HAUL Ay It r y HITMAN, Allegheny Street, BeUrfoutr, Pa. ZBA-TTIjA-ItTID r 1881 is an Elegant Book of 120 PAGE*. ONE COLORED FLOWER PLATE, AND 600 LLLNA TRATION*, WITH DNARRTPTMN* OF THE |.#T FLOWER* AND VEGETABLE*, AND LHR*RJONE FOR GROWING ONLY 1• RENTS. IN KNGLI*H OR GERMAN IF YON AFTERWARD* ORDER EEEDA DEDUCT THE !O CANT* VICK'S SEEDS ARE THE BEAT LA THE WORLD TIIK FLORAL* GI'LL>E WILL TELL HOW TO GET AND GROW THEM. Vieh't Flo war and Vegetable Garden. 175 Pagaa. d Colored Plate*. 'Ofl Engraving*. For '* rent* in pa per cover*; $1 W in elegant cloth la German or BaglMi Vieh't llluatratad Monthly Magaiin#—PAGE*, a COLORED PLATE IN EVERY NUMBER AND MANY DOE EN GRAVING* PRICE 91.2 FT A YEAR; FIVE ROPTE* FOR <*> HPECITNEN NUMBER* AENT FOR 10 EEOTA, TRIAL COPTE* FOR 2D CANTA. ADDREAA, JAM KN TICK, ROCHESTER, N. T. * S. |P A, tAt Ell. (ieneral Merchant*, Allegheny Street, IteUefonte, Pa, S. &C LOEB, THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED ROCHESTER CLOTHING! Better Fits, better Workmanship, better Styles, better Linings, SUPERIOR in every respect to any other ready-made Clothing in the United States, and equal in every respect to the work of any merchant tailor in any of our large cities. Prices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work generally sold in Bellefonte. Mothers, bring your Children, from 4 years up, and examine our assortment of CHILDREN'S WEAR. S. &.A. LOEB,! 4U =L'ir T {S. & A. LOEB, FINE CLOTHIERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ' Farm for Sale. If A YIX < J determined to 44 Farm I 1 !••** land, and farm it better,** the itilwribar offer* for aale one of the two farm* he now ore u pi** ■ IN HOWARD ToWNMIIP. Thi* farm i* located on the north *ide of the It*)! j Eagle rnek, nearly oppualta tha llr>iigh of Howard It ha* a frontage of ** r*l* on the crvk, with a high hank which never overflow* It contain* 2UD acres t land, more or lea*, about lb of which if rlewred. T!e remainder I* >ltan-l It I* well watered, having baaldaa the creak front tge, a well at the hou*e. a *pring run traversing th whole length of the place, an i *everal pring* in the field*, at leaat two of which a r* very doe one*, and • • situated aa to be ea*ily pi|ed (n the halldlng*. The building* are l-eautifully located upn a roll of ■ land, a few rod* fr*n the reek, upon the public road leading up and down the creek, and within ten mm ale* walk of the p*t odlce,depot, nV>x— and chore he# of ll>ward It/rough The houee I* frame, and nearly new It i* ft In tile, two full etarie* high, containing eight large room*, with hall both up ttair* aiel d on, beatdr a Ar*t-claa cellar and attic, both of which are the full •ife of the hou*a Convenient!* near thi* i a good lank barn. %!• nearij new ft i* i* by w feet, containing two ex rellently dnihed thrashing floor*. a good granary, ftrvt rat* tabiing. and has attached to it a large corn crib, and a wagon *hed. If* 16 feat, with a mow over head. A portion of the land I* well ald *onn it will la For Rent to a Good Tenant for the coming year J. A. WOODWARD, 2"Sw Howard, Pa. j OEI STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth Normal S<-Kn l .nmm.