Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 07, 1881, Image 1

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    SHUBERT *V FORSTKIt, Editors.
VOL. 3.
She Centre gtawurat.
Tor in* $1.60 per Aumnm.in Advnuco.
%. T. SHUGCRT and R. H. FORSTER, Editors.
Thursday Morning, April 7, 1881.
IT is said the President has deter
mined to recall (.ion. Longstrect from
his mission to Turkey, and appoint
him Marshal for. the State of Geor
gia. He might find many ex rebel
Generals in Georgia without sending
to Turkey for one.
A RESOLUTION proposing an amend- I
merit to the Constitution prohibiting
forever the manufacture und sale of
intoxicating liquors within the ('oni
on wealth, except for medicinal, me
chanical and scientific purposes, pass* ■
ed second reading in the House of Re- •
present a lives on Thursday last by a
vote of 98 to 38. What the fate of
the resolution may boon third reading
is in doubt, as sixty members did not
record themselves on either side. Ihe
dodgers were too numerous to admit of j
estimates as to results.
WITHOUT consulting the Dictator,
the New York legislature innocent
lv passed a resolution unanimously j
thanking Pre-ideut Garfield tor the
appointment of Judge Robertson a*
Collector of the Port of New ork.
But finding that the ni|>criuus Senator
■did not approve their action and is
somewhat grieved with the President
for making the appointment, the stal
wart members of the legislature arc
unhappy, and to placate the master
stalwart for their hasty insubordina
tion arc willing to revise the work and
ajKilogize for this one act performed
without instruction.
POSTM.VSTER JAMES, having inti
mated his intention to reform the ;
abuses of his department while im
proving the jwstal service, is placing
himself in a fair way to have some
interesting experience. The stalwarts
and star route lobbies ami thieves
will make the reforming process one
of severe labor, and it will necessitate
considerable pluck if they do not ovcr
w helm him aud force an abandonment
of the good work. Courage ami hones
ty may carry him through, provided
the New York dictator will allow him
to remain in service.
TIIE opinion of the Attorney Gen
eral affecting the pay of members, may
result in shortening the session of the
legislature, provided that the JHT
diem is the leading motive that governs
the members. An early adjournment
under ordinary circumstances would
afford much pleasure to the jeople,
but the business of the scssiou is cer
tainly not in condition to justify it at
present. It is difficult to imagine
the motives of the Attorney General
in promulgating bis opinion at so late
a period, but grave doubts do ami
will exist as to their honesty, and the
people may want to know what parti
cular measure of legislation he desired
to suppress —whether to prevent the
repeal of Boss Quay's Recorder act or
some other important subject claiming
attention. Ruddiman's committee may
throw some light upon the dark sub
ject. But, after wasting the session
and failing to transact the public bus
iness in the time limited to one hun
dred days, the legislators, who receive
seventy-five dollars a week, for full
time and service, cannot afford to
strike now, even if they do not get the
ten dollar* a day for a prolonged ses
sion. Tliey rannot afford to adjourn
4 at the cud of a hundred days and
leave the important business un
finished. The duty is imjierativc, nod
they will lie held to a strict account
ability. The case is a hard one, but
there is no justification for their ewu
neglect of duty in the expectation of
additional compensation for work that
should have been performed promptly
within the limited time. An extra
session thus forced, will not relieve
.the responsibility, but aggravate it.
Tho Republican-Roftdjustor Com
1 ho enormity of the unholy compact
entered into by the Hepudiutoro of Vir
ginia and tho Republican party i.s
only beginning to dawn upon the coun
try. It is not only a temporary expe
dient to gain control of the |>etty otti
| <*es of the Senate, hut a deep seated
I ami elaborately digested plan of opcr
! ations, by which the dotniunnt party
.seek to gain a foothold in the South.
, Mahone, fresh from his attacks on the
credit and good name of his native
State, is the entering wedge of the new
dispensation, and the humiliating *j:cc
taclo is presented to the world of a '
parly which boasts of its achievements
in placing the financial policy of our
government on a tirni basis of honesty
and a faithful performance of cverv
obligation, laying its laurels at the
feet ot the besotted ignorance and
criminal disregard of the plighted faith
ot a sovereign Statu which actuate
and inspire tin- R -.-adjuster party of!
