®he Crntvf BELLEPONTE, PA. The Lai-nost, Cheapest ami Bot Paper PUItLtHUKD IN CKNTRK COUNTY. THK CKNTRK DEMOCRAT is |ul>- •■very Thurs.Uy morning, *t IMW-foiite, l'nlrs county. PA. TKRIIS-CMhlu Adrnooo $1 i>o If not |•%4*l in ftilmurc OO Payment* m*U within three month* will Ik* con sidered in advance. A LIVK PAPER—devoted to the Inter**!* of tho whole people. No paper will Im* discontinued until arr®ara§** lir# paid. except At option of publisher* Paper* Koittg out of the county must le paid for In , advance. Any person procuring n* tencaah •ulerrllfH a 111 be lent a copy free of charge. Our extensive circulation make* thl* paper an un it anally reliable ami profitable medium foranverlleiiig We have the moat ample facilllie* f.r JOll W'dlK and are prepared to print all kind* of Hooka, Tract*, j Program nice, I'oatere, Commercial printing, Ac., in the Anet atyle and at the loweat p*"e*tble rate*. All advertisement* for a lee* term than three month* 90 cent* per line for the flrt three insertion*, ami • Cent* a line for each additional insertion. tfped-tl notice* one-half more (editorial notice* 1* cent* per line. A liberal di*ount i* made to person* advertising by the quarter, hall year. or year, a* follows j w - sr.tci OCCCPIBB. i * * One in. h (or 1 J line* till* tvpei OAjfl Two in. h-* 7 10| 11 Three inche*. In I'• -II Quarter column (or'lnches 1j J*; V" iialf column (or loincite*. One column r • •• I"" Foreign advertisement* mu*t be paid f>r before in • •rtioa. except on yearly contract*, when half-yearly payment* in advance will be required. POLITI k' NOWOM, lAcmta par lla*WA lnfUoii N vthtag in*erted for l** than •'• c-nta. Bi M*n* NsTtri*. In the editorial column*, l' cent* per Una, each insertion hoc xi. Norlcsa, In local column*. 10 cent* per line. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. From our Regular GUT** pendent. WASHINGTON, I). C., Feb. 7, IXSI. There is a ileciiledly improved pros pect that the necessary business of this session will he completed before the ! day of adjournment, and of course that no extra session will he necessary. The Senate is to be thanked in great meas ure for this, and that fact is especially suggestive at a time when the House seems determined to make itself still more unwieldy than it now is by in creasing its membership. There ought, j I believe, to bean expression of opinion ' all over the country ugainst such 111- | crease. The House is now so large that j it cannot do business at once intclli j gently and speedily. So there is this that year by year more of the proper ; legislative work is done by the House j committees, and accepted by the House as reported, and still more is finally " licked into shape," as Senator Hanul ton expresses it, by conference commit tees at the end of each session. Not once in ten times does a member of the House vote his own intelligent opinion of measures of importance. The House is already too large. The gratifying things which the Sen ate did last week were to agree to two | sets of resolutions concerning the elect oral count. The first—also adopted by the HoOse—simply provides a mode and a time for the present count. It was suggested by the clear-headed Rep resentative, Mr. Carlisle, of Kentucky. The counting is to be done by four tell ers, two to