Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 03, 1881, Image 8

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    ©hf Crutfc Dcmorat.
- . 1 ■ 11
Thursday Morning, February 3,1881.
CossssroHDisi'B. evnUliilinc luipoiuul ii*ws.mi||<-H.
m 1 from any i*rt of ilw county. No coruiiiunit-ntloiia
Inaartisl uuleflt ccompnnl*i ty tho rcnl iiaino ol tho
Domocratio County Committee.
Tho following persons have boon named
a* member* of tho Democratic County
Committee for 1881.
tullof.-lite, W W NI. hi.lM II<<I<III<K
B*lli("iit*, N. W Charles Miiwl*r.
BillffbtU. 8. H
Miloohurg .. Of. Kroomer.
Mllllielm.. I> l< .
I'Blonvtlts A Toner l.*ah*rs.
llow.nl Ueor* wltar.
Philip.burg A. J tlrsharo.
Meui.*r Jerry Hon.
Hogg* J A •'•< i*l
V"f* r J j'.,'
turtln J"' 1 " M, < l—ky.
OoH K w J.' .'li Hoilorf
Fercti*>ii, old John T Mel''l ll.lrk.
Fer*u*..u. row Mllw. Walker
Ur*gg. woith Il' iirj Kruinrlnr, Sr
(■regit, north- J.rniw l*u< k
ll.lfni.Hoi lobn Ward.
ll.in Solomoo Killing. !.
Il.rri. John A. Riipn.
110w.r.l —.. John A lluiikle.
11 u.lon Ilelirjr llul.
1, W. 11, U.nlnwr.
Marlon Perry Coml"
Mil*. Samu*l K Fauai.
l*a.ttun John It*.-*I
Penn t'lirl.t Alexander.
Putter, north J..1111 Shannon
Pott*r, aoulh - I unit'* Met "llntlr It.
Snow Show Abel Campbell.
Spring lohn Noll.
T.vlor William IlihlerwotMl.
Vuloa S.K.Km*rl<li.
W*lk*r Ainl.to"* M. Mullen.
Worth. Mnnh.il loa la.
Bellefonte, PA, Feb. 1. Chairman.
Local Department.
—New moon la.t Saturday.
—Buy all your cigar* at Green' drug
—Cutf*, collar*, neckties and all kind* of
gentlemen's clothing at tho Philadelphia
—Tho H'af.'Amori *av* thnl "Mr*. Bow
er, grand aunt of C. M. Bower, E-q ,of
this place, died in Aaronsburg a few day*
ago. She wa< 87 years old."
—The stan/.a* by "Carl Scbrelbor."
which appear elsewhere in the DEMOCRAT,
Were inspired by a cigar. It was proba- 1
bly purchased at Green'* drug store, where
all the inspiring cigar* come from.
—lf one half that i- said proves true in '
regard to the changes .if residence t" take
place among the people of this borough on
the first of April next, it will In? one of
the greatest "tlilting" days on record.
—lf there is one reason inoro than
another why tho ladie- should envy their
husbands it is because the lutter 1 an dre--
so nicely by spending a few dollar- at the
Philadelphia Branch, while the former—
poor creatures—must spend hundred* of
dollars to produce the *ainc effect.
—EH Green, Altoona fat man, died
last week. He weighed 110 pound* and
this excessive weight was all in his body
as hi* limbs were of the ordinary dimen
sions. He had fallen on the ice twice this
winter, Bnd his death is thought to have
been caused by injuries received in this
—Our Republican contemporary suggest*
the election of a colored man a* member
of the school board and suggests Mr.
George Skinner. If the voters shall see
fit to choose a representative of tho African
race, George is perhaps better fitted for
that position than any other that could be
—The death of Miss Maggie Apt, daugh
ter of the late Mr. Martin Apt, of Mub
lersburg, occurred on Friday of lat wpek.
Her death was tho result of injuries re
ceived in falling from a tree lat fall. The
funeral took place on Monday, her body
being consigned to the earth in the Cath
olic cemetery of this place.
—The regular monthly meeting of the
BellefonteTemperance Union will be held
this evening in the rooms of the Young
Men's Christian Association of this place.
There will doubtless be a large audience,
as there seems to be an increased Interest
in the subject of temperance in Bellefonte
and throughout the county. All are in
—lf the young ladies do not seem as
happy as usual this month, the source of
their grief ran be traced to the fact that
February, 1881, is the first for a series of
years in which that month ha* only twen
ty-eight days. It seem* such a long time
for them to wait until 1884, when they
will again have the royal right to "pop
the question."
—We have recently seen a report that
the long lost Charlie Boss ha* been dis
covered among the Tuscarora Indian*.
