Crottf iOcmcitvut. Thursday Morning, March 24,1881. C<>Kr*ei*uo"'t. oitiUlnliixiuuiortaiit nears.s. Its-It rit rr.iiii.oi> |.rtuf the <"itl>. N" . oßimiu.i. aliens li.ssi tail utiles* a.Toii>|>ai>l"l '•> real nam* r 11..' writer. Democratic County Committee. The following person* have been named a* members of the Democratic County Committee for 18i>l. Uellrfuut*, XV. XV KMoln* HeUefenle, >. W duties "elinelT. R-llehmXr, S XV .XHllheim l> I- „ Culußvlll- x Toner l-raliisn. Hownrt •- XX ist r fl.lllgst.urg A J UlalmOl. < . K T ,,r J l^, | ! k % r ,u - r.r.::. &&.!: Jl*! "' Solomon K< linger. lUlT :.Z.'.V.V.'.'. 1 '■ A K"i c lie-tir> uuru.::::.:::::.... • Marlon ' Vrrv K 'V . X1. 1.-a . I ' JVl.n" t'lirlst Alt vllnl.T. Potter, north Potter, s*.ulh Jaait ■ McCll Snow She" Alo l t •mitt* ' M hl > ........ Jtrl'li Jvt'll tLrlof XVlll,mulXtMrn. *•!. t'uiou S h hmsrlrk XVduh.r 1 r - X|. Xl,ill-n. I- UK XV XIKKK. BrllrSmte, p. . Pel.. I. Chah"." KF.MOVAI.. —WE desire our friend* to notion that tlieofflce - f the O.XTKI: Dr.xr o< HAT ha* been removed from tho Rush Il >uo Block to the building on the North West corner of Allegheny and Bishop streets. Office on the second floor; en trance on Allegheny street. We have pleasant quarter* and will be p!caed to have friends and patrons call to see us. NOTICE.—I call the attention of the public to the fact that 1 again have my office in the parlors of the old Conrad House, justopposite the Brockerhoff House, where 1 shall be glad to meet with all person* having legal business to la- attend ed to. 1> P- FORTXET. Local Department. —The Philadelphia Branch grows on Allegheny street, near Bi'hop. —Get the worth of your money by buy. ing your cigars of Harry Green. —Three hundred pair* casaiinere [ ant*, s'2.bO per pair, at the Philadelphia Branch. —Winter i* now lingering in the lap of spring—a peculiar fahion the old fellow ha*. The audience present at tho lecture of J. 11. Vosburg, K*q., we* very small, but the lecture was excellent . —When you come to Bellefon'e, step in to see the DEMOCRAT, in it* nexv quarters You will be made welcome. —The Philadelphia Branch is n scene of enterprise and activity under the invigo rating influence of an immense spring trade. —Spring Mill* has four stores and to morrow Whitroer A Co. will open the fifth. Hope they are not over-doing business in that neighborhood. —Subscriber* to the liruoc RAT who change their residence* or potolll< on the ]at of April will please notify u of the Mine either in person or by postal card. —The branches nl the tree* will not b covered with leave* for two month* yet, but the Philadelphia Branch is already crowded with a large strw k of new goods. —lsn't it about time for weather savant* to predict that the severe cold weather has ruined the peach crop ? This is not the Presidential year, and there i plenty of time to indulge in such remark*. The Williamsport pajier' complain of the illiteracy prevailing among the school teachers of that section. Th-v should send for one of the Bellefonte |edagogue to give their teacher* win" instruction". —The latest new* we have heard regard ing the movement* of Mr W. It. of the Broekerhoff House, i# that he will take possession of the Bush House. Mr- McKeever, formerly of the Bolto.. House, Harriaburg, will become manager of the Broekerhoff House. —On Thursday, the pith inaant, Mr. Jamea fie**, of Pino firove Mills, was married to Mi*# Mary Shilling, of Brady township, Iluutingdon county. Mr. (•->*< gained