Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 27, 1881, Image 1

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Term* 51.50 per Annum. In Advance.
S. T. SHUQERT and R. H. FORBTER. Edilora.
Thursday Morning, January 27, 1881.
IT is now believed by members that
the Congressional apportionment will
be passed by the present Congress, aud
that no extra session will bo called.
IT is said Justice Swayne's letter to
Mr. Hayes, resigning bis scat on the
. Supreme bench, lias been written un
der date of the 22d January. That
means Stanley Mathews, of Ohio, fur
the succession.
IT is said that Charlie Wolf is
carefully watching the thermometric
changes in the hope that mid-winter
Senatorial lightning may strike around
in his neighborhood. The blathering
Conger and Wolf in the United States
Senate at one time would be more
than even a long-suffering people
could stand.
YI.NNOU predicts hot and moist
weather in July and August. Well,
"sufficient unto the day is the evil
thereof." It is January and February
weather wc want now, and if he will
be pleased to furnish these in a more
modified temperature than has pre
vailed in the last two months, lie will
oblige a great many poor sufferers.
• BY the absence of Senators Hamp
ton aud Maxey of the Military com
mittee of the Senate, Logan has been
able to report his bill for pensioning
Grant on the retired list of the army
with an affirmative recommendation.
It is to lie hoped, however, that the
Senate will squelch this proposition to
bleed the treasury in favor of one who
has beeu already more than paid for j
any service he has rendered the coun- j
try either in military or civil life. It !
is indeed time the country was re- j
lieved of the eternal flunkeyism in
favor of a chronic Iteggar.
THE idea of Blaine in Garfield's
Cabinet as Secretary of State is ex
ceedingly distasteful to the Grant-
Conkling-Cameron wing of the Re
publican party. The Treaty of Men
tor bids fair to be entirely abrogated
and the third term syndicate left
shivering in the cold. It is well un
derstood that Blaine will not become
a member of Garfield's political fami
ly unless the other Cabinet officers arc
friendly to him. In other words, it
must be a Bl&inc Cabinet or the
Maine statesman will have none of it.
In the meantime Conklitig imperiously
demands the right to name the finan
cial secretary and Garfield as stub
bornly refuses to listen to bis assumed
claims. It is shrewdly guessed in well
informed circles that the president
elect has his own ambitions and will
shape the policy of his administration
with his weather eye cocked on a re
nomination in 1884. Thus wages the
a war of faction.
THE PLANTERS of Louisiana have
organized a movement to introduce
Italians as substitutes for colored labor
in the cotton and cane fields of that
Htate, and are greatly encouraged to
believe it will lie successful. The first
instalment of emigrants, 250 in num
ber, arrived at New Orleans about
Christmas, and large numbers of the
same class are expected during the
winter and early spring. If Europe,
from its superabundance, supplies the
labor of the southern States, the north
ern people who have taken so much
pains to dissatisfy the negro and locate
him in the north, may have their de
sires gratified to some extent. They
£ may get the colored men with all the
consequences which their settlement in
the north implies, without detriment
to the great country from which they
force them. The surplus labor in
I many parts of Europe only needs such
encouragement as the measures of the
fanatics and the malice of a certain
class of politicians of the northern
States seem disposed to supply.
Curb tho Monopolloa
Jay Gould made groat parade in
getting up the American Union Tele- I
graph Company a* a rival and controll
ing influence against the extortions of
the Western I'uiou Company. It now
appears his movements in that direc- ,
tiou was nothing hut a gigantic specu- '
lation to add to his millions, and ex
teud his power to control things gen
erally. lie has completed arrange
ments by which these corporations are
to he consolidated. A suit has been
commenced in the Supreme Court of
New York to prevent the consolidation
and a restraining injunction granted '
by Judge Barrett. But what will this
avail against the great monopoly and
Gould's millions, when pooled to resist
law or carry their power through the
gates of justice? The country is un-j
der the control of corporate and money
tyranny, and until the |>eople are forc
ed to realize the danger which environs
them from these sources, and rise in
their majesty of power to correct the
evil, any feeble effort to appeal to law
will be fruitless, if not absurd.
