Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 10, 1881, Image 1

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    3l)r (Crntrr AUk iDrmorrat
VOL. 3.
Terms 01.AO per Annum, In Advance.
S. T. SHUQCRT and R. H. FORSTER. Editor..
Thursday Morning, March 10, 1881.
TUB whole country is now at rest
A legitimate President has at last
taken the place occupied by a dis
reputable, unmitigated Fraud. Hayes
came to the office by villainous and
disgraceful means against the will
of the people. He retired on Friday
last with their disgust and contempt.
have entirely forgotten the valuable
services rendered to his cause in the
late election by the colored voters of
the United States. They had a right
to expect nothing less than a cabinet
position for one of their race. How
sadly their expectations have fallen!
It seems that the colored brother is
only considered useful about election
time. When it comes to the distribu
tion of favors he is always to be left
out in the cold.
THE Philadelphia political organi
zations could not go to Washington to
witness the peaceful inauguration of a
legitimate President, without an exhi
bition of their rowdyism. The Har
mony Legion, of that city, could not
brook the shouts of some Democrats
on the curbstone in honor of General
Hancock, but broke ranks for the lux
ury of a fight, to punish the foolish
men who dared to express their ap
preciation of a great man then in the
ranks to compliment the incoming
THE legislative bolters who were
"on to Washington," were no doubt
exceedingly gratified to witness how
completely they were fooled in the
choice of their new independent Sena
tor. We can imagine how happy
Wolf and Stewart and Kaufman and
other anti-machine bolters were, when
they saw Don lead Mitchell up to the
White House, to protest against the
choice of Wayne MacVeagh or other
independents, to represent Pennsylva
nia in cabinet appointments.
THE Deputy Receiver of Taxes in
Philadelphia, Mr. Whartenby, who is
also one of the Republicans' very use
ful and active stuffcrs at elections, it
is discovered has been carrying the
receipts to private account instead of
appropriating them to the public ne
cessities. Why not? Philadelphia
officials have been chosen for their
adroit villainies, with the hearty con
currence of those who pay the taxes.
Light is, however, now breaking in
upon the partisan blindness which has
shrouded that city for so many years,
and the last election gave some token
of independence. It may survive an
other year.
THE following joint resolutions were
adopted by the House of Representa
tives, in the Delaware Legislature, on
the fourth of March. They express
the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth. "That representing an
honest constituency, we hereby declare,
on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1881,
our and their stern reprobation of the
great fraud perpetrated on this day
four years ago, in the inauguration of
a man as President of the United
States who was not elected to that
, office, by which fraudulent act the
people of this country were deprived
of their honest choice —a wrong per
petrated upon the right of honest suf
frage which will ever remain a re
proach to free institutions; that we
sincerely regret this elevation to the
Presidency of a man who was one of
the chief actors in the perpetration
* and consummation of this great fraud;
that the Governor of this State be re
quested to transmit a copy of the fore
going resolutions, duly attested by the
Speakers and Clerks of both Houses of
the General Assembly, to the Hon.
Samuel J. Tilden, who was legally
elected President of the United States
in 1876."
Tho Apportionment Bill Dofoatod.
A8 was foreshadowed, by the filli
busteriug and obstruction policy adopt
ed by the Republicans in Congress, this
important measure of urgent necessity
has been defeated. Two-thirds of the
States will thus bo put to the expense
of extra sessions ot the legislatures.
The cost to Penusy 1 van ia alone fortius
by-play of Republican members will
aggregate little less than half a mil
lion of dollars, to which the people
will IK? largely indebted to tho Repub
lican representatives from their own
State. There was no excuse whatever
for the defeat of an apportionment
bill. The hill presented was absolute
ly equitable and fair, proven such by
the census und conceded by the most
reputable Republican authority as
providing exact justice to all. Such
journals as the New York Time* and
Springfield Republican in the strongest
terms commended its fairness and re
commended its adoption. Rut no;
men of light weight, such as Conger
and Robeson, had obtained the leader
ship of their party. They supposed
that some mean party advantage could
be had, if the hill could be carried
over to a Republican Congress. In
this expectation they will undoubtedly
fail. The precedents they have made
and the temper and object so mani
festly shown, will not encourage Dem
ocrats in the next Congress to permit
any undue advantage to be taken in
the passage of an unfair or partisan
bill. To suppose for a moment that
the Democratic Congressmen would
do so after the lesson received from
their opponents, would be voting them
asses or fools of the most pronounced
tyj>e. The people will not find Ran
dall, Carlisle, Curtin, Cox ami other
able Democratic representatives tucn
of that stripe.
