fhc Crnftt $ mortal. DELLEFONTE, PA. The Largest, Cheapest anil Best Paper PUBLIBHKD IN CKNTRK COUNTY. Til K OSNTRX DEMOCRAT it pub llh<*l Trj Thurly murnlni, st Hriwrouts, Choirs uouutjr, I'n TERMS—('Mb in %tlvAOcp SI bO If not pM in it'lvftiK . OO Payments within thr* month* will b con tldered in advanco. A LIVE PAPER—tlpvoted to tin* itil*ter, t'ommer* lai printing, Ac., In the hneat *tjrle and at the luWNt poaslol* rated. All advertise tneuU for a lew term than three month* 20 cent* per line for the first three Insertion*, ami ft cents a line for each additional Insertion. Special noticed one-half more Editorial notices Ift cents per line. a liberal discount i made to person* advertising by the (|iisrter, half year, or yesr, a* follows M aj gfAct occt nD. 3 3 j "J S j * , ft One inch (or IJ line* this tJTpt) |S Hlftt Two Inched 7 I<| Ift Three Inches 101- .*• or column (or ft Inched) I.v •'" ilalf column tor lHltohee) [.i* tft. Aft One column (or 20 Inches ) j.'lft; V, |f*J Porsign adrertisemenU must be paid for befor* In ertios. except ou yearly contract*, whsn half yearly payment* in advance him be required. Politic A i Noticts, Ift csnts per line each Insertion. Nothing inserted for lea* than .'MI rent*. Hrstiid* Notice* in th iNlitorial columns, IS cent* per line, each Insertion. L*m* Notlcis, in local column*, 10 cents per line. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. From our Regular CorrsepAodrnt. WASHINGTON, I>. C., Fob. 28, 1881. On Thursday night the Republicans, permitting themselves to be led by Con ger and Robeson, wasted ten or twelve hours in a vicious effort to delay action on the apportionment bill. Their pur pose was not to amend or defeat or dis cuss it, but simply to delay action. They succeeded in putting the appro priation bill and the funding bill in peril, and made an extra session of Con gress probable. Early on Friday morn ing, after an all night session, more sen sible counsels prevailed, the Republi- < cans listened to Mr. llawley instead of i Conger, and a proposition Was agreed to that each party should select five men who should meet and suggest an acceptable mode of action on the sub- i ject. So far, this committee of ten has settled upon nothing. The Republicans seem determined that no bill shall pas* unless they can have their own way about it. The dhicussion of the River and.Harbor bill in the Senate to day developed the fact that Senator*, like members of the Mouse, are inclined to be extremely liberal in expenditures for the ''improvement of commerce."; I'etty creeks, unknown but to the few, and streams innumerable, where "cat fi*h may navigate," as Mr Thurman ex pressed it, are put down fur handsome sums. Mr. Thurtuan opposed the bill with great vigor. After a largo number of amendments had been made and dis poned of. Senator Kernan declared that ! the aggregate of the bill, $ I IJiOO ,000, ■was altogether too large, and he moved to strike out all amounts for streams and harbors not of national commercial importance. And when Mr. HAcford, j of West