Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 03, 1881, Image 8

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    ihe €*ntw $ craocrat.
Thursday Morning, Maroh 3,1881.
CoaaasenMeuioa. containing lm|iorlaut lll<W>,solicit
ed from Mi.v part of the county. No comniuillrstluoa
Inserted utiles* accompanied by the rel nam* or the
Domocrntic County Committoo.
The following persons liavo been named
as members of tho Democratic County
Committoo for 18N1.
ttellrfouto, W W Nicholas Kedilhnt
Bellefoute, N W_ Charles Sell who.
Hetlefoota, 8. W
Mllssburg O. P. Kreamer.
M.ilhwm I> L. Zcrbe.
ttnluuvllto A Toner heathers.
Ilossar.t tieorite \l Inter.
l'hlllpslmrg A. J.Omkam.
Itenuer Jerry Koan
Hogg* JHHM A. McjCUin.
Bnn.st.lc Oscar Holt.
I'urtlii - J"'"' Met loakey.
ColUffts .... v .ssa JftdOb IWlltrf.
Frrgu;i7oVtl....... £ho T. MrOurttlck.
fVrgiiwt.n, new.* Mil* Walk*-. u
Uregg, south Kn .iirinr, Hr
Artgg, north- ,
* , r. ~
If mill■ HHOnWU hltlillgor.
lUrrTsTZ.. A. K,pi,.
Howard - lolm A. Uunklr.
Iloatoo 1 'nry ILI*.
Libortr w H.*rdnr.
Mwioii P*rry Oot*k>
Mihn...., tottrl K Imu-t
ration John Hrrd.
IVnn OirUt Al**nl*r.
Hotter, north John Bh*ut)oit.
Hotter, Booth Jamta McClitKlck.
BUh ..a.aa.a
Suow 8tio All rfl|ibcll.
spring John Noll.
Tovlor .... William CWld^rwood.
Union .. 8. K Emortck.
Walker AmbfOir McSfl ultra.
Worth Marthall Lewis.
ftellefontr, Pa., r*b. 1. Chairman.
Local Department.
—Call at Green's drug store for your
—The Y. M. C. A., of Centre Hall, held
a public meeting last Sunday afternoon.
—Call at the Philadelphia Branch and
examine their bargains in men's and boys, j
—March is so called because Winter is
supposed to get up and march away during
that month.
—We hear that sufficient money has
been subscribed to pay oft" the debt on the
M. E. church.
—Gentlemen of Centre county, do your
selves a favor by buying your clothing at
tho Philadelphia Branch.
—Attend the meeting of tho Bellefonte
Temperanco Union in the Young Men's
Christian Association room this evening.
—Mitchell is the tnan for United States
Senator, and happy is the man who buys
his clothing at the Philadelphia Branch.
—Kev. G. D. Knox, a minister from the
western part of this Slate, will preach for
the Baptist congregation next Sunday eve.
ning. There should be a large attendance
to hear him.
—We are sorry to learn that our friend
Mr. Michael Kcrstetter, residing on
Brockerhoff's farm, in Spring township,
lost a very valuable horse by death on
Tuesday morning.
—Tho African M. K. church is being re
paired and its interior ndorned with Iresh
paint. It will be greatly improved a a
place of worship when the present work
upon it i* completed.
Frequent services will be held in the
Episcopal church of this place during
Lent, which began yesterday. Two ser
vices were held yesterday—Ash Wednes
day—and the Litany will be said on Fri
day afternoon at 4 o'clock.
March came in neither roaring like a
lion nor bleating like a lamb. We don't
know what animal to aompare it with, but
guess that the monkey will suit. But
when March comes in like any other ani
mal than a lion or lamb it gives us no
basis upon which to foretell how it will go
—Thomas Carlyle, in speaking of Amer
ica, once said, "The secret of happiness in
America is that ye have a vast deal of
land for a very few people. '' The eminent
philosopher erred in neglecting to state ;
that an important item in the happiness of j
Americans is tbat they have such flnegro- :
eery stores as that of S. A. Brew A Son. j
All the land in Centre county would fail j
to make a man happy if he did not have a
first-class grocery store near by.
—The three planet*, Saturn, Jupiter and
Venus, illuminate the western heavens,
and are most beautiful just after the sun
has retired behind tho horizon. We be
lieve it is promised on the heavenly pro
gramme that these three planet* shall con
tinue to be visible until about the flrt of
May, Venn* growing more brilliant, while
Saturn and Jupiter will gradually dimin
ish their light.
