Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 14, 1881, Image 1

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VOL. 3.
®l\r tCrntvc 51mcKV.it,
Torras 31.50 pnr Annum.ln Ailvancn
s. T. SHUGERT *nd R. H. FORSTER, Editor*.
Thursday Morning, April 14, 1881.
Democratic Comity Committee Meeting.
A meeting of the Democratic County
Omtnitt-c will bo hold at tho llut-li House,
Bellefonto, on TUESDAY, APRIL 20, at 2
o'clock, r. M., at which it i< earecstly
hoped every member of the committee
will bo present. The Rpportionmont of
delegates to the different district* for the
ensuing two years will be made, end other j
matters of importance to the party will be ;
Considered. I*. GUAV MhKK,
w Chairman.
THKUCUII lock still COD Lin ties in the
United States Senate. The Republi
can nieinbers of the body believe tliut
it is far more important to carry out |
the terms of a corrupt bargain with
Mahoue than to transact the public j
business for which they were convened
by the President
THE body of the late distinguished
Senator Matt. Carpenter, of Wiscon
sin, has at last been consigned to*the
tomb. The burial took place at Mil"
yraukee on last Suuday, with imposing
ami appropriate ceremonies, a proces
sion of civic and military organiza
tions escorting the remains to their
final resting place.
IT is pertinently asked what has
President Garfield gained by the pur
chase of Mahoue? W bile the Demo
crats were in the majority, all his up
poiutmenls were promptly cotifiriued.
Hut now wheu, by bis concurrence in
the purchase, his party with the vote
of the Vice President, who is not a
member of the Senate, refuses to go
into executive se-*ioti, his ap|iint-
nients are laid over without action.
What has he gained ?
THE earthquake at the island of
Chios appears to have been a much
more appalling disaster than at first
reported. It has left death and de
struction in Its path, and nn earnest
appeal is made for relief for the suf
fering survivors. Thousands of |KM>-
pie are buried out of sight; thousands
more are mutilated and crippled ; for
ty thousand survivors are destitute of
the means of subsistence. It is a ca
tastrophe that should enlist the sym
pathles of the civilized world and
America should be among the first to
answer the call for relief.
Bom CAMERON, in his wonderful in
tellectual deliverance in the Senate,
taking his cue from Conkling, justifies
the bargaiu by which the Repudiation
party is added to the Republican par
ty, because of the necessity which he
alleges exists of rescuing the people of
Virginia from the hands of the "bour
bon Democracy." The relief which
Cameron and his party would bring
to the people will partake of the char
acter of that which the hyena would
briug to the kid. Rut it is extremely
doubtful whether the good people of
Virginia will see this necessity in the
light that the high contracting parties
so fondly hope for, so far at least as to
seek relief in such a quarter. Indeed
it is not at all likely that even the rare
oratory of the intellectual lions mana
ger of the Republicans of Pennsylva
nia, whose reputation for crookedness
is wide spread, will prevail to n suffi
cient extent to induce the staid De
mocracy of the Old Dominion to for
get the teachings of a century and lay
their well matured principles at the
feet of a corrupt combination, such as
the Rosses and Repudiators represent.
No! Hopes raised upon this basis arc
doomed to disappointment. The De
mocracy are not so easily captured that
a single traitor can hand them over to
the enemy, a fact of which the Repub
lican bosses will have a realizing sense
as soon as an opportunity is giveu to
the people of Virginia to express their
appreciation of the corrupt compact
by which the Republican and Repudi
ation parties became wedded by pur
tlose ui'l sale*
Tho Mormons.
When President Garfield comes to
| deal with that unsavory relic of bar- !
: bari-m, the Mormon question, he will
find it surrounded by the same diffi- j
cutties that perplexed, and even but- j
fled, many of his predecessors. It will
tax the wisdom of the President to its
fullest capacity to meet the question
fairly and judiciously, that i*, if any ,
degree of consideration is to be given |
to the condition in which the unfortu- j
natu follower.- of Smith and Young !
are at present placed. The statute j
j books of the nation already contain j
| stringent laws against polygamy,
| but thus far they have been dead let- |
| n r.* —totally useless because not en- i
forced -and we notice that one of the 1
Washington corrc*|mnd -lit* of tie
Philadelphia Timet, in a recent letn-r .
