®Jw (Erulu JPrmacrat. ' BKLLKFONTK, PA. ii.aRICTJLT'U-lIA.L. NEWS, FACTS ANI> SUOCKSTIOXS. THE TKKt ar Tilt N ITIOMAL I1HI! H Till IKTH.LI- Utxcc t.TP nuwi-kiutv or tiik rutn. Every farmer it i hi j annua! experience tfuteooeri • tnethiny of value. ll'rite it nnd send it to the "Agricultural Editor of the Dsmockat, IleUri 'iitc, I'enn'u," that other farmer* map hare the benefit of it. Let common rafnm* he timely, and be sure that thru are brief and veil pointed. TOBACCO CULTURE. How to Grow the Coming Crop.—No. 11. sowing tiik srnn nri> —open air hkis — COVERING WITII CANVAS —AFTER t.'AUE AND TREATMENT —M \NI R!\L Al 1 * PLICATIONS —( VREFL'I. M EE!• INO NECESSARY. Sonic disagreement exists among tobacco growers as to the proper quantity of seed to grow on a given surface of ground. We can only say, the danger always is to sow too thick. A heaped tablespoonful to every hun dred square yards, and a tablespoon ful to every hundred square feet of suriace are about the usual propor tions, but we regard the quantities as too much. A far better plan would be to increase the area of the seed beds largely, and sow on the quanti ties given aliove. The seed, having been sufllciently j sprouted, should be sown at once, i Being so exceedingly minute, this cannot be successfully done unless ' they are mixed with some line mate rial, such as sifted wood ashes, plas tcr or very fine sand. Advantage must be taken of a calm day, so that an even distribution may be secured. To attain this more effectually, the seed-beds should not be more than four feet wide, and they might advan- | tageously lie sown one way with half the amount of seed, and then cross wise with the other half. A more j even stand of plants results in this ' way. The beds must not be raked over after the seed has been sown. The latter would find their way too far under the surface to make a rapid j growth, and perhaps be smothered entirely. A smooth board laid over the surface of the bed and pressed upon the soil by the weight ola man upon it is about the best plan we know of. Some growers simply walk over their beds, pressing down the entire surface with the foot, and this method when carefully practiced, may give as good results as any other. The former, however, is more rapid and does not pack the surface cd should be chang er! every year, but when old beds are used a second or third time, it is desirable that their fertility be re newed by a coating of virgin soil several inches thick. The black veg etable mould from woods is excellent for this purpose. It must lie care fully worked into the surface soil. In the South, seed beds arc nearly all made in cleared places in the forests, as the insect pests are found to be less troublesome. Of course, the seeds must lie sown on top of the compost we have just spoken of, and not worked into it—merely pressed down hard. Lastly, when all this lias been done, a linal top covering of hog bristles inust be added. Several other sub atances arc used in the South, such as brushwoods of various kinds, but all yield the sujieriority to bristles. They serve not only to attract and retain the moisture, but furnish warmth to the young plants, and ap pear to act as a manure besides. Un less used, frosts are likely to play havoc with the seed-bed. They abso lutely seem to require some protec tion, and none equal to this has yet b-en found. They are a most valua ble adjunct to the seed-bed, and should never be omitted. Care must be taken to spread them over the !