Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 07, 1881, Image 4

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    Site Centre democrat.
The Largest, Cheapest aud Bout Paper
llatacxl .'Tcry Thtirlv morning, st ll<-llofoM,lntr
county, P*.
TERMS—<\sli In $| }>o
If not p*ll In mltunco,. tjc
Payment* made wiihiu U.hd Moiilh* *\\\ U
airier#! In ,
A LI VR PAPKR-nlnoirtl to the loterueti of the
Whole |iro|ilo.
No |Niper will be ilUNintlnn"d until Arr 4 *rng *r
p-tl I, except ut option of publishers.
Papers going out of the county must be |*id for in
Any person prscnrttiK us ten ivh subscrtbr win
|e sent n copy free of rh trge.
Our extensive circulation makes this paper an till
usually reliable aud profitable milium for anew tlel ng
We have the moat ample feHMlie# for J"II MOKH
ami are prepared to print all kinds of lhKks, Tracls,
Programmes,Pasters,tNimniert al piinthig, *c., in the
finest stylo anil at the lowest possible r.t
All tiilvertis.'iiieiils for a b**s fertii then three months
UO cents tier line for the fbt three Insertion*, ami •
cents a line for cm h al htiun.il Insertion, fcpocial
notices halt tti*re,
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A Überwl tlisiouut is ma i- to |erwon advertkitig by
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Foreign advertlaemcntn must be paid for b f re in
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jmyiftMits in advance *lll I e required.
POLITICAL NOTI- k*. I S enta |- R liueewch Insertion.
NThing inserted for teas thsn 50 cent*.
Bi'niJtx-s Norn i hi the editorialcohimn*, 15 centa
per line, em h in*rten.
LOCAL NOTICKX, ia local columns, 10 rents p.-r line.
Fmmw the New York Observer.
Sec*r<l Quarter.
,T r.cr. r. r. p p.
I, fie or. 2.
Leu IU4M7.
6.1.M Tru —" Tin HI Unit Into thy NI-IGLIL.-r
thy .L.f 19:1; Nut
V- ntr.il Truth :—W. ire to lovo our
neighbor* as ourselves.
The parable of the good Simarilan,
which is the theme ol this le-*on, is one
of the most striking ami instructive ot
the parables of <>ir l/ird. Its teachiug
is the universal brotherhood of man,
and it embodies and illustrates this
important and Iteautilul idea in a most
practical form. Wo can scarcely tell
when or where it was spoken, hut we
know that it *ts at some place or period
during our Lord's last journey to Jeru
salem, and ooeurres! in a conversation
which ho had with a lawyer, probably
a man of intelligence and candor. The
Jewish lawyer was a m.n whose buii
nees was to eX|a)Ulid the tcntU-n law,
which was contained in the writings of
Moses, a-s we" as the oro! or tradition
arv law, which was derived from the
elders appointed by him to aid in tin
government of Israel (Num. II : 16j.
These embraced a great ni os of civil,
moral and religious rules and maxims,
which bad veiy much to do with the
every-dsv life of the Jewish people, and
which gave occasion for a great variety
of inquire-* and discussion as to their
exact meanings and distinctions.
As Jesus professed to lie a teacher of
the people, it was quite natural, as in
litis case, that tit'-n of the leg d profc
aion should he anxious to test Ins know!
edge and learn his opinions as to the
laws of Moses and his fitness to instruct
the people. So this lawyer, probably
without any malicious purpose or any
disingenuous, cavilling spirit, "tempted
him, —that is, proposed to test his
knowledge snd see if he could pro
pound any doctrine or precept which
would be in advance of what he him
self already knew. He asked him,
"Mister, what shall 1 do to inherit
eternal life?"
Notice this was a very different ques
tion as the lawyer asked it, from that
which the trembling jailer at i'iiilippi
asked of I'aul and Nil** : "What must
fdoto be saved ?" It was no agonucd
I utterance of a convicted sinner. It 1
was a question of theory, purely intel |
lectual, implying nothing more than
curiosity to know what the exact teach
ing of Jesus was, rather than any felt
want of divine instruction as to how he
could personally secure the salvation of
his own sinful and condemned soul.
Jeaus referred him to the law which
be was himself in tbe habit of expound
ing, and asked him what it taught him.
His answer was direct and candid, and
showed that the lawyer fully under
stood what was the deepest significance
of the teaching of the decalogue, and
the spiritual, rather than the ceremon
ial, nature of that code. He replied by
quoting the two texts -one in Dout.
i:5, and the other in I.ev. ID: 18, —
which made obedience to the law to
consist in love to (iod and love to our
neighbor. Rut when Jesus told him
that he had answered rightly, and that
obedience to these two great command
ments would ensure eternal life, the
lawyer was not willing to accept these
as final, but wanted our Lord to explain
what was included in the term neighbor.
Here tbe cavilling, critical spirit of the
man showed itself, and he demanded
an exact definition of the terms em
ployed. He knew very well thst the
word neighlior was understood by the
Jews in a very re.tricted sense as mean
ing merely one of one's own family or
nation, and not in the broad sense of
universal brotherhood, and he felt that
Ins own position depended on the
breadth or narrowness of the definition,
snd so be asked, "Who is my neighbor?"