—A Bishop street boy went to see hit
grandmother. After looking eagerly around
the handsomely furnished room where he
sat, he exclaimed, inquiringly. "Oh, grand
ma, where is the miserable table papa saya
you keep?" "Oh, we have a good table
now, my dear," answered grandma;" we
have commenced buying our groceries of
Hechler JA Co., aud our cook is now able
to prepare some of the nicest dinners you
ever tasted.
Last Sunday night was one of the
times when tho darkness was so intebse
that it could almost be felt. The street
lamps were In their usual places, but they
were not visible to mortal eye, end only
served a* obstructions to impede the prog
,;-ee# of pedeetrian*—and their hard iron
surface is by no means the most agreeabl*
substance in the world to come in forcible
contact with. We believe ijrith Artemu*
Ward that this should not be thus, and
are of opinion thet it will not be heeltby
for the borough authorities to have too
many "this thucs." In plain word*, why
were not the street lamps lit? Are the
borough authorities in league with the evil
powers to keep people away from church ?
< ; ' ( f r . :
Hood which agitated tho bosom of Hprlng
crook last Monday morning may bo tho
concluding ono for tbi oa*on at loaat.
Tho pretty stream, with iU IribuUry,
Logan branch, row very rapidly last Sun
day night, caused by a violent rain storm
which began about 4 o'clock on tho after
noon of that day and continued with una
bated fury for fourteen hours. At 4 o'clock
on Monday morning it had attained a
height seldom known bofore. Tho im
mense body of snow along (ho banks of tho
tao streams was transformed into water,
and descended liko an avalanche into tho
roaring Hood.
Considerable damage was wrought by
tho destructive waters. Tho dam above
tho car works was in imminent danger of
bursting its banks, in which case tho de
struction would have been increased to an
almost limitless extent. Tho smallor dams
at Mann's Axe Works and at Valentines'
Ironworks gave way, and sent thoir con
tents down to swell tho mighty flood. A
trestle which supports Valentines' railroad
across Spring creek was only prevented
from floating olf by being secured on one
end. An immense cako of ice struck ono
of the piers oi the High street bridge,
considerably endangering tho safety of tho
structure. Further down tho creek tho
bridge lending to tho Hush House stables
was carried away. Tho bridge on Lamb
street was greatly damaged as were also
several other similar structures further
down tho stream. Tho dam at Linn A
McCoy's Ironworks was damaged to a
considerable extent. All along tho course
of tho creek cellars wero flooded, causing
much destruction and inconvenience. Tho
waters subsided almost as soon a they had
risen. It is not a comforting thought that
sufficient snow remains to again swell the
creek with a raging torrent if wo should
be visited soon by the same amount of
I'ERRONALS.—Senator C. T. Alexander
bestowed his agreeable presence on Bollo
fonte during last Sunday.
Miss Jennie I)are has returned home
from Philadelphia, and will again enliven
ttie society of ItcUefonto with her presence.
ltcv. Mr. N'esbitl, of Lock Haven,
preached two splendid sermons for the
Presbyterian congregation, of this place, on
; Sunday last. The audience present at tho
[ morning service was aneof tho largest that
! ever assembled in the church. Kev. Wm.
Laurie filled Kev. Nvsbitt's pulpit at I<ock
, Haven, and as his sermons are always
I "lnborate, well prepared effort*, wo have
\ no doubt that those who heard him were
highly edified.
—Ono of tho rare events of last week
was a call from Mr. Chas. Kckenroth, one
of Pleasant Cap's good citi/.ens. Wo hope
ho will repeat it frequently in the future.
Mr. John itankin. Jr., is now acting ss
messenger for the First National Bank
Mr. \\ illintn Schroyer is recovering
from his recent attack of illness.
Mr. arid Mrs. Jaines Rankin paid a
visit to friends in Muncy during the latter
part of last week.
—Br. Thomas 15. Hayes will lead the
regular monthly meeting of the Voting
Men's Christian Association next Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Everybody is in
vited to be present.
Mrs. J. I). Kurtj, of Milton, is visit
ing at the residence of Major For*tor.
Mr. K. A. Bobbins, the author of the
"Bobbins' System" of piano-forte instruc
tion, with his daughter and niece, arc
occupying apartments at the Bush House.
—Mrs. Secbler, the wife of Mr. Harn
mon Hochler, has been very ill during the
past week. We arc pleased to learn that
she is now recovering.
Miss 1-aia Klinger, one of the accom
plished compositors of the Wairhnvtn of
fice, who has suffered quite a long period
of illness, is now recovering.
