BAVLAND P XKIVMAN, Allegheny Street, JMIr/'oHtc, Pa. IttEAPQUAPTEfrS FPU SABGAITiST —AT THE— * ' BEE HIVE ONEPRICE STORES. WINTER GOODS, j We have an IMMENSE VARIETY OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Please call and examine our stock, And oblige BAULAND & NEWMAN. OUR MOTTO IR—"O.VB ntICK-THK VKHV AO fHSKKrKKSKXTA Xeir Advertisement*. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED FLORAL GUIDE b liNir 1881 is un Elegunt Book t 120 JL Page#. On# ColorwJ Kl*>wer Plat#, and *kX> 111 tie t ration*. with Dearriptlona of III# be#t Fluwera and Vegetable#, and Direction# for growing Holy 10 ! emta. In Knglih or German. If you afbrwartf* order eeeda rtedu* t the 1 cent*. VICE'S SEtDS re th beat in the world. TilK FLottAL (WIDE will tell bow to get ai*i grow them. Vick'i Flower and Vegetable Garden. 175 Paget 6 Colored Plate-., SOU Emrraviug*. lor Mi cent* In pa per curare; II e>*r ; Fivr copiea for specimen Number* aent for lOveuta; .1 trial copiea f.r 'io cent*. HlfXb JAMES TICK, Kocheater. N Y. ieeo-i. ieao-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. The antwcriptlon price of the WIKXLT Ptniar liti been r.-du* #d to SI.OO |er copy per annum. To club* of Firrr and upwrd the U IIIIT PaTatnt will be furntahed at the extraordinarily cheap rata of 75 rent# per copy jer annum. THB IUILT PtTBIoT Will t sent to any addrwaa, during the eevaiona of Cobgreaa and the Legialature at tlie rtr of CO centa per month. Under the act of Congreaa the pnbfi#her prepay* the portage and •obacrtl'era are relieved from that expert**. Every aubacriptloo mu*l l*e accompanied by the . caah. Now la the time to aql-acrfbe. The appmaching aeaaiona of Congnw and the Legislature will le of mora than ordinary int-ret and their prorredinga will In* fully reported far the Daily .and a complete •ynopal# ef them wlf I l*e given in the Weekly. Addreaa PATRIOT PURL.MIING CO^ MILLIIEIM HOTEL, Ml 1.1.11 KIM CKSTKK COCKTT, FF.SJTA. W. S. MI'SSKK, Proprietor. The t two of Millheim la located In Prnn'a Valley, about two mile* frm CVbum Station, on the U*i* burg. Centre and hpru*-# Creek ILallroad, with aur ronndinge that make It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Good trout fl-lilng in the immediate vicinity. A fab runa to every train At the Mi Iheim Motel a*mm nvidatl >na will la found tlrat-claaa and terma moder at* Juua g, HfMy* pBNTRAL HOTEL, (Opposite the Railroad station,) MII.ESBI'RO, CENTRE COUNTY, PA. A. A. KOiiLBKCKKIt, Proprietor. TIIROUOtt TRAYKLEKS on the railroad will find thu llelel an evrellent pla#e b lunch *.r pr**rore a •ial aa A 1.1. TRAINS itu|i about 35 nt inn tea. 4T fi. ,P A. LOKIt, (ienrra/ Merrhnnt*, AU*ghrn;/ Strrrt, BeUrfontr, I'a. S. &C .A.. HjOEB, THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED BDCHESTER CLQTHZNQ-fi Better Fits, better Workmanship, better Styles, better