ON Saturday afternoon, the day fol
lowing the inauguration, President
Garfield sent to the Senate the names
of the gentlemen whom he had select
ed for his cabinet. It is stated that
the question of referring the names to
committees was discussed at some
length in executive session, hut met
with so little support that there was
not even a single objection which
would have carried the matter over
for a day and the subject was dmp|>cd
without a vote, whereupon each nomi
nation was in turn unanimously con
firmed. The cabinet is, therefore, as
Secretary of State—lames O. Blaine,
Secretary of the Treasury—William
Windom, Minnesota.
Secretary of the Interior—Samuel J.
Kirkwood, lowa.
Secretary of War— Robert T. Lincoln,
Secretary of the Navy—William 11.
Hunt, liOulsiana.
Postmaster General —Thus. 1,, .fames.
New York.
Attorney General--Wayne McVeagh,
THE National Ranks and their obe
dient servants, the Republican mem
bers, having bulldozed Congress as
long as it was profitable to do so, to
defeat the Funding Bill, changtfl their
tactics and obtained the services of a
bull-headed fraud, acting as President,
to do by the veto power wrongfully in
his possession, what they failed to
force by coercion. The defeat of this
necessary and important bill and the
disreputable means employed to ac
complish it. will not add much to the
strength of the banks. A day of
reckoning may come to them sooner
than they anticipate. It is already
getting into the heads of the people
that they cannot afford to surrender
their independence and become tribu
tary to the money lords both in purse
and government without protest of a
very decided character. The squelch
ing process may become popular, as
well as greenbacks.
THE gas engineer of Philadelphia
estimates the cost of manufacturing
coal gas at sixty-five cents per thous
and feet. This must afford a hand
some profit on the prices at which it
I is sold to consumers.
Gurfiold and Equal SuflriiKO.
"The free enjoyment of equal suf
frage is still in question, and it frank
statement of the issue may aid solution.
It is alleged that in many communities
negro citizens ate practically denied tin
freedom of the ballot. *
Ha<l local government is certainly a
great evil which ought to tie prevented,
but to violate the freedom and sanctity
of the suffrage is more than an evil, it is
a crime, which if persisted in will destroy
the government itself."— (jarti.-1.r 3 hi
That negroes arc anywhere in the
land prevented from the free exercise
of the ballot we do not believe. The
statement of the out-going and the in
coming President that they are inter
fered with dries not make it so. The
statements of both these men, and tliev
were both foisted upon the people by
fraud, assume without reason that the
negroes of the South are not permitted
to use freely their right of suffrage.
The only instance wo have of inter
ference with the free exercise of suf
frage is where this James A. Garfield
himself,consorting and conspiring with
plundering carpet bagger*, returning
hoard thieves and ignorant negroes,
male and female, disfranchised ten
thousand men iu I Louisiana, and thus
thwarted the will of eight millions
of freemen, emphatically expressed
through the ballot. If then, as Mr.
Garfield says in the same paragraph,
"in other lands it he high treason to
compass the life of the King.it should
lie no less a crime lu re to strangle our
sovereign power and -title its voice,"
he should have been tried, convicted
and hung for high treason iu 1*77 ;
for he strangled our sovereign power,
and not only stifled hut entirely
drowned it- voice. It is rough on
the nation that our present and lu-t
chief magistrate can not speak of the
violation of law, or refer to the pun
ishment of crime, without passing sen
tence upon themselves.
It is also assumed that the free ex
ercise of suffrage i- alone interfered
with in the South. What of the North ?
What rights were violated to make
Garfield President? Wherein was the
freedom ami sanctity of tlx- ballot
aud the power of the popular voice
stilled? lid us for a moment inquire.
Through violence alone to the ballot
Indiana, conceded a Democratic State,
wa- carried by the Republicans. For
the implements used let the records
answer. Scott Ray, K*q., lioing sworn
says, on "Sunday evening. Jan'v 25,
I**o, in Shelbyville city, 1 had a con
versation with Henry S. Hvers, in
which he said : ' There is no disguis
' ing thf fact, Rav, the exodus move
' ment of colored men to ludinua is a
' political movement of the Republi
can party, as I know it to be a fact.
