Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 07, 1881, Image 8

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    <?] it €rtvf gtmairr.it
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Thursday Morning, April 7, 18'1.
OonimHiMDiMOi, conlnliiltiK lop*rtiH nc*, t
•*■] from Hiy pari of the foilily. No roiiimu .>
iiMrrtiwl uulc** accompaul*! Njr tho rtol mum
Democratic County Commitu J.
Tho following persons have been r-m-d
as members of tho Democratic C <
Committee for 1881.
Belief.>nls, W W Klthila* Re.l.llng.
Bellefonle. N. W... Til >i tea *<'hn>.lr.
Belief,.llls, 8. W
Mn*riurg O. IV KrMmtr.
?lllillt'lMl 1). |*.
( nionvlllr A. Toner l*fAtti*r><
Howard... (Jwirj,"' WitU
rUilipwliiirK \. J. Graham.
lu>tiorr Iwry Hona.
Aoftgi JtiNtv A* McCUln.
Mtimtirie.. <>*r Moll.
< tit(in John McChxtkty.
roller Jacob tlollorf.
Tersusoii,old John T. MKmnilek.
fsrguson, new..... Mile- Unlkrr
Ilrecs.e.iilli "' nr ? Krnmrlne.Br.
liregg, north- Jamr. |iu. k.
'" h " w rd.
Main.-- Boloro-m Ktlliiiiirr.
Il.rri* 4kn A. Itiipt..
Howard —John A. I'iinkl*.
Huston- - !••*>> Iloli*.
l.ltartjr W. 11. Gardner.
.Mariou Cottdo.
Mil.* MftUtitrl K I'tiiNt.
Pulton lohn
IVnn liirUt Alexander.
i'oilcr, not ih .... John sti*nuou.
fS>tt*r, toulh Jamea MrClioth k.
miow rfiiots Abrl CmplM>ll.
spring lohn Noll.
Thy lor William CaMrrwood.
Vulon - J* K. Kmertrk.
Wbllnr - Amtroa* Mt MulMj.
Worth- M ratal I
IV lilt A Y MKF.K
Ilvll>foul* ( Pa., Feb. 1. Chairman.
REMOVAL —We desire our friends to
notice that tliootßqo of the CENTRE I>kni
o. HAT has been removed from tho Bu-h
House Block to the building on the North
West corner of Allegheny and Bi.-hop
streets. Office on tho second fl.'wjr; et -
tranco on Allegheny street. 'We have
pleasant quarter* and XA ill be pleated to
have friend# and patr -nscail to see us.
_______ x
NOTICE.—I call the attention of the
public to the fact that I again have my
oilicc in tho parlors of the old Conrad
House, just opposite the Brock.-rh.ff House,
where I shall be glad to meet with all
persons having legal business to b<- attend
ed to. D. F. FORT SET.
Local Department.
—The moon wa* quarter full yesterday
—The Philadelphia Branch i# a one
price clothing store.
—The mercury marked six degree* above
zero on Tuesday morning.
—.Stop talking about the weather, and
_>uy your cigir# of Harry Green.
—Good Friday occura on the loth of
April, one week from to-morrow.
—That sure harbinger of spring—the
•band organ man—was around yesterday.
—lf you want twenty cents' worth out
iff every five cent cigar, buy them of i
Harry Green.
—A meeting of the Executive Commit
tee of the Y. M. C. A. will be held to
morrow night.
Bavarian and Bohemian beers surpass
any malt liquors ever offered to the public.
These sparkling drinks can be had on
draft at Brown Bros., Butt* House.
—The Y'oung Men's Christian Associa
tion of Centre Hall will hold it* second
anniversary in the Lutheran church, of
that place, on Saturday evening next.
Mr. Edward Hunneman, a painter by
trade, died at the residence of Mr. John
McCioskey, in Curtin township, on Sun
day, the 27th instant. He wa* about .16
year* of age.
—A large number of tenement houses
are now in process of erection in the vicin
ity of the car works, and will he completed
by the first of July. It is expected that
the car works will begin operations next
—The new hotel to be erected atCresson
will accommodate one thousand guests
without crowding. Hoover, Hughe* A
Co., of Phiiipsburg, are the contractors
for the woodwork. It will not he com
pleted thi* season.
—Coup's great railroad circus is again
on its travels with extraordinary attrac
tions, showing the wonderful enterprise of
the distinguished manager. It exhibits in
Harrisburg on the 11th instant, and will
no doubt reach Bellefonte in its course.
—Constans Commandery, Knight* Tern
plar, of this place, are making arrange
tnenU for a public installation of the offi
cers recently elected for the ensuing year,
to take place on Tuesday evening, April 1
19. A few invitations will be issued to
the friends of the Sir Knights.