To answer this question, our Ixird ro
uted the parable which is the theme of
the lesson. Without going through all
the details of the story, Jesus shows
that in a given case a man had acted a
kind and neighborly part towards a
stranger in distress, when two Jews,
both ministers of religion, had refused
to do so, on the ground of religious dif
ferences. And he approved the con
duct of the Samaritan, who showed the
true, loving charity to the wounded
stranger, giving his time, his monex and
his personal services for bis relief, as a
fine illustration of the neighborly spirit
which is tbe only practical obedience to
the -iinmnml of the law, which teaches
that wc are to love all our fel'ow-men,
from love to (lod himself, and aim to do
them good, independent of natural ties
or obligations. He thus taught that
the law of lovo to (lod requires and im
plies also lovo to man in tho broadest
sense and from tho highest motive, and
that no man, at the Apostle says, can
love (iod, whom lie has not seen, unless
ho also, nnd front the same principle,
loves his human brother, whom he tuny
see every day.
At ncAt, sraatsTioN*.
1. The lawyer's question, "What -.hull
1 do to inherit eternal life?' 1 lails to
suggest the true terms of salv.iti-.q,.
We rati do nothing by which wo can
purchase or merit what is offered only
as a free gift.
"The wages of sin is death, but tin
gift of (iod i eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord."
"llo! every one that thirsteth, eo-jje
ye to the waters ; and he that InitU no
money, come ye, buy and vat; yea,
' come, buy wine and milk without mon
i ! ey and without price."
"Relieve on the 1/wd Jesua Christ
and thou shall lie saved, and thy house."
2. Our best deeds are wort'.ileas a-
ground of salvation ; (lod i-< pleased to
accept them only as an evidence ot
* .1. A man may-comprehend Ae theory
who is entirely a stranger to the prue
! lice of religion.
i. He who would be saved by bis
morality shows that be misunderstands
alike the nature of sin and his own
} position and wants as a hr.t sinner,
i, 5. We can truly call (iod "Our Fulit
er" with**at aoknowledgini: man as our
* brother; nor exercise a filiil spirit to
wards the one without manifesting a
" fraternal regard for the other.
6. Ee is our neighbor who needs and
can receive our neighborly help, even il
wo are connected by no earthly tie, like
that of kindred or of country.
7. The road from Jerusalem to Jeri
cho was through a part of it haunted by
robin-™, and is called by St. Jerome
"Mr Wooi/y tray."
No i-> the path through this sinful and
sorrowful world, and scarcely a day oc
curs when opportunities are not offered
<f ministering to the wounded and re
lieving the ditressed.
„ tiiKd Samaritans are always in do
r ■*"
'• From mir Orr*op*t)<lml
WASIIINOTOK, I>. C., April 4,1851.
~ | Ido not recall any time in which any
, i party was placed in a more incon-i-tent
* <>r indefensible position, in Senate or
I ! House, than the Republican party is
p J now. The party refuses to go into ex
' 1 eculive session to perform the duties
1 for which the Senate was called tngeth-
I "
j, ; er. No good reason for the refu-al can
i' be given. The election of officers is us
absolutely unnecessary as snow in July.
j Out of this silly action of the Repuldi
cans are growing complications threat
'* ening disaster to the Republican party.
I The trade with Mabone is becoming
j known all over the country, and, like
, vice in any other form, to be hated
* i needs but to be seen. >enator ("onk
ling is given, in effect, a control of ap
r . |>ointmcnts such as the whole Senate
, never had, and is accumulating a jw>w r
which bye arid bye may be hard to over
come. Suppose, for instance the noni
\ ination of Senator Robertson for roller
tor of the jK>rt of New York shall not
be acted on by the Senate for two wo--k
--tnore. In that time mm- Republican
1 Senator will have acquired absolute pre
eminence in the coun*e!of the Reptil •
I lean Senator*. Who so likely at Sena
lor Conkling to do so? And when that
condition of things shall have la-en
reached, he can defeat the Robertson
| nomination. If that nomination had
been acted on promptly when sent in,
it is probable there would have been >
, but two or three opposing votes. Every
day 's delay strengthens Conkling. All j
j these things considered, I repeat that ;
the present state of affairs is dangerous
to the Republican party. It is danger
ous to the administration. Resides this,
it is disgraceful to the Senate.
Senator Mabone, Radical, of V irginia
ye-terdsy made his third speech of the
session, driven thereto by the taunts of
Northern Democrats. The Senator has
tbe ability and business experience
which would make him a valuable Sen
ator. ft is to be rpgretted that lie has
placed himself in a position, and has
indirectly drawn the Republican party
into a position, in which his talents are
worse than wasted, and the better class
of Republicans rendered powerless. The
speeches of the Senator have not ele
vated him in any man's opinion. That
of yesterday waa coarse and violent,
"conveying a challenge."
Mr. Hayes saved himself from many
annoyances, in tbe early days of his
administration, to which President Gar
field is now subject. Mr. Hayes selected
a Cabinet distasteful to every Republi
can and ignored every and all the Re
publican leaders. There was tbe Re
publican party, and, outside of it, was
Sfr. Hayes. Perhaps realising that the
party had not elected him to the Presi
dency, Mr. Hayes thought he owed
nothing to the party. President Oar
field takes another view of affair*. He
is endeavoring not only to satisfy the
party leaders in general, but every one
of them. He haa disastrously failed,
of course, so far. Venturing upon a
little prophecy, I should aay he would
continue to fail.
FreJ. Douglass, ls United States
Marshal for the District of Columbia,
will have a place abroad, if he wisbee.
An Ohio white man will be appointed
marahal, and the old custom be revived
of having introductions at formal White
House receptions made by that official.
Itanium! it Xnr
Bee Viive Stores.
