1 orm tod m two Mtnry fiam#- h •**. atwl U Mtnl lkfV ont
i I tiiblitiß* t*k * tit ■ Ptwuli'ti atid I 1 br Mild
| u lha |>n4fl) wf Thioiik.
No. 10.
Nit of Jm"-b Ilidhi Mta'l L I Wfitln, | 'r* r*.
Jm b \
Mm ©4 Afnl trim. DH4, liM.TI. Y\ fa—A.
j 4 lb Att
All that ra'flain lot or f.ioro of cround
•1 mat* in Cnttil lottt*hift, Cfttftrautili, flu bntid
o| and do*- ito.| a* billow a, *i fb t>n<U-d ota th* wwt
by ia <'h IV-M.4 r*tMtM wi th- lit Ccfilff
•lad |at i I |V- btol <<o lb* w*t by •-- Ootf*ff and <n
| tb* triith by JaoAb IVht.i wtath—c.-titaitnti| !♦'
wrn. •<** of |w Ikeiiti wrw t#-d a ami a half
1 *ti ty b% h' uw. Ukbl and '4b*t otiUfUildiki;* Ndiad,