Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 07, 1881, Image 7

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    Horace Greeley and the Ticket Agent.
A reformed ticket agent, a man now
engaged in a mercantile pursuit, and
who looks liock with a profound melan
choly and remorse to his wicked career,
us he sailed in as a ticket agent, told nic
that once, in his sinful days, ho was em
ployed at Chicago on a through lino
front that incorporated Borons on the
lake to New York city, which, made up
of u new combination, was " bucking
against Vanderbilt. To extend its cus
tom the combination hud at Chicago a
corps of nble-lsidied rui.ucrs. to seize j
wavfnrers by the throat and fetch them
up to tho ticket agent, where the inno- |
cent traveler was to lsi talked into u j
ticket over the combination.
One day an able-bodied ruffian came
loading up a rough-looking customer,
who wished to purchase a ticket for New
York by the way of Cleveland. But
evidently the old wliite-hnttcd, loose
trouaeml, coarse-booted countryman, j
with his white head and goggling look,
did not know what he wanted. It was
for the ticket agent to care for him, and
so he rattled on with ticket in hand
until the venerable, goggle-eyed old
shutfie-toos had extracted from a fat
wallet the price and shambled awkwardly
'• Say, old fellow," asked a friend, who
happened to lie in the office, "do you
kn*m- who yon sold a ticket to then?"
"Home old fool of a corn-cracker."
"Not a I lit of it that was Horace
< ireelcy."
"(er whillicans! and lie wanted to
go to Cleveland ?"
" Yes, lie is lulled to lecture there,
and the 'Tribune will give your combina
tion the deuce for the swindle."
" Tluit's so. Here, you put your
cheek to this hole till I find him."
Away ran the ticket agent. It was not
difficult to find the hotel ut which the
venerable philosopher lodged. The
ticket agent found him in the reading
room poring over a late issue of the
Tribune. He tapped Horace on the
shoulder, and the philosopher looked up
with the childlike expression of his that
seemed to come out from open eyes and
" I beg your pardon," said the agent,
•• but I sold you a ticket to New York
awhile since, and I made a mistake."
" In the money, I suppose?" replied
Horace, dry ly.
" No, sir; in the route. I reinemlier
after yon left yon said Cleveland. Now
the ticket t gave you will not take yon
to Cleveland."
" The deuce it won't." crii-d Greeley,
starting up. " Well, young man, I can
tell yon that would Is- a great disap
pointment to Cleveland."
" I don't know anything about that;
but I did not want any man to miss bis |
way through any fault of mine. So I've I
been in every hotel in Chicago after I
" The deuce you have?"
" I have. Then- is the right ticket, j
It's over a rival line. But my honor,
sir. rises almve trick. I twilight the right
ticket for yon, and if you give me the |
• •Id one we will Is* even."
" Young man," said Horace, fishing j
from his capacious jiocket the ticket of i
the combination, "you are very good \
too good; come to think of it, too gssl (
for a ticket agent. Leave that, good
young man, liefore your innoeent nature
is eorrnpted. or your jiatent screw and
podfttiger line is bursted np. Go West, ,
young man, go West."— \V<nhingbm
< 'itjiihtl.
A Kcniarkahle Suit.
One of the most remarkable suits ever
brought in this country, perhaps, says a
contenqmrary.is that just instituted in the
supreme court against F. F. Htreet and
F. F. .Smith, proprietors of the New-
York Weekly, growing out of the publi*
ration in that journal of a certain sensa
tional story, entitled " Bantam Jim : or,
the Foes and Fortunes of a Boy." The
suits are brought by James Hickman*
Timothy Itamcls and Lucy Barnard,
through their counsel, Mr. Harry
Thompson, of Broadway. Lucy Barnard
is only sixteen years of age, and, for the
purposes of this suit, Mr. William
Friend, of 67 Wall street, has
I wen appointed guardian. The parties
all reside at Well fleet, Barnstable county,
Mass. They are most respectable |wo
ple. yet the reckless author of " Bantam
Jim." who gives his name as "
Blaine," thus uniting the names of the
two great Republican chiefs, makes
them ]M>rform actions and do things in
his story liefore which the gory glory of
freolxiotors or the dutliolical deviltry of
a I mini 'if Moorish pirates on the {Span
ish main pnuld pale into nothingness.