Virginia, inquired why be did not strike out some of the items from his own State, Mr. Kernan said if it could be shown that there was one item not for the protection of national or ocean commerce he would gladly vote to have it struck out. A motion to re commit the whole bill to (he Commit tee on Commerce and reduce the total amount to $6,000,000 was voted down, j Mr. Wallace quoted statistics showing that in 1870 the total amount appropri ated was only $2,000,000, whereas now the River and Harbor bill reaches $ 11,• 500,000, and charged that the national government was compelled to pay im mense sums of money for purposes en tirely chargeable to the various States. Mr. Hill, of Georgia, spoke of the mo nopoly of power and influence wielded by a few railway magnates and their capacity to subject the public to their exactions in freight transportation. He thought a system of internal water ways would secure some relief from these ex actions. Mr. Kernan replied to the effect that It was a delusion to suppose that the expenditure proposed by the bill would enable the navigable streams to become competitors with the rail roads. He thought the remedy for the exactions complained of was to be found in the enforcement of the law, which provided that the railroads should charge reasonable rates. Finally the bill was reported to Senate and paaeed —Yeaa 32, nays 12. The following was the vote: IV TJUEEX VICTORIA TO VID THE DACGn- TFR or TIIK GRAND DI'KR or < III.XSWIG noI.STRIN —l-RK PARATIOXS VOX THE r.vr.NT, tic. BERI.IX, February 27. For many days past Berlin ha talked about nothing el*e hut the marriage of Prince Fred erick William Victor Albert, eldest son of the Imperial Prince of Germany, and grandson of Kaiser William and Victoria, with Augusta Victoria Amelie I.ouie Marie Constance, daugh ter of the Graud Duke of .Schleawtg. Holstein - Son tier burg - Augustenburg. and presumptive Empress ot Germany. The wedding guests have been arriving everv day. Among them are the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Kdenhurgh, the Archduke Karl, of Austria; the Grand Duko Alexis Alexandrovich of Russia; the Duke of Aosta, Prince Arnulph, ol Bavaria, and innumerable princes ol European Courts, sent as special am bassadors for the occasion. Un Friday the Princess herself arrived at the Bellevue Palace on the Thiergarten from her mother's country seat in Sile sia, and today the royal bride passed through the Hradenhurger Thor in bril liant procession, making her solemn entry into Berlin. The day was fortu nately fine, though cold, and fully three fourths of the population of Berlin | lined the route of the prosession. In the Thiergarten a beautiful triumphal arch in the style of the Fifteenth ren tury, with tapestry, garlands and ban ners, had been erected, ft was sur mounted by a hand stand, whence a fanfare of trumpets greeted the proces sion. From the Bellevue Palace to the Nchloss the road was lined by 40,000 men belonging to various guilds of the city, with students of the high schools, of the academies and members