' We intend to carry ludiana with the
'aid of the negro vote. We intend to
'bring eight thousand of them into
' the State in time for to vote this fall,
' and place them in the close congress
-1 ional district* and into the close coun
' ties of Indiana. That he was in a
' position to know that it was an or
' gnnized effort on the part of the lie
' publican managers to bring negroes
4 into the State for political purposes,
' and he had contributed all the money
' he wa* able to give to bring negroes
4 into Indiana.'" Mr. Hyers is a lead
ing Republican of Shelby county. —
Again, Thomas P. Mills, an eminent
Republican of Indianapolis, engaged
in the real estate and railroad busi
ness :
i/utntinn. You have been in favor of
emigration ? A w. Yes, air, very much
in favor of it. 1 told the boys when
they first came thai we wanted 20,000
"bucks '—buck niggers, in Indiana this
You mean to say you wanted
20,000 men? A. Yea, sir; we had no
special use for women and children.
Q. You bad no idea of labor con
necled with this matter? A. No, sir, I
had no idea of labor, 1 was looking for
(i. You wanted the 20,000 bucks to
vote? A. I wanted them to vote, of
Q. Are you a Republican? A. Yes,
sir, I am, id thought if we could get
20.000 "bucks" we would get away with
yow everlastingly.
This was the beginning of the loea
of Indiana. The conclusion was that
the employees in the manufactories
; and workshops of Indiana were threat
ened with discharge if they refused to
vote the Republican ticket. Negro
su 11 rage, legal or illegal, according to
Republican morals, is all right, pro
viding the negro votes for Hayes or
Hut this is not all. Pennsylvania,
Connecticut, New York and New
Hampshire were carried for this same
; Mr. < iurfield by means the most vio
lent au<i despicable ever brought to
hear upou a jieople about to enjoy
their suffrages. The power of the Na
tional Hunks, the strength of the Na
tional Treasury, and the wealth of the
private citizens, were used to intimi
date and frighten business and husi
i ness men. Husiuess men aud business
were used to coerce, bully, threaten
and brow-heat the white lulsiring men
of these great commonwealths into the
support of a ticket they loathed as a
I plague, and into voting for a man
whose character they despist-d. It i
patent to every mun that by these:
mean- alone Garfield was made presi
dent. I hat he was cognizant of and
aided and abetted in these great crimes
, is equally cleur.
lo "violate the freedom and sancti
ty of the ballot is a crime which, if
pcr-istcd in, will destroy the govern
ment itself." This we have always
contended to lie absolutely true, and
strange a* it may seem, Garfield, iu
one of his honest intervals, agrees with
us. Twice has the will of the whole
people leen overthrown by intcrfer
; once with the freedom of the ballot,
and if continued will a- certainly de
stroy the government a* that day and
| "'ght succeed each other. This, Gar
field says, is " high treason." Right;
call it by its proper name; but, Mr.
Garfield, where would you be if you
had your ju*t desert* meted out to
you for this great crime ?
THE hanks that withdrew their cir
culation to frighten Hayes into a veto
>f the funding bill, says the Harris
burg I'at riot, are now sneaking hark to
the treasury with their bonds to get it
again. For a less c ause than this as
sault on the funding hill In-gan the
conflict in this country which did not
end until the I'nited States hank was
overthrown and its supporters driven
from the political field. By the course
of the national hanks a measure was
defeated which would have saved to
the treasury not less than twelve mil
lion dollars a year. Hut that saving
would have diminished the profits of
, the national hanks. What indeed is
government for if it do not devote
itself to Ihe fostering of a national
hank monopoly? In its selfishness
and arrogance the old national liauk
monopoly set itself up for a political
j power superior to the people, and
when too late it discovered iu folly.
It will be strange if this new hank
monopoly does not meet with the same
experience. It has waked up an ugly
I customer.
THE last acts of Hayes, the fraud,
liefore retiring to the obscurity his
mean character ha* earned for him,
was to call an extra session of the
Senate, aud veto the Funding Hill.
The first, proper itself, was at the re
quest of President Garfield, to confirm
his appointments. The second, at the
request of the National Hanks, to en
able them, if possible, to perpetuate
their mastery of the government and
people, for which of course he may
exjiect, if he has not already received,
his reward.
