vTljc tfrnlrr A& Hlmocuil. SHIGERT A FORSTEK, KtlHorN. VOL. 3. lElu (Crutrr jDmocrat. Terms II.AO per Annum, in Advance. S. T. SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editors. Thursday Morning, February 10, 1881. THE Congressional delegation from Illinois has recommended Robert T. Lincoln, son of the late President, for u member of Gen. Garfield's cabinet, lie is presented for Attorney General. A MISTAKE. It was not Mrs. Gar field that said "the General was quite stubborn when any one attempted to drive him." This remark was un doubtedly made by Itoscoe Conkling, of New York. IT is said plans arc being perfected in the Wisconsin Legislature for re districting the State so as to give the Republicans seven out of the eight Congressmen to which the State is entitled. This is Republicau honesty, very prevalent in all the States where they have the opportunity to make it manifest. POSTMASTER GENERAL MAYNAUD is mauifestiug his disappointment and vengeance in a small way. Because the Democracy of Tennessee preferred for Senator a sound, honest man to a vindictive demagogue, the poor clerks suspected of Democratic tendencies are proscribed and removed from the office controlled by this chronic office beggar. IN twenty-one days the lease of power awarded by fraud to a spurious occupant of the Presidential office will expire. Hayes, the fraud, with the savings of a stolen salary, will retire to obscurity to receive the contempt of the world. Gen. Garfield will be in augurated as a legitimate Presideut, to be respected as such, and to be judged by his acts with the candor and justice the American people will not fail to award in true measure. JAY GOULD'S telegraph combina tion is triumphant. The combination is complete and publicly announced. The restraining suit brought in New York amounted to nothing ngainst Gould's millions, and was dismissed by the courts. This marks another victory for corporatcd wealth and cor porate control of the government and the people. THE city councils of Heading have reduced the appropriations for the cur rent year more than $25,000. This would not be a bad precedent for other corporations. Our own little tax-rid den borough might note the example with great propriety, and by lopping off expenditures, or at least re-funding its debt, relieve its citizens of a roost onerous and oppressive interest tax burden. Respectfully referred to our Borough Fathers. THE Hon. Eckley B. Coxe has been ananimously renominated by the Dem ocrats of the twenty-first Senatorial District. This is the honest, upright gentleman who failed to qualify at the opening of the session, as he could not conscientiously swear that he had not "contributed money or otbejr valuable consideration" to secure his election. We hoje to hear of his election by such a majority as will inspire charac ter and decency in future aspirants for legislative honors in Pennsylvania. Such an example as Mr. Coxe has fur nished was much needed. IN the Senate the Democrat* forced a vote to the affect that the Vice Pres ident was not charged with the duty of counting and declaring the electo ral vote, but that it is a duty belong ing exclusively to the Senate and House jointly. The Republicans, find ing that filibustering would not win, sAt in their seat as dummies while the resolutions passed. This resolution has not yet been considered in the House, but will no doubt pass that body, pro vided a quorum of the Democratic members can be got together, so as to render filibustering by the obstruc* tionists of no avail. "Kgt'AL AND K*ACT JUSTICE TO AM, MKN, OK WIIATKVKK STAT* OH rKBHL'ANION, KKLIOIOUS OH POLITICAL,JefforaoD. Tin: proposition of the Republicau majority in the Legislature to uccord the Democrats a fair ap|mrtionruct of tin* State in consideration of aid to elect the ring candidate for Senator is a humiliating confession of their dis honesty, not only in the present hut in the past. That the Democratic tax payers and voters of the State have been shamelessly ami wickedly dis franchised in the present apportion ment no one dares to question, and we confess to little hope that the Ixgisla ture now in session will act more just ly or with greater regard to the oat hi theij havr taken than the legislature which framed and passed the hill of disfranchisement now in existence. It is true a very considerable number of Republicans have shown a reputable disposition to curb the enor lity of Ross rule, but whether they will carry this indication of fairness and decency into the consideration of questions af fecting the general interests and rights of all our citizens is yet to he seen. While we hope that there is still some honesty left in legislators—some re gard to the constitution and laws they are sworn to maintain, yet the general approval and participation of the Re publican party in the infamous gerry manders of the present law gives little encouragement to ex[iect much im provement. The party have the pow er. Official oaths seem to have lost their sanctity and are taken at least with mental reservations so far as the party interest may be subserved by a departure from the straight lines of moral duty and official integrity. ANOTHKK ovulatory clergyman hat l>ecn discovered. This time he lives in Koxbury, Delaware county, Penn sylvania, aud he haay 74 42 la 111 r. |-*% KID O Im|>ruwiurtita and iU|ir 'J7 • '*'7 It K|*tiw l* . w, ,\M Oaaatf l*rtai Bsimnm Ijft $ -a ' i'ouuly I'rlutiu* ... 