We cannot vouch for the truth of this
rumor, hut are quite sure that the best
place to purchase groceries is on Allegheny
street of this borough. It is known a*
the store of 8. A. Brew A Son. Give it
a call.
—is commonly rumored on the street
that a large store will soon be opened in
Bellefonte and will bo conducted upon
strictly cash principles. The goods are to
be sold at Philadelphia prices and the long
credit system Is to be rooted out. It is
•aid that Mr* D. P. Peters, of the Busb
House, is interested in this enterprise,
and if so it will no doubt be successfully
carried out.
The "World Renowned Jubilee Sing
ers" (which means the organisation com
posed of tho colored local musical talent of
this place) gave a concert at Boalsburg
last night. To-night they will sing at
State College and to-morrow night they
will conclude their triumphant tour with
a grand musical melange at Pine Grove.
Their repertoire Includes many new selec
tions, and those who bear them are always
On ! THAT O HOUND HOCK— Yesterday
wus Candlemas day, and of all tho day* in
tho year wo looked forward with eager an
ticipation for that day to bo dark with
cloud* and gloomy with tho absence of
sunshine. Wo were almost willing that
tho snow which foil all day on Tuesday
should continue through Wednesday—
anything, indeed, to prevent that horrible
ground hog seeing his shadow. But ho
came, ho saw and ho conquered. \V "dnes
day morning dawned in the most provok
ing manner possible. Tho thermometer
had sank during the previous night to 21"
below zero, the sky was as clear as crystal
and the snow covered tho earth deep and
white and pure. No fair lady ever saw
tier lovely reflection in tho mirror more
distinctly than tho ground hog could seo
his ugly shadow on tho snow that day.
Yes, all day long; from tho moment tho
King of Day liret lighted up tho snowy
mountain tops until ho sunk behind the
hanks of frozen vapor in the west that
faliled quadruped could view his shadow !
and glut over tho Polar waves which
would follow each other in quick succession
across our balmy tcinpurato/.one. Wocaro
riot what Ycnnor may say about an early
spring, that ground hog is the older and
more reliablo prophet, and wo are doomed
to pi* more weeks of Arctic weather of
which the frigidity ol yesterday morning
was only a foretaste. But wo will submit ;
it is useless to light tnte.
—Harry Bine, a small son of Mr. Sam
uel Bine, of this place, met with quite a
remarkable escape from severe injury
while coasting, last Friday afternoon.
When descending tho steep declivity in
the rear of Mr. Charles Glenn's photo
graph gallery his sled gained such veloc
ity that it shot across tho street and
then made a leap of about tifteen feet into
the cold waters of Spring creek. The sled
readied tho bottom of the creek in an u| -
right [Mi-ition, ami Harry was tumbled
Into the water, getting dreadfully tie Ist, j
but apparently not injuring himself any.
One of I'ostmaster Johnson's sons chanced j
along just then and helped Harry to climb !
up tho stone wall, when bo scampered j
rapidly homo after dry clothes. In nine j
eases out of ten a similar accident might 1
have resulted in broken bones.
Last Friday night, with the exception I
of the absence of moonlight, was as bright
and beautiful a- could be desired, and in
duces! many Ueßefonter* to skim lightly
• ver the tc • and enow to the grand concert
at Boalshurg At least fitly uf those who
composed the audience which was
present were from this place, and several
of our best lady vocalist* took prominent
part* in the programme. Among them
were Mil* McGiniey, ill** Bichard* and
Mr. l>r. Have* who won golden opinions
from tho audience by their artistic j-er
lt i* now announced that Raoloff Von
Baren, of Connecticut, who was reported
to have fallen heir to $1",000,000, i a
fraud, and was merely seeking to gain a
cheap notoriety. Before the average na
tive of Centre county lives to he an hun
dred years old ho learn* that there are a
good many fraud* in the world, but he
can congratulate himself that the grocery
tore of Seohler A Co. i* exactly what it
is represented to be. The proprietor, by
fair dealing, has built up an immense trade.
—A very sad event occurred at Julian
on Monday of last wi-ek in the death of
Mis* E. Datighenbaugh, a daughter of Mr.
Levi Datighenbaugh, of that place. She
w* n victim of consumption. Her jour
ney over the dark waters of the river of
death was illuminated by the light of
a constant faith in Jesus. Her earthly
church connection wa with the Methodist
Episcopal congregation of that place. The
funeral service* were conducted by h?r
pastor, Bev. J. B. King.
Mr. D. I*. Peters, of the Bush House,
desire* it to lie known that the statement in
the Morning A'ews, of the 2d inst., that he
intended raising hi* rate* of board is un
true. On the contrary, Mr. Peters says
he has made arrangements to so lower the
dally and weekly rate* of hoard as to meet
any and every demand. Ho It increasing
the facilities of his hotel with this object
in view. We are glad to know that Mr.