Haxrinci given Ihr dents De
partment ample lime to e.ertdain
its good qualities , we will now
turn otir attention to the Ladies
D*jm r lmcnt, to which we are
paying our utmost attention to
have the most complete in ( 'en
tire county. We do not like to
I include J'hiiadi Iphia, hut in
most departments they ran not
Ixal its.
Our Mr. /{(inland has just
returned from tin /Cast, having
purchased the large st and fiiu st
1 : stoek of Dry (roods, for cash,
' Ver brought to li< liefonte. which
we will s( II for cash at such low
pries as to astonish tin public.
As the. amount of goods pur
chased for this Spring is so im
, uwuse, it ir it I b> impossibh this
term to mention many siierial
r /us. W< expert most of our
goods will b< fun this w< k.aud
will try to hari them ready for
I sale during this wee/..
! lie will hare the lare/cyt,
finest ami cheapest stock of
Dress Goods ever shown. Il'e
. i wish to inform gem of et f.w
j bargains (hat will not be sold
\ again few the money. These
I prices elefy e-omjK titieni: lease
of Cotton lie ige sor 11 ash Pop
lins at $ cts. per yard, which
one of the. lory I'hilntb tphiet
houses is ninkiny sne-h a fuss
about, an el their price is 10 cts.
j 1 case gf A tleiutee- (.'as/inures
eet l'J cts. p< r yard, et t,iy bar
i [gain in Philadelphia at l'J',
but etre: cheap ei( lb cents per
yard. / tot of edl-weMi! (,'ash
i me res, black ami e-olored, yard
wide, at pt cts. per yard, e'fuaji
eit b'l cts. pi r yard, ami a gr> at
,; many other bargains too na
me roe/s to mention.
l/etr stock of Silks is com
plete. A gull tine of Plain
enul Fancy Silks from 50 cts.
j jie r yard awl apwa, ds.
fddie s, you e-an afford tee
! waste a full day to look at our
stork eif Dawns, Madras-(lim/-
beims, awl e-hoice ( ambries.—
]\'r hare■ about a case of Ma -
elras- (ii ne/hams eit f.'l cents
per yard, which are stUimf in
Philaeh Iphia eit lb cts. -p< r yd.
hi Douustws w> hare evry
thing that is manufactured, ami
j '/.< ice bug these goods dirf.ct
from tin mills, we U'ilt s> II them
at gob e/s prie-es. (.'all am/
e.ramim for yourself.
To J/ultsekeepe js we arc a
bb ssing.as we an selling such :
goods for so little mom g that
the c.rp( use of filling up a house
;is a trifle, just think, Limn
Damask at JO cts. per yard;
nil Linen Napkins at lib cts.
per dozen', Towels 5 cts. each,
i and everything else in propor
Shoes, shoes, shoes, at such
low prices that we will not
mention any this time.
Now about Carpets, which is
a very important thiny to every
one, we gust hare the pre ttiest
stock ever shown,all new styles
and all new prices. They are
so cheap that we expect to hare
our stork sold in '.Hi days.
All the latest novelties in
Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Ties
and Fancy Goods.
We adeled this Spring a new
Department to our already trimmer
nock uhirh will piccur the. jxtdic*. A
full line of Mutlin t'ndenrear, rxpe
cialhj manufactured for w, made, of the
bent workmanship, for lecu money than
you can make, them at home.
Our Notion and Small wear
Drjyartmcnt* are alwayn complete.
Samples sent free on appli
cation, and rpecial attention paid to
mail order*. '
It is our aim to supply the
public with all their wattle in our line,
raid any article not on hand, no matter
how email a quantity it uuntcd, or how
email the purehate it, we will procure
it for them.
An early call is solicited.
Jles i wet fully,
Bauland & Newman,
Originators of the One Price
System in Belief ante.
Lnitcfiil Women.
None receive MI much benefit, ami
none ore BO profoundly grateful and
show such on intercut in recommending
j I lop Hitter* aa women. It in the only
remedy peculiarly adaptod to the many
ill* the hex in a I moat universally subject
to. Chills and fever, indigestion or le
. ranged liver, constant or periodical
| headaches, weakness in the back or
! kidneys, pain in the shoulders and dif !
> ferent parts of the body, u feeling of j
lassitude and despondency, are all read
ily removed by these Ititfers— Vourant.
, It is seldom that a given number can
be lound to repeal itsell ill so singular
and significant a manner as in the fob
I ! lowing case : (In the 19th day of Ooto
her ( >eorge A. Wheeler strangled his
' -inter-In law, Add la .1. Tilson, on let
circumstances unparalleled in the an
nals of crime mi this coast. On the
, I9tll day of November he was indicted
by the grand .Jury. On the 19th ol
I I'eceinber he was arraigned for his
I crime, (in I lie 19th of January he was
convicted of murder HI the first degree,
, and on th" 19th day of February he
( w n sentenced to be hanged on Tuesday,
the 1 titli day of April, by the neck un
' til In- was dead, la vi • t •-1111 y I'.i is an tin
fortunate and unlucky number with
' Wheeler.
Scientific men have proved by actual
measurement that m- .at of the great
I silver mines lie pMXsI feet altove the ,
prevent sea level, and among the rich
e.t are some which In- U.tKXf feet higher :
-till. Very rich mines have tieen found |
I ss high as I'. IXHI f-.-t. It |. a not it.le ,
fact that us a rule the richest silver I
mines lie over IH.IKXi bet above the sea i
level. The mines on Kuby Hill are be- ;
t ween X.OOOatid o OO) feet above the
i level of the sea.
