She Centre BELLE PONTE, PA. The Largest, Chenpest and Boat Paper I'UIII.ISHKK IN < KSTItK COUNTY. TIIK t'KNTKK DEMOCRAT in nub ftlshcxl ovory Tliur*Uy morning, At H*llofonti, I ntr county, I'* TERMS-Cmli in I'lriUKo Si t>o If not p*l>l Iti Atlviuic* ii OO r%vinnt< nmde within thro® months will b Con- in mlvtuct'. A LIVK I'APKR—dorotod to 111* Interests of the whole people. No paper will he (ttarohttnueri until arrearages are psbl, excopt nt option of publlalioro. Psp*rs gobi,; out of the county iiiuat he psl'l for in idtanal. Any poraoti prm-nrlnc ua tencnah subscribers wilt he Merit a copy free of rherite. Our extensive circulation make* III" paper an on uaually reliable ami profitable medium foranv. rtiiois We have the moat ample fsrllliles for• Jtl WullK and are prepared to print all kluda of lh>la. Traria. Program una, Posters, Commercial printing, A< .In the lineal altle and at the loweat possible rotes All ailvertlaeinenla lor a lea. term than three montl* 20 eiita per line lor the fir.l three In-rllooa an.l • rente a tine f..r r*. Ii additional I rtton. Hpeehil notlcea one-half more ICdli.irlal notkea l.t rente per line. A libels! dlerount ia made to [e-raoli- adverllalnit h, the quarter, hall year, or year, a follows iraii occci'isn. f "• 5 One inch (or I'd line. tin. type, f-j fid Two Inches. • J'M 1 ' Three Inches... J'J 1 ' * 1 Oeartsr eoioaao (or A Inches) IP* -" flatS eolaasa (or to Inches) •• One column ior _.t melo- : ' Foreign advertlaemenla nmat be paid for liefore In t-rtiou. erept on iearly roiilra I. alien half )early pnjmtunta In advance win i e riepilr..!. fM|||i hi MofteaS IS eni. per line each MMHIMI. Nothing lna. rte.l f..r lea. than in cents lll'sivaa. Sort 11'-. in ahe editorial columna. It centa per line, each ineertlon. BOON NOTICIM. In local columna, in rente p-r line. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. Prom our Regular Correependent. WASHINGTON, I>. C., Fob. 12, 1881. I But for Ihe protracted effort neccssa ry in attempting to get the Hiver and Harbor bill through the House, the week ending to day would have seen in that body consideration of the inter State Commerce bill and the Re-appor tloument bill. The Hiver and Harbor' bill of this session doubtless shows in an aggravated form the evils always con nected with such measures. A larger proportion than usual of the two mil lions of dollars is appropriated for im possible streams, but this was found un necessary in order to get votes enough for really meritorious objects of public aid like New York harbor, the Mis-i*- sippi Hiver and its tributaries, etc. '1 he fight against the bill is led this )ear by Mr. Cox. It is so far successful, but Mr. Cox himself admits of the certainty of the ultimate passage of the bill. He finds to-day, too, that his bitter three 1 days' fight against the measure has ma terially impaired bis ability to push bis He-apportionment bill. Mr. Heagan will get at least one day for consideration of bis Inter-State Commerce bill next week. The general appropriation bills are now in such shape—all but two having passed the House, and those being ready to report—that time can be safely given to other measures. Senator Bayard seems unnecessarily alarmed at the present prospect of the Funding bill. He wilt rail it up on Monday. The Senate is understood to agree, almost to a man, upon the re port of its Finance Committee on this subject, which is in favor of a lit per con*, bond, and for Treasury notes at an interest not greater than .'lt jx-r cent. The