1 to that j"iirnal, touches up -n some oi
the troublc-onie points that will arise
i the moment the question i- touched by
theadniini. iraliou. itruthfully -ay- ;
I the "question is a very big one. It
: involves more than you thiul; of, un !
less you have given it a good deul ol
I attention. What is to be doue with
tie-so thou-ands of illegal wives and i
their thousands of bastard children — '
j poor things, who had no voice in tie
j termiuing whether ihev should exist ?
i They were brought into the world
without their consent, and it sectu*
| pretty hard that they should be pun- j
ished for the villainy or religious infat
uation of their parents. If all the Mor
| mon- are imprisoned, as the law di
: rocts, tor bigamy, why the jailors in
j Utah and elsewhere will have their
hands lull, So how is Mr. Garfield to
deal with the great subject. That the
system hlackcus the fair page of our
national history who can doubt, but it
I is easier to moralize about it than to
! cure it. No one who haa visited the
, fair city of Salt Lake nnd heard the
! story of the Mormons can doubt that
some power greater than the sin of
■ physical lust must have inspired them.
' Nothing in human nature can lie tnorr
| horrible, but still you must look the
question straight in the fare. What
are you going to do about it? It is a
bigger subject than the funding of tho
debt, the appointments to office, the
■ apportionment or even the < 'hinose
question." If President (iarficld can
j treat the subject with success and rid
the country of the deep disgrace which
j flows from it, he will he entitle*! to
high meed of credit from his fellow
GARFIELD'S administration, *ny* the
Doylestown licmoerat, i.< not exactly
the "happy family" its friend* would
j wish it. Things are not altogether
j lovely within the borders of the new
|Klitical Jerusalem. Garfield ha.* split
upon the rock which has wrecked ma
ny a stronger ruler with wiser advis
ers. In the eflbrt to please everybody,
the President ha* not sueccded in
; pleasing anybody. Imagining that he
could 1M; a greater man than Moses,
| Garfield thought he could pick out
men from all the antagonistic camps
of the Republican party, and appoint
to office, without consulting the lead
ers. He has found out his mistake.
Hi* nomination of Robertson for Col
lector of New York, had as bad nn ef
fect on ('inkling, as shaking a blood
red bandana has on a hull. He be
came furious, and declared war upon
the appointee, liec'RUse Robertson docs
not parade in his train-band, The pet
ty offices given the Senator's friends do
not compensate for the fat place, and
great patronage, given to his epemies;
for whoever controls the New York
Custom House, controls tho Republi
can party of the Htate. Garfield has
been asked to withdraw Robertson's
name, hut he docs not seem inclined to
do it. Postmaster General James is
as wrothy as Conkling, over the ap
pointment of Robertson. There is fur
ther disturbance at the nomination of
W. K. (.'handler, to lie Solicitor of
the Treasury Department. He is the
friend of Rlainc, but the enemy of At
torney General MacVcagh. The latter
-ays lie will have noue of William 10. f 1
hut then Blaine will not let hi* tiatne i
he withdrawn—and what i* poor Gar- ]
field to do uhout it? The upshot of '
the matter is, hotli MacVcagh and the 1
Postmaster General threaten to leave
the Cuhjuet, if these apjiointinents are j'
conffrmed. At this time, it looks as '
if there would he a rupture. Garfield 1
has discovered, early in his Presiden- j
tial career, that the head which wears j i
a crown does not lie easy. f !
Who Shall bo Hold Responsible?
The one hundred days commonly
exacted t > be the limit of a regular
-c—ion of the Pennsylvania legislature 1
; expires to-day, and nothing io the way
; < d'important and needed !■ gi.-latiou has
I yet been a .comjili-heii. Indeed we
h.-iievo that iiot a single bill of uov
eliarncter has yet been pas-ed through
ill the stages necessary to made a law.
rime has Ir-ea shamefully wasted. (
rroiii the opening day of the -> .-ion
I until the pre.-.:ut moment there liu
l been u hru/.e:i neglect of duty, u pre
-utnpluous disregard of the public wel
fare, that (nu only be charucteriz--d a
subliinc in insoh nceaud venality. It |
i- little wonder that the course of thi
legi.-lutlire has aroused the ihdignu
tioii of the jM-ople of ull section- of the
Stale and caused hitter deiiiiuciati ni
to he uttered by the pres.