Lloyd Van 1') ke, aged 17 years, a
resident of Oliver township, Mitllni
• county, was instantly killed by a falling
I tree on Monday of last week.
The Presbyterians of Port It-iyal, -Ju
niata county, intend to repair and re
' model their church edifice On- year.
I Sew .t ilecrt iet imiite.
, pi'sii iiorsK,
I > MtLLKroXTI I'l
, tomMm MMI tr *.-!* . • n,< m,■ w*li .• DM r ■
r! ttef*tiam Mfetk IMMMfI i*l ,<• <r# i|. ,!*.]
( U. Il.ie >!•••( 1 ... II -' S Vl, j, tf. • J Wfi) f. I* i Immm
.fiifi.rtu at r.s tuMe r*f< •
Lllwiliwtoeti i. v JtrpMtuMl a"
\% ii TKI.I Kit ho) i
. J)V virtue <f nunilry of Fieri
I I r
Immml 'Mt . f ti Oowi f Ommm Vlmm of Qntn j
• il f . mtA t" i -i* t-t. * il! I* (t|>•' iat j
> piMtc Oairt lom.li lißiTmti, sm I
1 Saturdny, April 2.1, A D 1801,
••I .i a <|, k. I" X Hi. fell. le Ot-J ml
Ul- ..f lie o*lru4atiU, I ml
No. 1
I'll!! f M V s A Ul!) •! ..
No U, Aj ioUn . !#•! I M f - \.r. 5 * *
Alt }
• All that certain lot i tuber land MIU*
•t" itt Ilnrrt* t.m t tj . ' mttl} I'n , I. n i-|
no t 4nartM •• fpliett, i" t **u ti#v *et+
f Ti.* tnlh Ifttt')* Uln of
on U# '( fth Jniissa Irmtft <. u. .si k tul n.-w|
• fol t>i|rr rWW ot Uk> #■ oth. nt sUmm,
' MM r. ca.. o. .. MUtMiM In i Man • tl
nfh sli|Nt(| trbMianl ik; th*t<(
. (th .*• t n—t. % ■ t ib4|M. th' r. •• b Uli
st| ••• ?U J • b. |-U'* of t-. •
trig 4 'jMf * -s* 1 Ti. s nt -i i| *
Uf it in |crl< ti oti'l t I# nctid a* M |t j-tlf f
\-inn. Hi . pi M n \j
M (. •
No. 2.
C'i ! f Mltv I(f ' ' I'f i ' ntjrf
N -Ail.?. M, mi \ I. *J | t . •
ftirvl, Atfj
| All thst certain lot or piece ind -it-
I in r.tt • i :>•! ij', CVify* r <x.tf I'mtim,
h Mt.i'-i mti •• r v rv. fc t •
| l--ir. a th* n tl!.. ,( , rhrr f |* r,. ? j,, :
| : ei - t,tfmr.fr ft: '* fh*n ' •"*!: Mil }t<l nii.
• , I.' jvnh I • *mii visits *m\ ,
i f.r i *i.'U lir ;n| -i Md ill •. f>"*ti( : mm
•I 1 |" • M- r '( If ' n >s Ui I f
Tl. m|w •, M't A < i, r h 4 I J t
. t mrw . |lir*t. "' - t g Uti'U f Jfrtimii Miirt, bxtlh
lAtllinf |.T 1 •' |*rfTls' v Ari l iJIOWMK# Ibrftcri
c 'rv (ew| nl* r.f.O ft %!-.*• | w , .% ti I m 11. ft, I lli f
Mill till !, tvfcu tsktfi tl. otit is nini t \*
• '-■J M til llslhj. t JUpSt
So. 8.
ItH f rpi A IV ■' • uae fi fb. U?>
It K.loAffflMmliHl. iMMLiItJi. Ti i
• * 11. ■.. . \ll I ,
AH lh*l r'*-inin l<<t fr pj(c< l ijr(tiTi<i
in tK' If ticfi ■ t M * nt j; (' Art < iMy. I
l' .I - (in |o.| an I J.* fH t|s | il. •, t/, H... I (
-4 ..n ttf t rtb t t mtt • Uiv :h t.ji Ui' mml,
*i Ihr '*! t 1 t>i* Th"tMo hU#, ntl IU 'tt l-j ! |
•4htrk' i.ruining ri* f urth <f n |ff, • r+ t
■\t I-m . rr- M itnall Umuc, A 1
Wli-I, t*A*W Ifi ttrr(lnp |i- I U* I |* lh' ,
"tf? r-i Jntii IVilin tin, <*t ..f TU<OM f
mmmML t
/, ) O.V ,f I t).. Altrghrny Street, Jlrlh fontr, Pa.
iroN & co.'s
We have just opened a big bargain in Child's
Short Pants, at - 50 Cents.
Best Working Pants for - _ $1 15
Good decent Suit for Men - 3 73
A nice Dress Suit - - 4 75
Nice light Union Cassimere Suit - 3 0Q
A very nice good wearing Child's Suit - 2 OO
Splendid Cassimere Dress Suit, good enough for anybody, 10 OO
We have just opened a full line of Ladies' Spring
Nice Walking Hals for Ladies, at - - . . yg rfs
In DRESS GOODS we have some Bargains worth your while to see.
Mamie Cloths at 18 els., which we bought at a sjtecial bargain—they are worth 25 cents.
We make a specialty in Men's Hats. A fine line of Fur and Wool Hats.