Senate can atnpnd the House bill in this matter, the House disagree to the amendments, nnd a Conference Committee can do the balance of the work in an hour. The bill is sure of a passage in some form. There is a better prospect than ever liefore that a million dollars will be voted at this session for carrying I'. S. mails by steamship lines to South America and Pacific ports. The sum is of course in place of the ordinary rates, and is in fact a subsidy. Senator Hoar yesterday asked the Senate to instruct the Judiciary Com mittee to inquire whether the assembly ' of large numbers of armed troops, in the city, on Inauguration Hay, not tin j der command of United States Army officers, be not likely to become dan gerous. I believe the Greenback Gov- I ernor of Maine, in his late annual mes sage, was the first to suggest this idea. It is not believed the Senate will take any action. Indeed there seems to be no sound reason for doing so. The Sen- j ator should remember that the danger and the fraud of 1878—the only time that danger or fraud ever attended the Inauguration of a President or any of the preliminary proceedings—was the work of Congress, and not of the people. I>ON. The Xorthvoutrm Lumberman, which is rendering an important service to the country by awakening people to the fact of the ever increasing denudation of forests, estirnstes the iosa involved by the fires of 1871, in Wisconsin, Mich igan, and New York, at 1215.(88),000. In 1878 the woods on Lake Superior were afire almost continuously for 100 miles. It is said that the Edgar Thompson Steel Works Company, at Braddoek, Pa., have shut down on their employes drinking liquor while engaged at their emplovntenl; that ono appearance at the works of an intoxicated employe causes a auspenaion, a second offense a discharge, and that If an employe leaves his work to go for a drink he need not return. u( It i -, ' , Tiltlcn on Jefferson. Hon. Samuel J. Tilden has been elec ted the first honorary member of the Jefferson Club of York. In rtqily to a letter of the President. Chiiuncy F. Black, Esq., informing him of his elec tion, Governor Tilden writes as follows : NEW YORK, January 27, ISSI. —My fh-arSir: I liavo received your letler notifying me ol my unanimous election as the first honorary member of the Jef ferson democratic association of \ork. 1 accept the distinction thus conferred in order to testify my approval and J commendation ol the objects ol your as ! social ion. Thomas Jefferson has a title j to the esteem and gratitude ol the j American people even greater than that ( which lie derived from being the author of the declaration of Independence, and from being the author of the stilt ute of religious freedom ly the State of Virginia, during all the bloody con flicts of the American revolution, and die civil struggles out ol which out ays , tern of government emerged, and tiic j controversies through which was im pressed upon it the churacter of the ! government "by the people, for the peo ple." lie was the apostle of human free- I • torn and the greatest leader of that be mficerit philosophy which was embotli ed HI our institutions. At a time when ; powerful tendencies are at work to sub vert the original charucter of our gov- j eminent; to break down the limita- j lions of power established by tbeconsti- j tulion ; to centralize the action and in- , fhience of official authorities; to create ; a governing clas*, using the machinery ol government us a corrupt balance of power in the elections, and