Peter* appreciates thesituation.
—The Mitlbeim German evening school
will give a public entertainment in the
Town Hall of that place an Saturday
evening, the 12th instant. Tho programme,
part of which will consist of declamations
\ and dialogues rendered in High German
and Pennsylvania Dutch, will afford an
endless amount of mirthful entertainment
for those who shall attend. We hope it
will also be financially profitable.
—A meeting of the Centre county bar
was held last Monday to take action in
regard to holding the sessions of L,o Su
preme Court in Philadelphia. It was the
prevailing opinion of those present, how
ever, that all the sessions should be held at
ilarrlsburg, and the association so voted.
—We're sitting at the table, Mary,
Where we sat long ago ;
Ah, then your hair wis black ujet,
Hut now it's light as tow I
Wo're eating of those groceries, Mary,
You bought at Hcchler's store;
And when we've eaten them aH up
We'll surely wish for more.
—Men and boys wbo buy clothing at
the Philadelphia Branch can dreae the bast
on the least outlay of money.
PERSONAL.—Mr. David L. Korr and
lady, of Centre Hill, returned homo last
week after a very agreeable visit among
their friends in the West.
Mr. C. L. Callaway visits Bellefonte
frequently of lute. Ho wa# iu town on
—We hear that Mr. Andy Lonoberger,
of this place, bus secured a position on a
railroad running between Prospect Park
and Coney I-IHIMI and expect* to leave
Bellefonte soon to enter upon bis new
duties. Mr. L. is a good workman and
an excellent citizen, and iiis place in our
midst will not easily be tilled.
Mr. William Laurie, of Philipsburg,
was one of the handsome young gentlemen
whom wo observed in town this week.
-It is said that Rev. J. F. Do Long,
the leader of the Union Normal Class
which meets in the Y. M. C. A rooms,
succeeds in rendering that organization
very interesting. "BibloGeography' wa
the topic discussed la-l Monday night
Mr. Kichard Gitrmari lias returned to
Coatsvillo after a very pleasant visit at his \
home in thi# place,
Mr. Al. iluupt spent .Sunday last in
Miss Ada Weaver, one of llio very
agreeable daughters of Mr George Wea
ver, of this place, returned home a few
•lay# ago after a prolonged visit at Philips
Mrs. Heath and daughter, of Philadel
phia, who have been visiting for several
week* at the residence of Mr. Isaac Mitch
ell, of this place, returned home on Mon- j
day last.
J —.Mr. John G. Love, of this place, lias
recently been entertaining his sisters, the j
MUM Love, ot I. .veville.
| —Mrs. A. <. Kurst, of thi# place, is
visiting at her maiden home in Milton
Mrs. Ogden and her son, Spencer C
< 'gden, formerly of this place, reached the J
► bores of Liberia in Western Africa, on j
the loth of December last, after a voyage
of a month and a half. They were then
in the enjoyment of go.>d health. We
hope that safety and prosjierity will con- ,
tinuo to attend them during their three
years residence in that dark and benighted
land of which we a< yet know so little.
We are pleased to note that our young
and accomplished friend, Mr. J Be.-...
! Van Ortner, last week received a perina
' nent teacher's commission from the !>•■- '
! partment of Education at Harrisburg.
Reese stands high in the ranks of the j
i lea. iiers of Centre county and is altogether 1
I worthy ol the compliment bestowed upon
—Mr Ira Mitchell, of Lock Haven,
expect* soon to engage in the editorial
j business, having been tendered a prnposi
j torn to edit a Greonbaek paper in Forest
I county.
Mr. Ellis L. Orvis, mn of Judge
i John if. Orel*, wa* admitted to practice
'.aw le-foro the various courts of this coun
ty on Thursday last. l)f course, he passe.) j
a highly creditable examination, lor a!- j
though young in year* he is far advance]
in scholastic acquirements, and has been :
prepared f>>r admission to the bsr for sev
oral year*. His legal education is very
fine and his general knowledge a* compre
hensive as that of any young gentleman
of his age whom we have ever met. His
cast of countenance i# purely intellectual, i
very much resembling that of England's
ex-Prime Minister Disraeli. We predict
for the young gentleman the brilliant fu
ture which hi# great moral worth eminent
ly merit*.
—Dr. E. J. Deshler, of Aaronsburg, j
was one of the welcome visitor* at the
DEMOCRAT office this week.
—We regret exceedingly to learn that
Mr. Robert Cambridge, of Untonvillc, is
very ill with pneumonia. We hope he
may soon be restored to good health.