be selected by each House. The second set, passed yesterday, is simply a declaration that the Vice , President is not authorized to count the J electoral vote, and that it is the duty of Congress to institute without delay measures for the due and orderly per formance of that duty hereafter. With one exception all the Senators present voted for the resolution. Temperate action on this subject is having .a happy effect on the progress of other legisla tive business. The House funding bill will be report ed to the Senate this week, with amendments to the effect that the bonds ($400,000,000) shall be redeema ble in five years and payable in twenty years ; that the rate of interest upon them shall be 31 per cent, per annum ; that the one-ten certificates authorized by the bill shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding three and one half per cent, per annum ; and that the interest in each case shall be payable semi annu. ally. The committee strike out the fifth section, which compelled National Bank* to receive the new bonds as se curity for circulation, etc. The discre tion thus proposed to give the Secretary of the Treasury as to the rate of interest on Treasury certificates will probably be disagreed to by the House. A Cabinet rumor of interest is pub lished this morning to the effect that New York will after all have the Secre taryship of the Treasury, and that the appointee will be a man acceptable to Senator Conkling. 1 have never been able to believe that President Oarfield, if he made Senator Blaine Secretary of State, would give the position of next honor and importance to any one to whom the senior New York Senator objected. Mr. Sherman being satisfied with his place in the Seuate, the arrange ment suggested above conciliates all who were prominent at Cbicsgo either as candidates or as leading advocates of others as candidates. The fact that the select committee of the House on the interoceanio ship canal has, by a msjority of one, agreed to report a bill to guarantee $50,000,000 of bonds for the Kads company is of no earthly significance, the scheme can i not get fifty votes in the House. In the meeting of the committee yesterday there was rather an exciting scene just before the vote was taken. The pep pery Mr. Conger, whose son is said to be the private secretary of Mr. Ends, fa vored the scheme. Mr. Hutchins sug gested that Mr. Conger's action might lie influenced by personal considern tions. Mr. (longer boiled all over and called Mr. Hutcliins a liar, when the latter returned the compliment by call ing him a scoundrel. Alter ibis ex change of courtesies business was pro | needed with. NVitliet ot the gentlemen fare from the South. Mr, Conger is j from Michigan and Mr. Hutchins from i New York. DON. A Double Execution at AVtlliamsport. i ATIIAKINE M11.1.F.R AM> GKOR'-K NM111 I'AV THE KXTHKME U N MTV US THE LAW I OK TtlK WTUIOU OF ANIiItEW MiI.I.IK. The execution of Ueorge W. Smith and Catharine rayer was offered up by the Rev. Mr. Reeser. both prisoners sitting on the trap with uncovered heads and shiver ing violently with the Jr. Miller : began uttering heartrending and ills \ tressing cries. While the minister was reading a I passage of Scripture, sheritf 1 Wilson ! sprang the trap, the bodies falling live feet