then shap ing legislation and administration in the interest of the few against the many ; the precepts and example of such men as Jefferson cannot too often be invoked. The formation of societies which can act as centres of discussion and as agencies for the propagation of the true principles of the fathers of the republic is a measure capable of great service to the people and to mankind. With assurance of sympathy and es teem —to the members of your associ • lion and to yourself, I have the honor to be, your fellow citi/.eu. St mi ei. J. Tu nix. Fernando Wood's death Announced ill the House. W A sin \i; TO\ , February 11. —ln the House of Hepresentatives Speaker Han d ill announced the death of Fernando ■ Wood. Mr. Tucker, from the Commit tee on Ways and Means, repotted reso lutions adopted by that committee ox- I resting their regret at lII< death and providing lor a committee of nine to escort the remain* Irotn Hot Springs to New York citv. Mr Cox seconded the resolution in a few appropriate remarks, and they were unanimously adopted. Messrs. fucker, Frye. l'helps, Don noil, Mills. McKinley, Carlisle, t'hittenden and llutebins were appointed as the committee. The House then as a mark of resjH-ct to the deceased adjourned until to morrow. In tho Senate a mes -ige was received Iront the House an nouncing the death of Fernando Wood and the Senate ss a mark ol respect ad journed. Since his arrival at Hot springs a short time ago Fernando Wood bad been in a very w- tk and almost hope less condition, which continued without tho slightest change until he was over taken by death ; his disease being a complication of gout and rheumatism. The springs were of no benefit to him and Ins physician entertained no hope* of Ins recovery in the beginning. 'I he Ixxly of the deceased is now lying hi slate at tho Arlington Hotel awaiting the arrival of the deceased's brother bv the afternoon train. It is expected that the remains wiil be taken east on to morrow morning's train. I'ctcr Cooper's Ninetieth Birthday. The ninetieth anniversary of the birthday of Peter Cooper a at celebrated lon Saturday evening last by a dinner ' given in his honor, at ti o'clock, hv Mr. and Mrs. Ai>rinS. Hewitt, at Mr. t'oop i er's home, No. •> Lexington avenue. Among the guests pr*ent were General : Robert Patterson r.nd George W Child*, I of Philadelphia; Thurlow Weed, Chief ; Justice Charles P. Daly, Revs. Henry W, Bellows and Howard Crosby. Wm. - K. Dodge, Robert L. Stuart, Wilson G. Hunt, Parke Godwin and others. Let ters of regret were received from v iniuel J. Tilden. Mayor Grace, Hon. John 11. B. I.strobe, of Baltimore, Rev. Robert I'ollyer, Jackson S. Shultr, Frederick It-- s'eyster, and Dr. J. Marion Sims, j The dinner was devoid of formalities, j I Mr. Cooper making a brief speech in response to a sentiment proposed by , Mr. Hewitt. The regular Saturday evening free I | lecture nt the Cooper Institute, was un usually well attended in view of the oc- I casion. Many people were unable to obtain seats, iin the pint hum were Revs. Henry M. Field and Wendell Prime and Prof. F. U, Tisdall. Before introducing the orator of the evening Dr. R. W. Raymond read a letter from Mr. Cooper to the trustees of the Coop er Union, in which he requested them i to accept his check for SIO,OOO to lie added to the SIO,OOO of the Golden Wedding fund, established by hint eev j enteen years ago. He also presented I his check for S3OOOO together with the : receipts in full for S7O 000 he had ex pended during the year on the building. By a resolution passed May 30. 