BAVLAXD .f XEtt'M AX, Allegheny Street, liellefonte. Pa. B-A-TTLA-ItTID &c nSTEWMAIT'S | HEADQUARTERS FPU BARGAINS " —AT THE— -1 BEE HIVE ONE PRICE STORES. WINTER GOODS. We have an IMMENSE VARIETY OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR Ladies, Gentlemen and Children.j Please call ancl examine our stock, And oblige BAUEAND & NEWMAN. OTR MOTTO it— "OA7J PRICE—THE VERV LOWEST—AND SO StISREPRESESTA TJOS. ' I S'etr A dt'ertinemetitn. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. r pHE circulation of this popular 1 ni'w|Mpfr it cun*tatitly imrewaing. It contain* •II the >H ling iirwi or Ilia iMIiT IURALD, and in arranged in handy depart tu nit The FOREIGN NEWS •■bncrt uptcitl tliftpnti hMi from all quarter* f tha globe. t'uJcr Ilia brad of AMERICAN XKWS are given the Telegraphic |••!!• !ir of Ilia week from all |*iU <>f lb Union Tliia fewt ra alone ruke* THE WEEKLY IIKRALD tha mn<* for heaping buildings and utanatla In ra pair. Tina it supplemented by a well-edited detri ment, Widely Copied, under tha head of THE HOME, giving recipes for practical diahes, hlnta for making clothing and for ke-ping up with tha Utrat laahluna at | the lowest price. Kvery it-rn of cooking or economy •uggeted In Ihta departnirnl la practically tested hy •Sparta 10-fure public at ion. Letters from oar Paris and London correspondents on than j latrat faah ka TBL BDLM Department of tha WKKKI.T lliaaLD tarill aavr tha hou*ewife mora than one hundred time* tha price of tha pa par Tha intrraata of SKILLED LABOR ara looked aftar, and everything partainlng to ma chanlo and Itbov saving ia carefully recorded Thar a in a page dtvolal t all tha latet phase" of tha bnsl naaa marhata. Oropt, Merchandise. Ac. kr . A v*l>a tile f*wtu'e ta found ll tha epecially reported priera and conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET. AroftTioo Niwaath'-ma and abroad, ("gethar with a j*ro*t ciart w*ek. a tiuiUov ly some eminent 4i* vine. LtiiilT. Mtaicvl DA AM* TIC, HuadAi and f*a NwTm There ia no taper In tha murld that con tain* an much D-*I maltar every WEEK aa tha W CU LT !ls*it>, which ta -ant. poetuge paid, for ima Dol lar You ran subscribe at any tlma. rai ) ( on MICH YORK > In a Waakly form. DOLLAR HERALD ) ( A TEAR Address. NEW YOKE HERALD. 3-1 Rroadwa? aid Ann Afreet Maw York BUSH MOUSE. BKLLEFONTK, PA . IMrye A and licut Unlet in the County. IIKAtKjt'ARTER* POR (ORHRRCIAt TR WRt.RR. PPRCIAI, RATES FOR CENTRE OOCBTY PEOPLE Liberal reduction to Jurjrni and others attending Court. D. IV PUTRID*. Propr For Sale. VFARM containing Fifty Acreß, and having therein ara* tad a THtMTORY fHAMK BUILDING and out building* Till# g---i Inquira of A J A T K OKI L*T, •Vtf L'oionvtlle. Cantrf count?. Pa 8. f A. LOEIt, General Merchant*, Allegheny Street, Hetiefonte, J'a, S. &G LOEB, THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED ROCHESTER CLOTHING! Better Fits, better Workmanship, better Styles, better Linings, SUPERIOR in every respect to any other ready-made Clothing in the United States, * and equal in every rfespect to the work of any merchant tailor in any of our large cities. Prices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work generally sold in Bellefonte. Mothers, bring your Children, from 4 years up, and examine our assortment of CHILDREN'S WEAR. S.&A. LOEB,! IS. & A. LOEB, FINE CLOTIIIEKS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I.