Ulic tatrc rJlrmonnt Thursday Morning, March 31,'1881. CoßßKuroMftKivci, C 'liUlnlng Important ii*wa,illclt* od from auy part of tin* unt>. No ronmiuiilratioiM tn'rUHi unlt-M CCOIII|UN ly 11* iul t*ain *f il writer. Democratic County Commlttoo. The following person* have been named a* members of tho Democratic County Committee for 18*1. Bollrfonts, W. \V XI, liolss Rwldln*. BrlN-louto, N. W Chsrlxs Achrs'tar. BWlcfonti*, 8. Milretbuig O. I'. Krnnmt r. MillhHm I> I*. *"l*. Unitn* 11 It- Toiler L*atli(r*. II wni.l tiror#" WUUr rhllij-iburg A. J. Hr*li*ni, lb nnrr Rov.. JmuM A Mvl lain. HurnaMe !Llt. Curtln l Colleg,. Jm.it lls'tturf. Fll John Ward. a. Solomon Ktfllttgfr, II II rid Jlui A. • I -ward John A. Duitkle. lltißtou Ib nry IUU. Liberty W. 11. (Urdtier. Marion Perry Condo. Mil.* *nHitifl K F*ut. I* it ton Joliti Heed Prnn Christ Alexander. Potter, north John Miannon. T> Iter, aoutli Jmen MtfCHutlck. Fuh. Snow AIH-I Campbell. Spring John Noll. Taylor Willum Catderw xnl. Union 8. K Kitten. k. Walker \M row McMnllen. Worth* Marshall I.ewU. IMiKAV >IKKK. B'llefonte, pa., F. h. I. ('hairiuan. REMOVAL.—Wo desire our friend* to notice that the office ftf the Ckn i its. Dim 0< BAT ha* bven reniovtd from tiio Bu-h House Hlock to the building on tin- North West corner of Allegheny and BHli"p streets. Office on the second 11-or; en trance on Allegheny street. We have pleasant quarter* and will b<- pleased to have friends and patrons call to see us. NOTICE.—I call the attention of the public fact that I again have my office in tho parlor* of the old Conrad House, just opposite the Brockerhoff House, where I shall bo glad to meet with all persons having legal business to bo attend ed to. D. F. F'BTSKV. Local Department. —The last day of March. —The new moon ap;>cftred on Tuesday. llarrv r the Bella fonte & Snow Shoe branch ot the 1% nnji vania railroad during this summer. —Last Sunday night a monster whale wa* carried through Altoona on it* way to Philadelphia to be places! on exhibition. It weigh* *o,ooo pound* and ha* a mouth fourteen feet long with a breadth of six faet. —The regular monthly meeting of the Temperance Union of Bellafonte will be held this ovening in the Young Men's Christian Association room. There should be a large attendance of tho friends of temperance. —The Normal Class, which hat Iwen i meeting in the A". M. C. A. room during the winter, held its concluding session last Monday night. These gatherings have proved so instructive that arrangement* were made to renew them next winter, which we hope they will be successful in doing. —Tho National Guard of Pennsylvania has a freah feather in its cap since return ing from Washington. The six thousand citizen soldiers who took part in the grand parade attracted universal attention. If all the members are as fine looking as those } of Company B, this place. n<> wonder they ; are admired. There's Doc Geissinger and Charley Schroeder, for instance. Weil informed persons think that the : recent assassination of the Czar forebode* evil to Russia. It would be almost impos sible for an event to occur so detrimental to the intercuts of Bellefontc as the Czar's death is to the Russian realm, unless the great grocery store of Sechler A Co. should cease to ell the splendid groceries for which it has so long been famous. Such a calamity would be awful. —A fire broke out in the ba*ement of tke Stale College building on Tuesday night of last week, but wa* extinguished before it had gained much headway. It wa* in cloae proximity to the oil tank, and , if it had reached that conservator of In- ' flammable liquid the glorious institution ! known as State College would have gone to meet IU sister asylum at Danville. We are glad that huge building did not become a prey to the flame* and hope it will resist every other attack a* successfully. —The curbstone markets will begin next Saturday morning, April 2. The weather has now become warm enough to enable the farmer* to spend an hour in the |xm air without danger of freezing to death, and if they have anything they desire to tell they are invited to bring it to market next Saturday morning, wbcre they will doubtlaes meet many person* who ■ | A LADIKA' rAMAl>l.