1870, Congress authorized the Northern Pa cific Railway company to issue bonds by mortgage on its property, and it put out $40,18)0,000 on lands granted by the government as a conditional subsidy, ."since that tune the right to do so has been seriously called into question. A bill has recently been introduced into the House declaring these lands forfeited by reason of non-completion of the road according to onntract. The extent of the lands granted is as follows: In Wis consin. 1,408,0000 acres; Minnesota, 3,392.000 ; Dakota, 11.620,000; Montana, 20,480.(8)0; Idaho, 1,720,000; Washing ton. 19,900,000) disaggregate being 6i,- 750,(88) acres. Accoiding to govern ment estimate the value of these lands is $99,750,000, and according to Audi tor French'* report in this case the road complete coat $75,000 000. To-day the subcommittee on railroads resolved to , ------ report in favor of the ripht of the road to intiue the bond*. The chairman of the whole committee WH* present, and is said to take the name view. There i aome doubt, however, a* to the report being accepted by the lull committee. -♦ * Dentil from llidrophohiii. Little Minnie Lee, who wan bitten by a mad dog bint week, died of hydropho bia at noon on Thursday, in her lather'n home at 4'J Blum ►•■ireet, Newark. ir Francis Hurdett, uncle of the Hiiro j iiess, gave away the bride, who appeared in the best of health and spirts, Pre vious to the ceremony, Mr. Itartlett as- j Slimed the name of Hurdett ' 'outts, in order, it is understood, to comply with the provisions of the will, through which the Haroncs* inherits her proper ty. The marriage was legalized by HI special license from the Archbishop of Canterbury anil performed by Kev. Henry White, rector of Chajtebßoyal. Savoy. The honovrnonn will be spent at the seat of Admiral liordon, in K-nt. Sir. ng ot-jections to this marriage were urged by nittiy of tbe friends of the Hsronesa on account of the great ililb-r enee in the sjfi-n of herself and Mr Harllett. She is about sixty seven years old. Mr. Hartleit is thirty lour and an American by birth \ ( r bachelor * stopping lor one night at the house of a married friend ■ml being kept awake lor five or six hours by the crying of a cross baby. Ml cross and crying babies need only Hop Hitters to make tiiem w,-il and smiling. Voting man, remember this. T STATE NR.WS. i'pnn*ylv*nia has 2tX) Orand Army of the Republic posts, and ov-r 1?.'""' members. Scarlet fever and diptheria are 'iH carrying oil many little ones in differ ent parts of the stats'. Joseph Fuen, a j npil of the Hue pub lie srhiw>|s, fits Peer, awarded damages in the sum of 110.1**1 for Injuries aus tamed hy the tall of a school building. Win. <'unninghnrn. an expert horse thief, who has been hunted for the past twelve years bv a young farmer named Martin, frorn Virginia, wt< captured by the Utter in Bedford county, recently. Mr. John Mawhinney, the wealthy oil man, who died in < il City a few davs ago, was a Pittsburg drayman in IMJO. At the beginning of the oil excitement he went up the river and soon acquired a fortune. Judge Jenks, of Clarion county, has decided that parent* surrender all nu thorny over their children while the children are in the school, and that the teacher has the sole right to say what they shall or shall not study. The new Penitentiary tiegnn *t Hun tingdon covers an era of ten *cre. The wall is seventeen feet deep ami twelve (••el in thickness, tin this stone foiin dation the