BAULAXD fl NEiVMAN, Allegheny Street, Beltcfante, J'n. B-ATTLA-ITr) &o IsTEWlVL^asr'S | HEADQUARTERS FOB BADOAIfISI —AT THE— BEE HIVE ONEPRICE STORES. WINTER GOODS. We have an IMMENSE VARIETY OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Please call and examine our stock, And oblige BAULAND & NEWMAN. 0v MOTTO II .r 50 cent* In lea ner roverii SI.OO in elegant cloth. In German or English. Vick't Illustrated Menthly Magaiine- Pa**'*, a Colored Plate In every numler and many fine En graving*. Price $1.21 a year; Five copiea for SS.OU. j Specimen Number* tent for lOieuta; U trial copies for 26 cent*. A>luln th. fond- in th- li#nd. if th- Ad- | mlui.trmtor of tli drc-d-nt, sill tll-inl t" th. Juli™ j of 111. p|>lntm.'!it at hi. o(ho 10 Ball-foul., -n j rRIUAY. 11l- till djr of MABCII. A I< I*lll. at tu o'clock, P M . hn will wh-r •" |>orU-o InUt-at-l I con ott-tnl If tli-J prt.jwr J4f V. r. rORTNKY. A#dltr_ Farm for Sale, j 1 WAVING determined to "Farm 1. I** land, and farm It better," the sntwcrlber j offrn for aal* one of ;h* two farms he now occupies ' IN HOWARD TOWNSHIP. Tbi* farm i* located on th* north side of the Raid | Eagle creek, nearly oppoaite the |Vnugh of Howard It has n frontage of •*) r'ls on the crv*k. with a high j bank which never ovcrA-.w* It contains 2UO a r*a if land, more or !#*■. a!-out 140 | of which i* cleared. The remainder Is woodland It |* well watered, hating the creak front- ; age, a well at th* htiae. a spring run traversing lb* wbol* length of the place, and several spring* in the j Add*, at least two of wbkh ar* An* on**, and s situated as to I* easily piped to the building* The building* ar* beautifully located up* n a roll of land, a few ndt from the creek, upon th* public nad leading up and down the creek, and within ten tnin ate* walk of th* |*at ofAce. depot, stores and church** of Howard Hirough. The house U frame, and nearly n*w. It is .ID.V ft. in size, two full storle* high, containing eight large j rooms, with hall both up stair* and 4 wn, beside * first < Use cellar and attk, both of wblch ar* th* full (ii* of the house. Conveniently n*ur thi* la a good lank barn, also nearly new It I* 46 by tn feet, containing two #• ! rrllently finished thrashing fiaor*. * g"*d granary, | first rate stabling, and h** attached to it a large com crib, aod a wagon #h*d, 14x46 feet, with * mow over head. A portion of th* land Is well adapted to timothy, ai.d has yielded, for it* present owner, as high as thrse tons Arst class h*y p*r acre. A P. K. D*d*rkk ha> baling ma< hiu*. and Fairbanks wales for weigh ing the bl** are now In th* lorn, and will he told with the farm, if dee trad. Other parte of the land are well euited lobar no culture, and yielded a number on* crop last ms n Farme with eo many advantages as this are rarely offered for sal* It will Is eold at a fair pries, and on reasonable lrmi. If not eold s-H'O it will be For Rent to a Good Tenant for the com log year J. A. WOODWARD, 2-Aw Howard. Pa. FOR CHILDREN! THE NURSERY. F3TEENTH YEA 3 This Mmbns begun th* year Ikal with a new and elegant and other j improvement*. It fl| j rontinu* to surpass all ! Imitator*. The January Number will prove thi* $1 GO a year in advance Mutssrribe now. NURSERY PUBLISHING CO.. 4-3w CEITTEAI. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL {Eighth Normal School District,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. KAUB, A. M., Principal. ! i r piIIS SCHOOL, AH at present con , JL stttu'ad, offer* th* very bast tactlltiee for Prw fresional and Classical Irtrning. 1 lluiiditigs sparioue, inviting and commodious; com | plately beaie-l by ateam. well vmtilste-J. and furnish ed with a tiountifal supply of pure water, *ft spring I water. ; I>* atU'ti healthful aud *asy of arcee*. i Bnr rounding #c#n*ry uß*urp****>d I T-srbers e Xpeflenr ad, efficient, and allv* to their work. | Discipline. Arm and kind, uniform and thorough. 1 Kip*ns* mod#t• t* 1 Fifty cents a we*k deduction to lb blp to *e ore It by furnUhmg Intel ligent and efl lent teacher* f< r b*r aksili. Tn this end it solicit# >-nrg pnors f good aMllti** snd Rod pufpe*# -lh'*s who daulre to Imp-ots their tint* sn I their talents, as stul*nts T* sll KK h II promise* aid in their po*#t# and almndant opportnnltles for w#lbpaid lal-r aftsr leasing *Ho<-l, For ratal-gu* and terms addr*** tb* Prin •(! Inoxan or rat stags Ftockholder*' Trustees -J II Ran n. M I . A II Re#t. Jamb Brown f*. M Mlrlhnl, fhitnel Oirirt, A N Rant.. H i. Cook. T C lllnpl* Raw G hinteing. F P Mci'/.rml k Fe j . W W Rankin W II Rroto HUt# A 0 f urtin. lloi || |, ln*f fentweh. Gen J-*• Merrill, lion William Rigl*r, J.C t*. Whaley. H Miller Mcf'ormick. fj*\ ornctu. Hon WILLIAM RIGLKR. President. Oewrfldd, Pa lien J EA.UR MERRILL Prswident. l**k Haven. Pa H MILLAR MrOHiMICR. lUrretary, TfIOMAI T A UDLF.V. TlM—l if, WiiiIDWAKI) SKMINAUV. Eoxrdlc; ri hj School for Yousj lailei izi Lif.'.o Ccildron. BKCOND AND LOCUST STRKETS, HARKISHUEG. PA. R,,ilr L-RM will HF.PTRMLL*R I*T. (Vur*e of etudy— i la**; and JkkntiAr, with Music and Art Ikurt aod tuition from to f-.V a year and no rstraa. For Irrular* and all desirable InP-rmatkn address 21-nm PRINCIPA! |?LLIB L. ORVIB, I J ATTORXKY AT TIW j DFFirR rfpalis th# Court llo*e, on the 2d Ilc*r of ' A F r• ts I .ill ling 2-Stf GOLDSMIT/r, HTEIX f HEA TER, AUryheny Street, Ilrtlrfotite, /*. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! —AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. WE ARE SELLING OUR PALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. LOOK ID COMPARE D IR, IOIE S. Full Suits, - - $4.50 " ~ - 5.00 " - - 5.50 " - - 7.50 " - - 9.00 AMD A I. I. (iOOIIN l.\ PROPORTION. OUR: ORAND FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS COMPLETE. COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! l-SPDon't forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager, A. STKKNBKKO WILL P.K FulNI) AT THIS STORE. Allegheny Street. Belle'nto, Pa. NEW ENTERPRISE. 