7V vij si; *7 Hrf lgwa C 7 • • •• 4>rlinfy ........ 'l.o*l 4> 7-1 , fl- -if. According to these figures the differ ence in favor of I**o i $7,2.55.90. i The items which show an increase arc Improvement* and Repair*, County j Prison and County Printing, the in crease being s93*. *5. The item* which show a decrease are Commis sioners' pay, .Jury Commissioner*' pay, Court Expenses, Bridges and Ordinary 1 Expenses, the decrease in these amounting to $8,184.22. Deducting ! the items that increase from those thai decrease, we have a net decrease of $7,245.37. On the first day of January, I**o, the liabilities of the county exceeded the assets by $7,815.09. On the first day of the present year the statement of the financial condition of the coun ty places the balance on the other side of the account, the excess of assets over liabilities being 81.0X8.H1. Not the leat gratifying feature of this ex hibit is the fact that during the year the Commissioners were able to pay and cancel outstanding notes and bills of the county to the amount of sll,- 592.2-". This item of indebtedness in the statement for 1879 was $93,- 564.70; this year it is $82,581.94, showing an actual reduction during the year of $10,983.98. The difference in oustanding taxes, an item that stands conspicuous in our county statements, and the Commis sioners in past years have l>een greatly censured for permitting it to grow on their hands, has decreased in the past year $3,178.00 —the outstanding amount on the first of January oue year ago being $87,023.38, while on the same day of this year it is •63,847.30. We might follow these comparisons to a still greater extent, hut deem it unnecessary to do so. We cannot conclude this brief roview, however, without saying that our county man agement during the year 1880 has been exceedingly good. The taxpay era will be benefited by it and have ample reason to be satisfied with their officials. The figures they present, not only justify, but lead directly to to these conclusions, and it is only just and proper that these gentlemen should receive due recognition and commendation for the ability and fi. delity with which they performed the duties committed to their care by their fellow citiiena. Butlor and Conkling '>n Monday la-t Senator Butler, of South Carolina, took occasion in the Senate of the United States, to call attention to the gross misrepresenta tions of the census of South Carolina which were part of the stock-in-trade of the Republicans during the late Presidential campaign. The accuracy of the census enumeration of that State has been fully demonstrated since the election, not only by all the tests tliut could be applied to it by the census bureau, but by another enume ration. This, however, has gone for nothing. The campaign slanders ac complished all that was expected of them, and since then they have been quietly ignored by those who used them. Senator Butler in the course of his remarks UJSJII this subject made an allusion to the campaign speech de livered by Senator Conkling in which the census slander was given to the public. This provoked a few personal remarks between the two Senators. With that lofty disdain so character istic of him, Mr. Conkling exclaimed that "the vnporings of the Senator from South Caroliua hail no concern for him." Butler, "the Senator has said that the vaporing* of the S nator from Smtli Carolina are mat ters of no concern to him. He will pardon me for saying that the swag gering insolence of the S. nator from New York is a matter of no concern to nie."' Conkling, stili haughty and scornful, had the last words, a fol lows : "I do not need to have heard the Senator in order to ascertain that he is a person with whom I do not care to Imndy epithets here or elsewhere, least of all here." The matter was then dropped and in a moment the ordina- rv business of the Senate was resumed. All this reads very much like the famous between Conkling and lUitinc when they were members <>f the other branch of Congress in 1866. Said Conk ling, on that occasion, " I do not wish to have anything to do with the member from Maine, not even o much a* to yield to him the floor. If the member from Maine had the least idea how profoundly indifferent I am to his opinion on this or any other subject personal to me, I think he would hardly lake the trouble to rise and express his opinion." lilaine, in his turn, took the floor and said : "As to the gentleman's sar casm, I hope he will not be too severe. The contempt of that large-minded gentleman is so wilting, his haughty di-dain, his grandiloquent