>ed evenly, so ns not to choke the plants, as well as to admit plenty of air and sunlight. Common laths may lie laid over them at proper distances to prevent the bristles from being car ried away by the wind. With some growers the custom is to replace them after the first weeding, while others do not. Care roust, however, be used so that the young plants shall not be Injured during the opera tion. A rake is the best implement for this purpose. With care the same bristles may be used a number of —MODS. OPEN Alll REUS I'RKEERAUI.E. It will be observed that all the foregoing has reference to the grow bag of plants In the open air, in beds exposed to all kinds of weather. In a few cases plants are grown in hot beds. We have not deemed it neces sary to go into the details required to bring forward the plants in that way. In our opinion the practice should lie discouraged. The only advantage it offers is that plants arc ready for setting out earlier. With ordinary care the open air bed will give you plants early enough to mature before the fall frosts. Besides, the latter has many advantages. We do not mean in regard to cost and trouble only, but in the great superiority of the plants themselves. The plants are always stronger and hardier. They can stand much more cold and grow far more readily after being set in the field. A weak, sickly plant is always to be avoided, if possible. The more capable it is of resisting its enemies of whatever kind, the better your chances for a good crop. Our advice therefore is to Pennsylvania growers to dispense with the hot-bed for tobacco plants. Young plants can liear a pretty low temperature before freezing. They are much more easily nipped by the same temperature when about matur ing, than when in the seed bed. A grower of our acquaintance neglected j to gather the seed from a plant that was left standing in his garden. The winds of autumn scattered it far and wide, and much to his surprise these self-sown seeds developed into hun dreds of unusually line and hardy plants in the early spring, all of which were utilized. So far as the proper time for sow ing the seed is concerned, inueli of course depends on the season. Most farmers favor the earliest moment possible. From the middle to the end of March is the usual time in this county, which gives the plants ample time in ordinary seasons to attain their perfect development be fore the period of frosts arrives. CARE OF TIIK HEED BED. The labor of the tobacco grower begins with the seed bed, and no where during the entire season can he less alford to neglect his work. If the season happens to lc dry, the warm sun would soon shrivel up such of the sprouted seed as was not fairly in contact with the soil. This must lie watched, and when necessary the Ihsls should be carefully watered every evening with slightly tepid water. This should not, however, be applied in large quantities, but only enough to keep up the required mois ture. Careful observation will be the Is'.st guide of the farmer in this particular. When there are plentiful showers, of course artificial watering must be dispensed with. Liquid ninnuie is a favorite prepa ration with which to sprinkle the seed bed, as the plants can much more quickly utilize the fertilizing properties of manures in this shape than any ottier. lien manure is most ; commonly employed for this purpose. Care must In; taken, however, not to make the liquid extract too strong, as it will in such cases not only cause the plants to turn yellow and assume a sickly np|>carance, lint it has Ixcn known to kill tbem altogether. The careful grower will, however, note every stage of progress, and modify or altogether abstain from these ap plications if he sees unfavorable in dications. When Ix-ds have been burned over, the likelihood of weeds is not so great, but under any circumstances more or less will make their appear ance. These must bo carefully watch cd and as carefully removed. No implement except the fingers of the human hand will answer, and care must be taken to disturb the tobacco plants as little as possible during the operation. When the plants make their ap pearance, the beds should be exam ined to see whether they are 100 crowded. If that is the case the surplus ones ought to be removed at once, to give the remaining ones a lietter chance. A small iron rake with teeth three inches long, curved and set about half an inch apart, has been found efficacious. The hand is jM rhaps better for this purpose than anything else. After the plants begin to show well above the surface a top dressing of manure should be spread over the bod to hasten the development. Al most any kind