As soon as Messrs. Htreet k Hmith le
--enrne aware of the character of the story
they stopped its publication, and in
serted the following notice in their
|Mi]>er :
We liave just learned that the au
thor of " Bantam Jim" has used the
names of living persons in his atorv and
endeavored to ridicule some of theni bv
representing them as guilty of set* which
could only nave originated in his imagi
nation. As we never permit the columns
of the New York Weekly to lie used as a
vehicle for the dissemination of slander,
no more of the story will 1m published.
Mme York Monthly Union.
Human nature la ao constituted that
all see and judge hotter in tbe affairs of
otheia than in their own.
The Brooklyn Bridge and its Builder. I
Uoebling wait tho greatest bridge j
builder in tbe world. 110 started the !
making of wire cordage in America and |
built suspension bridges to carry tho
aqueducts of canals across rivers, ami '
engineered tho Pennsylvania railroad |
across the monntains.
Tho Brooklyn bridge, between towers, (
is 1,595 feet long. Behind tho towers |
there aro 940 feet each side, back to j
the anchorages. Tho whole length of
the bridge and approaches iB (1,000 feet, j
It is one of tho widest bridges in the
world, eighty-five feet, with a prome- ,
nado thirteen feot wide, two railroad
tracks and four carriage and horse-car
tracks. It is 1:15 feot in the center
above tho water. The rock on which
tho towers rest is about uinoty feet be
low tho surface of the water on tho New
York side and half that depth on the
Brooklyn side, tho most stupendous
thing about the structure. Each tower
is 134 feet long by fifty-six wide, and at
tho top these dimensions are reduced
to 120 feet by forty, or the si/.e of a very
largo house. Each tower is 2(18 feet
above high water. It is I,.'!■'!('< feet from
the beginning of the causeway on Chat- i
ham street out to the anchorage on the j
New York shore. The nrchit -ct of the 1
bridge received his death wound almost
at its inception, standing on the upper
frame work of Fulton ferry slip as a ,
boat came in and threw its weight
against the piles, which yielded and
crushed his foot. As if the spirit of the
old ferry, about to be supplanted, hud
revenged itself on tho innovator ! They
buried Uoebling in that summer of
1869 at Trenton, New Jersey, near the
spot where poor John Fitch, tho watch
maker, eighty-two years lwfore, had
started the steamboat. But Boebling's
true monument is the Brooklyn bridge
towers, and liotwoon them in tho nerves
and tendons, trembling like a weaver's
web, plies the shuttle of his soul. You
can hear his own words if you aro rev- |
erent, calling to tho ships and steamers
beneath : "It will be the greatest en
gineering work of tho continent, and I
the greatest bridge in existence. Its
towers will be national monuments' It
will forever testify to the energy, enter
prise and wealth of the great commnni- I
ties it overhangs !" Upon the portal of
the bridge they might also inscribe his
motto: " I have no fear of honest dif- j
ference of opinion, it is only cavillers j
that I dread." .Wir Ynrk Tribune,
Arab Oddities.
An Arab entering a house removes
his shoes, but not his hat. He mounts
his horse ii|kui the right aide, while his j
wife milks the cow upon the left side *
Writing a letter, lie puts m arly all the ,
compliments on the outside. With him !
the point of a pin is its head, whilst its
head is made its heel. His head must
lie wrapped up warm, even in the sum i
mer, while his feet may well enough go
naked in winter. Every article of mer- |
chaudisc, which is liquid, he weighs, *
hnt measures wheat. Iwrlev and a few
other articles. He reads and writes from
right to left. He cats scarcely anything
for breakfast, at tout as much for dinner*
but after tbo work of the day is done
sits down to a hot meal swimming in
oil. or better yet. boiled bntter. His
sons i-at with him. but the femah-s of
his honse wait till his lordship is done.