a Shilling, at least, by that opera tion. —A aorpriae party visited the roidence of Mr. Jonathan Harper on Thuradaj evening of laat week. On the following evening (Friday) a large and gay party of gueala were entertained at the reaidenco of Judge John Orvl*. —The library of the Young Mcn'a Cbriatian A**©ciation baa been moved into the audience room, where the boya now aaaemhle to read. The room formerly oc cupied by the library haa been rented by Mr. Willi* Fleming for a merchant tailor ing eatabliahmenl. Our marriage notice* contain the an nouncement of the union between Mr. iieorgo Burd and Miaa Agnoa Amelia Itrillhart, which occurred on the ](hh in #tant at their home in Aaronabtirg. The fair bride doublleaa acknowledge* the truth of the old proverb, "A Burd in the band la worth two in the buah." Eitraordinary I Jo*epb Baker, Eq., a former juatice of the peace at Howard, thi* county, eerved In that capacity forty one year*, and during that long period not a aingle cae waa carried from hi* JurUdic tion to the oounty eourt. Kven Holoroon |n nil kit wUdotn wn* aot wUer than that. •PEKM.XAI Mr. Kills 8. Hhafer and lady, of Brush Valloy, have returned homo after a loom and pleasant tour through tho Western Mates. Mr. James Milliken arrived homo on Saturday last. He will probably r.unain until next month, whan he expects to de. j ~art with a large party, including hi* niece | Mint Clara Milliken, for a prolonged j Kuropean tour. The many friend* of I'rof. R. E. j Cambridge, of I'nionvilh), will be plcasqd to know that ho i* rapidly recovering j from hi* Into dangerous illness. Mr. ; ('. I* an able teacher and a prominent candidate for superintendent of school* tho coming election, —Miu Annie Herdie, daughter of Mr. ; IV-ier llcrdic, of Wllliamsport, i* visiting Mrs. dohn Ardell, of llii* place. —Col. \V. W. Ilrown, formerly ol thi* plai e and now editor of tho Jewell City, (Kan.), Hepubliftin, arrived in liellefonte ! la-l week. Wo regret to say that the Col onel i* not at all well. Ho is suffering from dy*pepiu, but he expect# the skill of j Dr. Puirlamb, of thi* place, to make him all right again, which pleasant anticipation wc hope will lie fully rcaliz-d. The Col onel received many warm greeting* from hi# old friends, and deep sympathy for his unfortunate state of health. Mr. Lawrence Brown, the coal dealer. ! put a new r-afo in his office last week. R-v. J. W. White, of Milroy, will preach at Centre Hall next Sunday morn ing at ll o'clock, and at Spring Mills in the afternoon at It o'clock. A lily of surpassing beauty ornaments the interior of Daniel Rhoad*' Linn slre.-t residence. Mr. William • >tto, .if Crawford coun- j 1 ty, was in liellefonte yesterday. Mr. <> lias relatives reiding at Millheim, this | county. He wa a brave soldier of the : Rebellion, and it gave us much pleasure to | meet with him. Mr. Cel. H*r(>cr, the gentlemanly j prothonotary of thi* county, spent the |at : ler part >f last week in the city of Philt | delphia. I —We understand that our excellent and resjieclcd friend, W. Hayes Drier, K-q . • f Columbia, Pa., editor of the Columbiu llmi/if, will la- a candidate, • the next I meeting of the Grand Lodge. I. O of O. (■' , of Pennsylvania, for the position of C.rand Warden. Tiie writer i not a tnem j b.-r of the order, but he can say to the ! membership in Centre county that a long ' and intimate acquaintance with Mr. tiri.