Ladies' Coarse Shoes from - 98c. to $2.00. Ladies' Fine Shoes from - $1.25 to 4.75
Come in and see us, we have special Bargains in White Bed Spreads from 50 cents up.
No. 4.
| Hull ~r ll.e, f|.-rr. u- „f, j|| risree.
I* U All y. lI'SW Vi. n.fa.-11.
All that certain lot or piece of ground
ei"*l!T. II , ' , ' l "j'-" ''rs.< iiio o.uitly,
I • , i-.ioi-1-.i ....I a,., .. k|t
Ml hi. 11.- >.||l|| l.y Nmil, r.„„, , , , ,
'-ur.l Mt . ..O
.•ii tin- Hurts l.y Kennel •trm-l, fromlsit uu N..nl,
TiHtab"Tl'Jf , " H si'".* Ui.i.| .1r..-|
? • cr-.i. i-w-W. lewlur, fremi. .|w.|||„-
liou.. iw., Ir.. |<„„ a|i .
ysrX.sSslili sad other oMMWiip MseX, tskea .1,
1 p*rr,"e *" ** t" ,; |.'H)' ut J. II
No. tl.
Hiiili.fl.il I'l.o • 11.- >. lNril.l llutl.r
Ail" \ l '**' 1r.1.i, li-17 yj |,.-A
j Alt that ii'itaifi lot of piece of griiiitol
! .Until. In 1t".1.1<. 11.IjIji amy )■ i-,, 1, 1
Mill .1.-.rlll- I n r.,||„.. „; it |„. , .
ill. M l.itn.iiul. |.u.|rly, ..1, tb- e,i l,v l-r.lr t|...
>i|il Heuttr |.I- I- it. i, l ~11..r.,„.1 ||,. ~,,r i |, l.y
i UleU i.l 11.. tt lot.. I.ml. |.r- j-, t,, ~ ,
1 "...trie 1..., ile-o-.n ,1, 0-1 ~i„-.,,,|„ |„||
■ hMMH w( bars ss4 olber QsUmlUllnsi Hetsed
tnkrn Ih Me. -Il o|, |,l| to !*•*!'] at Ifir 111 u-Hv f
luiiicl lliiMfr.
No. tj.
M.flt ..f W H 111>1 if i t #l, > John So
A|ri| Uiiu |vsj | | f H ft, Att'y
All tfuil c rlam lot of uti.eat.-,| land
• Hunts- In Knell t-'W fihl{(, ( I litre ro Hill jr. I Vfihg siif
JfH 111 I """" ••f s u . mt.l |U|, ,| . |• ~
M-l 11. A l , J'*4 gtMtl l 1 itf) * r i|| %• % 1 -rj \„ \J 4 r%
f "Mil < rMtUl'llll- \ i.l nr. 1:,. uu']
AIm,MII tli.it cfrtfiin tr/ut <f
Ik. I if -.ate in |, fVfilf. . I's-tit, a
•trlj-'flllf./ Ih- ;ile.*H lire |fif, Sllf t I V I I, J
vsutr siil (U(-l ' ar'h r<. nH. 4 t ,! J 1.. I .iT .r
1 * ' I U M • | : t .ii I i tlttd
Alm>, nil thht f frthin trncl of un m< <1
lh(| in 111 •! X V l.efij, ( -lit <- • i|.|f,tl I'cfili a,
ti/fj tninif ih< | 4 t in#nil -.j i, ! •• Mc-ietj '.I, M
i f f -It,! <U*'-1 | .||, >U> ~f Mxf ft, |"'4 l#t 1; • X#| I
;'• lupi ■i I ill. i iig- .H I |
j k.-: ail -m# i i i 'ml rii ~,1,11 fuilf.ns-l
ALo, a I tho-e i i-rlain tractrof un-'-at-d
j -."' J. 111,!.- . Ill,}| fr.e ( ..If, ."111, I'"till *
earvsysd fe esnssareol • eamurl Um MI. -u
--! 1 Me), I VIMI'I II .1 M"• .iiUi ,i
] <" ,•mil . (-1,1,.-. airl .11
I Al-O, one oil,, r, ntu.ee in ibish tow.-
• Ii!).. 'Veil. • iintv, I'nii.ii.ii r m tie-b'.fth i
.. i<r, ■ >.iri. >. i, i, • ••rr.i.t ,i;.ii,| ] ~ , y.,
117 ' cr.au i i.. ip. I,i I'rirn r.,,, t .lon,
I • 1. .1111-11 AH'l l. Ir . M •• ||jr (I .III) lit Jebll
i' <' |ieiiberrr
f.lll .fII M 1 ~-;-.| , t .1 . f J .| MI Ji ().,.)
j' • II.( N ' . Al-tll 1 . I'M p.: <
lei. Ally.
All that certain lot or pier .- land -it
n.tr in I,P-ri-) town*bin. Centra SMNXT fVtsX*
lb' in. II. t• I re/line m I.- I> 11... i, t Milr-' u.f.
b ended end dmcrlbrd m ftdbras, i- ntt; On u,,
i -il. I. 1.i.1. ( Mi- In.' I "" to. ... i,
:• f betn ti I-- M 1 •I■ ii.- . sib bi 11.. i
I *ylr "ml "II Ihr ...I I.) 1.r.1. .fir- .ill., H t;....,
I, MS ...1,.d by p II 1'.,-!.', .. ntatali e one buuTraat
serasandaltiwrsecs • f sis i • i ■ • ■.• eraeied
. t .-i-.f) flan.' 1. Br 1 .ek Inru ni.l "ib-r ui
IjalMli])-. H* ie I t.Vrti In .i- .o-.n .I. Ju.lr , |
M Hi* | r ■( illy . f J ! n ti 'i.olb'i.
