1855—1881. 1 Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Years. BUSHELS. NOT ACRES. BAVK MONKY ll* USINO BAUGH'S TWEHTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE, Prico, $25.00 Par Ton of 2000 Pound*. BAUGH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILISER for POTATOES, foiitalnlUK I •" * l"' r o* t*ul|>hnte f IVilnih. ► Price, SOO.OO Par Ton of 2000 Pound*. t ALL GOODS SOLD ON GUAHANTEED ANALYSIS. Itescriptirc Circular* Sent Free n/ton l*l and puhli**tiun itnl-ri-l in *• onfaiic* with tin* Act of Ampiiilil) in mirli cast* niAtle ami | nahlnl, and utile** ••irfplkitli ate :i1..1 prior to next Icrtn will be confirmed abso lutely, By lit* Court IS-4w \VM V IIL'ItCtIFtKLD. Clerk Or. urt Notice of Appraisement. IN the matter of the eat ate of (jcorgc \V. Rover, lute f Miles township, deceiowd, in the Orphan*' Couit • f Centre count v, the appraisement t | the widow of sold Gir| W. Koyor. MCMMII FPIII } ltyer, widow, for $-•. And now, M-irrh 10, A.! IBmI, appraietip.nt read and con firmed mm. and pule • ligation ordered In acconkxnce with the Act of A*em- My lit aurh case ui.ide and provided, and unit** cvep. j tlona are filed pth>r . next term will le confirmed ! ahaolutelv. By the Court. 11 iw w M r BURCnriBLD, C.O.C Notice of Appraisement. I N the matter of the estate of John I. Hockey, late of FpfiOtf township, deceased, in the Orphio*' Court n. Kd. Brown. Jr.. do. . .....Tavern. Henry lifer do d. Daniel i0rrtutn,......... do. ........ do. W. It. Teller, ..•........ do. do. John Kim*da|e, ..Philip-burg, do. h. K. Barker,. do. Fahsut RoUtI l.loyd do. Tavern. C. A. Faulkner, do. do. James do. do. Jonathan Kreamer,... b. W s Mnuwr do. ..... J.,. Jacoi. Cs.ke Howard 80r0,.... do. JefTret 11 -it " Hush twp. do, J. 11. cMenkirk.Potlar twp d>. Datid J. Me)tr f ,.... do. do. .. do. , i>. H. itnhi |h fit la Nfrj II otOl •r. I o, tj John t*. I ixJe f . H> snow rltoc twp... do. tjeofg" Ils/I,. do. do do Hanoi- . Buy Of 1 I Fating flkNßt Jam-* I. DH*>li| Liberty twp. Taveru. Hotlelb list** spring twp d II •. Shaffer, flsines twp,.. ... do. Henry Rohh, Walker twp, . ... do. i 1 ■ p. Mltoa twp .. Moot Alois K'.hl e. k.-r, Hogga twp, Tavern • 4e,rg( Miller.. Hregf twp, K T I.y ngst.-n r Ferguson twp do P I' Peter- Snow Sh*e twp.. ! lMw J r 111 UPK.r.. Clerk Letting. IJHOIWALS for I abutments for a bridge arr<* the Via Id KagU Creek at If iter • mssiiis, in lloggs tow uship. will \. I liffslvad M Mill ItoYleet ' M . April 1* I' - !, fpsriflcxti r-s ran be seen at the office In Belief.,rite. Pa The eontt*- I to Im. let to the KMNFF INMMIUI MFMTR Tiw OoaM oari r. ; •rrve the right to reject any or all bids. AN PRBW i.RK/bi. | # fiRORfsK FWAH, If HICK.Clerk. JACOB M'NKI.K. Commissioners. ■ Assignee Account. NOTICE is hereby given, that the a Count of W If Cbfmxn, As-ignee of Jim. IV Fh'dl, has been filed in th* offfr* < f the Prothon. tary of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, ai •! the St*id account will lie offered for confirmation at the nert term of said court. l-'dw J. C. IIA HP Kll, Prc'thonotary. S. d testa luciit •! Sarah fi. \Niillaiii, late f llustoti tounship, dm eased. Tile undiT.'it'O'J Exnmirii'r, ippoflltiKl t>) the Orphans' Court of Ci-utti county, to take •-<•!i niony in the almve *ase Nfnl rt-|Mrt (lie *11111" to tip- Cviirt, will attuid ti th" duties of hi* nppoi titrio'i I on BRIDAI 1 1.