4 LEXANDKK A CO., AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT —AM> — SK.EIJ STOILE, HRLLF.FONTE, I'A. They moan bv thin nil th.- nnmn import*, that la. In deal lb and I* furniah to farmer* at th* l'jNt |Kj*iUU jrli than the** can U bad lor the *ame amoatil of men*i Alao thaOntrw HalMornplantrr We nwl i noth ing about th* merit* of lhi*plnt*r at tlir Jifi aoa lb uk laCtßirimuaty drio/>avrlf tbea to I-* ill*- beat. HARROW* and CULTIVATOR* t lb* late* it*. prT'l pattern*. IKiWERe REAPER* and GRAIN HINDER** oi ibw w a#II tba Oaborn* either a* Mjaul- M*m-ra. Hmfwri and Mower*, aingte II m eater*, or a* < ••aibnal 11-ienii4 Hinder* Til K W IIRKLEtI. V. ' * mlined ma bin*. I* tba b#-*t machine <.f the kind In lb- market tiie greatest improi ement or the tor. la tbe Novrtatown Gleaner and llti.J. r tad and *♦ It. It I# wondeffolljl |efe* I Any IJ tw*le M wifb c.n* bc.fw*. will fol low and bind all tba grain tUat an* K*e In the atarket, TIIK HEIFER THREjHIKR AN ft AKI' \R A TOR Tba rapatalHD of tbi* fna'!< na !• ar. wall wtallidiw) that wa ma nay nothing *1- wt It that tba |*~ pi* )* ant know Any (era-n w nttng ' n*. o In nwr-J ol ratalr* f>r tb'*a now In tba unty | |*#r rtl. II EERN EH A PATENT LKW:i. THE\D IIORJIE POWMU Ikf m GOIKB and PII rrftM —We are ag< nta for tba u'a 1 the < *let K I.IN w AGtt.N. tba repute t--n f wbl< h i* e wall fWtab ll.ha-t atof the CORTLAND |*l 4 1 pollM APRING WAQONff, Carriage*. I'hrb>t<* and Ruggta* 4 1 are warranted Call and •*>* apac irnen* and etamlne rat*, logo** a* to elytra and pG- e* t-rf .f buying *l*ewb*re Catalogue* fnrni*b*d '-n api lin hand and add at wb'da aala prirwD. alao faa* RAIN —After the growing rrop it harreatod wa will t- prepared to pay tbe blgbaet nf anything in our line to call at our afore room*, op |rita the Rn*h llouaa. and aea what wa have, and learn frow thoaa in attaodanoa mra particularly the nr t>-tn*w AI.EX AN t>KK * CO R*ii*fPßt. r*. Maj *, |Aa )->U SECIILEtt f' f'O., U rurrr*. Ilunh Hounr Work, Itrilrfontc, Vu. 2STIEW C3-OOIDS FOR TII K WINTER TRADE. Wo liuve endeavored to net the very bent of every tiling in our line, and now have some really choice gooda. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY. —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. ISTWe invite the people of Centre County to call and inapect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to pleaae. SEGHLEB r// fiiMHln uml (Sron rlm. J f AHI'EK HHOTHEItS, BI'RINO MRKET, HKI.LKKOSTF.. TA. IIv lh<-ir counter* nd *hc*lv<** filial witl NEW GOODS, ( It AN K KIT I'T KATK- Pur. Ijkmvl m BAN K H U I'T KAT I> I BANKRUPT RATK." WHICH TIIEY OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES COSRIFTINO OF Dry li.iodi, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fncy (iood*, Notion*, Ac BOOTS nd SHOES BOOTS *nd KHOKS *t very l>.w j.ri. c*. BOOTS nd SIIOKS HATS *r,d CAPS I.Rt't %tylw of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carj-et Bag, C nihrclla*. I'araod*, Lad