Ot'R neighbor of the Republican is
delighted with the last veto of the
fraud Hayes. This veto for the time
being prevents the people of the
United States from refunding their
public debt at the low rate of three
per cent. The million of dollars a
month that the National Hanks will
take from the treasury of the nation
in way of extra interest upon their
five aud six per cent, bonds affords
from a Republican standpoint a pleas
ing subject for contemplation. In the
end, however, the majority of the peo
ple may not like it so well.
bill, pas-ed by both House* of Con
gress, wait vetoed in the la-t hour* of
the session by the miserable Fraud
who lield the Presidential office, under
circumstances of grave suspicion t hut
Ilia exit wu* attended by the same dis
honesty that characterized bin entrance
upon the stolen office. The National
Hunk* have thus shown tln-ir power,
under present organization, to control
the legialatiori of the country in any
measure that may interfere with their
cent, JMT cent, dividend*, however
unjustly it may oppress the people,
j Nay, they have done more, they have
| challenged the conteat which ia aure
to follow the attempt to coerce the
i government and obtain the maaterv of
| the country, 'lhia challenge the j>eo
| pie will no doubt be preparer! to ac
j cept, and test their aovereignty uguin-t
the "rule or ruin" policy which these
banka aeetn to have adopted a- an
; iaaue.
Tun appearance of General Han
cock at the inauguration of President
' iurfield was one of the mo-t notable
and pleasing incidents of the occasion.
' In the arrival of the great soldier and
patriot at \t oshingtou he was received
| by an immense throng of hi- admiring
1 and enthusiastic friends —thousands
upon thousands in number—who with
the utmost difficulty aud only after
a resort to harsh means were prcven
j ted from removing the horses from
the carriage provided for his accotn-
I modation and drawing it by hand
from the dejiot to the hotel. His rt
ception was indeed an ovation, and
wherever he appeared during the pro
gress of the inaugural ceremonies he
was "the observer! of all observers"
and the recipient of the most marker!
attention and honor. It was a Irving
ordeal; yet through it all ften. Han
cock bore himself with that <piict dig
nity, rare good sense and innate cour
tesy so characteristic of the man at all
j times. This visit of Gen. Hancock
to Washington to grace by his pres
ence the formal induction of his suc
cessful opponent into the great office
j of President of the I'nited States af
ford* hi* friends another opportunity
ito recall with pride how justifiable
has been their confidence in him, and
how deserving he wa* of the earnest
support they gave him.
THE unbiased reader of President
; Garfield's inaugural address will con
' elude that it is based upon the ideas of
Hamilton and a strong centralized
jmwer rather than upon the Republi
can teachings of Thomas Jefferson
and the principles upon which our
government was founded. An ex
i change remarks that Mr. Garfield
seems determined to spell nation with
a big N. and thinks that it might lie
as well to occasionally *|cll union
with a big U, and republic with a
big K
THE Duylestown Drmocml appro
priately and truthfully says that "in
the retirement of Mr. Wallace, from
the .Senate, the country loses the ser
vice of one of her most gifted sons.
Pennsylvania feels proud of the record
her Senator has made in the six years
he has had a seat in the upper Hou*o
of C-ongress. It will be some time
before the bosses ran match him."
They must get much better material
there than they have at present if they
expect to "match liirn."
HAYES' late nominations, which
were quite numerous, were allowed to
sleep in the Keuatc unnoticed, as silent
witnesses of the contempt which Sena
tors honestly entertained for the fraud
ulent occupant of a stolen office.
Among the unfortunates was Stanley
Matthews, who wa* ambitious to be a
I'nited State* Judge.
DID any of our visiting Republicans
and office-seekers to Washington, dis
cover what had become of Don Cam
eron ? He undoubtedly must have
been absent, or oblivious of passing
events, to have allowed the appoint
ment of that brilliant anti-machine
statesman, Wayne MacVeagh, to the
Attorney Generalship.
I KHMS : |H*r Annum, in Advance.
I N A r (i l' It A T K I>!
Gurflold and Arthur Sworn in aa
President and Vice Prcßident.
J M l'< IS ING (' KItK M O XIKS.
| Jsinea A. Garfield, of Ohio, and ("he#
ter A. Arthur, of New York, were
on J-riday la.t, t!.• 4th of March, inaug
urated into their respective office# of
: President nnd Vice President of the
I nitod State#. A heavy storm of wind,
"now and rain; which commenced
I hursday evening, continued without
interrni##iori during the night. A more
diurnal appearing city than Washington
at daybreak on Friday morning could
not be imagined. A steady northwest
wind, however, drove away the clouds,
and by 1 1 o'clock the sun wa# shining
brightly and the concrete pavement of
the Avenue wa# in excellent condition.