• II h • f April nasi, at 11 V M., at Ills ofiii • it. Be!!< futile, W Im'|| *tll wliete all iterwons intcreeled may attetMl. I-- Iw AD im 1101. 1 I MBit ' . Executor's Notice. IKT'I KIvS letnmet)tary n the oh- J 1 ite of Chr ik pi er (latca f Ferguson lowiiidil|. deceased, having Ueu grsutcil to the undersigned, he r< <|uests all perMiiis iutlehti d !■ said estate to tnak* imnoslinte payment. those having claims will please jireseiit tln-'ii, tlul\ allthenfl'Mtetl, (o th" Uli'lcrsiglir*! lesidrut of Hall Mooti township >CI Jill.N A IICNTKIt, P. x ecu tor. \\* I ELI AM UUACKR ha* h,,u v V idoithl t • ,u intttwi ID out ftrai ihli daj The fi 1 lit mutt" v ill )>e th<> same a* heretofore. All I' per*"tis knowmg then - h"* indbt Ito tlo-old firm Mill phase 1 ail slid make *ctth uo ut the same. a A A. LOKB. FIMO.N I.OKH. AI a |. pll Mi p. 11, U 11.1.P01 i.H.M Kit March 1 lA| iw | ( tOURT PROCLAMATION. , V N\ IIKRK \w. Hie II >n 1 hart* s A Msv r. Pves| dent of thelourtofi mnioti Pleas of the J .th Jndf tai DIM I Misting of Um 1 Bktka f Centra, Clinton and Clearfield, at id the II i. Fvii.m I Fmtirk and th lb it John in. a- dat< Judp I having |*s,..-i prec*pt, iLile 4th day •! February. I!, to tn dirf ted. f .r holding a Court c f il*. r aiot Terminer and tieneral Jail IMiiny and Quarter *ions of the |.„ * 11 |U !|ef nte. f r the 'v f Ontre, and to MiIHIIICI on the FoUfth Mai lay of April n xt, th- i'.th day , | April. P*|, and t.. ( .utii)U' tw.. weeks. N'.dice is lo ret y giV"U to the t'oroin 1 J ustiri s of th* I'earn, Ablertneti and Const bl * • f - , I ' ninty of • • ntre. th.t they l then an | tlo re in th'-ir proj-er |ere.u, at In.. - - k li IbihtwM 11 • t • .:■! day, with thaif rvcoidtiiot|til* sttions, examinations, .n 1 their -wtt r-ni inl-rsii. to do th things wI. ih !•■ th jr - lib- , 5 run • t f fwdone, and th who are l*un lin 1 • M ui/aii<.-s t pr-• rute agsin-t the priM.ner* thai at- r ha!| tn the jail f i ent re count v. h. th'-n and th re to prose cute ilft tto in ..• *1; ill le Just Given under my hand. %t Ib il. f nte the (th day of Fel uatY iri th- > *WI of rI, r.| l~l. 41 I lb. oil. hundr. d and fourth y ear of the I nt-penh-i.. < 1 IV Mnu**i, Adrninistmt.,i if. b n. 1 f . of A. ( of M est. y Bunk. !- • *** I 1 he umler-igneii. nn Amlitor appoint fl k| i),r OifkW ' M-.f Owlr. .|^ Notice. V'TH 1. i- berebsgives, that tbs i.V n| f.t 4 ||„r, , aUHittM dfC hl, , li.a filM lit tti- -ft - f l|,. Pmlh-.f.. . . f 11.-- 1 , 1 .f 1 . „ |-|„. .4 1 , nninlt. r. ! 