Linings, SUPERIOR in every respect to any other ready-made Clothing in the United States, and equal in every respect to the work of any merchant tailor in any of our large cities. Prices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work generally sold in Bellefonte. Mothers, bring your Children, from 4 years up, and examine our assortment of CHILDREN'S WEAR. S. A A. LOEB,! "SELfS"- IS. A A. LOEB, FINE CLOTIIIEKS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. fey.,.. ' - I L-. Farm for Sale. nAVINtI determined to "Farm Ira land, and farm It lelUr." the aulacrlher offer# for aale one of h- two farma fie now octuple# IN MOW AttD TOWNSHIP. Thia farm ia located on the north aide of the Hal I < Eagle creak, negrly op|--#ile tha lloroogh *f Ibward It ha# a frontage of ■> rod# on the en k. with a high bank wlihh never mrrfl-** It couUlii# J*' acre# of land, more or leva about IP' of which la cleared. The r maiud* rl# wieallatid It ia well watare*!, hat ing bealde# the creek front age, a well at tha b nae, a #prtng run traversing the whole length of the place, and #eteral #| ring# In the field#, at lead tw. of alih h are very flue on-, and •* nitnated aa to l-e eaailv piped to the building#. The building# are beautifully located up n a r*11 of • latid, a few hiU from tl cto-k, upon the public road trading up and down the crwh and within ten uiin- • u|e walk of the |m| office, depot, *ture* and chore baa of Howard H>rvngh. The k"U#e | frame, and nearly new It I# IXixZC ft in aire, two full #t#r|e high, containing eight large r<*mi, wih hall I# th up #tair# and d wn. Iraki# a |ioln# flrt clava h#y jar acre A god I' K. Ivderlck hay Waling machine, aiei lairt-ank a •. |m far weigh lug th# IMIN are now in the hwrn, art I will le aold with the farm. If 4eir*d. Other |#art of the land are well mi ted to tohacro culture, and jlcMel a nuMlwr one cr**p lad aea#. n Farma with ao many advantage# * thia are rarely offered Lr aale. It will !•* apld at a fair prt e, and on rmaiual'i# t*rm. If nl wld aon it will lea For Rent to a Good Tenant lor the r tning year J. A. WOODWARD, 3 -Cm llo.ard. h. TOR CHILDREN! Tll „ Ttt vf#cilne Ufun th' 1 Sai with a ii# and -1.-gard f er an I other .•M-k rlfflVV WW ' iw*!" "Vemefit# It Wlii MTTTI \! CD V I '""llnne I-* urpaa* all ll U I ■ ,rT,l,ilt The January 1 1 SI HO a year in ahafir# nmENTHTEAR NURSERY PUBLISHING CO.. . f~*Tw .if, Itaoaruxn Rf , butov, >| \a. I> ROCK EK H OFF HOUBE, ' ' HKI.I.KruKTR, PA W. K. TELLER, Projiripior. Good Samplt fb*'tn on Second Floor, •e'"* R lo n, if/.rf,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. ! A. N. IJAI 15, A. M., Principal. r PH IS SCHOOL, a* nt |r"H-nt con -1 iliiii'ml. offer# iln* teryr Immi ia< iIi 1 1*• for I *ru fr**i<>nil iml l 1-rtMh*. lioiUti.r* |u.ioM, ii,tiling end rnmißO'll'NMi rnm p|e|rl heeled hyr •tram, we|| rutiUM, i* vf pure