He rides a donkey when traveling, his
wife walking behind. He laughs at the
idea of walking in the street with his
wife, or of ever vo<-ating his scat for a j
woman. He knows no use for chairs, j
tables, knives, forks nor even sjmons, |
unless they an- wooden ones. Bed- j
steads, bureaus and fireplaces may l>e
placed in the same category. If he lie
an artisan lie does work sitting, perhaps
using his feet to hold what his hands
are engage*] n|Kin. Brinks'cold water
with a sisinge, but never liathcs in it un
less his homo lie on the seashore. Is
rnndv soon drnnk—too seldom sjieaks
the truth—is deficient in affection for
his kindred—lias little curiosity and no
imitation—no wish to improve his mind
—no desire to surround himself with the
eomforts of life.
A Swallow Storjr that Won't (Jo llown.
A religious publication of .Switzerland
prints n letter from a native of Valais,
now a farmer at Uoritilm, Brazil, which
tells an apocryphal story alio tit a
| swallow. On August 15, 1850, Jean
I/onis Caillct, the story-teller, then a
pions shepherd of Valais, was climbing
among the rocks when a swallow
alighted on her nest above his head.
He climbed tip and took the bird, which
was jierfectly tame, in his hand and,
i hoping to see it again in the future,
wound a bit of brwaa wire, taken from
his rosary, around one of its legs as a
means of identification. Just thirty
years afterward, Caillet was lying in his
lsd at Coritilm, Brazil, when he heard a
rustling of wings, as if a bird waa flying
over his lied. He thought that it waa
protmhly a hat, and fell asleep again.
" When I got up in the morning," he
writes, "I saw a dead swallow lying
on my window-sill. I took it np care
lessly, when suddenly I discovered that
a piece of brass wire encircled its right
leg." Caillet is convinced that this was
the very same tiird which he had
provided with the sign for fntnre recog
nition thirty years liefore, when he was
- in Europe.
A Terribly Strict General.
General Clim lmt, the present military
governor of Paris, wan terribly strict in
the Franco-German war. Having the
eoinmaii)! >f row levies, inclined to he
insubordinate, lie resolved to show them
promptly that he was their master.
Once lie issued a stringent order against
robbing fruit ami vegetables from the
fields and gardens of the peasants in the
Loire valley. A few days afterward a
eonple of Zouaves stole out of camp by
night and gnthered a basketful of pota
toes. These two soldiers happened to
be veterans who had served in the Ital
ian war, and they were brave fellows
much liked by their colonel; but this
only matin their offense worse in tlm
general's eyes; " for," said he "if old
soldiers set the example of diwlsslience,
how can we expect the young ones to
obey?" So the two Zouaves were shot.
On another occasion three young sol
diers took it into their heads to go out
of camp without leave on Sunday, in or
der to dine with some friends who lived
in the neighborhood. Thev returned
in time for tattoo, thinking, probably,
they had committed only a venial offence;
they were shot the next morning.
(ii iieral ('liueluint had issued orders
that on the march no soldier was to
climb into,the ambulance vans 01 store
wagons unless certified lame or ill by
the army surgeons. The reason of this
order was that a number of lazy sol
diers used always to swarm on the
wagons in order to get a lift instead of
inarching. One day a yonngstei who
was in pcrfi-ct health clambered inside a
van, and was discovered there by a
sergeant, who ordered him to get out.
The soldier alighted, but, determined
to have his drive, he slit open his lioot
and inflicted 11 slight cut on hi- foot,
to make ls-lieve that lie bad gone lame.
A i oi'|M>ral saw him, and by-and-bye tie
lad Way riqMirti-il for the double offense
of disoliedicnccand malingering. When
lie had been court-martialed, the gen
eral gave him a chance of his lib- bv
calling on hint to i-onfess 11 rat the injury
to his foot was self-inflicted; but the
foolish fellow, thinking to save himself
by a lie, maintained stoutly that lie luul
gone lame by stepping on a flint, lb
was accordingly handed over to the
provost marshal and shot.— St. J>tmm
Vow Postal Regulations.