11,. MU'I r...,|ut m, I | ( , . ~ i ftrnmUnn >1 111. i, l l-im K ,|.|, „ ur , j !*-* J C. II VBl'f K. Protl. notary. Bottling Estahlisliniviit. ' RoTTI.F.I) PORT Kit. AI.K ami UK Kit. r rlIE umieraigned respect fully in -1 firm. 11,. nil,, i . ..f fVnlro r ..-nit that h*. Irj.in.l * a>, tiling K.1.l li.hm.nl, nn ifmt. It, lh Ih.nneh of 11.11.1, nl. an-l will 1,, a 1 all tin,.. | f-|..r.- I i„ furni.l. IHiRTKR. AI.K ,n4 HKKR h, tt,. I *>f 111- I'ira-a| ornl I .at >|u,l it y. la-tllffl in •nrl, ni.inn.r that 11,.1r 111- an I fplrlia ar. prnaar, —I a (r—h .a iltonxh Ir.an fr> m lh- • <>r laarn-l Tl,. C'KLER RATED ROCHESTER STOCK 1. 4 lriin. lafl al hla pi,an- ~f laiAnaa, or wnl l,f r.,|.| f.ral, will fwlf proni|.l tllaollnn. A4,lr. I. 11. SPITZKR, j 17-III A-ll#fmit., t>otn> Co., f. rM.LIS L. OIIVIB, I J ATTOIIXKY AT l.\W. OKKICK op|N#ll# t lu* rutlll Huiimi, on |)in 'li| f 11c>i uf A.O. Kitmtn Lnil'lltiK .VMf CEITTRA.L STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Kiijhlh Normal Srhnot Dintriet,) LUC K HAVEN, CLINTON CO., IA. A. N. HA LB, A.M., l*rincipal. r IMI IS SCHOOL,as nt present (on- i I 111., .my f" ■lufi.tl mi u I Icmaicttl loarnlof. (.IHrlr lr. l#M| bv iu, || i..| fnn>)g,. vr!o r n aupply of wnUtr, jfi "i-nutf liiM iiimii lo ftliliful un t alter . „ ~ I r r i.ta1..(11. Mill I. nil. a.|.|,. .. t|„, |.,j„ | tP)4ND or Tat mrr. Hl*, khol.l. r.* Tni.i.r. ,| || Harlan M ~ H •• '. it i. ..ok T O lllMlt F., .1 Klntdng I I M • k.V lui.kl,. || lute Tr„.l. . . ||. ~ A ,j I ,| „ ~ , , lii ( Sin , *' ? tT x i; r " ll " WllUwa Blgiar, J 0 t . Wlt tl*}, h Miller Mrf. rmlrk.F# j oi rtCSML I! u 1t1'.1.1 H, l'it . '.n c f"!i r',# •,| pn .- V11.1.V11 M OHIMIfK . TllitVAS YAIIIILKY. Tr...,„,r, .. WOODWARD SEMIXAUV. I -oar:.:nj iz.i 2&j Cchcci f;r T tzz.' Lai!;; and Little Children. SECOND AND I.OCTST STKFFT^ HAKHISIIUKG, PA. * ' ! K'i'iUf t.-rm llt vtrTKNIKR In, 1T(< "l"'._f ft"') n.M ml is l.titii,.. in, >| o .| C ."I ti.it,on f,,. m I. , tao , J„, M F. r .lr.-iiUr. a nd all .l.ait.M. ml rm.u n „l |„m I'ItIMIFM \ f II.LHKIM HOTKL, v"I VII.LIIEIM COMIIF. I'ul XTV. PK\X A . S. .Ml SSEH, Proprietor. Tl,- en f Villi.,m, I. luraiKl | B |v„n'. Vail,,. . • lit t. . toil,. I, ~, , I , irn anin,.. ~ 11., |.,.„ I ~ ,;r,, . :,, : :k:i ; 7r' r - k ! PLEASANT SUfVTMER RESORT. '*•■• l iD'tit ft Itl* gln fh lu trir iiif#* efrfnlti A ra r i". t • rtn trun At thm ||4#| mtmm tu<*Uti< tii ||i U fount h j,., .t, ( | tfofrn* im ler • l# * .v.. lTu. |j • . 'rim ckntki: dkmochat BOOK and JOB OFFICE HUSH HOL'SK BLCK'K, BELLKPOXTE, PA., t now orrr.RiNo '>H KAT INI) UCEM EN T S TO TIIOAE yriMIINH riRAT-CLAM Plain or Fancy Printing. I— ° i \\ o t.nvn tintiAual facilitiiu for j rintinu j LAW BOOKS, pampmlrts, CATA LoOT'ES, PKOGKA M V KS, ST A TKMKNTS. ! ! CIRCULARS, ' j BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, bcsinkss CARDS, IN\ ITATIoN CARDS, CARTES DE VISITK. CARDS ON ENVELOPES, AM) ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. larOrden by mail will receive promr.t Attentiiin. ' pgr Printing dune in the brat otvle, on ; Khort notice nd nt the lowest rnten." I I"V77V/:,S STORES, 11 11 111 rn' It/,,,/. , .!