Virginia. When Mahone discovered
alter tlte November election ot' last
year that lie had been broken on the j
whfel of popular condemnation on his
own chosen buttle ground, he deter
mined at once upon his course. Al
though distinctly disowned and over
whelmingly repudiated by the honest,
debt paying Democrats, he still hail
in hi- pocket a commission as a Sena
tor of the United States from the Old !
I> laiinioti. He saw his dreams of
power ami fmliiical omnipotence dis
solve and disappear before the stern
reality ot the people's reprobation.
1 acre was but one avenue of c*cat>e
open to him. He would go to the ac*
knowledges! chksifaioa of the Republi
can party, and with his armv of Read
juster Swash bucklers at his hack offer
his vote in the Senate as the price of
an alliance, oflcn.-ivc and defensive,
with the party of great moral ideas
and his repudiation contingent, for
the control of good old Virginia. Gar
field was consulted, for it was necessa
ry to Mnhmie that he should manipu
late the Federal patronage in his State,
j Barkis-like, the administration was
willing to lend itself to this crowning
I infamy. Choice flowers, culled from
the W bite I louse conservatory, graced
the desk of the Virginia apostate and
nn unseemly struggle was inaugurated
by Republican Senators to further dis
charge their obligations to Mahone by
i milking Itiddleherger, his repudiation
lackey, Sergeant at arms of the Uni
-1 ted States Senate. In the meantime
the administration threw itself into the
breach to further strengthen Mahone'
hands and bind him closer to his new
ly found allies. Miss Van Lew, the
patriotic postmistress of Richmond,
who had lost every farthing of her
|>roj>crty in the war of the rebel ion on
uccoont of her pronounced Union aen
: limciita, has been displaces), and a Re
pudiation camp follower of Mahone is
nominated in her stead. Already the
I coming election in Virginia engage
ihc attention of the high contracting
parties, and tho voice of our own Sen
ator Cameron is heard away at the
. front rallying the cohorts of rvpudia
| tion under the mystic banner of a free
1 election and a lair count. Such a de
j liverancc from such a source demands
more than pa-dug notice. The free
election und fair count which this
spawn of political debauchery ii*k* for
Virginia i* the same kind which be
has liecn in the habit of securing to
'■ his fellow citizens of Penneyivania.
He would stifle the will of the people,
und through corrupt bargains with re
pUiliators nod ignorant negroes, over
throw her carefully builded up credit
and imike the name of Virginia a
hissing and a reproach among men.
But with people of the Cameron, !/•
gan, Dawes and lloar stamp, the cod
justifies the menus, aud when Virginia
shall have been swung from her Dem
ocratic moorings and safely anchored
in the harbor of Republicanism uud
Repudiation, Mahone and Cameron
will piously give thank* aud claim it
an n victory for a free ballot ami a fair
count. There is not a paliatiug cir*
| cuDistance ulwiut this disgraceful bar
ter of men's honor, ami the Democra
tic .Senators who stand as a solid wall
between these conspirators nmi the
consummation of their own wrong, de
serve the comnicmlatiou of honest peo
ple of all parties. It is a question of
National probity and pride, ami fideli
ty to these will be the ttiea-urc by
which will he judged the men who
defeat the perpetration of this great
shame. Iliddleberger, the repudia
tor, is the representative of the com
pact ; he is the embodiment of treach
ery and fraud, ami his election to a
high office by tho United States Sen
ate would he a calamity. I) moeru
tic Senators, stand by your guns!
IT IS announced that Senator Conk
ling will shortly make a speech of
which "a free ballot ami ail honest
count " will lie the theme, and in order
that this speech may be exhaustive,
ami " the greatest effort of hi* life," a
Washington paper offcis him the fol
lowing suggestive points which no
Republican speaker has yl attempted
to discus* or logically explain :
J.t him ex |>l.4l n. if he can, how a nui
ioriijr of given to Mr. Tiiden in
l s 7f>, in Louisiana, was converted, Lv n
partisan It-turning It nrd-mio n major
ity ot 4.027 for Mr. Hayes. Ali.r he
has solved that problem let him explain
how Packard, who received over g.txHi
votes more thin the highest Have*
elector, was dispossessed of the effi of
tiovernor, and Nichols enstnlled in Ins
place, although receiving -J.Oirl vote
less than the Tlldt-n electors.