can be used for this pur|K>ae, and various kinds are em ployed. Nothing better can be ap plied than a compound consisting of one part hen manure, one part un leaebcd wood ashes and two parts black woods—earth ; these thorough ly mixed, the first and last well pul verized, anil the whole sown broad cast over the beds, will lie found to give excellent results. I'erhnps well rotted stable manure, if rubbed fine enough to do no injury to the gt*w-1 ing plants, would be better than fty tbing else. CANVAS-COVERED BEDS. While we discourage the nae of hot-beds for the growing of tobacco plants, we confess to a strong par tiality for covering the ordinary open air beds with canvas. The advan tages are so many that we have no room here to go Into all the details. If burniug the seed bed were prac ticed by our growers, and the beds afterwards carefully covered with canvas, we believe they would rarely experience any trouble from beetles or bogs. The fire would destroy all Id the bed, while the canvas would prevent the entrance of any from the outside. The custom is liecoming very general among the Kentucky and Tennessee growers, and their testimony is unanimously in favor of its many advantages. 11 is not uu expensive operation. Boards six in ches high placed around the beds ami closely fitted at the corners are sufficient. Over these the canvas— common brown domestic will answer —must be drawn tightly to prevent sagging in the centre, and then tack ed closely to the board frame. The keen blasts of spring are also kept out and a more uniform temperature is preserved within. On one side of the frame the covering should lie so lightly fastened as to admit of its easy removal when the bed or plants require attention or when it is desira ble to expose them more fully to the sun. Further on we will ailude to w hat is said to he a sure protection against fleas and bugs by the use of a plant frame or fence around the seed bed, but whure the canvas cov ering is not necessary. Of course where the precaution of burning the seed bed is not adopted neither boards nor canvas will afford protection against bugs, as they are no doubt in the soil and will make their way to the surface in due time. INSECT RESTS. The greatest enemies of the tobacco crop are the hordes of insects that eome to ravage it. They make their I ap|K'iirance in the seed ls-d ami cease their depredations only when the to bacco is hung iu the barn. How to ' overcome them and secure the crop 1 in good marketable condition, there fore, become tlie all-important ques tions. Last year no less than txn nty different insect pests were found prey ing upon the tobacco crop in Lancas ter county. Some of them were such as were never known to attack it lw fore. Tliey succeeded in damaging the crop to the amount of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Their rav ages extended into the adjoining counties of Pauphin, Lebanon, York. Berks and Chester, but nowhere were they so had as within a radius of ten miles around the city of Lancaster itself. Some years they destroy the ' seed ln-ds almost entirely, but at other times their ravages are not so bad. The first destroyers that came along last year were the members of what entomologists call the UnltirifUr family, or "Flea Beetle." The prin cipal ones were the "Cucumls r Flea Beetle" lfulli ni ( Winner/*, "The Powny I lea Beetle," If-i/lia /'/'**• reri*, and the "Snow Fleas" or "Spring Tails." It was the second brood ot the "Downy Flea Beetle" that ravag ! Ed the crop so badly a few weeks j In-fore maturity. The question that | concerns our tobacco growers is how the ravages of these insects shall Is prevented. They did immense dam age in some seed fn-ds destroying thousands of plants. They seem to 1m; the first insects that attack vege tation in tlu- spring. Several intelli gent farmers have, in conversation with us, expressed th,. |,nj K - that the severe winter ma)* have killed off these invaders and that we shall not be troubled with them this spring. If they do not come, it will not In- lie cause of the low temperature. One