—Tho earthly j heaven for Indie* is a dry good* and notion store tilled with a fresh stock of beautiful good*. That place can now he found at the Hoe Hive store*. .Mr. J. 11. Ihiutnnd, who ha* a* much taste in selecting suitable and desirable fabric* for ladies as Worth show* in manufacturing them into cos tumes, hu* just returned from a successful trip to the city, bringing with him a stock surpassing anything of the kind ever be fore brought to Ilcllefoiite. Ladies, if you want to dress better than ever before, buy your spring dress good* at the lice Hive, ML'MU'AI. ANNot NCKMKNT. —Tho date of tho concert to be given by the Belle fonte Orchestra In connection with Mi** Onmacht's music class ha* been Used lor Tuesday evening, April 2r the position, and under hi* supervision and care the schools of the county would undoubtedly be in excellent ha..d*. —\\ e forgot to Say la-t Week, ill behalf of our fro nd, Mf. 11. F Hunter, of Ben ner township, that tlie rumor current a lew weeks ago that lie would be a candidate : r Shcritr this fall wa entirely will, ut authority from him. Mr. Hunter will not under mil < ircum-tame* |>ortiol the u•• • I iii- name in that ■ •■ni.cclion. He .- not and will n<>t he a , undidate for ■ l!i • tins fail end .• desire* i,i* many friends throughout the county to understand. One day In-t w - k -w forget the dat< —fsriow Siioe wii* vi-ited by a distinguish ed party of gentlemen, iicluding H -n. Al lison White and Mr. Rorwitid, of the firm of lt.-r wind, White V ('■> , I'hiladelphin Edmund Hlanihard, K | , and Mr. Charh - Mctall, rly, of ihi* place; Judge t.'harh * A. Mayer, of I- , k Haven, ar.d A- ia'.e Judge Kranck, of IH-bcrsburg. Tho ob ject of the vi-it , to in-pe, t the mining property, at liiut p aie, < f who li Ih-rwind, White A Co. are the lessor-. It i* proja-'-l i organize a Life In surance Company at It •b-r'hurg with the following , ffi., r* and directors, ail of! wh. ru are g<*d men President, H<-nrv M' jer : \e e l*reident, A M. Hater : S -cietary, (' I, liramh-y : Treasurer, A \. C'orinsn ; (ieneral Agent, T. -M Grsm hyj Medical Direi tor, Dr. Itright. Di re. tor*, Lucien It--ush, J Morris,.! H Utiftnydcr, Jerome Speiglemver. —The In-coming train*, during the p**t week, have been Ailed with lumbermen returning from a rafting excursion down the river, which i now quite high under : the influence of the annual pring flood. Hut there is always a flood of persons entering the grot ery store of St* hler A ' I of thl* place, ami they always return well satit-ficd with tho fine grocerie* purchased. Valentine*' are selling carpets at less I than city prices. They have just received j a large assortment of samples of the latest j styles and patterns, and as they do not have tr* carry an old stock of carpet* they can sell cheaper than any one else. In- . grain carpet* from .10 cent* upward and ! Brussels from 80 cent* upward Call and examine them. A smoke houie on the premises of John F. Potter, Esq., of this place, caught ! lire ami went up in a blaze at noon on on Thursday. Both fire companies were | promptly on the spot, but found their 1 servicew unnecessary. The meat which it contained wa* not moth damages). Listening to the "voice* of nature" one may note that green com is a little husky. Ho that as it may, you can keep your voice from getting husky by the timely use o! Green's Syrup of Tar, Honey and Bloodroot. —The evening service in the Episcopal church will begin at 7:30 o'clock next Sunday, instead of " a* heretofore. At the morning service the Holy Communion will bo administered. -—The