Put who -hull beheld re-iw>iisib!e
for the deep disgrace of this condition
of our State affairs? This is the <jues- .
tion that should conic home to every
reflecting mind that gives thought to
the subject. In the Pennsylvania le
gislature, with its two hundred and
tiitv.one members, there i- n maj >rity
party and a minority party. The ma
jority party largely outnumbers the
minority. That majority is composed .
of Republican member* and it is
stronger than the minority bv fifty
seven votes on joint ballot—fourteen iu
the .Senate and forty-three iu the House.
It will thus be seen that the Republi
can members are in supreme control
of both branches. If the session ha-
Ireesi frittered away in disgraceful
wrangles that have prevented the en
actment of necessary legislation, which I
party is in fuult? Which party, with
its din of contending faction*, wasted
six weeks of precious time in the ef- -
fort to elect a 1 nited Siates .Senator?
Denunciation has been well deserved, 1
but it may strike intelligent observers '
that it has probably been too general j
—-to indiscriminate—that a sense of
justice seems to demand that the blame
should be placeJ ujion the right shoul
The truth ii that the session lias
been entirely controlled by the Rcpuh- j
lican majority. That majority will
not only be answerable for the dura
tion of the session beyond the hundred
days, but is to-dnv chargeable with
the astounding fact that not a single '
important public act has received final
consideration. Why is this? There
are good men in the legislature on
both sides who have always been rea
dy and anxious to perforin the duties 1
for which they were elected, and it is
not fair that they should suffer iu the
estimation of their constituent* for the '
sins of others. It must be remembered .
that the reputable class of our State
law makers are |>owerlcas in the bands
of the Republican machine bosses nnd
the ring politicians—always solid for
Mtilhooly —and these are the men who
have shaped the course of the session
to suit their own groveling aims and
selfish interests., Ily delaying the pro
ceedings on every frivolous or aluurd
pretext that a cunning nnd well train
ed ingeuuity could invent, the ring mcu
have expected to force a prolonged ses
sion and they are not likkly to be dis
appointed in their desire. Should it
come to this, the Democratic minority
will be iu no way responsible.
For our own immediate representa
tives we speak upon this matter with
authority. Wo know what has been
their solicitude to have the public bus
iness transacted with as little delay
a* possible. They hnve favored uo
waste of time by unnecessary adjourn
ment* ; they have been honorable,
prompt and efficient in the discharge
of their public duties and in all things
stand right upon the record. Mr.
Alexander, of the Senate, and .Me—r*. | *
Gepbart and Murray of the House!
have nothing with which to reproach 1 j
themselves, and that i- a pleasing fact i
which we desire their constituent* to (
note and appreciate. When fault is '
found with the legislature hereafter let '
it be placed where it properly belongs; '
that is, with the party mujoriiy that ha
contrul of the body. There the re
sponsibility mint rit, and no where ,
el-c. In tiirh an atmosphere as the
Pennsylvania legislature uudcr ring <
rule, men wh > are faithful to the trust
reposed in tlien* by tle-ir con-titucnt*
deserve and should receive due credit.
An Obodiont Lctfiolature.