1 rider the new order of the |s>stmas
ter general revoking section 232 of the
postal regulations, all |>artially written
matter must prepaid at the regular I
letter rate of three cents fur each half
ounce. A nnmber of exceptions
were made to the oj K-rations
of this rub*. but nothing was
sai-l alsiut circulars made by the lu'kto
graph, the electric j-en. etc. Inquiry at
tin- New York postofiire elicits the in
formation that the jiontmaster-gciicral
has made no ruling* resjiecting this class
of circulars, but that they are treat**! as j
thud class matter if left unsealed and :
containing nothing of the nature of |wr
sonal eorresjsondenee. (Hlu-r ex- options j
to the new order are
Corrected proof sheets and manusi ript
copy arconi|ianyiiig the same. I kite ami I
name of the addressee and of the send- i
er of the circular* ami the eom-etion of
niorv t V|H>gMphical errors then-in. U]-*-n
third class matter or ii|w-n the wrapper
inclosing the same the sender may write
hi own name and address, with tho
word "from" above and preceding the
same, and in either cone may make sim
ple marks intended to designate a word or
passage "f the text to which it ia desired
to call attention. There may Is- placed
ii|oii the cover or blank b-aves of any |
l-s-k or of any 'printed matter of the
third cla-s a manuscript deiliration or
inscription, but it mnst be confined to a
simple aildress or consignment as a mark
of respect, and it must not partake of
the nature of personal ei>rrcq>ondonoe.
Upon fourth class matter the sender
may write his own name and aildress,
preceded by the word " from," and also
the timidier and names of the article*
inclosed. He may also niArk the article
for identification.
A I>og Under a Charm.
A large and handsome St. Bernard
dog was stolen from his owner in New
York by a man named Mcijaade. The
woman who owned the animal valncd
him at £M)O. Tho police arrested Mc-
and he and the dog were taken
to court. The great St. Bernard, during
the proceedings in tho conrt, had been
chained to a railing. He kepi con
stantly sniffing at MKjnade'a clothing,
and seemed fairly under the influence
of a charm. As the police led MrQnade
away the great animal gave a violent
spring forward, breaking the chain, and
bursting through the door followed the
prisoner. It required the efforts of
several policemen to bring him lack to
his mistress. The police say that Mo
: carries an ointment with him
which ia ao attractive to dogs, that they
will follow the person who has it npon
him wherever he goes. Dog thieves
drop some of this ointment on their
clothing, and walk by the side of the
dog they wish to steal. The animal
once having scented it will follow them
wherever thoy go. This, the police,
say, ia the reason so many valuable
dogs are continually being stolen.
Womn ll N " Horlal Hinndlni."
The following story is told by a cor
respondent of the Now York Tribune:
About a year ago a lady from the conn
try, in conversation with one from
Brooklyn, was surprised to find a mani
fest disposition to frown upon women
who receive salaries. The conversation
ran upon church siugeiti, their merit and ■
social standing, tho country lady being
interested in a your u friend shout to
take a place in a city choir. Maid the
iady from Brooklyn : " \SV never meet
our church singers in society, in our
churrli parlors or anywhere. I sup- i
pose they have society of their own, i
singers and musicians, and keep j
strictly by themselves, hut I '
liave never met or spoken to
our soprano any more than to our sex- [
ton's wife or daughter." Whereupon 1
the country lady answered with some i
warmth: "If that is the way you treat ,
well-bred, educated young ladies who, j
either from choice or necessity, sing in •
your churches, I will see that no friend
of mine goes there t<> be snubbed. Tin
probability is that you have not many
ladies in your chureli parlors who are
lier equal in intelligence or common
sense, to say nothing of musical attain
ments." A few weeks after that un
pleasant encounter came the announce
ment of nn engagement of marriage be
tween the son of the Brooklyn lady and .
this same little despised and rejected i
.lust now the " independence of
women" is particularly interesting to
rue, and |-crluqm I can help a sister in ,
lier need. One employment a woman
can follow at home is bee-keeping.