The first division of the procession,
which escorted Garfield to the Capitol,
started on time, and a# it passed down
| the Avenue, was witnessed by immense
crowds. Ihe Inaugural ceremonies at
the '"apitol were carried out according
to the arranged programme, the oath of
office being administered as usual by
the ''hief Justice. At the conclusion of
i the reading of the Inaugural address,
which wa# listened to with close atten
tion, the first division reformed and
then the real procession of the day be
gan to move. Genera! .Sherman was in
command, and the army which he com
manded was composed of fully fifteen
thousand men. The first division, un
der command of Major General It. B.
Ayres, I'nited States Army, consisted of
twelve companies of regular artillery,
four companies of marines, a battalion
of Cleveland troops, cavalry. President
and parly in carnages. Knight Temp
lars, four platoon*; Grand Army of the
Republic, eight platoons; Roys in Rlue,
eight platoons; Naval Cudets, two horse
j flatteries of regulars, battalion Wash
! ington Fight Infantry, four companies ;
Colonel Moore, Company A, Fifth battel
j ion ; Secoud California brigade, Hamp
! ton < adel*. Virginia ; i.ang-ton Guards,
Norfolk. Vs.; F nion Iflues, Tbomaa
; ville, Ga ; Rome Star Guards, Georgia ;
j National Rifles, Washington. Captain
Burnside ; signal Corps, i'nited Slates
Army, and the Ninth Regiment, of
New York. Next came the most inter
jesting feature of the procession—the
second division, under command of
j Major General Hartranft. It waa made
, up entirely of Pennsylvania troops, and
jas the liovs marched up the avenue
they received most vigorous applause.
I'heir step was firm, and it was the com
mon remark that the regulars must
look to their laurels. The\ were in the
uniform of the I'nited States Infantry
and carried knapsacks, canteen* anil
I ration* for three days' living in camp.
There seemed to fe no end to the Penn
sylvanians, hut there is an end to every
j thing, and the third division finally put
jin an appearance. This division, com
; manded by Major General Thomas C.
Fletcher, consisted of the Grand Army
of the Republic, Boy# in Blue and mili
tia from New York, District of Colum
bia, New Jersey, Delaware. Ohio. Michi
gan, Wisconsin, Indiana. Illinois, Min
nesota, lowa. Kansas, Missouri, New
Hampshire. Connecticut, Massachusetts
and veterans from the District of Col
umbia and Pittsburg. The Harrisburg
City Grays, the Titusville Citizen'a Corps
and the Dickinson College and Penn
sylvania State College < adeU were also
,in this division. The fourth division,
I under the command of Major General
| Charles 11. Field, was compoaed of
militia from Maryland, Virginia, Wewt
Virginia, South t 'arolina, Tennessee and
Florida. The fifth division, under the
command of Colonel Roliert Royd. waa
compoaed exclusively of civic societies
and here marched the Philadelphia
political club*.
The column moved up the Avenue to
the White House, where the entire pro
cession was viewed by Preeident Gar
field It then passed up the Avenue to
Washington Circle, returning byway of
K street to Ninth street, where it dis
banded. The pageant was magnificent
in every respect, and the display of the
military reminded the spectator of the
famous review of the Army of the Po
tomac in this city in JMS.
The ball in the evening proved a fib
ting close to the celebration. The large
hall of the new Museum building was
lit Up by ga* and electric lights, beauti
fully decorated and thronged with a
brilliant assemblage. The President
held a reception from until 11 o'clock,
at which hour dancing began. The af
fair was in every respect a success. The
efficient arrangements were creditably
carried out. and great credit is due to
the Kxecutive committee,of which Hon.
i John W. Thompson is the chairman,
, who lalmred long and faithfully to at
tain that end. No accident occurred
j to mar the celebration, which attracted
thousands of people from all parts of
the country.
To Gen. Sherman also is due greet
praise. His admirable planning, second
ed bv the efforts of his division com
i menders, brought into regular line,
without a single hitch or delay, the
immense number of men who partici-
Eated in the parade. (Jen. Sherman
as shown that his skill as a military
commander is not alone exercised in
time* of war.
Citirens of Altoona are making an
effort to have a small boy named Dixon,
who ia only 9 years of age, releeeed
from the House of Refuge. He waa
pronounced incorrigible because be ma
away from home to escape the cruelties
of a step mother.
MAT CxarsßTia's life was insured fer
NO. 10.