of the Schutxen corps. <>n the Pariser Plait, before the Brandenburger I'bor, there were four allegorical figures, represent ing "Wisdom,' "Justice," "Power,"and "Moderation." Along the Linden tri bunes were erected, every place in which was let at $4 or $5. A suggestion has been put forwsrd for various towns of Germany to take part in a present to the roysl couple. It has already been responded to by ninety-six towns, and the sum collected amounts to 400.000 marks. The present will consist of por oe'ain vases of the moat elaborate da scription, wine decanter*, glaases of pure crystal and a set of silver plates. The wedding dress of the Princess was presented by (jueen Victoria and is greatly admired. .It is of white satin rn tabfier, trimmed alternately with sil ver and Honlton lace, covered with hunches of myrtle and orange blossoms. The train is sixteen feet in length, of silver brocade, bordered with rich silver embroidery and garlands of myrtle and orange blossoms. The religious ceremony of the mar riage of Prince William and the Prin cess Augusta was performed this eve ning in the capelo of the Royal Castle, by the chief court chaplain. A grand court reception was afterwards held in the white hsll. This waa followed by a state banquet, at which the Emperor toasted the bride and bridegroom. 1855-1881. Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Years. BUSHELS. NOT ACRES. 9AVB MONEY HY UMNO BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE, Price, *25.00 Par Ton of 2000 PonniU. BAUGH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILIZER for POTATOES, CotiUluluic 4 to 6 |>or cent. of Kul|.lutlr of I'oUali. Price, t.'10.00 Per Ton of 2000 Pound., ALL. GOODS SOLD ON OUAftANTEED ANALYSIS. Iteerriptire Cirrufarn Sent Free upon application. BAUGH & SONS, 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. For sale by J. H. LONG, riemington, Pa., Agent for Olinlon and Centre Counties. A HOIt It I Itl.K MOMMA I ST. Sfifntwn rhMtlppn Meef Dentil in n Itiiruiiiif Hiilltllittc. AN CNKNOWN MAN PRCVRNT9 A HIHTKK Of CHARITY I'K'IM RKCOYRRINU Til). CUIL DIIBN —tiHt'AT IXt'ITEMKNT PRE VAII.S AT THE HCKNE Of THE riUE —THE CACBR OP THE PIKE LNKNOWN. Sr KANTON, FcbrtiEry 27.—An AIIPKLLINJ; catHAtrophp, rcnultinß in the llitll Anyhiin, Hyde l'ark. 'l'he building in nituaterl at the corner of ■lackHon Htreet and I.incoln avenue, about a mile from the centre of the city. It is occupied by a number of Sitter* of Charity, and under their charge were forty children, whoso agon ranged from *ix to twelve year*. The hoy* ami girl* occupied *eparnte dormi tories on the third lloor. At 8.30 o'clock this evening one of the M*ter eacorted the children to their room* and locker) the doors for the night. She then Nlarted to deneend the *lair*. When *he reached the second tory she di* covered araoke ianuing from one of the room*. Un opening the door *he wa* driven back by a cloud of emoke. The lire wa* along the ceiling and making 1 it* way to the upper story. The Bi*ter darted up *t r* an'i fonn'l the girl*' I room