regular monthly meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association, next Sunday afternoon, will be conducted by Rev. 8. E. Furst, o# tho Lutheran church. —Valentines' additional rooms havo added very much to their convenience. It give* plenty of opportunity to examine their goods. Meeting* of an interesting nature have been held continuously in the African M. K. church, of this place, since that build, ing was repaired. Mothers, we are now ready for you. Boys, our spring and summer school, play and dress suits are now all in. The larg est assortment ever exhibited. Extra patches to each suit. Silk handkerchief* in each coat, of the celebrated Stem, Adlor A Co'* make, of Rochester, whose reputa tion in this line stand* flrit In the United Hints-*. To be bad ottly at the popular es tablishment of* 8- & A. Loan. —Spring woolen* now ready. Early order* solicited. Money saved. 19 ;f JIOXTOOKSSY & Co., Tat'ora. Port;i.ak Personal*. Mr. Edmund Hlmichiird is beautifying tho exterior of hi* ronidi'ioMi with fn-i-h pit int. ,—Col. \V. W. Drown has la-en failing very rapidly during the pnt week. Yes terday morning ho wa< in n very condition, ilo in slaying Ht the residence of Ilia brother-in-law, .Mr. Joihua Mitt-h --ell, of Milerburg. Mr. William Horns, of lioutzdale, appeared in town lust Friday night to remain about u week. lie i* much pleased witii Houl/.dnle as u place of residence and with coal mining as an occupation. Hon. Henry Dopp, of Ml. Eagle, [>sv us a friendly call on Friday of Inst week. He is an obi resident of the county and at one time was an Associate Judge of the county courts, which honorable office he tilled with great credit to himself ami acceptability to the public. —"We acknowledge a pleasant call lt week from Hon. John Diven, who wears tho crmino of Associate Judge so grace fully at each session of the county court. Francis .Spoor intends to start a select school inGrungi-r Hall, near Pleasant 'lap, in about two weeks—at b-a-t, as soon n the scarlet fever di-Hp|ieafs to some extent, lie is well qualified and will make art ex cellent teacher. Mr. Hiram Hofl'cr, of Philipsburt' tarried in town for a short time m>t week lie looks as natural as life. Miss Ib-ila Kankin, of Bonis Ini rg, vis it-d 10-r cousin of the same name in this place la-t we< k. Mr. W S Morrison,of Port Matilda, expect* to begin a select school at that place on the -j.jth of April. Mr. ('. <' /.eigh-r, the poet of lb l-r burg, h i go*.-- to i'lnlndei|.hia to la inch on th a --I journalism, llor w list par ticular | ortion of Ibis letiipsvetu uis ►< a his buk will 11-at w are not inform-d, but his tin-- talents will enable him to -ail ( in ly well in Kngiish or German water , • r in the r-aim- ol philosophy, p-'-try "f lb t; n. We wish hirn sue. <-!; -Islli • A lb-at'er, V. 11 • . 11l- i"< n .. --lit -• iii .ii .-f bit-- I- -king -or the 1 inter. ' of the State ('..lb-go la-l the -• gilature, was hack in Ins old |>ril!n la-t Sunday s >.ip riiit- n-l'-nt ol tn>- Presbyterian Sunday-school. Everybody . .u g ad, b-r it hardly ssa-ms like the same Sabbath-school in the General - ab sence. —We bciievo that Senator T. Alex ander 1- t.-S.' 1 hi' pt"-i IK e on lb-Wet-.lit" ia-l Saturday, omitting, hi-wev-r, to iali on to • I).lo< it at in its new j irt.-r* F-r sliaiiie, Senator . il nt m-gh-vl y.-.r duty . again. M.SS F.tli-- Siraub, of t.'urtin iirwi, gat.- n tally [ arty <>n Tuesday evening A large MMIWt - f |M*U WNIbM to I a-si-t in i m;- Hiding and eatii ; th.- d< - lit . ins eottf.-stmnery. The tnlfy was v led unusually sweet and toothsome —Judge Charles A. Mayer wn* in this j plm e l.ti Saturday, h- .ding an argument e- uri. . | -Mar 1.-e.o-a Painter, a prominent memb- r of tho Friends' S-aiety, wa- in I. defont" l ist S r day and M- t.-lax • r, ' Monday evening -lo- hebl a r.-Wgtous 1 meeting in the Iruuwurk.