water, *oft pnng Vfttwf. UjrstlOfl tf althful lll'l 'MJ of irrMt, hurnjt|bt(^| Trb#n efth ie ut, ft r .j alive to their ark. Discipline. ffrm and kind, ur.iftm and tbumngh. uiiflfrat#, fifty rent* a week 'Jedm-tion to th -4 preparing to |M' Ii Pfuderit* admitted At any time. CuunMauf Mi) | r-* rtired by the !Mate I \|'dl fch|. If. I'f-|4riur) 111. klrwburf IV. Ad* i chtiflr. *Pil mtltt* I \ ■ JI i !11 M . IV AM 1le Kl#fiiMilArt and IW-irftilfir ronrf tr ft o |MKn*l, ftud •Indent* graduating r*citf j I i| MMM € i f. t'i'nr |W (Mlov|||tl greew M**t. r of lb* Mnnruti and Maler * f the ■ Sterne* (iitflu*L in toho cvmre*-* rfoiu t Normal fVrtiAitti* of th'ir HUiMntnu. the Varolii The Prwf*ftinhkl rr*jr*ea are literal, and ara ta j tboriitiftt>rft* b"l Inferior l • lli ti> ~f .ur l#l college* | J\,rn fttat* r< r higher nbr ~f citinhip. | The time* temail 'lt It I* .-re of the prime of tin* • ■!"►'! t help t • recti re It I | (qmUhlnf int'l j ligent and effVrient t-a-brta fif her aboil la thit j fM It ill lift I f r ' Pd purf****** -||. -e lM 4*effe Ul (ie their time and tle|r uUm*. a* *fu le-1* t all vh It pr- rni*e* aid in dev.-I ping their pnwaraaod abundant ofifarftunitle* Inf *•!! paid lal r af'er |r ratabgne and Mmt ad lre* the Prin m**l aotan or tat *tkv< llntllKlMHl'TlUm J II Rerun. M f> . \ f|. I R**t. Hr p * M r-Vf r! -n, *| Thrift, A N Raul*. K '• Co k. T C 11 • f pie. Keo . H hintrtng V. r M'< ortnkk. i* I ,\v UlUi.kiß.Um II Mete Trieea—l| •) A'l < ntlln. Mr. || I, Ihef. j f.lrh l,et, .1 t*- %lerrlll II n William tilgfer, J C C. Hhaley,t. Miller Mr ( If.ift W f1.1,1 A M, President Clearfield. Pa •ien j BP*K Mft HI 1.1. A Pre I.M. U*rk Haven fa H MtI.I. All M-fiHiMU K Kecrefarr, " - ! TIIOMAS YARDI.P.Y Treasurer. M ! WOODWARD SH.MINAIIY. Bcfcrdisg iti liy S:hMl fcr Tsmj LUi i:l LlttU Children. SK.CONII ANH LOCUST STKKETS, i HAKIILSHt' |UL PA. R*nHr l"m 0I I-. no Kf.I'TKMIIKR Ji\ lT. C iirw of Mafj-nu.,. tr.l k ..r.tift/, .ilk Mn.w ao 1 Art. Ihrd and tuition fr*-rn f £V) In f.V AI, li UOO D M I \ I It O1oIt T I OA. OUR GR AND FALL AND WINTER STOCK. IS COMPLETE:. COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! t'7~Don't forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager, A STKHX ItKKG WILL UK POIND AT THIS STul'.K Allegheny Street, Pa. NEW ENTEHPKISE. i LF.XAN'DI'.K A CO., AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT —AST) — SKKI ) STOUM, HKLLKKONTK, PA. They rnokn by thi nil 1 lie import*. . ibat I*, to de 11 in atid to f*iml*h U farm era at th* IfitM fMDilila i ' vf*f ll , mi f|m rltifn of I ar r 'ltural Impleniont that far mark u. lurludltiL* I | St.fcMs f all iiii>d" At pr-aent • e Uo mi liand and are the MlHntim! I |Mla f> ti. of llw IVRACI-fl OUIULKI* j I'ldttv, made at N \ 11 | f, I ph'D nuft nade, a!