>di na, eta I plMaljr biiig r re*pi .fl Kiritrlng. fc ' M-rV rmirk. Pa ; . W W lU kit Urn l| Itr an Male Triifbet - || n A • M urtir*. II- n II I. Ih*f f* r t. lion WILLIAM HMI.KH. Preefdent. riearfleM, Pn ten MKRRII.L \ prortdefit, Lurk Hat en, pa J* MI 1.1. A K M'OtHMI' K. ee.retait THOMAS TAUDI.f.Y. Tregurer. WOOI)WAI(I) SK.MIXARY. Boarding irl Day 3:boc'. fer Tsang La lies azd Lit'.'.i Cii'.dras. SECOND AND LOCUST STREETS, HAKRISBURU, PA. I!tnUr 4., bi >lll I1B fKPTFMIIKK lA, 1T. Osßrw of alndr -f luMr .n ! , tb Mn.ic and Art H.rd and laiUnn from tiV) to I .V) a jr and BO eitraa Fr cirrnlare and all deeirahle |(ifrmal|nri addreea n-en PIUKCIPAL 1.M.1. IS L. OEVIB, * ' ATTORSKV AT I.AW ornric (>peili the r*mn ll •*, fin the 2d S.-.r 'f to furrtiali to fa/mera at the low eat (••aaihle |r|re everything in the ha|*e .f an agricultural Itnplenient that farmera uae, io'ludlog . Sf-EIS of ail kind* j At pTMMI ee hate - n haf.d af. i ar- ti A ■ fi/a,l t agenta for the ale of the MK\C|>K < 1111 1. 11 l fliOW, MMll at IfiiftMl, K Y It la the haet rf M plow now mad*- afao the Ke)tone and jr n lxni ( pJ-iwa made at Centre Hail No better pl' e • thau ' theee ran te haet n IRIOtI ar.d CI IT i V ATOM f the Ittwal prt.ve) pattern a MoWtks ItRAPKRS and CHAIN MMRKJ< - theee er-i| the tfatorf fte ther aa ae|*ara|e Yfowefa i Combined and M -•. a>ogb Ilarvewtera, or aa ComUnraf lb f eid |I)imI i* TIIR VHIKIi R, Mo. i a.a ml mlma h a . the t-et mvliih* of tbe kind in tlie market TIIR UKKATRST IMfHitl EVff NT of Till: \f ia the N< rrlt -r. i#l#wner and I*. i.dr. * ail and •• e IE It la w nderfullj |-*ff- t Any toy twaive par* id. with *>• h w||| f.,|. law and Mtd ail tle gram It.at |§) Keaj-er Ith •. \r deliver; will cut It r oft I; lin la but gleena, and • ill aavr the jebe ..f the ma Mi.e in >re year, by taking up from the afrit tie that *1 hi r, i ~t THB ■ • HERRI OR AIR DRILt ailm wfftl at Without I f aa-l a*( h with f wjtl, it fertiirrf and •eed • *r.g alU'hmenta It u the grain drill i f f all Mtpeea in tlie r arket TIIL • MM. li lIIR kuflll R AMI hftp \R A T*R ! The reputation . f thi# marhine I# a #|i ier and Cleaner Y!CTR Cl/1% ru 1ie1.1.1 H >Je agnte f r (V n tre 'iunt. M AOOfin CARRIAGES Rt OMR* and rif ITONa —We are agent* f r (be M e f th* • * )ebrate| 4 K IJS WAOiIR, the fepri tail rw.f who l la e. Well eatah i al. ..I tha •IHTI.AM) I'l A TFORM Bl'RlN>i WAHhM I , Cnrtiage*. Rhrrtona and lluggtea \\) warranted Call and we *|er(m*tii ind "tgfnine cat*- 1 ]ogf)w ae t- aty lee and (■*!•< t*ef re buying eiae*h*>fe ' fatal >giee furni*h't appt lent ion PLARTRR AN| fbKT 1 1.1 / KM- —Catnga ptaeter I Ane|t gctind a* gd ae the .*wt ?.a. at the i I low prtre of fT • ton Penman huan • * .Id # n , .rrdera only Ph-wphatee a) way aon band. a) J manure* fr different rtop* ">ld npg < tA*T9 at manu farlnrvrt' rrlrea pnW fi|' K -We are agent* Rlaating. ftf> rtlng and Rifle powder im hand and aoM at whtde i *ale prie*. ale fae* HRAIS After the gr wing 'ff I* harve>#t*d we ; will he | re pared h. |ay the higbeet market price f.. T ■ all kind* of grain CHIAL —Oor yard le alwaya ilorked with the |*l ! Aftlhrarlte (Vml which we