That incongruity satisfactorily dispoa
ed ni. he will d<uiMl—-s Le al-l— to in
form the country why every metnlx-r of
the Keturrnrig Hoard, who as-ist.-d in
thus throwing out nearly ten lliousind
" free hallol* " and cheating hon-sl
ly elected President out of his nth
SIT" all taken cue of by the beneficia
ry of their fraud* aud forgeries, at the
expei,*- ot the people whom they hd
wr Mi|isl.
lu-uminns disposed of, |<-t him take
tip the case of Florida in the ssiue vear.
There a msjority of from '.} to l.l'J? for
Tiiden wa* turned into a m-j -my ol
T'Jti for Hives, und every thief who par
ticipated in the villainy li*nd*oinelv
rew trded for hi* crime. L-t hun dwell
lovingly and long upon this.
To come down to last fall's election,
which, no far as New York I* concerned,
was carried on under hi* Allspices, he
will greatly oblige us by *howing how
much money was spent by the com ml
tee of hi* party to purch**e votes for
the Harriet I elector* in New York oily,
Brooklyn, Albany and Buffalo.
A-cid-n• s lv, he might stale with pro.
fit whether a purchased vote is a free
vote, And it so. wliAt th-linul is.
lie might, also, il he ha* lime, oisu
lly take up the matt, r of the purrlia.se
of the (ir. eni.ack N ttional organization
in IHSO. in I the syMemx'te coriuptlOtl
of Indian* votera und eol in istion of
negro refugee* by the fhitaey commit
tee m the election just precssdmg tl.e
Presidential c -nteut and j'l-i itninedi
iL-lv succeeding his reeonciliation to
the d.-fent of the uiuii ivl.o " ruin- from
Appotn itox."
It we are to h-ar from the S.-na'or on
a theme o( this Order, we trut It will
tie complete .'(tough to form A lext book
for *ll parti—. HcnCC. these few sugges
THE following notice ot fh" great
effort " of the bow S-nntor from Penn
sylvania. we clip from the Washing
ton /VI. It is highly complimentary
fo the people of this great Slat- that
we have it representative so distin*
guibe<i in forensic eloquence in tlie
highest legislative body of the coun
try. Gicat is Don, and great hi*
first attempt to enlighten the Bcuntc it*
jto the entire honesty of th* contrnct
by which tin Republican and R •ptidi
' at ion parties became one nud indivi-n
--hie. Mahone may now corne to the
front and take hi* ware* to tlic high
| est market. Don has vindicated him :
" P.Kir little Mr. Cameron, of Pennsyl
| vnni*, tried to make A speerh in the
i Senate yesterday, lie row in trepi-G
--j tion and nervounws, took A roll of
i m inoscript from hi* jacket. AI.H in a
j broken voice id some remarks bearing
! on th- Mshone question, which for f—
' hie lie** would huvc done great discred
it to a fen year obi boy. H wa* * pfliful
exhibition, in tb- disgrace of winch the
.Senate und 111- Slate of Pennsylvania
*lmr-d rqiwll)."
A RON of .Massacllusetu refusing to
receive a resjwctful petition upon the
lubjcct of the imprisonment of an
American citizen bv the British gov
ernment. This was the light in which
I Senator Hoar appeared the other day
in the Senate of the United State#.
( Spirit of John Quincy Adams! what
ha* become of thy teaching*?
IN "Puck" of last week there was u
cartoon in which the "reliel brigadier"
is represented us a trump. Senator
( onkling,on bended knee before Wil
liam Mahone, "tho rebel," is placing
on Mahone u wreath to express the
satisfaction of the whole Republican
parly with the rebel ami rcpudiutor.
i lo plain, holiest people this proceed
j ing may .-eem strange. For years pat
j the Democratic party has been by the
Rcj iiblicau press a* J orators taunted
i and jeered with the idea that it,was rul
j ed and controlled by rebel brigadiers.