-r ! enable* him to commend that gentleman to their favorable consideratcn. He i wt rthy of any preferment or honor the < order ha* to be*tow, and will faithfully I and honorably perform the duties of the j position for which he i* a can lidale. j —Adam Forepmigh, the note.) cirru* ! man, offers slo,o<*> to the loveii-lady in the land who will consent to grace hi -1 street parade by occupying a prominent positn nin it for thirty days If Adam w ill stand near S. A Brew A S n * grocery ' store, at this place, be will t-e not Ofily the . Eve for whom be seek*, but every other person in Centre county, paxing out of that famous store wiih smile* on their lip*, caused by the superior quality of the gro. j eerie* which they have just bought, and which are better than can be found at any ! other #tore. —There is or.e thing for which the relig ious denomination* of thi* county deserve commendation. They all -.-m to he u-ing desperate effort* t-> liquidate their church debt*. On Tuesday evening of last week the Lutheran denomination of Centre Hall nueceeded in securing .rT'tt, which i* suffi cient to pay the Inst tent of debt. I( the churches obey the divine injunction, "Owe no man anything," they can probably per suade the world to follow their example. —We are quite sure that the bouse plants now growing so luxuriantly at the residence of M lhiW'T, Ksq., arc among the most u|ierb that have ev.-r beeri seen in Beilefnnte. Mr*. Bower, who i* much intere-tod nd quite successful in their cultivation, ha* row about one hundred separate plant# in full bloom. The beauli* fill effect which they tnake thi* dreary weather can well lie imagined. —The nnUidi woodwork of the Firt National lUnk building i* receiving iin application of froh paint. lli fling trM U •haVlnt Ami Ih-ir !•>** te tirraklng In M* n#iTou l*nl: It Nil# th n*w tlrMim* r od toward the coming world'* fair in New York. It l evident that people are more intoreaied in other thing*. Among the aiTeira of Importance now demanding the attention of Centre county people ia the world renowned grocery atore of Hcchler A Co., which I* located in tbf* place and tuppliea Centre county with the beat and fretbnt grocerie*, Dkatii r John A Jluilkr, —On Sun n the dead man'* face. V t |lr*l thv fa 'War hoi, I'. it f llul In Hi I.• aiel . long—the tranfer of the II ! >v s. s. railroad to the PoinijlTaitlt w. ' pane. An os-■•••. of enterprise enabled ' lhla Journal to l-sk- tinie l.y the forelock and announce the transaction > inmpletcd about -u hour* in advance of the time , I) Ting Thursday m a party of the chief magnatM of tin Peanaylvanla road entered llellefontn in a special nr. Aft'-r a few preliminary arrangement* the trans fer was made exactly at no .n. Then the , i (Hi iali of the two corporation! made a 1 trip over lh" II A r 4 S. rond. greatly to i the satisfa* tion of both parties. Kv- rv le dy hs rea> mt > t>- ; that the mu h lalkwi-ol event is now a thing of the past All the former empl"Jfa of the • 11. A - S r.v..road wiil remain in the j si. turns wi,' h they have oeruped s, ) arid o . - ' tably The administration of tho l'onneyivania ra.'.r id thus s. anspi cioll.'ly lie gun : !, w•• h pe, i r.'