Tin: movement of the Republican
business men of Philadelphia to obtain I
control of the affairs of that city by I
ousting the chosen ring management
under whose oppression they have
groaned and yet sustained by their
votes year after year, proves to lie the
grand failure it was ex|iected to !>e.
Instead of inviting all citizens to
unite in an effort to correct the mis
government of that municipality irre
spective of party affiliations, these Re
publican business men, in their hostility
to Democrats, gate early notice that
the movement was exclusively Repub
lican, in which it was not desired that
honest Democrats should participate.
They desired, no doubt honestly, to
break the present Republican ring
rule, which has liecome a stench in
the nostrils of honest men of all par
ties. But the committee of one hun
dred made the mistake of supposing
they could effect a municipal reforma
tion inside of party lines. Mr. Jos.
L. Caven in declining their nomination
for City out very
clearly that reform can only lie accom
plished by enlisting the sympathy of
honest men without regard to party.
The reputable business men composing
this committee now fully
their blunder and avow a willingness
to accept the ticket nominated by the
I)emocrats yesterday, {should they do
this the metropolis of Pennsylvania
will enjoy a season of good govern
ment that will delight the souls of the
burdened taxpayers. John Cadwal"
lader for Mayor; John R. Read
for City Solicitor, and William V.
McGrath for Receiver of taxes will
lie a ticket that will be invincible lie
fore the people. We congratulate our
brethren of Philadelphia upon their
auspicious opening of the campaign of
1881. What the great mass of the
Democratic party demand now is bold
and efficient leadership and straight
out nominations. As soon as the
Democratic party becomes thoroughly
Democratic it will not only deserve
success but command it.
THE Apportionment bill which Mr.
Cox, of New York, introduced in the
House of Representatives, fixes the
number of member* at 301. The fol
lowing is the distribution by States :
Alalwma 7
Arkanaa*. • A MUaiuuri IX
CmifuniU A NtbraafcA X
fVr|..r4o 1 *.)• I
r-onnn-tknl Raw llampthlr* 2
Mn 1 X 7
Florid* ..... I Jw York. ..II
Ooorgt* North Carolina (
Illinois 19 Ills 1
Indiana IX Oregon 1
low*. _...1a P-nnjlTnl. 3d
K*na*a A RIK*I lalan-1............ 3
Kmtorky..... In South Carolina. A
Is'iiisian*. A Tauaroa** X
Main* I Trias 10
Maryland A Virginia. . 9
ManaarhnsMta ......II Varrnr.nl 2
Mlrhlgnn lO Wast Virginia. 4
Viansw.ta A Wlaronaln. ............... S
AN ALL-NIGHT session was held
in the House of Representatives
at Washington, on Friday last, at
which no business was transacted for
want of a quorum. It was no doubt
fine amusement, particularly if the
restaurant was in full play.
CongrcHßlonal Apportionment.
The apportionment Li 11 introduced
in the national Home of Rcq>rc*enta
tives by Hon. 8. 8. Cox, of New York,
will likely ho adopted hy that body.
Mr. Cox is chairman of the Census
committee of the House and hits giv
en much thought and research to the
preparation of his admirable hill. Ill
makes the membership of the House
301 and provides that every 108,078
inhabitants shall haven representative.
As compared with the present number
of members, Mr. Cox's bill makes the
following los.-es uml gains: Arkansas,
California, lowa, Michigan, Mississip
pi, Boutli Carolina and West Virginia
gain one each ; Kansas gains !!; Tex
as 4; Minnesota and Nebraska 2
each; Pennsylvania, Ohio, New
Hampshire, Maine, Indiana, Tennes
see, Florida and Vermont lose 1 each,
and New York loses 2. It will lie
seen that the Southern and Western
States gain proportionately to the loss
es suffered hy the Eastern and Middle
States. Thus we see that the great
States upon the Atlantic sea hoard are
furnishing the rapidly growing popu
lation which swarms upon the track
less plains of the West and peoples tin
rich aud fertile States of the South.
The tide of emigration which lia*
usually Hawed in an even current into
the great cities has turned toward tin-
West and South, and as a result the
legislative power of the nation is drift
ing from the old States to the new.