species is often to be observed in large nuinlH-rs on the surface of the snow, hence its common name "snow flea." No amount of cold weather will destroy them, ami other means must be sought to attain that end. 1 Their size is so minute that they cannot lie caught with the hand. Besides, the largest of them arc not more tban the sixteenth of an inch long, while others are not larger than coarse grains of |>owdcr. They are,; liesides, able to take long lca|>s, and when diaturlicd nt once find refuge and safety under the surface of the ground. The small clods especially afford them hiding places. now TO KM.', THEM. As lioth they and their larva are to lie found in the ground the firat thing is to kill those already in the seed lied. To do this it has lieen recom mended to drench the seed lied copi ously with hot water several days liefore sowing. This should le done on a warm sunshiny day, when they no doubt arc near the surface. This plan would no doubt kill all it could be made to reach. To keep out the rest, a lioard or plank 14 or 15 inches high, placed close around the bods, with the earth pressed tightly against it on the outside, has been found effectual. If neither of these precautions hat. been taken nnd the Ilea beetle makes its appearance in the beds, a different course must be pursued. Drenching the lieds with a aolulion of lime bus been found effectual. Paris green in water will also do the work. Persian insect powder kills thein, if it teaches tbem, which, however, it cannot al ways be made to do. A gentleman reports that an application of sulphur and asafu-tida relieved him of the annoyances. Carbolic acid and ker osene hsve been recommended and tried, but with unsatisfactory results. One of the largest and most success ful growers informs us that he has always obtained relief by the follow ing method : be extracts one gallon of lye from half a bushel of hen manure; to one part of this fluid, four parts of rain water are added, and with tills compound the beds are i sprinkled every evening. This rem -1 edj deserves to be tried by all grow cm, nnl it in client) niul ciuiy of n|iiili <-ntiui. The Huifl i Ix-nidcH highly ln'iu ficial to the (ilautx, mid occaaional applicatiorm of it arc highly dotiralile cyt u though there are no ilea* to he killed. A purtiul preventive in to plant the outer borders of the plant thickly into hluek inuntard. It eomcs up quickly and the Ilea beetle iit very ]iartial to it, as it is to cabbages, tur nips, radishes and many other plant* and vegetables. Lastly, we give the plan mostly in vogue iu Tennessee, which is to set several hens with broods of chicks from six to fourteen days old near or in tin; bed, of course securing the mothers. The chicks are sttifl to make clean work with every species of insect life to be found in the beds, and, ul that age, can of course do no harm to the plants. A species of centipede or cpidrr, that frequently girdles ami kills the plants, would of course succumb to the various reme dies given above. We tin not give these remedies us infallible. They have pro vet I successful with some growers, and will no doubt do so wherever they arc fairly tried. If one is found Dot to answer, the fanner should try another. The end in view is worth all the trouble and expense be may go to. GROW ENOUGH JM.ASTH. < I> not forget that v to provide himself with an ample supply of plant*. Another Method of Raising Calves. Mr. 0. S. Bliss, of Vermont, who has tried all ways of raising calves, prefers uncooked' food, and especially a mixture of ground oats anil barley, to any otber addition to the skim milk ; be liegins with a small quanti ty, fed dry, nnd gradually increases it after a week or two ; when the calf is four to six weeks old it is allowed to have all it will eat of this meal, given just after it has taken its milk, with, afterward, all the pure water it will drink. Whereas sheep arc kept for the double purpose of direct income in wool, muiton, etc., ami the manure they wake, it is important that the extra food, or that outside of what the pasture furnishes, should he chosen with care. It would be wise for the American farmer to become bettor acquainted with cotton seed cake, linseed oil cake, nnd like con centrated foods. Jly feeding, ami feeding liberally of such foods, the sheep not only grow rapid!