.in'le to l/e *uccesffti). lIEVIoVAIS —William C lidnlo, Esq.. I -tr. t At' -riey, has removed hi# office to the fi .ft llotise, rnd will hereafter [-<. ! four 1 in the rooms heretofore • ■ copied by ! his predecessor In a Idllin t • his I ffiriai ; liiisinnsa Mr II nie wi.l te> prepared to > accept other practii e | rtaining to his pro. j fo.sion, and a# he is well know n as a enpa ! hb\ energetic young attorney, his niim- I roijs frier Js throughout the county should kindly remember him when they have Ilejjal bu-iness ■ > transact. II" deserves a good share of practice and we hope to #ee I iliin receive it. I Il\ referring t<. an itice in another co|. mm it will he seen that D F Fortnev, IK- | , will occupy the office, in the (.'on fad Ho isc, \ e ited by Mr. Heinle. Mr. Port* ! ney is one of tin rising lawyers of Centre county, nnd has alnndv won a reputation f d-übt continue on the high way of sue* | ceas. j A slO,llO IllBLI' AI I'RI/E —The pub ' iishcrs of flu11(•{'?< Monthly offer the ' following easy way for someone to make lo., lkt|. Those who try i for the prize must send Id rent* with their answer, for which they will receive the May number of the Mmtfily, a handsome miigHxino of 32 pages, in. which will be published the name and address of the winner of the priae, with the correct an. • wer thereto. Address, Hi TI.KDOE ft:n- Manmo COMPACT, Ration, l*a. MH. GKOROK P. HKCITATION*. —Mr. OcKirijo I*. Bible wiil give another elocutionary entertainment in the Pro Ft*. tcrin church at Milettwrg to-morrow (Friday) evening, March 25. Many per win* who failed to hear him when be gave hi* former entertainment at that plaon will gladly avail thetmelve* of tbia opportunity, while other* who did hear him are quite willing to Baton for another hour to a *im liar elocutionary treat. The programme, which I* entirely new, will Include numer* ou* choice lelcction*. The admi**ion will be only ten cent*, the proceed* to bo de voted to the par*onago repair fund. —Tt i* tha universal verdict of all who hoar it that the choir connected with tha Temperance Union of Bellefunto make* excellent mu*ic. —Thl* I* a good ea*on for branch**—at laaat, for the Philadelphia Branch; it la proaperlng finely. I'LKAHAMT Ovr JotTiNua,—Tho snow of winter has at last almost disappeared, and t.;ai.y of the spring birds are heard warbling their sweet summer songs. Our schools bulb close the prevent week. It..ail are very muddy, and consequently but little work eun as yet be done on tbo farm. Joe Hots and Hang, some few days past, wore conversing upon the subject of our very backward spring. Joe's arguments were so very strong that he fully convinc ed Hung that if Mr. Vennor would move from Ins northern home to a southern dime it would much facilitate the bringing about of an -arly spring. What ba becoina of "fillin Hone?" lias be gone out West, or is be lost in the mysteries of high-toned literature? —Mr. h rank Kiddel, from Lincoln, Kansas, is now on a visit home, having tx-cn absent for the past four years. Mr. Kidded came especially to Mat his sick mother, who has bettn very ill lor the past live weeks, with er\ sijielas. We are happy to say that Mrs Kiddel is ut present im proving, nftit h to the joy of her many Iritrnds. frank looks well, and spa-aks well of Kansas, lie can lulk West equal to our old friend \V. W. Brown. —The march of death ha- reached u. Last Friday morning we lost our most estimable citizen, Henry Kckenroth, Esq. Mr. Kckenroth was horn near („"iiambers- j burg, l'a. He came to this county with ; father, John Kckenroth, in the var D*||, locating near the town of Boalsburg. | lie was in his .'ilsl year, lie leaves a wife and three children—two daughters and one son—to mourn an irreparable loss. The funeral took place on !t Sabbath and was one of th" largest ever known at the Gap. Iho remains were taken in charge bv , Gregg Post, G. A. K , of Bellcf.mte, of, whiih the deceased was an bote led mem ber. The funeral ceremony of the I',t was solemn and imposing, and cr-at.