full of amoke. She took the girl* 1 to the lower floor anil Marled hack lo reach the hoy*' dormitory. The *mokc wa* pouring into the hallway in blind ing cloud*, and when about hnlf way up Ihe Alair* the Siter met a stranger. ! marie an effort to pa* him, but he refused to allow her to proceed, aay ing that the hoy* had been rescued anil that it would dangerous for her to go for them. She reluctantly went hack An alarm given soon after the lire broke out brought four fire companies. The flume* were raging fiercely when the firemen got to work. They were in formed of the belief among the Siter that oise of the children were at ill in the building and made every effort lo reach the upper floor. In a short time the flame* were bealen hack. The dormitory wa* forced open and the vie lim* of the fire were found beneath their cots—only two of them touched by the fire and all had evidently been • lead for some time. The cause of the i tire i* in doubt. Intense excitement 1 prevail". SCRANTON, P*„ February 28. —The ex- I ciletnent over the burning of St. Pat rick's Orphan Asylum is intense. Although the origin of the fire is a* j signed to a detective flue on the second fh>or. the matter ha* not twen definitely settled. The assertion by one of tbe Sister* of Charity that she was stopped on the stair* by a stranger when she was about to return to the rescue of the boys, after having taken the girls to a place of safety, cause* much inquiry as ! to who he was. hut none of those who , were in the building have yet identified him. The three girl* among the dead are supposed to have broken from their apartment and entered that of the boya, where they met their death with the rest. At II o'clock this morning the roro ner ompanneled a jury and viewed the tiodiea of the seventeen dead children. The children were identified by two .Sister* of the burned asylum. Many of them lay on the floor, with blackened faces and burned wrist*. The jury visit ed the burned asylum and inspected the dnrmitorie*. The bnya' room was greatly damaged by (lame*, large hole* having been burned in the floor. The girl*' room wa* not damaged o much, but the cots were disarranged, showing that thev must have experienced the miat intense fright. The jury adjourn d until Friday next. The llriil Senator. The funeral of the late Senator Car penter took place at Washington, on liul Sunday afternoon. The service* were announced for half past two. hut long before that hour the avenue was crowded with people. The large house was packed with hi* personal friends, including member* of Cabinet and of both Housea, Judge* of the Supreme Court, officers of the army and navy, and a large number of prominent citi xen*. The Wiaronsin State Republican At sociation formed a double line from the porch to the hearse. Rev. Dr. Pratt read the burial aervicea of the Epiaco pal church, after which the coffin waa delivered to the pall-hearers. The cof fin waa almost covered with flowers, and at it* foot was a pillow of white blossoms, upon which waa formed the word " Rest." The