Mr. William 1-arimer, who is one of
the salesmen in the employ of the Singer
sewing machine agency at this place, drew
a prize offered to the man who would sell
the largest number of machine* during the
month of February, He sold ten ma
chines, which is considered very good for
the shortest month in the year.
—Mr. A. C. Mingle, long tho popular
and obliging clerk at the Bee Hive store,
ha* decided upon making an Important
change. He ha* purchased an interest in
the shoe establishment of Ixiuis Doll and
on next Monday morning will be found In
tbat widely known store ready to wait
upon the numerous customers who frequent
it. "Cap," a* he is familiarly known, I*
one of the be*t clerk* who ever stood
behind the counter, and in hi* new vocation
will doubtless increase his enviable repu
tation. We wish him all the luck that a
prosperous and well conducted business
can bring him,
Both American and English audiences
are best pleased when tbey see something
that will make tbern laugh, and if the
pleasant glance* and glad smile* of the fam
ily who have just partaken of a dinner
compounded of groceries bought at Sechler
<fc Co'* store could be seen on the face* of
the actors on the stage the drama of "A
Happy Family" would satisfy the most
critical audience A private exhibition
can be had In every family that will pat
ronize Hechler A Co'* grocery.
—Company B, National Guard, will
start to Washington this afternoon.
Everybody should be out to see them off,
a* tbey wilt look more like reel soldiers
than ever before.
—lf you want a flrst-cias* cigar, call at
Green's drug store for it
The following remarks concerning tho
season upon which we have jut entered
are copied from tho Altoona Tribune.: The
penitential season of Lent began on Wed
nesday of thin week. To many it U a
season of fasting and prayer, whilu to all,
especially tho gayer world, it is a tinio for
much needod rent from social demands, such
as parties, balls, entertainments, etc. It
concludes with Saturday, the 10th of April,
at which time tin; white robes of Easier
rejoicing aro brought forth. The setting
apart of forty days as a season of fasting
and special devotion has its origin in simi
lar seasons mentioned both in tho Old
Testament and tho New. Moses was on
Mount Sinai with tho Almighty lor forty
days and nights. Elijah fasted forty days
and nights as ho went to Mount lioreb.
When Jonah proclaimed to the Ninuvites
that their city would he destroyed if they
did not repent, their term of grace was fixed
at forty days, during which time they
"proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth,
from tho greatest to the least." When
Jesus Christ went into tho wilderness to be
tempted by the devil, his term of exile was
forty days and nights, during which lime
he fasted Jly the people of tho Old Tes
tament fasting was observed as an accom
paniment to prayer and other acts of devo
tion. Thoro aro intimations in tho New
Testament that lasting, i( devoutly prac
ticed, would be acceptable to God. In the
early church there seems to have boon as
great diversity of opinion about the duly
of fasting as among modern Christians. In
the first century fasting was joined with
prayer in connection with the rito of bap
tism. In tho second century it became
customary to fast before Easter, not in
such protracted measure as tho
fast, but rather with a series of solemn
services. These were principally on Fri
days, to commemorate the day of the cru
cifixion. At Alexandria Wednesdays and
Fridays were observed as fast days, com
memorative of the betrayal of our !ord on
Wednesday and his crucifixion on Friday
As regular days of fasting became more
and more fixed institutions the custom in
creased of preparing by feasting on the
Jays preceding the fast. There is high
authority for this in the account of Elijah
and bis fast. Before entering on his forty
days of abstinence ho ate a substantial
repast and "went in the strength of that
meat forty days and forty nights unto
lioreb, the Mount of God." In the limes
of the early fathers, Chrysostom, Augus
tine and others, this feasting was so greatly
in excess as to cause tho outspoken con
demnationof theie Godly men. But human
nature is much the snme in all generations.
As fasting became more of a prescribed
duty preliminary h-asling grew in favor.
In countries where the fat is made
the most of tho carnivals which precede It
are most eminently flavored with jollity
and the consumption of creature comforts.
The season of Lent in its forty-day con
tinuance gradually became a fixed custom,
both in the Eastern and tho Western
churches. For a long time fasting was
voluntary. By the Council of Orleans in
oil it was made obligatory. The Eighth
Council of Trent in the next century for
bade the use of meat during the fast before
Easter, and decreed that thoso who ato it
during that time should go without it for
the rest of the year. Various councils
from time to time took action as to the
details of fasting In tho English Church
Lent was commanded by Ercombert, sev
enth King of Kent, in the eighth century.
The Protestant Episcopal church of this
country has closely followed the practices
of the Church of England as to Lent.