| a profound impression on all present. The d -cased was a gailaht soldier "f the late war, having entered the army in August. 1~. a* member of Company G. I|M fc I'cnnsv 1 vania \ oluoUvrrs He rerv.-J with his company until the baltie of Chancel b rsvii'p, in \'irginia. was fought in May. I S ••'. In tliis IIISKI} 1 engagement between the armies of Hooker and Lee he was severely wounded in the arm—the wound i ausing a lo of the arm, which was am putated near the shoulder. Tiiis wound, r. > doubt, superindui n sumption—of whieer, it is said, is much tetter. He has teen under the treatment of Dr George Lee, formerly of Centre Hail and now practicing at the Gap We hope ho mav be as successful with all his patients as with the one just mentioned. William F. Johnston is sporting a splendid team of horses. sup|to*od to he owned by Maj. William F Reynolds, of Itellefonte. They are beauties and any one might bo proud to drive or own them —-Tli" mcgoalion recently made by the Centre Unit Rrprrrttr that the s tate author ities convert that huge atone building known • l*enny|vania College into ■ n RM him for the iiiaann to aupply the place of the one recently burned at Dan ville, i one of the moat enible bite of advire which ever emanated from that journal. Due block, you get a ticket that may win one of the four bo*e to be given away April IR. —The more you ainoke them the better they get—rigara at Wilaon'a, llrwkerhoff llouae block. --Fact—Wilvn'*, Brorkerboff llouw block, *e'l* the bct f cent cigar* in town. Try them. A little child o| .Mr. David Noll, of I'leatant (Jap, died of acarlet fovcr yeter day morning. A full *tock of *pring gmtd* juat open ed at the Philadelphia Branch. Hpring wa>len now ready. Early order* *<>ltcitcd. Money raved. l-tf Mo*mo*ianT A Co., Tailor*. Worklngmcn. Before you Fegin your heavy apring work alter a winter of relaxation, your ayatetn need* cleanaing and alrvngthen ing to prevent an attack of Ague. Bil iou* or Hpring Fever, or aoroo other Hpring aickne** that will unfit you for a *t*a*on'a work. You will aave time, much aickneaa and great expenae if you will u*e one bottle ol Hop Bitten in your family I hi* month. Don't wait.— AfrJbytan tienektyt. MBTHOJU-T M IKISIKBIAI. ACIOIJIT- The conference of the M K church, which has been holding its annual sessions t York, adjourned on Tuesday. The following appointments wi r< made for the A1 loon a district, to which Bella fonte belongs: J. 11. McOarrab, Presiding Elder. Alloono, First Church, T. Mitchell. " Eighth Ave., J. 11. Young. : heslliul Ave., T. M Iteese. " 2lib Street, A It Cronco. Belle font", (J. D. l'lirc-packcr. Hlrminghum, II It Bender Clenrlleld, George Lenly. • Cleurlleld Circuit, G it Ague. Curwensville, J MIICS ('urns. Duni'iiruvilie, I, F. Smith. Glen l|n|M'. Forinali Adams. ( ■ rahampt. >n, W. It Whitney. Half Moon, J. S Beyer. Hollidayshurg. J 11. Shaver. Howard, II F. Cares. Lloydsville, To la* supplied. I. .gan Va ley. !-* 11.-clcinan. Lumber City, 1-aiah Kdwurds. Martin-hurg, M I, Sniith. Milesbjrg and I'nionville, J A. Wood cock. New Washington, Owen Kicks Osceola and Hout/.daie. W S. Wilson. I'enn's Valley, J, B Akers. I'hilip-hurg, A M. Cr< i-l.ton I'ltie Grove, II S M'-nd-iihall. i'lm-uir. Gap, K. W. Wor.ner. I'ort Matilda, < ambridg.' Graham. IhoV Shut, W A Carwr Tvrone, F B Middle, Warrior's Marl, (ii-irns (iuysr. W illiarnshurg, W W Dunuiire. Woodland. It K Wil son. William I'i irn-iiHW . ('l.Hplaili of the Na tional 11-toe f..r il.