The obedient L gi- laturc of
-vlvania have again Mgnali/.'-d th'-ir
-ci vility to the Bo— Senator by pub
lic approval of tie corrupt bargain
i which he was largely iustrum -ntal in
negotiating in the nam • of the great
Republican party and that mi- ruble
abortion of manhood repr -enting the
Repudiati it party of Virginia. Ab
ject subjection of tin- Republican leg
islators to Cameron's la-b i* no new
experc nr.-, lan the ord r t > approve
by official sanction a corrupt and de
grading fin tract with a parly organiz
ed to discredit as >vci ign S ,ii<- aud
repudiate it* -a -red obligati oi-, cv -:i a
i-- with less regard for the lion • of
the State he i* - ipjMi. d to represent
might Imve li<--ifat< I to d-m.m l of
j bi< servile followers. But the at, HI
of the legislature !.i-t wc k prove- not
only that the bo---Senator i* i°t <l< •
. terred by any delicacy in such mat ,
tcrs, but tlott the IIHIIIIM-I* are still
subordinate to bi. mandates, and no
. matter wliat dirty job he may engage
in they ore prompt to i ndorse it. A
| creditah! • ii i lib ni :o m I d make
so ne display of id -; iib-;no in t! e
early part of • -i oi. but they
I have dwindled dawn to half a I
TIIK New iri M ii', a Republican
paper, speaking of the Republican- i
Muhone contract, says: "The bargain
will IK- repudiated by ninety-nine out
j of every hundred Republican* enst of ■
the All- glieni - an I by a large major
j ity of the Republican* wet of that
j line. And Republican S'liators who
1 expect to be re elected while "Mahone
-1 ry" i* n remembered scandal will do
well to get nut of an "alliance" which
would degrade, disrupt and destroy
the party of honest money and honest
. debt paying, if persisted iu and rati-
K* .
SmttTARY WIRhOM proposes to
refund a pari of the public debt with
out the aid of an act of Congress,
j IIold( r* of the government G per cent,
bond* maturing on the first of July
next are notified that interest will
cease at thnt dale. They can either
present their bonds for payment or
j refund them with interest at the rale
of 3J |wr cent. Windom deserve* to
he called the groat rcadjusler of the
FLI.KA of the Richmond Whig, the
! organ of Mahone, have been *ent to
Washington to prove that duirng the
late Presidential campaign the Whig
repelled in violent terms all imputa
tion* upon the fidelity of Mahone to
tjie Democratic party. It i*said some
of these extracts will make racy read
ing Senate.
JUDOR IIARI? in the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Philadelphia, Saturday,
rendered a decision affirming the valid
ity of the recent selection of the anti-
Gowen officers of the Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad Company. It is be
lieved that President Gowen will ap
peal the case to the Supreme Court.
TIIK widow of John Brown, "whoso
soul is marching on," called the other
day on President Garfield. The Pres
ident, from a press of business no
doubt, declined to see the widow of the
eaintel martyr of abolitionism.
S|—-ill C.irl-.jHUi'Gljf ,„f ||„ CtITU ilKM"'Ait | i
If Mutism HG, I'A., April 12, 18*1.
The |>a-t week ha* been a notable one
in legi*lativo circles. It opened out!
mildly, but the storm gathered and in
crease'l in intensity a* the days wore ! i
<>n, until it broke in litful gusts on the
last days of the session. The machine
ivbioh was supposed to have been rout
ed, horse and foot, hy the furious on
slaught of the kick <-is, reasserted it
-elf on Wednesday, and although a few
of the old guard, who had rallied
aiouii I the standard of 'iron in the
early days of the conflict, endeavored
to stem the adv tncing tide of t,o*-i-tn. !
thcie sal a very general surien-ler all
along the line. Those who ha 1 dc
noli DC d the rule of the reigning dyn
asty in the bittere-t and most uncom
I t-uiu-ing term* were the first to strike
their colors and hearken to the pihro.h
of Liiiieiiili, < >ur Senior •'••uator had
been tan rile-1 onthefl -or of the United
- Hes >eii:ite with the independence of
l.i* leg.-lature and he determined that
the list shadow of political freedom
should be driven from the ball* of the 1
Capitol. He demanded in unequivocal i
terms tint the representative- of the
honest people of Pennsylvania should
endorse hi* open and shameless pur- 1
chase of Muttons and the coalition of
he J;p-jbli< in and Itepu L.'ition par
tie* of the country. It would seem
that men imbued trilh a -ingle attril- its j
of iii inho > 1 would have spumed such
dictation with scorn and loathing, 1 ut
not so the super,*' r. c- able servants of
power. The < :iuru w . called an 1 Sen
at >T l eip- r, of Delaware, the Ilipat
-upple an I pliant of all <'uiei >n'*
iien< hui'-n. i-fl-rv-1 ■' re- dulion incident
al'y endorsing the attitude of the
lb-publican ■■nrilor* in Congre-*, but
•iore directly tint of the iilon-lc -Sena
tor and ln tool nnd echo .John Mitch
•ill. Wolf immediately gave notice
tint in- would present a substitute in
the House an-l refused to b" hound by
! ih" action of the caucus. Itut where
was all that Valiant bind that hut a
moment ago were breathing impirecj.