—A new dictionary has just been issued
containing 10,000 words which were omiL
tod by Worcester, Webster and Walker.
How the English language is multiplying
itself! But if we should use all the words
known to the English tongue they would
fail to adequately describe the merits ol
Secbler A Co s grocery store. So break
fast, dinner or supper can be perfect unless
the IngredienUused in their preparation are
bought at that establishment
—The advertisement* of several of the
prominent business establishments of Belle
fonte have been inserted in the DEMOCRAT
during the past two weeks. Among them
are the mammoth dry goods and grocery
firm of Valentines, the clothing and dry
(goods establishment of Lyon A Co., the
popular "Bee Hive" stores of Bauland A
Newman, representing the dry goods, no
tion and merchant tailoring husinees, and
those old, reliable general merchants,
ft. A A. Loch- When our readers make
their spring purchases they can patronize
these store* with perfect confidence in their
anything wor wanting to demonstrate tho
deceptive character of tho system of co
operative Ufa insurance, now running liko
it it uncontrollablo mania through certain
portion* of Pennsylvania, it i* t< be found
in tho report of Insurance Commissioner
' Forstor, of our State. By tho report of
\ Mr. Forstor for tho year 1879 it appear*
that tho entire cath income of 22 compa
ny* in Pennsylvania amounted to $281,-
606.'>4. Of thi* autn only HIH>UI $141,670,
or almiit olio-half, wax used in the payment
of death claim*. Tho other half wa* ab
■orbed in the exponas account of the com.
panic*. Mr. Forater remarks with great
aptne-s that if these companies expect to
win public approbation "a* economical
substitute* for regular life insurance they
must produce a better record IIIHII tins."
It is estimated that fully five hundred of
theso co-operative companies have been
organized in tho United State* within the
past live years. They flourished tempor
arily, hut have disappeared, leaving no
record of their existence beyond tho dis
appointment* and losses of tin ir victims.
Now, why should these ti >.. mt concern*
be permitted longer to impi • upon the
public? They are purely -p<- ilntiveand
should not be tolerated. It i- pleasure
to turn from thi* picture to t tof th>
working of a legitimate compare like the
"Brooklyn Life," represented lot by our
friend, Mr. It. M. Magoe. This.-, MJH-'V,
by it* IHIO report, show* asset* in ihe
amount of $1 ,'il T '',2' 1 1, with a surplus f-.-nd,
a* regard* policy holder*, of $268,00"
j The company i* honest in it* business re.
■ lation with all policy holder* and ha'
special feature* which should commend it
to the approbation of all person* who de
sire a lite insurance. \V say to any of
our readers who may think of life insur
ance, to consult any of the agents of legiti
mate companies to be found in < ur town,
; and to beware of all these new fangh I
schemes now in vogue und r the nun* f
co-operative insurance.
j BcLt.Xro.NTC A< ADEMX . —Tho J*. .!-/
/.(tdi'i .S. '. und< r the care of Mr*. \V
. If. bins >n, opened it* Spring Term on
Slmulay, April ISA. Y ung ladies nr
j hero offered unusual advat.l. ge* f.,r at -
I quiring a good eJueation in t!.■■> ornatnen
j tal as well a- the useful branches of rduca-
Ition. The school is composed of young
ladies of character and refinement, who
1 know in some tneaurn the value .f . dura
j tion. and are disposed to make tln-nielv.--
' scholars. It i tiri.ier mot excellent inan
| g> ment. and is in a healthy and flourish
ing condition.
The other schools in the Academy com
! menccd the spring term on the same date
! us above.
| Mrs. K. M. Roberts, who ha* charge ~f
the /'ritnery, will give -pt-cial attention ti
the mnnnrrt anil moral * of the children,
as well a* to their thoroughness and t>. -u
racy in the regular sludi"#.
In the i'uung Urntlrmm • Srh. it, everv '
opportunity i offered boy* and young '
men who deire to prepare themselves for
business or colb-ge No extra charge is
made for tho Cla**ic* or Hook-keeping
Sj>ecial attention will be given tbose who
have taught, or who ar preparing to teach
in our common schools, flood boarding. ■
and at reduced prices, can be had for young !
ladie* and young gentlemen who desire to
attend the Academy.
Most of the alley* of the town are at 1
present in an absolutely filthy condition.
They arnmade the depositories of accumu
lated garden rubbinh, stable excresence*,
refuse of tables and kitchens and the waste
of the winter's fuel. We believe there is -
a borough ordinance prohibiting person*
from debiting any manner of dirt or
filth on the street* or alley*, and a com- i
pliance with the direction* of the ordl- '
nance in the very spirit, ought to be the j
aim and do*ire of every citizen, without !
calling in the aid of the law to enforce it.