building will he started, also of stone, am) square, at a height ot ttiir ; ly two feet. Thorns* Rogers and Ralph Rlatt.sged I respectively twelve years each, while coasting at Freedom, Heaver county, ; were unable to check their sled as a train was approaching : they ran under j the wheels of the locomotive, the whole j ! train passing ovvr them. Their remains were scarcely recognizable. Colonel William Wdliams, of Hunt- j ingdon,is engaged in drawing plans for j a proposed remodeling of the lb* dull— of bis sp|*lnlm*ol at hi* nffir* to lb* Ron. ugh of B*ll*fnnt*. ,-n TI'KRUAY. lb* Ist rib—l r*l so- U(f"iit<. t "titra county, I'.t , IMt|fid-t "li tin • a*t hy |<>t - f Mr* I' Hfay Meek. " th" *<"lth l.y an alh-y. on the w.-st |#y 1 homa* street, and .ii the north hy High afreet, fronting ow Ifigh ettf't I to f* •! and on 'lhmiia* street |ko f*et, and on ■aid all> 114, thereon wrniN a double dHallinx liuii*", oti" franii* dwclliitg homw, < uttaga houM, •UMi' and othrr outlsuilding* Almi, mII Ihnl cor tain lot or |nr*o of ground *llii*t" In tb Isorough f Ihdlrfoiil# H- uo Ud on th#* -! I#y Mntth tn "t. msiiMl lot latrly • Hllh| ).y Wui p. lty.on Ml" m( ty nii ail* and on iinrlli l> othi-r l-t'if !*aai llati|d, fronting on Hinl Mi trw t f • t ami < kts tiding Inm k1 o few tto an alky Mi"r">n cr•- t.wl u tHo-story •!h"illiig hott>- Alm, nil tlint rortain lot or pioce of ground ltuat" in Mo* borough f llallwfont". < ntrr • •tut). I'a lkitndd on tlir '4>t t y Proith •trex-t, on the e uith l-y otlo r l"t of I what !lati|it, "ii Mir m-il t,y an alley, and oti th- nortli *>} lot of Win A Thorn** j lulls Ihff"oil rr fsw| a t wis*tory frame dwelling I AUo, nil thfit cprtatn lot •r of I gt-'U'i'i altom la ii-1. f imniliiii (• nin om*. I* . I- 'indfwl of. th' "N*t 1% U ilhairi h'klt* Oti th# lioftf. jh Win I i*U< r on thi *ct hy >fr Th tna* lfurn*td' and in th. aoiith William K*kl> a •■'is or I"** thereon ere. ml • franie dwelling lusiim- tah|c and ot|"f out building* peiod, taken ill riiv iitiuii A1..1 to he wold .i the |i r* J*rt * of |>4* : Ifaill't. | Ikkm s CASH. —No deed will lie ark no wl '-LTF—I iliilll tli- | 1,,1 1N,.. , |.aloji.| |e. t Pine Mrova*, (hi friturd'iy, 1 Kit tity of Mnrch 1 KM) t at I o'clock, P Si . the following owl "statu, to Hit All thht c*rtnin land* of \% ni Wo H, fi ti," AMlt|| by |iiwi Movwfllu. ati'l on th* j • e-*t h) land* "f Mr* Aohey. . otitainiiig I 1 (irty 'l 11 r ■ ■ Acres, inure o, |ra thef* o rf. te| a gissl Ifther fruit 11*++ Termaofaah one Mil d f | ur> haa* tu ney to • ' pAid '-n ci -r • fir mat lon if *•!", tet, j.c r • r,t of Mo* t* t-e la. I Hl.en | r -jN-rty >. k . -k"d 4 .nr. t. da* . Truetre Auditor's Notice. IN the estate of llr.Gwi. L. IVirririt, ■ l. -NMbd It * \iiltt r p|> if.tesi t i th* <>{* f urt t • Hitril te th* fund* tr th* hand* * f the Ad T i*tfAt t f tte de 'l. t '!| alter i t the dwfi* f hi* •} }c intrn* i t al f • o ♦ in Itelhf nte, on FKII A V f * fth day - f ma K' II \ ! |v*! at t •fl -k p ten And *kw all f**rt4< inter ' can attend if they e J.yv |w i ! " • l r. P'KTNI V Awdllar ATIHTOKS 9 KIOrOHT *y THE 11 r.< i : 11 ' rs and i;x pknoittk i tr I f NTIM: M \TV I II 7UK 1 Mil IM*|M, JAM AM I. |M| AtIAM V I: A III' K Trea*tir r. Ml I Ulan * from a*tt.eex t January |, )*•. |iT/T IT \ kdi tc > Hal uti tain fn'iiti oar, 4 ..4 7 * h tc**d*d .f < ~tnn.i**- Ti*r, fine* A* .>> J To ' • nnty tat ma nn*eat'l Uo-U, '*.Tak *1 I * a.TTi .4 T h*lt- * * * uuti J*'. .*ry J. I k *l IA.T*-7 ia< ('R R UFkty jHid 944 fit an. '.t paid rt*t* iM*aweui., Ml ).