-r's bunding ai ! Valentioe • forge. Gen. .lames A. Ib-aVer, of I. • f,i.t. wa* .-ng .g.-si 111 J Ulnar y la-t to , nu-r the | Decoration day oration, in tin- city n> *i | May. Fly P>.t i certainly forluria;.- in | having ssxtired the s--rvi-.-* of s . able n gentleman for the occasion lt'W.b • 'mm j t n ton lAailrr, Mr. l-aac Mitchell an I M > JsW> > i I.ane, with their faasilie, are now .ss-u- | pying tho elegant stono residence on the Thomas estate, 10. at.-d in the subnrbsot this borough. This will innke them a very cimfrtable abode, and i* just fr enough out of town ts> render a walla or ride to their place* .f business a delightful | rr-croation to the gentlemen, and will la equally pleasant and healthful l<> the !„- di.-s when they have occasion t>> visit ts-wn on a shopping or s.a ial errand. IIOTELCHANOE* IN BBLLEKONTK. — This week will bring aleuit changes in the man agement of the Itush Honrs- ami also of the Hrockerhoff House. Mr. W. U. Tel. ler, who for the past three years has so admirably conducted the Brockerhs.ff, will take charge of the Bu.*h House, having purchased the unexpired lease of Mr. Pe ters, in whose care the hotel has been tor the past ten months. Mr Teller will go Into his new enterprise with a well cstab lisbed reputation as a hotel keeper, and will no doubt command a large share of the public patronage. He is a gentleman who ha* made hosts of friends since he hes been in our midst, and every one will wish him abundant success. Tho Hrockerhoff House will lie under tho management of Mr. Win. McKeever, a gentleman of large experience iu tho business. He promises to keep the house In excellent style. Mr. McKeever is an active, enterprising man, and wo believe that any promise he makes In regard to the future of the Hrockerhoff will be fully realised. Kxtenslve purchases have been made with the intention of pulling the house in tho best of order, and the new management will take charge of affairs on the Ist of April. Mr. Peters, of the Hush House, we un derstand, will go to Snow Shoe, and take charge of the Mountain House, which be Intends to run as a lirst class summer re sort. Thero is no reason why he should not succeed in attracting a large number of visitors lo the place. It is easy of ac* cess by railroad, and th* pure, bracing air of Ihn mountain should make it a most desirable and well patroniaed ictort dur- Irg Vb hot worths of rummer. To THE Si iiooj, DIIIKITOHN OK CKNTUE COUNTY,- We, ib undersigned, rlii/..n ..f Col leg , H.-iilicr, I'atlo n, Half Moon, \S ortb, iV.- , town-liips, liikn pbii 'iro in r'-i-oiiiiui ii'liiig Prof. G. \V Kimiln-rgi-r, o! I - IIKIIIV iI l- f for the office of county super intendent. Prof. It. is olii! of tile oldest mid most successful teachers in tho county. Ho lissa llin well merited reputation of being a live, earnest and zealous worker in llin cause of education a* n teacher, and we are confident that, if elicled, he will make a live, zealous and efficient county super intendent. He ha* made leaching a pro fession for twenty-five years, and now we helluva him worthy of promotion. By j electing hiin you will certainly bo putting "the right man in the right place." A* we have never had that officer chosen fr.-m this end of tin- county, we most earnestly hope hi* claims will he favorably i-ontld- I ered W llllnfri K T.I. 0 I' IU •• >t If NHllUil I lulls .Il | 1 M P* 111 f Juhll II MM-M. h il IU"•!*. • II N. , , T lU'lsff( Mill. , J t,„ |J NV.,, r bb . IIDUIU. i M Hm k t M D . M MET., J* It ii I llUffiM, •It hn I iMlili I Mill**, I i I'.ir Ui. . tb i,ii.ut luis, .I.in . < Ink. Jamii N D".fi, \b •! , I'lilltp IU 11 a. II ftU.i... J aiiiM < rn*l, Jr. I . IU. ! -.11--. |fi I* It. f.n-f u a . fl*.. It '■* II l|f||tl|ft i. f \ bb , \ B| M RSLTULJ, I IS- II.T II I'IIRDUA*, bb. 14.in ii. ...f, I'. lil-r, I . I I I •. r i J b 11*1, lklu.ll 1. bl 11. |I II I .1 Ml*, M iVi.hsi, J M f|. . A • Yb UMJ.,,.. •' I.nihil. P \b It JT ks • t If bb !