Of course it is the duty of the Street Com
missioner to see that the streets and alley*
are cleaned, but it certainly can do no
harm for private citizens to tak" an inter- ;
est in the matter and assist, by all reason- -
able means, the accomplishment of the ob
ject in view.
—A fter the average husband has been en- i
gsged all day in trout fishing and hi# good
wife lias been equally busy in house clean
ing, what exquisite pleasure is felt when
they again meet at the supper table t-> par
'take of the elegant compounds made of
groceries from 8. A. Brew A Son's store.
With tho savory viands such a* are only
create*] from these groceries to eat and i
plenty of adventures to discuss, they can
partake of that nourishment and enjoy
that rest known only to those who lead
peaceful, temperato lives and purchase
groceries of 8. A. Brew A Son.
—A very homely girl who reside* a
•hort distance from thi* place
handsome man for a husband. This faiftl
to make her happy because her acquaint
ance* expressed surprise that such an at
tractive man should marry such a plain
woman. But happiness wa* at last restored
ed when her husband began to purchase
his groceries of Hechler A Co., and now
they aro living in perfect bliss, and always
buy their groceries at that store.
—Are you troubled with hoartenoie or
pain in the breast? Have you a feeling
of dryness in the lAromt , and a tickling
sensation in the Utrynx, giving rise to a
troublesome, hacking cough ? IU warned
in lime. Do not put off for a single hour,
but procure at once a bottle of Green's
Syrup of Tar, Honey and Bloodroot.
liarl, Esq., with hie interesting family, lias
moved into the residence on Mpring street
recently vacated by Mr. Frank P. Blair.
Mr. John Linn, who was so ill a few
days ago that his life was despaired of, has
rapidly recovered, mid on Tuesday WHS
able to ride from tho residence of his lath
er-ln-law, Mr. Alexander, of this place, to
lii* iiotnn in Btormstown.
Mr. Allen Bohroyer, of this place, is
confined to hi* homo hy illnes*. His
brother, J ease Schreyer, Kq., of Lewis
burg, arrived on Monday evening to
watch nt hi- bedside. We hope to hear of
hi* speedy recovery.
—Olio of the most frequent visitors to
liellefonto is Mr. J, Gibson Larimer, of
i Pleasant Gap. Mr. Larimer has frequent-
I ly been mentioned a acandidnte for Asso
ciate Judge, and he would fill tlie position
with great credit to himself and to the
—So many atlraclivn young gentlemen
appeared In town lust Saturday to spend
tho Sabbath that wo enn only mention
them coll, , lively. Among them were Mr
Gi-orgo Boat,. Mr. William Laurie and
Mr. Clifford Tin.mas. Such a II'HXI of
youth and beauty at one time created a
; great sensation among the lttdi".
! —"Newkirk, tho batter," bus establish
ed himself in the r<x>rn in Humes' hloik
occupied by W I Fleming a- a tailoring
establishment, and is prepared to renew
01.1 hats in the most modern style. Silk
, hats, stiff hat* and soft hats which have
j been discarded ran bo made a- good a*
lew. Ho will remain at> ul two month*
and expect* t > d■> a larg-- bu-it.ess.
—An elegant MR carriage th< prop
erty ol Mr. .1 ni"s Miliken appeared on
, the -tre'-t- of thir place li t Sunday. It
, is low, luxurious and ea-y. and is de
-igtieii for llie ( j". iai i,r ,f Mr, Miliken s
; mother, M r. Ber-d
Mr F. !'. It lair and family have re
moved from th'-ir late rosideme on Spring
-trnl Hit-, lb" dwelling boo by
ICol. w. 11. Blair, la tho vicinity "f tho
Planing Mill DJUI
I —Maj'-r R. H Fonter vUlti I biofriofuli
,n Mifliinburg, Union cur.ly, last week.
; —Wo ploaood to let" that Mr
Thomas Kcym-his is' inverting his stahi"
■ "ti Spring -tf l into a dwelling lom-c and
will siKin erect nt, tie r :al le at a greater
| distance from the public street. Tin
' bang" w ill )>e n d-aid'd impr<'\ement
Mr. Al. Ilaupl is in town. H< has
di-p -"1 i f hi* cigar estabiishment at
II ".tzdale, aid <-\p. t* ,H.n to "tigage in
I' the grocery business at Philip-burg
Dr. E. W Hale is putting some mui li
needed repairs upon then re:Ji-nee <>n
Allegheny street "wn'xl by him at. 1 for
• merly occupied by Mr. William Webb
Mr. John Sourte k i> cb rking al S
■A. Brew V Son grocery -tore. The pro
prietors are fortunate in having th" assj.t
nc" of su< ha valuable and popular clerk
' —Mr. -laine- Williams it clerking at tbi
1 lirsc Hive dry g-mds slor"*.