In ail the churches which observe the
Ash Wednesday services aro partially
solemn and |>enilcntial. There is a general
abstinence from worldly business if not
from food. In all the churches where
fasting prevails tho rules of abstinence
from food are now so modified that no
privation need be undergone so great as to
he dangerous to health. The sick, tho
feeble and the hard working are exempted
from fasting as it would be injurious to the
physical system. To th>triiiy devout who
accept the duty of fasting as a help to
spiritual life and to communion with God
it would seem that there must be advan
tage in it. Tho world sutlers from glut
tony and overfeeding far more than from
eating too little.
—Among the officers recently elected to
preside over the alfairs of the borough of
Pbiliprburg were three gentlemen—VV. T.
Bain, 8. F. Lytle and L. C. Jonea—who
were chosen to fill the somewhat novel
position of church trustees. When their
names were published in last week's DIM
OCRAT we did not understand the duties of
this honorable position. Our ignorance on
the subject was, doubtless, shared by others,
for in its recent issue the Philiptburg
Journal feels called upon to ofTor the fol
lowing explanation:
I<ong years ago before church denomi
nations had an existence in this ancient
"burg," a property was set aside bv the
founder of the village, and a building
erected denominated the "Union Church,"
whose doors ws'e always one.i to ministers
of the gospel for preaching and public
worship This property is under the con
trol of the borough authorities, and the
voters elect annually three trustees, whose
duty it Is to supervise the same. Expenses
for repairs ana incidentals are paid out of
the borough tax assessment.
—Tuesday last was what is commonly
known at "Bbrove Tuesday," and was the
proper time to eat doughnuU—a very wel
come occasion for the children, whe would
rejoice to have It universally observed.
LINKS ABOUT LKNT.—Tho following !
protty poem, appropriate to Lent, Is from
tho pen of MM. Marcella V. Hardenbergh,
of Brooklyn, and appears in a neat little
volume recently issued by her under tho
title "From Heart to Heart." The poem
is entitled
It is tiic solemn Lenten time,
When from the world apart,
We Christians should review our life,
And try our inmost heart.
Before Jehovah's searching sight.
All guilty we must he,
But yet I think our crying sin
Is lack of charity.
Proud Pharisees, wo thank the Lord,
We not as others seeut,
Our glass can magnify the "mote,"
But quite o'crlook tho "beam."
Is our own garb so undofilod,
Our heart so while within,
That we can draw our robes aside,
And spurn the child of sin ?
Can we stand up witli spotless hands,
Pass sentence on another,
Unpitying lift the murderous stone
And slay an erring brother?
If Christ such mercy showed to us,
As we to others show,
How swift would be our punishment,
llow sure would be our woe!
Lord, in the holy Lenten time,
Teach us our guilt to see ;
Oh send, most needed of all gifts,
The grace of charity.
IN MIMORIAM.—At Linden Hail, Cen
tre county, Pa., January 1", 1 1, Lucy
Boss, aged 63 year* and •> months, wife of
John L. Boss.
\VIIXRK AS, it has pleased the Great
Master in Hit all-wise providence to enter
j our Grange circle by death for the second
time, removing from our midst another of
our charter members—our beloved Bister
Lucy ROM—after a sojourn of seven years
with u.
Rrthlreil, That in tho death of Bister
Hots, Victor Grange has lost a worthy
member, her husband and son a kind and
affectionate wife and mother, the church
a devoted Christian, yet we truly believe
that their loss is her infinite gain.
Jlet -lvrJ, That we sympathi/.e with the
bereaved husband and son and commend
thein to God, who it too wise to err and too J
good to do wrong.
RThat the foregoing resolutions I
! i>e recorded on the minutes of Victor j
Grange No. lot. P. of 11., and published
in the h'armer't FrxrnJ and the several
I county papers, and a copy be presented to
i the husband and son of the deceased, and
! our charter bo draped in mourning lor
| sixty days.
MRS. G W. CA Mils KM., "|
MRS J. R. DAI.X, -Com.
M k*. E It. I OAI., j
about going into office should lake heed of
i recent decisions of the Supreme Court in j
1 relation to roads and bridges, so that they
will place and keep all such in condition \
that will ensure the safety of travelers and
save the township damage* The Supreme
Court has decided that if a public road,
running through a township, is so danger. I
ous by reason of its proximity to a preci
picc that common prudence require* extra j
precaution In order to ecuro safety to j
travelers, the township is bound to use such
precaution, and the omission to do so is
negligence. Townshij*, a well as other
municipalities, as a city or borough, are j
bound to creel walls or barriers along the
sides of it* mad. if that i necessary to the (
safety of travelers.