—Our old friend,.!. Wesley Pennington,
of Philadelphia, dropped in upon u# yes
terday and report# business as good, but
the snow as something a little worse than
he ever remembers Mr. Pennington rep
resents the reliable boot and shoe house of
David J. Hoar lb Co., and should be
remembered by ail hi* old friends in Cen
tre county.
(Cesimanlcalmd j
MESSRS. EDITORS —lt is understood
that the gentlemen who have store-room*
and houses in Beliefonte, contemplate
making large advance* in the rent of their
buildings consequent upon the early re
sumption of operations at the car works.
We think these gentlemen are making a
great mistake. Kent* are now notoriously
high with us, and this fact, taken in con
nection with our onerous borough taxes,
make* tba cost of living here excessive in
the extreme. Gentlemen, this is not the
way in which to insura permanent pros
perity and business importance to your
town. You must pursue a more liberal
and generous policy or you may in the
end have cause to bitterly regret your lack
of .forethought. Col. D. O. Bush, Major
W. P. Reynolds, Thomas P. Reynolds, the
BrockerbofT Estate, and oihers, have done
much for Bellefonte in the past, for which
they are entitled to great credit. In a
spirit of kindness permit me therefore to
say that I hope they will do nothing now
to lessen in any way those feeliog* of re
spect and good will—inspired by their past
liberality and enterprise—which are felt
for them by their fellow townsmen. An
indiscriminate raiting of rent* at the pres
ent time will not fail to act injuriously
upon every business interest of our town,
and should not be thought of.
HI-RIND MILM 11 KM*. —Tho local re
porter from Spring Mills wrote lust week
about the bustle arid activity of "yo an
cient villugi)," which awoku a few years
ago irom itn Kip Van Winkle deep, but
he did not tell your reader* of it* growing
prospects lor next *uminer. The all-ab
sorbing subject of conversation now i*
about the great summer retort hotel which
Mr. I. Urenoble i# malting preparation* to
build a* toon as spring open* up. It will
bo erected in that part of Spring Mill*
known a* "Guinea Hill."
—Messrs. Shook, I'hillip*, and Kipkey
intend erecting a few dwelling houses next
summer in that part of the city which re
joices in the local name of Coopcrstnwn.
Mr. W. W. Allison's palatial residence
which he is building for the pretty bird he
caged lut year is almost ready for occu
pancy. It i* situated on Church Hill,and
will, when llnislied, be the finest residence
in the valley.
—At the spring election the citizen* of
the southern precinct of Gregg township
will vote for or against the removal of
the polling place from I'enn Hall to the
hotel at Spring Mills.
—A series of protracted meeting* com
menced in the M K. church on Monday
evening, January Jl. The pastor in
charge, llev. Akers, is an able and popular
preacher, and it is hoped he will have a
very successful meeting.
* *
PLEASANT lisi 1 N S.WN —An occasional
correspondent gives us the following items
from Pleasant Hap :
Mr. Haag has temporarily suspended
operations at his distillery. It will he idle
| for seven months.
Matt. lias removed Ills offlrc to '
tin- hotel, where all businesa in hit line !
will be transacted under the name of
'Shin Bone."
—'' Abe has seven months vacation
He will drive the Hambletoliian "Bob
—The big horse tamer drives th<-
matches. He is going to Union county,
but will be hack in a short time.
GOM EL MKETINOS What promises to
Is- a very inl>T<-liijg series of Gospel tnect
mgs will begin in Humes Hall next Sun
day afternoon at 4 o'clock, tin that oc
casion Mrs. Hannah W bites II Smith, of j
Philadelphia, will be present and conduct t
the service Mrs .-Gnith is said to be a
I very agreeable talker, and her remark* t
i .
will be a rii ii int*-l !•< tual and Gisspel feast
Although she has never before been in this
I piara she has obtained a great reputation .
a a preacher in this country and in Eng
land. While in the latter cJbnlry she
preached before the Oxford student* by I
the direct invitation of (jueen Victoria. '
She is wealthy and never accept* any mon- |
elary rscem|en* for her services. M<>*l i
of In r previous lsbnr* have been in the
larger cities and she is only induced U>
come to Bellefonte by the fa< t thai she i* j
distantly related to some of our citizen*, i
and is consequently more deeply interested
in the spiritual welfare of the people of
this place The meetings will continue
! every afternoon of next week at .1 o'clock
in Humes' Hall, and will close with a Gos
pel meeting on Sunday afternoon, Febru
ary 13, at f o'clock. The public are cor
dially invited to all the meeting*.
In consequence of the Gospel meeting
to be conducted by Mrs. Smith next Sun
| day afternoon, the monthly services of the
! Young Men * Christian Association, which
i otherwise would occur at that time, will
! not be held.