—John T Johnston, K q , ha* bf"n re
ap(xiinted by Pr< -idcnl Garfii. 1 |>o*tmntcr
in this place. The a['|H,inttnei,t will no
doubt b" col. firmed |,y tn- S-nate as *>, r,
a> Malmne - Republican party w ill p. rmil
an executive sc-.jon "f that body. Mr.
Johnston ha* filled the office for tho p*t i
twelve years satisfactorily ts> the people
and the Post-ofli, <• Department
—We were (leased t<' r H'l-I a call, lat
Saturday, from Mr .1 M D.iiiran, one <>l
the prominent candidates f,.r the, untv
superintemi'-ncy of public cha*>l*
Rev. S. E Fufst, the pastor - f th
Lutheran church, frepiently preach
•ermon* "f great p"W-r md -loqiier, .
That of last Sunday evening w as unusual
ly ctccFenl, and was listen,--I to with
eager attention.
—We regret to learn that our fri"nd
Judge Samuel Linn, of Will;ams|xrrt, re.
cently received a sever# fall, breaking one
of hi* arms at lha elbow We hope to
hear of bit sjwudy recovery.
Mia* Laura Hemphill, daughter of Col.
James Ilemphiii, of Erie, whs ha* been
visiting among her friends in this (dare
during the pa't year, will start homo Ibis
morning Her mother, who is also in
town, will accompany her. Both ladies I
are followed by the sincere regret* of their '
numerous friends.
Mr. Daniel Rrumgard, one of the !
pleasant citizen* of Rebcrsburg, railed at
tho DEMOS RAT office last evening. We
hope ho will repeat bis call frequently in
the future.
—Mr*. Anna Mcllrido, mother of Mis*
Mary Mcllrido and Mr*. John Barfruff, of
thi* place, attained her seventy-ninth
birthday on Sunday of last week. Tho
occasion was celebrated by an elegant
dinner, at which Mr*. Bolton, of Oil City,
a daughter of the aged lady, joined tho
family circle in this place. Tho occanjon
wa* quite delightful.
—The Daily Journal, of Ixvck Hnveni
ha* the following good word* to say of our
popular townsman, Mr. W. B. Teller, in
connection with his recent bind no*# change:
"Mr W. 1! Teller, late of tho Brock
hoff House, Itoilefonte, is now proprietor
of tho Bush House, the most elaborately
furnished hotel in Central i'ennsylvania.
Mr. Teller I* a genial fellow, and will
build up an immetmo trade for the Ruh."
* —Wlilam A. Peebles, proprietor of the
St. Charles Hotel, of Pittsburg, and
brothor-in-law of Mr. 11. C. Yeagor, of
this place, died quite suddenly on Tueoday
morning. Mr. Veager will depart for
PitDburg tbi* morning to altond the fun
— W. 11. Noll, Jr., of Pleasant Gap, will
laave that place for Palnesville, Ohio, to
day, where he Intend* taking a commercial
course at college.
thren meeting* "f l ' lo borough council on
Monday. The old council met at nine
o'clock A. M., and settled up business for
tbn municipal year. At ten o'clock th
now member*—Ardoll, Gerbrich and
Walkey—wore(worn in. Th clerk called
the council to order and Mr. John Ardcll
wa* chosen president by acclamation.
Isaac Mitchell wa* re-elected clerk. The
chief burgess, assistant burgee* and lx>r
ough treasurer worn worn in. At 7j
o'clock l'. M. the first regular meeting of
the new council wa* held, at which the
following person* were chosen to fill the
J various positions at the disposal of council :
Solicitor, John G. Love, hup ; Engine r,
Samuel Ryan; Lamp Lighter, Henry
1 Hoffman ; Street Commissioner, Thomas
| Shnughency ; Superintendent of Water
Pipe*, Samuel Ryan, (for an addition of
j 2>coots per day to in salary a. engineer j;
Janitor, left to the consideration of the
; Fire and I'ollco Committee after consult
ing with the Logan Hose Company. The
I regular standing committees of council
! were also appointed, but we did not obtain
I their names.