and banging motionless, not even a | tremor being prerej tible. The Sheritf decided to let the bodies i hang thirty minutes, during which time j the attending phj iani mid* frequent I examinations of the pulses until the expiration of seven minutes. Then i Mrs. Miller was pronounce i dead, while Smith's pulse continued to best 1 leebly a few minuter later. At 11.53 I the bodies were lowered into tbecoflins, | where, upon examination by the phvsi i cians, it was found thot both necks had \ been dislocated. The nnosearound the I neck of Smith had slipped to the back jof his neck. After the bodies had been placed in the coffins they were taken j charge of by friends, who removed I hem ' to .(ersey Shore for interment. THE ni-ooni tlEßtl, The murder for which Ueorge Smith , and Catharine Miller were executed I was one of peculiar atroriousnes* and I cool deliberation. It occurred on the I night of March IS, Issti. about half a mite from the village of Jersey Shore and sixteen miles from Wtlliamspori. According to Ihe confessions of the pns oners the motive of Ihe crime was merely * desire fo get the husband of Mrs. Miller out of the way. so that they could live together. Various plan* were devised for accomplishing the purpose. The plan selecteD and which wascarried into effect on the night named was as follows: Smith came in the night and made a noi-e at the barn, which aroused Andrew Miller, the victim, who was sent out by hi* wife to see what the noise was. He was met hy Smith, who felled tiiin with a heavy club and, strik ing him several blows, carried him into the barn. Being joined by Catharine Miller they placed a rope around his neck and hung him to a beam, fo give his death the appearance of suicide. Owing to the marks of violence on the body after it was discoverer! and the known intimacy between Smith and Mrs. Miller they were arrested on sus picion of committing the crime and placed in jail. The testimony of the little daugher of Mra. Miller, which waa read to lief in her cell, caused her to make a full confession, which was fo) lowed by one from Smilh. These con fession*. along with the testimony of the little girl, caused their conviction, and on June 11, IXBO, they were sen tenced to death, the execution of which was carried into' effect today. Thus ends the record of one of the foulest crimes ever committed in this Common wealth. A Hemiirkahle (uxp, A MAN UAH 111- NECK BROKEN, BIT IS I.IKE -I.V TO RECOVER. Wo had always nupponed that l,y Broviilunco il was intended a broken neck nhould not he ntendod, but tho following remarkable narrative from the I 'nceolii li, nHe changes the omab- Imhed order of events: An accident on Monday of Inst week at kamey, Clearlield county, afterward, proved to ho the uiont extraordinary case ever recorder) in the hintory ol sur gery or medical jurisprudence. .Jtimet* (iroupell, ii French Canadian, employed at llamey'H UI ill, fell from a trentle, ahoul twelve feet to tho ground and broke his neck. In all other case* of this kind that wo have ever heard of death inviiriiil'ly renulted inntuiitun eously, but in this instance the French man still lives and in all probability will recover and return to Ins friend* in ' aiiuda some day an one risen front tin* dead. Alter recovering Irotll the shock