While thi.* is not now and never was
true, it had its effect upon weak and
ignorant Republican*, earning them
to believe that the great party of the
people would surrender all its past
glories and grand achievements to
those lately in rebellion against the
government. There are a* inny"rel- i
el brigadiers" in the United Slate* Sen
ate today a* at any time heretofore:
the "dead lock"' comes from the fact
that Sherman i- now in ThurtuauV
place from Ohio, aud .Mitchell in Wal
lace's place from thi- State, and thai
Malioue a "relx-i brigadier" and a rc
pudintor from Virginia, let* been
bought by the Republican party.
Here then we have the sublime spec
tacle of a gr< at political party whose
whole stock in trade for ten year* pa-t
was the cry of"rcls-l," "rcpudiators '
ami kindred iinmc* n* applied to tin-
Democratic party, and by means of
which a mot gallant and heroic Un
ion Major G-ii nil was defeated fir
the high office of ('hief Magi-trate of
this grc.l! people, controlled and held
powerli-s* by a bargain with a "rebel
brigadier" and a repudiator, who in
*i*t* that n* part of the consideration
' in the sale, that RiddJeherger,another
rels-1 ami repudiator, shall fw made
*crgeant-at-arnifl of the United State*
Senate, l'oblic bu-ine** must stop.
The Supreme Court and the Circuit
Court* mu<t stand still for the want of
judge* to run th-i i: office* n-u-t re
main vncnnt and the whole ndininislra
tion of tii - govet ument must suffer be
cau*e the reliel* n id rcpudiators have
tsken control of the Republican pr.rtv.
, Tlte Detiiocrnti parly altvay wo* and
; always w ill he iu favor of paying all
honest debt* public ami private. The
• Republican party will repudiate any
debt, will join hands with any rels-1
mi I make bargains with all repudia
i tor* in order o maintain power. It
can* neither for |ieople or govern
- uieiit if onlv it ba power. From
thi- time forward call thcrn hv their
pro|ier name* —relnl* and repudin
tor*. let the Democratic masses take
it up and brand them everywhere a* a
j party ruled by rebel*, and forming al
liance* with repudiator*. If this is
done und well done, it will lie the end
of the Republican party and il* rule
in this country forever.
Boor* life insurance companies,
called eo-operntive, are extensively op
erated in some part* of thi* State.
They arc shameless frauds, aud the
agent* n graceless set of scoundrel*
that ought to he indicted in every in
stance. Person* dc-dring insurance
upon live* should apply to agent* of
established re* pec lability known to lie
honest and repiwnting companies of
good standing with secured capital for
the payment of losses. Such agent*
! ntav lie found in our town, and indeed
in all the principal towns in the
State, and we advise our friend* to
ehootc wisely ami not be caught by
| the rogue* floating around.
THE Democrat# of the Western
cities in which elections were held on
Ilnst Monday seem to have been about
the poll* in full force. Democratic
J Mnyor* wore elected in Cincinnati,
Chicago, Coin mini* and Omaha, and
: a large Democrasic gain was made in
Milwaukee. Carter Harrison, Dem
ocrat, will have 6,000 majority in Chi
cago, and Means, the Democratic can
j didatc in Cincinnati, is elected by
nearly 3,000. In Columbus, Ohio
the Democratic majorities on the city
1 ticket range from 900 down.
THE Mahone Republican majority
in the United States Senate have not
y-t fully realized the pur pone for which
they were convened by the President in
extra-session. Whether for the trans
action of executive business and the
! confirmation of appointments, or to
ratify Imrgaiu* with the Repudiation
party of Virginia to provide offices for
its "rebel brigadiers," is a problem they
seem to have great difficulty in Molt
ing. The Democratic member# are
anxious to aid them to a proper solu
tion by proceeding to the consoleratiou
of legitimate business hut still the bar- !
gain confront* them aud the great tal- j
wart of New York ami the little r-lc 1 ,
of Virginia demand unconditional i
surrender. Tlicdead-lock i* therefore
unbroken and the Presidential ap
pointments continue to hang fire. It
is now said, however, that some of the
Republican members are becoming
restive under the degrading |>odtfou 1
they are forced to occupy, and that
open revolt against the Ixts-es is not
unlikely to occur before many days.