I Two DIATII il I'i -.A- ss rGAC - The
| ravage ( .f renriet fever at Pleasant <Jn|>
1 resulted in two more deaths—one on Satur
day afternoon and the other on Sunday
i evening. Mr. Jarne* Harrison, who had
been lying in a critical condition for *<-v
--'■ral days, pa>ed aVay from cartii on Sat
i urday afternoon. He was a son of John
and Matilda Harrison, a pr •rnineut m-m
--; ber of the Plcaant Gap band and about
twenty years of ge. II was interred in
j the Lutheran cemetery at I'Jeasa.it Gap
lon Monday at one oVii-ck r. vi.
The death on Sunday night from the same
Idiscaw was that of Mrs John Paints r, a
lady of grci worth uii •< deth will l
I ine. rc!y lnni'iit'd. We d pi", vjn.jei
ibi/.e with the affili td families und with
; si: tli" J *,>],!•- at (he Gap in tie- unusually
I severe dispensation of IV vidence u: |i-r
which they are now suffering. About
I forty cii" s of the dread scourge have thu
|fr occurred, si* of which have proves]
lb v t. l I', m;v 1. r, the new ; .sts>r < f
the M. K chureti, > f tLi* place, preach 1
in- intr d ;ct ,ry dlsc>ure last Sundav
morning In the curse i f hi* remark*
he stated that h" arrive,l in ttiis place <>n
the previous Saturday night an ennri
tranger, Ix-ing a< , aimed with on'v one
• member of his congregation. When t
i fore Cotiferen. e he had ma I- no applica
ti ti for any parti, ilar pastorate, and wa
re t aware where bis future destiny would
' • cast until he had I'eri assigned to this
p'aee. The di'C'tirse was long, eloque .t ,
arid able, and was well received- Hi.
family have not vet arrived. R-v. John
Donahue, the retiring pastor was also
present. He carries with him th" best j
wishes of the congregation in this pla ,
f..r success in hi* new field of labor at
young people connected with the IV sliy- !
terian church, of Milenburg, have made
srrangerncnlt to give an ents-rtainment in
the school home at that | lace to-morrow
tight, the procccdtof which will tie devot
el to the church. It will consist of vocal
a'l instrumentAl music, cliarades, dia
logues, etc. Those who attend will wit
ne-s an admirable entertainment, full of
fun and instruction The young folks
have shown considerable 1 in this effort
to contribute their j>ortion toward the
|.ro'|>erily of th" congregation, and should
tie repaid by a large audience. If the
evening is pleaant, there should be a
large delegation from this place and from
ali the surrounding country.
This aged gentleman died at Houtxdalr,
f'learfleld county, early on Sunday morn- 1
ihg. He lived for many year* in this ;
place, and went to Houtxdale about sit
years ago. At the time of hi* death he ,
was about #!' year* of age. He was the
falher-in-law of our townsman, Mr. John
Bradley. The remain* were brought to
this place yesterday morning and were in- \
terred in the I'alhnlie cemetery. Many
friends from Houtadale and from B<-1<.
fnnto followed the body to its last resting '
PnoriTa, $1.200.—"T0 sum it up, sit i
long year* of b"d.ridden sickness, costing
S2OO per year, total. 51,2<*i—all of this 1
etpense was stopped by three bottles of (
Hop Riiter*, taken hy my wife. She ha*
done her own housework for a year since,
without the |o* of a day, and I want
every body to know it, for th-ir hereftt."—
A*. )*. Farmer.
Brown Bros, are making a specialty
of new whiskicA never before offered in
R-llefonte, such a* "Golden Rule of th
People," "lJannuville" and "Dougherty."'
—What Is the difference between the
man who buy* his ciothes at the Philadel
phia Branch and a chicken ? Why, the
one is dressed to kill and the other i* killed
to dress.
—Th swMlias sf-rfait come* la rejoicta*.
And snrlj niat*t grimly At**;
Now < rysSal rtmr are the foiling waters.
An,l lasinle Ma* nte lb* mnay skies.
Vrrnli e'er Ike Moanlslna brinks forth lb* morning.
Th* svealaf (lid* ths esreaa's ** *ll,
All rrretainsfojr In lb* son's r*<umlng.
And I rrgote* In my l>nnt* 11*11. -Brass
—The Philadelphia Branch now has an
unentitled assortment of gentlemen't fur
nishing good*.