The reinarknlde increase in the impu
tation of the South offers uhuinlant
final for thought and is an unanswer
able argument against the further agi
tation of sectionalism. Mr. Win. M
Springer, of Illinois, has also intro
duced an apportionment lull in tln-
Ilouse which has in view proportional
or minority representation. While
this bill will undoubtedly receive re
spectful consideration from Cotigr*
its passage is not among the ji**iltili
ties. The Richmond < Va. DUpntrh,
in an nhle and temperate editorial,
considers the provisions of the Springer
hill as tending to aholi-h any such
monstrosity as a solid South or a solid
North. The Itiyitrh reasons that
such a measure would place political
control in the South in the hands of
the negroes, and would, of course, be
favorably considered by the Republi
can Representatives. But on the
other hand any fair scheme of propor
tional representation would give to tho
Democrats a large number of Con
gressmen in the Northern States that
they could not hope to secure by a
continuation of the present system.
The idea of minority representation is
pretty generally looked upon as absurd
and ineffective. As an abstract theory
of political science it has many ad
mirers, but the practical statesman ap
preciates the fact that (he most votes
elect, and he takes but little stock
in the visionary chimeras of rigid doc
trinaire*. Mr. Springer's hill pro
vides for but 20-1 mi miters, hut even
•this is not a recommendation in its
favor. The present House is as un
manageable as if it contained twice its
present number of mcmliers. The
fact is the House has ceased to bo a
deliberative hotly. The work is all
done in committees, and the speeches
that are mechanically made are only
intended for home consumption. Ab
senteeism is so general as to make the
number of members of the House
immaterial. The British House of
Commons is a much larger and more
unwieldy body, but the attendance up
on its sittings is comparatively small,
absenteeism being the rule. Wehope
there will be no factious opposition to
the early consideration and passage of
Mr. Cox's hill. It is fair and just aud
there is no pretense of aiming at par
tisan advantage. It is the business of
the 40th Congress to legislate upon
the census of 1880 nnd no scrupulous
representative will engage in any at
tempt to prevent the passage of this
hill. In another column will be found
the exact number of members accord
ed each State.
Tho Dead Lock.
The three cornered contest at Har
rishurg for the choice of Senator is
still in full tide, with little prospect of
solution this session. The respective
friends of tlie ring and bolter candi
dates are equally stubborn and deter
mined that neither faction shall obtain
advantage in naming a compromise
candidate. The Democrats, who prop
erly feel that this is not their fight, ad
lierc to their own distinguished arid
able nominee, and will not compromise
their honor by desertion in favor of
either of the belligerent factions. ')f
the ballot tin Tuesday, the J'tilriot sa v:
" There were some slight changes in
the vote of yesterday, and these by no
means favorable to the caucus candi- !
date. I udcr the steady hammering
to which the regular troops are sub
jected they are becoming somewhat
discouraged, in the eighth ballot yes- !
terday Senator Wallace headed the
column with eighty-two votes to eighty ,
votes for Oliver ami fifty-five for
Grow. 1 lie action of the bolters in
limning six alternates fur Grow has
hud no visible elfi-ct, a- he comes up
with the same vote that he had on the
first \pillot. The two votes l<-t in the
interval were recovered to-day by the
aeets-siou of two inemlMTs fr>m Dela
ware to the Grow ranks. In voting i
for Oliver the members from Delaware
have been occupying a p<ition in an
tagouism to their Republican con
stituent.-, and they are not likely now
to stray hack to the caucus. This is |
a |iermanent loss to Mr. Oliver. Mr
Vogdes. an old and worthy member
from Philadelphia, who has been vot
ing steadily with the caucus, yesterday
gave his vote to Wayne MacVeagh.
Mr. O'Neill, who voted for Oliver on
Monday, returned ye-tcrday to Wal
lace. and Mr. Bicrly, who voted tor
furtin, wax the only e*trav from the
Ileniocratic caucus. The "New Man"
i growing stronger among the regu
lars, ami there were rumors last night
that some more member* of the caucus
would show signs of re-tivom— in the
voting to-day."