Begin small and hum the business
thoroughly by reading and experi
once, and when you have learned it j
well then g<> into it as largely as seems
best. I bought a stand of t-cs tbree .
years ago. but had never worked with
ls-es or seen any one else do so, and
hardly knew a drone from a worker,
and though the situation is riot favor
able and the seasons have been very
poor, my bees have " paid their rent
and boarded themselves." 1 have read
largely and followed the practices of
those who have ts-en-highly successful,
until my ncighlKirn say: "You can do
anything yon want to with Iw-es, can't
von?" Having lw-en entirely succe**
fnl in all the OJK- rat ions of hiving
natural swarms, artificial swarming
uniting, introducing, transferring, etc.,
I feel that with this thorough pr- para
tion I can go into the business largely
of either qu-en n-aring or raising honey
for market. It is a fascinating employ
ment, ami can I*- h-arm-d at home with
but very little outlay. HUulr.
Fashtra fssrlr*.
Very close crimp*si hair is now in
Tiny comb* of gold or steel ornament
n--w hat*.
Dull Boman red is a new color nsed
in i-arpet*.
Flowers of velvet and chenille are
used on French liats.
Glittering groups of snail *lill are
seen on new hats.
Navy blue ami old gold are much
used in new cnrjK-t*.,
The condor and canary lord furnish
the rival colors in millinery.
Lndi--s use gold or jeweled collar but
tons almost as much as gentlemen.
Black Ratin dr*-sses are mueli trimmed
with application of jet arranged in the
form of ivy leaves. For evening cluster*
of roses made of plush are placed on
the waist and among the drapery of the
There is a new kind of momie cloth
which has strqvos of two or three colors ;
it is made up in combination with plain
Some evening dresses are made tip
with exceedingly short waists cut sway
in an oval at the throat, and only need
three hooks to fasten them at the lock.
The only trimming on the skirt is a lit
tle flounce.
Woo<len boxes for the dressing-bureau
are almost displaced by those of plush
velvet and leather. The few wooden
1-oxe* which are used are decorated by
paintings in oil and by photographs
finished in oil.
Pointed basque* have vests of fine
shirring or lengthwise plaits laid on
smoothly in front or showing iN-neath
lacings of heavy cord.
The new Hcotch ginghams are very
brilliant in coloring, and the fabric is
Unusually fine. They are as handsome
in appearance as the plaided silks of
last season.
A growing eccentricity ia the wearing!
upon one arm of innnmerahle bangles
hung with charms of every description,
and ujton the other a gold I-and of
massive thickness and prodigious size.
Some months ago we gave a list of
four words rtq-orti-d to lie the only wards
in the English language ending in
" cion." To this list two morn words
have lieen added — mtrncUm and pamidon.
The list now embrace* scion, suspicion,
coercion, intern ecion, pernicion and
ostracion. Are there any more?
A pretty face ia the sweetest thing
ahown in spring bonnets.—Picayune.
American Scandinavians.
It bus been estimated on good author
ity that there arc at present about <KH),-
•MKI, and possibly 890,000, men of Scan
dinavian descent among the population
of the United Stall's, The great ma
jority of these are Norwegians, and he.
longed, previous to their emigration,
almost exclusively to the agricultural
and lal-oring classes. Bringing, as it
rule, little or no eapitul with tlmm ex
cept their sturdy liealtli and brawny
limbs, tliev naturalJy seek the border
States, where land -an be taken under
the homestead law and when-their labor
<nri be most profitably invested.
At home their unremitting struggle j
with the elements, in their toil for daily
bread, taught them to demand but little I
of life and trained them in frugal ami
industrious habits, which, on this side I
of the ocean, stand tlu-m in good stead, j
enabling them to eoj*- successfully with j
the rival nationalities which surround '
The Norweiginii - migration to tic '
United States - nijimcm cd MI the year !
1835. when a company of lifty-thre*-
|iorHODH l-ought a sloop for 81,800, and
after a series of exciting adventures
lun-lc-1 in New \ork, having la-en ten
week* --n the voyage. They wire all
unskilled in navigation, and on one oc- i
easioii mine near pay ing dearly for their ,
ignorance <>f marine etiquette.