//,„/„■„„ S/,;,r, It,//,/,,,,/,., r,l. A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE OF € AIS I* ET S AT VALENTINES STORES. CALL -A. IST ID SEE TX3IE ! CLOSING OUT OF SOME LINES OF GOODS AT LESS THAN COST! GOOD aro COFFEE 12! Cents per lb. HEMES' BLOCK, .... BELLKFONTK, PA. M:\V KNTICHPIJISI:. ! A* CO., AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT —ANI> — SKKI) STOIJK, HELLEKONTE, PA. They moan by tlii* all the name inijorU, that t* t<< l'-*1 In and T" fnl*h (- M'ltAt I - K ' t/ I*# th" IMHKoHK ami'ft I.TI*ATtK> f tlie !*t<*t no* I j- in| j>*tt*rt> HOMKRN HKAPI H- and GRAIN HIMIRIU* Of th"* <• wl! tkl> (khrftf Mth#f • \| "f i u! ir.-'1 ll< •I• r All'l I tigs> llafl'ltrn, < f *• t inl4n-t rd Hlt*4#fa Till ttiir.Ki.Mt n • ♦ toNihiMd —rhln. it lh* tuabit ' *rk#t TiiK .iiiM.it TimMllKvi WII frrtMTfK Th* rep*tali' *• i-f Hi* *#4i *#>'•! ; that *< tan t>4hing •< t It that tl# !•##• n *ntitif .r#. . r in f rrjrftjta f. r Ih'-M t. •* ttl ill# fit 1 |>|eM> i ail IIH HSU. - I*Al IST 1,1.A I 1. Ti l th |1 \S KH.. f T r a It* . rva, with |'|. r t 1 Jh-tft.Ul r l.itth " Thf'*h#f and M' Toit T UiYhU 111 LI.I K Sla ag fAftftl kor- Itl th.lljt arl p|| l"TS --|—\t . *♦# a;;t-ta Irll• • - 'lh <-|#hr*t'-l tmS h i LIN W AtMIN. tic rf|"t*ti f. ' #h< h ••.*. || rtl --l '."l u !th. <"l.li.tMl'l u"|:m M IUS'. \t AM*S'}<, i *rj I'lutl' in an ! |tn, A.I at j a*ta>it#d. Call and •>- sr. i '*! i' L {?<•<-• *• t-> ililw and l#f r* l uring rla*h#r fun !h I h •; j i: fi,ATKR ASIMIU i LI ✓ I 12- #*=.l > r a r !t<( • flnrly gr umd aa *• th# ' #at > >tia. at th' jl■* | tir# f fT |#f ti.n IVrtnian iimtw *44 r. i f k< t jr. • I r all kind* .f gra nak th# b##t *h t* lifcf in tli# Ptat# . It# prwfwrU*" i t ni*rhAt*i< *l and agricultural ynjr ' #aca| all oth#t* V\ I lilt AN K f H M.M - W < *r< their ag'nt in r#ntr# eerily and *ill n|d.ly all f**rti# *idritj; g<#l A fid trtjr arala* at th#if i"*#t jirt'ca. W# #t#nd an invitation to *v#rybr*l y In vrant r.f anything In mt tin# t<> nail at enr *t#.t# rnotna. oj. th# ftnah lloti*. and *•# ht ar# har#. and #*rn fr m In altvdanc# n-f fwUmUtlt th# iC' l* cf cnt bmihf* AM;A \ S hl.lt k CO htlltfonU, l*a , May A, Kkt. l>tf SRIHLKR if ro., Urnrcr*, Uu*h Ilou*r Work, BrUrfatUr, I'a, NEW C3-OOIDS SPRING TRADE. Wo have endeavored to got the very best of every thing in our line, and now have some really choice goods. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes. Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, .. -AND— O O ID I JbU JE3 of all Sorts and Kinds. *'® l ° I 100 !** 0 Centre County to rail and inspect our L GOODS, which cannot fail to please. SECHLBR 60 CO. />/*!