leiiis upon <'*meron and shouting from
the housetop* that political deliverance
from the domination of tho ring WAS at
band, silent a* the grave. As voice
!i** a* the dead. The scene was atii
mated and inlereling when little Tom
!'ooper, wearing hi* collar with gr-*at
rnplaisance, arose and submitted hi*
| caucus resolution to the Senate. Hi*
j speech supporting it wa* dull and com
monplace and WAS full of dismal plati
tude* about the right* ot the majority.
When he had concluded. Senator I'a
vies, of Bradford, w th much fus* and
flurry and a good deal of ludicrous
attitudinizing, proceeded to favor the
resolution, going the same thread-bare
, reason n that a ivanccd by Cooper,
that the majority roust rule. Senator
Cordon here brought the Bradford
Statesman up standing, by inquiring
how he reconciled that view with liig
recent support of Grow against the
Wishes of the majority. That etl'ectu
ally disposed "f tho northern tier. It
wit not heard from again during the
entire debate. Senator Stewart, of
Franklin, the real leader of the late
independent forces, was the next to
champion Mahone, Cameron and repu
diation. Hi* eyes, however, had a far
away look, and seemed to be directed
toward the capital of the Montezuma*.
He began with a violent arraignment of
the Democratic party, charging it with
every crime within the knowledge ot
, man from robbing a church to rr.urdet
ing an orphan. Senator Alexander
now began to take a little internal in
things. lie quietly sat down upon
Stewart by inquiring into his slopping
around on the ragged edges of the
liberal movement in 1872. The Frank
flin Senator lamely replied and then
Senator Heidelman, of Northampton,
wa* teen standing in his place with
blood in his eye. I tell you it waa re
freshing to hear him anatomise Ma
hone. Heidelman was a gallant Union
soldier, and be vigoroualy denounced
Mahone a* an assassin who ahot down
Union soldiers in front of Petersburg
after they bad thrown down their arms
and surrendered. Ilia speech abounded
in fiery invective, and made a good im
pression. Hall and Gordon now appeal
ed to the iodepeudenU to assert them
•elvee, and shake off the shackles that
had been prepared for them at Wash
TKIOIS: $l."ll |n r A nnuiti, in A'himcf*.
ington hut without Afbr a
little more sparring, Cooper prttied a
vote and the resolution w * adopted.
The !>• in oc ruts had the best of the
wordy warfare ail through and succeed
e<l in making it very uncomfortable for
the quondam independents. In the
House Wolf out-did hiiuMrlf. 1 have
never seen him appear to better advan
tage. Hi speech in opposition to the
endorsement of Mahorie nod Kiddle
berger wan calm, logical and eloquent;
but it was a wiiite of time and he knew
it. No one followed Wolf, I.aw aimply
contenting himself with remarking that
it wa* not a "question of principle*
with the Republican i'nitod Slates Sen
ators, but a question of pasters and
folders. ' W oil was frequently interrupt
ed t \ Killing-lev. of Washington, and
M-vers, of Venango, in the most pro
voking manner, but fie kept his temper
admirably which is something unusual
for him. The attitude of Wolf, l.iw,
Silverthorn and the f<-w- others who
-tood by them was simply superb. They
could ut lea-t say at the end with the
English I'iiiue, ' all i> lost, save honor.''