lenultilig from tile fall he was unable to move hm head, and I'r. Kdwards, alien ding physicutn. discovered that the neck wan dislocated and some ot the lames broken ; but It Wan evident thut the spinal column had not been severed and perhaps not injured j otherwi e, death would have resulted immediately. Any injury to the spina! column, even though comparatively slight, would have caused total paralysis of the entire body below the injured part. The doctor re net and put tlie fractured neck in posi tion, and net about devising menu* to keep it in place, until the broken bones and contused ligaments attain their normal condition. To this end a mus lin bandage, three inches wide, wan w rapped tightly around tho neck, and to it was attached two lugs one on either side. To the e a rope wan fasten ed and run over a pulley hxed to the celling of the room. A bucket was suspended on the other end ol the rope, and in it were placed various weight*, lie remains in a silling pos ture, and should any slight change o! position occur the tension of llo* rope will still support hm tiead. With these appliances iur his support the unfortu nate m in w ill have to remain practteai ly in the -ante position until the injur ed parts Irr-coUie united or death steps in to cheat tin- victim of Inn life and end a nii-termus case. I. iwards nays tfiis M decidedly the most singular COM lie ever beard of in ins experience. Ihe unfortunate suth-rvr asked him, with tears 111 Inn eyes, it it Vl as possible lor him to live, ntid when the doctor told him he had lite most flattering tropes ot hm recovery firoupell s.ud lie would not care - > much except that he has three tnotherle— children at home who are entirely dependent on him for support. We regard this cast- as one of unusual occurrence, if indeed its paral lel was ever koo*ii, and a moie w,,n derful escape from a fatal accident would be impossible to conceive. V Family Frozen to Heath. TTRRII.it m - rut r ION AM, •vrrtsiNu r iiniiui iv mwrnoTA—or on I BOM St n-I.ISSOI I I r.l, OR I,K,t> S 411 AL RHI.III VSIONS. Sr. I'AI Minn., Feb. 4, I--I. A gentleman who came from Waaeca last night say- that tin-greatest destitu tion exists on the Winona and St. I'eter branch of the f'hirago and Northw, -t ern lUilway, beyond >!eepy Fye station, a jwnnt afoul forty miles *,'*t of >t. I'e ter. 'hi Wednesday one Burke, a ro.,| master on that section, located at Burti, tin- next station beyond Meepy Fye, discovered a whole family frc>?.- n lo deatb. Burke while al work with his men in the road under ins charge noticed a shanty clone by from winch no smoke laaued. -eeing evidence that tb* pIsM was ipl>Abiti tbe psrty visit ft,t Ihe premises and forced open the door, when a horritile sight greeted their eyes. I j,on a septal id couch and on the fl,Kr of the wretched hovel lay father, mother and children, evidently whole family, frozen stiff in death. Word wa- at oiu-e sent to the nearest town and arrangement* were made to ( are for the remains of tie- unfortunate family. i nusual destitution is reported among the Umiers Went of the Sleepy F.ye. It m si,t,-.