ae|| at b Hellefoftte, Pa , May f, IMfl. |>tf HECHLEII .f CO., f rncrr*, HIIK/I Ilounr Iliork, BeMefonte, Pa. HSnEW G-OOIDS —P O R THE WINTER TRADE. We have endeavored to get the very best of every thing in our lino nr;/ Uooilm and firwrricjt. ] JARPEK BHOTIIEKB, SPKIRO FTKKKT. BKI.LKfiNTK. PA.. Have their counter! and .helve* filled with NEW GOODS, f BANKRUPT RATES Punhwedat - BANKRI*IT KATES ( BANKRUPT RATES WIIICII Til FY OFFER AT BOTTOM ritK'ES BOTTOM I'KICES, BOTTOM PRICES. OOKSMTI.HO OF Dry Oixkl, Millinery Clotliinj;, Fancy Good*, Notion* Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS *nd SIDiKS at very low price*. BOOTS AND SHOES HATS and CAPS Laletl ityle* of HATSandCAPS HATS and C'AIS Car|x-t Bap, Unbrella*, Para*ol*, Ladie*' Cloak*, Carpeting, Grocerie*, Ac. Outriprtalrtc .i.ry tblnr ll.at .an f hb4 , B a I rat. (iaaa at.., a. HAKPEK ItUOTIIEKS, AI'UINO KTREET, . . BRLtKFOXTC. PA COISTRV PR'llit'CE tak-n Ib a.rbar,*. .1 4h. bi*La, ualkal *>r>r j.|. i TIIOROI'QH EDUCATION FOR— V() T\ (i LA 1)1 KS. Hollidaysburg Seminary, IIOLLUiATfRraa. BLAIR 001 RTY. PEN!* A A **ry healthful i ti n. l-autiful aurr-.ari4lnr* (W. ra 4 . > . n n* la li~ all lb- adb<- ■ikk"t TilK WEEKLY HKRALD tbf r'*! aIoaI1- rbr o*l* in lb#- **ld. a* it t tb Krrry **fc • I**n • fwtbfui r*|*urt of POLITICAL NKWS mhridti| r n4 noprttifttMTt 4i*|*wh ff ii, H ir. lu<)lrtf full of tLr ;~h*ft fiii fi fit politic i*i,a on of tb* Til K FA KM DEPARTMENT • 1 Oi. mn llittui ji"> th u ]] n, *>•••' 11■ I • ond r.|otin* to Ik. * (1,. bitti |.,r Coma, I* -itt.t '(Miit, Tmti ViQnißia, A".,Ar„ itb • ti,-*.*li, .i. . k.• i ir.* l-ullilltt*. m.ii ot.ailo ti* r- I" i 7m.i..i . | „i| i , , o.llooliUid 11..M, oj.. Ij .Jilkd, utAl Ui* li-mi tf THE HOME, *lrlr.s r>. If. f,.t pvUnl 4i.b<*. hint. fur nuking • I Mm.* >i. I Iki-i-iti* n|> oilb it. luLum *■ 1. , ...I Kv.rt •!., of • to.kit.* or ~ M-toy t*4 111 it... • |.nru- i- . 7ln II Itrportttionl <.f tb. H| Ul , lltuu ■ ill It. htiMi|. n> r. 11,*t, liutrliMl Lnr,o 111. full* of Hi. |iO|*f. Til. ll,lt,I. ..f SKILLED LABOR .1. 1..4 M .flit, mil .i.TkUiiri* poruiala* to n>. i. I 1.1- r Mting i.,r.fullj rKitM. Tb.ro I. . |Oi*r (|. i t.-ij 1.-, oJ] It. loUot | hoi', nf tb. I Ukl ... ruark.i* < | to. M* n hmnli.l Ac.. Ar Amino* < foolurvlo I 1,1,4 10 lb. k|tllljr Wld orrtxtitkof}# < f TIIK PRODI-CK MAKKKT. tn* Niti it b rt.f and road. with ft "fk a ft LA|l<-W Ii y a tnr f nufefffit di tn.* l.iTwtAti Mimm |i*nnc, VntAOAAL as>d PIA >!,? Tb*rf ibo|*|i ill thr ori4 Itiftt rf>. fft4iM ■ tnofh n,fttr trtrj -*k a* ti.c Weks • I II 111 LI. Ohlib I. ..ft, |KWU*. |*id,fit lit,. Ik.) ! i a ion mbotrlfw o *t>t tin... TIIK 7 i ONK Mr.'.M 11 In * Wi.klj r .rm, Ib.LI.AR II KB AMI ) ( A TEAR Aodroo. NEW YORK HKRALD, iliiooloar otid Ann AtmH. X Tork. FOR CHILDREN! 1 THE NURSERY. HFTEEKTH TEAS Thla Mc>rin> lca lb* j —1 PH a lib a v> and 'l.nol wi.at aad otbr I It |)| I '-atin U' •tirpaaa all lonlaWira Tha Jaanarj Nnn,l.r 11l frtrr* t !,>• % I fto * yr la ad. asm. Mil.* rlb Dr.rn NURSERY PUBLISHING CO.. 1 " " !t. arnn. Mm For Sale. I FARM containing Fifty Acres, a m anij hauw tbetw.fi • TWfKiTOftY HUM I. HI II.MXUmkJ *ut t>i>ii