funeral cortege proceeded to Oak Hill Cemetery, where the remains were consigned to a temporary vault, prepar atory to their final interment in Wis conain. THE tragic death of Lottie Merrill,! the young huntress of Wayne county, is reported. A party of hunters a few days since came acroaa her cabin, which was still burning, and within waa found tbe charred remains of the girl and six bears. She bad dragged the carcasa of a deer to the cabin, and the hungry bears had followed the trail. After eating tbe deer the bears had attacked and overpowered ber after she had kill ed two of the number. Her remains were buried near the site of her burned cabin, \ru> Advertisement*. Executor's Notice. IKTTKILS testamentary on the en- J Ihlp of <'tiriotoplii>r f Y-tgunu tsmriahlp, tlwuuiwl, lotting !rru grahlrw) ti tlifb lUKl*. ralgfiewj, | j r< |ti**U all |>rr4(tio ifi(]<*ljtw! l em.| i#> mek*- | immtMlUlh |auyritofii, hftvltig clklrnu will |.lt *a- I |.r.e. nl lit. tic. tittly auUiftttlkiaiud, lo the uii'!rrlj(ti-*r butUl Aianuf*/ turud *Ulj I y 1\ POTTS GREEN, BRLLRfORTK, FA S|HM'iflr INTforiiianrr of Coiitriu f. IN tiie iimtlcr of tin- |H;tition of Ilan'l Afyere t r tew fsj • if, |-rf. rnian'* uf > n trn*t ulth It h f 16 t IM . J . Th* undfriiffrifiJ, u C<>mmiMionfr p> j lj the ff j |,en i tr| t.f Or.tr* ' ''tntj t Ukr iMtiin wy In th 0lmt • *•# |]| ||* u d Wj lb*- Hnti** ( hi* tt hie 'b* let H*y of M 4K< II A D I**l. •! I o'rlorh A M . üb*n uxjH h*r* *il (mrlie* lot*rw*t#l inns atlniH "• II ( M Kl'i 1 . ACniTOKH* HIiI'OKT or THE HKCKIITri ttn.l KXI'KNDITI'RKS <>F < ENTBF. COI NTt r.'R THE VEtll ENMNO JAM All V I, l"l ADAM TBARH'K, Traaiurar, DR. T" UUrne f' m Kltlemefit Jenuery l,]Ak> _ 1* To n**b rw +\*r-i on ue Hortuc kUM 9% T" 'h rewrisswl of rh.fiitntMWbfirr*, fln#u. kr 2 CJ) An T c.nnlj *•* n nne*ul#wl luwi* 6.272 11 •M.T72 24 T bulftftm Ht* Mini j Jer.ua/* I. IM|,. ... 92.7.A* Utt unt j-aJH Mat* •6*6*uenf I T'*' It* **>ers ; aa. . Its stall n*rs 10 cwt My lulura A.767 .%• |i*.YT?h 24 We, the Qt-'t*reign*H. Ati-lit. r* r>f Onfr* rvnj*ty. do hM J rertifjr 11**1 * hn*e elMlfte T kit ART, (I** ) T H IAMIJMIN u A udlU-rt R Wf 1,1,1 AMft. KXPKNDITI'RKS. Pay. An4r* Ufe(| $ ffC 44 Jaorf. Dunkle T, I*o lleury lw-k. i'th .. m cm Auditor*' Pay. I Jernee T .10 0> i T H Jmte.t, ' (O j H tlllkke C. L Hufftngt'.u, (Ink.. *Ci ttO Improrrmtni and Prpaxra. If Wnlkey. refMitr* *t oflk* or>H Juil 100 M J.O. llarpFf, repair* at pmihono tan * nttr .13 M , R J IVmk. puJntinf nt JnJl ....... 12 ♦*• | II I* Yerget. Imti4in| • sen at jail 23 A* J |>. K <*e4e. r*(irin| "4* i Jail.. ♦'• 50 ! R Him a. untlng gutter* at Jail.. 11 42 I W iiliarna A Rm , |jntldg. ktJail an 4 rntirl home. 7 62 . JO" oHi#l,r*Mlrllrarl bona* II l , 12' p Ihinrai) 4 00, Ima rlad relli •4 JaUt H& M fh'rliii Pinning Mill Ow.. tnmUr ■ t !rr%etlFr • - • 49 jKm I Pletr her, *B<*f knt rrmM b"***e * II W H-a'i w- 7k f .r jail 2 ' K D Wetial, work nl irxasorer • ! ott/*. A tn M M o.udrkk, work nljnll .„ .. II no DunM I •err ge ftalnroe *1 >*il ... 