HI-KINO Mii.ut It sua.—Only one week
has elapsed since rny last communication
and death has again come into our midst,
and claimed anotiier victim. On Friday
night, April lot, Mr.. Clara Grenoble,
wife of John A. Grenoble, and daughter
of Henry Krurnrine, Esq., bade adieu to
friends and husband, und passed to that
"bourne from which no traveler ever re
turn*." Mr*. Grenoble bad been suffer
ing for several month* with that fell de
stroyer consumption, and for several weeks
past has lived with her llle hanging as it
were "by a thread." Hut now her suffer
ings are at an end, and the bride .f a year
lias gone to dwell with the Bridegroom
above. In b'-r death the .Spring Mills
Sabbath-school has lost a moat esteemed
mem her.
fine of the' fleets of having so many
store* at Spring Mill* is a reduction of
pricca. This is "wut'-r for the poor man's
mill," but is hard on the merchant*. Mr.
■ Grenoble having bought a ear loud of coal
oil, has brought th" price down to 12 cent*
per gallon for common, and 22 cent* per
gallon for headlight oil. He i getting a
half car load of sugar with the same ob
ject in v i'-w, M njor Fih"r has also depart
ed from the usual even tenor of his way
and is cutting down price*.
—We only want a couple of clothing
stores, and then w will reduce traveling
across Nitlany Mountain -o much that tic
toll gate- v nt pay >•*) ii-<-s
Robert Duncan has bit old clerk, Bill'.
Jones, back again. Jarri-s (Irawford ha
taken David Mi Crxd * place in Grenoble
-tor", while Davv i- c untr h j; eg ar
Whitmere sk Co'-.
Prof. Wolfs select S' bead will opeD
Monday, April 11 Wc understand the
Professor i a < andidat for ('• ,nty Super
ih'.end ut, but, a- th'-re are - roar v aspi
rant- it may I p -;!,!<• t 1 at * i.'ark i r
loky ilave to b<- brougfit rAt. The JV<.
j *or is v. ry p. |u!ar in t'- ■ psr: of ti,
I and It..- a •. of friends, vho
would glad to see him tu< essfui in the
, net. A- IMB laying tin- without aitlm
his (x-rm • ' ,,n kti li-'ig,.. -, •,
having sp- „,-n t"him sine- lat institute. 1
must st- j or 1„> mat tat offcii-e and tr ■
j ecute me for iibr-I. " , f
I'm i'nn or .-rjiiM,—T k - following
arc said to l,< the m >t r<-c< nt of V.-ru - r
prophecies. From them we , one P. ><• •
h" has at last con'cnted to let ti, winter
pa-- away and give us spring
Then- wi.l Is** a sharp frost in the lx-gin
ng "f April, with a snow fall on the ttf
and fitii, h..t the spring w ili ojx n fas orabl v.
in,l es-ry tiling will la- pretty w.-U ad
sunt' !by th" loth of the month. Fio,l
tnay Ise , t; * m Ghicagoabout the first
*"-k in April, with high wind- al-<. prs--
vniling in the early part of the month j
Navagalions it lik--Iy l oj-n on Lake j
• tnlario ate-ut April Till.
The S' Lawr. nte will open about th" '
j 'th or 11th, arid the first steamship wril, .
probably arrivs- atxiut the IMb The
weather will b" stormy in th" lower prov
i inci-s atesut the oh. with very higli water i
prevailing, bu 1 in the west April mil fx- a
dry month There will be wrm weather
just following the VCMh, ending in thunder
-Uirrns ~n tbe'.'Jth and'Jfsth. Sn ,w storms
■ are probalde in the far west ~n the li-'.th •
and Ih'th, and snw fails are not unlikely
!to rsrur in Rngiand at the close the
'n< nth The month will end wet and cdd. j
] but on the whole will tx- like * M*v month. :
Mrio AT M Aiitan>i4i a>, —A frier.dat '
Matlisonburg sends us the following pleats. :
*nt account of recent musical events at '
Mod Don burg. ll'-says: The musical con
vention at Madisonhurg, under the direc- 1
tion of Prof. Ezra .Smith, of penn Hail, j
as director, and Mis* Anna K Sidler and
Mi** Clara K. Fau-t, of Madisonburg, as :
organists, chised with a grand coni-ert ou
Saturday evening, April 2, in a manner
pleasing to all At least scTenty-flve sing
er* participated in the regular class drill
and the conductor certainly menu the j
highest compliments for the devotion of
hi* time and talent*. The audience on '
Saturday evening was not large on account
of the inclemency of the weather and the
had condition of the roads, but the pro
gramme, which consisted of anthems, gier *
and song*, was carried out in a faithful
and spirited manner. An attractive part
of the escrcise* was an earnest address
from our warm-hearted Democratic friend,
S. K. Faust, who very ably cjorted the
parents t<> take an active part in such en
terprise* as they would be a great help to
all Uiechurches and Sunday-scbools. Thus
ended the m.t successful musical conven
tion of the season.