A DELEGATION of Southern Repub
licans has lieen on a visit to Mentor
to warn the President -elect that he
must recognize Southern Republicans
in the dispensation of official favors.
< ten. (iarfield was graciously pleased
to intimate in reply to the eloquence
of the visiting committee that lie has
no intention of bidding for Southern
Democrats—that Keys, and such, will
l nt a discount in the coming admin
istration. This will lie quite as grati
fying to the true Southern Democracy
as it can lie to the stalwart Republi
cans, who have been somewhat fearful
of a different policy obtaining some
THE long retirement of our old
friend H. L. Dieffenbach, E*q., from
editorial labors has not taken the cun
ning from his hand or dimmed the
rare good sense and nice discrimina
tion which won him golden opinions
from his brethren of the pre*s in the
day* long past. He leave* the im
press of his fine abilities and great
knowledge of men and events, pat and
present, u|ion every issue of the Clinton
Itrmorrat, which he now editorially
directs. lie is a forcible writer, genial
gentleman and a Democrat of the
most pronunced type, ami we welcome
liitn to the arena of journalism to
which he has so long been a stranger.
THE California Legislature is deep
ly in the terms of the
Treaty with the Chinese Government
lately made by Mr. Haves' astute dip
lomats. They allege that it will he
inoperativo to effect any good ami
wholesome change of the former
treaty, or restrict the emigration, A* is
so ardently desired. Well, what else
could they expoct when stupidity is
sent by a stupid administration to
treat with the Celestial ?
PHILADELPHIA is reported to he
seriously afilicted with small-pox.
During the last seven weeks 280 deaths
from this terrible disease occurred,
and many new cases were reported to
the health officers.
! JANCAKY ( OUIIT.— Tin- regular session
I Court began lu-1 Monday morning with
I His Honor Judge Orvis presiding, and
Ameeiato Judges Franck and Diven on
the he rich. The forenoon session t< taken
up in bearing petitions read, motions made
j and such other business as is usually dis-
I posed of at similar session*.
During the afternoon session the Grand
Jury w. sworn,ol which J. W. Collins, j
of Itu-h township, was made foreman I
Ihe returns of constables were received j
and the names of Traverse jurors called
A jury was then summom-d and empanel- !
led 111 the , ase of Dulliel J. Decker \s '
Joseph I ressh-r, appeal from a jijsti. e of i
the peace Verdict for plaintiff, S'Jl.'ZI
Grnvbill A: Co. v. Jonathan Kreamer, j
appeh. from Ju-tice'*docket A voluntary
nonsuit was taker, by plaintiff after bearing I
the evidence in the case.
Jonathan llarn-r .fames \V. Auman.
!< an appeal Tried la-fore the jury
\'erdi* t for plnintiff. •'.<
Commonwealth vs. Daniel Meyers, as
-Biilt and battery. Plead guilty# Sen
tence ) to j ay $lO fine and cost of prosecu
Commonwealth vs A A Dale, charged
j with a-sanlt and battery. True bill re. j
lurm 1 i 'rise , , lle.f for trial and defend
-1 ant pb ad not guilty. ( not disposed of
at time of going to pre--.
I he following ca>c were passed on bv 1
the Grand .1 urv
I ( omrnoiiwealth vs. James K*wles t *..
i sault with intent to kill, aggravated as
sault and iiattery and a->ault and battery
. I rue hill returned a- to all the eount*.
Commonwealth v> Mr-. Clara Kum-s
charged with a-*aull and batn-ry on Dr '
Thomas Hothroek. Trie- full returned
I Commonwealth vs. |„ide ( leaver, assault |
and Lattery, fiiil returned ignoramus and '
| county to pay , ~sts.
j ( oaaaawealth V 1 Jnrnos Murray, as- .
, >au]t and buttery on John Caldwell. True i
biH. ' ,
' omtnonwealth vs Ja- k Turner, carry- !
i ing c ..fn . mh d weapons nod malicious mis-|
| chief True hill on both counts
OoißMtonwealth vs. John Kerns sfisi i
■ James Murray, assault with intent to kill
| True bill.