-aided Volunteer K i|- diera at Diyt.m, Ohio, member of War rior's Marl, Ituariorly ('..nlerenc • "supernumerary and Superannuated.— Kli.-ha Butler, L. V Clark. H v (' D !'■ m-( in ker, the gentleman as'igrcd t'i this place, comes from Harris burg, a:, j will no doubt minister verv ac ceptably to the congregation over win h he is pl. id. Hev. John Donahue goes to li ...imsburg, of the Danville district. MARKIAOiiS. It *1.1.-tMMKRM IX - ti Mi es' uif Mielii |k*J. i. J m ... - ■ J C- Masks Malt aw 4 Bassnab *n twih s| CnMi f>XYi'kt( rtu\r.t, ~ m<•*, i-hj, t r—i (I. f ;\ 11.S ? :. • INH'HD.I'T 11/ * W A R(|F M ll.i'jM - t l.r mu4 M•* t tf I ertj loMultll] < --11 l 1.1.l Nt. Uf It 1 l-i It. . S A Xtlliti, Mr Jti.i..'. . ' |*it . ',• " Mi - mlHissM. , . , f!. a i -. .( !!■.. | ■ | n • • . rMKHT 1I N Kl-K M ii.* I. tf. tw . I ' • f . 'V |. I * li. , H g I. • tl*f, U I • "'I, ! Ntliigg, I ~yiitoii n : it||t, il| XhfJ J K'< Ui.of / dp lliis fitihtt. 11l ill ItilltUhßT-Hi' b 1- -1 tU Itsf Ja • *. lifoiH f lU-tr.C. w.!Mr 1. t fc s I; . rvf tii l M tM A>{ ; .' • Ibtrlia BiHlbhil, Mh • Af ' ur: II'M >l> Sl.t TKr.flK 'K -On thr |Mh At il I iii; i (.* Clint i.Vr.i tRM J \ lit . Mr M !.(.( ! 11 If i„ . .r%, U, * iut: it ' * '} M IM A tats la i r*'. k. f j \N ttj . 1 Iml'. . . rtiutj • liiKim IAYMI ' Ii •r•: * •, ft! n, t . ll' . J |rt \|r K (,i-r. t>t f .(•*!. t t l art J >!•• M*t% K Smyrf, ftUt '••f "I Ills ► I MMI M flit fII i nr* t nahlj. Marrb - I*M. of irl*t .r. %! f!> ie,aotf U 1 I ai'l C'at' htt# hwmmjr. *ii MKI It iMafc, laid I mHKiftf, MttlG n *lr) . ,a 1 UftWr} tit I j l T yairt. cAS Air n M liHa M- hll lut.Xr. JM t a sni.a*v|T IMD, a lit iiltt* as*| 11 -i*)* If I 111 I. li " lis* pi a h hu'titji rtffi i''Ubl Jfhn \ , rf |f Aqpitlnt llti l*-f, fait ait'l T moMin Philadelphia Market*. pßiitMimit Marr? .'l. J**l. i Tl* matk * t tn ijairt is-taj n4 j rul*J * Hill" Isi^-l.#^. f;- *a II m • • •ies.,;W a: full r*?* k-alt# J t tsaf f* l. 'lltff Mifsti. a ita rfttra* *1 *4 t . '• "'s Istr it-••*'n*4 vhaat. l"t j jHa ralal atasr.t 1 V < fl.tltf* ' !F1 Iml •• ft si-l f. r >i> 'ff I Mar 11 fl >1 'I • J al f1 / • a* k If -r April, f |,/"' ltl and II atk'l t 5 - M- A*. I" .I''l th I atltvnl ; I-r Juis. lhf*fi< tary ► of the of i't-mnvn Plm ol Cmln conitit. *d th* mid •urt of Centre 1 ronnlT. In th# matter of th* |nrtl?lon f>f retiew of ihf sroNisl o| IVmtPf Rttk. titwrdUm, ** lied hy I**l W M'iiiaw, AdtmuMrfttai d- b. n c* l, m. nf. 4., of WVdfy Rusk The underrtgned. an Auditor appoint fA hr th Ori'hfw' fonri of (Vrtf conn tt. rwtiew thf mid ncrofint of bjr Ud W Mntooh Ad mint* c*tor d•nr, a f Wrrh* llMnh.lprnmr|.iH nif end hi thn dwtlra of Hl afifw*ltt*wtil al hi ofße*, tn lh ImfMxk of Mle. f.*ftfe.on Till R.*h\V, April T, A H 11*1, •! !<••'thrk A M , at whkii time and ptac* all Int relrl mat al fond II A MrKKR. A mils* ?. Legal Notice. IN the matter of the petition for an torn* to Irt tb<- nlUII; of tb* lt *Ut and too*. turn! of antb • * IIUUR*. lata of lltwtoa t< n*btp. 4a nwff, f The undersigned Examiner, appointed by lb* Orphan. Omit of 0tt onantr, to tab* t**U . toon In lb* lw raw* ami report thr- *am* to lb* (Wort, wilt attend la tb* 4otir <4 bl* approotißMtt oa I ratOAV. lb* IMb itat of April it**l. at In o'rtor-b, . A. M..