Cameron ha at last t< h eme i his pledge
to hi-- brother S.-naters that hi- legisla
ture should endorse the action of
i his party asr-oc lales, hut the end is
not yet. Mahone in bis new chatac
tcr of Sir (isle* Overreach, a* he
teai in - bis Repubiii an allies, "a new
way to pay oid debts has not com
mended himself t > the country, a*
1 his | rt tiers vuil sliortly find to their
■ 'tost. The more 1 see of ihilinglcy, of
Wa-hingloii. the uitiiii 1 am impressed
with the cor.Va tion that he i not in
tend. d for a legislator. I can readily
intigine him winning distinction as the
b-- canv -rnan of a circus, t<ut never
,n a 1..w maker. He has a deliriously
irrcsi-tible habit of bellowing like a
mad bull when anything i. going on in
ihe House that doe-n't suit him. He is
' u.-tlly one of the most interesting ani
• trial- in the whole collection. Myers,
d Venango, i another gent.'-man who
n.,s evidently mistaken his vocation.
il<- i. a -nut as much at home ,u the
Horse as an ox in a lark's nest. He
ottered joint resolution the other
; das fixing the adjournment of the
I. gi-lature u|ion the 'JJ tot ti,. month,
iI•• remarked, oracularly, that he wiah
r I it distinctly understood that he
ii I not intend to remain in Ilanis
t.urg and work without pay. If I do
not greatly overrate the intelligence of
the people ol Venango county they
wouldn't have Myer* here again it be
would agree to work for nothing snd
! board around among the neighbors.
' You can't drive a round stick into a
square hole ami make a real neat fit.
Reform legislation received quite an
I imp*tna by the | a sage of the Record
et's bills the latter part of last week.
This favorit 1 !? result wa achieved after
the most persistent effort on the pait of
I Kneass, Law, Wolf and Faunee.
tippoMlion was bitter and well directed.
The success of the Mahone resolution
cheered th<* despondent spirits of the
"boys'' and made theur look more ho;e
--lully to the future. These lulls have
g ne to the Senate and it i confidently
asserted now that they will never pane
that body. 1 know not what reason
those who predict this hare for the
faith that is in them unless it be the
■ cringing attitude of the Senate to Cam
eron and <Jusy. A hill regulating the
salary of County Commissioners upon
the basis of population, has been offered
in the House. Its provisions arc aa
follows: In counties having a popula
tion of one hundred thousand and Icsa
than one hundred and filly thousand,
each commi-stoner is to have a fixed /
salary o! fI.OK) per annum; in ooun™
ties having seventy-five and leas than
one hundred thousand, f.'kKl, and in
. counties h tving less (ban filly thousand
sloft. There are a few counties in the
State that have the pay of these offi
cials fixed at a regular sum, but the
large majority pay so much per diem
for actual services, with mileage. 1 here
I will be a strong pressure brought to
secure its p-ge. Members here are
daily in receipt of petitions asking the
Legislatuie to take some action in ref
erence to speculative life insurance. It
is certainly growing to be s great evil.
An old man died near Ibincannon a
few .layssince, very poor, who had over
flitO.OlKl on his life, held by outside
parties. New companies are springing
up with gourd like rapidity until this
entire section of the Stale is boney*
' combed with them. I see Centre coun
ty is petting into line, two charters
I j having already bern granted tor that I
county. I'eople are actually mortgag- |
j nig their properties in order to rsisn |
money to carry heavy insurance on—
other people's lives. An old woman ■
Lebanon county was insured
dav for one hundred and fifty
dollars and died on the Monday
> itig. Business of all kinds is g
and insurance farming has bocmie §
chief industry in all this belt of canfll
1 j ties. It is surely time that this
, ■ traffic in human life* should case.
recently met the very gentlemanly
! I'rothonotary of Snyder county, -'erry H
K rouse, Esq., who certainly is a living
" monument of the gratitude and esteem
i of bis fellow c.ttisens. He is now eenr-
I ing his twenty first year as prothonotary
for that county, having been elected
1 seven sufoemivu times. Rotation in
t office must be a sealed book in that
, i sturdy Herman county. Carry the new*
, to Harper. On Thursday evening the
Committee of One Hundred, of Fhihs
' delphia, bsva possession of the House
• for the purpossi of discussing the l>-
linquent Tsi Bill. It remains to be
seen what effect this eloquence will
' ham upon the average legislator.
NO. 15.