** k. By eaiarx | >- fit •lh-ittfi W...55.. ... 10 *• j I- * 1 *' .... ' T'.* '■ k-.. j W'llx im !erigne*|, At Ht/ 1 a Audit.: • M|;o I; WIMJAWy. i.'l KM'KNIHTt -RES. f '.bii**l'.f|rr* /'ny, Andre* thiti; I fC II j Jacdf fnioki* ... | *n *t i**tg* *•*! ..... ..'ll tn ll*avy IV'k.rlefk ftßl Hi IJ iu.T || Jury O ''tffiitrt I'a v. It tt Kline j4 4* John' n jit t. M-wry IWvr k, (letli ... • Itfl Ti :*4 r |ijtHforn Pan. Jitnt* T Rtill • m T II Jmla.n . An (ft hs-'c li h oitaw** ... .... is ton t I. BwfftngtttW. clerk... kt tat Jmftroremml and JUpa. * II AA'alkejt. repair* at olfire and jail tUR *f J < Market, rsfwiri at prrstttowo* tan a R>< " M H I |> vk. (tainting at jail .. 1: 40 II I* I *rger. l-ntlding nvew at jail * l K lio*. repairing hdt at jati . 1 '<• K Rl< 1. pa nting gutter* at jail. II |J j William* A Rro , |*inting. A* . tail and ronrt kotw... ? • A | Jit" AA etrel, re|*iira at rowrt K*stie || aj W p |>iiiw*ni<",irwi dnl iclli •I tail *4 . M i Pies ni* Planing Mill Co.. hunUr al trewawfer'a office ti 4< I 4am I Plet* her. tnak at n*tn h*tuee .w :ji II \A Hi • work mHI 01 I* |t Welrel, ami At iranarWi M W 1 .'HdrVk, work al jail II rat iMfiiel Iterr gae fillnrea a! JAM— 22 John llarriaoti, w.rk tn relit at jail m Court F.rprnmr*. Jntora* |ay \Ut 2H Comiw**nwealth eoata. I.JA*. l\ * W f. Brief. re|NHf* ( .WT 1 J. II Voahvrg. • M J |wtlan. afieaial detectiee >■••• OvMH prwUiiiHim to abetlff Nwmnt'swlng Jnrora 119 in fiklßA m Ciuntv Ptimm Us pen***. Mm. Ilaller. fot taaahing *2l .IS Mm fihAffer.fhr waahiifg 1? An Mm Lngart fut washing |7 .17 R. A Ibew A Ron, wood for Jail .... 4 AO V A. I.ww, wtNud fr jail ... 2 fat R. f. LHtael, wood Ibr)AII.. MW ,.. M , ? m Hoi sett MrKnight.gaa IdMa,... 2ft Nl Uerripe 1,, ftrxtwn. nna1...... tSI • Alexander A Co, CWAI u4 4% W, T. Twitwilre, fumar. Ar 244 -*7 Thai. |>earhnef, rejain at jail £1 |A I. Mnggenhelmer A 0, rksthing for wflwmefw | rj, Lyow A Ort., Inching for |trnftera 2 'l'* llarper Broa.. " M 4ft Tfl A. A A I*neb, - If |A A. A A. Imels, far pet and clothing for prtennem an r2 Jon. Ilnffer. < iotbing for iwiamtm W M J. C Darr, gat burner, Ac I Ti J. A. II Maliory, hia-.f at< r .. j t,tt Ih tntng.-r A fftintlller; k*a .ci Marn'l llr ugg r. "i.gine* r j . J Y.. Hpeeilng, contractor,..,, m im as , . ■' ■ tifiM ke Ma rth 1 r*>*k bridge— Townaend. Bronn A C. r <•) Win l.y nt TT 4 ' w v a 'i ,'tl Maiuuel llrugger. 17 Repair* at Karthau* bridge . TTTTi JV. Niseeriiig, pe Matilda bridge }t: J J'ui a, fiMi| t.f tdg< ; 41* Chaitey A 7 hoiu|i*oi, . ■ J. H I. Mjter* . h dam I Itrugger, r* pair* I niontllle Mthu 4:, Jim I Thoitipaoti, repairs at Mar- Mm bridge J D II n 11. repairs ffgWanl bridge j Ham I llrugger, refiuilding L'ni* Ort/ nary Krpm mm. Corn ri, iasmiiets' < to Ma rah _ 1 jjo * a ' turn.*aiof,era , to L- k Haven jo <* 1 Oil,Uitsbionera *%piifts to Pft Matilda 1 , IP, I oininiaeioners' etp*na*a ledding ap|s"Njs ... y,,0- f H M M Knight, gaa hill* 1:. i ititing longr-Mf nal and 1 utility r"turns -±\ p, A IL * attorney. ( ounty t* first National Iksnk 4 7". W at* r tax. !*; • 2t , , P , If th-k, • nt* ring • ■ ir, d" k t J< -4 I* 1. It eh, 1 1 ting regintmu M I- I, li*-* k. rvtiMiVlttg a*n* s ... 1 /a 1 A !•*Xali'is'i At * 1 ,. sal, t urt h'iu*- t 7 4 L.I, Hmwn.' <*fsg* . fl 1 1 "tissual k Teller, meafs for jurist* iJani* I tJarman, lueais tor jui oi* . 10 • • W A fihias, d-*~| lew.k ... II (li I • If*rp*r I-, Irs, A' < m * - . w | llurv hfleld, lesok*. A..ft*, e .J.! * W lsAinU-rt. pruning tr*w* .i . -. P lll** I. Jseua, A' , * 111 nu • • m • • ■ ■ m 0 M I 1 • i t.arl t. }.