! Jiiurnnl we learn that the growing wealth
and importance of Phihpsburg ha# induced
I the business men of that place, assisted by
' some of the capital of Bellefonte. to orga
: ntr.e a new banking institution in that
p.lace to be called the Moshannon Banking
| Compvany, The gentlemen composing the
j company are Messrs. John Nutlall, George
. McOaffey, Robert Lloyd, William I*. Dun
can and J. F. fjteiner, of Philipsburg, and
Dr. K W. Hale, of this place. (fur friend,
William I*. Duncan, has been chosen
President, and will flit that position with
honor to himself and to the great benefit
of the institution, Mr. W. 11. Sandford, a
former cashier of the Citizens' Banking
Company, at Osceola, will officiate in the
same capacity in the new bank.
Finn ox HATraiAT Nloitr.—.lustafter
the inhabitants of this place had fallen
into their first sleep last Saturday night
they were awakened by the cry of fire.
The flames proceeded from the neat little
frame building on High street, owned and
occupied by Mr. J. I). Sourbeck as a con
fectionery and fruit store. Both fire com
panies were promptly on hand and the
flames were quickly subdued. Part of the
contents of the store wss removed, but
so much of it was either broken or carried
away that his loss on slock will reach $ lfiO,
and hi* loas on the building will amount to
about $35, all of which is fully Insured.
It is supposed that the fire originated from
a defective flue. He will repair the build
ing immediately,
Mita. PARTIXOTOX says: Don't take
any of the quack rostrums, as they are
regimental to the human cittern ; but put
your trust In Hop Bitters, which will cure
general dilapidation, costive habit* and
all comic di*a*e*. They saved Isaac from
a sever* extract of tripod fover. They are
the n pin* wnvm of medicine.—Boston
Ofoie. _ __
—There will be several weeks more of
cold weather, and warm winter clothing
Is In demand. It can be procured at lb*
Philadelphia Branch.
Rkal Khtatk. —Tbo columni of the I)KM
ochat wero so full of locbl new* l*t week J
that it wti impossible to Hod space for the '1
disposition made by Sheriff Hpangler, on c
the Saturday previous, of the rl estate
advertised for tele by him. We therefore "
K'vi) that Information one week later than j
usual: j
No. I —Settled. t
No. 2 A two-story frame house and 1
three lota of ground lor aw-d in Moahannon,
Snow Shoe township, owned by James 11.
Kankiii as administrator of Kd Ide de- ' |
ceased sold to Mr. .1. 11. Holt, of Snow i
Bh< c, for $776. f
No. Two lots of ground in Rush
township, on the banks of the Moshannon i |
creek, sold as the properly of Mrs Patrick
Collins, administratrix of Palri< k Dona
liue and George M. Hrisbin, to Adam llov. '
K-q, for $ I 60.
No. 4—A log house, bank barn and . 1
tract of land, located In Hotter township, j '
and owned by Henry Garver, soi l to Mr. I<
William Wolf,of Centre Hail, for $26. I
No. 6 and I}— Settled. I '
No. i — A two-story frame house and I*'
tract of land located in Worth township, I
and owned bv John Reese, sold to W r <
Boeder, Bea for $66. : i
No. k —A two.story log dwelling house, ' '
stable and lot of ground situated in Hotter I
township, and owned bv Josiah Taylor,
sold p. .( M . Kelt hline, 'K q , f„ r s36'
No. *.l —A two-story frame house and lot
of ground located in ibis borough, and
owned by James II ay ley, sold to John i.
Live, Ks<p, for $2H2.60"
No. 10—A two-story frame house, bank !
nam ati<J 117 acres of ground, fritttl in i
Miles township, and owned by Christian |
Shade, purchased by Catharine Shade for
No. LI—A two-storv flame house, bank J
barn and two tracts of land, located in
Walker township—one containing Km
| acres and tie r a< r.-s sold as the
property of George and Christian Sw art/ to
| John A Swart/., of iluhlersburg, for s'.:•
No. 12 Atwo-story frame house and two
j traits of land lot ah-d in Walker township,
and owned by Henry Swart/, solJ to John
A Swart/, f.-r $I ">
No. It—Three tracts of land located in ,
Potter township—one containing 107 a* res.
the second I-'. scr<> and the third *'f aires
—owned by John Hither and John If
Bltner, sold to Kmanue) Ktlinger, of
Aaronsburg, for $2160.
Nos II and I t—Settled
No. 16— Several houses and lots of
ground located in this borough and ir.
j >pnng township, sold a the property of
J ba Irvln Curtiu, t" nJto?. A. 0
Curtin for $.700
No. 17—Settled.