No K.
Hail ~1 ll,r nrt X.I 11., k f Brtl. f-Ir .. J l|
irlil.l il U. X . A. II 7. •|„ ||.. •
'- 1 ' II XCi . All r.
Aii the right, title ud Interest of tha
Mr,,,l.nt. ir, ,-.| 1.. .|| n,.. ...n,,,, Ilmt „ f |
•111 .I I" II I . ...1..,, • 11,., 11. I . . .
• • nlir. p. r.. .. 11, I! . v erf er.' n'eu • r1 ' ■ It".
riftll ."-I Illrt . • I , I ,
t!.• fe. f t,y IkuH ll -sh ti il, A .1 * * T,f IU
fiHltl Ml ( i IIN (mconMf t I• , |I ,
!-a t J let tln H.# exruntrc nan . ..f Afs-lrww
I. lib ...I ll'i-, l.r..m.rr.r leer.', en 1,11.
! ll,' e • III" II .I I - . tree, - I l.i I if,. ,.
I| rI In. ir "I Ir,. | . ~.| ,1.1,.. , |,| |
lllr,, ii-,-. r I, . tiefl "( U---I ih ii-r v.rrem.r
•-.mr .1 I. hrrt -I-I. It!, ). -• I .
• ' " |' l ■ I ' '' • l-.M , f 1 it, |
tl.r nerreiurr n.tnr -t lirir,, ItiitTn.elr, hob .
'"I . .p. I'll! .. I- I, . .-r. I . tl.r (,].. , ll* fI
'tidr tifalftif.f I . M !** |s-r < |* af 4
•. ' * -r tig ' Ml 41. mt. •.
■ iti Uu Hffci, tiUt Mid IfltcnM I
II f Utile 111 I. I all thai . r^a. „ \, m . | f i„ f ,-
o.tuaXe In II" 1 'W.i5.,1,1 f KM., m f, . Uf)! , t
< ' rife a' ! if- Hi# . f Aigirt M
•ifaff Inrn.fni'iJ atwf (Jr-ar tils#•! a* f'l11• w • ft fal
A lrwml- V lr a ' ff'.t thtftet ' *l. • 1,1.14 ... Ml. . '
*,*t *.• l f*rr!,. n.<" *t ftaa. In t I Jf,, it vr. •
th*'.. # > • Ira l f lar I In I) # v.ir,wMra t rt. ■
c* a. , f.. a ir ct t) i |#* t i f
!r lit iltr exmni't r.xme.fj i ||im< r ;!l > !,
I I t'eir Il r-U I t tifii t "f !,b| if Ih' MirtM.'
?>afu i 1 Hraff. u Mh 44. . . v . , ..
p. T * •-• I'M 1 I'. p!*/r- rf t.'C tiajp*- ' .I*ll,l-.
.. acre* m 4 lUpmk, wnm
AN", ii'' tbi* till nrjiJ intorr*t of
•H# 1' '• • St ie in atnt t . all (hit #<f ir f ,f
iarffl •<!:;t#l In tl #> f nll|' . f Uueli am!
' Wttj •' 1 Mi |(■'•' Hi tin IWIIMIIH "t
M rti. '' t't■ f • I* . . ,io •
tl.. '. nh)|> ■ ' ltuh al-'UMi'l ))•"< wl - h art .f- t
•e|lw. IrabK li'-nn'-s t, t.M • null aril ()#* ,f
I'tuJ'Jit ta. ,!.# *; .!• Mijrj l
rni f.rji, -to fin nt.i, I t UmH !*!• ft . +%*-.+ ■ f
ll't.r* I, tain itarvam! t ||<e . M *f h laid* lair- .f
- atl Ksm. ti ihw wuith ♦ % a w<l #.f lan<l it.
1- warr I- r fA, - . i:.c •.*,
1,1 1a...1. lal'lt i.f Hie, n*9 A < r .fi gW, a rt
.-! 1 i r*"t -• "iriM.-i Ajnl I, its.
I. a VBffltl! II Um n*n. f< •..• >b Man i
A!. • all the right. till* arid int. r.- t of
II '1 1 ft in and I ' nl! thai rta t< I t .f fprmn l
saf .atr- in ih* !• t mh f I'lii! j#f- tg in
< f ("* iilrw ahtfwaa I, MirteyMlaio) lieprtileslw |*d|< i
|v* g i ninr at *t* < tn* t -f U ilUafu Vk artl • an ]
t i t, >nglt ni l H* ,• I t,# i. nh | i-tts,. . f.
r r;if if\\ m | • 1.1 IhM. ' e. .t J; ent 4-
f.*t | MM: tIWW
t#f ll.e-efrf Mqits#m I*4 few I I • Jeraf -urvr n Ihr
of gtmA-1 r-ad h't, |.r ft# *>-# M fm+l , tl.
jla #* of hwgiMamg , h|tili( !tf<tw*
•tdsti fram# •!welting hotta#
Abo. all the right, till" and interct of
|i.r frttdeM. In r,-1 1.1 .II tint ..ruin lot >f f ni. I
riiuelr m th> i,.1,,p ~f Ku.b, In Ihr o noi, ~|
CrnUr .( fr-.|il. I. nn-lnl t,d drwrilwd .. '..lion.