■ • • • Farm for Sale. If AYIN(i determined to 44 Farm 1 |fa land, and farm It tattar." tha •ulacrllw>r offer* for a*%la *ma of ha two far ma ha now orrupiea IN IIOWARD TOWNHIIIT Thia farm la tormtad n tha north alda f L'ia Raid Ragla cmak. nrarly op|a*aita th- Borough if M oward. It haa a frnotaga ..f i)fi tha cr rk. with a high 1 bank which IIERAR DI-'IO /R* It contalna JUD arraa of land, mora or l-aa. alxiiit If) of whh h la rlrarrd. The retnalnd'-r la wuiN|laiik.ltnl within tan min ute" walk of the |*"t office, depot, •%, ra and < burrke* | of Howard II .rough. The konae la frame, and nearly n*w It i* 90t36fl in aica. two full storiaa high, containing eight larga rH>rua. with hall both up ataim ami d n, l-elJa a flr*tha>l to It a large r*rtt CKI*. and a wagon ahed, feet, with a mow over -1 head. A p*>rtion of the land la we|l * p. timothy, and haa yielded, for its present owner, a* high aa three ton* Aral elaaa hay per a* re. A good P K Dederkk ha> baling machine, and latrtank'• aralea for weigh ing the t-alea are IKIV In the lain, and will U wold with the farm, if deaired. Other taru of the land are we|| suited to t'-hwrro culture, anward. Pa. FOR CHILDREN! u This Vagarine lr. iv..... M>m. HROCKERHOFK HOUSE, BKLLRFONTR. PA W. R. TELLER, Proprietor. Onnd Sample Rinm on Stcond Floor. •#-RR. BUM to *■) frtrtn all Tratna. Pprtal rilM ! Ui wltneaae# and Jnrom |-ly STATE NORMAL SCHOOL | (Kighlh Xortnal Schonl I>itriet,) , LOCK HAVKN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. KAt li, A. M., Principal. r |MI IS SCHOOL, or at present con- I •lllurn). nffrn Ih# f)r let 1a.11.11~ fur l'n* fe*itnnl and Clsml' aI learning. BuiMltif* fMt lull*, Icnilliit and rrroimodiotiß; corn plrtel* healfl I.J ll| TeutlUl* arrure II by furnDhing Intel ligent and efhrtent |.*--l ahtlttie* and f-aal pu fpr *•*■•-thw ho d*irw to lOlpOff thetf lima and their talent*. u atulent* Ta all aarb t ! prointaea aid in daa rl -ptng thetr nd abundant iopnortonitiaa hr wall paid la- r after l*ulf>g wr h<*>| rr rataL-gaa and I'ftm addr •• Iha I'rlo ipal aoiat* or rat ttii Ulnrkholdara Trnaiaaa- J || lU'f-.ft M D . A II lUt. Jarob ltron f || |lirkf"rd, ."tiaoal fbrlal, A N RattL. li o.o* k.T r Hippie. C*u . 0 Kir trine V. P Mc4l miNHFAL I ( lARMAN*B HOTEL, * ■ (ippraitaOrmrt llonaa, liKLI.FFONTK, fA M TFRMR l 25 TKR DAT. j A food I,i wary altar had 1-) (JOLDSMfTir, STi:iX A HEX TEH, Alh u h,„„ St reel, ItHlrfontr, /'. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. WE ARE SELLING OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. LOOK -A. TT ID COMPARE PKICES. Full Suits, - - $4.50 " - - 5.00 " - - 5.50 " - - 7.50 " - - 9.00 Ai\ I> ALL COOOS | \ PROPORTION. OUR GRAND FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS COMPLETE, | COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! WTDon't forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager, | A STKKNHKI'.fi WII.I. IIK FofNI) AT THIS K Allegheny Street, Pa. NEW ENTER I'KISE. | A CO., AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT —A SO — SKKI) STOIiK. BELLEFONTE, IA Thoy nx-an by this nil the nimc imporU, that la. tr d-al In anl to furniab Ui farmara at t|, I'lWaal ismvil.lo prtra et art thing in Ilia eha|>a f a. sfriridtaral imp*titant that farmara ut-. Inrluding IbKIN of all kind* At pn*nt • a liswann hand and ara ti a atithori/y| f.. Iha aala of Iha Mil All 'V ('Mil 11.(1 rt,oW. ntnda at Hyrarow, N V It la tha hilled plow teov mad'-, al> tha Kayat<>na and Ir•.ta lwf* plow a mada at C#ilf Hall No l I tar plow# than Uiwaa ran lrnjt>orn aithar aa aeri "twbinol an-l Uweft, e.iif'i Hare a* tar*. , r • C. mt'.rrol k'Sjarr end Itilidar* THE WHEKI.KR N a* a romhmad mahme >. tha Is-et marhina of tha kind In the mafkat THE 1.111.AT l>T IMPROVKMI.NT of THK AOE <• iha N*<y laelo eaara old, with n* hr |)| f * •w and Mnd all Iha emit) tiiat at e K**|ar with ai ia dalitrrj will oil It not only tdnda hut g l-a* a. and • 111 aaea tha pfVa r.f t|>a fnvhii.