i' Cloak*, Car|*ting, I Groceries, >t*r, Ac. CW-ITLABG *RJ tkint IKKT ,*N L. RMAD IN n BRT c iaa* atora \ lIAHPEU ItKOTIIEHS, O'RINU FTRF.KT, . • REI.LEFOSTE, PA COUNTRY rßcnrCl taken In atrbanga at the bighe*t market price 1 j, 4 THOROCQII KDCCATION FOR— YOI'XO I,A 1)1 KS. I Hollidaysburg Seminary, IIOLLIDAVffRCRO, BLAIR OOUKTT, FtfNN A ( A vety healthful location. le*ufiful aurrc-nndlng* rff*-r* t. yrmng ladie* *n ih- adautag-* . ' aC'hrl*tl*n h'.ma, with tlwr i|h cirae of inatmrll"i*a in tl I 1 higher I ram he* of edocaticn Tcmtß, 6250.00 por Annum, j Including Iw.tfd and attemlance, u* r.f |if-rary. |*eri<*t i • i'aia. and toitu nin all F.ogtiah bran* be* lit-, a. I ; ! art aitra. ' ANNUAL TKRM, FORTY IVKF.KS ' Ear catalogue, with full Informal inn, addraa* f ! W. P. lU SaSKV, AM . P rinci|ial. Minrt/ln tiff tun. New York Weekly Her all ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. IMIK circulation of thin popular ia nUntJ* lovfroator. Il a bUliri th* Un/Jiti* i t f ft.* luiif llnnalL, and m arrsoffwd in band; df|nm ou Tl# FOREIGN NEWS *n rwr#-a . ,1 di|*i'b*a from all quarlrra cf lb* tfliiU. t'odrr lU bayl of AM KIM CAN NEWS mff f :++ti lt' 7 | *j,itr h<<* i 1 iha vak from •II |ajl of IL<- L ttH'U Tbiafrat' re aicn* BikkH THE WEEKLY HERALD th ' l valuable fbr i<|f ia lh- world, a* It !• tba rhwaj*t Utrrj a*k > gitm a faithful rvport n ibr qu-*Uooa of lL iicmr THE FARM DEPARTMENT < f the Wir ii f ||>aLL c'• Lb* laD l *! a* wall a* iba - i# r relating la • i < ami, r r ; a v *ll-d)Ld depart* r<*ot w 15 ft j —J. übdtr lb* h4 of THK HuM K, 4 • r.f ra* -f r pca*tirmJ dlah'-* btnta for making tf ig *' : f r h* . rf np wttb the latwt faction* at I I.w . i t:< mif - rliiif if a nQtOQJ Il • fnltufll 1 lani | I | a-' la lif j . ,1 aft ,r. Ultrfl from OQf Par tl *'s \* •' rv t w*j. : ia n tl,#. lafMt faafe lb* II n.a |oj,*rt?nr,l f th M'llltl llttALlr ~.* ii. h m * ,(. Rtoia thati now hundred Utoea tt pi rof the |i|t lb- lbt*r*U <-f SKILLED LABOR *r* \ *4# 1 after, and narytbhif pertaining tr. *• ' ! *l* r *i ng • *rwfulJy rwourdol Tb*r# ia a fag* t - t. i t ■ all tha latent ph*** of tb haah "• * ■ ,• M ft handtae Ar. Ar. A valoa faair tt. la f | m tbe *j"- tail jr |*orUd prka aodouttdit" T.a of THE PRODUCE MARKET. f*r "ti* Ni* *1 hnn* arid a)-r v by am* eminent db ' n*n Mim Daamanc, l'uchi t&d *' • >**•• There Rpo jafr II tb* world tbal liiUfb p. at n.alter 9T+T} weak U the W ||| it lira att oh.• m of. jfat*ge paid, for Odb IK4- iar V-o ran •uliwt rlw at atit tiroa. THK ) ( OXR S,M - Jr a Weakly Form, tbOLLAR HWAU. ) ( A YKAft ' NEW YORK HERALD, Itrnadwav ad All Naar York IH SI! Hoi SK. ' * HELI.KrOSTE. FA.. Largrrt ufi>i Br*t Unit! in the County. nr iIMI AKTCIS t.|i I I.MRE CXH'JSTV TBOFLL I iM'tal * lo Jurjmcq and other* attoadlng '' 1 I h*7 V I.- I- ; r For Solo. \FARM cf.ntaininp: Fifty Acre*, and ha* inc wrwrfod a TWtbfTOEY IflkMK HI 11.1*1 Vt* and wot bwildior* Tltl* rood Inquire f A J I T fc. ORIKST, rolonvilla. Oaotlf roonty. iSt