Rci't iii.n AN HARMONY! It is said
Senator Cotikling in private convcr.-a- '
tion speaks u- bitterly aud disrespect- '
fully of President (iarfiehl a he was
wont to do of his immediate predece#- 1
sor, whom he invariably called "that
man Hayes." The fact that the Pres
ident had the audacity to appoint a
( ollcctor for New ork, and a repu
table one at that, without first obtain
ing the consent of Roscoe is a degree
of independent action the great Boss
cannot submit In. He has therefor
put on the war paint ami is after the
-f alp of the administration. The coti
t—t must IK- interesting in any jdiasc
it may assume, whether in the defeat
i ol th<- shot-gum hero, or the degrading
-uhiuUsion of the executive to tlicta
-1 tion.
W INIKIM, the present Secretary of
the Treasury, was a tailor in his ear
lier days. He learned the trade in
M aterford, Ohio, and partly support
's I himself in the Martinsburg, < >..
| academy by making fine coats for the
village tailors. It is to lie hoped that
i the discharge of duty in his present ex
alted jswition will not discredit the re
q>octnl>le, hut more humble calling of
his early life,
FTTED. Dorouuw, the distinguished
j colored orator, who held the position
of Marshal for the District ofColum
during the last administration, has to
retire to make room for an Ohio man.
The negro is not likely to lie much
flattered by the favor of the present
administration in the matter of high
| official trust*. Too many Buckeyes
around for that.
Carlisle HA* A business man nAmcd
i B-Ateni.
The Fresbytery of Huntingdon will
hold it* nextsnnuAl meeting Atttsceolu
| on the 12th inst.
The SlAto fish commission is now pre
, pared to distribute tish among those
wishing to receive them.
Adam Strong, an old resident of Ju
niata county, died at his residence near
Waterloo, A few days Ago in the fAtb
i year of hit age.
The combined ages of two brothers
and three sisters living in Washington
j county, of the Ashbrook family, are
four hundred and thirteen years.
Harry Knglish, the F.lk county out
I law, who was tried and acquitted of
murder, has been convicted of forgery,
und sentenced to four years iu the
Western Penitentisry.
The management of the Fdgar Thorn
-1 -on Steel Company will build and fur
ni*h a library at Hraddock for the bene
; lit of the employes of that establish
; inont. The coat will be S4O 000,
An Erie county fury rendered a ver
dict recently, amounting to #I,BOO, in
favor of Mrs. M. H. Flint against the
city of Erie, for damage* from bodily
injuries sustained in a Tall on the side
Last fall a Chester county lady cut a
slip from an apple tree and stuck it in
to a flower pot as a support for a lily.
On this slip there are now three nice
green apples about the site of a small
ball ol yarn.
At a meeting of pressed glassware
manufacturers in Pittsburg it was unan
imously resolved to "shut down" for
eight week* between Mar I and Sep
tember 1. It is thought this action will
reduce the stook of table ware nearly
TKK.MS; sl.*o por Annum, in Ad tame.
■\ Terrible Pari liquate.
the iii.a.vu or w :o, i* the *c/;e*v (u
MM*. oe*oLA7K i,f ,n trricTi-rnui'
; on'.tastivoi-i., April 4—A strong
-hock r>f earthquake *t .scio, in the
l-laiirj of that name, yesterday destroy
>•<l many bouse* and eri >uly damaged
nil which w-re left standing. Later de.
tail* *ay rial mar:/of the inhabitant*
were killed, and that the remainder are
encamped Ml the field*. Many of the
neighboring village* were destroyed.
On ring tho panic which ensued the
Eastern Telegraph Uompany* office
wax pillaged. Khocks were also felt in
the island of Nyra and at .Smyrna, hut
no damage is reported.