| that no trains carrying furl have passed Sleepy I.ye since December 'JI. Ihe country is a hroad expanse of prairie, with hardly a stick of timber within miles of the railroad. Settle,/ have hastened thither, taken claims, and deluded by tlie mild winters of the past few year* have not made sufficient provi-ion against tlie severe cold of the present season. They have been oblig td to t urn fenefbg, furniture, pieces of board/ front their hnu*r and even the woodwork of their farm machinery. ' 'ns man reported to the agent of Was eca that he rould not obtain fuel, had burned much of hi* furniture, and that the cabinet organ would havp to go next. It is impossible to reach many of the settler*, a* tbe railinad* are drifted with snow and wagon roads are tmpa**able. it is feared that many more victima will starve or IK> frozen to death Irefore help can reach thorn. A Curious < use. 4 C-OrrtN rueND TO RE r 11.LED 41 ITII RANK. MANTV ILLS, Mo., February -I.—The village of Filmore, in Andrew county, al*out twenty five mile* distant from thm city, wa* thrown into a great excite ment today upon the exhuming of what was supposed to lie tlie remain* of i -1 nrnea kiggin, which had been interred there a tew day* before. In consequence of the supposed decayed condition of the remains the coflln wa* not opened at the time of burial. Biggin, who wa* engager! to be married to a young lady of Andrew county, left suddenly one day lor tbe far West, but before leaving insured hi* life in favor of hi* aged mother. He purchased a ticket lor the Pacific coast and arrived a* far on his journey a* North l'latte, on the t'nion Pacific Railroad, where, it is alleged, he stepped from the train, en tered the closet, drew a revolver and put an end to his life. Hi* brother-in law arrived on the scene and, it is claim ed, took charge of the body, gathered together the efTecta of .larue* Kiggin, enclosed the b4Nly in a coffin and ship ped the effects and the remain* byway of Rt. Joseph to his mother at Filmore, whoro llin coffin ft ii* intcrri-rl nriiid tho tear* of ninny Horrowing mourner*. Application for tlm in*urnnc mi tnurio to ilm company which had i*ued tho policy. I (icy i-omrni'iicod an invoaiiga lion, which reunited in the exhuminp ol the coffin at Pilmoro and tho di clooiiifi of the fact that there was notli in/ in the coffin hut dimply Hand collected from Nehrunka'* fertile noil. It " claimed that tho remain*of .lame* Itifigiii were actually placed in tho coffin, but if that he true, any tho do ler-tivriH, they uiliHt havo hei-n Htolen therefrom while on the route to Kil more. The ciiHo in a curioiid one anrl i* *hrou|d vehicle on the back • Ireel* of Wunbington. She loaded Up with nniail t,r,\ - before *he grit home, letting them ride on the runner*, and taking some of tlieut into th<- *lcigh with herself. A t ir ,| il rrrffurmrnb, S|M-4-ifii* i'crf'oriiiaiHT of ( uitfrurf. IN the matter <•! the |,,- 1: ti > >si ,l i laii'l ASeta f •d' f •}*■ f. n.m.r# ~f ,ti ll* t will) I;, 4r c It Ul n, 1- < ! I l" il. H *' }nrnt**i"nor dj. ptaN *l* <(fp!iftn* ( '*,?( '4 (VrAM VrAUlf'K. Trsftftt.'rr, Utt. T> L ILUI'P (F ulllpffipt I JBI IWY |. | - IVTITT 17 T, FT*C /?-* I*4-' r, TAIL* T F fig J6*' 4 '• \4 1 INFBSH F4V*TIL „F' I.IWI*V r.RFI, 6TI A 2 . V/ TB IM EN QN*t*l IIN U, A| l-.VTTi .4 T Ulrc i ui.it Jnuar J 1. )Ml| ( 9i,7.'? bit P* 4*.t •7*• 7* {• * |44 VC ft® li fttw .'■! jft* l Mil* w-Mtr>iM I.7.*, !