22 A John lUrrie- n, ou roll* ut julL 22 m Omrf Krprnttn. Juror*' |vat 3,222 23 rv,n*mone*Jth e,ml* 1.22'' 23 W. F KAIER, REPORTER 107 20 J II Yonburg 20 OO J I llaprnan 10 00 I (Klliraiili, ronrl frtrr.n......, 9* 00 R <*thrmitli. Junllor RVi ffl Tl|*tave' pay M. J l'ln, ifmial ll.ri-f Brrw, " U76 9.5 A. Ln.4. - 67 IS ft A A. M. mrpat and clothing (or pf1ain*,.........„_. *6 ng Jo*. MoSrr, rßbthlag At prtaoarra 63 64 i. C. Iv*r. ran harnor, Ac I 76 J. A. 9 Mallor). hlarkswilllilas . 336 ft. R. 114-4*. hardware. 6c. 3* 66 ItaaM Par, tw lltiafa 10 w J. R*)aotd* • 00, oral* and hrtcS raibfa 6 00 Fana'a RR. ot, tclght. As... SI C. Brhnwk, rwpaira al ph..... Lan W. W. Rolf, rafauraal h*al*r ~„ |i D Khrrhart, rtfwlra al Wotda 1 00 W. 9 Oallwalth. >**ln at lag 16 60 11. Rfwnslw, rwoorlag asks*...... 6 00 a— 1,309 46 County I'rinUna. I I ,n tf M** k I*9 30 lltX:—— - K£azz=== §8 Nlwgert k Poreter .•, lMnliiK Bridge*. IV> *' Hffilg* lawa . I'oil Matilda I,rld.a- 31 •*' Murra), DOUKBI A Co .HA (JO a.tti'l HroK.*,. •mtluiM.r jg M J. K Spearing, contractor i/j itj Ym.II Crook brfdga— ** Tovnarn.l, llrown k t Kh.iIIHUI brldg* ... in J K Hpaarlng, I't. Madid. Bridge 163 60 J Jon. a |.t l.rnlgr .1 L'liane) k Tliorii|iM>n. 4 r,2 J. O. Sanaa aa 40* J. 0 L. M)ar* . ram I llrugg.r, r.|ir< linloatlllw I'rt.lga 4 74 Jno I. IhOmpaon, rr|>aira at Mar tlia trrldga 122 6* J. I' Mall, r|>alra Howard l.rldgw 1 ho Ham I HriiHH'i. rabuildiiir Uiilon vllla UrTdira-.. 672 00 Jam.-. Ilraitlry railing Mll.wl.arK I'ridga * _ 350 Ordinary Krpetucs. Connnlaaloßara' *i(*-r,*ra to Mar.b „ Clerk - 450 i>t|i6iiM to \aa k lU*u ]ri' • >{.< nei e Uj Putt Mtiillt 13 fto ('dXUfulMitjiiwr*' . jr-i,fc4-B boiling • am £6 ft M H- K flight, gte Lille 135 7u Counting (ongrswAiook) tnd < utility ... Hii A Hoy, •tt.irr*> < ouLtj t# first Nfliouil lUnk 4 75 W*trr u*. 26U (kj II k. • -ntermg >*n in <|4ckrt 10 M L. I. It*- . #, 74 1.. L Brown. r**l. r.>ort b"N lOn ,7 11. V Miliar. atAiitiQrry, k< 16 IH Kt| rr-* fr•-jrlit 21 1 eherifTe NDiuula 46 ( *i Jtto T Jolinaon. |6AIIK IK# £ il' ual A TolUf.iufvii (rji Jurors 6 2> ÜBIAM OaroMb, in'*!• lor Jurors... 10 .V W A 7 olilM, Uok 14 < J C lUr|*r. Uioka, Ar t ..fflr# 6s H K Itur* hlkrll f books. Ac .t.j .11 <•' H . lMsruljsrl, i-fuiiin* t 21 'di f Ac, < >UiUi i •loi.nrs otter 2 76 l U rf|>sir* at ottc 2 H'biJ ll"ociis/4, in. Kgitratio* tUuks... 21 55 K H Iritif !•>, ink 75 IjUliv C llart, of Kl*r tion Ul - 16 00 Jm* Murray < ifauiufi '*• •M'l W.Qi.fii, o*ort|t4* l".k 14 16 M tUoD, M ■ Isi lan* A Co , kard - • art.coorl busr 6 ja II K 11K t*. har, banlvMe, court htm* '9 97 It r Jsj (iarbrvk, vxl, court U 260 U*kAttafWHA,lts.wiit Immha J M A b* uy6 r, r*i*airiC4A bst ru< k , ouit b-uMt. 2 76 M ila-.'b, M' biiinr A (o , r■>{•. Ac Si Vi <4uibtf A lli hifdiar (SorkfU. Ac., ♦, si (i f I' 'its* j, r*litndlb| 2 b" Msr; iU't U4AU, b ruUnUf I fro J+* N-br In. biudiug insltlfeif, tiAft b w 2 37 * T 1 Itmtre- rrjNhtnr.c ht *rn teiuk . 1 7* K H o,Jf ufl. f;i boldrra, pro thoboUr) itrllk*. 6? Sfr II <# < iirvbUl*f, viltiMi ...... 2 '•' M M r r?