*), tl N iu •. H H b|. it.i* j. Join b 11.. .f J. II 'U4 .. i: J r *..•. • bb llaiil • bb • tt*i, J- iu bb.fvj, - VAN S * ;i* II K |■...* t 8 11-11., ml. , J. KHlrjr, Is Ii M' Kill!r. It (i \\ IksUff#", AtfitfW H, ||< f |(sils*-f I (<(||*-S-tl, JM|| * 111-lull Im.fl, hi 111 MK It* MJC f l 1 11 *m- >lll 4' i b. .'••Ills lf**|ff, 11.4 kffMfl, Jollll 11. aVt, M l U< -I ''hi l.ui*, I - I'll W M .N.sslll M uas* f. M M iHrn M w Hard < ltai *lrril, •-* IgC Al' X .Uilcf, l I. M.N.L, J *0 *••• . J b* llri- k. ••"UIKC 11. M Qstrf, • . i f..j ■ , >1 h ivtrll* i II t\<4- my la-t ( ii.niui.ii a - .- Ol to v> .r <\- • ~• r.t paper '.lu- noe has ias-u tin- n - r.e of luui it * ,riow-. The band of Uo- d --trt.yer seems | t > U- upon u at U-t |, v.-r i* raging and it apj *r* to hav,- lea, in,- ■-pi-i.-mi, I'p : . this writing there have h-- n f ~r i deaths • olio ,ia "liter , | Mr. Strunk, a little 'lai.ghl.-r 1.1 Mr. K. 1. Noil, and a ■ - it a- l daught. r ( Mr. <. rg- KnsUsAt dread, bo no ONE KNOWS who the beat VKUUI win be. Our ol" t- happy village !• shrouded in gloom. —A want long felt ha- rsxvbtly bes-ti supplied. Pleasant tinp. now luts a resident physician in the [>er*on ol Dr. L.—, who is a graduate of the Ibsitimor.- Medical In stitute and a young gentleman of fine |a-r*otii! appearance. Since be.aling here he has Ireal.aJ several i su-i w.th much | success. , I have not gone West, neither do I ! cxprv:l to go, although several correspond- ' ents of the It'nfctmss who have been in- ' diilging in low abu*4> and slander of M2iti , cui stalks, even at this early period of the t season, son In in already two well developed 1 10-ads, and how many more may grow i before the harvest i past no one can tell. I'leusanl Gap is at present without a Juslice of the peace, the vacancy being caused by the death of Henry K< kenmih, Esq., (noticed in the Dkvkh IIAT last week), who wa* one of our moat valued and e toetned citizens. To know him was i>, love and r-sje-ct hirn. He wn- also our principal merchant at the time of his death, and it u said that the will be tarried on by Mr-. Lottie Kekenroth, wife of tin- deceased, umb-r tin- management of our young arel gentlemanly friend, Wil- j iiain Miller, late of Millbeirn. On la-t Sai/ivith our friend, Mr G<-'-rg< Kooii, wa- again called to f-dlow lo Hie ■ grave another of his dear children—a lit- ; tie boy. four years old,—fak- n from the ; fatally ir< aby it.at f.-ii destroyer, scarlet j fixer. A much loved and only -isti-r of this littb- one was buro-d just on'.' Week be fore, arid :i* the pre-, nt writing two re. maitnng children an- v-ry low- with the -ain<- dreadful dti-Hark, tins church 1 !• .1 toll-" arid its mournful tones carries upon tb - Sroy the sorrowful w rd It.nt \. Ji ri- -v one of these, a I. y .oven y rs old, ha* already gone to meet hi* : sister and brother, Sureiy in lb. - gru-v --bereaveme- this sorely sluck.n farn- i i.v rh .i 1 five incere ympa.iiy fr..n, ex* ry one. Tl.e family - I Mr. I", I>. N dl . it, sorrow an I rn-.urtiing for the death of at, adopted little daughter—Kate Dab-N dl— ' w 1... died on We in-- lav morning . I la-t wik, at the ng" > f .it yiar-. fr rn scar" let lever. I-h" was buried Lie- same even- ' ing at k. The J alb liliral orgariiEat'.ons. and le- r< ady at anv time to ■Bk r ij-.n our fall canqaign. We should ' tin- fall ale* t a I k-ruo- ratic Stale Treasurer 1 Il looks as thoijet) w.- might succeed at last in breaking up the kb-publuan ring rule of I'mnsytvaeia. With Fhiladelphia ar. l IMUburg. in both of whuh D-m.