In another caw the Supreme Court also
decided that, where the plaintiff wa* driv
ing over an unrailed township bridge and
the horse look fright at a plank nailed over
a hole in the bridge, and before be could
be prevented, backed over the bridge into
the creek, by which the horse, carriage
and harness were injured, judgment WM
properly entered upon a verdict for SB3, in '
favor of the plaintiff and against the town
ship, who should have kept the bridge in a
safe condition.
DKATII os MRS WIAVIR.—Thia lady,
the wife of George 11. Weaver, Esq., of
Howard street, died on Monday morning
la*t, of consumption, with which she had
been for a long time a sufferer. She was
a lady of great amiability and energy, and
would not la'lieve that death was so newr
until it had almo*t arrived. A husband
and several children survive her, who
d'-wrve the profoundest sympathy in their
cffiiclion. Her maiden name was Mist
•Susan Ingram. She was in her f.lst year.
Mr. Harry Mall, a former resident
of Milesburg, died recently at Maryville,
Nodaway county, Mo., aged 78 year*. He
wa* a stone mason by trade, and worked
on the Presbyterian church at Milesburg
during the process of its erection. A a
citir.cn he was thoroughly respected by all
who knew him, and his* death is greatly
Mr*. J. A. Wallace, net Miss Mary J.
Williams, died at the home of her husband
at Alexis, Warren county, Illinois, on Fri
day, tbe 2fllh of January. Mrs. Wallace's
maiden home was in this place, where she
was married, her husband rwiding here
for some time and pursuing the occupation
ola sign writer and also being connected
with the Mountain City Rand as leader.
—Mr*. Margaret Carson, wife of Wil
liam Carton, died at her home in Bpring
Mill* on the 23d ult. She was an excellent
woman and a devoted member of the M.
E. church. Her rest is peace.
—A coincidence occurred at Pbitipsburg
on Sunday morning, the 20th instant.
Rev. I)r. Woodend, the new pastor of the
Presbyterian church, had just announced
hit text, "Let fire come out of tbe bramble,
and devour the cedar* ol Lebanon," when
a smell of fire and smoke pervaded the
sanctuary, and tbe floor of the church waa
discovered to be on fire, caused by an
overheated furnace. A few buckets of
water checked the progress of the flames,
and Dr. Woodend proceeded with his In
terrupted discourse. It Is not often that
such an immediate response follows the
eiorlntioni of a minister.
next term ol Court for this county will
begin on the fourtli Monday, (28lh day),
of April for which tho following Grand
and Traverse juror* have been drawn :
Osorg* Koch. Potior.
John It Mtiitri), I'M tton
Win II w my. 11.,1f M<iOD.
Mil*** Wftlkfr, K*rguaon
Martin Morriaou, Ik ll f i*.
B 'it HIfMMM. Itia),
Aubt Hrurnganl, Walkrr
(ixorg? o'dbirt, Pott *t.
Conrad limn*). I'M,i,
I* C. Hull k, llmUiU,
It. V. Trotl, llnlnr-a
If C* Holler, Howar ! Ik.r.
' MfrfJnrvy, t'ulon.
I' b KJ|B), r, |„||*r
Willi*n, Blaka, I'lillli*!,'*.
J H Van firmer. Ik-lUf'l*.
Arthur Brown, B" 11* font*
W llllatri fiiil/ifiMii,
Ih'lssrt K*•r*lall, Coll*#*-
William <*aru*-r, Fcrguaot,
If. M K*rllti, Uffgx.
J. JohiißUujlmogh, Osllftg*.
;J*tii'l Y. I.<!' *■. Ntiow Hl,os.
Aiiatin Jluorur, t'oiofi. i
l II Yottng, Fcrguaon. '
J mi,,us \Y*Mt*r, 11 Mir, •
Tfcn—i Wilson, Boftga
J. II Hrrihart, Hiring.
O.l' KrtNtnifr, Militlxirg
It C. ClK***mau, lUIUfU
Am run Kuiikl*. PotUf.
Put M' Chllll, It lie),
(Jaorga Prat*). Know Mho*
Oft.rg* fSrklo. P*rgtiaofi
Vinton Ta>lor.
Hhiihi*) KI7, Wniks-r.
John M Kfi,"ri'-k. Mil**.
Willi*!,, Klmwli, I'hllipati'g.
P W.-Mtwr Hogg*
rg* Jatmaon, <Jr*-gg.
W illi*ni 11*11, g|,rlrig.
M P Kuhll*, Hi. ring
J A Hunter, flair Moon.
W Ji Khaff#r. W*lk*r
Frank W HI, ami,. W *lk*r.