I'-slnnleg .1 • |l on Ihr n.*i tide id 11.. H| ru.r
rtrrk .11-1 PMlt|l-nre Intnp'k. rend .-I)mi,in* l.rid.
leir "f It h X'ih.n Ihracr by eeid Intel m.rlli s.
*"l. "'I MO pert he. 1., h'-nlorti ihr, . It l.nl nf
I h-.ir. Men*si eorth V. r.-i. 11l prr.hr. to ...t
thrn-r |.) t.U't tr> ur l.tr I'f W miry llenk nmlb S,' j
i <•'. M |>*rrlira to pot on tiiroj.lk. , llmw nlonu
I 11-- ~utl, 11 J'- 1: | j.,,t,< |ila/ f iif i„
iftiiiiiiiK-r<,uiiiiiiv a K, pl| jifli an 4 u, rr .
|*n I,a ami u l.ull.lliiga,
Al>o, nil tlia* right, title nrid interoft of
111. 'la-fat,ll. >1,1) .|| ,,UkU I',l U1 *1.,1111.1
III 111. I |..|,||, „f Hu.h. In ll,■ ...111, „f
Ontr. .,r~i<l. aliu.u ~n it.. „...i ,14. „< u.a turn
l>lk' Ic'lliy, fr.on Tjrot,. 1,, l'l,ih|,Abont I|h.
f.rlllllia ..f .mil. a.„,lh of tl,< l..,„g x h„f l,ii l k ',
bound,-,I „n ili 1„,r11,,.i aouth 1,7 |„dj, „
I.l'ly of J„l,li W Ifjitl, 111 ; ll|*r.|||,|, aittlnl . |.„
alorjr fr.m. ~r pUnk >l**l|t„ K h<.u r. ,7yd, ukn,
,11 immUlm im to baaaM ■ il,< piaaai 1/a< J-l.n
II wj-, |,„r, at'li ilM.lr.l-r ~f, 4, , | Willow (•_
Waii.f, ill. im4, Mr- *K,i„r. n,,41..r J .l.i, ll*
| W.i wmt, brothr *'"! It- Ir ..1.1 <t,, , j, Mi,
111 W .4,HIT, '1.1.1,'1.1,1 uf Mid WlilUm r, W.K'HIT
ll.'l fj .
I . N* #•
Poll „f Xa 11,11, K'l'li.rl ■a. Kami, TI, rr,a*
V Afanl t.rn,. 1 I, |j'-l>l. Ili/a •>. Ufa - A 4
I! Atl j.
All llmt C' rtkin |,,t <>r pircr of ground
altu.i. i„ th# tilt*, *of f.i,,1.1 1 itj,. (>nfr runtilf
I Pa taNMaad ,|,„l|l,| folio, a. l: Hutu,<l.4
ail lit. mhi |,t kf'.T Run, "I, 11,. no,lb I'l Kn,ai,'„)
- > r.,, r , 11,. ...at i , I 4 r .,„. ~ a,„, ll.r
I .-.Hli l,y tl„ IUM fa.,!* „.,| TyoHi. Hall,owl-ton
1 t.ii,ii,f ~i,,.|,.|( n ,r. „r Iw. ||,T..,„
< im I, .1 . Iwiaalirtj IllllH l,„uaa. *1.1,1. mi.,l ulti.r unl
I,iilM|i, k > Maud Ifelai, 11. uti',l, and to bow Id
at III* |,l„|,"tt, „I Kalal, 11,-ll,a*
No. ill
hull "I J*. 1, PlT,bar .1,4 I. r WftrlT, ti l, r.
.* ■. A \% mlk• r.
V W IpilMH, ll Jj | .
[ *r. ah
All Unit rcMain lot or t,i<y-<- of ground
• ... '••.Mint... 1,1; '• ~ 1.1,, l'.. I„m,„'1-
: ! ""inf„n. . .1, H .a.,, „.,
1 "" "" '."Mb I. (..1,1.1
' 1 1 ' """ ' ■ > <■ , I-r .i.'l .1.
l'< 1,.-, I *.,.!. . .1,14,1,1,,- ;|.i
'■ 1 ' ■•" .-la ball
1 , .!Dtttt ► tit I.J. ri f
Uk' M m *****&** l4 t. la. M.itj • li.f. imMrfi v t
I J.I • \
No. 11
< 1 "1 I' ''' 11 A f. a' < . . .
I v kvt. (a Nu TI A|>tal T. |M! fa.-i.t
''V, lt H A<i . All ,u
All tnw* tun r'-rthin m'-*>• •,
in*-li* • J tf .f v , mU .] a ; ,t,. , tl. It • I| l
I* l f M ' •' 'v 1% 1. .? h. 1 ,
—I i t r , Hp m 1.. Ifif *.* a1 . Ma., „f
'' ' I ' " -' | f
| ' i: I'M \ )• Mir,#- . 1f,., . I. ~ fJ 4 -V #u-,
1* ♦* 'I f tf.rf,' a.., . !#-.! t Hla'l .f VA Mr
' : Af. fel.H'i.kfl . H ' mfli'ly tlair.'.- #-> Utu |ol t
Uli'l <IM t i,i atlaj tl.'-ll'a H>t _v. t tla.