The first ami most important settj--. :
merit which owes its origin to them was
the mie -m tin- Fox river, LaHull*-ooun- :
tv, 111., which was founded m 1 xrw;. !
Since then the Nona* emigration has |
been steady and uninterrupted, though
varying greatly in numbers from year to i
year It was largest in the following
year- 1843. Ist.'-. |s|h, JhT,}. IS.V-, IM2I,
1865, ]H6B, I*7* and IHKO. The States 1
in which tin Norwegians have settled
by preference, and in which they are
now numerically strongest, ar<- Minne
sota. Wisconsin. lowa ami Illinois. Tlu-v
si-em, however, to Is- constitutionally
adapted for pioneer lib-, ami those of
them who have failed to realize their ex-
JS-I tat ions in the older States, besides a
large munls-r of new-comer*, an- con- j
tinuallv moving westward, pushing I
fore them the boundary line of civiliza
tion tf-Z-r-e-t li' nnt.li' -/, i.
Fear of Disease.
It is said that while the plague was
raging in Buenos Ay res the grave-dig
gers bore charmed lives. Of the three
hundred men so employed not one died
of tho disease.
It has often been noticed that during
the prevalence of pestilential dim-asm
physicians, undertakers, nurse* and
grave diggers, whose business compelled
constant liability to infection, have
usually escaped in a far greater ratio
than their nurolier* would warrant.
The "charm" of this immunity from
the prevailing scourge is very simple.
They are not wired. They are positive
to the disease, and rejK-1 its attacks.
Far is a great ally of death. Whoever
is afraid of disease is in a negative con
dition, and really invites its approach.
And thus it is the world over. The
brave die but once, while cowards die
many times.
Much unnecessary alarm exist* in
every community in regard to tunny
disease 1 -. We are, it is true, *ll liable
to sickness and death. But if wo are
all sol-er, cleanly and brave of heart, we
need have no fear of disease of body or
Population of the Earth.
Bolim and Wagner, in the last edition
of their Imok on the population of the
earth, estimate the entire population of
tin- inhabited glol*- at l.iofi,ooo-000per
son*. Europe, without rsmnting Iceland
and Nova /• ml-ln, i* believed to have
315,929,000 inhabitants on an nn-a of
176,240.9 German square mile*, or at the
rate of 1,791 jiorsnns to the German
square mile. Asia is put down as hav
ing KM.707,600 inhabitants, on H0P,478
square miles that is, 1,031 persons to
tin- square mile ; Africa as having 205.-
679,800 inhabitants, on 548,187 square
mile*, or .17# persons to the square mile ;
America as having 95,495,500 on 097,-
138.5 square miles, or 137 to the square
mile ; Australasia as having 4,031,000 on
162,002 square miles, that is, 24 jn-rson*
to the square mile ; the Arctic regions
are assumed to have 82,000 inliabitaifts
on 82,<191 square miles, or als-nt one
person to every square mile. Tho sum
total,as observed, is 1.455,923,.500 itcraons
on 2,470,903.4 square miles, or at tho
rate of 589 person* to the German
square mile. The German empire com
prises 9,815.6 square miles, with a popu
lation (in 1878) of 44,210,948 persons.
It ia an ackm wlodged fact that
among the modem machines nono work
ont fine results with mora ingenuity of
design, workmanship, or careful corre
lation of weight, strength and material,
and precision of movement of parts,
than the tricycle.
The Des Moines (la.) Mail Car
K|e*ks right to the point when it says:
"No mortal man can edit a paper and
be popular with everybody; any man
who would even try to would be looked
upon as a colossal lunatic."
The salt need by the peckers and
j butchers of Han Francisco is obtained
, by solar cvaj-oration from the water* of
I the ocean. The process ia easy.
One Honest Man.
The other day *t z won Hat around a stov
in a Detroit tobacco store. There had
hoeri a long period 0/ silence when one
of them nihhed bin leg and remarked:
I hat old wound feels an if it wan
going to open again. I shall alwaya re
member the battle of Kich Mountain."