J M<j!holl*i,l, liuritai'!*
<f W . Patfon.
ihntfiuH Brick ley, ll 'WMr<l
! Jam** Pint rig Nr. I'ottor.
Ujttk*, Mr. ll'iward.
>t I r,M. . jh fj '
John V. Ilnvfii, <ir*gg.
W llllmn I*!#-, M|rliig.
I't Kelly, ohoe.
J miiM 0IM, Know hh'ff.
K. CJ. Van FHI, Poller
At**l Cjn|J*ll ( Hnow Hho*.
Auatlit rurtln, Hc<KK-
J.J Muw, hiring
II h. H^** t Ifeilelorite.
I'a-rry H I'arw/na, flu* ton.
Henry Brown, H *tk*r
Jvol; B*bree, Button,
i 11. C Xuirr, lw*Mti>r.
T K <irtet, I nionvllU.
Z Huftir. Ilucton
John f Wllllama, Worth.
A O. Arch}. Fcfguaofi,
Ivtar flreoti. Pann
In. I' OaßUfl,
IA.C. Bovrf,
T W llo*tivjtnn, Haluw.
Au*h M Vfullwn \V*iker
<*liaa K Ytsarkk. Mart"i,
John II (J<>h*rn, prrjfu*,ii
He,, M ,i ( mite
I' C tlingri, h, (Village.
•l*r ii,i at, JI mm, M
John II HUtiri, I i,l<>ii.
Plwf.v h 'irmy F*rguaon
A.J. Plwubof. Walker.
Hani* I llckn,an, I'* (ton.
W'Hliatii Banner. P'.fter
Arid. Morrtaon. lu lirfc.nt*
lMni*l Irvtn |flutou.
W V Rajmoid*. H-llefnte.
A V. MlUgl*. |Uilwf..|,tr.
Jan,w Turner. Il<..arl
W illiata T. Italia* . It-nnrr
B.J. Herring.Or*gg.
CaUiu Ik-Huff, l'..tirr.
Joo. A W *a**r. frVryuaon
T M liartiharl, Hiring.
|Uorg Ik- k,
KeulM-n kf\iy. Wi-rth.
William pMun j. r*. Ilml' ti
Morgan M LU'M ll"gg
William Matin, Cnrtln.
Frank Knarr MUlhaiiu
It F Keislfl, Millh*iU.
I M Ulb, li*;i*fooie
John h Aurnai. Hr*gg.
Il*nr> Rceaer I'att' li.
John Mejwm. liar r,•
l>al<J Ire, Ferguson.
L tK4t, I t,fobiU*
PUBLIC SALEM.— M<-**r*. I). Hhsrer and
C. Iiv k<>ri, administrator* of the late John
L. Hockey, of Spring township, offer a
Urge number of the personal effects be
longing U> the deceased nt public kle, on
Friday, March 11. Among the article*
enumerated in the attractive *kle bill* al
ready printed are veral head of young
cattle, good milk cow*, wagon*, reaper*,
harn<-**, cultivator*, 4 interet in *eparator
and horse power, Ac. These article* arc in
good condition. It i* one of the be*t op
portumtie* of the *ea*on.
Mr. Kmanut-1 Kllingcr offers for tale
at the residence of John Hitner, Sr., in
Potter townthip, on Wedneaday, March
ft, a large amount of p<er>nal property,
among which we notice one bore, four
cow*, wagon*, cultivator*, reaj>er. Ac.
The a!e will begin at 1 o'clock r. w.,
when and where term* will be made
—On Thursday, March 10, a *ale will
al*o take place at the rendence of I) M
Weaver, one rnilo north we*t of Pine
'trove Mill#, along the White Hall road.
Three tplcndid cow*, *ix head of young
cattle, one combined champion reaper and
mower, one ulky cultivator, one gum
vpring grain drill, ixty feet of belling—3
inrhe* wide, Ac., are upon the bill* which
j adverti*e the aale. Sale to begin at one
A *!e of valuable real elale will lake
; place from the tore of J. C. Sample, at
Pine drove Mill*, on Saturday, March 12,
at one o'clock r. u. The land dcribed
for tale i* located about one mile ea*l of
Pine (Jrove Mill*, and U bounded by the
j land* of John Biett, David and Heed
Harr, William Bloom, Mr. Archey and
Tu**y Mountain. It contain* forty-tree
acre*, a good boute and an apple orchard.
Poaaeaaion given on April 1.