}-, but the manure they make is rich in nitro genoiis matters and valuable fertiliz ing salts. The growth of animals is | a means to an end, and when the most money is made from the flock, and tfie land enriched, the most rap idly the end is gained. The profit of sheep as fertilizers depends largely upon the kind of food that is used. Ma. Town I experimented by draw ing half his manure for a cornfield in the fall, and spreading it, and leaving the other half of the field to lie man ured in the spring Just liefore plant ing. The result was decidedly in favor of the fsll-manured portion. Ma. LAW adopted the practice of carting manure to the field and spreading it as faat aa made, and has better results tban formerly. IT is hard to persuade the man nearest the stove that the weather has not moderated much. Srw A drrrtlncmen fx. ISf! With that COUGH when th-r<- I'••' " "" 1 • 1 '•>- • I ■ CURTAIN, -I " *' K. 11...1 111 I'.' ■•■• I >l* -MM ta tak- II , without da|frr. liimUl**l GREEN'S Comp. Syrup of Tar, Honey & Bloodroot. II nutlaln# #ll ll.' liiM'x f T'.r In a locrMHTii. I '>.• I Hill) 11.. Ui I Xl'i.i T'llH STl* .i,.| AMODYKtt, ii" *l. i" ,r. | ....I , lib ,) Dki h|.| ul i ' UEHT KNfiWN HEMEDV i. . ■ • mi i ,i , ' • 1 7r> i.. ul. •, 11.. t,, . I'll.. ro -enti. I par huttl* Mm.i.f. i.l ! .i,|j l„ F. POTTS GREEN. liri.l.KKiNT lA HOP BITTERS^ (A mr, not n sPrluL,) OV7AIM uoro, iir rnr, .mandii \kr* 9 IIA.MIMMO.N, ' Ilk* IJ9 ALL O tulu Lu i nu. 'i n i:v < i; if i: I I h'lMirUitui'UJiiU. SIOOO IN COLD, V• I l J f'-r nr ,w (ti*t w ; r • * •- . f"urU .a tL ■■ U*ui Uforc j utj /ji. T*k to* Ji T I 1- ftt Drufikfibotiß, um *>l > wtr, Wuiwxso Mid t>Af **>'. Ail Vif f tu. Il f I'p'.lrn \ ! ' .K- iAlt#*, *i. t A T^irt/.'IM, Farm for Sale. 1 IAYINO determined to "Farm II .. : i.rm .! i mum, ... • . ff*ri I i ul. . i>. of ||>. i form* 1.. o ,h IN IMWARIt TOWNMIII' Tkr* farm i. I'Talrd ( th. ricrlti .U. ..f lh* IUII i.'Hflj J |..1. il. Ii .1 ..f llonM, H ft t>u. .rf •. „j* on th- crr.k, iib bitb lnk toht'lk we ll r r.laitt- ; • IX flat.4 tnnr. r|.Hl. uIH • f l.i bi . TUt.ti..i l.il. .i.^Ur.,l Ii i. .;i HIM.) bHiit.; U>. >rt*k feet .,•*II *i th# l> .ut • t|.tln| m Irittrtlti lb. l.|. I.bi-Ui I.f lb. |.IM kit ! ..T.ml 'llnr* in fb# 11. 14., Hi |t-H.| la. ' f alt. It Hl' #. At., t.t aer>.al..-l tbtaal.lde ag, ..| t tat rt. Itrat rata .lal.iirtf, atal baa alia- bl I - It a latg. ion -til. and a aa, t tli.'l, l*til 1..1, aitlt a ma ..itr jh-ad. ! A pr.rt * of (he Uf> fim thy. !.<< < JfJetJ, f.tr it* fKift nt , ■* Uf't. A ) igh A* thre tt flm-liM hy i-t him. A r K.TWlerirl >|> Uiinc mrhiie. at#4 rAlrlwt.lt $ wwle* i ff vrtjth itif the tttkw Are now in lb# ham, A4 will noid with (for fatin, if Wltn). Olb*r I*ni *f lh# Üb, 2* ll'.aaM. IN. | xsec-i. isQo-i. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly,! For the Ensuing Year. The lion prftrw of tbo WtIKLT PaTAIoT hw lao Mt4 |.. Il.tai par wpj pr ar.nitm. T.t rlala i.| firtl and Q|.arwf; fir#
tam A. tllNou.N Bt, Portland. Malwa. p-ty An Extraordinary Inheritance. A SKEI'I.E TRAKHNfTTKIf IHOU A MOTHER TO HER <;l|lt.lt. from lb* l/tulsviti# Ooarlsr-Jutirn.l. A most extraordinary natural acci l dent, and one for the discussion of physicians, eamo to light a few dav-t ago, in which a needle taken into tbo loot o( a la'ly one year ago, worked out of the thigh of her third child, a baby of one year. The lady in (jucw tioti i* the wile of Mr. Harry Isaac*, J the cigar maker, who live* on Market -ireet mar Weuzel. At the time of the accident Mr*. Ixaa<•* Hat unmar ried, ami was then Mi-- I'uuline < \,b . leuii. ihe needle wa* encountered in a carpet and penetrated her foot tin lull h-ngth. A physician wax called in immediately, hut" the needle could not he found, although it wan known ,to be in the foot. She an He rod great , |'iiin, ami for fnir months a- unable to leave her lied. During thut r*eri(l j three phytic tan* made freoueut at- U.