;,h t iM-fcHilalfjjf 7Jn Mfli I tf* t 'ii ll ti4*
• hi' <1 AMrfhrnj •if" t N . l.fiilaiiit^
*. '• 1!; if: *• . t fa. a at 'f'a. ' f All'
j,lir-,, tf'-t IV *t h ".rhM 'f Al!a,t..|
• !- t a'l Uf all. > u- : Dortla .fit# a...!,J | , J
A 11. *A. r • J I J - •fc . • . .....
i*fi<l of rtmfla* tiidK* Hi |f h ~
Utad 'J' f"t t a.thar i„ t U 'f MM,*. M ' *rrM)
tJ ♦(1 M a-Ml'h l'f| 1, at t • an it* t 11, .aM fta->ti'
•Jtt'l 'JJ'J fr**t u, • of I* ailM(aC Ni boilfi
i i Alio, ft!) that < tenement
■ ? if ; r<*n4 • tu*" in t!. li • '.f It IM'aoU.
I . ' 'if.! t f'■• If a •I.'l ••t*!' -f !'• ; rt J* *c, oid ■ t
: '• - 1 *.-■ 11. a l, f ' Uft I I * ..
• ' } fi t la• -at? I t i-.t .I J, l.i, I a#t, U • •a-tith l*t
; J. . {• Pt"'l, -'.fl li ti |,J ,t rf H I ;i9
mif.r. .H ' i f Mlfll'tl fti! .,a Rial.. I .1f"-t at {
tM-lllif kf, 'MU hill HI I"t > f| la tM
a- J U < ' •kJ'i I- rinjirti T)*ft#at, -•. | ||.
•1• •• > 'V'tall' h *li*• 4vi !liU| la- I|M ftXa 1 Otiaf-r "it
t'tiiMir jr.
Alm, k i tliftt c<rlftin #,r J<at t i
f 1,1 Ht*i*t* If. 1) .-liar • 4,-1. . f Ml.f.tf < t)• jr
O# < ' till" *•! i *l*l' < / J' ifaa* iii,'.,a. 1 •< uiail' J nfi4 <l'-
• ri •.*• I I'.. v w,i <>,# tl ,v'ili I j Inn .► ..f
M. f'li u' A till,' Ml 1 % c'iitf I*talk af I ),**
M ! Hfa fit I ?) t. *.!,* M tf"-t *I, 1 r.'a t'
tliar I' 4'f auit i-• uJT. fi j r Hi nj ~j .
; .ft jAt j -..1K ' ).* ,t h hlf ft f|mi|j f" t
■ < r a, 1 t|>< t at •" i-t'a *dl: S >•' k >'*• !" t t< lh; •:* ..1
• • lllld|* A 1 Ib< iNifl • |e f taJ H 'lt ti* ff..aa-
IKW •■! Mli*T MMftililinpi fw-fr*d t*k -
i i % air tit a' ti arid la- l* . 1 a* tla" t-f i" rt* U
i l.RMfi f A*H —N<id#d will ftt knovU
uiattl I JU.-U" tS>"l. Ii 11* ,J m full.
.K'HN -I'AM.I.KI: Mi.Tifl',
Fa#-nff'• oika. talf, Pft., AfHI 7, IMII.
Philadelphia Marhetft.
l'niL*MxrfttA. A|rJ ft. JMI.
U • f;rm ft, f.<n#r pr*iu.kit 1
| 3 k klfaff up
fu t -If '.!♦? .f fl ,ir ar trtr. In ißrir
tid'frri'.'l i fair :.t d -of c *-1 t'. tkf vafti* "I tU
' f ••• lifttf i. IVnntiltNt tti r itr.
• t ? • • 4 . -* M ifitii *> ta ' ltn>, Ml f 'riia ' t- r
meditttti l, rJr-Mf M! J at l< *" ,i . • (~* pfraifif},*
Isn.ih hi ? ■ . I-!liii a■ a m: y
ktljfkl'Mi k I : 4' |t j■ # :• J. j -,i i:K
MMi'-h Mt i'll'.* ... •
!•* 'l*—Ti't wi t fitm f'tiiftp iti vb'tt Im; tx.t
W l' 'vtM' Ti- IfUff *'f f1 .1 !.•#
**> .'3 ■ J J** k-d ft f v J f 'tl. A|T i I ll |„ ; r .a|
t .m i • ; • Ho.. i• i. lift} *j|• jj t, . -| < . •
••4 s i i .s IM. Jtnr R/ in him at •; -K, i :
M.tth .%( .f ■ f Mil •V-M' T Mfa l
% . Mtad 1.14 at Tide*','. \-'1 J. nia
I rn >tli| Mt J .1"
Ha 1 la-fonta Mnrketa.
■•j.i.ro*T*, Ajffii i'-i.
Vkif' • l rt,t,| rf kuilihl (c*l4) fl IA
R*-<l wlaftt } '-4k
%} +, i '-r i'U3i! ~a. ,4,
OfWtt ' - f
<*"l*, b' HH 4 ,
<*t* ........
IH'Hif, rrfftll. |r lfftrral,MM & 'hi
}' m Manftft r
Prorifcion Market.
C"ft'•< tH *klr f.y IlMrj.tr Br< lbev.
Aj f>l< t 4tfe4. f
< 4IM. Jft J' Uud. bt a-vjasl j,,
JHI ijuri s
lattf-r jw j 'Un<l....,
Cliifk*ii|i*r |'tifi4...„„.. M „ MWM ., M ,
Hi"*** l 'f ' ,
~ontr> hikfn* j t fff-otid... 1.
liftlllM, *1 4JM* rn4....0 1 .
Itrc* li
P.-tAI —• JfT I tiMla'l
; Drlwf ii,