—A aale which will attract the attention
of thoe dotiring to purchate farm Jock
and impiemenU i* the one to take place at
the residence of Mr. George Koon, on the
farm of Hobert Kendal, in Benner town
*bip, one mile eat of Piearant Gap, on
Thurtday, March 17. It will begin at 10
o'clock A. w. Among the itock and im
plement* for rale are three colta, one Kx
celior reaper, a Centre Ilall corn planter,
plow*, harrow*, cultivator*, Ac.
XOEK.—Under the title, "Are we Near a
Vesuvius?" the Daily AVW* *ay : "It i*
alleged that there i a *pot on the moun
tain down in the narrow* below
lown, where a warm current of air i* eon
*Untly atcending out of the bowel* of the
earth—*o warm that no matter how cold
your feet may be they can be warmed in a
few moment*. The Oairtfr ay*: It it
laid to be known to only one person resid
ing down there, and be keep* it a secret
under the belief that valuable mineral*
cauie the exhalation. A* volcanic action
1* beginning to *bow itself in several part*
of the United State*, notably a* near a*
Virginia, may not the late supposed earth
quake which woke up the Mifflinlowners,
Lewisburgers and others, have originated
in a shake of Shade mountain? If ao,
and should it ome day burst forth with
Vesuvian fury, fill up the narrows, dam
tb% Juniata and convert all our valley*
into a vast lake, which they undoubtedly
were in the dim past of thousand* of years
ago, who can contemplate the result with
out a shudder ? Gel your arks ready."
ter* so freely advertised in all the papers,
secular and religious, are having a large
sale, and are supplanting all other medi
cines. Thsre is no denying the virtues of
the Hop plant, and the pioprietors of those
Bitters have shown great shrewdoess and
ability in compounding a Bitters, whose
virtues are so palpable to every one's ob
servation.— K-ramin*r and ChronirU.
—There will be some grand clothing
worn at the Inauguration Bait to-night,
but none of the gentlemen will look neater
than be who bought bis garments at Use
Philadelphia Branch.
The townabip auditor*, under act of
i.lature of June 3, 1H79, (hall in 18H1, and
thereafter, meet on the lecond Monday of
March in each year, (e*cept to audit the
account* of tchool director*, which ahall
bo the Mrat Monday in June,) and oftener
if noccAary, and a),ail audit, Kittle and
adjut the account* of nupervUor* and
irtiuurer*, and of auch other townnhip
officer* a* aboil, by law, be referred to
—Spring woolen* now ready. Early
order* aolicited. Money rnvi-d.
1! tf MO.VTOOMIRT & Co., T*ilor*.
Philadelphia Market*.
PifiLAimrMi*, Fabruary 2A, JAAJ.
Tlwra k Mto fe-llbf In kwktalti and al,ot
. tu>v*.~ri'tiir I, in fai, rwqnawt and firm fta!a of
],nt*l i.arr*i, including M)i,iiaa>,ta .lira, af M TM,
6*4 fur u.OJIUII, to faery rlwar, and at I .rrJUwca
fur .tralgbl , Pannwyliauta 'lira family at $4 .4/**.;
r'- r ,1 " at t'r-i'sai : . and patatit* at
7 ,6. Ityw S'.ur I. .t.w,ly al *1 ■fl'y.y.', tr,|
It* Ala -Tba |.',t I, f.,,| r , h4 |c e ||tchH
"'Cludln* I'j~tl. al (I J'a.c
ril.C. and rur M. ~f i rad, wtavatr*, |i VAf..
Rya I. .fady at 44. for pen n.t I ran la
**--ciorjrr u fairly ,ii„ „, 4 p. OM ,l..nia
Bwjsiln U— I"* 1 "'- T "n<c<6j l worth
Hellefonte Market*.
BtLLCrowTt, Martb ' |M|.
W bit' wheat, prr bubal < o |<|j j,
1 wtmat <nw i........ I ou
kj. P' buihwl
Crrra. ab'iiad T,
Floor, r'tali.p'r barral j
floor, wboloaala u
Provlaion Market.
Curracbd weakly by llarpar Brolbrrt.
A; | |*.drl~l |*. r |...u o r] _
I *e-wwj#vj . 1 0
j,rr <4>wrt "
i Krh hnlt*-r j • • |
Cblr ke* pr |rwnd ZZZ'.Z"" .
Chroa. |a-t pr.und
o*aall | bam, par pound
11an,.. augar > urad. Jf
Bar.-n ..... "
l-ar l |.r p>.ond_ ****** .
!■ far dor ,?
l' Lal - M -r l.nabr-l
Dnad Uf j"'
nr/ _<H, ib b ,A t'l t, y i>,
M * *d': .Hr DaaM h*< k and Mlaa Maria titan
• lla^!', t.U, of Pot tar teonabip.