A Bt RSTEII BOILER.— Ou Friday last
while Engine No. 148, of the Tyrone di
vision, was standing on the railroad track
near the Ward H.ue the boiler suddenly '
bursled, causing a tremendous ckplosicn
and slightly injuring several persons,
among whom were J. 11. Teat, Ksrj., of Phil
ip-burg, and an elderly gentleman named
Williams, of Martha Furnace. The latter
had just stepped off the Ward House
porcli when his bat wa* struck by one of
the guard rails of the engine. We believe
hi* injurica were quite serious. The smoke
slack of the engine was blown about • rod.
The lop sheet of the boiler wa* hurled up- ,
ward two hundred feet, passing over the j
Ward House, and descending on the roof
of the Bay tannery in which it tore a hole
about twenty feet square. The glass in
tho depot and in the Ward H<>us* wa*
badly shattered. Three or four other per- |
son* were slightly injured in addition to
those mentioned above.
' "' 111 ; —"
Bavarian and Bohemian beers surpass
any malt liquor* aver before offered to the
public. These sparkling drinks can be
bad on draft at Brown Urns., Butt* House.
—Boy'a suit* a* low as $2.2A, at th*
Philadelphia Branch.
DKATU or Cor.. W. W. BROW*-A
"ItoUKN WllKlur. KO TV.Avri.KK KB
TVHSn."—I ho tul.joct of this notion re
turned front hi, NOW HOMO in Kr,a,
about two w. It, aO, to regain health irt
this, Iria native county. Before reaching
here be visited Washington to interview
the new atiminutrslion in REGARD to an
apjtoiritirierit which be expected to WE ure.
We learn that he WT nuccetsful and that
hi* ap|>oiritmcnt arrived a few day, before
hi, death. But in hi* ruirtion after health
hit hope* WI RE disappointed and he i now
numbered with the dead. The tad event
occurred at the residence of Mr. Joshua
Mitchell, of Milisburg, at 10 o'clock on
I Friday evening of last week. HI, disease
was earn er of the stomach. He was about
'.year, of age. On Monday he wa in
' terred in the Union cemetery at this plat e.
His wife arrived on .Saturday and was
present at the funeral.
' Col. W . \Y, Brown wa born near LE
! fnofil, THEN IN Harris township, this coun
ty. He gained an excellent education in a
I < oliege I<< uti'd at MI adville. He then be.
CAME A boot and boe merchant at Lewi*-
town, studying law at the same plaie. IN
IF'/J he returned to Bellefonte to practice
• hi* cbos- n profession. But hi* career as
an editor was more prominent than any
other business in which he engaged, it
; began according to the recently puhlihi>d
History of Centre County , in the
•rial in 1 ft. J.S, of which lie W - editor
■ J nd M. I'. Crorthwkite pr >jrietor. Un-
LER bil RT'J'H if that paper espoused the
1 TUSE 11 the Know. Nothing party. After
| filling a term as county trci IR-; jrj
| ar.J a hrl. F wnr . LIMRE AT TIE break
ing ■-1 (>f the Bebi ,!l• N, lie became iditor
of till B".|l;fonte Jlrjii.'rhritti M ]E.,p_ That
] *per is STILL in existence under a different
management. After a sic it TIP rience as
editor ■' /' ">I S /LF.'R/O, ilt llrj.Mtritn,
; WHICH WAS INUI H*D ON the r< s OF / -rnai
isin IN 3 E7.: T HJ .,J HFL ■ ,'R'ly brief time *•
editor OF the trial Il< IFRR, which ap-
PI arod in 1 he r. n.<C. , ,j A sth hi/ family
TO K.M as 7hire HE cngsgi-d in : lie J üb
stion of the Jew 11 City LUJ " - IN.
'which hud quite a H>(CE<sful ciistence.
SINCE g :G to KANSAS. 51; Br< an has
pa -IVJ through ss-veral D.ttris'.ng nperi
jence*, but was IN the main well pleased
With his life ULITI ,
It i, related that in early life Mr.
; Brown had SERE IS thought* I entering
the ministry of the M. K fburch, and
wh* QUIT* D*voi#D \n TH'* FFC JM* Tf R LL^ION
I A -biirt CIFWRIENR" in J*>l tic* apparently
dissipated those youthful aspirations. He
developed into a rapid arid T un nous
writer and a STRONG and ELOQUENT political
akT. and was a HOST in bimsc-lf j N
whatever cause be advocated. A> a man
, he |SNESI*SSEWL jn an eminent D'grre thou
jualities whiih rendered him popular.