—The following stan/as by "Car' !
Schreiber, which appeared in last week's ;
; U'afc Airuin, are said to have L-eri "inspired
by the cigar sent by C <. )| on the occa
sion of 'The First Arrival
X<-w aaau rear sMi *r Hssts,
I.l* h 1 ad.aJl
Tl.* Wk V tiftfj te t I*al#,
Thai 0$)r> • ►ci-ux. r**'
Th* fr%faut <tts# ' I iliUß,'
With I'lbi m 1! f f|i6g
And 1*•!•** | i|. ♦ (am*
< wri upon* 1 W lb* <
ITh* • rr-aih* wvdKi In I'-itaQOgt fin*
Aft J <Jkllj * Ith tlifn*Hea
A < ih* lohrvin*
l.lk* Ipc"
\A ht 01*6(1 i I h+t* In th* m***!
TIhI frtsfu th* ' inl f-IJa *r ru*
Th* futur* * Nrt|i tliibb
Aft'l •Uti.J lltalr.] w. fe ti|S *
I Ah I* Ift+ rum rt**,
Kuvmf %'U mr*• hut f*
That flash IBOifffit IBl>' * ff'slti Jirftt MM
>4 Is'sßW fls IB • t>. e I kIISB .
For n.ftftf B frard that HwH rr, Kftn I
Aft'l l|B|#-||wl I' ' ff % ft 11 VIII SB t •
lift* V-urt#J*d f th* St I* til *"■'
Aft'l tb*f lb *i*t- * ilatuUrt
j flsii utif <4 yen If 4**r to mr .
'h Urn* |toi fair*r j,
As 4 tsll n< '!tK4tWri *•♦
Till hitnwif abftl! dt*.
Il* lb* malbs- t libt. my rttn,
M* )<<t slat, fstlif)l hirsiric,
AA lf h ■ r <ir-*n |<*rb m* on
T.. fi n#* jt*t dlrlnib*
Tb*r*' (tl tth '"Bftsinfi mtiiiUnitirs,
|l aid* lit* estf||y rtti]s ;
II tB Btfttnß Ib th l**rd1 tgmti •
Th.t tsMada ngms-rni how**
Ift fttt ftnd • tth | a )|tm ft-'*,
Ktlftftdlftf fttUll Is ib m*ri;*a .
AA hit* f<thsff ftkß Is*" tttftk <• U
lit* own Btrvvßrr. at ill *tslr^*r.
And with him it hi* 'Uufhtrr fiur.
Th* ftr*l fmtt* ol hi* !•**.
A* Ith ftifht * <Urk ts-Bntt its h*r hftlr,
I'm t right bb #t*r* ft I* ir*
Th* doth of Bs'f is i# in h*r <li**k,
ll*r lip* or* m•* tod* Mowing.
And l*n *b* oj th*w to *{-*k.
||*r t**dh lib* |-**rt* bBiu|
| an* b*f hmltht 'h***fl. <hft*t.
ft If Biyrh too f* tbr* r*i.
Wtth tht di*in*t )*§tt fT%f*d
AA htfb ft** *••* **•'
flh* hft* t b*ft|* ftft*.
I* fr** fr*ft frlrr.|. m fr.r !#■*.
**rb* Ui fTrsnnd two rwfti.y b*ftft*
With H*f m*t Unt*r>nj* glftno**.
bottf mat B|* lir* * t r>g may ah* U
ll*r air* d*ltght an t |n >* ;
Th* ls**ty Art 4**t** t*> ***
In b*t Is* typift'-d !
And •h*n l*r lif* a r*ia*t*n- ua men
Ift trfaaanlpM liJI gmlb*r.
Mat b*c •Moraarfal U.a*r |<rva*
A* tfft* m la b*r father.
Ah. that th* *t*Wn which I •**
Might n*T*r f*d* aaray f
Th* Imotioai wnla which *r* to h*~
Ah, c-fftild I main th*m *uv '
Bnt with th* th nd* *4 thia < igar
M'Hi*s fir* | rati | r*|l*iti*h
Th* fatata that I •** fnm htr
Mn*t alio fat* and ratiiali.
Jan 111, I**o.
Forney '• "Progress" for the Future.
With this number, Saturday. NoTomber
13th, IHHO. /Vr.yress will begin its third
Toltttne. Hereafter it will be an Inde
pendent I>emnrratic paper, retaining all
it* eclectic feature*, discussing society,
finance, the drama, railnvads, and foreign
affairs. It* price has been reduced to
$2 50 per annum, or 6 cents a number.