Coninetnwealth vs Jane Iddings, lar
: ceny. Iliil returned ignoramus
( OMMBOflwealth IS J*< k Turner, assault J
with intent to kill. True full
Common wealth v D. P. Petan, viola- j
tion of the liquor law True hill.
< '.nimonwealth vs John Krb, carrying
concealed wcap-ris. True bill.
ItKTt'R*aii —Mrs. Mat tie K Purer, 1
whose t uching letter fr< m Antonio
appear* elsewhere in this issue, returned
to AlUson* <>n the fast line on Monday
night She is now staying with Mr. and
Mrs Andrew Ilell, of Seventeenth street
and 1 enth avenue, in that < ity. She is sp
l-cctcd to visit her friend* in this place in
a few day s.
The gayest sleighing parly of the
season will t-e the sixteen young lailies w ho
will have this place t<>-m >rrow Fridav
evening for a delightful trip to Itoalsburg.
It is entirely a female enterprise and they
, will therefore go unescorted by gentle,
j men. We will not divulge the prrxmnri
!of the party until after their return. We
1 deeply sympathize with the wounded fee|.
! ing* of the gentlemen who are left out in
j the cold, but. nevertheless, wish the six
i teen gay maidens all the pleasure they so
f ndlv anticipate.
—Judge I). M Wagner i* lieing talked
of a- a suitable candidate for Mayor of
Bellofonte. As Mayor stokely has been
i nominated in Philadelphia and Judge
j Wagner looks a- much like hitn as a twin
; brother, we presume the mention of the
Judge's name is prompted by a desire to
have the chief cities of Pennsylvania
goverrod by two good-looking men. A
committee of one hundred is to !*• organ
ised in the Judge's interest. It will be in
part composed of ladies.
—We stated, last week, that Mr. John
! Ardell, of this place, wvsuld cut 4,000,000
| feet <sf square and round timber in the
counties of illair, Cambria and Clearfield
during this season. Hut this seems like a
mere bmpmMU when wo arc assured that
hi* entire liiml-er operation* will amount
to about 30,000,000 feet instead of the
paltry 4,000,000 feet previously slated.
—The Hellefonte Fenciblm (Co. 8 , sth
Regiment, N. G. of P.,) will hold a busi
ness meeting at tbeir Armory on ftie last
Friday evening of each month. Lieut.
liarry Hale, tho Treasurer, will make a
report upon the financial condition of the
Company at each meeting. All tho mem
bers of the Company should be present at
these meetings.
The Pennsylvania company, for the
purpose of perfecting certain' financial
negotiations, has decided to make a
present iasue of t10.000.0004} per cent,
forty year gold bond*. These bonds
will be teemed by collateral trust by a
pledge of the Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne
and Chicago, and Cleveland and Pitts
burgh lease*, and hy an annual sinking
fund of one per cent, of the principal
and interest of the bonds and also the
sinking fund, and furthermore oondi
| lionally guaranteed by the Pennsylvan
ia Railioad Company. The entire pre*
•nt tasue baa been taken.
The snow at New Orient on Monday
wax the heaviest sinoe 1852.
TERMS: #1.50 |ht Annum, in Arivaiiw.
A liUck; Slur.
A l-OOK MAN rAI.UH IIEIK TO $40,000,000.
Raelnfl \'on Baren, a Hollander, who
ha* resided in New Haven, Conn., with
hi* wile and child for nix month*, has
fallen h-ir to an immense fortune by
tin? death of his great grand-uncle,
lleinrich Sjicer, ol Rotterdam, who
bequeathed hirn hi* property. J,a*t
week lleinrich Von I'.aren, a half,
brother of Raelofl', carno to that city
direct from Rotterdam, accompanjed by
W illiarri A. Beach, the New York law
yer, und Roelofl *:>.. told hirn of hi*
good fortune, and offered him
in ciA*b if he would make hira manager
of hi* estate*, lleinrich to pay lioeloff
i,OOO weekly. 1 iii* offer was refused
and Koelott line since received letter*
from the mayor of Rotterdam and two
notaries who drew up the will, inform
ing him that the estate left him is esti
mated to be between twenty five and
forty million*. It i* said the property
i* the accumulation of several genera
tions and include* besides an immense
amount of real end personal properly,
two shipyard* and a fleet of seventy
vessel*. \on liaren goe* to New York
to meet the mayor and notaries who
are said to have arrived there to consult
with hirn. Von I'.aren i* about thirty
live arid says be was formerly a Catholic
priest, entering uf*>n that calling at the
wishes of hi- father and other relatives,
but after reiving three years, renounced
religion against their wishes. He fur
ther aays that in an altercation with a
half brother over the matter he was
stabbed, and drawing hi* own knife
killed hi* half brother in self-defence.