There was a Might Htir around the
atove, and a second man put his hand to
hia aboalder andjobserred
Ami I ahull uot soon forget Brand v
Station, i eela to-day &H if the fend wu
going to work out."
Ihe interest wa* now considerably
increased, and the third man knocked
the ashes off hia cigar and said
" Yes, those were two hard fights,
but von ought to have been with Nelson
at Franklin. Hut waan't I excited tliat
day! When these two fingers went
with a grape-shot I never felt the
pain !"
The fourth muri growled out some
thing about Second Hull Hun and a
saber cut on the head, and the fifth man
felt of hia left side ami said he should
always remember the lay of the ground
at the Yellow Tavern. The sixth man
was silent. The other live looked at
him and waited for him to speak, but it
was a long time before he pointed to bis
empty sleeve and asked
"Gentlemen, do you know where I
got that V
Some mentioned one battle and some
another, but he shook his head sadly
and continued:
" Hoys, let nm be honest and own
right np. I lost my arm by a buzz
saw, and now we will liegin on the left
and give every one a chance to clear hia
conscience. Now then, show yonr
The lira meti leaned ba- k in their
chairs and smoked fast and chewed hard
and looked at each other, and each one
wished he was in Texas w hen a runaway
horse Hew by ami gave them a chance
to rush out and get clear of the one
armed man. It was a narrower escape
than any one of them had during the
war. Itrtrvrit b\< ■■ I'm*.
A Novel Fiirht.
A novel comlrat wa* witnessed by a
largo crowd in Kerry Hatch. St. Louis.
A bantam gamecock made a fierce at
tack upon a small bull-terrier, which
had encroached close to a number of
chickens tlwt were fading. At first the
dog snarled and showed his teeth, but
did not attempt to injure his impudent
antagonist. The bantam would not lie
subdued by such a moderate manifesta
tion of spirit. He flew upon the terrier's
Iwli, and sticking his spurs in his hair
to obtain a foothold, apparently tried to
put out the dog's pyes. The dog then
uttomptcd to snap off the liantam's head,
but the latter was too quick After in- ,
flirting some slight wounds the luuitam
flew a short distance and crowed shrilly
Then he darted bark again and met the
dog hall way. The dog was agile and
fighting hard, but wan never able to get
a bite of his opponent. He made a *nap
every five or six second*. but the wily
rooster alway-H escaped injury. The
fight lasted some five minutes, and only
once did the liantam's life apjiear to lie
in imminent danger. The Itantam lost
some feathers in the fight, and the dog
lost one eye and considerable blood.
Musical Culture.
Theodore Thomas, in a paper in
,<Tihncr, after describing some of the
bad methods of musical culture in thin
country, says : I was onoe asked by a
gentleman what be ought to do to make
his children musical. He perhaps ex
pected me to advise him to send the
girls to I taly to study vocalization, and
to set the boys to practicing the violin
so many hours a day, and studying har
mony. I told him to form for them a
siDging-class under the care of a good
teacher, that tbey might learn to un
their vocal organs, to form a good tone,
and to read music; after they became
old enough to let them join a choral
society, where, for two hours once a
week, they could assist in singing goo d
music; and, above all, to afford theu
every opportunity of hearing good
music of every kind. This gentleman
knew nothing of music, but thought
the advice " sounded like common
snse." _____
Hearts of Thought.
Youth looks at the possible; age at
the probable.
Charms strike the sight, but merit
wins the eoul.
Nothing can constitute good breed
ing that has not good nature for its
It is more honorable to acknowledge
our faults than to boast of our merits.
It is easier to suppress the first desire
than to satisfy ail that follow it
Never does a man pro tray his own
character so vividly as in his manner of
portraying another's.
Much charity which begins at home
is too feeble to get out of doors, and
much that begins out-doors never gets
into the home oirele. #
There were in Germany in 1978 540 *
jiaper mills which together produced
8,600,000 cwb of paper. This number
is exceeded only by the United Htaiee,
where 567 mills were at work in 187 V,
j turning out but 8,000,000 ewt