*> tlie Ketef.u.e at 1 )r ti I %e. plow* made at l>mre flail No l-tt*r pi. • i| t ., ihear ran le had lor the earue amMtlil I m .mi llw ihiCwlfi IIdII OnmplDiitof w - ■• t . Inc llNHri the in- nf tin* pi Bl*f !..•. n • ue* intenlret aitif i defn ■ ntrat. • th'!l| t.. Ie I hr- j nAKimw* .ml Cl LIIVATOIOI f tl.. 1....1 I pfvjVe| patter tl* MuWKK.h ItKArr.llfl and i f! AIN MM'Kn* -trf , theee r ar|| (We < lalettlie either *• aep.rat • rfr (''trie-) |t* |* r and M<*< ra emc • llarieatera, < aa t 4rnt4te-t li* aje r* rJ fhudtr* i TUB HBUtA.K<. I •• - m m 4 tmd l lha l*r*t rna'fiitte f tl.e kit Krftper ilb • * ; 4>llnff ftill rot It r, • -nly t-inda irit a> t | ftill ftete the |n-r r.| the D.e'L'i.e in r -,e tear I I taking; ftp fri.ttl tlitnll* 1 fiat eInI, ia i Til K MrIIKHMY i.KMN 1*1(111 niirr nh r • 11*t)t l<'*a>l- aal Lor-* ftill. - ftlth t fertlhrer .r ae-d a fting alta> httrenta It ta the jr.jf, , rf t-,r all pr|eea in f.* market Til* finIVKH THRKAMER A£t> PV.fMt ATfift - I The repntatu ft of tht mar h l ia a ftelt e**l iah* . that fte ran aa J t'>dbng al" it It that the j- |4r •5k i. • kr i-t' a RtlMf Me, Of It Ntf • , retail ea f r three r ft lot h- ' - iftte, ||e ' I HEI I'.NKH B PAT KMT I.kVKI. TRK\I llfiflftf 1 h'W IK i■- D* and to | mm - • i • ' RegTilat' f l.ittle titatit Threahef and ('leaner VICTnH CI>lY KK 111 l-I.KIi Me a r t.t. |.. f Cen j tre irmblt. SS AOOSs.f ARIU A*T Uo INkM • : Mt>K 1.1 S W AIJUN the f jaitef I ti <>f hi' l> ri tr<*RM ci'itiM. B I '.t + £r+ FltM '• M 1 . I t | .-• I aarranted all ai. l aee tjeftmni and etamin* 'ata j log urn a* to •t%l"ft and p*|. •* - I ujing • Ja. a heir . I'alal fuet fumiehed .j t application I'LAfTKR AN I* ri'RTI 1.1 7 KKV datura placer Anelt gmti'id %• god m the 1 -*t Nova ftr tia at th* . lut giHe of fTpe* ton I'ffftrbn fiuann e-dd n - 'Kdert unit. Phophate4i ftlaata -.r I nd V|*r il mannre* for different ciopa add up a onirrt at manu far tnrefe' | rife* |NM MIR —we are fHtgamt'a sr' nt lltaatlnc l*i*/ttin| *nd Rifle powder n hand and M at wlede • le purer , a lan law i CiRAIN —Afte# the ft Wing ,r- p ia hinethd e wilt u | , pay ||,e highui narket ptir# f r | ! all kind# r.f gram OiAk-IMr tard I* alaatt *torknd Ith th* f—et | Antfi'arite I'iwt • t.t* b fte aell at loft ear go Ire 1.1 MK M e mak* the t*.t white lime In the Rfate It* pnipertie* ft wliariK*J ami agrjr ultural pur jmfte* e*rel a'l* r* rAIKHANKh M'Al.Kff -Y' are their ag-nt# In j Cmtr* rounty and ftill tnpply all parttea ia)nng j guml and true arale* at thHr lovrit prfeeg j M'e ettetd an invitatlori loeertUit in ft ant of entitling In mir line to rail al car at"?* mnm*. op pfttte the ft>ih 11-.ner . and a* • hat e hat* and learn frta Ibqaa In ittekdakc* tnre pai|iraU|i the , <.|eotoqr hi||i.r ALKXWHKK A OH liellefonta. Pa . Mm) A. JMD. SEI ULEU <( CO., iirorrr*, Uu*h Itoiine Work, DrUefontr, I'a. KEW C3-OOIDS —FOR THE WINTER TRADE. We have endeavored lo rc! the very best of every thing in our line, and now have some really elioice Roods. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peach®, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES. FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. Invito the people of Centre County t call and Inspect oar NICE GOODS, which ennnot fail to please. SECHLER & CO. />r// r IHHIN ami Urarrrirn, J JARI'KR 15 HOT UK IIS, RCRIRiI *TRRKT, RKLtKrONTK. PA., ll'.vc tin -r --our-t'-r. aft.l .h*)vo* fll)* (*. Csrf-.linp, lirwrlw, cr,.wsr*. &< C.*f*lMS*-*-rf thin, O.M .u l# f .ar.d Is , f.r.t IIA KPICK ItKOTIIKItS, APRINO >71: IT. * HM.1.1 fONTI-. PA COI'NTRT I'llolU CK taken in egrhaDga at th higheat rrterhet price |.| t —rot—- vol N(i LADIES. Hollidaysburg Seminary. lt<>M.lDAYftt 80, IU MR kCNTV, I'f N N A A mr healthful Linton. fwAtatifal anrrmmding* Oftr-rati 'i g le-tir • all II- adantagrw nf af hri*ti M |t h..u.e w,h tl r gt r< unee of lttrwll> i.l ia 11,/ higher hraofhew of rdirati< n Tcrntß, €250.00 per Annum. Iftr|rxfing h'tnl and attendance ae nf librtry. pe-rind irftU. end tuition in all P.fgliah lfat FROM ALL TJUULM OF TB* FL-B*. I'&4H TL** I, *.] uf AMERICAN NEWS TR* F*R T, TB* T . F-1 H * <*FIH FROM *ll {•*< L* OF TB* TIIXNI TLIB IRAL R* AKIH* MAKT THE WEEKLY HEKALD LB* #'*• VAIUABL* * 11F• 'OIL I* IN TLI WORLD. • IT U TT>A RBP*T KTRT; *' Kl* El**N * FAITHFUL REPORT OF POLITICAL NEWS < BRA< ' N.| I, AND R OTT|< DIAPAUHW* (.M W 4NIH* I*, LII'LUDLNJ; FULL R-F7RU UF TB* •I-'• F AMl***l T TLI* ON TB*QU*UV* OF LB* THE FARM DEPARTMENT F TB* VT TIT * Gl*+ TB* UT'L A* WALL M TB* *. *T J T*( ILEAL HIUJOMI R,, AT.D DT*RUT*N.<* R .DATING I* '.!.!• T* 1 <- FNITIIAR, HINT* T n R*J*TAF CATTLE, I run. ftfctf**, Tut- \ WUETakUH, kr . ith N* DR K>|'DK BIT I.ATIL I.L'TNILI M RA- I '• 1 • :ll* R •*•*! ••') |.J A M*-|L*DTTD D "!•*£!• R I.T WI 1 1 (UFTU-D, TIT*DR T)>* F *AD OF THE HOME, * I" RACJ-A F R I FT ILEAL OIABRA. BITITA FOR MAKING TB I.F A- . F R K<- .J. WITH TL* L*TTT FAABIOU* AT ' B LN IT.-M ..F I M.KIUC OR I TAY • •* I Hl* R 1•• J. I I*R LL*# IN THROAT A OF SKILLED LABOR AR* B K .K'TD AFTER, AND *TR.TBIR ,- .AR T ;.U R I I MT+IUHY R*CW44 7B*R* IFMFA 49% BIT. ALL TB. IAT#.T |.BAA*A OF TH* HAT< I •• I. AIK.T. I R .{, M*ER AC. AC. A RALUA- F*AI N* TA F TITAJ IT) TB* ■|WN|{J PRTCA* AND (4HWBTH>N* F THE PRODI"CE MARKET. F . SL>.T || N. R>4 ■! 1 IK. RJ T B I '■T'-L I W.-.V M BY .IT' D*< I \|T .J. .T TW *.RIR, L'IFC"AI M* I. \ -T N..R. I. Wl,|., LULL,,. IHT (N ---1..1. 'TIV ' 1.... MTUTRI .01. ...K . TH. U |,l. I ILIBIU' KI.T.'TI. MTI. !! ~. |TD FUR OR* I>L --I T M INN. RUT- T ( OKI \| K.T|;K • IT,* W..KL FORM. TTTILI.AR II HAL.T> ) [ A TEAR AD R** NEW YORK HERALD, '' RMA*T UM< ANA NMI K*R TARFC. DUSH HOUSE, ' * BTU TROM. FA., lyirgfti and H'tf Hotel IN the County. UR ISII A*TRN RTIHI)INI TILL* RAID INRJIIIRW OF A J A T K OBIOT OWITRW vm%Xy, HT.