*a D, r' |ir ir.f liylrsut I Uli I"f*i4 ll.< . •otMriHU<(ti 16 (Mi k * ttumSrufl. ftl* fcolAff* 67 25 u (isitefsiila bfri burrow r. Twuc b*r iu*Uitttc 164 r*t |iui4 M H#|uir<.u rui UI I !eQ Prtfluoim to cx.llfc|t>r* „,,,, :i2 (Q 1 .* bsH u 4jt i.i t nm+i,u uu llirtkm 62 oi lUn*"6uniois l.7i m • ouiiwimm a* "i* luiisry . 47 (i C M DoutuaiftMouff* stier 9*} 7*' rto J C Harp* r. OU f f -. M 247 0 Kffsudii.g t b Ui 1 ts&oa U J 11. Ut'liM, MU , i4i)i'iin jsll I<*i (ii Totsl am "lib t ps*l 74 JOlls SrAXOLKK, Sheriff, In arrount vtth Centre County. Wt. To 4i>| |>rlan*f* l,l da), at 41V - 72. ji 11) .tim It) Ailing and manding IS to k. at Mk. 14 ho llj Botlljlng jarora not to aii.nd A|.til T.... 12 <1 H) on,,aa)lng iViaa to loaana aa)toni IkO () M) ooni)ln* ona tr> panltaattar). 40 in B, pnldlahlng imaUanalbon, (lira* conrta. . f rorle>ali<>ne 4 do Be Aalb backet ooUce puMtahad 14 2i B) 72 tor ok at fee. 54 AO Hj mnoeiog Aek hnak,la-. M ...._ 314 So Mb mate la puaaaoaaenltk caaaa.... 34 on 62.7.M 41 Jaaaar) I, l*(l Be kalaace doe al eettlm •►lit 1475 *4 We, the on leretfood. Audi lore of Centre roaat), do Hereby gg 42* Wt D 11. Hoi*. lUltur 4:j i/, (Jolio (V|xr. Jr , UarrU... list 70 John Craig, ifuatott... 116 41 William TtaoiUr. I'attou Iij ;y, fJohn It 7wl, 47 R 11. linl*. Ktiah o'XI 26 A. J. Aprlng 1,4*4* Ut Jon Thompson, Ml*"* Aboa 6* *7 baton*! ll.oxsr, Tailor lira < Hnmaal Ht* (iln-rjfc, Worth I'jo 71 J. M Klloa. Howard 46 01 *,7a t I*7o. William Milan, M11mbttrg........... I*o 7" I H -Url '•*, fJfffJ£ l/J ft *'*n "7 J. II Kiln*, V,'i *A ♦1 A j \ A r iu * iAi " n > in /*7 . J Hoy Mmkn 17* yi Onorgn H ll.tax., M.le. "'. I yyj y, ♦ Motel Hmkm.., P.t1,,,, 4;, Ik 4 , " !Ur John k, Kji tii|( 1,-4 v # tfecnuH hue* Hli'a* <•* 'j John T. Tom i#-f. Jay \„t ♦ bsii)r|( J J E/lwanJ Uoia, I'bionvlllt *|/7 lllmkuL ll">, lUufji-r \Mtb M Jirfiu A. Mullii/lUiti], |}(irbit() ' '.*4s y, tKniiiHiAi Null. 1 07f f/J ♦John W ltAut t (jp||| l . M 1 llwrr> Thirl, Ourtiij ;y ;■ 1 v.rr *"'**"•- ."*• w I* ... vi.> UA fW.L Might. UaM |>S jAluwUr fc*rrhart. fUrtU J Lie fcfc I* H liu'krt. If*if 'urn xi, il* H Kilt*., II ••(•.ii. 1 f John M Klllir, )I*iv tr 1] ..... ..... *- lUiim-J Herring. 4^ t J villi hi-vlt* Mrivi 4 tJ >hn < MiiuU. ii J,* ♦ 11. l> Law. |'nll"fi j (ft,4 *(, | >47 XI j IKllit l(*i-fmr* T< tt*r i .•/ . KoUri Lava. Ku.l. 17k 47 ! Wia*|ii Tr•**!.-* a|.rin( 2 '-Vi 11 Kamual Ib j-r, k . Mx* * 4.1; 43 ; * illlwa Millar, Taj lor 444 ! William ham, I Dlori ■ i "t S*. ♦William II Xbar.r. alk-t X.IM* 27 4J. M b't.t.itiy II orlli 223 >. 3> >*3 >7 T'"' '4 1 ii.i0,,,„.„. h1| . I. Muumju .. A -Ki 24 >"!*• if* A lloj'i Ui*di lor ml j lm'i 2241 \otaa la < M n .vat . bar.4 10 J colli-Ufr, ... J.Mrti ►T Sui§+ tn CcMUttikN"Hn* bkt*4 ... I Tfttrk oulkUolliag (2 f M; • . & f 7fc7 h .3U 35 MAfclUTll* i J*ali >*jatijW 4*2 f j J ( l Urj-f .... J fcfi j Ja'* Uui.kla .. 