KOPKKKK —Or, fb' I db of P'bruarr. at
P|*ln* Mill., by IU, U t. Tiobar Jan,.-. Ul'trr-U
and Amanda .Vofakrr. both of *|.nog Mill,
W r ZE r-J"AM.PH —January jaaj, t tb'
wJ,., Ml tar id K
r V .and Mia. Alii'
Traaalor, c-f VMat.i llall, CVntra oiunty
—On fb 1 iii, of r-1... by K.r
V J Mit'b'tl.af Howard, M- Vatban r.m.man of
AaroaMrwr*. and Mia. Emma Mo b. of f urtln tuwo
. HOT —OBOhf —On trlimary .1. at ,b Rat .rmad tor-
I rT'.r. k 7i'w'' o * "arfarHi Mr.
I It*' ||"y Ai.J M. MaLil<&a <#; rM both tif Mkxtc b
low nth) j.
j AI.AMJL-.lobn Toenar, aon ~f ct,ailaa and Magg..
I Adam., of 0p.U.1 <Tty, d,ui Jaauar, *i, a£~l 6
| tnobthi *itl I) 4ij
At VbAV —At Pannrylraota Ttirr. ' I'at ruary t, of
j 'arlat fatar. Aruj., daogbtat ot Eu.anual ai. J L.dta
j Auoday, agH 1" o, tub. and 10 dayr
I "t'M'AV -At Paori.ylrat.la Parwara, t 'I ruarr I ; of
warbt la.ar J.br,. Kn of Kmanual *od Lj.lm
Annday. agad yaiara and IV day.
, W IIX)K —At M lobar one. pat ruary V Harry M il. f
agod r. y oara, 3 tuuotha and /? <!ayr
I Vl;Itll K —fro tlx Slat of Pal ruary. boar MiUb'im,
| J -tti lLui*-rl( k, ngnd T; y in
, l-INCI.E-Pal,ruary tk, 1.'1.1u Cwrgoa VaJl'y. Ka
I bairra Lingl'. ag"l '• yoarw, 1 turo.tb and 3* itaya
?r f. i* r d '.' •' •" • > r.n ; -.ok i 6
M>w WW VmU fr>c A nr A ATI.Vy iN A (i_
rortlaad, Man, n ly
Field, (tarden and Flower Seetls.
' Warranto 1 fmah an I aura t groo. or muoar ro
j fot4wi
| otUi drroc tloaa I r roUnalii.o. fraa to all •. want
g ) nob band for It, and gat up a tint
Tba aoal. will yHoaaa y.ru and yrmr
iMdghtam. Addrwa.,
\ JOSEP'H HARRIS, Morwtoo F'nrm,
*-lw K'. t'ti, > V.
* *"* k "■ •"'® r **" ' *" Tarm. and 6 ut-
WWW t fr.a Addr.. II II A 1.1 KIT A • . p ,t
land. Main* b.ly
tela CummtaaAoeer of Pataat*
Attorney* al- Iriv and Saltnlnrt of Jmm,"dn
and Foreign I'otrnU,
412 Firm STRKT. W**ni!tctx-, I). C.
Prm tlea patanl law in all |ta branahwa la tba Patant
f'ra, and tba Auprr tna and Or. ail OcmrU of tba
I'ult.-I btataa Pamphl't aand fraa 4k tf
AV UK I fj.i mi K'inia anal I. mada
Win* Oiwtly Outfit ftoa Addtrm TRI E * i\) . Aw
gwatn. W. u ] ,
Bottling EMtabllHhnieiit*
THE undersigned respectfully in*
X form, tba Cltiran. of Cawtrw nmatr that ha baa
rnod a Buttling Katabllahmaot. on Baah ■). it.ot. in
■oroagh of Halladcnta. and will baal all tlmaa
praparad to furalah PORTER. AI.K and RF.KR A. tba
dnran or cam In aspplying tbaaa bararagwa. whitbm
to hotala. rwataut-aata or for rat a rwaldan,ihay wrtll
bw found of tba purwat and brwt quality, bottled In
•or b a manner that tb'lr Ufa and aptrlta ara prawarrad
a fpwah a though drawn fbwa tba raak or taw rat Tba
a A *partatrr.
Ordarw Ml at hia plana of bindnoaa, at arnt by portal
card, will twertr* prompt at taut ion
Adder*. I. H. SPIT7.ER.
IT 4w __________ Mlsfkwts, Cntiw Oft., f*.
Plain or Fancy Printing.
We have URUAUSI farilitie* for printing
(■TOrdsrt by mail will receive prompt