<"► Henry II fTrnau, n< udibg chair* t, . W V Mu'phy A k-.n*. *i*tiot<-r. A ; (H. , Win Mam t*,||s. A .-fo./• ;> 4 , II J A r Mall'-ty, repairing ciwurt houss gat'W | V I. Mutter, registran t* blank* j K W iMngler, ink l-ai • k Marl, pigsat* *,f Ki*-*tioii I•* w . | 1 Jattt'w Mntra* 'leaning * inn i** J ni 1 has M * '--rill* ll.rn' rtgag* f... k II jr. W.ln n. M far lane A < hard j W are. ra>url hu % II K lit* k*. lardar* < urt h < *e 4 ,< *' hl*r A * J, ((.itlsnai. '(lift Ja* llarrt* A C*> , hardwai e court _ |s v7 II I Isadlfxi.w -•l,'ourt hone* • .. Jai <*art'fh i. -urt f, oj* . j 1.0 1 A "ui: t k. 1 • '• urt liotie j t W A kt. ?• r.r*pairing luit ra. k. court feat*. 2 79 M ;le u. M rati an* A o , r >(,*, A • ;*. dnit.ter A Brum i.* ugh, binding • i. t. A ' . " 11 I f I rtfi-y. rhin ting l'ig*ts - k,- Mary llad man ■ ruNapg d)* *u I , ■ Ja Mii i. Idndmg mat ting, | f'U'l 5 37 W. T 1 wiUntre, r*(wiring at m miaatofief tff. 1 Tj P. W ti •-iruff, p.* It -idsr*. Mi*. tf. r. lary * ftit * • - , II . hr t. tt, wifDwaa f-s M M tf.* r-f4rtng hydrant I •# Isogeti II .set -mpaiiy .*u<*tnput tnsan* ii,;.* • 77 J k|*anglcT. *h*rtf. on ari sunt. 1 447 74 . It lls af. J T. t ■ ' pa, : ] ] Hiad tieHs „„ . ........ 7a. ]*. lunrest f4i4.„ M „ 3 j H#iiraon real MUU 1 *, Pfetuium* |r < llti R ...... ;J IST Bed* reption I B land tat |.o • ll'I'MM. Nt Olt f -Its If ?, ...... . } ItJe li"iin|eiits | -f*a |i Insurance un aiiiti bwildu gs '♦ r. *.". I n ps*-si• *•! dead l**ii*a .V, ,-| k'alp pf UiMllU* BO ii Jr-r* *."■• n lUfnti'ling tate* 7,, , . M*l* tn* w*w *ait,. r,| k ) *| V fi , paf gg m If -mu.i nktl "U I una/1 4" <. < M Row*f, t%rmm iwati>t*em tt<>r i nr > tl t> 1 J C llarpef. ot, a"> unt , . j; | I s isi d ta*n H J II I add-in*. M 1 phy*< tar- ,;al Uti m zixm 4 • Tcdal am unt pai l . #4n •* 74* Stziiilii, HbcritT, In on. ml trtlli CmUr fhuntu I'S. • " j T d fines feiwlted IJ t (•• fiaiais* CR Its laUar* at aHtlemenl, Jannart 1. |kv. f Tog 74 ; It* Usafriihg priaoitef* l.k tax* at 4** .. .. 7JO liy anntnMUitng jnrorm, April term ... pi ,• Hy *imc'>u Ing juror*. Auiutl Ism.. .'i( liy *unniH>tt*ig jurot*. fixsemler term .11 <> ' Hy *uii'whom ng jitvr*. January term, and ftlitg jury wt,s-#i , Hy fibing ami mending t3 ttrh* nl 't* (g n. Ily nt living ju..r* ted t.. alt-mi April 7 U 0 By r* * eying three fit incte asylum. ...... IgO <*• Hy notifying one to (Mfittentiary pi i* ; It* put Itshing (>r**r iamath-n. three riHirta A*, m 1 My window |ian •( jail ... jg, j Ily fin*** '4 ) 111 eiertast) prw lama turns *• 1 |t fish >*a*ket no|e puMishnd 14 Rf Tl MNtllf RH |A lit rem -M.£ ftajt Iwaketa j|j 3,. B ntnrt* in ccsmtnonwewith '**• y, or. . . imm *1 I January I. I**l fir tsalanre due at Htle. - s47* AA j W. tbi-iinif# rcmntj, dn | I 1.rf.1.j (Mill, |t„| , n i.mmK.rf xiroc Ml, 'Aw ml r.l.Uvic U rMtilili n>4 !- -blp. and rwinlf sM inc wn.u of J.>bn | S|nni *4.-, m •Sr-d K.rrbofl, Oirtln /. •Wlilinm (-torn. Hall Mmm 74 •II R WlbT,.. R.,.h m m *l>. 11. T-*S-r,xo Rb— 7| 7 I.7SS U I ST A. •CW-H-s Or own, R-11-bmi-, TM W •J. P Shop*. Mll—bnrx •Jno. T. I,mm. Onrtm. ; tn •M. 11. Witea, Rwb T* 74 MM M IST* S KTRK!?: s-"-**!* 4N •T. I 11.11, NiMmi N lj •".-Id llart-T. Nubn |MI , 'T'li 1 *; ***?**. m>. s*4 • * ' Philip>i..„g ijf, Hn.kU, II .„,| V,., iU ! ,T * H: ' I' i.flla.l Of gg . , 1111" • £ IJ.,b„fa,|, Jr ||ri. if,'-!? J.dll, I'ru,, lliMl/.t, wiiiim, Tr—i*,. !:;fi '• I' r |v„„ ... . f: V II )>*)•. Kiud, , * A.j J - Tl.trtt, ',.i. | 11-,%*r. Tatl„ ** J* t'S'iJ"'*"". Worth ,55? J M Klit,#- 1f.,„.