*• Ju -y fiii-n, xi n*r*' Tail. l> W klm- * -I e John *btr.t,,-8 ■ it A, K HfkiJ lU- k. r l.rk giro AwNfcfta /'nv 0 Jannea T -l*ntl I .21 r> T. H J.ff.in ~ *1 IK) ,|- WIUIAK*. . 3*M C.l# Hnfflßir-it, , Irrk * at hnprnrtmrnt and Repair. II Wi11,,), at <-*, Jail It* n| J.C. lUr|—at utji'ffi" 3k 44 I! J l> k. |-alntlr.g al jail I II I, Vt<„,Ming < tea ftljntl , L, K o*4**. r-I-" L, "K r„D gi Jill.. r. K 111 . i-n-ntlng gotten al j,l. II 4/ William.* Br <>, |**l*4log. 4' . )il gnd rourt b-'„aa. 7'. r.'. Jn W #■•!,r-|lr *1 mul bnua. II | W p liun'Mi 6 , ■> . In>f>, la l, < 11. *1 (all .... *4 PI, run Planing Mill CO, Inmlmr at Iranann-t • "Wra • 4', Snm'l l-lair Bar, nk nironrl inuiM. > II w ||-nt, nnrk B>r Jail > N t> WaOal, t-rrk at IR.-a.urnr/ W \V < u6rtrk. O'-rk *1 Jatl II L-anl, I I Baft gn SBLMAA AL FAIL 27 J'.hn llnrtla.*,. Bnrk on rail# *1 fklirf ErfWft. -Inn-fa'pay ...-. 1.4.VJ 21 C-unni naaallh coat* ..... l,2iV VI W I - Rafaf. fajwrlaf. 307 ,*1 2 || V.nlallg . *• ■ J I llagarman 10 '• II liall-railli, crUII crli*. 6" I*, B. OnMnallli. )nlU.r S0 it, Tl|MUiaa' pay. V* I*l M J In-lan. aion-lnl ftieflw ... BSD Court pe-lamalionß to .Barl6. 41 i> numm-mIOK jnnrtn. 113 I*4 ,tr. H Otunfy Prison Erprnatn. Mr*. Hallar. 4r na.h,nj 2l *4 Mra nliaffar,for wanhliig 17 6# Mt t'ngnri. lot waaßiiai I" .17 8. A Bran A Son, waat for >all 4 Ml 8 A l.uraa, noial f.rr jail 2 '•> B T Cotlßnl. wianl for Jail 7 Ol Rot-ail M'Knighl. gn* Bill* .... 241 *0 Ua ran. a |, llfown, oonl 221 <" Alannhdnr 6 Co . erl 64 41 W T. Twilmlra. fornnm, tr 244 The, tB-arhnaf. rp*4ra al jatl —, 21 7.1 I. tlogganhalmar 6 08., , lothlng tin priannatß I *6 I.jon A IVB, rlothlng Bo priaonan * %'• lla|-ar lllra,, " " 4A 7 SA A. Lr-B, " Nt* S, A A. I/-B. rr|>al and rlothlng Bo prtaonara *8 112 inn. lli 1 >y "• 7-4 . w K * <•„_ ;* Samuel Mru**, r j*. j 7 It- |.air/ al Ksrthau. bridge ... ~n *' .1 K H|.e.iriug. ft Matilda bride" Jr. • . ..1 li. J..1, . ( l.ridg. . 4< ! ClmiiM 4 1 iii | i J. U. MM 21 Hi I J : I 41,.,. j Cam I llrnKir. r. r. j.au. I i,|.,u|j|e Bridge | 7., 100 I TIC-UIJMUII, la|,aira al Mai I "'a bridge ] a , , If. flail I.j.aira II ,af aft n.ry i Miity %• fr tr*t I .Swiiutinl lUiik 4 *% | W|4 riM. i; MI -v, ■ II |U- k, i m#. I. I. I'- I k. r. iii j lit i iii |r 4 ' , • l ■ ■ ill h UM i,, *4 I I. It< . it ,t|, /, utt f. !<• . T II V.Mlliti. tun iiixr) .4 .... |ftj* j r . I Rilff iff ■ ft/ < >laf| t 4', rf| JtH>. T Ja,** II ■ IA 7 • ij■ r in|| I • • a MINI 1.m.,:. jm ~ Jj W A 1 .J..1 |—k ... 14 < j-I < lUf|,. r 4 nr * I li if. life: t la, all ft. 4 fit' • 1 ;< W laii;t • 11 lr# w* .'i f '• f lll*' | A , * Iflftilft* • -m • 2 7', l W | U'f/.gft r• fcj ifti" _ Urn; li fliiiftii, in. o, f|fftirn.g rvufi b'rttftr Kftt< .... 1 ; e , V I- If ott *, rt giirtjub I Utik '.I ' II U l'ill{.lff, tt.k laftf.r )* llftff. |fig.*t* f I. <*. ! J l| la* ft* | * f|i| .l*ti-* M>ff*J < Iftftflltig *• |10t.4 ,| ' ha* A| * ' niaffj Biortgkk" 1.,- i, 1 • | , Hi.* < M l arU.i.. 4 I . I,*' |. • f* l tiftf *, Jil II K II" h lift/-:* *f r. ,14 f| |>. ;,M- i ■# if* 4 ifriliftiti, (4iurt .!*• II*;' 4 1 . lift/'lftfti# iff H > ItrllVia] '|, lift hiiUfti 1,, I j" '••M/I'k. - 'l, < urt !i- 2 . U*i- 4 •uri.fi k ti.uti botiftr I ' w A •* haliftk, " * u.. ~74 ui faataaa * r... r..