As I have placed all mr means in the
reorganised enterprise, and propose to de
rote all my tints to it, I hare no hesitation
in asking my personal and political frienda
to gire me the benefit of their prompt and
aelire co-operaiion. When we recollect
that orer 7f,(IOO votes were cast for Gen
eral Hancock in the city of Philadelphia
alone, on tbo 2d of Novsmber, and in
Pennsylvania 400,000, and in the country
at large about fire million of rotrn, there
ought to be a readr and liberal response to
the scheme of an Independent Democratic
, weekly paper of the highest class in Hbll
, adelphie.
The hour of Democratic defsat, procured
by open purchase of the suffrage, and by
deliberate intimidation of the dependent
i citiaen, should also be the hour of Demo
cratic education and preparation for the
great work of organiaation and action, in
the present and the future.
. JOHN W. Foaxar,
Kditor and Proprietor of /Vwyreas,
702 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Terms for l'mgr**t . $2 60 per year.
Single copies, 6 cents.
Business Notices.
\6 hy nre horse* end cattle after taking
Roberta' Horse Hoarders like * new lauri
rlried shirt? Because they |ie f k sleek and
—At tlie present time when there are so
many worthless linarnents in the market,
it would he well to inquire which is the
best This will bo found in M. 11. Robert's
Embrocation'—it i a panacea for ailrnenta
that require rubbing either on man or
beast, i'rice 36 cent* je-r bottle.
—No more sii k chickens. Save your
|ioultry and cun-tiicrn of ili.oa.,*, by usirig t
lloie-rts Poultry Powder. It ha." neverg- •
failed to cure Cholera, and all diseases to
which fowls are subject. Price 26 cents
per package. F'or sale by all druggist*.
—Why do you cough when you can
find speedy relief in Hi ties' Hyrup of Tar,
Wild Cherry and llorehound? It is the
most pleasant arid efficacious remedy known
for i ughs, Colds, i roup, Asthma, and all
disease- tending to pulmonary consump
tion. llu- la-el, ,o)d for over thirty years
and i '--pi . iaily adapted to children, as it
'does not nauseate, and consequently it can
be ill sufficient quantity a- l/i effect a
cure. Iry one bottle and you will never
he without it. Price26r and 60. per bot
tle. Hold everywhere. Ask your druircitt
tor it.
—Th" popularity of M R. Roberts'
Horse Powders is proving lualf in the i„-
' feast .1 demand throughout this State
from the tan that the public are at last
finding out that it |. p,ss|t,|,. u , „buiri a
pa. kageof Horse and < attle Powder which
i -Ire tly nure arid free from such aduiter
atio. s as bran, cake meal, and other in
gradient* calculated to puff UM animal
in-toed of curing it of ll„. ij I-ease ll |. s,,r
femur from. M li .Robert- Horse Pow
ders contain no adulu-ration, arid are much
cbeajier than any other, as but a table,
spoonful is required for a dose. Ask anv
old horseman as Us their merits. F'or safe
everywhere. I'rice reduced UJ 26<:. i* r
pai kage.
To the West and South.
Ad travelers will appreciate the sn-
B UnCBBMBI that the p, n .1,,,,g|~ Ofatelß*
i.ati A. Ht. J.ouis Railway Company Pan-
Handle Route—will he realtor run a firsl-
CIBM PMUB|ir coach from Pitteburgh to
"■t I. >uts on the F ast F.vpre.s train b*a< ir.g
Pittsburg every day at • I".' A . u . Hi.,.p.
;iig *■ ars will continue to run on aarne
train from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, Iyouis
\ iile, 1 ndianajaslis arid St. !>oui*, but the
through "si li to st Iyouis wiil le a irreat
t-r;i fit to persons en r uteto Indianapolis,
I err. Haute, St I, us and all point. West
and Southwest, Who do not .are to pay
it he extra charge for sleeping car privi
j Hotel or sleeping -ars will continue to
run on Cincinnati Express leating Pitts
t 'i-gti at .-2 I- M far Ciadßßßti and
[ I ."u t-% i I |e. arid on night express leasing
Pittsburg at 12 02 a m. lor Cincinnati,
Ixsuisrille, Indlißßpolis arid St Louts 4
w ilhout i hange.
l'es.l -r.gcrs for the West and South will
plea-e Uar in mind the irnf roved through
car servne by the Pan-Handle Route.
To sii ure the advantage of quick time,
gi*J connection, in l"r,ion a tl d
through i ar accommodations, over one of
the Is-it constructed and most jerfptt!v
equippeii lini-s, it i. only ru-ceesary to a.k
f .r and be -are that you receive tickets via.
Pittsburgh. Cincinnati A St. Louis Haib
w-av Pan Handle Route.