„| ■■■* '' k _ 01 t.:&t m ;; >/• '• : i;W '*!■■■ E it a ;j'ir.,!!mt,'Vuii M J M Kit,,. I|-.„| • : y /:'2 ' A ?• 1J J 11. > Naii..u • • t.. h,** MUm." 7.; I It. I,l*l I.* ki11.,,, , •" i j ; i'.-,;? Jt.ltit i.aibrb k, *, ring : '/■ t 1 J 1 "'" J in, r fowl*,, r.)i„t "' " ittd H,ik,,' r ; "•.. £ v ,,k J .1,0 r Wltt.MW. oil'" *<• ||o* r .t 1J.,,, U I' h r -• ijii f MiUI ~.. V 'I 1W.111.0t K-,.fi,„ Hilib.,„, " J \:;z l : f: 41. ,# i ** 1 f " . 1* 111.,. k). 1, 11... 1,.J • Ma A MalMtaa< Morpaife . 1 1 Kit. *i,it. i N u || ; 'J 1... U PI. '* i ii ..., it,,., ii- .. fMmwa . >m /. ii..i,. i ~.. ; "I; : f I- I''" I. 1.1 ll* ft'/. ' I/ 1 ""!!' 1 ' 1 •••"•>" ii.,.,. j ' - • • w Butfc.i 11. 11 M. 0 ,I„ 'l' W hi,,,., || J..1.0 M Ki.op, 1|..„„,.| ... *•* IJ'"' " 1 i ikwti .j ; JJ.. .O Opajdf. , *' / j M'-lto < P1, .0i1, M.i-. HI i, i„.. i'.ii • f-';' Ar<3 I'. i,„ . * ■§ ■ 55 ; iw.i1,,,,, ,t Pi..r., H.ikTt' ' ■' ?2 S J N amiag w.,„t, ".ij S . rt>K3 p. T.„.l U „u1.„ 8 ,|, 0f |^ M ; p, ' ?!-'i*, ' :i~11 i..„, • •<> fo foil Mm. -.ttftu..., F„,a n c,al rxhihtt ~f r ,„ trr rounf j a „ M „ rv 1. JhH. K,-.1 Hill. . . .... * ■ u.,0„ t ,t; •;* I iil"'* -Jn ii-ou. * r '; H.ffl. I"|, ''I.IM, ~ l'l,ill|.t.l,iitf * " /"•" ;; s I' 11-t I oopOlb .... . ' W f ~,.t.,|, ' '• *■ I. 111 t,,„ o*l,l, 1 IIP. 100t,.).,, ' '' f. , pUH.tI ti.,„| ( j ■ . H-lfplcuf !;' ii i r ' I- w Mint,;, 1 • " -- N 'lta.,. a iio>r" 'liVi, - a '* •""too ~ r„l|,. |, . k . , * uu, y.,„1, '• ; 4 : * K'.lll i •I.'l. T. tlktlftl.', .... J • m-m-h ... :!" - ' •• 4 f: A I.* ~tll.t, I.|||.| - * 11 l.|. | „! , 11 ' 1 " 1 Af K.,0 r ..pi, j, ? •>> u t < t, ,t u ,, 4 1 1 . A ' 5 4 rmmi mr hfcila ~„j ffc| . |j *.] ♦ r: r. a.•, U , u d , m ' '* n • lb f)irfcTi r* duritic *nf j *• rit,,,„. r.f rptjtr. rvmolt 11, at h. haa ~|miiH a Bultlinp ntl B„b ~. a tiw|. m tb. R n nft I H||,< and will In ai all iim"a l',.|rw| f.tit.ial, Ph.RTKR ALK „„| KKKRb, lb* 0..a! <■ .a** In ib. , h .tb.-r 1. b' U. ,n.„„„,,i. r~,4, t „. tbat trill t kmn4 <.l lb. |H„..| at,.l 1| <,„allti I.hi|ll to •'b nmn.#r that lhr Iff# and n|.|ht* it* •a 1,-ah a* lb-nth dmttii ih.toak t.t borr.l Tba CELEBRATED ROCIIRSTKR STH K it a trirtaiTT rttdrra l-n al Rta filar. ■•{ bttatnoaa. Nt arnt Vy [pitta] mrd. Hill rorotaa |*. m,.i alt-atma AMf., j U SpITZER, " Ant Hal I "foot*. On Ira On, Pa. Philadelphia Marhato. Pon.aon.roia, Kntt-isry JS, Si. In laoadainlla th no If rhtOßn la a'lnrtlrM' dorlino in Hmt. Pi. to -rinttr la doll and atnodr. Ralttt nt l.ttw lArtrla. InHodloc Minn.**, "ttraa. al It Tbdkb.T.'. lot mndtttan t<> fan, < 'lntu.aod al In •] 'yrn a*. ,<* atra,bt rmnailianlaritralamllj-atHIbM. intwilalo! al t BAi* and palmta a, p. atfoJ.Tk, Rf" kg, a Btnhanond Wo qucd. al $4 *.A par harral llaata AA h-al la arilr> at a da.Ho. of Ir m bnak.l (Aaloa o| ii,'aw Imab.'a. |. rlodtnt tfr"rd, al tKCC* |t; Har. Hal l U",,p I 1. April al II ITAujll ISW; Mn * rvd.ol.ral o. la attad, at Mr. Ort I.taalirl far fanttaj Irani. SIIPP In rbrdr. rfcrrar la In hit daaaiood al *1 ,<•!*., Itoi Oitiw 4tod , ar doll al "at a, Tim tha la amth ti "> kl. (po , I "• •yo, p" l.ttab.l 00 CVro.mb *... ) % Onto. aha Mod 44 Oola __3. M PUor, raMII. por bund I. 4 M floor, tMoik. I It Providoß MtrhtL ftmoHaMl; | Hatpr nrrtbara 4ppl- dtiod. rorpooad • I h.rrtoa. dtfad. p.r pnoot, 111<|4— ]• Roam prr oor4 ■ - • Ptoab bolt* pad r*""d . M M t b>, kanaprr |ad ii.n.pan,, Chaioaa p" pamod W Oiaalt | boo.i |a > PQOPt 1* HMMLMMHP 11Ml M |4