3,(XX) I'EOira MMllr ISO llinio,
Aiiiens, April 4.—A govern merit dis
patch ha* been received concerning the
earthquake at Scio, which states that
the effect* were *]*,, felt at Taesme, and
that the number of |M-r*ons who were
kille<l and injured is estimated at three
thousand. The shock was also felt at
' a rat to, KuhoJo, and at liaos. At Nora
one house fell.
iitsciirrios or tiie imukv,
Scio—it is also spelled Chto and Chios
—is a rockv hut very beautiful and fer
tile island in the .Lgean. serrated from
the western extremity of Asm Minor by
a narrow strait. It is aUiut seventy
mile* west of Smyrna, on the mainland,
where the shock of the earthquake wa*
aiso felt. Jhe approach to the island
is signalized at a gram distance hy the
lofty peak of Mount Khas, which rise*
to an altitude of several thousand feet.
As the traveler enters the narrow chan
nel between Scio and the mainland, the
prospect is extremely beautiful. The
white wai! of villages gleam out of the
groves by which they are surrounded ;
the mountain slopes are clothed with
olive and fig plantations ; the shore* are
bold and picturesque, occasionally in
dented w .to little wives, and narrow
•eaclie* o' white sand, and wherever
there is a glimpse of a plain, there are
to be seen immense orchards of orange
w i!h golden fruit, the jier
t Jinc of which i* \vdfi*"i far out to m?.
I he island is thirty-two miles in length
fr-m north to south, and eighteen
miles in breadth at its widest point. IU
area IS about 50k square miles, rtcio is
the reported birth pi see of Homer, The
1 .pita! city has s good harbor, some
manufactures of silk and velvet, and a
lively trade. IU imputation is about
lu.OOO, and that of the whole island
| 50,000, most of them Turk*.
Horton A Co. have a tannerv at Shef
field with a capital of $2,090,000' and
employing MX) hand*.
An old man named Joseph Cookston
came to Pittsburg from liellefontaine,
t ihto. four weeks ago and deposited
$15.01X1 m bonds in bank. He has not
been seen since, and bis friend* are
looking for him.
A freight train of the Philadelphia
nd hrie road and an accommodation
I train of the Philadelphia and lieading
road collided at the intersection of the
two roads, near WilJiamsport, on Fri
: day. 7he Philadelphia and Erie engine
was badly wrecked, and a number of
the csrs on the other train were broken
up. No one was injured.
The Ways and M<-ant Committee of
the House ha* decided to report ad
versely on the bill proposing to divert
certain fund* (now in the State Treasury
and standing to the credit of the Penn
sylvania Agricultural College), from the
Agricultural College pro rata to the
Mate Normal Schawl* and the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania.
The latest New England device for
compelling recalcitrant kaloon keepers
to obey the Sunday closing law is simple
and promise* to be effective. It 1* to
require them, as often as Sunday comes
around, to remove all their screens,
I open their blinds and raise their car
tain*, so that the passers-by can see at
| a glance what U going on inside the
> saloons.
In the Houae of Represent at ires last
Thursday evening the joint resolution
submitting to the people an amendment
to the Constitution forever prohibiting,
except for medicinal, mechanical and
scientific purposes, the manufacture
and sale of all intoxicating liquors pass
ed second reading after considerable
discussion by a vote of 9S to 38. A
number of amendment were offered and
rejected among tbcm one to insert the
word "sacramental" alter mechanical.
The strange sight of a cow on fire aaa
•een in Auburn recently. Jeremiah
Finn had tried various lotions to kill the
vermin on hi* cow and was recommend
ed to apply kerosene. This he did, and
while he was applying it along the neck
and back of the animal the oil took
fire from a lamp and of course the cow
became wild, throwing Jeremiah down,
breaking through the side of the shanty
and running at full *peed through the
strecta. Men and boy* chased the blad
ing cow and finally succeeded iu extin
guishing the fire with blanket*.
The policy of Alexander 111. of lias
ata is declared to be entirely pacific.
Internal development Is to be iu chief
aim. The Russian peasant* have been
called upon to avow allegiance. Newt
ml arrests have been made in 8b Petera
burg. Three men and a woman are to
be tried for the assassination. The bod*
of the late Caar was conveyed with
pomp (o the great church of the Win
ter Palace on the Ifith instant. The
now Char baa been warned by the Nihi
NO. 14.