swell, his majestic, super-eminent, overpowering, turkey gobbler's strut ha* Iwcn so crushing to myself and all the mem l>ers of this house that I know it was an act of great temerity for me to enter upon a controversy with him." Maine said more, but Conkling re mained silent and from that day to this they have not spoken to each other. Probably from this time for ward there will be no personal inter course between Conkling and Rutler. Well, the world will still move. A BREAK in the legislative dead lock on the election of a United State* Senator wu expected yesterday but at the hour at which we went to press yesterday afternoon there was no word that it had occurred. The vote on Tuesday stood as follows: Wallace MO; Oliver 77 ; Grow 52; Agnew 1; Phillips 3 ; Curtin 1 ; Shiras 2; Mac* Voagh 3 ; Baird 1 ; Hewitt 2. Whole number of votes cast 222. AOCORDTJIO to the Xation Mr. H.yea has during the past year pardoned or reduced the sentence* of thirty-one army officers found guilty of drunk enness and much resulting scandalous misconduct. "What we deduce from this sorry performance is simply that Mr. Hayes is weak and irresolute." OHIO'S legislature is vigorously en gaged in the passage of a bill for the destruction of bawks. An Obio man, an exchange remarks, knows a hawk from a handsaw, but is so ambitious for an office that he generally loses sight of bath. TKRMN: sl.r>o per Annum, in Advance. 1 itK British Parliament seems to he the equal in turbulence to the most advanced of American legislatures. They indulged last week in a Parlia mentary riot which resulted in the forcible ejectment of Parnell and the entire Irish delegation by the police. In consequence of these violent pro ceedings there is intense excitement both in England and Ireland, and the end is not yet. Permanent peace to government will probably only come by the establishment of Irish in dependence. Certainly the coercive measures now proposed in Parliament against the Irish people are ill-timed and will serve no good end iu the ab sence of needed propositions for the relief of the Irish |easantry from the exactions and oppressions under which they have suffered for almost ages. THE State of Indiuna, in the ah seuce of the excitement of election campaigns, is now being amused by the indictment and trial of politi cians for alleged election fraud*. Any amount of this kiud of work might be done if there were sufficient time be tween elections. Bui if the people and courts cannot make the business more effectual in Indiana than they do in Pennsylvania,some other amuse ment might adopted more agree able and healthful. CONKI.INO, it is said, could not con trol the appointment to the Treasury port-folio and wa mad. It i* now believed that he will lie given control of the Post Office Department. The largo patronage of this department, it is expected, will placate and Ijeal the wounded sensibilities of the imperious Senator. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. —The Philadelphia Branch leads all other prubiishminu in this vicinity in the amount of men's and boys' clothing sold —The ronm of the Library Association, of this place, hare been closed for lack of funds to pay expenses. How can they afford it' is the ques tion of ]] who sec the fine clothing sold so reasonably at the Philadelphia Branch. —The uontl monthly meeting of the Borough Council was held last Monday evening, but nothing of importance trans acted. —Our fro-rid Geo. W. Batrhclor, Esq., of Lock Haven, it usually very choice of his companion* and we were of course much surprised to see him come into the Brockerhoff House one evening last week and register in connection with, "Joe" Wilson, of Baltimore ; "Bill" McEwen, (not "Bill' MrMullin), and "t'nrle Jim" Young, of Philadelphia. AH that wa* needed to complete the galaxy was the deficient signature of the Hon. Michael Mtilhooly, M. C., and the chaste name of Blossom Brick, Esq. Mr. Batehelor lost no time in shaking the "gang" and getting back borne. Mr. George P. Bible, of Milesburg, the young gentleman who delighted large audiences during the late Tear hers Insti tute by bis fine elocutionary powers, will give an entertainment in Humes' Hall on Friday evening, the IHth inst. Mr. Bible's programme embraces many popular selec tions, and we bespeak for him an audience commensurate with his abilities and the high character of his entertainment He has a fine, flexible and well modulated votce, which, coupled with polished dra matic force and intelligent acting, maksw him an elocutionist whom it is a delight to hear. His programme will soon be made public and we bo|>e it will prove at tractive enough to crowd Hume*' Hall on the occasion of hit appearance. —The municipal political pot is begin ning to simmer and seethe as the time for holding the spring elections approaches The Democracy as usual stand quietly back and give their brethren of the domi nant party full swing. The principal con test appears to be for the borougb treasu rership with the