- cratic mayors were elected lost February, j jra to ally in tie hand-of our parly, w<- 1 should be abb- to carry the State. The ! |ip)c have le-cairue rs-slite under ring rub- and will ao longer -EJMUII to the dom ination of the ruling faction that controls the Hi publican f>artv. Should we succeed in electing a Democratic Stab- Treasurer a Democratic Governor will follow next year. We have plenty of strong, capable men to run, who would do honor to the piarty and the Stale in any )sition to which they oan be coiled. For State- Treasurer I have ncstiwed several geval men mentioTMsd, among tbem, Kx-Sheriff John (sully, of Wascoo-ireland county. He is a man of fine nlnlity and great bust ne-s* experience and would honor the place For (iovernor next year we might take that brilliant lawyer, and sound Demo crat, Samuel 11. KrynsJds, K-q ,ol Iermit a fair chain" for success to |ws out of il* hand*. TxvgjiftANe k Turtca.—A communion- : lion rsccivesd too late for publication las'. : week informs us that a large meeting cf the Fagieville and Beech Cre-ek Temjicr anew- Unions wo* held at the Disci pi* churth, near Hagleville.on Saturday ev vn ing the Huh instant. After several in ter es ting addresses, mode by Elder Blair and Olivers, on the great change of the rn srals of Ksglevi'.le for the better since no liquor ho* been shl in that place, a comnailtee vsas appoialed to rej,rt resolutions, ex pressing the thank* of the citizens of tho community, and to the court* of Centre ' aunlv tor refusiug to grant licenses for the sale of liquet* in our tow n at the re cent session. The committee reported the fallowing preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Wn ureas. By the Court of Quarter Sessions of the county of Centre refusing to grant lieeases to any pexsons to sell liquor in Kagieville, drunkenness and rioting in our street* ha* greatly decreased, and the public moral* and general state of society much improved ; therelore b* it JfejwJrwf. That the thank* of the asso elation be publicly tendered to the Hon orable Judge* of said court for th* manner In which they regarded the remonstrance of our cttiaen* against the granting of license* for the sale of liquors in this com munity. /?*/red, That copies of these resolu tion*, with the proceeding* of the meeting, be furnithrd for publication to the Belle font* paper*, and copies of the same be mailed lo the address of each of the judge* of said court, 0O. FPRST, President. John 11. CBOXMM.I.EE, Secretary. —Throw aside your winter cap and buy • new hat at the Philadelphia Braceb. Where In the Sprinjr? TVy -14 IV •„ Tltiy How u; || |, |,. f , . JJ"I IV •*U.*r tt.i,. v.*,, J* '4 ill kill-In rii'nt i|nwr. On* ilnjf lb* tun la •liiulag— Tin- Bnl IV Wlbil will liluw TVn twin max Wl In icntill. aW-r* Ami laralßalr In am.w. In Ilia Mat.- nf Imaa, A 11/ telognpli m il liild, TV allow II 'lnitial Ill'illuUill high- TV Willi] I,lowa liiib r Mall I, la gun* (114 lb>rn*ia atinulil raaw, Ami April bring will Ulling abowi-ra Willi i-li< man (a at |ai. A.r lb.) w, iv wih'ja of Marib Kollowral b} April alio war a ra llama Malnra'a 'Ve-u aganta To bring forth M.y llowara V work bit fnrtn by mean a of hired help. About two week. ego tbe diM-aae center el ar .-iM i.IA benrt. KtOffiag that a.! tiling* earlbly MU.t MKIH PA. a awav for him, be placed himaelf ir, hi* Mailer'* hand, arid :awni(.-d hi* coming On Thur#. day night bi- apirit winged it* flight into eternity. On .Saturday hi* Italy war bur iel in the cemetery of the (ieorg- . Valley Lutheran church. Kev. I'll., her, the ja-t'.r in charge prea.| '• of a bi carried on angel*' wing, to heaven. —A liule daughter of Mr. Joan Bland, At Valontina* forge, wa buried lm-t Mon day in the Friend.' burial grooaA. Mr. and Mr*. A. J. Crura, of thi* plain, are mourning the death ef an in fant ohihdL The little one died on Sunday !at. "Of *uch i* the kingdom *? heaven." MARRIAGES. aro?;K&kAKB-wot.r—oa v*. T-iwJiiwi 11. Mi Auk ii M. AnaiV-wAi nil Mv Kauai J. Wolf. KtMUtAN—MOVK*—O( IV ma i total I. M Ifc. Wwn-1 pwmrwtigw, Atnmiteic !• Bet. C W K WeaeL Mr. 1. I' KnttMit. n4 BaMerwtnirc, aa# Ml Kllrw K Mfm, (t CMiatvt. (ißinn-KRriintsii-oa nf MTtt.a, . , 1 H Una. Mr matitwi *. Uitit-.