, for time tables and information address
77 ■ t RIVKAKMiX. Passenger Agef.t,
Pittsburgh, Pa., or W L *) Hriex. G.-nJ
era) Passer.g. r Agent Pan-Handle Route,
Columbus, Ohio. 4-6w.
Spring w..i.)en now ready. Karly
orders ited. Money av*-d. a
llt-tf Mostuomkrt \v CO., Tailors.
Philadelphia Market*.
rni.iMU-.il, Ki-t-msry t. IKSj.
The Ql.f.f ersl.te En|li.b a- uiml. flattened * hiwt
and Ijir lifter it Uiitr.
ft. -t'ft Fl'djt ta dull Hp! t)i*r* irr fr*#. Bs',}rß at
f ..rn*r |ti t*t<.te fmim • 1 I..MH lrr*ia, ibrlisJit.f
M r inai ta *ttra, at f r tn'ilium to cli->**
f jteftr. kti lat atriUgiit lwrta< li Br.ia *Btm
family al ft : j..*, • Hi *r. I lnd.Briß 4o d. at
at |4 j-f i*rr*|
—■ AA h*at li itiarti** arl ar* ty |r
l ualf*! I 'r Sa)*a of 'KI M|i*'a. i> tluiitnff r-*j*ri
•<! at |1 ffa./ll * . ur.tr* JM \ al f1 12 t..1 No 2
r*l, tra kal 11 1., .w, 4a. *4*raJ. r, al f I'• Ri*iff
firm at *V lut l' i i.sjirxt.u
Ftttaa- < V4r* rloirr***<l . t a faaJr tftqu.rr at
\ itt low and rra4*a ai tsartl to
m%* at Jfi'V Timn'tk t Mil* la wfc lut* al fJ7!
Bll$foBt Msrksts.
lUiLtPwmt I*l mart 2, IMI.
WKlt* ftl)*at,|**r buabffl usld .fl on w
lUd hJftt H*v) 1 | I
Ht*. |>*f l>uah*s HQ ■
r-.dv M* 1
t vr, *b*ll*d $a
►ftt* ;
Floor, rHall. p*r
Floor, hol*aa)* $ &
ProTloion Morkit
Corr*rt*>d o* kly bj Brother*
Apj4*a.dri*d. p*r t*otii>d... ... #
tirnl**. dl*d |*r |roftd. ***d*d .................. ]0
H*ai,B |s*i uar I ft
frawh |*tt*f p*r JS
(Til*ft*?.* |s*r pound m ■■■■■ ft
ol**<a* P*r pnnd £
tVmntri bam* p*r
llama, anfor fr*4 14
MH p*r f
fcffff* dot . .. ........ 3S
f*itat.*a j,#r 1'0ah*1..... SO T
IM*d hte*C It
WAT—NBI.LEBN —le rbillprfmnl.jMislu7te.lsn, 1
bv Be* A U. i"Tihi. Het.eer W Vqnrf Asm ~M
C Sellers. I.Th or rltlm.-r-. I hi* maaq
KRAMKR.-OS ruar. Jsntr; ft, ISSI. Klennrw, ■
wife rt 11-srr Krwaeei <4 Uwiwi te.niAM, ■
OeerßeW fowtj, i|rf T pais 1 Rem lb* seJ j B
nvTHI RST -Ow Use th of luwrf, mot Horn* J
Uiis mealy. B.tihs J tklhurrf. sjrf 17 rears, U Jf
•aoaths see 2 Bar.
wor.roßp —Jsa Tib, a p ia*i. * i.., Mbg \
TV* XoM of Martea lewVMbtf, ac*4 U
4 Mnelba aed SBar*.
OATKS —Jaw. Ifc, A- P. ls*l, Franrrf. wtflßrrf
Wiles 1 isles, et Vaiee tnsrasblp, ipj te rasas aetf
I etnalb
BOWKB-Oa lbs M UuSsM. al ber reiiKiUMw H> 1
Asruaaliarx. fbtbartae Blwlslk Bower, widow of
ROT II URN St. Al Rss! 0-neanH.aw, fad, aw Ike
ma of Jaeesrr. Mrs tetee R-ih.-e-sl asf.rf telaa
Rotbenael. and aMer al Hi* llarrj tWs el US
pt.ee agsrf tt tears. Sh# I sates a baaba*4 a4 j
tares small ebtMme la aswsuw bet lose. Their ingssff
Is be* gala
KKU.KRMAN —Jsaasry M, I SSI. at T" -ssm 1 (Ink
IMeM lews tafbal ana al Jasase sad lianas* Kal-
IrfrwMa, qrf • ai-etbs serf loiqs
NRTLINQ —At tbs raaUsan ol Ms hratbwt ta lae,