*l bnnAc* In KrllaAtata, ab* and br* all pruni latanatril may tt.t>d iM* ADAM nor, lualttr. Notice to Stockholders. Monhannon Railroiul Company. A Meeting of the Hux khold j \ . t ~ i. , Vi (nMi (l Zi ' iT.'i . ''"M-1i.1,, TLEM'aY, A,.,. t-k A M It Ih. ut ' •"" "'I "I")'""* t t'tMilut M mfwarti ..I . ,i..i1l it| ui"t. f 11„ k.,1, vl|rt < n„ It. Ut* >u H1.... H.ilOroli anil 111. H •luiiim, iuiliml Oa|. I' lit lit 'tfi-f oI lli IV ai'lof lit*-f/,ra iz-lfw IIK.WMIM H~ruUr* Notice to Stockholders. Ecllefonto and Snow Shoo Railroad Company. i SjK-ciul Mwt'inrof the Stockbold- J \ ... . t ii.i- riimi—Hi i .nil..i v,-*i mzn "it. 1 , rtl. Mrm. I'liiltt.l"l|4ii:t w. TL'KMiAV. • It "''l -.AM 1., lit pnifmrnut *"i * 6'"l fr j* ttnjr mi i|fH HtHil U "f **;*• I'1J ISlU Vl|r 'oiitj - , 11,. IV'lMftii* Slid tin * Hli"* f. 4 muA lh - M KullrmdCtm. PJ * *'J r f f !,# I*. *' .■'l I > . • Ahlli 111 lll.VtrMf.S, NvfUry. Notice to Stockholders. Bald Laglo Valley R R. Company. \ K|x- ii,| M. i-ting of the Hlockhold j \ ... . i t„, MMq .j,11,i i,. z A 1 r. Ml. I I'l. 1... It. W KI.KOUAt. A | 1 .1 ' . 1" I. .I 12 .. .I. < k t| I r tii. J>ui|,„ el ■ n.. •. .tin* .1.1 ,1 1n.,, o, ~ ~, , t , '■ ' '•>'* '• ".I I"" it" "I tlw 11*1(1 \ a ||, , li.ilr *.| '■> . * i, 11,. Ift . I bl. *,..| I. . fuft.l i • it.| ..Hi *i.(J it,* M..1.,,,,. „ R*il,.4 ' n. t' wi lij "|.j. .uf Umßmm4ul 1i,i... T...i •' H'MI Mi III.AM lUllli, HHtrUii Notice. VOl It 1. i, hereby given, that the I A * ?•' •!; A II .lil.f 4 -1,, t< ♦ of ( I Oal<. A Itl'tplK, lu,ft fiWth o.otnrt >.l 'orl •ft inii.,u uf Gbliv I ' •' I I '• '-•! •' '"M , i | ir. f eon. | f.Miiaii- u at II." j,. it 1- ~1 .if *,J ,UM J * II M!I'KR. I'i'ilh'tf.tAsM, A Teacher Wanted. r PHK K--hool I ,ard of Curtin ton- I . *■ l ' • • Mftdw* f. f .*l* of Mm. I •■Im.IIi ..( *l,l I wrnttp li -ma mil I- I i'-.. . bIL. i..| it. ••...* p,,] A.)lr^> | * OiVHAIi i>lkliKK, II r.*M'|.* i >i-ii iiorsi-;, * ' Bia.i.i roMr. pa . I ,n.lU* *. ,| ~l| tl,. |*l "i. liu* |. ih- i i'.t**.*l*) ai.<, •** mft' batl'i ; iil |i) rhild Bant UP it GREEN'S Comp. Syrup of Tar, Honey & Bloodroot. It - italßt ill tlw *irt n*+*4 T* ri • -*' 1 - n.Mt lailil, tl,*. (*. |.\PK.*t nrt i , Ltmr -1t np Un| Im f< f.tpi f4 IVkr IYO ' •lit* J ;*•'! Kmlr Utqtarlnr4 *l| hy F. POTTS GREEN. nici.Lrm*Tr. pa A a I** ; *" " fsrt | W-a Ibitti t > (**' I** nil *U< trnnf f 1 ul f.r It* nud (r>( up i rlwt The tail I I-'HU" V<* four r. IfchU.m. Addr*u. JOSEPH H ARRIS* Mor*ton Fnrm, It *. dfepTML, X. ?• (pr* *••*•!; In tun •< * Tctms nnd F-out. i)uD frn-. Addf-w. Ii IIAH KIT A hand. Haltir. |>)jr HOP BITTERS^ (A HMkiac, n.( a ttrlak.) entttaiN Ultra, BITIir, M.iMIMtKE DANDEI.ION, Audtbi tVftrftT A*T( Rv*TMll,r,lQvftU liuufttu OTliftft UlTTftft*. THEY cuiti: All ntft.ft.Mft of th.fttam*rti. Hoirrl. Pinod, Liv.t, Kl.ln.fft, ftnd t rtiwn (>r*ai,i. Mr. tftuftacftft. N" ~k rftpnlaUf I (11.Uomputau. SIOOO IN COLD. w,lt N> IWI4 for s rftftr thrr wttl not rar. k. Ip. or fur ftiit iiMpur* or tftjftiiouft AftltjWir dr.irrlftl for Itop TUtlcr* 0.l Irf ■ Uiria toforo jon !., p. Takr u oibrr. ■ D t. T t i ftHftotot* ftod for ■ DniOft. i.urftft urn- of opi, tokooco >o4 narroi lea. ■ mmmnam *t*o ma rmmft ■■■■ All ftW. tftumft HV. ( ■>, A. *., • T(**lft,Aftft ■ IMI IIF.RT % PAIHB. Up (VoiolkMhi of Pfttrotft. arsj r. or Atmx RT*T a LABD. PATENTS, - _ ,A PA INK, GItAFTON A LAUD, Attorneyi al-/*w *d Micitort f Amtnemn md /otrrya Patent*, 412 FIFTH STRIRT, Washihoitin. P. Ct erorllr. |Mtt '•* la alt 11, |.inti*, (a thr patral Oiaor. ftftd IRr N>"' ao4 Kr.ol, Ooon* ftf (Hr t'till. 4 atftlrft|4il*4 •.(.