4*7 ko I V t*w ouuiaj.ffiaa, Uila tajrabla I An in in < M Mown* a 1.i,7. " ""''"-i "i t< d mi na j Anotum in C*m*mlaalaba|a' banda R.naldatad II 1 t rariifj ibaf tba la a trua aad I *-orn| atatanoßl of ll,r rvarj r. and n| nd.luraa of aaid < mall. from January I, laaft, 10 Jai.uari I ]K*| W Itnaaa out banda. AT# (iCßrifl ) *.l*lß.' C mnuvuomna. JAC IK'KKLK. I ' Mt*nt lltm Hui.Clok. SHERIFF S SALES. I>Y virtue of numiry writ* of Fieri 1 9 MM and TIMHM K>[anaa. laanad rOla-Mr of Mart Oal braltb. No. 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground Mtuata In Iba I- .rough of Kallafoota. (antra onaaty, fa . Ironndad or tba aaat by lot of Mr* P. Gray V**k OB tba an*lb by an alia*, on tba wawl by Thotaa* atraat.' and on tba nonb by lllgh wtraad; fronilng < High •I*eat 143 font and on Thomaa atraat IK" fa*t. and on aid allay 114, tbareoo arorted a doabla dwalling b n **wa, ona frama dwelling bonaa, oaa redtagv bona, alal ia and otbwr owUmildlng* Alao, All that certain lot or piece of groand altnate In tba borough of Mallefonta Monndod on Iba aaat by t>mtlh *lreal, on tba aowth by lot lataly ownad by W a f ally, on tba w**x by an allay aad OB north by other lot of Inane llawfd ; fronting on Amlth atrwet To laal arid a*landing lack 13" fawt to aa alia* —lbaraon are.lei a Iwoato.y da. ling l.ouaa Alao, *ll that certain let or piece of ground annate In the boenngb of I4e)lefonte. Caatra eonnty. Pa Houmbd an (ba aaat by Amlth ntreet, oa tba aoalb by other lot nf laaaa llanfl, oa tba w*wt by aa allay, and oa Iba north by lot of Ta A Tbomaa' bafra— tharena erected a (wo-aiory frame dwelling Alao, *ll that certain lot or pieca of ground "Itwata in Banna* townahln. Centra county, Pa, IkwohM on tba anal by William Kcklay. on Iba north by *a I labor oa tba waat by Mr* Tb'oma* Aurnatda and oa tba aontb by William Krklay— cowtatnlag M acre* mora or laoa tbarwoo erected a frama dvaltlvg bonaa. atabla and other oal tmlldtnga Kataad taken fa aiecalioa aad to ba aoM aa tba ynmrtr of faaac Haant. Tbum* Cakh —No deed will be ackoowl edged aatll Iba marcltaaa monay la paid la tall. JOHN BPANOLKK, Sheriff. Ah acta •* OWoa. Mallafoata, Pa, Pab IT, tAAt *. Public Sale of Real Eatate. T>Y virtue of kn Order of the Or- X 9 pbana' Court there will ba atpoaad to pa I.Mr aat* at Iba afore uf J. C, Aao*p4a. al PiWa Geo** Mllta, Oh Saturday, 12/A day of March, 1881, at 1 or lock. P. M, Iba follovtsg rral eatafa, ta *tt: All that certain raeaauage or parcel of grvaod aitaale abnnt ana mtla ami of Plaa 9m ■ttt. t nandad m tba north by faoda of Ma kratt and Daid A Reed Burr, oa Iba tanf by laoda of *a. lttrvon, on iba aouth by Tnmy Mowatwin. and *a tba waat by tanda nf Mra. Arc bay. oantalntng Forty-Three Acres, mar* m laaa; tbarwon aiattad a gen' Bot'Aß. BAKU and otba* out ball Bap, and batag vail awppllad vttb ■and watac Tbara la alav on the pmmt*aa a goad naaafng APPLROBCUABOof rbnane haft and a targe nam bet of Plan and "(bar frvtt trwoa Term, of aato I Oaa Iblrd of pwrrboai mnnay ta ba nald aa tonßimßGta of ntle, (ton pwr not at (bin ta ba fwdd Whan 11 "P*r4g ta kmudint don oa day af tale.) -netbtrd ta ana fat, and balance ta two yearn. Tba lam twn yaytawat* aaoarwd by band aad "*lS)£mMu*a' t, ibL" ♦* , . TOeitPH fIATM, Traataa,