|-, *, . ... i . *< • M K| I'll ' fl ' UISMU . N Mal i • ,• a f f,g f? ' i . M r s, I'imiiuf tuaitl/ftf, I H . T 1 illklf, ft|inii| •( ->i. 1. "-• Nl* i j I. e li..l4fft. \*y th- o.Uft • ><♦ i*, II '• < kfvflWtH, ,<(!*• |k4 < >1 Mtr • f"|*ftiflf>g lilufftfal | ft> Ixgxtl llifti < -•ivi'ft4i'. *Oi*r lia ■. ; I w • Jr-uf!f hi* li i<|*fft ; j, j H (|*il.fattli. • Uftit * ..... i, ,ii ,%*/!• U* i |tftlgg*rf ft|intftfi|l( .... )} ) * > 4, I . ft*, 4<-liv*n?.g I _ - - 1 Off j Ttftibn* n*4ittil> I*4 < 1 MUtn riiiUtmn 2*2 <♦ igrKviivriiMiHi ]<|i hi M *|'lU| I f ibftftfi. Ji. "j., git f M..fi.T.,i. *4 iitii. 1,447 7 4 H.!: *u*tmlMo t f l;vi .j ! o i - inoitftt 4 i,. Vfti iiM ti* M colkU(tii i lU4 tiiiift .*4 II II 1* ! J Hi*. M | . |h 1* ' I*o ;ftij ] !0 (i Tatftl tnmani |i4 74 JfiiiN >r*Krii ik. Sher 1 IT, In arrount iritA Crnlre fi.untv 1 "* T M l r. r-r. l*r-l ..T, a"--uat fI.M 7* I - c*t* m I fin< ft 4 it il 17., . ttNnl*ftV Una Al >. I! lit *.; ,u ung )ufxfft, laf. iaa/y low. ftod f-litftg jttf J *>| (r Hj flltittg fti l mftioling >3 ft- k• ; Mfe . .... ), j^i lit tc(M>ltig nr. rft i. i iftftittfid A4 til T 12 j Ht< * -t ing Milt-* I • iriftitfir ft* im>. ...... Uo o |lt ft r.-fttr *,„( dftf t , tit |-f)t iftf Jl 4< UU H lH')Mit>g i r ljr ft.*•• at )ftil tn> ' HyUii** Mr , H* ti* t..0 pmrlftitaftilon* f, Iti ' n.kftl notit? pdUlirtiwl 14 n, j lly 74 ttirokry !A (ft* H| r*nv'ttng ftth l4tu 11l 4* Ht ott lacirft n a/1 o4 Aaaafta j I'ij, mtllW An fttl rtlaiing to ooaoli*** aod lotto i Mnjft, nod f*ll *• < .it,tt, atd find lhft <. rat and lii* UUnrM a* atatraf. W ithrtft i N. It# Auditor*. 1 f.K*V l( Hllal.lAMfl. Lt ) 1 z_ | Tarn (Mutandw'j and liuf by (\hß M r 11.1..M. 47,1 I.', •HillMm K.'l'li-a, I'hlllpal-urg .... 03 •Trial K-nliufl, ,'urtin g* •William i'toaa, Itall * 74 •II B Wilmi*. Bu.h 2*l ,10 •n. It. V-ag.r, B.". tlina T* 7k 1.760 13 1173. •Ctiaitoa Bt n, Rpll-fnnla 7W> *3 •1 P. ohn|" Mllnlmrg % Mr •Jn,, T I.jrm. i'lirtlo. 7 2* •It. B. ft Hi "I, Hm.li J. 7. 76 74 t,*oo 62 1*76. •J. 11. Morrtaun. Rr llalont. ......... 426 04 •T M. Ilall. Milr-loig •* U •Ihili lla,tar. MatMl I*4 •William W,aar. ft***, 3U4 17 •tl. W Koch, I'uilar 7W IM •John Roll, Opting 313 87 1.60* 48 I*T7, •tJackaon Onttati, Pkilipalwrg. 46 30 •til. C Hollar, llomrit..ft O, *H'rtah lluiir, Haniar *o* 4* •1W . II try. h igaaun. 1,33* 31 *ila> Umaam.r, Hair Moo* IM 47 •lailJ llolil, l.ll—My 2*4 03 ♦IU W Oft.'Mart..n 14127 •Joal ftcrrla, Mllna 83 *7 •111 ft t Hray, Paiton 2 U •tllanry ••!>, Poflar. 272 71 ♦P. H. imla, Rnab ... ton* •tH J. T,W,|, lptin| 471 3* 3.420 24 191$. K. II r®rr f MH *i V O Mutter it, PMlif*l>tirg ... . . ',r t Hum Hill Hrtrklmy, 11 *J M0r0... 117 i ' 11, orim* Ii fiiii'f s#;j , ; Jfc f i U M |lir Hgg % . p n tJ"l*i A <*,|J. g 4 of.: I!nry i urtiri j C I' |. It/, I lir if > • i ii it-,t, ■;;;;;;; £ tJ"briir|#r, ir,lUrrl> ll7' I John ('rut g, 11 •,■!'' 11 j j |j WIIIImi Patlim Ho ; * J'-llf# If Foot#, l', li| 1ili|—jii, itK* Mt', .... .^7 , Calm.el llii.trr, Tailor JV{ fjg I Mama. I Hl.|J,rria, Worth 1.,71 J M Kill,, Howard <-. 1,1 n J *7#. A "lain Mil, • >!,)•-' nt > ir || A < Muaa-r, Millhi'lOi ltd v, | AS || MMll, I U|a I t A u 1 *>'"'• > ""! 71 ■II H.lk.r ft..**. ~ ll.nry Thiol, Cnrtii, j,( , M | ''l""., 1-rgiio/fi 4|,j .| r S': : - . 'J H II. *~, l . " ■ , ft " ' ' ,U,f Wl .loln k, fjffU.jf , J-I." T Fuwlal -• I t u, *,'*, ~;.