# in one y**r. I t taking up fr*m Iha •tuhLta that ahirb It > v lot TIIK M'sl|hHKY OR 4IN Mill I aithar ith or without Wwmhaat h'raw, with or with t farliltcwr and ' •a*l •'-wtng atU'htnant# It it tha |*t grain drill for ail pwr|saa-a in tt.a market THE TiIREMI I R AND PKPARATOM I fha rapulati >tl of thi ma'h na |a MO Wall awhabllahad Hat warm, MI mdhmg ahowl It that Iha |*xip)a ]• t know 4ny pr n wanting ~r t n t ,f - * tail e a for thaw* now in tha on ft, |d# aa r ei| IIRKRNRR ft PATENT LKVFi. TREAD IIORPE ilw ER 1 r • ra al*d Iwo hfaaa, with Pataftt ftpre I llefulilft I.ill la 'riant Thread, a r and I'le^nar Vl'TttU run Ili lit 1.1.ER Nfia agent* f r On ra rvnnte. H IH OOIM and Pll VTONR Wa ara aganle f.r tha ta> of tha ra)-4.rated O'NK UN WAfKIN tha repulation of wh ohta • 11 atat. I I.had al*--Of the < KTf.4 M PI. 4 f 11>HW M'RINs HAfeONI*. rriagr-s PhaliM and llnggW A I ara I • arrantad fall an I aaa •parimana and 'lamina eia I .gnew a* tn atelaw and pi w I- toiting alw w here • Uloftiee oj, ap|n PI.ARTRR A\lt EKRTII.I/EH> f'aenrw plaetar f ftnale ground a* fv-i e* tha l-e-*t ,Hoe Iha I.w prlra of |7 ♦' jwr ton parnetan feuarKi a .Id on • r'dert only. Phoaphat** always on hand Ppaeial ' manures f-tf difTarwnt (tofw odd up< n order* at mann fartnrwr*' pfirr* pi It* DEH -W# are Dupont • agsnl* Plaair.g "p Ming and Rifla powder on hand and rotd at • tie pri'SHi , alao fwaa •* It 4I N —After Iha growint rrp |a barreetM) we • ill i- |>aapara.l t" pay Ih* highewt market prka for •11 kind* of grain itiAl.- (hif yard • alwaw* itorkeel with iha but tnthrvil# f 'al whir-h wa w>!) al !<>wawf prtra I.IME —W a maka Iha tael white lima in tha Plate It* proper!ias tor mnehankal and agricultural pur pwww awral a't nfher* EAIRItANKR N'tl FJ -Ve are their agerja in Contra ownty and will anyply alt t*artlew wiahmg grwvl and lrte arala* at their (••leet pri'oa W a attend an Inailnthm in •reryhmlr in want of j anything in our lina to call al our ator* roooi, op tita Iha Rnah ll.mae. and are what wa haa and 'earn from |H-a In attandanra m .re paMknU'ly tha wop of mr 1 n,|rew ALEX ANDER A (Y> Itellafonta Pa . Mar 5. IfUki. pi.|( S ECU!, Kit ,r C ft., firorrrn, Itn*h Han or Work, licUrfnntr, l'a. NE"W C3-OOIDS -FOR THE— WINTER TRADE. We have endeavored to set n IP V ery lest of every tiling in our line, and now have some really choice good*. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Seleot Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES. FINE CONFECTIONERY. _ —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. the peop,e of Centre County to call and inspect our Nltb GOODS, which caunot fail to plcaw. • •" SECHLEB ■// r Dry Millinsry Clolhine, Fancy (Jikkll, Notion*, Af BOOTS n/l SHOES BOOTS *n ,*nt. on itfwi, in it.* Il.i •gh lnlH M> *4 ill I- at all tin.** I'• |iaiM for? .!■ IMRTTK M.E and hURR w, tba S /*n I raw Iri t h..t*H, rmtanranta m |*,rat< r~M* tb* alii I . 1... ' I ' I),. |,,*i at I I. 1 quaint, 1.1 11,4 in ... ' a a Rhlwt lb.! It ,-lr llfa and ai'irll. ara pi, a**14 m limb a> ll.oojl, dan fr< m lb*. ak n barr*l Tb* CELEBRATED ROCHESTER STOCK !• * •rrciAiTT. lrft *t hi* pUr* r.f rt fcy postal *H. *ill ptvn>|t Mtlloa. AtWrm. | || SPITZER, B llkfont#.. (Vnd* On, ft. If ALftF.RT K. PAIXR. lat C ma>iMi#r of Pkimtt nrsj r OKArms FTORT n LADD. PATENTS. PAINE, I, HA ETON It LAPP, Attornryi atlstv and Mintnrt nf Amman and Fornjtn PatrnU, 412 Firm Nratrr, Wahhisotox, I). C. Prank* palm! a* In all Ha 1 ran*k*a m lb* Pat*ot I>m.. and lb* n|>,. m ai.d |.bM a*od fie*. I*. if