/ iainttlh aml (irot t ric*, J TAIU'EK HHOTIIKUS, M'K;M) CTIIKKT. KKI.I.r.K<>XTK, FA.. IIHV.' their counUT*nd .helro fllle.l with 1 NEW GOODS, f HANKKVIT KATES ' Ptircliated #t it A NK Kt'l*T KATES ( BANKRUPT BATES i WHICH THEV OKI Kit AT BOTTOM IMIK'KS BOTTOM PRI< ES, liOITOM i'HICES. ooxcirTixti or Dry Ci.rfKl., Millinery ClotbinK, iltla V (i'MKll, Notion#, A. . BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low j. ri. <-> BOOTS and sHoKS HATS and CAl's Latent#tyrl# of HATS and CAl's HATS and CAI'S Car I*l Bhir, U lolrell*., I'ara'o!., Ladie.' Cloak#, Carjieting, (ir.a-erie#, Ci- en. ware, Ar . C. xjtiunjr ,ry thin- H.%1 .*■, n, ts , e ,, u UM at i# IIAm'LK lIKOTIIEItS, SPRING . . BKLLETONTR, PA • DL'NTKI I'RIM CK lak#n in eachang# at th* hlgh#*t matk#t firic# 1-ly THOUOrCJH KII:CATION FTR vol' NO LADIES. Hollidaysburg Seminary, j tt*l.l.tDAY?Vtt RG, PI. MR f"<>l NTT, TENS A 1 t rcrv bnalthffil n . anrrtoii. 4U ga t., totitif la li<-* all th# ad tar tag#-# f a*'hri*tiai< j !♦' m#, *ith thoti'Uph cv#tit*# ~f joatroctl Oi th' . high#r l>ruxkrv of nltHaUM* Term#, $250.00 jjor Annum, Including and att#ndanr#. n## f ; 1 ftrt |raU and taitixti in all Pnglirh 1 tar. b* ar.H art *%tra. ANNUAL TKKM, FORTY WEEKS. Kof raUlnfD,. mHh fall Informal!.,n, aMrra IN. I'. HI SSEY, A. M., Principal. M ifrrffrttiroitH. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. TIIK in ulaiion of thin popular A ■■■■p. i 0.-—-...|n 11M (,, |, . 1U , .11 I!. 1... J,... I> A|| , | )r , U „ JD lufc jy 441 f tl.< I 1.1.'t1, tliltlwt' r. ajt. Bjak<4 THE WEEKLY HERALD *— wlrtU ilmMi hi Mm •M it Ik Mm tlj<.a|~*t J.i.rj Uitblui POLITICAL NEWS i nm.. and <..|,| 1., I'• *"•' * I C lull ,1. •, , , I .|H .. 1... ,4 I |K,||l±,,„., ~ . ; h"ur THE FA IS Ni DEPARTMENT ;- f It. M MIII lli.ij. lb. i„,., , v .j, „ „ J-' l— i w.ii i.. • .j lb dot. . ■ . lb. Kiiuri, I.Hii. In tt., ~n , l i it... I..!§, lit.. \ i<,rTiii.i> t i< i " •: • •• ....•• .4bi. 1 1... I. .U|.j.|. I.roi. i 11 4 d c.l TIIK mME, rlrfr," i , T imUil ,'',"" "' ' " I • • 111 lb. ur.'l 1u1... • ."" 1 •••. ,1 ~ . , mi '* I"* .~ .} .-..4 1, ; . , '* Lll-r. f. ... uf l-tiU ! 41.4 I. .1.1 ll' .n~i,u.).„i, 11. >. r,. 1|„ 11,48. I ~lttwrt <4 lb< U ..ILI IlltlU. i .ViVT.'r 'T..' 2" " " >"' -ri Utt..-. ; "•* I'll"- °< lb. |.l-| Tb. Ibt' tMI. >.( ILLKD LAKOH %r.]..k4 >i .t.f'U...,* t.. , 4., fcii ji,, Ul ,^ t j, | ;mm JMU. or MrrrWHa.<, A • l 'Li,4jn t H' |. UMIJJ rt. , j ' 1 111 i. PP.onrcK MARKET i • .4.1,.ib., ,,h ? N ''!' r........a,. ' * 1 •t . 1' 4* t ~ |u *4l , * 4 *'■*** p** rt into jmpr it* IK* v tf.Mt /. r -. Mm< M bwn Mllll W|,, i - " ***' I—' l ".' lull It" b. u|. j if. i"i 'iiin. ■ t ?, tiiti*. ) / AVV rt-jK I ,MK NEW YORK HERALD. lirr.iil4t it,.| Ano Btrt-H, R. V.k " AI.RKRT K. I' AI \K. I.t '• 'I Riiwi.iarr of f.l.t.u 1,1 • f. tKAIT"* KToKV R LAPD. PATENTS. I'AINE, OH A ETON A LAUD, .1 Uorneyt at-1 saw and Solicitor* qf Amm can and Forn m PatmSj, 412 FITTII SmriT. Waaiunqton. ]. C. I'r j„|| jt, |., u Bt '•m.a an I ih. Buj-r.m. aorl Hh:i Cirrta of tb iMW MI wiMk imm 4u~ tk.u W I.TK !'. a da, a* in. .44.1, mado. *J I 44 4. U. Main. My