* M.,, IU„ . \r t <>sl , w y , Biiri.*i'. * I'J I' Kliwi.tf, M, 1.41 ...' , . ■* 'William K.r.t.it.r Mi 111,..,,, '• , ~ imw A>i, I'imiM,,,,. , M-l I U.,,r ',l• ."k tali II , Is. 1. . . i .I 1,1, A Mnil-dlaud, llijrbll'l. ■„ , I HjUtl,.,.! > ..11. II ~*. ~r ,; I |Ma 44 Hl■ n i *„ , r I'll-.') ii... .-7 ' n 11--, I'M I. Hu1i.i.i,,,,.. .. J MM 1.11.1*1,1 iu i T ■ , tAlrttl, K,,|„, | ||,,,, j - ~. I' M Ii .•k t. Il.if S].. I' " Kiln-. 11,,.i * i, ;J- 1.1. M h II j .... , .1 I I'm • 1 11. rm,* I ... Its , , • Ii !"' :*'**>•'• I .-.A. 3 I 1j'4,11 < pit,nil Mil-.. .. , II 1.1- „ J .V ; I- Ar-I I'. I hum II |.. 11-.u-M i.at. u u j, ' U— 1 1, 7, ,4| rl , . to. Mtli-r 7.. , t ; * i A llliUD f|t,t t, I'll.-.ti 1w -itin ii pt„ir . s.!t■ i - 'J M tumour i, .Mi. " ' - V kT i T- ui m- hHm '■ Kv^rTi I'll, liai-lt of ail mil f. , , „ t , tJ 'fa. ■. in ,„M arnr* -'ill. , • ;f.M In full tu-m-n, j Fhtmmeitl uhitU of Omirt etmtUw Jmmn 1, IhHl. I Afc"lT l-tl UI. 471 Mil., -tirgt •a.rnagh. --,1 - : I "1 ' r.tl,li . ... : 11.,„M„|...*; rt,>!i;.ifetut g .* ■ Ab4.- i iti f* ; f .'M . 1.,; 4- . f 111 !ubti||i . I '-'7", V !! '-..1-,- 1t,.. . Ca f*ua, 1 ai.al.li. . - i Ha IMfaMa , lla>lda ti*atki|.„ J . I M Mboawo . " .'ti 1., in A ||<.) a liau4t lur I 2''tl ,i A"lb M H .i . l,ab4 t-t j Vtt fc , 'N im it, iMMMIt.... - fc 7l T.-.lato.,• A ■ I.t.ia, i., f.l I it,M,t|. . a . 4 \r. , t.l ~, 1 M IV a.i . |,„ i. ' '' ■'"! i r 1 17. .. Ab, 1.l In < i n,,M. it 1,,,. it naW. 4rr bti , 1/-• M** 7,8 * 4 j Orin ... t. In tfllrri .. dunr* t:. tl 'i •!-*!. rta iltiflfci' I4f | Ta* a-M lnl-*>i 4^ Tiara rmm n v " , -I.C • i .. ban t.f i .i.fra .. IS -If i 11., lb. I„,. t . ,„ c „, , w , n!| it, - l tlal.bi.Bl ..I tl,- f i-.lj.it ab'l t |r.4ilurt. f t-i- • i.i fr- m Jti.oarj I, i„ J.i.ntrj 1. Inm M ili,.t . nr haL-la. A AH. r,F.Ri,(i ) '',.||i.l •it t |i. i ■ .r.itt,. ■-r J*l- I'! AKI.K I A'ti.l lira*, fitij.-k II At.RI.flT K r 41A K. Itßtaf • miaMoMr of Calrala i r tK4T'A fT'iRV 11 1.41 if. PATENTS. PA INK, GHAFTON A LAIH>, .1 1 ""Ar , t ,/' 1s t,r t*\A \-tirttort ' I ,ImrniTOa ami f'o rritjn I'atrttU, 112 Firm STT, W'AniAGTo\-. I). C. t ii. all .It I rtn-1.-t in Ik Pal.nt "A. - ,t,4 lh. Bo|..rn. and I'lrrb.l O oita <4 lb. I I.lit ,i Main. Ptn,| hl-l —nd If—. t ,( liottliiiK Kstalilislimrnt. | BOTTLED PORTER, ALE and BEER. 'PIIK unilcrfAipncl rfsiHTtfullv in -1 Ifffim It- rltir-,.. ~f <>nr r .nmt il.ai 'h. baa |..ond a n-dtiing 1 .lal.haltni. lit, nn fli.lt n air—-I In Ihi Hnrntigli „l Ml.lrmt. and *II] I- at all timm prafat—l '..fonnab lAip.TKK A|.E tnd PI KB It lb* v dist.n it raaa In anpfdalng Iln—■ !•..rag— . 1..1 !>.. J" b r—tanrant. r, pr-iral. matdrnrra. ih.t nl I- fnntid ,if 11,. pnmal tnd I—4 qualilt. hmilnl in • if 1; • Bintiti' t thftt ttjHf III# ftti'l jnrit ftp* at frttj. at tln-ngli draan Irtm tb.raak or Iwttl n> CELEBRATED ROCHESTER STOCK a awui.Tt Ord—rt I.fl al hia filar, of Imtinrsaa, or a-nl by noatal rard. will fsatwira | r *n,j ! allr ntion. A44r—, J U SPITZER, ll.llafonl. Oatr. 00, Pa. PblUdalpbU Mnrliat., Pan.inn.raig, r.lTnarT A. I**l. Plrt.l.luff, roil tiro, dull nu4.r niftniall. Kurso p-an adi ir— Flora.—Tba *nr atari.l , .nimn-t doll and nrb— ara I ami, tw atmlgbt, Prnmttraala antra f.milr al H.M 11; n-Marndu n al M.M4|kC— ami pa'.nla al f)i7mT.*K. R,a A