present incumbent James Harris, and 8. Durbin Gray, as tbs leading Republican candidates for the nomination. Mr. Gray is making his canvass upon the broad platform of "Reform and Rotation In Offlca," wbiia Mr. Harris is rallying his forces with the cry of hit past record and aflclancy. In tbs different wards where school directors and counrilmen are to be elected the canvassing is vary animatad. Tbs caucuses of both parties will be held on next Saturday evening and then the agony will be ever so tar as the nomina tions ars concerned. GENERAL NEWS. McHr. Woodcock and Taylor of Al toona, arc cycling n large lenm saw mill near Vansroyoc elation, on the Tyrone aud Clearfield railroad, and will soon begin to cut and ship large quanti tie* of flret class lumber. A new sheep disease which is killing of! flocks has made its appearance in tireene county. The sheep are taken with a soreness in the mouth which pre vents them from eating and as a result they starve to death. \ ennor, the weather prophet, is de scribed as "a red headed man of about -J', years—a weather beaten fellow who has been surveying and exploring in ' anada since 1*0.1." He is a naturalist and is now engaged in getting up a book on "The J'.irds of Canada. ' Mr. Patrick Donohoe, of Jtoston, dur ing the month of December, khi the ■gent for transmitting to the old folk* in Ireland nearly f.30,000 from their children orer here; nearly f 190,000 were aent over during the past year. Wyoming cattle raiaera declare that the loss of atock thia winter through aevere weather has not been perceptibly greater than usual, and that the snows will help the grass nest season. Mr. A. W. Armour, of Kansas City, predict* a IOM of 10 per cent, on the ranche# of Colorado. Miss Florence Neat, a young woman of Bee Camp, Ind., became a convert during a revival at a Madiaon church two week* ago. < >ne night after her conversion *he fell into a trance, which lasted for *iz day*. She appeared to he dead while the trance was on, but now abe i* up and about. There ia an old woman of Newbury port, Ma**., in her 90th year, who a few day* ago was out coaating with the young people, and appeared to enjoy the aport a much a* any of them. She complained, however, that the young men did not hold her quite ao tenderly a* they did the girl*. A Clarion county farmer on going to church recently took a roll of money containing $l4O and placed it in a fold in hi* purse. The next morning he looked for it hut found it miasing ; he then went to the sled in which be bad ridden to church ; the cow* had eaten the straw out and in one corner ho four.d hi* money chewed to a pulp. The .January report of the field ope ration* and production in the Pennsyl vania oil region indicate* go >1 prosj>ect I for thi* industry during the present 1 season. The summary for January give* 2nl well* completed, with a production of 5337 barrels, a decline over Decern ter of f.l well* and 1438 barrel* per day. The number of "rig*" up and building |i given at 426, and of well* drilling 334. a decrease in the latter of 32 well*. The total amount of field work show* a decrease of 7 per cent., and decrease of well* actually drilling of 15 per cent. The trustee* of the Peabody Kduca tional fund m<-t in Washington on last Friday. Mr. Samuel W. Wetmore wa* again choaen treasurer, Mr. George IVabody Hussell secretary and Hon. Theodore Lyman aaiistant secretary. The discuasmn of the normal college question was taken up. The arrange ment made by the late Ir. Sear* with Dr. Stearn*. chancellor of the Normal College at Nashville, Tenn.. waa approv ed and the general agent instructed to i carry it out. The arrangement ia for the establishment of one hundred or more permanent scholarships for that institution. The land l.muuc In America. * raoct.AH ATIOX rarn THE PRESIDENT IN THE I'ECSENT CLIMT. IVtAToH, Ma**., February 4.—The fol lowing proclamation i issued : "Iriah National Land League of the United Stater." TVotrox, February 4. , 7V> Mrm of (ht I/and I*ngu end the A mt risan Pmplr . A criaia haa I eon reached in Ireland. It is not the unexpected that happened —the suppression of free speech. arreaU without bail, the darkening of the land with spies and aoldiera, coercion, the blow liefore the remedy. All thoae I were inevitable. K.ngland move* but alowly towar ioan city, let the fire of your indigna tion blase. Gall public meetings every where at once. As you aaved the Irish people from death and raised them from despair show that your sympathy is still with them in their grand strug gle for justice. Members of the League, knit closer together, add to your numbers, form new branches ia every place where ten friends of the cause can be found. Place yourselves in immediate commu nication with us. Ireland moves fast to her supreme crisis, and we must be close together when the hour strike* Trust the patriotism, the wisdom and prudence of the Irish leaders. They are cheered by your sympathy. Make your sympathy more marked. Organise # very where. P. A. Coi.nxs, xo.