Acting under the advice of the Author
ities he went to London, where he mar
ried an English woman and lived under
the name of -Johann Speer, a name he
has retained in this country. When he
arrived in New Haven he was penniless
and his appeal* for aid to his relatives
being do-regarded, and unable to get
work, he ha* lived mainly on charity.
The Pittsburgh Nurvejorsbip.
The nomination of .lohn F. !>ravo to
be surveyor of custom* at Pittsburg, in
place of Surveyor Rutan, whose tetm of
office will soon expire, was sent to the
Senate a few day* ago. There ha* been
a great struggle among the Republican
members of the Pennsylvania delega
tion over this appointment. C-ongres*-
ni*n Payne having made a single banded
fight, in Mr. Hravo's behalf, against
Senator < srncron and the Republican
representative* from the western and
interior section* of the State. Some
time ago. Mr. liutan informed several of
hi* friends that he would not be a can
didate for reapjarintnient, lie having
occupied the office two terms and being
desirous of making a trip to Europe
this summer. Mr. I'ravo announced
himself a candidate, and secured a very
s'mng lacking for the position. Mr.
Rutan afterwards changed bis mind
almut vacating the r ffice and determined
to ask for reappointment. He was very
strongly indorsed bv the. member* of
the Pennsylvania state government.
Republican members of the legislature
and manufacturers, merchant* and bus
iness men of Pittsburg. Secretary
Sherman also did all in hi* power to
secure Mr. liutan'* rcapjointment. Col.
Payne carried the day, however, and
Mr. Hayes, thinking that liutan had
been in office long enough, and had
interested himself too deeply in politics
for a thoroughbred Simon pure civil
service reform office holder, sent Hravo'a
name to the Senate.
An I itrca*onahle Complaint.
I'M m tbw AV*ahitj£in IVm.
Bitter complaint is made, in many
quarters, on account of the large sum
of money required to carry out the tiro
visions of the Arrearage* of Pensions
It is not denied that the act was just.
Indeed, it j* conceded that it was an act
of justice long deferred. Rut, because
the arrearsges foot up some millions in
exces* of estimates, there is lamenta
tion mingled with denunciation.
It does not occur to u# that the coun
try i any poorer for disbursing a por
tion of its surplus revenues among tho
; disabled soldiers. It goes to pay an
obligation thalia as sacred as any other.
It goes into the hands of poor men in
all part* of the oountry. We have sent
millions upon millions to Europe to pay
our bonds, and no one thought of com
plaining. Why should there be such
keen regret at paying some millions at
home to the disabled veterans or their
widow* ?
The country will never regret what it
has done for the soldier*. When this
bill was passed it was a radical change
in the course of legislation. Up to that
time all the eflbtls of Congrees had
been in behalf of bondholders and other
capitalist*. This abused and vilified act
was a recognition of the rights of a claea
of citisens whose claim* should never
have been regarded as second to those
of any other class.
On Saturday night last the wife of
Elias Cummings, colored, living near
Cranston, N. J., gave birth to four hoys.
The mother and children ere doing
well, and are visited by large numbers
of people.
Mm. Emma Ames Winsor, e niece of
the late Methodist Bishop Ames, waa
last week elected by the Republican
members of the Indiana legislature as
State Librarian.
Herman Hemhoy, of Pittaborg, has
lost his reason because of griaf over the
death of bis two children with dip
Advioee from the interior of South
Carolina report the heavieet anowfall la
fifty years.
NO. I.