He had seven *isters, the oldest of whom
j —Mr*. Livingstone — is dead, Iswt '.be rest
•11 survive. The living are Mrs. 4...hue
Mitchell, at whose HOUSE in Miliobtrrc, Hl'
died . Mrs. Boalick, who RESIDE. IN the
j vicinity of Humes' Mill; MR*. J.BN M
Furey, of Pleasant Gap; Mrs. Haider
man, of Oak Hall ; Mrs. B"i!rau, of Lock
Haven, and Mrs W T Brisbin, of Cn
--j ton, Ohio. Mr. Brown was married to
Miss Bslhsheba lirisblo, *irtcr to General
Jamn< T. Brisbin. She is ar excellent
woman, and has been in the strongest
1 meaning of that term, a HELPMEET to Mr.
Brown in all IF the many misfortune* O!
which he HA* been the victim. To hi*
J fond wife and Urge family of children
the news of bis death will be a sorrow
; almost to grievous TO I* borne.
Miss Anna Fox, an aged resident of
this plaee, dn-d on Thursday morning of
last week, of paralysis. She was an aunt
of MR Joe. Fox. and N much esteemed
lady. Her age WAS about TO year*.
—Working suits, only 3-1 'l.'s. at the
Philadelphia Branch.
—-Spring WOOLENS now ready. Marly
orders solicited. Money saved.
ISMf MOXTOOMKRT & Co., Tailor*.
MOimiXOKR— AI. LEX -Al Ali - os. <-o lU *Wh
•I Xuih b) U. 1.1, H*V-r Mr * r Vi; h
statu, id Inwj.tewa, Ks. t,. Mm. MIJ J. A I few, 11
f mite C utile I'G
iwrr-KirsAmv-ow * *tii •
l.uMir-mn |wnwni, It* .%•*•*•< ut&. • K- J./li*.
1 aitltt.M(vn. Mr Mi* k* u K.
bwtw of (Vfimm. >irr cwMj.
KNO\-~oo|| IKN -On . UNRXH il.l. I t ib*
H*. h 'ln 11 *>•) I Mr AlfMtiOst Uvi Km.%
of i htol<* ai4 ¥|h H linfiuin. 4
<KIXKY-*lh>rK~o tli# 2il of I**l ml IW
| J. J"iih T. <4 li a 4 ui| < UNTO
I ORVWTILV |* . A*l Mi RHMX A J. MM*!*, of Mi
l*dtf. (Vntr* ounlj,^
MKTZLKK -N, tlx <f Slinh, la IVllei lew*
shlji. Mis llnssllsiM M-tilss. tgril ii.% irw.
■nwnUiS 9> *s
IIARRIJWIN.—Oa Mi'ulijr. lb- II in*ta< of * ,rU*
Issrr. .luxes, *oa of J.Uia anU Mslile, Ilsi i ol
ship, Kli/sls-th, reth I el TW tsl- J.-lin IN-HUSI
swl St ' <-sr. 1 tti-'nlh. ,a4 ,1. ,)s, s.
ItI.CND —la ,- ptsr-. en Si.asnrnl**. ih* ifUi
of Rssrb, >1 si* oVtnek, IIUS- .taught**
<4 Jehu ami Msi) HUml. acKl 4 iwn,* asuartw
s! 1 A*r.
KM4MI-In *.r VsU*r. WH tt. Mr Helsm.*,
Kaari, *sa' * ' * Hies, n mouths aaU 4 iW)s.
ItROWX.— AI IK* TisUinonl Mi iebm M.t b-lt <■'.
Milesimrx ■- VtMap etiron*. Apnl I, W illaua W
Ifcevs, stf-4 < 1-st. tr>4 I# asSiln
MANM.—I* I'artla Ins nshlp. na Momlst. Marrh .
tssfc. Mrs ItalhaHa* Msaa. t*l H jmar*. C aseaih
. u4 I* lists.
Mrs. MS EN was HEM la Rsrfci COJBIT, Jat, A, law.
' and RAMOSE! In this enaal, hll* <)itil* t etin* lire
aha wa* taarHeU In the I*4* RoKerl Msaa. by whom
she Inornate LH astAhsr at alaa rhllAma. "I (hi al
shorn grew Is h* nslals of as* 51, 4 somen, AMI si.
aaw asstfol and nsyulnU I ltlasas nf litis ROAAI, KH.
rsmsrsA with fcsr HUSL saH to "Mstah iVanh" sua,"
•FTJR or BHW* )r agn, am! Ihsrs sprwl ths rrwulatrr
1 AT HER qnlst and otsrs-atfiil, hit aselttl tif* HAT was
j lh* (raaAamlhrr of sat >at,-.*)it ami tha (mat
' fsUliasthrt *4 STSLJ ssito chlldlwa.
M '■ '■ I