-mpt* to extract the needle, and the korfe u uaed extatuively, however, without Mice ... M.-t Cohh-n- watt quite Jh-hy " lore the accident hut Ml oil greatly Iron, her W)n f„ R .. ment. At leugth the wax able to get ah mt with the aid ofcrutcbc, h u! The Cfjutinued to tulli.T from the needle Ihe pan. decreased gradually from the time the wax aide to go about, and the regained her former fleehiiH- Finally the felt the needle only at m nod* when there wa* a change in the weather. Ihe movenu-ut of the needle seemed to be upward, and the point wa* not stationary hut moved with the needie. About liv.- year* ago the tva* married to Mr. Harry Haact. Three children are the fruit of that union the youngest of which is a hoy named Arthur, who it about a year old. The pain which troubled the mother left her even before the birth of her child, and the total ditapjx-urauce of the pain the wa* wont to (eel wa* a subject ol remark and ph a-urc to her. On Monday a week ago In r baby, who had *i nee it* birth manifi tted a kindly dit po*ition, wa- very roth— and cried uucea-uigly all night. The cau* of Ue child ailment wa* not dieoovemd until the following morning, when in giving it u bath the mother di-covcred *o rue thing black protruding through the tkin of thf child* thigh. She • aught hold of it and wa* frightened when the found the thing of a red-t --ing -üb-taoee. She, however, uted a little force, ami aoon extracted the dath object, imagine her turprite when the found it wa.- a needle, black and corroded. The eye broke olf in her band while examining it. The recollection of the needle, which liail canted her much (tain, came vividly Iwlore the mother, and the felt keenly for her child. The remembrance of j!" r , from the pain aito forced | it#elf on the mother, and the connec tion of the two served a* a clew a- to how the needle came Pi IK- in the child. thigh. The mother tavt it would IK- almost impo-ibie lor tin , child t", have taken up the needle ] without her finding it out. a the child would have made it known in piteous cries a- it did when the needle wuiked out, A Murderer** Effect*. lllOT'd.Rtllls Of nig vU" 7 AM* OTHER ARTK'|.t(i. ■ rniLAi.ri.rniA March —.lohn 1,. f'ope, of Norrutown, t engaged in mak ing a large miniU-r of photograph* of , the article* left behind by the- Valley Forge murderer in hia flight. There are six different negative*, among them a cony of the little girl'* picture found !in the burglar'* coat pocket. The Ist ter copy will be aenl to each of the forty-two Baltimore photographer*, in ] the hope that by tbi* plan the little j girl'* name may he discovered. A pho tograph ha* been taken of the Congress gaiter* the murderer left. < >ne of them ha* five lita in the leather above the heel and the other ha* a Urge piece cut ! off the end of the sole. The third neg ative i* a picture of the cam containing I the name of Edward A. Johnson, and the fourth contains the name. "Ella Shipp." A fac simile of the writing on the paper in which the picture of the girl wa* wrappe d is alo shown, tearing the address, ' Mr*. Jones, West Lafay ette -ireet, 29. A picture of the mur derer's vest has also been taken. Since Peter the Oreat died in 1725 no lew than five of hia successor* have been put out ol the way by violence. In 1725 Peter 11. his grandson, was de posed and afterward* killed. Ivan IV, a | grand nephew of Peter, was proclaimed emperor when an infant in 1740. hut he was intmurred in a dungeon for eighteen year* and Khiabeth, daughter of Peter, reigned during his captivity. ll® was murdered in 1764 leal he might prove a I dangerous rival to the ambition of ('nth arm® 11. In 1762. Peier HI, drunken Peter, husband of Catharine, wa* de posed and died mysteriously soon after, hut hi* death i* believed to have been no mystery to hi* amiable spouse. Craty Paul, the *on ot Cstharine, wa* found dead in hi* chamber in 1796. the victim * of a conspiracy ol the palace. Last in this list in a government of de*|